hello welcome back to human behavior and the topic today is states of consciousness we are trying here to identify methods and techniques which have been used to explore functionally and structurally what happens in terms of your internal conscious experience and patination and so on consciousness itself is one of those topics which is under analyzed it's been analyzed a lot but but people are not satisfied that we that they have fully described philosophical components of what we are talking about and it's of course at the heart of the dualism versus materialism debate is there what is the what are the building essential building blocks of conscious experience but for our rough-and-ready purposes we can talk about it in terms of some state of awareness knowledge state or oneself as an object and once surroundings there are a couple of things that one can see about it at that it is basic level without going into the deep philosophical details like in qualia is the color blue that you see and experience really the same color that we experience those would be able unresolved philosophical components of it but we can talk about it at the most it is simple Emily the techniques that have been used study it first anything can say about it is that it is not a binary States not an on/off switch you either are conscious or you're not conscious it varies a lot in the medical sense and you can be semi-conscious so if your first lead responder you've probably been trained but someone is lying on the ground either close or not you can ask them but you're there your finger in their hand and see if you gave me a clutch my hand and often they can move their hand even if they can't they're not conscious enough they are either to speak so a continuous state of the emergence in less extreme situations it also varies significantly so we are more or less under or aware of ourselves or able to think clearly we may be more or less 10:10 it later later greater or lesser tendency to be emotional different ones these are all alterations in the conscious intent experience and of course we are all aware that you have a very major alteration consciousness when you sleep at night because you dream and of course it dreams you are in one sense of their yourself around another sense it's very different from being otherwise awake and having a conscious experience or certainly there's a big set of fluctuations in it taking the materialist point to do for there these are these fluctuations and consciousness are strongly intertwined with physical states of your brain of your hormones of activity patterns and so on and people have looked at consciousness firstly in looking at patterns by which fluctuates particularly predictable patterns that it is cut twigs and those are the biological rhythms of the body as it video that is telling you how consciousness is altering and changing over over time and then later on the lecture we sort of zoom in on a specific snapshot look at dreams themselves and the content what you do feel but you're consciously experiencing dreams and what have we understood about them how can we end up by talking about other kinds of alterations major evaluations and consciousness which involved gnosis or drugs so to start with the bodily rhythms of August 2nd bodily rhythms of consciousness these are so-called biological rhythms and it's thought that we have evolved these because of course we live on the planet that has particular rhythms which impose a pattern of behavior on living creatures so of course there would be a night cycle which is 24-hour cycle we also have an annual cycle of winter spring summer and autumn and so on lots of animals including ourselves have internal patterns them respond to that we have despite the fact that a lot of our patents are in synchronization with the external world for example are sleeping and witching cycle is in synchronization decay time right animals of course we have sort of hibernation and baking cycle which are manual or asleep in the window and we come in the summer but despite the fact that these are aligned with external patterns there actually is run and controlled from the inside these are endogenous rubens they are internal they are impacted by environmental change so you are sleeping and waking cycle is certainly impacted by daytime in night and outside but the machinery that controls it is internal to the body in therefore these are for endogenous rather than exogenous factors they divided up in various means one very large set of cycles that we have or chalean rhythms or circadian cycle and these are approximately 24 on cycles the classic in circadian cicle of course is your sleeping and waking cycle you sleep at night and then you wake up in one some of us may have launched deep impact but any case more than 24 then there's the body temperature cycle you might not know this but your body temperature cycle is also 24 hours again which fits in with your sleeping waking cycle typically your body temperature is at a peak in the afternoon it takes a little bit of a dip after that then it's high again evening and means high and then around 10 11 o'clock it starts dipping and it reaches its lowest point at 3 o'clock in the morning and by the time you're waking up it's going on these are circadian examples of circadian cicle 24 hours they're also in Radian cycles which lasts longer than 24 hours I want to be giving you the example of animals that hibernate or migrate so birds migrate or some insects migrate as well so it's a yearly cycle female reproductive cycle the menstrual cycle is also exam go to 24 watts that's inflating cycle arisen then of course you can have cycles shorter than 24 hours also and trading rhythms as their fourth summit stomach