Oh Oh Hello and good evening Indonesia. How are you all? I can see Peter there on the picture.
How are you my friend? Hello, good evening Indonesia. Good evening everyone. I can see Peter here and others. Welcome Indonesia, very good evening to you all and thank you for joining me once again on this presentation this afternoon.
For those of you that haven't met me before, my name is Richard Green, I'm the CEO of Harvest Finance. Congratulations once again for Indonesia, congratulations for following the event that I will be attending today. at the same time as me. When we get to the question time at the end of the call, we will switch back again so that I'm able to hear Maria and we can answer any questions that you may have about the presentations.
Yes, so I will explain a little bit first before we start about the rules in this way. At the moment, the translation is done in a consecutive or orderly manner. Well, later when the event starts, a panel will appear where you can choose the language choice, where the translation will be done directly by our translator, Maria. Well, later after I finish my presentation, then we will be in the Q&A session, the panel will also be removed, later the Q&A session will return. presentation we are hosting today is based around one of the two or three main questions which are asked to us by many of our participants, leaders and investors.
And this is a particularly important one today. So our wonderful graphics team have developed a very short but concise presentation around why it is legal to invest with Harvest Finance. So we appreciate it is a concern on a global standpoint. Now, of course, I am speaking to Indonesia today, where we are aware fundamentally that the use of cannabis, the production sale of cannabis is all illegal in Indonesia. And this is the case in actually most regions of the world, unfortunately, unfortunately, because.
medical cannabis has a very important role in the future of medical health and wellness. So it's important to us, regardless of the fact that in many regions of the world, medical cannabis, or cannabis at least, isn't legal, to pinpoint exactly why it is that it is still legal to invest into the concept around harvest finance and exactly what it is we do. So now with that being said, a quick recap into investing into cannabis.
And the question here is, why or can you do it by yourself? And this is the problem that Harvest Finance have sought the solution for. This is what we have created using the fintech platform that has been created by Harvest Finance. Now, as it points out here, it may not be legal in your country and it isn't legal in Indonesia to invest or to use cannabis, as we've just said.
There are also very high barriers to entry. What does this mean? Well, it is particularly expensive and difficult to invest into most things, let alone the medical cannabis market.
Now, the medical cannabis market, as we know by now, is a rapidly emerging market, which is absolutely huge all over the globe, regardless of the fact that it's only legal in certain countries. So this makes it all the more difficult, especially as it's cannabis. But it is also there are high barriers to entry, meaning that really, in order for you to invest into a medical cannabis cultivation project, you would most likely need. in excess of hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so.
That is to own a portion of this investment project. It certainly wouldn't be possible for you to go to a cultivation facility and offer them a hundred or a thousand dollars and ask them to get a return on your investment. So that's what Harvest Finance does. And within the process, it would be difficult for most people.
and especially those that are even in the industry to be able to locate these viable cultivators. Now the presentation that I will be hosting very shortly after this one will demonstrate exactly how it is that Harvest Finance locates these viable cultivators and the process that we have to go through and this is not something that your average in retail investor has the ability to do. Harvest Finance are here to facilitate that service.
and solve that problem for cultivators and investors. Now, as a pause point here, a reinforcement that it is entirely and perfectly legal to invest with Harvest Finance. But we want to go into a bit more detail here to make you understand exactly why that is, rather than just saying to you, it's okay, it's perfectly legal.
So I want to use some examples here. And these are relevant parallels that we can use as an example. And let's start with cryptocurrency. So cryptocurrency is a perfect example that it is at this stage, at least, and into the very distant future, it is possible to invest into many different... assets at the moment using cryptocurrency.
I believe maybe there are one or two, but there are very few companies that you can invest into in terms of this booming medical cannabis industry using cryptocurrency. So as we know, Harvest Finance utilizes the Harvest Finance Unit, the HFU, which represents a factional ownership in the cannabis cultivation facility. which gives you the profits from the output of that cultivation facility. So with it being cryptocurrency, this is perfectly legal for you to do so, for you to have a crypto wallet, for you to exchange crypto, utilize crypto in certain regions of the world which allow cryptocurrency. And there are very few that don't.
And obviously speaking for Harvest Finance, we do not strictly operate in regions of the world that... don't accept it. And also we do strictly not invest in cultivation projects, which are not in regulated regions. So this is important to know. Another important parallel here is stock exchanges.
Now, to use an example, if you, the individual that I'm speaking to on this call today, were to invest into a company, which is perhaps listed on either the US or the Canadian or Thai stock exchanges, where you can buy a stock into a particular cannabis project, albeit it would be very expensive and difficult for you to do so, this is entirely legal. It's entirely legal for you to invest in any company all over the globe via a stock exchange. So Harvest Finance provides this direct... fractional ownership in cannabis cultivation which is ensuring investments uh go to licensed growers which offers this compliance and legal process to do so.
