Mel Robbins' TEDx Talk

Jul 21, 2024

Mel Robbins' TEDx Talk


  • Speaker: Mel Robbins
  • Focus: Helping people get what they want in life
  • Experience in various settings: courtroom, boardroom, bedroom, etc.
  • Host of a syndicated radio show

The Problem: Feeling Stuck and Dissatisfied

  • A third of Americans feel dissatisfied with their lives
  • Mel's new show "In-laws": helping families at war

What Do You Want?

  • Identify what you genuinely want in life
  • Motivation must be personal and compelling

Why Don't We Have What We Want?

  • Information and resources are readily available
  • Main obstacle: the word "fine"
  • "Fine" creates complacency and inaction
  • Truth: You are not fine – recognize and act on dissatisfaction

The Odds of Being Born

  • The odds of being born are 1 in 400 trillion
  • Emphasizes the uniqueness and potential of each individual

Activation Energy and Autopilot

  • Change requires force and activation energy
  • Our brains are wired for autopilot and emergency brake
  • First decision in the morning: get out of bed without snoozing

The Importance of Parenting Yourself

  • Adults must parent themselves to do necessary but unpleasant tasks
  • You will never feel like doing difficult things

Routine and Stuckness

  • Routine breeds boredom and dissatisfaction
  • Need to push ourselves out of comfort zones

The Five-Second Rule

  • Marry impulse with action within five seconds to avoid the emergency brake
  • Write a note, send a text, take any physical action immediately


  • Experiment with the five-second rule
  • Take immediate action on your impulses
  • Requests and actions are necessary to achieve goals