if you get up at 10:00 in the morning train at 12:00 train for 2 hours 12:00 to 2 you have to let your body recover so you eat recover whatever you get back out you train start training again at 6:00 train from 6:00 to 8:00 and now you go home you shower you eat dinner you go to bed you wake up you do it again right those are two sessions now imagine you wake up at 3:00 you train at 4:00 go 4:00 to 600 come home breakfast relax so so now you're back at it again 9:00 to 11:00 relax and now all of a sudden you're back at it again 2 to 4 and now you're back at it again 7 to9 look how much more training I have done by simply starting at so now you do that and as the years go on the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger and larger by year five or six doesn't matter what kind of work they do in a summer they're never going to catch up cuz they're 5 years behind so it makes sense to get up and start your day early because you can get more work in need motivation watch a top 10 with the nation hey it's EV car Michael and I watch these videos every day because I need them for motivation being around successful entrepreneurs every morning helps me believe that I can do great things too it's like your morning coffee but for your goals kickstarting your day with a blast of positivity so here is a challenge for you try watching One video every morning for the next 30 days and let's find out together if they help you do great things too if you're in leave a hash believe in the comments below so I can celebrate with you so today let's R from one of the best Kobe Bryant and our take on his top 10 rules of success believe rule number two is outwork your potential I think the best way to prove your your value is to work is to learn is to absorb um to be a sponge right but you always want to outwork your potential you know as hard as you believe you can work you can work harder than that and that's what I tried to do when I first came in the league but you know basketball is such a direct competition sport that me coming in at 17 I hated when like my teammates would say you know I get hit with an elbow right Shaq would hit me with an elbow in practice and like you know you know Nick vanex would come up and say are you okay like what am I are you okay the hell's wrong with you you know so like I always had that extra chip on my shoulder so like every day in practice for me was really trying to annihilate everybody that was that I was playing against cuz I wanted to prove you don't need to babysit me like I I'm fine you know and uh and so it's always um um that competitive nature the work ethic and curiosity because I asked a lot of questions you know playing with Byron Scott I asked him a lot of questions Eddie Jones who was great at chasing guards off the screens and I didn't understand how to do that I would sit with him before practice after practice um magic James Worthy Kurt Rambis Kareem AB all the Laker greats I would always sit down and just ask him questions about certain games that I studied growing going up what actually happened there what did you feel there why you know bird tough to defend why cuz you look slow than me so like I'm like I'm missing something so like tell me what I'm missing you know what I mean and so I would always ask questions and try to learn as much as I could rule number three is unpack your emotions what I try to do is just try to be still and understand that things come and go emotions come and go the important thing is to accept them all to embrace them all and then you can choose to do with them what you want versus being controlled by emotion you know a lot of times I've seen players even myself you know when I was younger being consumed by a particular fear um and to the point where you're saying okay no it's it's not good to feel fear I shouldn't be nervous in a situation like n and it does nothing but grow versus stepping back and saying yeah I I am nervous about the situation yeah I am fearful about the situation well what am I afraid of and you kind of unpack it and then it gives you ability to look at it for really what it is which is nothing more than your imagination running its course you know yeah absolutely yeah I love that because what you're saying is that when you're dealing with something it's almost like how can I get to the root of it yeah because sometimes what we're dealing with like you're saying it's an imagination and illusion it's not really it's not it's not really a thing you know like you think about game-winning shots and or game-winning free throws and people go to the free throw line and they're nervous about it well what are you really nervous about if you unpack that okay you you're nervous that you're going to miss the shot all right so you miss the shot then what happens people are going to be embarrassed you're going to be embarrassed because thousands of people millions of people see you missed a shot all right and then what people going to talk bad about you okay right and so you're looking at you go are those things even important you know what I mean if that if that is my fear like what what is you worried about letting your teammates down okay have you let them down before well I'm sure and practice and things of that nature right they're still there yeah you know and so when you're able to unpack it you kind of look at it for what it is which is really nothing rule number four is have a Champions mentality when I played um one of the things I had to learn is how to get the best out of my teammates yeah and most people think it's a simple thing you know pass them the ball you know but that's not how you make guys better you have to really affect their behavior how do you do that so yeah like I would tell guys you know we got to back to backs you know I don't care if we're in Miami I don't care if we're in a great City or Chicago we can't go out we got to get rest right back to back games back to back games right Monday Tuesday play Monday and play again Tuesday guys aren't going to listen right you going you know right so a few times say all right we'll all go out we go out together really I'll drink with you right but the next morning I'm banging on your door at 5: in the morning let's go they're not getting where we going I hung out with you now you come hang out with me this is what we do all right let's go and we're at the gym we're working out right we hit the bus we go to practice we play that night and they're dead and they're dead and they're like lesson learned really lesson learn take them out once listen if you're going to do that do that but don't let that compromise what we're here to do this is why we're here this is why you're here in the first place yeah right and if we're going to