And investment funds, another brief example here that to invest into a pooled fund or project where you can invest into something into private equity, this is also legal. So there are synergies between what Harvest Finance does with its platform and all three of these examples on this page. So as a recap as to how the process works, as we know currently using the Harvest Finance platform you're able to purchase one of two different options in terms of returns at the moment whether it's below a thousand dollars or above. a thousand dollars.
Now when you do this you are purchasing a HFU, a harvest finance unit. So this is a currency essentially that you are purchasing where you are investing into the output of that cultivation facility. With those funds, those funds are then disseminated through to the respective cultivation project.
where that cultivation project utilizes the funds to grow its operation, to enhance the output of its cultivation, the quality, the technology and the size of the overall operation, so that ultimately it brings returns back to its clients that invested in it using the HFU. And just as a brief understanding around how the companies work at the moment, before we go into even further detail, Harvest Finance Global is based in the United Kingdom. So Harvest Finance is the company which provides the fintech platform.
We then in turn license that software to each respective company, which utilizes it to raise capital for its company's purposes. We then partner in this particular instance with Harvest Green World, which is based in Thailand. Now, as we know, we have chosen the Thailand region as the perfect foundation for us to launch harvest finance. The environment in Thailand is the perfect environment, not only from a geographical location with its weather and climate, but also from a climate perspective.
but also offers the perfect legal climate for us to operate in that region also. So these are the two current relative, relevant companies that we operate with. And how does that work? So we have Harvest Finance Global, again, the fintech provider, the platform provider.
The monies are raised through this platform. Companies or... people like yourself that would invest into the company, into the cultivation project, utilize our platform.
That investment is then channeled through to Harvest Green World, as shown on the previous page there. And Harvest Green World then invests directly into the cultivation project. Cultivation project generates the returns from the growth of its project.
And those revenues are then sent back to Harvest Green World. And the Harvest Finance platform facilitates the service of paying its clients out through that platform. And again, taking a deeper dive under the microscope of exactly how that works. This is the function of Harvest Finance and how it operates.
So as we can see here, the investor. uses the contract, the HFU, purchases a contract using the platform. We can then see that the flow of money then goes through to Harvest Green World. Harvest Green World then invests into one of the respective projects. Now, as we can see on this slide here, there are a number of different projects.
Now, as Harvest Finance grows in time, we will develop more and more contracts and companies. So as we can see here there are currently five that are listed. This in by the course of the next year will multiply to potentially 50 or so more. Profits generated by those companies are then returned back to Harvest Green World in Thailand.
And those are the companies which operate in the Thai region. And again, as shown us on the previous slide, those funds are then sent to the Harvest Finance platform for our investor to collect the rewards of his initial investment. So a very seamless process there.
Now, a reminder for all of those about our launch partner, which is based in Thailand. Now, the perfect partner for us as affiliated with the government and working closely with us over the last course of this year. The Majo Institute was, in fact, founded back in 1934 as an agricultural training school.
It changed its name, as we can see here, to the Majo. Agricultural College in 1943. It has evolved from this point to become an officially designated university by the royal government. And in 2018, where cannabis was legalized in Thailand, the major then expanded their research into cannabis.
Now, this is what's made it possible at this point in 2020. that they have started collaborations with the government and pharmaceutical organization and recently acquired the legal certifications which you can see on this slide here and at this point is where they have joined the partnership with harvest finance and this is the company where we are directing the current funds which are pulled by our investors utilizing the fintech platform harvest finance and utilizing the HFU. Now a very brief slide there, brief and short slides, presentation apologies. I will seamlessly now move on to a detailed presentation over how we actually select cultivators like the major university.
Now, of course, it does say on the slide, if there are any questions that you have in between now and the next slide, whilst it's fresh in your mind, please do type a message into the chat whilst I change over to the next slide and I would be very happy to answer. Wonderful. And moving on.
So as mentioned, this presentation now is about how we actually select a cultivator like the Majo University and the other cultivation facilities and companies that we are currently working with. Now, as we know, and just briefly, we look at all parts of the ecosystem of medical cannabis, not just cultivators, but primarily. Our business model is founded on working with cultivators, hence the purpose of the HFU. This allows clients to invest into the Harvest Finance platform, buying a fraction of the output of the cultivation facility. So within this process, it's extremely important for Harvest Finance on behalf of its clients to ensure that Projects that we invest into are viable, legal, and present a maximum possibility for return on investment.
