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VIDEO 18 Testosterone Cream Dosage Guidelines

What are some common dosages for the testosterone cream, the compounded transcrotal cream? So with the creams, again, it still comes down to the way it's being done and the way it should be done. The way it should be done is with a transdermal, it should be twice a day. At the very least, some guys may need three times a day if they're hyper excretors. For the most part, I would say AM, PM application should be sufficient.

You want to ensure that you're getting symptom resolution, and this will kick in a little bit faster because of the rate of absorption compared to injectables because it is non-esterized. So it is broken down quicker. I would say that if you're going to go AM and PM, considering the fact that every click is a quarter of an ML or a quarter of a gram because you usually get a 30-gram tube, four clicks will give you an ML.

So it really depends on the strength. If you've got a 10% cream, that means… 100 milligrams per gram or 20% of 200 milligrams per gram, understand that it's not a direct science of saying, well, I have double the grams because you're also cutting the surface area down in half. So when you're spreading a 20% cream across your skin, your absorption rate is not going to be quite as efficient as 100 milligram cream spread across the same area. So if you were to do 100 milligrams on a 10% cream. and that would require four clicks.

That's not to say that two clicks on a 200 is equal, because you're only using half the surface area. So for those that understand what I'm talking about, they'll get it. For those that are a little confused, it's really just more about ratios.

But at the end of the day, depending on which cream you're using, and I think most guys tend to use the 20%, the most common that we've seen for symptom resolution is a twice a day application, two clicks in the morning, two clicks at night. tends to be the average and from there you can adjust up or down as needed some guys are going to achieve you know super physiological levels at that range and maybe even some potential side effects some people are going to not get enough and it really depends i think you're you're on a higher dose than that steve i believe you're on 150 twice a day yes exactly so 300 a day via transdermal i think most guys do well on 200 um you know you you happen to be more i guess of an alpha personality a little bit more muscular than your average patient, then you feel good at that level. And some guys only need half of that.

So for the most part, I would say 200 per day in a cream is pretty common and pretty successful at achieving what most guys are looking for. Okay. Thanks.