contractions are at radiant hormonal levels but to finish off a cycle there are physiological changes within 24 hours I will talk about attention a lot of these there's a lot of ultradian rhythms Israel 9200 minute and trillion cycle is there anybody who start knows that people start losing their I will start doing this in the middle of lecture when it's time to give a break so that's a attention based at untrained in cycle so there's a lot of these so starting first with circadian cicle as I said a lot of found very widely in organisms and also within an organism within human beings there are lots of our cycles which are 38 women so the first question that you can ask is well what makes us think the endogenous it could be that I'm sleeping because you don't dark outside it's calling an empty and I wake up because it becomes noisy this traffic outside there's like a movie Cup when we study this people did conducted a study for freerunning studies have been done in experiments or studies and what it was they had volunteers they went into the specific rooms in mines underground mines so they were absolutely cut off from daytime nighttime sounds from outside none of them knew the difference and they were allowed to switch lights on and off whenever they want you to sleep and wait whenever you want to if they were allowed to take short naps what she found was that a majority of people settled into twenty-four hundred thirty four point three hour period a few getting to shorter or longer cycles but nearly all settled very narrowly into the twenty four if people are forced by tricking scientist at the bed would still data announcer if they are forced into a 28-day cycle he's sleeping working because of a lifetime in requirements for Porto lucky but their body temperature and other circadian cicle in the body continue on the 24 on so it's machinery that's governing it is internal though as we see it's affected by outside events also it's a it's a timekeeping cycle so that requires a clock or timekeeping mechanism and there are in fact a number of structures of the brain which have a kind you can function the most important of which is the SP and the suprachiasmatic nucleus which is a cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus I talked about this when I talked about green I'm not so long ago so it's idiot you know see these neurons are sort of cycling their pattern of activity with cycles to them after a certain number of cycles they start sending signaling to other parts the brain will start waking you up or making you more alert after certain number of cycles a pass they start standing inhibitory signals and that quality goes go to sleep so it's directly controls sleeping and waking by affecting brain centers and also affecting the pineal gland which is a time attached to the hypothalamus which detects all sorts of activities in the body there are other timekeeping mechanisms but the SCM directly by movie mural links or via hormones secreted by the pineal gland influences all the other timekeeping mechanisms so it's the master control clock of the circadian rhythms of the body inaudible it's the Greenwich Mean Time by which all the other circadian cycles adjust themselves the SDM itself the neurons in it are as I said they they've got internal timekeeping mechanism but this mechanism is influenced by daytime nighttime outside and mechanism by which it's done is specialized receptors on the eye which sense the presence of light and then they will these receptors will impact the production of a hormone called melatonin the pineal gland which in turn will alter or reset yes the Sen effects the pineal gland light from the eyes via secretion of militant the hormone melatonin the vanilla will affect est and this has the effect in a sense of resetting the yes name so if you take a jet transport to another time zone initially maybe your body Sen is saying time to sleep it's after noon on site and the light will alter marathoning production and that in turn will start altering how and when the Sdn is sending all the other signals to switch off for the night or wake up for the moment it starts affecting that so via this very special kind of a sector VI the SCN to music we talk about more about receptor in the course or the perception it really is a specialized system devoted just to those as some of you may know the receptor is particularly the receptors in the eyes are particularly sensitive to do wavelengths of light in other words you know if you open up your smartphone screen it and just the force it's going to bed at one o'clock look at those last sort of rude messages on on Twitter or something like that well that send signal to me and land is daytime outside and it disturbs the sleeping making cycle which is why a lot of morning devices have a night mode which removes the wavelengths of light which are which activate those receptors you I will produce the depth so you have the Sen timekeeping mechanism by the pineal gland man directly it is causing some of the some of the circadian patterns and that you see if you alter the sleeping and waking cycles you take a jet flight to a new time zone the SCM because you know it's daytime outside keep awake till you go to sleep and it's nighttime of it the STM adjusts fairly rapidly but then what happens is the other circadian rhythms are still running on the over tempo and they are now out of synchronization between Sen and the sleeping waking cycle this is all in terms piecing and you know if it's caused by flying we would pause it for the jet lag and what this means is so for example we've gone to other place you're sleeping but your body temperature is still rising Wahb seeable vsco synchronized media so you're supposed to be going to sleep