oh [ __ ] I'm in an endless nightmare until he dies of terminal dehydration no there's got to be a way we can wake him up find storm put him into this they can step them out okay great great but he's about to be dead wait just just hang on we if we if we grab Mind Storm we make him help Butcher and then and then you can kill him then you can go to town on him man I don't give a [ __ ] hey if you can act hysterical I'm gonna slap you like I'm Connery now unless you want to end up like your friend there it ain't worth the risk but chin up okay deals a deal you helped me finish this I'll kill a homelander butcher had given up his life for that in a heartbeat so we doing this or not what the [ __ ] did you say that's literally nothing Jesus how hard what how hard did butchers you miss him that much his mouth must feel like a Hoover Deluxe every single thing you say is so gross he saved me okay more than once so I owe him oh [ __ ] you're on a mission you get the job done okay I store Normandy I thought the Nazis you want to know what I do when I'm sad or scared [ __ ] nothing cause I'm not a [ __ ] [ __ ] you didn't storm [ __ ] you're all Marlboro Man Act it's [ __ ] crap oh I warned you what nothing man no one said nothing son are you a superhero yes Father you folks need some help yes yes okay well it's not safe there's a fugitive in the area you should get out of here before you get hurt uh well we can't I don't suppose either you know engines look I'd appreciate that very much treat over there and Dan oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] this is my Storm's ml he brainwashed them that priest was gonna shank us and she will too brainwashed me take my word for it everyone's coming for us every one every day well no no no you have PTSD you have PTSD and you are super [ __ ] stoned all right maybe this isn't what you if there's one thing I know stay still oh [ __ ] me no hard pass on this exercise it's black and white and red all over okay first off I don't have shell shock [ __ ] you second this is what I'm talking about this is being a soldier