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Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Duplex Ultrasound Examination
Jul 25, 2024
Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Duplex Ultrasound Examination
: Philip Bendick, Technical Director, William Beaumont Hospital
: Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) and Lower Extremity Venous Duplex Ultrasound Examination
Overview of Venous Disease
Acute Venous Disease
: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE)
Chronic Venous Disease
: Predominantly CVI due to chronic changes post-thrombosis
Prevalence in the US
Coronary atherosclerotic disease: ~3 million
Peripheral arterial disease: >5 million
Coronary artery disease: ~12 million (leading cause of death)
Chronic venous insufficiency: ~25 million (varicose veins and related conditions)
Economic Impact
: Significant medical and economic problem
Elevated Venous Pressure
: Chronic ambulatory venous hypertension
Standing vs. Supine
Supine: Low venous pressure (5-10 mmHg)
Standing: Elevated venous pressure (up to 100 mmHg)
Chronic Changes
: Dilation, leakage, tissue damage, and physical findings in lower extremities
: Slow changes, respiratory cycle influence, and augmented flow with manual compression
CEAP Classification
Clinical signs
: Grades 4-6, skin changes, and ulcerations
: Congenital, primary varicose veins, and secondary to other issues like DVT
: Deep, superficial, and perforator systems
: Obstruction, reflux, or both
Venous Clinical Severity Score
: Tracks clinical progress and healing
Valvular Incompetence
Normal Valve Function
: Prevents reflux, allows flow back to heart
Grading Incompetence
Deep veins: Closure time <1 second normal
Calf veins, great/small saphenous veins: Closure time <0.5 seconds normal
Perforating veins: Closure time <0.33 seconds normal
Clinically Significant Reflux
: Sustained reflux flow during and after augmentation
Three Venous Systems
Deep Venous System
Obstruction from thrombus, valvular incompetence
Examples of normal flow, obstruction, and recanalization
Superficial Venous System
Greater and Small Saphenous Veins (GSV and SSV)
New Terminology: GSV (medial thigh/calf), SSV (posterior calf)
Importance of fascial sheath in identifying true veins vs branches
Perforator Venous System
Connects deep and superficial systems
Important Perforators: Cockett, Boyd, Dodds
Function and incompetence leading to chronic venous changes
Hemodynamic Responses
Calf Muscle Pump
: Enhances venous emptying, prevents ambulatory venous hypertension
Primary Varicose Veins
: Failure to decrease pressure, leading to chronic issues
Augmentation Testing
: Detection of reflux and valvular incompetence
Historical Context
Ancient Treatments
: Vein stripping, ligation, and excision techniques
Modern Treatments
: Ablation techniques (radiofrequency, laser), sclerotherapy
Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
Chronic Changes
: Obstruction, valvular incompetence, combination
Venous Stasis Ulcers
: Difficult to heal, often associated with incompetent perforators
Calf Muscle Pump Dysfunction
: Leads to increased venous pressure
Treatment and Outcomes
Duplex Ultrasound
: Key tool for documenting patterns of venous insufficiency
Saphenous Vein Treatment
: Effective in preventing venous stasis ulcer recurrence
Incompetent Perforators
: Importance in post-thrombotic patients
Duplex ultrasound is critical in documenting and managing chronic venous insufficiency patterns in superficial, deep, and perforator venous systems.
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