Transcript for:
Secrets of the Six Percenters: Achieving Goals Efficiently

hello everyone I'm so glad to see you here and I have something very important to talk to you about you see I know that a lot of you that are sitting here and a lot of you that are watching from home have something in your life that you really really want to do but you keep dropping the ball something very important for you something related to your health or your Fitness or your mental Wellness or your money or the people you love the relationships that you have a business that you really want to scale a career that you really want to do better at and the ball just keeps dropping we are here to move the needle today so I want to share this with you last year I conducted a research and I surveyed 1,000 people and all of those people had something in their lives that they really wanted to change and it was the beginning of the year and they all said yeah this year I'm going to do this thing I'm going to the gym more off and I'm saving more money I'm making more money I'm scaling that business I'm going to be so happy so confident I'm improving my relationships yeah so I serveed those 1,000 people all over the US from January to June and I said let's see what happens to all of these big goals over time and what I found out made my jaw drop because what I found out was that out of the one ,000 people that I surveyed 94% of them dropped whatever they pledge for by February the next month we are here today to figure out the secrets of the six percenters what is it that they did differently they got them to the happiness to the success to the confidence to the business to the money to the relationships that they wanted to themselves compared to the 94% what is it that they did differently is what I want to share with you today so three secrets of the six percenters that I want to share with you today the first one is that the Sixers take charge they set their mind to do something different you see our brain your brain takes about 20% of your overall Body Energy just to get by so think about your day today you got up in the morning went on social media read the news answered some emails talked to some people had the same breakfast pretty much had the same lunch pretty much went to the gym or didn't go to the gym treated people the same way that's 20% of your overall Body Energy that the brain takes just to do what you know how to do already every time you ask your brain to do something different new technology new ways of doing things new ways of working out new ways of doing business new way ways of handling your mental Wellness your time your brain hates that the brain says are you kidding me I'm so maxed out on the 20% already so today and every day of your life your brain comes to you with a deal and your brain says listen you want to be happy you want to succeed you want to feel good you want to live this dream life good for you I want to conserve energy says the brain so here's the deal I'm going to keep you super stuck doing the same things over and over again in business and life without even noticing you're going to be super stuck and miserable but I'll conserve energy are you signing the deal 9 94% of the people in the world don't read the fine print they sign the deal the Sixers set their mind to do something different the second thing that the Sixers do differently is that they use what I call the law of specification and the law of specification means this the more specific you are the more granular you are in the way you set your goals and in the way you follow through the more successful you are so let's take going to the gym as an example the 94 centers say yeah I'm going to go to the gym so much this year I'm going to be so fit this is it 94 percenters the 6centers say okay okay I'm going to the gym every day between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. I am going to do this workout routine I'm going to set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier I'm putting my gym clothes by my bed I'm setting an alarm on every single device that I have and Jim is my accountability buddy and if I can't go out there I'm going to go out there the next day and I'm going to give myself a 30 minute extra workout penalty Boom the six percenters using the law of specification have 100% success rate the more specific you are the more granular you are the more you use the law of specification the more successful you are the third thing the Third Secret of the six percenters is that they use what I call the 0 to 10 rule you you see we live in a world that glorifies being busy everybody's just so busy you ask anybody and they're going to tell you with an incredible sense of importance oh my gosh I'm so busy I've been running around the whole day I didn't even have lunch as if being busy equals being important or successful there's something very different that the Sixers do here you see in the spin of your day you have a lot of things to do too much too many things to do you can't do it all the mindset of trying to do it all leads to burnout so you have things to do throughout your day that are of lesser importance things that are zero or one or two you can delegate them someone else can do them they can wait for another day but you have things on your agenda for the day that are a 10 those are your most important things to do those are your goals the tasks that will push you towards the future that you want the success that you want the 94ers run around run around doing a lot of ones and twos and threes and zeros they don't even get to their tents the Sixers do their tents first they get very clear on what their tents are for the day and you know what they may do just the tense do not mistake doing doing doing running running running for progress It's using the 0 to10 rule focusing on the tens each and every day that pushes you forward and let me tell you this people get very intimidated by making changes in their lives the year starts and people say oh I made a list of things I'm going to make all these changes this year and the brain gets overwhelmed do not underestimate how much effort it is for the brain to do something different but let me tell you something it's not complicated you pick one thing that is a 10 for you you use the law of specification and you get really specific and granular and you repeat repeat repeat the same thing focusing on one thing for 30 days it takes the brain 30 days to start a new neural pathway a new beaten path in your brain that automates that behavior so don't start five things at once six things at one three things at pick one thing start Simple Start small and it works then you'll say wow wow this is so cool this actually works let me pick another thing and you repeat it for 30 days and it works now you change two things now think about it this way in the spin of a year instead of getting excited about a lot of things and then dropping them all very quickly because it's so overwhelming to the brain you pick one thing every 30 days now let's say in the span of a year you dropped two things because life life happens you're not perfect fine you dropped two things you were still able to change 10 things in the span of a year healthy wonderful habits that build you now think about year two now think about year three one at a time you automate them it's not overwhelming it's not complicated becoming a sixer is simple and lifechanging if you know how and I'm going to tell you one more thing about the 0 to1 rule when you focus on what matters the most instead of trying to do it all running around running around you prevent burnout so many people are burned out just because they try to do it all don't try to do it all focus on what matters the most get really specific and granular and make it happen one habit at the time I believe in your ability to become a sixer to change your life in amazing ways get to everything that you want get specific get granular use the 0 to1 rule take charge and welcome to the 6% Club