So appreciating that the rest of this slide is, of course, in less detail than in actual real life, but we wanted to give a brief insight into just how that works. Firstly, let's look at the current regulatory environment in terms of cannabis cultivation. So firstly, and of course, with Harvest Finance as an absolute must, it is a legal requirement to ensure that our cultivators are fully legalized and regulated and certificated to grow, sell and distribute medical cannabis.
Now there are only very few regions in the world at the moment that currently do that. As we can see on this slide listing Thailand, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Netherlands, Italy and Australia. And so underneath each one of these, it does point out what they are able to do in each respective country.
These are regions of the world which we will be operating with over the course of the next few years at Harvest Finance. But of course, as we know now, currently solely operating with Thailand in East Asia. As a further enforcement of that legal requirement, it is important that each facility is not only legally able to cultivate, but also legal to refine. And the license follows it through to the sale of the product.
So remembering that when we invest into this cultivation facility, the general idea is that our clients. invest into a cultivation facility, that plant is grown, it is refined, and it is sold. It is, of course, also then important to understand that if the cultivator has the ability to export, that that whole process is extremely, is legal end to end, and they are certificated to do so.
And we would only operate within the areas of their business, which are fully legal. And as a very, very important note to all investors, and I urge you please to remember this, because this is a question that I've been asked a number of times. And this comes down to worst case scenarios.
And a question that was asked to me just a few months ago was, okay, well, what happens in the worst case scenario? What if, say, for example, there was a fire at the facility and the whole crop was burnt or something of that nature? Well, these are insurances are in place. Now, we simply cannot operate with any facility unless the insurances that we see listed out on this page are in place. And in fact, there are many, many more items that need to be in place in order for us to operate with them.
But. These are just an example. There needs to be general liability insurance, which covers injury, property damage, etc.
There needs to be property insurance that protects the physical assets which are there on site, the cultivation facility assets. We need crop insurance, as just mentioned, and in case there was a natural disaster, say, for example, and so on and so forth. Workers'compensation. Should there be any business interruptions if there was a worst case scenario in the business?
So all important that these necessary insurances are in place so that if there was any issues, we always ensure that our clients are paid out in a worst case scenario. Now down to the cost. Now there is a significant financial audit which...
is assessed by a third party financial institution over each project that we go into. And this is a very deep set of gap analysis, which is carried out on our behalf for each project so that we need to understand that this is a viable project to invest into that gives the maximum return to our investors. and most importantly that the project has the ability to grow. So we look at, for example, that there is growth in terms of the costs of the seed price. Can we optimize the fertilizer and plant upkeep costs?
Can machinery and other costs be optimized? Transportation costs and so on and so forth, right through to cultivation. So every minor detail is looked at and no stone is unturned. And furthermore so that, again, the cost of sale, whether we have the ability to benefit more on the cost of sale.
So as a general rule of thumb here, and it is vastly more difficult than this, but we would need to ensure that their current. cost of sale product allows enough room for margin for us to accommodate our investors and there are good returns in order for us to grow so if perhaps a product or a company like the Majo Institute actually has the ability to not only grow in terms of its size and add on many, many more greenhouses to their facility as they have access to a huge amount of land, but also that we have the ability of increasing the cost of the sale price. So using again, the Majo Institute as an example here. we have the ability to actually increase the cost of sale price of their product. As we know, the cost of sale in the United States is vastly more expensive in Thailand at the moment.
So it gives us the ability through those distribution chains for us to increase the cost price, reduce the cost size and increase the sale price, giving us a larger margin, which then reflects through to our investors. And of course, why do we do this? So primarily longevity of the partnership.
Now we want to remain in partnership with the likes of the MAJO and our other cultivation partners for many, many years. We need to ensure that we benefit from the optimum output of their facility over a course of years, which means that we can add more cultivation facilities on around their current ones. It means that we can increase the output of their project and benefit from them.
And we do this so that we don't have any interruption of production and sale. So speaking to this point, of course, now we are adding on more and more cultivators as the weeks go past currently. So there will always be a necessity for capital to be driven through to harvest finance. And with this cultivator and with you and the investor, we are able to make this possible. Now, going back to the previous slide, if there are any questions now on either of these slides, please do feel free to ask.
I will keep the line open here for a minute or two, just in case there are. But I do hope that this now leaves. anyone on this call in a good informed position of understanding on how the legal process works and how it is that we work to select cultivators within the Harvest Finance Program.
Thank you much for listening to me. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Okay, I think we already have the first question here.
Okay, the question is, good evening, Mr. Richard. Actually, I would like to ask about the continuity of this business. Can you assure us how long this business will last? Absolutely, I can. So thank you for your question.
