in this video let's see the various applications of matrices in real life the matrix was introduced by Arthur Kelly in the year 9 1858 matrix is a Latin word matrix is nothing but a value with many rows and columns and that system is used to solve simultaneous equations and other applications there are may many many applications using matrices here let us see few main applications Google search when you are trying to find the web page and if you are trying to rank the pages how big is visible when you are searching for a web page that involves matrix applications in cryptography when you can converting encoding or decoding messages sending from one end to the other in order to have a secrecy you use cryptography you convert you decode or encode the messages and transfer from transfer that from one end to the other so there we use cryptography in the case of regression analysis when you are trying to find the line of best fit or the method of least square analysis when you are trying to find a relationship between two variables or three variables with a recipe in your relationship or quadratic relationship or exponential relation relationship or whatever it is mainly when you are trying to find the interpolation and extrapolation values they use the regression analysis in data analytics they use matrices in your trying to gather information and collect plot values and all that in physics we use matrix especially when your trying to solve problems involving voltage and current mainly using Kirchhoff's law when you are trying to solve for voltages and current we use matrix applications we use stochastic matrices when you are doing business models in geology also we use matrices in matrix calculate calculus we use matrix often that is why matrix is widely used in calculus when you're plotting real-world data there again you are using matrices in economics related problems especially when you are trying to find the GDP you use matrices in data analytics you use matrices when you are trying to change the movements of robots and automation you use matrices a vector will be set and then you can change the movement of the robots in that direction in any direction you want let's take physics and physics it is matrices are used in electrical circuits quantum mechanics and optics it is mainly used in calculating the battery power outputs and especially in solving problems using Kirchhoff's law using voltage matrices exit/in Google search Matisse's are used especially when you are trying to find rank the webpages stochastic matrices and eigen vector values are used in order to get maximum input in ranking the webpages in cryptography when you want to convert the messages accord the messages you use matrices matrices and the inverse of those matrices are used for prop by programmers for coding are encrypting a message in geology when they are trying to find a suspect survey they use matrices matrices are used for plotting graphs statistics and Stein scientific studies in geology in economics when they are trying to find the GDP there they use matrices they are using matrices to have the goods production efficiently when they are trying to find the movements of the robots the robotics and automation mate is a cell used say they fix a line as a vector and they try to adjust the vector such that the direction or the movement or the frequency of the robots will be changed in data analysis Matis matrices are used in matrix calculus it is widely used whether it is a two-dimensional three-dimensional mark nth dimension whether it is a direct derivative partial derivative and where the whether it is Laplace transformation any transformation you use me Jesus quite often so in this video we saw various applications of matrices and this symphysis the importance of this topic matrices in linear algebra may natus is plays the main role in most of the real-life applications currently and enjoy learning this new topic matrices thank you for listening and thank you for watching this video thank you