win a championship we have to have that Championship mentality work ethic that's it so you got to show them no coob can do that and still has the energy to get up and do this so either I got to meet that same energy or I got to keep my butt in my that early yeah also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight our favorite lessons from the video that will inspire you to remember what you learned today and actually apply them the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five is keep improving how did you get that mentality of just being like I need to get over this like I need to get over myself you know trial and error you know you grow up and you make game-winning shots and it's awesome and you come back the next day and miss a game-winning shot and it's misery and then the next day comes and you're back playing again and you understand that life has this cyclical nature where it's you know what you do on Monday it's fantastic but then Tuesday is a bad day but guess what there's Wednesday so are we just supposed to live our lives like this the whole time you know versus just staying like this and understanding that it's really just a journey of evolution every day it's just constant Improvement constant curiosity constantly getting better the results don't really matter uh it's the figuring out that matters yeah and we all get obsessed about the results yeah like we get obsessed about like the output not the input of not figuring it out and not like changing things what you said trial and error like the experimenting yeah we forget to do that it's unfortunate man like I've seen a lot of players um especially now you know in youth basketball dealing with that um you have players that are like bigger and faster and stronger and you know their coaches are just coaching them for results you know we're just going to use your size that because you're bigger than every other 12-year-old out there to dominate today but they're not growing right so they're just based on that result but they're not focused on growing this young child yeah into becoming a better an athlete and through that teaching them how to become a more well-rounded person and we're missing that Ru number six is sacrifice if I'm buddies with you from high school if I'm a cousin of yours what happened to our relationship how how did that gravitate when you went into the league and you're you're determined to become the greatest or you're determined to become one of the greatest what happens to our relationship It suffers it does suffer oh yeah okay yeah and you understood that you were okay with that well yeah and and the people that love you like friends and family right they know that about you got it so they let you be you and when you reconvene you know you pick back up where you left off but make no mistake about it everything in between is lost right so those long-term relationships the commitment of time of uh you know uh taking vac like I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends and we just take vacations just to take vacations or just hang out just to hang out like I I'm not I never did that buto why not though why why why didn't you do that because when I retired I didn't want to have to say I wish I would have done more I don't want that rule number seven is be a long-term thinker I had a summer where I played basketball when I was like 10 or 11 years old and a very prominent summer league in Philadelphia called The Sunny Hill League where my father played my uncle played and they were like alltime great and all stuff and W Chamberlain played in the league you know early prom role playing the league and here I come playing and I don't score one point the entire summer really not one how old were you 11 101 and you're playing against other 10 11 year olds or and you didn't score once not one were you in the game I was in the game how did you not score cuz I was terrible really yeah that 10 11 years old you were that I mean I you know and I had these big knee pads on cuz I was growing really fast I have socks all the way up here and I had like the H top like skinny as hell and I scored not a free throw not a nothing not a lucky shot shot not a breakaway layup zero points is that when you think the mentality of hard work started to come in for you at that age when you failed so miserably I guess that summer I think that's when the idea of understanding a longterm view became important because I wasn't going to catch these kids in a week I wasn't going to catch them in a year right so that's when I sat down and said okay this is going to take some thought right we I want to work on first all right shooting all right let's knock this out let's focus on this half a year 6 months do nothing but shoot right after that all right creating your own shot then you focus so you start I started creating a menu of things when I came back the next summer I was a little bit better right men mean like I've got my jump shot from 15 I've got my I got my jump shot from 15 I got my three-point shot like just open shots not miss open shots right be able to shoot it with speed cuz those kids are so much more athletic and then the next summer I came back it was a little better and the summer came back you scor summer I was a little better I scored you know it wasn't much but I scored this is 12 13 12 13 then 14 came around back half at 13 14 uh years old and then I was just killing everyone and it happened in 2 years and I wasn't expecting to happen in two years but it did because what I had to do was work on the basics and the fundamentals well they relied on athleticism and their natural ability and because I stick to the fundamentals it just caught up to them and then my body you know my knees stopped hurting I grew into my frame and and that in your athleticism once you have the fundamentals exactly the hard work the mindset and you tack on thetic it's game over then it was Game Over wow so from 13 you're good average still I I was good I was good then about about like the end of my thir like right when I was turning 14 I became the best player in the state at 14 at 14 so from 12 to 14 you went from scoring zero to being the best in the state of all ages y rule number eight is be a better leader what did you know and learn at the end of your career that you wish you knew at the beginning um understanding empathy and compassion because as a young kid when I came in the league it was like I'm driving this way and either you're going to be on the train or be on the track right there was no such thing as understanding that people have lives outside of the game which which I apparently I did not um but like if I understood at an early age and I it it helps me as a leader to communicate better I