this video is the definition of Badd on a budget so if you're not a baddie or on a budget leave I'm kidding you don't have to be on a budget hey guys it's Alesia welcome back to the channel you guys have been thirsty for the skincare content lately and I'm not really complaining cuz I enjoy doing it so guess what's in mind today but I realized I'm always showing you guys products and I'm not showing you any like DIY stuff because when I started my acne journey I was a bad on a budget budget emphasized so I tried all the DIY stuff most actually broke me out more so I'm not going to be including those in this video but I'm going to show you the stuff that you could do at home that actually helps with acne prone skin so I actually never willingly started my skincare Journey like that was never something that I wanted to do or that even crossed my mind ever I just forced myself into it because of how bad my acne was at the time and I wanted it to clear like that I wanted to go to sleep and wake up the next day and for it to be gone and let me tell you that did not happen it actually took about a whole year for me to figure out worked for me but most of these tips I just still practice to this day cuz they're essential and then we're going to do a couple DIYs and we're going to make stuff uh so fun and they're the DIYs that I used to do when I was that baddy on the budget and there's only a couple that worked for me little disclaimer some of the tips may not work for everybody because we all have different skin types but for reference I have semi sensitive skin it's not too sensitive and I have combination skin so it's dry and I get oily in my T-Zone only so I'm going to show you guys 15 yes 15 tip tips and tricks on how to maintain on how to maintain clear skin without spending money so I'm going to stop blubbering now let's get into the video number one I feel like this is the most misconception when it comes to acne don't dry out your skin I bet you we all at one point tried to dry out our whole face thinking it would dry out all the pimples and it's not like I had one to two pimples that I wanted to dry out they were everywhere so I was like I just should dry out my whole face cuz I can't Target one area it's everywhere but you're actually supposed to prioritize moisture when it comes to acne when your face is dry it is looking anywhere for moisture so it's going to give it to itself it's going to start producing excess oil which is going to lead to breakouts so basically what's funny is I went through that cycle for like 3 months of drying up my skin and then getting more pimples and then drying up my skin and then getting more pimples and I just didn't notice an issue I was just like maybe it'll get worse before it gets better no I was just making it worse so never skip your moisturizer your you're going to want to put that on girl and sometimes with acne your skin doesn't even like all those extra serums and stuff sometimes it just wants moisture and just moisturizer so in some cases you could just put the moisturizer and your skin will thank you first little DIY is to rub banana peel on your face so banana peels are actually antiseptic which basically means that it prevents the bacteria that causes acne to pop out in the first place it's rich in antioxidants so helps from sun damage it helps to combat acne it can also treat eczema so this doesn't get rid of your acne necessarily it just prevents it from coming again because it stops that excess oil production that clogs your pores so it's pretty self-explanatory you're basically going to want to peel your banana take the inside of the skin and rub it on your face so you just rub it into your face and then you're going to have some residue there so just leave that on your face for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash it off with water or with a cloth disclaimer if you're allergic to bananas don't do this but this helps so many other things like the elasticity in your skin it tightens your pores it prevents wrinkles number three is to make your own rice water rice water is amazing I was introduced to it by my old neighbor this does everything from treating acne to tightening your pores to giving you glowy skin to giving you bright skin rice water is the most soothing thing I've ever put on my face I'm not kidding it also reduces aging now I kind of understand cuz my neighbor looked like she was 20 years old so for rice water you can use any type of rice white brown wild Basmati Jasmine so you're going to want to take half a cup of uncooked rice rinse it and then place the rice in a bowl of like 2 to 3 cups of water so you can either leave it to soak for 30 minutes and strain the rice out or once you have your rice in your water you leave it to ferment for 48 hours so you just let it sit there you don't have to do this but the fermented rice water has many more benefits than the plain rice water and once you're ready to use it you can either spray it on or just tap it into your face but yeah you could leave it on all day all night if you want to or you could leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off but it's probably going to sink into the skin mostly by then usually when it's fermented it's more thick on your face it's also really popular to rinse your hair with it the next tip is to use cold water to wash your face I actually just found this tip out not too long ago which I'm embarrassed about frankly when you wash your face with really warm and hot water it strips the natural oils off your face and in turn causes breakouts and cold water actually prevents acne acts as an inflammatory and reduces the redness of your pimples it tightens your skin so you look really