your body temperature was supposed to be falling but it's rising your digestion was supposed to have stopped but it's activating so all these these cycles are now out of sync and this has been linked to a disturbed speed because you sleep is not so refreshing its digestive disturbances it's in there poor attention cognitive functioning so ability to problem solving ability to handle emergencies these are all very problematic [Music] internal do synchronization it usually takes somewhere between a week to two weeks for the SVN to bring all the other cycles back into synchronization and you are back to the original so the Sen is down but all the other clocks align with the management clock-mending in time so it's not problematic except when the SCN is being continuously we said this doesn't happen well it can happen with the airline pilots of course go flying backwards in forward time zone it also happens with doctors who are on night shifts or factory workers in light ships ambien stuff so they will typically won't be on a night shift metal we said here cm but people are not kept in light ship forever typically I'm Peggy so she can be like here so make of taking after negative mental that's actually a bad solution because it means people are cycling in and out of the change timezone the Sen is constantly resetting and you have repeated internally civilizations and that actually is a lot more problematic if you are for a month if you stay on the different time zone or you for a month you know nightshift ESPN has time to adjust and internal decent resolution stops then you shift back Chris internal sync this interrelation will again it can be fixed and you have a norm Delta graph makeup stain it switched updating it these synchronization will not have time to get three synchronized at any point the next change comes about so that is a problem and it's Nate with as I said industrial accidents airline flight problems and so on and so forth and there are those that that they give it but there's a lot of fluctuation the data is varies a lot between individuals it's hard to legislate them work out but in general longer time he waves are good and also short naps and you are readjusting piece in value those interval there are other things that affect these circadian speed big fluctuations so for example mice that are fed with a high-fat diet begin waking and eating eel in the day even though mice are typically and nocturnal teachers there they can alert of night there is people to do but this can be impacted by diet in cases there's also individual variations in that people may naturally late rises ten o'clock early scholars and people may be night out so they're early risers and versus night also those are different characteristic in stably different patterns that people do show there's some studies that look at genes that link up and cause us to become night owls or early birds but the beta is still a little bit unclear even though the emotes it says a single gene has been involved in making people my dogs but that's it's not fully convincing data it's also thought that it pattern changes over the lifetime people in their teenage tend on average to be later Rises and to be nightbirds and a lot of psychologists have suggested that schools and colleges can start at 10 o'clock not at 8:30 there is there's these patterns lifetime changes and patterns also a better individual differences but right so that's your classic circadian cicle sleeping and waking and there's not some of the circadian cycles which are usually synchronized but they can be in demand in synchronization now we pick up on an example or with ingredient cycle longer than 24 hours now how much longer when you can talk about annual cycles there is animals of course which cycles humans also have a number of subtle year long cycles testosterone for example in both men and women has a gear long cycle in it seems tends to have the highest in the autumn and lowest air in the spring also there is a moon mood annual mood fluctuation so we tend to be unhappy in the winter months and happier the spring summer means not so much in this part of the word because we are near enough to be equated that key changes in the daytime and nightime lengths are not so severe but if you go to the northern latitudes there can be a big difference so some in the summer the bacon the night conditioning to 3 or 4 hours they can be 20 18 20 hours long in the winter the days you know 5 6 hours long and stressful all night and that their mood fluctuation and scores is much more significant I nightmare the undergraduate was a winter semester in England you know you come out of class and it's dark outside nobody's going to Dean begin to clear out and really sort of suck the life out of you now so there's this mood fluctuation and in some people it's severe enough that it takes a form of depression which is called seasonal affect disorder and these symptoms of which are addressed mood fluctuation sadness lethargy drowsiness constantly not feeling alert call table carb cravings carbohydrate cravings and it can impact function can help move this order they're not able to do their jobs wellness it's a significant disturbance in consciousness and it is very often treated with phototherapy so there were number of studies that look at it the more well-designed amongst them I didn't identify with something like point 41 percent of people have done to the level that you want to classify it typically in the higher northern and that shoes or the sudden incheon region phototherapy consists again variety of these which you can give it either brief exposure very bright light 30 minute exposure to very bright light or a controlled exposure to slowly increased exposure to creasing