are you a growing business stretching your time money and expertise paper thin don't worry hubs spots totally got you covered with our CRM sweet starter it is our smart CRM with engagement hubs and a connected ecosystem all designed to help you build customer connection and grow your business this platform includes marketing Hub simple powerful marketing tools to help your team do what they do best create great content let's get started looking how email works within HubSpot simply select marketing and email here you'll brought to a page where you can either create an email or you can manage emails you've already created and have sent out analyze the performance of all of your different emails including the recipient engagement the delivery rates and any email performance reports that you have set up as well as a data chart to show you how those emails are performing then you can also analyze the health this monitors your email Health are you sending bounced emails is your recipient list good all of this data is right at your fingertips and will be actionable as soon as you send your first email to get started creating your first email simply click create email here you'll be able to select what type of email do you want is it an email that you're going to send to one or two or a group of recipients or is it an automated email that can get automatically sent out for example if somebody fills out a lead form on one of your web pages an automated email can get sent out through an automatic workflow or a Blog R RSS feed which means you can publish this email once and send it out to a list of subscribers we'll get started with an automated email here you're brought to a page there has tons of templates for you to choose from you can choose a basic template with basic elements or something a little more Dynamic to get started I'm going to create a newsletter email now once I select it you're brought to our drag and drop editor you'll see that anytime I hover over an element it is completely editable thank you for subscribing to my newsletter each week I will send out curated content to help you grow your business with HubSpot that seems a little short let's use hubspot's content assistant to use AI technology to beef this up a little bit to get started with content assistant simply select a bunch of text click on our content assistant and here you can see I have a few options I can rewrite this expand it shorten it or even change the tone to get started I'm going to hit expand and let content assistant get to work for me I can go ahead and insert the text that it wrote or generate more I'll get started by inserting it now here I can select it again and even see that I want to change the tone and make it a little bit more friendly again content assistant is working in real time using powerful AI technology to change that tone and there is a great block of textt you can also see at any time if you want to add elements to your newsletter or to your website for example if you wanted to add your social channels you can simply drag and drop it right into your email and there it is these all become customizable here you can add your url to all your social channels so that your followers know where to find you and get great information let's say I want to go ahead and change the image at the top of my newsletter I can simply select it and click replace here I can either upload images and keep them in my file management system or down here I can use content assistant again to use AI to create an image for me I can go ahead and choose what style I want and even give it Dimensions we'll make it a landscape dimensions and I'll click generate and let content assistant create the image for me I'm going to go ahead and select this one and click insert and there it is now that I've got the content created for my newsletter it's time to get the settings tip so I can send this out to my followers go ahead and select settings here you can go ahead and select who is the email coming from what email address would you like to use you can even personalize this subject line with personalization tokens that way you can go ahead and select do you want to include a company name a contact name you can even add in preview text that they'll see in their email browser on their mobile device make sure that you give this a great internal name so you and your marketing team know exactly which email this is this is newsletter signup one select a language what type of subscription this is and any office location or other information now you're ready to send the email simply click sending now automated emails will be sent through what are called workflows These are automated ways that we send emails they can be either really complex or pretty simple for example if you have a landing page with a form where it says enter your email to download our new white paper that's a simple workflow either way your automated email will be sent through one of these workflows once we're ready but the first thing we need to do is review and publish here we can see it's giving me some quick warnings before I publish it that we didn't update the social media and giving us some suggestions as well once I'm ready I can either preview the email to see what it's going to look like on mobile devices or I can even select a contact to see what this email is going to look like and sure enough you can see it says hi Charlie this is your first newsletter now I'm ready to go back and go ahead and click publish now that the email is published it's ready to be used through one of our automated workflows let's go ahead and see what happens when a user submits their information through a form I'll go ahead and select form select the form for our newsletter and click goto