polished and it boosts circulation in your face so it's going to make you look more healthy throughout the day and if you use cold water every single day to wash your face it actually slows down the aging process that doesn't really matter to me right now but but if your water is quite literally freezing and you're Wasing your face for like 5 to 10 minutes or you're dumping your face in ice water you may potentially dry out your skin and damage it but most people if they take ice baths or dump their face in ice water all the time or they're constantly washing their face with cold water they have more of a tolerance to it their Skin's developed the tolerance tip number five and I never see anybody talking about this but don't dip your finger into your containers when you're using products especially in jars where you have to dip it in to get it out we tend to just put our fingers in it to get the product which messes up the pH of the product and therefore you're potentially not getting all the benefits that it's supposed to give to your skin so if you have an actual applicator great use that please if you don't use like a Q-tip so you're literally going to take it and then just swipe it right onto your skin so you're literally just going to pick up the product swipe it onto your skin and then throw out the Q-tip I also recently learned that it's the same thing with touching a dropper to your face you're still contaminating and messing up the pH so you're just going to want want to drop the product straight onto your hands and then apply it to your face next don't let hair products on or near your face some people do this without even realizing and I was that culprit so I actually started my hair Journey before I started my skincare Journey so as a result of that I let the products from my hair cause me to severely break out all right here like I would be putting cream in my hair and then gel in my hair and then hairs spraying my hair and probably getting some hairspray on my face while I'm at it cuz when I don't get pimples beside my hairline I get pimples inside of my hairline and if you're not using product in your hair you lucky I will come after you so now I finished doing my hair before my makeup and when I'm done I take a wipe or something and I just wipe around my face so I know the product isn't sitting on my face the skin is skinning next up facial steaming so we all know that acne is caused by your skin cells coming up and eating and trapping the oil right but when the oil's in your gland it causes bacterial growth and then it causes the little red thing to pop up so steaming your face helps open up your pores and that actually just frees up the trapped oils obviously the inflammation and the redness is still going to be there most people have a bougie face steamer I don't and I never did but I would always steam my face it's quite obvious how I DIY this I would boil water and then put a towel over my head and stay under it uh however long I wanted to until I literally couldn't breathe anymore and as a result this is actually going to help your products to penetrate your skin better and fight the pimples so when you're done you're going to want to just go go in right away with your products I also do this when I'm sick so I can unclog my nose and my sinuses so I'm not stuffy so yeah this is great I love it it also increases circulation in your face making you look more healthy and since it's opening up your pores it's loosening up any dirt that was like built up on your face throughout the day or whatever so when you're done steaming your face you're going to immediately want to go wash it to get all the dirt and stuff off and then you're going to want to go in with your products right away and since they're open it's going to help your products to penetrate into your skin more and get their full benefit next a lemon water a day keeps the dermat just away yeah you just can't drink enough of it it detoxes and flushes your toxins out it forces out your impurities and your sweat which is what clogs your pores in the first place over time you're going to notice less frequent breakouts it reduces acne scars and girl you're going to have the glowiest skin you've ever had I know you know this one but you're going to want to drink lots of water throughout the day even if it's not lemon water you're going to be want to yeah you know personally like drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning after my coffee coffee I know coffee is not good for the skin but I can't go without it so I just do it at the beginning of the day so I could get that like morning detox you know and then I just keep drinking water throughout the rest of the day next DIY we're going to make a natural exfoliant face mask little tip before we start you're always going to want to wash your face thoroughly before doing any type of face mask or exfoliant basically so it can penetrate fully into your pores because without washing your face first the dirt from the day is still sitting in your pores and basically the exfoliant and face mask is just going to sit on top it's not going to have any properties on your skin so we're going to make an aloe and almond soothing and exfoliating mask so for this we're going to need half a cup of yogurt 3 tbsp of aloe 1 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tbsp of almond meal so the yogurt and the aloe are both antibacterial and soothe the skin and the yogurt has lactic acid which lightly exfoliates the skin and targets breakouts the coconut oil contains lauric acid which is antibacterial the almond meal gently exfoliates your skin and all of this together helps to prevent and fight acne but also leave your skin hydrated