intensity tonight there is evidence that this does lower the symptoms in fact phototherapy it's been shown to produce a effect on non depression mild depression dysphoria which is not caused by seasonal stay be impacted now why is this happening one possibility is that in seasonal affect disorder basically you have internal resynchronization because of the outsides it will be missing you have these STM's ability to synchronize those other systems is weakened you Sarabhai take da g signal they like it for them that could be the case or unusual amount of melatonin production remember melatonin was supposed to be produced when it goes dark and you about to fall asleep and light party at american production is shuttle so you're supposed to have an opponent cycle is bed the idea here is this excessive amounts of melodrama so I couldn't snot be able to move and that's causing seasonal affect disorder that's probably too simple a story because for one thing it doesn't explain why photo therapy is working for depression which is not caused by a silly season I think this order so that's challenging a part of the table complicated story now we move on to another kind of longer cycle which is the menstrual cycle be productive young people active site it's the 28-day cycle it involves the thickening of the walls the uterus as the egg is released in preparation for fertilization in pregnancy so initially there is a increase in estrogen later if fertilization does not take place both estrogen and progesterone levels Falls the skin on the thickening of layer of cells in the uterus is shed and you have installation so significant amount of hormonal change but people have also reported a number of consciousness related symptoms which are supposed to be aligned with them so people report these depression means but fatigue the alertness level irritability these are all consciousness leading symptoms of course there are physical symptoms as well discomfort pain and so on now interestingly these this syndrome of psychological symptoms is culturally limited to North America Eastern Europe and Australia for in the parts of the Western world in if you move away from these two traditional cultures there are no the report its collection of psychological symptoms they may be cultural symptoms sort of cultural practices typically cleanliness or uncleanness do with menstrual cycles but it's a psychology Cooper impact there is no clean it's possible hypothesis the hypothesis can be framed in such a way that hormonal changes of course unknown to produce other kinds of psychological changes you have hormonal changes for example glands other parts the gland thyroid gland which can make you feel depressed or less space or irritable but other kinds of hormones don't make an impact is more testosterone doesn't need too aggressive for example to inject so people have looked at it attempted to look at it in a controlled methodological way so you would try and do a study based on good set of data you have a good control condition including for example men in the control condition you would ideally have double-blind so doesn't know what the study is about and so on when you do that what you find is the way it's done is you make people keep a diary reporting either their mood or and they make them do a battery of objective types test like IQ tests and problems for the test and so on and you keep on doing them as well as measuring people's reported moves in someone so forth and you compare it with retrospective reports then you do that you find that in retrospective reports women do report a clear pattern wave the menstrual cycles of a person feel more depressed they had a greater tendency to cry more irritable or lack of concentration today the board is and the psychological patterns it's well known that they are as I said physical symptoms that do go with mean situation including pain and discomfort in someone but in even when you look at those reports of those kind symptoms less than 5% of being reporting them on the screen in such a way that we link with the menstrual cycle retrospectively a lot more of them are so the idea that that's come up is that the premenstrual syndrome leaving about its physical characteristics physical pain and sounds of the psychological components of it are more of a sociological phenomena when you are thinking of why I am feeling irritable and you have a candidate that occurs you I'm this part of one cycle you attribute it to that if something else occurs do you attribute it to this which is why in many cases people so stronger change in mood and irritability on in a weekly cycle than a 28-day menstrual cycle people are generally irritable and Men Mondays and happy on Fridays because they're looking for the weekend retrospectively a lot more of being then we'll be talking about I was more sad or VP or irritable and that parliamentary cycle do daily Diaries without being told by you keeping a very Dallas in those the package that show themselves are different also there is no evidence whatsoever or they're being major psychological changes linked to menstrual cycle so there is no change in problem-solving ability no change in memory no significant increase in irritability no significant depression mood or increasing trunk in retrospective in online reporting as compared to let respected reporting that patty is not there so while physical symptoms are there there is no psychological syndrome that collect connects with it it certainly is a sociological phenomenon and those have a reality sociological facts of the reality of their own but in terms of for example who would you employ or this kind of a job when psychologically speaking there is no difference between drawing men and women there is