We have a very specific presentation based around the longevity of this project, this company and what our intentions are. Now, this will be hosted again. And let me tell you when exactly that will be this Friday.
I believe we will be hosting that event again. I will just ask one of the teams just to drop the date and time in as a reminder. But I would urge you to be on that call to answer that question in great detail. But allow me to just answer it very quickly now. We operate on a roadmap for Harvest Finance, which currently takes us through to the next five years.
But as a very short answer to your question, we largely intend on being here way beyond the next five years. The presentation will demonstrate our growth from where we are now into a multi-billion dollar investment company. which operates specifically in the medical cannabis space. Now the roadmap will give more detail to this.
Sorry Maria, I forgot. Okay, it's okay. Mr. Gigi Rifayuda, to answer your question, of course, for this business, can you be sure that this business will last for how long?
I will make sure this business will last long. Then, to answer this question, actually it has been prepared presentation. The presentation will be detailed to give an image and belief how long this business is.
Actually, I will give a little image. We are developing this will be a step towards the road. roadmap that has been created.
Then, there you can also see for yourself how in the next year, at least in the next five years, we will change into a company that has the ability to make billions of dollars. But, so that you can be sure and you can also understand more, I invite you to attend the event. my presentation on November 1, 2024. Please enter your answer in the chat column. If you have answered, please give the chat column as well, Mr. Yudha.
Yes, he said okay, thank you. Okay, well, I look forward to seeing you on that call. Okay, see you there, Mr. Yuda.
Are there any other questions? It seems that everyone is amazed, Mrs. Maria. This evening's presentation opens our eyes much more open about the legal perspective and the actual business process.
This is also what was asked earlier when I presented. Yes, actually, Peter said that probably no more questions. Actually, everybody after your presentation, you opened their eyes wide up. So, they now already understand the legal standing and all the legal stuff.
Actually, some of the questions are now have been answered. by your presentation today. Wonderful.
That's what we like. That's the idea. And now, with great thanks to our graphics team that put this together. Tyler does a remarkable job in able to pinpoint these important questions and put them into one presentation.
I can't take the credit for that. It is the team that do such a good job. Okay, I'm so happy to hear this. Thank you very much. I would also like to thank Mr. Tyler, thank you very much to the graphic team who have successfully summarized various kinds of questions in a short and comprehensive presentation.
Amazing. Okay. There's some more questions.
Yes, yes. Okay, some more questions. Some more questions.
One second. First question is how much the one second. How much the estimation of profit each month? Profit estimation is each month.
I think it's already in the PowerPoint. I mean the bottom one, besides the development in cannabis. Okay, so the next question is, apart from developing in cannabis, does Harvest Finance have plans to develop in other businesses as well?
Again, very good question from Joy there, which is also very well demonstrated in the roadmap presentation. It highlights that we aim to invest in all areas of the medical cannabis ecosystem, specifically research and development and the development of... compounds which can be used for rare untreatable diseases.
Okay, so here actually this is a very good question. I am very happy with this question. But back again, I will give all the answers in the development plan that I will discuss later.
All of these are already in our roadmap, how we will develop, besides cannabis for medicine, maybe also in compounds and other things. So I suggest to follow the presentation on November 1st to get the answer, the picture clearly. One more question from Yuda. He is asking the questions.
Yes, I have one more question. Actually, there are definitely many types of investors. Okay. One type of investors would like to use it for money laundering. they can use it to they can act to be an investor by using crypto.
Is there any prevention from Harvest Finance regarding these things to avoid the money laundering? Absolutely. So we operate under important anti-money laundering and know your clients.
So KYC and AML procedures, it's a strict enforcement when investing into anything. So it's very important that we have to conduct those. Yes, we have, of course, we also have a contract, right? We have KYC and we also have MLL procedures, if it's related to investors, which is our contract. Yeah, so the way we conduct the KYC is through transaction monitoring, especially with deposits.
So it's just important to note that. So how do we conduct the KYC? We conduct the KYC through monitoring the transaction, from the deposit. Have you answered or are you still confused? Mr. Yuda, please ask again, don't be shy.
Or maybe you can use the microphone, or maybe just use the chat column. Okay, thank you Mrs. Maria. Sorry, this question is a bit of a gossip for me. Because wherever people are now, we know that on TV there are many corruptions that the money is at home, right?
So when he... using that money for this investment, he will definitely be interested because it will not be blocked by the Indonesian regulation system because it uses crypto. So how to prevent it? Because no matter how, there will be many people who are interested.