and exfoliated so once we mix it all up we're going to want to put it on our face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes and remove with a warm washcloth I'm doing another disclaimer for this mask because personally it has worked for me because coconut oil is something that doesn't clog my skin but it is something that clogs a lot of other people's skin next we have a cold compress I've been seeing a lot of people ice their face lately and I actually tried it out for myself with directly with the ice on my face but I found out that you actually can't do that cuz ice directly on the face is really irritating especially if you're going in with it and going for a while but when you apply a cold compress such as ice to a pimple it lessens the irritation lessens the inflammation lessens the redness and you only have to let it sit on your pimple for 1 minute and it instantly reduces its appearance so if it's one pimple one Ice Cube if it's a patch of pimples probably two to three ice cubes to cover the whole area and to do this I recommend wrapping your ice cube or multiple in a cloth or a paper towel and then applying it to the skin so it's not as harsh and again this isn't going to stop you you from getting pimples it's just going to reduce the appearance of them so if you're about to go out on the town but to put on some makeup and your pimple is just literally not covering up from your concealer do a little ice for 1 minute on your pimple this sun is really pissing me off right now I'm like slowly like slowly backing up throughout the video next tip Pat your face instead of rubbing it it's usually when drying your face that I see people absolutely going feral on their face with a towel and not like a soft towel like a hard towel especially if you're acne prone you're skin is not going to like that and this also goes for applying toner most people rub it into their face with a cotton pad right and I actually used to do that but now I put it right onto my hand and tap it right into my face that way I'm going to have no irritation and I'm going to receive the full benefits of the toner and I bet you didn't know this one even though I've said it like 10 times in like 10 videos of mine the fuzziness on Cotton pads leaves little fluffs and debris on your skin which then leads to clogged pores and breakout and I've used Korean skincare pads on my channel before which I like way better because they don't have that fuzzy texture to them and they don't break apart on your face so stop rubbing your face guys unless you're giving it a wash or you're massaging for some circulation but you know what I mean don't rub it sadly this is going to be a long one next up stay away from certain ingredients so the ingredients I'm able to say are in almost every single beauty product like makeup Skin Care shampoo conditioner everything and not only do they contribute to causing acne but they have so many worse effects on your health products made with alcohol strip your skin of the natural oil that it produces to protect itself and regenerate and look youthful and if your Skin's not regenerating it leads to excess dryness flakiness wrinkles and oil production leading to acne and it's not actually going to say alcohol in the ingredients it's going to say the type of alcohol like ethanol methanol basically if it ends in an O it's probably an alcohol we have oxybenzone which is usually found in sunscreens and when absorbed into the skin it could literally make you develop allergies it also aggravates the skin really bad to the point where it's going to break out parabens when absorbed causes allergies hormonal issues fertility issues and cancer so it doesn't directly affect your acne or your face but it stimulates estrogen which promotes breakout form Malahide but they try to trick you cuz they call it different names and these are nail polishes eyelash glues foundations and even facial Mists I'm really upset about that one and form alide is actually a carcinogen and it also causes nausea and wheezing from the lungs you're telling me my facial m is what's making me wheeze I'm kidding I don't sometimes I weas actually I'm pretty sure you guys may be heard of this one but talc which contains asbestos which if inhaled causes lung cancer and you know what we always inhale are powder products and setting powder and I sniff up my setting powder I don't mean to but it gets it gets slurped up my nose when I'm putting it on TK also clogs pores leading to acne so yayat phalates phalates are a very dangerous carcinogenic chemical and girl I'm going to have to read out the side effects on this one cuz there's too many it leads to respiratory neurological behavioral and reproductive issues and since it Alters several internal factors acne is another side effect they call fragrances fragrances to take away from the harmful ingredients that they're made up of it's also a known irritant that causes breakouts even if your skin isn't sensitive next up we have heavy metals like lead Mercury and zinc and girl the side effects I can't even like they convert the Skin's natural oils into a waxy and pore clogging substance that results in acne blackheads stretched up pores redness and irritation that's a mouthful lastly if you're really acne prone stay away from oil-based makeup and skincare cuz that's going to clog your pores and it'll say oil free or non-comedogenic we got that done with finally next we have managing stress and I still haven't fully figure that out but we've all heard that stress breaks you out and I never understood why but stress causes the hormone Androgen to increase which stimulates oil production which stimulates acne usually when I'm stressed I either get too much or