in terms of forensic victimology this is where the study of the victim has been especially useful to criminal profiling in analyzing crime scenes for the purpose of identifying offender profile characteristics these profile characteristics provide police with data on which to classify a crime and identify suspects in unsolved cases the work of investigative analysts at the FBI Academy in Quantico Virginia for example lead to an expansion of traditional crime categories these categories are published in the crime classification manual or CCM and the authors who were instrumental in this publication are Douglas Burgess and Burgess and Ressler in 2006 to classify a crime using the crime classification manual or CCM you have to question about the defining characteristics of the crime which need to be answered or it answers questions about the defining characteristics or definitions of a crime that need to be answered in this respect in you glean information about the victim the crime scene and nature of the victim offender exchange in this sense victimology is the complete history of the victim and is the crucial part in the anatomy of a crime and the critical question is to evaluate why a particular person was targeted for a violent crime the answer will typically lead then to the motive behind the crime that is the motivated offender according to scholars Turvey and Petherick who published in 2008 forensic victimology is defined as the scientific study of victims for the purpose of addressing investigative and forensic issues it involves the skeptical investigation a facts and a thorough examination of the evidence forensic victimology also provides a scientific balance against the idealization or demonization of victims a filter for deceptions of false reporting and the means for identifying a threshold of relevance for victim information and opinions already at work in the criminal justice system in this sense the forensic victimologist is best concede as an objective dispassionate scientific examiner these examiners are critical and skeptical and they put the establishment of facts before politics or any other consideration to that end the examiner takes nothing for granted looks for collaboration of any alleged victim statements seek out collateral sources of information and investigate alternate or contributing motives for victim behavior in contrast in terms of investigative criminal profiling this is an investigative profiling technique that is best viewed as a strategy enabling law enforcement to narrow the field of options and generate educated guesses about the perpetrator this is simply described as a collection of leads as an informed attempt to provide detailed information about a certain type of criminal as a biological sketch of behavioral patterns trends and tendencies the investigative profile is particularly useful when the criminal has demonstrated some clearly identifiable form of psychopathology In such a case the crime scene is presumed to reflect the murderers behavior and personality in much the same way as furnishings reveal a homeowners character another tool is crime scene analysis in this sense victimology is critical to a crime investigation as a first step in determining motive victims are assessed as to their risk level in terms of lifestyle and situation of course this is where the theory of lifestyle routine activities also emerges as significant in this respect the lifestyle risk level is a function of age physical size race marital status living situation location of residence and occupation to name a few characteristics in terms of situational risk this assesses the victims location and activities at the time of the crime and interacts with lifestyle risk the situational risk level varies from day to day depending on a person's routine the crime scene assessment then is divided into four distinct scenes the initial contact scene which is where the victim has the first contact with the offender that's the temporal relationship where victim and the offender come together in time and space the assault seen where the assault physical or sexual incident occurs the death scene where the death of the victim actually takes place the body location scene where the body is actually discovered is important to note that these four scenes can be in the same physical location multiple locations also within a single building physically separate locations or any combination of these locations for each crime scene location and assessment is made of the risk level of the victim and the offender the initial contact scene risk is a function of location time of day number of people at the location and the routine of the victim as to the location the risk level of location for the offender is a function of the offenders risk being at the crime scene the photo attached to this argument is the photo of a full scale replication of a scene depicted in the crime scene photo the actual crime scene photo of Mary Kelly Mary Kelly was infamously murdered in a most gruesome way by the individual or monster known as Jack the Ripper the murder took place in the White Chapel district of London in 1888 and although he was not the first serial killer but he was probably the first to appear in a large metropolis at a time particularly when the general population had become literate and the press was a force for social change thus he gained almost instant recognition as such so with that in mind I want you to look at the crime scene and do an assessment in light of these four distinct possibilities or potential scenes the initial contact assault scene death scene body location scene and finally cold case analysis as defined by the national institution of justice or the NIJ as any case whose probative investigative leads had been exhausted meaning all investigations that can be done on this particular crime has been conducted and the investigators have come to a dead end no possibility of any other leads and so therefore then the case itself is filed away as a cold case now investigations regularly slow or stop completely and they result in cold case often do the police agencies lack of manpower equipment and funding to support unit is dedicated to investigating and analyzing these cases as homicide and sexual assault units are backlogged with active cases cold cases rarely get attention and they have an impact cuz they leave survivors angry and society at risk so as a result the National Institute of Justice solving cold cases with DNA grant programs have been designed in recent years to assist states and local governments to identify review investigate and analyze violent crime cold cases