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Understanding Coronaviruses and Their Effects
Sep 18, 2024
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Lecture Notes on Coronaviruses and Their Impact
Scientists traced a deadly virus to bats in Xitao Cave.
The virus, a coronavirus, caused the SARS epidemic in 2003.
Overview of Coronaviruses
: Viruses with protein spikes resembling a crown (corona).
: Hundreds exist, but only seven infect humans.
SARS-CoV causes SARS.
MERS-CoV causes MERS.
SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19.
Four cause mild, common colds.
Transmission and Infection
Coronaviruses spread through droplets from coughs.
Best transmitted in enclosed spaces with people close together.
Cold weather prolongs virus survival; UV light can damage it.
Virus and Host Interaction
Protein spikes on virus embed into host cells.
Virus hijacks host cell machinery for replication.
RNA vs DNA Viruses
RNA viruses have fewer genes, no proofreading mechanism.
DNA viruses have a proofreading mechanism.
Mutation and Epidemics
RNA virus mutations can lead to new virus strains.
Epidemics often occur when viruses jump from animals to humans.
In humans, mutations can lead to variations of the original virus.
Characteristics of Coronaviruses
Some of the largest RNA viruses with many genes.
Unique enzyme checks and corrects replication errors.
More stable; slower mutation rate compared to other RNA viruses.
Implications for Treatment and Immunity
Slow mutation rate suggests better recognition by immune system and vaccines.
Mutation can reduce effectiveness of vaccines and drugs.
No approved treatment or vaccine for coronavirus yet.
Focus on treatments only after epidemics like SARS and MERS began.
Future Concerns and Preparedness
Encroachment on animal habitats could lead to new coronavirus jumps.
Investigating unknowns is crucial to prevent devastation.
The global response included staying home to slow COVID-19 spread.
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