form now you can see that as soon as somebody fills out this newsletter form they will automatically get that email I'll go ahead and click update and now our email is ready to be automated every time somebody sends out that newsletter if you're sales team's currently struggling with disconnected databases and spreadsheets and who knows what else sales Hub is the solution it is everything your sales team needs all in one place here we're looking at a contact record we have all the contact information even information about the industry and the organization we can also see in this top little toolbar that we can write a note log an email make a phone call assign a task or log a meeting and some other activities we can even look at an overview of the lead here we can see recent activities that have taken place any Associated contacts or companies or deals that we have going with this lead once you click activities you can see all the activity that has occurred with this contact we can even leave a note I'll go ahead and save that note I can log an email or create an email I can make a call or log a call and you can even assign tasks I can select when I want that task to be done what time it's going to be due I can even set a reminder and give any context I'll go ahead and create that task and you can see automatically that task is added to the queue let me show you how simple it is to use one of our email templates or create your own from scratch to get started with email templates scroll up to the top and select conversations and scroll down to templates here you'll be brought to a screen that gives you two major options emails or Whatsapp messaging I'm going to go ahead and create new template and I have an option to create from scratch or from our template Library let's take a look at some of the great templates that we already have for emails for your sales team out of the box you can see we have some first touch emails and some follow-up emails let's go ahead and select share a helpful resource here we can see a quick preview of the email and some of the personalization tokens that are in this email template I'm going to go ahead and select save to my selections and now I can see that the share helpful resource template is in my email templates now when I go back to my contact and I want to reply to this email I can use one of my templates I'll select share a helpful resource now you can see that the email template is live it's already updated with the customer's name and I can edit this as I see fit and take out and edit any information that I need when I'm ready to send it I can simply hit send and that emails out to my Prospect waiting for a reply let me show you how hubspot's meeting scheduler can help you automate scheduling meetings while you sleep to get started with your custom meeting page scroll up top to sales and down meetings here you will click create scheduling page we're going to go ahead and select one-on-one meeting you'll see at the top we can give this meeting an internal name we'll also see we have three major tabs the overview tab the scheduling Tab and the automation tab to get started click overview here we can make sure that this is a one-on-one meeting we've given it the internal name meeting with Mark I'm the organizer and we need to put an event title to see what this will show up on on our customers calendar you can even add a physical location or a video conference link here using apps like Google meet and zoom now at the bottom we can create a quick description my description says hi first name let's use this time to introduce ourselves discuss our work and explore opportunities for collaboration best Mark now I'm ready to move on to the schedule tab here I get a quick preview on the right hand side of what my scheduling page actually looks like for my customer lead or Prospect make sure that you have your title you can even select what duration of time you want this meeting to be optional for for example a 15 30 minute or a 1hour meeting I'm going to go ahead and make sure this is a 15 or 30 minute meeting going to go ahead and select my time zone and even set my availability for these meetings maybe you don't want meetings first thing in the morning we'll go ahead and make sure these meetings start after 10 a.m. and we like to have our meetings wrapped up by 3:30 p.m. you even have some additional settings such as the image that you want to see on your scheduling page when a meeting can be scheduled you can even select a minimum notice time I need at least 30 minutes notice before meeting gets scheduled this way I can prepare and make sure I'm using best use of my time for that lead customer or Prospect and the start time increment is 15 minutes now you can see that my meeting page is starting to take shape and I can select next is automation this means I can send a confirmation email once the meeting has been scheduled and I always like to send a pre meeting minder 1 hour before the meeting these powerful and simple automations are just an efficient way for your sales team to use their time so they don't have to take on these mundane tasks of scheduling meetings now my custom meeting page is ready all I need to do is send the link to my leads prospects and customers and they can find a time that works for them and I just show up now you've got your lead set up in your CRM you've got meetings being scheduled automatically let me show you how easy it is to manage your deals with HubSpot sales pipeline to get started scroll up top to sales and select deals so in your deal pipeline there's a lot of information and it's easy to use in a very simple format you can quickly see the total deal amount the weighted deal amount the open Deal amount how much is closed one how much