For example, it will be 10,000, 100,000, 1 million US, maybe, we don't know in the future. But many people use this as a tool to wash money. Well, my hope from Mr. Richard is that there are obstacles to prevent all of that so that this will go on for a long time. Because no matter what, the PPA-TK transaction will be detected in the Indonesian financial system. That's all, Ms. Maria.
Okay, I'm ready. May I translate it first, sir? Yes, okay.
Actually, my concern, he said that because in Indonesia many people have illegal money, you know, fiat money, which they're not actually... put into the bank but they keep it yeah on themselves so if like they buy crypto then they can do the investment but of course yeah he afraid that this money later on in the future can be fined by indonesian like state organization for monitoring anti-money laundering so he's concerned actually to make this our business more sustainable yeah so he hope he really hoped that from the company, Harvest Finance Company, you already have some prevention measures to avoid these type of things to happen. Yeah, so above and beyond anti-money laundering procedures, which we abide by, we conduct transaction monitoring so that if anything is deemed illegal at the point of transaction, it's actually halted at the point of transaction. So that is one measure. So our process is to prevent, isolate, and restrict access if that is the case.
We also have that, sir. So maybe don't be afraid. We also have prevention methods that have been implemented. So if there is a transaction that...
Maybe it is suspected that the tantra will be held first and then it will be investigated. And we already have the evidence to avoid things that are scary. I'm very familiar with these procedures as I was a compliance officer for a number of years. So I'm... one of the individuals that implemented these procedures with the advice of legal counterparties into Harvest Finance.
So it's an important part of our business model. If we have any intentions in the future of operating and on a global scale, and especially when we're taking fiat currency on top of cryptocurrency, things become way more stringent. expert in compliance in my work and also give legal advice so that I can comply and then I also understand that if we talk about the fiat money problem which is then converted into crypto money in this case, of course, we must also have rules that must be followed must be followed and then we do the monitoring according to the requirements that we already have. Okay, thank you, Mrs. Maria.
The answer is amazing. Richard, thank you. Okay, thank you so much, Richard.
Your answer is amazing. You're welcome and thank you for that. Important question, because these important questions highlight questions for the rest of the team which will be answered in future and have been asked in the past. So, they are very important. Thank you Mr. Yuda for your question.
Because with this question, you also give the opportunity to those who are here. to answer if there are questions for them in the future. So that they can understand more about how to answer and also understand more about the situation.
Yes, yes. Because now we never know in the future, there will be people who try to get into things like before. But thank God, Mr. Richard has an extraordinary tool that can help us to prevent it.
Because no matter what, we are at the end of the line. in the company Harvest Finance, Maria. We take care of ourselves too. Thank you.
Yeah, okay. Thank you, Richard. Also, hopefully you understand because we think that probably in the future, there will be, of course, some people which will be trying to use some opportunity to do the money laundering.
Yeah, but of course, yeah, I'm happy to hear that you already have like a... stringent measures to prevent these kind of things. Absolutely.
It's a byproduct of every company which operates in the financial sector. So it's expected. This is also a good example that all companies that have to move in the financial sector must have compliance.
So, Now, with that being said, I thank you for the round of questions and thank you once again for joining us on the call today. Now, as you may have noticed on the screen here is a promo banner for our bonus on our 50 percent deposit. Now, I won't go into the details on this call right now, but I would urge you to please take a look at the social media to understand how the offer works.
and which now expires on the 3rd of November. So it's very important that following this call, that you jump straight onto social media to take full advantage of this 50% bonus, because it is only there for a few more days. So please jump on social media, circulate it to everybody. And let's unite here to... start building and bringing in the traffic that the platform deserves.
So, thank you very much. Okay, before I close, I would like to pay attention to the screen. There is a slide, there is a message, 50% bonus deposit, maybe you have heard of it. So, this also happens until November 3, 2024. until November 3, 2024, so please don't delay it anymore, after our presentation is finished, this good news is directly shared, this happy news through social media, so that it can spread and also many people join, because the bonus up to deposit plus up to Rp. 5,000, this is also a special offer for the leaders, I mean here.
you will get an additional 2% on the affiliation level gift. So this is an amazing promotion and only happens until November 3, 2024. So don't delay it, please spread it directly through social media. If you also want to know more details, this is also on our channel, the information is like that. Now, good night and best wishes to all. Look forward to speaking to you again soon.
So, as a closing, I want to say good night and happy to see you all again. See you soon. Good night. Good night, Mr. Richard. Thank you, Mr. Richard.
Thank you, Mrs. Maria. Thank you, too. Good night. Good night. Good night, Mrs. Maria.
Yes, thank you. Gas, Paul. Gas, Paul. 50% in gas. Gas, gas, gas.
Deposit Rp5,000.