Bathtub Song and Routine Notes
Bath Time
- Theme: Getting clean in the bathtub
- Main Actions:
- Jumping in the tub
- Scrubbing with soap and bubbles
- Washing various body parts (hair, face, arms, knees, hands, toes)
- Key Refrain: "I'll be the cleanest kid you've ever seen"
Brushing Teeth
- Encouragement for brushing:
- Importance of dental hygiene
- Fun aspect of brushing teeth
- Positive reinforcement ("Good, good, brushing is good for you")
- Counting:
- Counting helps to keep track (1, 2, 3)
Pajamas and Bedtime
- Transition to pajamas:
- Excitement about wearing pajamas
- Pajamas are comforting and soft
- Going to bed:
- Importance of sleep
- Cozy feelings associated with bedtime
Story Time
- Reading stories:
- Fun and enjoyable activity before sleep
- Encouragement to read
- Counting sheep:
- Counting as a way to relax and fall asleep
- Overcoming fears of the dark with comfort (teddy bear)
Cleanliness Routines
- Handwashing:
- Importance of washing hands to avoid germs
- Song about germs and cleanliness
- Significance of routines:
- Establishing healthy habits in daily life
- Transitioning from play to clean habits
Building a Bed
- Desire for a big kid's bed:
- Transition from crib to bed
- Excitement about having a new bed
- Constructing the bed:
- Steps to build the bed (righty-tighty, lefty-loosey)
- Teamwork in fixing problems with the bed
Class Pet: Jelly Bean
- Introduction of class pet:
- Description of Jelly Bean the hamster
- Fun activities associated with the pet
- Engagement with the pet:
- Desire to show the pet to friends
- Cuddling and caring for Jelly Bean
Quiet Time
- Importance of quiet time:
- Rest and relaxation after play
- Choosing quiet activities to do
Shadow Play and Nighttime Fun
- Using flashlights:
- Making shadow puppets to engage with light
- Fun with shadows using hands
- Imaginative play:
- Engaging with different animals and characters through play
- Creative interactions with shadows during nighttime
This presentation revolves around the importance of daily routines such as bath time, teeth brushing, and settling down for bed, fostering habits of cleanliness and self-care, while also encouraging imagination through story time and shadow play.