is New Deals and the average deal age you can even filter your board by selecting the deal owner the date these deals were created or the last activity date it's also really helpful for sales managers to look at a deal Pipeline and quickly look at the bottom to see how much money we have in each stage of the sales process to create a deal simply click create deal and enter the necessary information go ahead and select which pipeline you'd like to associate it with what deal stage it's in the amount the date you'd like to close it will automatically defer to the end of the current month but I'll go ahead and say that we're going to give ourselves an extra week select the deal owner from your team deal type new business or existing business the priority you can even associate the deal with one of your contacts and a company and if you use our quotes and line items you can even add items to the deal right from here I'm going to go ahead and click create and you'll notice that deal is automatically going to populate right here in a deal card again I can see all this information about the contact that is associated with this deal any companies associated with this deal and any other perent information for this deal when I go back to my deal pipeline now I can see that my Charlie Brown deal is right here in the qualified to buy stage if at any point I'm ready to move that deal to the next stage I can simply drag and drop it into the next stage and you'll see that the total automatically up I gave a great presentation to Charlie Brown he's now brought in his decision maker and we moved on to the next stage and now I'm ready to send him a contract and you can see how easy it is to manage deals in the deal pipeline in HubSpot now that you got deals in your pipelines it's time to check in to see how the sales team is performing let's take a look at how sales reports and dashboards are easy to create right inside HubSpot to get started scroll up to the top and select reporting here you can select dashboards or reports dashboards are a collection of reports in one simple Place reports are individual reports now I've already set up a sales dashboard you can see that all of these reports are customizable I can even drag and drop and move them wherever I want and even resize them if I need to but all of these reports are pulling real-time data from my CRM and my deal pipeline you can take a look at reports like team activities by date deal revenue forecast by stages team activity goals contracts created and worked totals and a bevy of other sales reports if at any point you want to create your own report you can simply go up to add report and click create report here we can see I have a whole library that I can report from I'm going to go ahead ah head and select on a single object on deals if you'd like to create your own report it's as simple as clicking add report and we'll go ahead and create a report now I'm going to show you how HubSpot AI will create reports for you in seconds simply click AI assistant create a report of deals created in the last 90 days and click generate now we'll see HubSpot AI will pull all that data from my CRM and my deal pipelines and create a very helpful report for me and my sales team now if at any point you want to add some more reports to your sales dashboard simply go up top to reporting click reports and click sales here we can see there's a whole library of reports for the sales teams you can simply select which one you want and these are all customizable with the click of a button you can even customize any of these reports at any time by selecting the filters and clicking the drop- down menu when you're ready to add this report you can click update existing report and you'll even get the opportunity to add it to a d dashboard hubot even gives you additional sales analytics simply click sales scroll down to sales analytics and you'll be brought to a page with all of your reports in another simple place here we can see the deals that were created in this last month as you can see sales Hub has everything your sales team needs and more all in one simple Place worldclass customer service is a revenue generator for companies let me show you how service up can help you Delight your customers and keep them coming back for more to get started creating a ticket for a customer simply click create ticket give it a name select which pipeline it will go into because with service Hub you can have multiple service pipelines select which status the ticket is give it a quick description and what is the source of this ticket we're going to say that Jerry chatted us on one of our website forms make sure you assign it a ticket owner and assign a priority next select the create date and you can even associate a ticket with a contact and a company when you're ready click create this will bring you to a page where you can see all the details about this ticket we'll see again a little bit of information about this ticket and on the right hand side any associations such as contacts companies any deals that this customer might have ongoing with our company Etc here you can see the tickets been created and added to the new stage of our pipeline but as we start dealing with the customer we can simply drag and drop it from stage to Stage to track the progress of this ticket you can even filter the pipeline by ticket owner create date last activity date priority and a bunch of other Advanced filters as your customer service team starts solving the customer challenges they can view all the activity that occurred with this ticket leave a note on the file email the customer directly have a phone call or log a phone call assign tasks or even log a meeting as customer service team service customers