too little sleep which has an effect on your skin not getting enough sleep triggers inflammation which triggers acne and it makes your skin dull so you're not going to be glowy at all and it also takes away the smoothness of your skin if you regularly don't get enough sleep you're going to develop acne prone skin we all know this but eating a healthy and balanced diet is not easy when you're stressed constantly and I can't give you any tips and tricks on how to do that one cuz I can't even do it myself but working out regularly does wonders for your skin over time and working out regularly reduces stress in your daytoday but little tip once you exercise you're going to want to wash your face or shower right away because you have all that dirt and sweat in your skin and soon enough it's going to sink into your pores when you're happy and not stressed your skin shows it so you're going to want to practice gratitude meditation yoga and I still don't have the managing stress one packed down yet but we're trying we're trying and that's all that matters next doing less is actually doing more don't constantly be touching your face you may even do it if you're not realizing it like most of the time I go like this to like lean on my hand and then I get a patch of pimples there the next day and do not pop your pimples when my acne was bad I would be sitting there for 40 minutes because I would try to pop every single pimple on my face because I thought with popping everything you know getting the puss out they would just disappear you know the is gone when in reality when you're popping the pimple half of the pus goes that way half of the pus goes that way so when you're popping the pus spreads and five more pimples are going to pop out the next day so if you want to think of it that way you're just spreading the bacteria on your face if that doesn't gross you out and make you stop I don't know what will make your skincare routine as short as possible with as less products as possible I used to have like maybe five serums in my routine now I have two and that's basically because all those prod products with all those different benefits are going to counteract each other while they're sitting on your face so they're literally going to have a chemical reaction while sitting on your skin and this obviously wouldn't always happen but they can counteract and irritate you and the results can vary it can either give you more pimples dry out your skin make your skin more oily or give you a chemical burn worst of all which is actually what happened to me so obviously I got the worst one so when you have a chemical burn it destroys Your Skin Barrier Your Skin Barrier is gone you're not being protected from anything in anymore Your Skin Barrier is what fights off acne and if you don't have that basically the moral of the story your skin likees Simplicity leave it at that I learned the hard way so wash your face once in the morning right when you get up and once at night right when you go to sleep if you overwash your face your natural oils get stripped and as a result you know what's going to happen you really don't I've been saying it the whole video you're going to get pimples lastly sometimes you are not the problem most of the time it's what else is touching your face you're going to want to wash your pillowcase at least once a week and get a silk pillowcase because the constant rubbing of the cotton on your face is going to really irritated and cotton is one of those materials that's literally known as a breeding ground for bacteria bacteria literally mates there and has sex and you're laying on it I just try to gross you out so you like listen to me you're going to want to wash your makeup brushes I feel like you can determine when they get dirty enough cuz it depends on how much you do makeup honestly because bacteria sees those dirty makeup brushes and goes oh my God I think I just found my new home and that's exactly what they go do they're living in your makeup brushes rentree go kick them out last one alast you're going to want to wipe your phone screen down I'm sure you've heard this one before your dirty hands are touching your phone all day when you've been out you've been all and about you're touching your phone and then it's touching your face like imagine you touched a railing but like the hour before there was a man like itching down there and then he touched the railing and now you're touching your phone and then your phone's touching your face literally get it together right now I've had to accept the Sun at this point even though I can't see anything we are changing the angle yes we are great we changed the angle now that the video's done you guys know I had to wear the evil eye for this video just in case we got a couple haters watching I know you're creeping but I really hope this video helps at least one person out there and girl if you're struggling with your skin right now please don't let it get you down I was in the exact same boat you were in so I know exactly how you feel I know that you're probably looking at me right now like it's easy for you to say you little and I swear to you it will get better our skin has ups and downs I still break out sometimes sometimes it's not lethal sometimes it's absolutely lethal and I'm going to stick with you right through your skincare journey and I see all of your comments so literally let me know what you're struggling with if you want me to make a video on it I shall Samurai slic that make sure you comment down below what you want to see for me next leave a like subscribe share with your friends click the Bell to get notified anytime I post and I will see you guys in the next video video I love you [Music]