Data Analysis and Optimization (Lecture Notes)

Jul 13, 2024

Lecture Notes: Data Analysis and Optimization (in Hindi)

Project Overview

  • Project Name: Crunchy Corner Project
  • Topics Covered: Advanced data analysis, Power BI, business insight, optimization, budgeting
  • Reference: Previous 99.5 hours video on sales data analysis
  • Utilized clean sales or CRM data
  • Techniques: Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Column Chart
  • Goal: Understanding how actual industry work is done using Power BI
  • Transition from basic developer to business consultant


  • Watch 99.5-hour video (Basic to Intermediate Level)
  • Recommended for understanding basic concepts before advancing

Goals and Approach

  • Solving real problems for Crunchy Corner client (fast food restaurant chain)
  • Focus on optimization and budgeting
  • Understand business, prepare data, create advanced analysis

Data Preparation

  1. Data Understanding: Crunchy Corner

    • One of the largest fast-food chains in India
    • Data from 2020 to Q1 2024
    • Divided into Quarters and Months
  2. Data Structuring: Key components

    • Columns: Year, Quarter, Month, Cluster Head, SKU Code, Category, Sub-category, Channel, State, Volume, Sales, Profit, etc.
    • Key Heads: Bilal, Dheeraj, etc.
    • Categories: Cakes, Fries, Fresh, Protein Pack, etc.
  3. Data Manipulation and Cleaning: SQL, Excel Operations

    • Ensure data cleanliness and unique representation
    • Filter and sort data correctly
    • Handling missing values
  4. Dimension and Fact Tables: Necessary for analysis

    • Created dimension tables for Product, Channel, Location, etc.
    • Linked with fact tables for proper data modeling

Data Analysis and Insights

  1. Basic Metrics Calculation

    • Metrics: Net Revenue, Gross Profit, EBIT, PAT, Volume Metric
    • Entity relationships for Cluster Heads, Channels, and Locations
  2. Relational Data Modeling

    • One-to-Many Relationships: Essential for accurate insights
    • Star Schema: Keep central table as Dimension Date, link others
    • Linked data such as unique SKUs to dimensions

Financial Performance Analysis

  1. Objective: Provide financial performance overview, historical performance, trends, and optimizations
  2. Performance Indicators:
    • Total Number of unique SKUs Sold
    • Total Revenue (Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
    • Comparisons using Card Visual, Line Charts, and Bar Charts
    • Monthly Performance Trends (Overall Sales, Gross Profit, EBIT, PAT)
  3. Category and Channel Analysis
    • Revenue split by Category and Channel
    • Visuals: Pie chart or Donut chart for clarity
  4. Volume and Gross Profit Trends
    • Trend analysis of Key Metrics

Optimization for Business Improvement

  1. Objective: Optimize business processes for better profitability
  2. Tools and Techniques: Pareto Analysis, Quadrants Analysis
    • Focus on top contributing SKUs
    • Simplify insights using Tree Map and Bubble Chart
  3. Price-Volume-Mix (PVM) Analysis
    • Determine effect on revenue
    • Calculate using SQL scripts & Power BI formulas
    • Decompose changes into price, volume, and mix impacts

Budgeting and Variance Analysis

  1. Objective: Compare budgeted vs actual performance
  2. Methods and Analysis: PVM, Revenue variance, and Gross Profit variance
  3. Key Formulas and Measures
    • Revenue Variance = (Actual - Budget) / Budget
    • GP Variance = Actual GP% - Budget GP%
  4. Advanced Analytics Techniques
    • Condition Formatting: Change visuals based on variance conditions
    • Implementation: Using dynamic parameters for flexibility

Final Notes

  • Objective: To transform from data handler to insightful business consultant
  • Action Items: Practice the provided concepts, explore additional functions, and apply them in real-case scenarios
  • Study Tips: Revisit basics, leverage Power BI’s advanced features, and stay updated with new analytics trends

Recommended Reading and Practice:

  • Advanced Power BI books and resources to deepen understanding.
  • Explore financial statements and their analysis.
  • Practical projects applying similar concepts.