conversations are natural let me show you how service Hub allows you to have quick simple and effective conversations directly with your customers scroll up top to conversations and select inbox now the inbox is a shared inbox among your C customer service team anybody can see any conversations that are in here or you can filter who gets to see the conversations here we can see that there's a conversation going with one of our customers he had reached out saying a colleague of his had recommended they set up time to talk we sent an automated message CU it was after work hours and now we have the opportunity to actually chat directly with the customer right here in our chat platform check out how AI can help make the customer service experience even better for your customers now you can see this message is kind of quick and to the point but I'm going to use HubSpot AI to change it up a little bit I'll start by selecting the text and then selecting my AI assistant at the bottom to expand this message to be a little bit more thorough here we can see we've got a great message going to the user right here and I can go ahead and click Send now when they're ready to reply they can either click on my meeting link directly or reply to us in chat there may be times when you're servicing a customer that you need expertise from another team member or you might need to pass a ticket on to another team member altogether that's where the comment feature comes in very handy simply click comment here we can do a few things one we can actually tag a team member in real time or we can actually do something even more special with AI assistant we can click the summarize button this will use AI technology to summarize the history of this conversation so in the event we need to bring in another team member or move a customer to another team member they can quickly read the summary and gets brought up to speed immediately this provides great customer service to our customers by sh the amount of time to value and that's service sub the simple easy to use tools to keep your customers delighted and coming back for more if you're looking to create manage and grow worldclass website content you got to check out HubSpot CMS to get started scroll on up top to marketing website and website Pages here you'll see a list of all the website pages that you've created you can even filter them by domain publish status or other filters today we're going to get started by creating a website page now when you click create it's going to ask you if you want to create a website page or a landing page today we're going to create a website page we'll go ahead and make sure it's assigned to our website and give it a page name here you're brought to a page that shows all of your theme templates now a theme is a collection of visual assets to make sure your website looks consistent across all of your pages if you don't like this theme you can change it by selecting theme change theme here you can look at all the different themes that you've already downloaded or if you'd like to see more simply view themes in the market place in the theme Marketplace you can look and search for all different types of themes on the left hand side you could filter them by business type page types page features compatible HubSpot plans price rating and a few other key variables or you can use the search bar to type for certain things like free here we can see a list of three themes that we can choose from for this website page I'm going to use the theme called growth and I'm going to use the about us page now you can preview a template at any time just select pre preview and you can start to take a look and say you know what this page is going to work just fine I'll go ahead and click use template here you can see that we're back at our drag and drop editor simple to use interface to help you update your content I'm going to go ahead and start by clicking on this picture and selecting replace and go ahead and add in one of our team members and there's Kyle notice that anytime I select a piece of content it becomes super easy just to type in my own content and update it you'll also notice the content assistant is here as well when I click content assistant I can go ahead and again rewrite expand shorten or change the tone of any of my content anytime I'd like to add a piece of content I can select the plus button and I can search for any of these theme modules such as adding a button an icon a recent blog post Etc I can add text Commerce Design Elements and so forth once you find something you'd like to add to your website it is as simple as dragging and dropping it into your page and there it is you can also edit any of these at any time and and even change the style of it as you need once you get the website looking the way you want it to next you can go ahead and click settings start with general settings every website page needs a title we'll make sure that the page URL and the content slug is correct now this is really cool a meta description is what helps make sure that your content is getting found online it's really important for search engines but with content assistant I can simply click the button here and it will generate a search engine optimized meta description for my website then I can select a campaign you can also choose to include a featured image on your website I'll go ahead and click it on and I'll browse one of my images and there it is and it looks like we're ready to go go ahead and X out of there next we can go ahead and click preview this again will allow us to take a look at our website page to make sure it looks the way we want it to look and that it's ready to go we can even choose to preview it as a certain contact everything looks good here so