came to understand that later um and um getting to know people on a personal level um what are their fears what are their insecurities right what are their dreams and Ambitions desires those sorts of things when you come to understand that about a person then you can help them Reach the best version of themselves so I wish I'd known that earlier rule number nine is learn from wins and losses what is losing feel like to you uh it's exciting why is it exciting um because it means you have different um ways to get better there's certain things that you can figure out that you can take advantage of right certain weaknesses that were exposed um that you need to shore up right so it was exciting I mean sucks to lose right but at the same time there answers there if you just look at them um because you get the information from losing more than from winning probably yeah yeah I mean the answers are there when you win too you just have to look at them yeah right so it's a constant process it's exciting when you win it's exciting when you lose because the process should be exactly the same whether you win or you lose is you go back and you look and you find things that you could have done better you find things that you've done well that worked you figure out how did they work why did they work how can you make them work again yeah and but the hardest thing is to face that stuff um that's a really tough challenge you mean face it you mean look yourself in the mirror and say okay this is how I showed up or this is what happened and I give you an example so ktie L Samson is one of the best college basketball players in the country she plays at Yukon she's going to be a senior right now right now yeah and uh she's from Huntington Beach out here by us and so she comes down and she works with some of my my girls on the team and she helps coach and and uh they had a really tough season last year where they lost to Notre Dame in the final that's right really tough first loss in like years right and so I asked her I said have you watched the Notre Dame game she was like no well why not said I don't want to watch that I said I know you don't but you're going to play Notre Dame this year yeah yeah was the chances you see him again in the final well probably see him again well you can't show up and play them without knowing why you lost that one right so you know the mistakes that you've made in that game you have to do the hard stuff and watch that game and study that game to not make those mistakes over and over again just because you weren't brave enough to face it so she came down to the office I brought down the office and we sat down we watched that game together wow right you got to got to deal with it got to deal with it face it learn from it wow it must have been cringing for her to just be like oh rep playing like we could have won all these things that's exactly it is it I just did that one thing I didn't get that foul if I scored that layup exactly right you looking at say oh there's the mismatch a there's the gap uh you know and all those little things and it sucks but but you don't want to have that feeling again do you right so you got to really study it face it and uh not to say you'll win the next time you fa but at least you you'll give yourself a better a better chance yeah and number 10 the last one before very special bonus clip is be driven Sha's future is certain a big shift in the balance of power in the NBA as the League's most dominant player is headed back East the newest member of the Miami Heat remember this I'm going to bring a championship to Miami I promise after we split apart were you trying to get more more championships than me oh absolutely you were absolutely and I knew you were going to get one I knew you were going to get one because of the energy you know going into Miami and D way and everything that was there I knew you were going to get that one so I knew I had to get at least two or three and the Miami Heat are champions of the basketball world I wanted you to get that cuz I needed that I wanted that like I wanted people to say see see this is what they're missing here this is what they gave up for right Kobe should have been the one to go now he's in Miami he's like I needed that I wanted that I wanted everybody to hate me I wanted to fuel off of that and just come back with so much anger and so much Vengeance so I wanted that so when you won um right after you won I went out to the track and I ran I did my conditioning I did my drills I woke up the next morning I hit my weights I did my thousand shots I did everything humanly possible to get myself ready but I I was I needed I was all right yeah good good I needed the two how do you see dance and other art forms and Athletics in alignment with one another well um there was a there was a year played um Indiana Pacers in the finals I rolled my ankle really bad Jaylen Rose stepped under me on purpose uhhuh he admits it now finally Rob my ankle really really bad I can't came back finished a series um but I couldn't touch a basketball till mid-september which was driving me crazy cuz I couldn't train but I looked that this was like the 10th time I rolled my ankle in one season so I'm looking at that I'm saying okay I got to address that and so be being that I couldn't get on the basketball court um what I did was I took tap dancing lessons Okay no kidding I took tap and tap was like the best training for me in the world because it strengthened my feet it changed my rhythm in my approach to the game I was able to change speeds when I came back the following season um you know I think dancers um put way more strain on their body than athletes do and I think there's a lot that can be learned from that my daughter took ballet for several years and I would sit there in the class right and I didn't know what I was getting into cuz I don't know anything about B right but I'm sitting there in the class and I'm watching her I'm watching get the first position the second position I'm s I'm learning the structure and the rules that go along with that and as athletes there's a lot to be learned from that cuz if you simp go out there and perform and play yeah you'll be great every now and then but if you play with structure if you understand the rules that come along with that the discipline that comes along with that then you reach another level but you guys have my respect if other people that don't see that they're idiots that's on them thank you you got it for 10 more amazing rules from Michael Jordan check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there my name is Michael Jordan I played professional basketball for the Chicago Bulls 32 seconds to go a one-point lead for Georgetown gy the black the tie 18