no change in cognitive activity okay so that is how using a double-blind procedure and daily diary makes the empirical data look very different depending on how and also it highlights the pain a sociological phenomenon and a psychological you know we mean we would all like to believe that we are happier around each other sociological phenomena but it would only be a daily diary check which could tell us that are we genuinely happy about that that's a different question [Music] so um now we move to an example of an already inside them which is patterns of alteration in consciousness which are shorter than circadian cicle less than 24 so our key circadian 24-hour radians are shorter than 24 hours and your ingredients are longer than 24 hours so in terms of ultradian cycles the classic a dragon-cycle is really the cycles that we have within smooth sleeping they can correct circadian 20 coincide they can rhythm that you have shorter panties which are a trillion times they were first discovered by kleitman 1955 and people have noticed that just before people are going to sleep their eyes inside underneath the closed eyelids tends to roll around eyes are going around in one just the BBC and he asked them where he asked his gadgets do to check where does it continue throughout the night or not and you found that in fact during sleep the eyes stopped their rolling and became had rapid unpredictable movements pretty much as we move our eyes again being and so we have this this is called the rapid eye phase a rapid eye movement part of sleep as compose compared to the non-rapid eye movement consciousness and in fact is found that the non REM non-rapid eye movement and Arion parts of sleep themselves have about 9,200 moon cycle then you fall asleep you are Arion things then about 15 minutes into it going more than that 60 minutes into it you go into an REM phase then you go back into an honorarium face and you keep on cycling while you asleep and the REM part of this overall terminal cycle REM proportion of it keeps getting longer enough so initially 119 business 60 80 minutes our canoe on our Yemen 2013 20 minute subject but is that even in sake are you as you keep on sleeping through the night non REM shrinks onion becomes greater proportion which is why when you have a coconut in the morning they're more likely to be the Allium phase then you know in newborn children the pattern is opposite so newborn children when they are born when they fall asleep they immediately go into our E&C and then they go into non-money in Kiryat belly area not that keen on you ah da matta ego voice I clicker thing at about 4 to 6 weeks after birth it switches to be adult Patti Ellen on a limited phenology marker so if we look at the brain pattern activities in EEG what's happening in terms of the practice of firing of neurons on the surface of the brain which is what EEG measures as you about to relax and settle into bed instead of your unpredictable pattern of firing of the brains of you on the surface of blame instead of that you tend to fall into a synchronized pattern of firing which are called alpha beeps slow regular high amplitude buttons of eg cycles or activity on the surface of these are called alpha and their person is fully relaxed or when they're dedicating also or praying you tend to have alpha then you fall into as you fall asleep will fall into the first stage and it's shown by the change in brain pattern activities are key alpha waves come this small irregular waves on a ship and this stage if people have woken up they tend to say I wasn't asleep or they are they see they're not reporting genes they're reporting static images or perhaps very simple sort of fantasies of some kind but not deep content not of narrative of the story not a higher amount of consciousness can get out of the year what the year were static image movie and then you go from stage one you go into stage two it's candy irregular waves gives artists sleep spindles are you that they hi ticking rapid hydrogen user of primitivity um then you move to stage 3 and stage 4 these are collapsed in your reading but I'm dealing with them separately in stage 3 along with sleep spindles you have delta waves which are slow games with hyphens different pattern of synchronized activity and this is also when your muscles relax so why is this point important so muscles relaxed breathing slows down people become by stage T they're hard to wake up they're dead deeper into see why is this called why is the muscle relaxing important remember when we are awake and conscious there is a link between our thinking and muscle movements so if I want to pick up a pen I want it and the body moves it's a linkage born in dreams also your conscious and you're running on the beach and chasing never mind who I'm chasing I want to be Chinglish but my body isn't moving even though in my conscious experience typically when I'm when I'm consciously thinking of running my body is moving in stage 3 the areas that perform various parts of conscious consciousness involving parts of aim to the parietal lobe which causes body movement these linkages get individual and the side of this inhibition is those muscles you're usually tensing of your muscles when you punch if that relaxes in stage 3 and that means when you when you start dreaming your body is not going to start because that inhibition system is there so when you're relaxing alpha waves stage 1 stage 2 stage heat spindles stage 3 delta waves and your body relaxes and depend to sleep stage 4 mostly delta waves and this is a stage in which people very often do sleepwalking the stage 3 the same in addition hasn't happened they tend to start walking then this takes about 24 20 to 30 minutes then slowly you start going