I'm going to go ahead and click publish and just like that the website page is published and ready to go now that your website's published don't you want to know how it's doing you can use our simple website analytics to track the progress to view your website analytics scroll on up to analyze and click view website analytics this will bring you to a page with a whole Suite of reports you can look at by sources Pages UTM parameters device types countries browsers and topic clusters all of these reports will let you know how your website is performing and where you can best optimize your website speaking of optimizing your website let's talk about search engine optimization and how CMS sub makes it a breeze for you and your team one great way to grow traffic to your website is with a helpful educational blog for potential leads and current customers good thing is hubspot's got great blog tools that make it super easy for you to create manage and grow your blog content let me show you how it works to get started with your blog scroll up top to marketing website and blog here you'll be brought to a page with all of your current and drafted blog posts you you can filter them by which blog they appear on publish status and more filters to get started you have two main options you can create your own blog post from scratch or you can generate a blog post using HubSpot AI to get started simply describe what you want your blog post to be about select the country or target audience and select which blog to save the post to and then click next here you'll be brought to a page that has a list of blog post titles for you to select from you'll also see they have keywords underneath them as well well as the monthly search volume and the difficulty to rank a general rule of thumb is you're looking for something with high monthly search volume and low difficulty to rank we're going to go ahead and select this title here and click next HubSpot AI is actually looking for a search engine optimized outline for that blog post title and here you can see we've got the title we've got a description and we've got paragraph headers that are optimized so the search engines will rank this blog post High I.E getting more viewers eyeballs on your posts if you don't like any of these you can simply drag and drop them around you can even edit the actual paragraph headers once you've got everything just the way you want it click generate blog post and again HubSpot AI is doing the work for you now your AI generated and search engine optimized blog post is ready to go but you can just use this as a starting point let's let marketers do what marketers do best create great content go back in and update your voice and tone to make make sure that your brand is on point here we can see we've got the title that we selected paragraph headers and all this great content at any point if I want to change something I can simply select it choose HubSpot AI to rewrite expand shorten or even change the tone I always like to have a friendly opening paragraph so we're going to let the HubSpot AI changes for us go ahead and insert please go ahead and click settings General here we'll see the blog title is updated we've got the right blog Associated we've got the URL correct go ahead and select an author and we can even tag it with one or more tags so people can search for it on our blog and we can see which content is performing best we can go ahead and add a featured image you can upload from your computer browse the images you've already uploaded or use HubSpot AI to generate an image for you I'm going to go ahead and choose this description that is automatically put in there for me CU HubSpot scanned that blog post already I'll go ahead and choose what style I want the image to look like I would like it to be a l Cape Dimension and click generate I'll go ahead and select the image that was generated I'll insert it as my featured image here you'll notice the metadata description is already filled out for us I can also go ahead and click the HubSpot AI button and it will generate a new meta description that is optimized for search engines also make sure you're selecting a campaign to attribute this marketing content to and we are ready to go next I'll go ahead and click preview make sure everything is looking good and finally I'll go ahead and click publish and just like that our blog post is up ready to be seen by our customers as you build your website you need to make sure you have a great strategy set up to drive traffic to your website that's where hubspot's SEO tool comes in handy to get started scroll up top to marketing website and SEO here you'll see we have three main tabs recommendations analyze and topics the recommendations tab will scan your website and give you SEO recommendations on what you can do to improve the performance of your website these can all be ranked by technical difficulty and the role of the person that will need to perform these updates as an example we can see that reducing how long the page is blocked from responding to user input would have a high impact on our SEO it has a high technical difficulty and a developer would need to complete that role as you scroll through the page here you're looking for opportunities to improve your website performance I always like to look for things that have a high impact with a low technical difficulty so I can check them out the list quickly and get that website cranking when you click the analyze t Tab and you connect the Google search Council to HubSpot you are going to get such valuable information such as where your website ranks in Google search result this way you can see which pages are performing the best and what are people searching for that are getting them to certain