back so stage 4 stage a stage 2 stage 1 and then it looks from the brain activity patterns as if you are awake there is no synchronized activity at all but you are you're asleep the impact is like I said exactly or persons awake so alpha B is speech Delta vehicle we just have to do synchronize pattern of activity we t Escobar Bop escalated or 30 activity synchronizing it looks like the person is awake but in fact the person is asleep and now person tends to be in a are game for 60 so you go to sleep 30 minutes to 1 to 4 20 to 30 minutes back from 4 to 1 and then you go and do are you yes are you making no audience so in REM sleep you typically tend to have that altered consciousness experience which is dreamy it is most frequent in REM sleep up to 80 90 % of times because of okanagan REM sleep they report they were happy but it can happen in the later stages of non REM sleep also so there is no absolute hard linkage between REM sleep and genes they happen sometimes in non-aryans where people are woken up sometimes you will have this strange phenomenon called sleep paralysis there the inhibition which was put in at stage 3 of sleep non audience each stage PhD has not lifted so you awake but your paradise you can't move your body and this has happened to nearly everybody at some point typically caused by stress or disturbed patterns of sleep is move away and it happens for some to some people it happens really frequently and at this stage you know peyote because my god broken by spine and paralyzed is talk about the paralysis dips and you can move around during this time you can also have the REM mean sort of dreaming components intrude into consciousness field so people very often sleep paralysis and you also have figures of imagery that happens and you see things are that are happening so no oku you were for here watching Edwin him right before falling asleep and right after waking up immediately after waking about good times to be seeing it because this is the REM components of the in activity including or dreaming components of activity intruding on to making company as I said REM and non-rem alternate in the mic Arion getting longer and longer 100 minute cycle of non REM REM via onion takes longer and longer proportion if people are constantly aroused during REM sleep in pubs you got a they tend to catch up try and catch up for the audience people are they the funny Bob hang on REM components are down sometimes they may even fall into with severe deprivation when they fall into REM patterns mile away so their eyes are open but they essentially dreaming sitting there gene so I've been sort of slipping in this linkage between convoluted ring which is there but I've also said it's not absolute linking partially humbert but you can get one or you may be saying to me it's also being shown that people who are brain damaged and have lost the ability to dream continue to have an engine onions onion key essential side effect minute you can have REM sleep without some case studies show also animals with very limited brain activity brain abilities also show audiences so mice for example show him and honor him sleep a little and we don't think they have the cognitive ability to have a conscious experience of gin we don't think that's the case so that again is a reason for thinking that REM sleep and dream are not teaming is not one in the same thing so why do we see so seems to be a strange phenomenon you could get a lot more done with you didn't have these hours that you were proceeding well there are a number of hypotheses has to bind against opinions fairly prevalent in the animal kingdom one part of it suggests one hypothesis suggests sleep the reason for sleep is and the body means basically while you're asleep base products are eliminated from the muscles cells are repaired energy stores within cells are the finished and immune system is strengthened this basically is a micro level online repairing of tiny amounts of damage that remember as you spend the day actively walking around you tear the muscles you have microscopic fractures newborn all sorts of damage when you sleep growth hormone is secreted that repairs on this tension here all 20 20 or so years old we sell chronic are you taking directly Caffey bajalia pajamas well no I do I don't think we're in 50 year old car because they've all broken down because don't those micro levels of damage that occurred throughout the day have added up to the Machine completely breaking down human machine doesn't break down like that because it's constantly doing that and that happens in sleep primary this includes repairing of the immune system in system also replenishes cell as a result the idea that it's the body that requires you there's evidence for that in the sense couple of days of lack of okay but more than four days and the problem start building up you can have disturbances muscle damage infections much more susceptible to infections and forced prolonged sleeplessness very often leads to death in fact in sleeplessness is recognized by the United Nations as a form of torture it really destroys the body's ability to function most animals will die from a lack of human beings also suffered severe damage in speed so definitely one function of sleep seems to be it gives the body a chance to repair itself but this is not a complete explanation because if you miss a couple of nights let's say the body happenings your functional during the day it takes 8 hours to repair the damages you done so I will speak for it out let's tennis that would be their prediction from this hypothesis that they function is to the pain body but that doesn't work out very well if you miss a couple of days of sleep you don't have to sleep a couple of hours longer but