web pages this is powerful information for marketers and that's how simple it is to create manage and grow your website content with HubSpot CMS do you want to get paid Faster by your customers let me show you how Commerce Hub can totally help you get started scroll up top to sales and down to invoices from here you'll see a list of all your invoices and you can filter them by overdue upcoming and paid to create a new invoice you can click create invoice you'll go ahead and add a contact and you'll notice the company name is already filled in you can select the invoice date and the due date the terms and now you can start to either add in products from the product library or create a custom line item you'll go ahead and give the product a name a description and a price click save and the invoice is starting to take shape you can see we have our total here I can go ah inad and add a discount any fees or taxes and even add a comment next I can select the acceptable forms of payment billing address and some other advanced settings when I'm ready I can click finalize and my invoices in the draft State now I can send it directly to Charlie I can CC any of my team members and I can even make sure that it's coming from the correct email address when I'm ready to send I can hit send or I can choose to write it manually this will allow the customer to get the invoice immediately and you can get paid directly inside HubSpot as your company grows your data might get more complicated the good news is Operation sub is here to keep your data nice and clean let me show you how it works to get started let's take a look at how the properties in your CRM are performing as a reminder properties are things like name company name City location of a contact these are all individual properties that you can report on as data inside HubSpot so here we can see that we have a total of 403 properties and we can quickly see if any of them have any issues such as not using any data they're unused or they have duplicates if you want to get deeper to the insights you can simply click view all property insights and here you'll be brought to a page that actually shows you how the properties are performing and any that you need to review as an example here you can see we have a property called about us the issue is that there is no data and it's not being used it lets you know what type of an object that is a part of is it a ticket a deal or a company or a contact it lets you know when the property was updated The Source from which the update came and the percent rate of it being filled and the last time it's being used in you can see we've got some properties that need some attention here now let's take a look at your records as a reminder these are companies or contact records inside your CRM here we can again see that we might have two main issues that might occur with a record there might be formatting issues or duplicate issues now HubSpot uses HubSpot AI to detect when duplicate records are being created for example if you go to enter somebody with the same first name and last name or the same email address HubSpot will flag it right away and say hey are you sure you want to add this person twice but sometimes a unique instance might come up where it might get flagged over here in operations Hub so in this instance I can choose to either review or reject this duplicate if I click review it's going to show us the two records all the information we have gathered and ask us which record would you like to keep it then will let us know what happens when you merge the contacts and then you can go ahead and merge the contacts and just like that your data is nice and clean thanks to operations Hub as your business grows your needs might become more complex and you might use some of our apps for HubSpot things like air call or other sales tools now these apps can connect data back to your CRM so you don't have to go to a million places and you can check on the health of that data by scrolling down to where it says data sync here it will let you know if you have any apps with any sync failures or apps with no active syncs at any time if you want to see what kind of apps you can add to HubSpot simp simply scroll up top to the app Marketplace select app Marketplace and search for apps for example airall is a great app that many HubSpot customers use here we can go ahead and install the app and right away it's going to tell us to connect to our air call account and set up the data sync right out of the box at any time if you want to check on your connected apps to see how the data is syncing you can scroll up top to the app Marketplace and scroll down to Connected apps here you'll be brought to a page that shows you all the apps that are currently syncing data from the app into HubSpot data is like the food for your company if you have junk food you're going to feel like junk but if you got good data you'll feel great you can use operations Hub to make sure your data is clean and fueling your business for growth as your business grows HubSpot is built to grow with you that's why we're the leading Choice among small business midmarket and Enterprise customers as a note HubSpot Works to make updates to our customer platform every single day we're even updating our navigation bar and beta testing with users as we speak so if something looks a little different in this video it's totally fine we're just making updates to make the platform best for you the best way to start using the tools in our starter customer platform is to sign up for our free tools today simply click the link in the description below to sign up and you'll never lose access to your free tools you can do it with the click of a button I'm Mark from HubSpot thanks for watching