that's it and the body is fun if you're sleeping for eight hours guitars body creative imaging because duo then we're speeding up to four on enter so energy you can sort of intonation art art Kim Jerusalem who are going to schooling it and that's more than sufficient to repair the body body gets that least at the moment the hours of sleep that we do pants don't seem to be replayed acquired by the body G also the hours of sleep that we do are very loosely correlated with the amount of activity will be if this only functions people's to repair the body the more you damage the body more active you are the more artistic you should need for that correlation is not very not there at all very weak correlation depend that against us K it's there's hours of sleep that we do I am not be limited by the hours needed to repair them to say boasts about communism he also other possibility of course is that we need to speak because the brain needs to repair and replenish itself and not again there's a lot of evidence for them if you have sleep deprivation it looks the next day it will add up me so it ocular grab three hundred percent alert you know basic and the function checked area they'll be ok but as soon as you start checking high levels of function things like creativity things like long amounts of attention intentional flexibility problem-solving they immediately even for one night of sleep they dip down good night of sleep and you saw on the cross was really well even one day lack of sleep and you'll you won't get to take double the time rule or you only got afterwards the possible so those kinds of high-level functions brain searches creativity problem-solving those are immediately impacted so mush kill exam sapele all-nighter is a particularly bad and here you are much more likely to mislead the questions with Nazi obvious solution not able to understand if one Zarkon set you an update applied of that your abilities to do that are affecting even with one night of sleep things so clearly brain functionality goes down sleep deprivation also needs to very physical kinds of damage it leads to elevated levels of cortisol which other hormone and neurotransmitter which typically repairs damage and but it also impairs your ability to learn and develop new memories deep deprivation and your learning ability Goes Down and you also start damaging what is all is supposed to be a short term damage protector if it's repeated high levels of cortisone and your cells will actually die on you wrong will actually die instead of it's supposed to protect it in the short term you keep it at long term a move and you see this impact in macro level mental functioning also prolonged periods of in for sleeplessness give rise to disturb brain functions hallucinations delusions paranoia the child psychosis typically occur in severe mental illnesses you can induce them in long amounts of in course business and say we go jumping and more commonly than not it can be used to illness in depth following from that so sleeplessness is a big problem particularly these days it is thought most of us are chronically short asleep and that means there is ongoing loss of mental function in terms of high constant there are also a number of well-known sleep disorders physiological problems that gave rise to disturbances in still probably the most common of these is sleep apnea in sleep apnea your breathing passage is blocked why are you speaking so you're snoring so hard this if you're reading a stop and that causes you to wake up and that causes reading to zoom and you go back to sleep again and then it stops again you wake up again these are sort of micro wakefulness points and they can occur you can wake up and sleep hundreds of times a night sleep apnea causes extreme fatigue person is not alert the next day over the long term they can give rise to physiological after the bear activity is nearing they can lead to cardiovascular problems all kinds of very serious is your logical problems are going to speed up here and typically the solution is wear a mask that forces it inside forces your nasal passage in here they passages to remain open and in the sleeping bag in that sleep apnea then there's narcolepsy much available typically a sleep apnea depicting middle-aged me non collapses typically starts in late image it is when certain person suddenly falls asleep for five minutes or 30 minutes uncontrollably and it can happen I love driving and you're walking you have a steeper time disappear immediately policy the reasons for this not really understood possibly a genetic or a physiological sort of pattern of connectivity in the brain which is different from novel that causes sudden loss of inhibition of consciousness and alertness behind it and it can be for this reasons problematic in treating another idea base then finally you have REM behavior disorder which basically is repeated speed walking so inhibition is not happening which was supposed to happen in stage three and the person is acting out their body is doing what they're doing in their sleep and again it can be quite dangerous because of course you're conscious your usual sensory input they create a charm that under burning apartment on the corner they and I may be a can fall down you can do all sorts of things that are damaging or dangerous for you in many cases people who I REM before the eyes are open so they are walking around that's their house doing something fully asleep and they're acting out in their dreams they're not really and so that again can be a challenging issue right so let's stop here in terms of consciousness and we continue with the content of gene what is the explanation for the story that you get inside the genes and other topics of function as in the next