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League of Legends Match Analysis: T1 vs. H Academy

o kalista first pick for T1 with s ashown that's huge kalista first pick's nice they're going to do kalista rata it's a T1 Academy classic they will never drop support here and make him play rata yeah it's fine I mean I would love AP jungler here I would love AP jungler witha but it's just not what they do you know what I'm saying a Junger here would be great but it's kalis so what are you playing to withal Karma could get pushed but it's kind of useless could just go esro Leona and take it es Karma they've done it they've gone for that's you don't see that often because karma support with nle is karma nle is so bad together early game is like fine cuz you have pushing Lane and you have nly fast clear but mid to late game it's so bad one of them gets hit by anything they just die it's h Academy good they're not bad H Academy is not bad I feel like their score does them dirty I don't know what their strength of schedule was but they're not bad now ton have a problem in this draft they're playing kalista rata against estal n karma that's a lot of range all they need to do now is close the gap like the West has been doing for 15 years we haven't figured it out but I'm sure they will in draft they need hard engage so like I'm thinking maai jungle jungle match Up's going to be [ __ ] horrible but you're going to get absolutely out-ranged otherwise they're going to play rennington nly yet uh I mean they can play Cori here on four and it's going to be really annoying their Champs or they can go the renon N I feel like you have to go like maai greas or something or maai or I don't know man this is a really rough draft cuz EST is so mobile V is a really nice pick some actually Z could work or is is fine yeah Vai I feel like VI would be great in their draft but they can't do it there's the Orin I think maai is the best I don't know what else they have maai is the only AP lockdown on estal it's just such a bad jungle match up I think though like NY just runs maai around the map so their comp will be good but their early game is going to be a bit [ __ ] yeah there's the hard engage it's the only pick they have it's the only way to make this draft playable you could play VI but and now they'll last Pi Corky or some [ __ ] I guess they have a range support rule number one of playing ivn you can't play I with a range support absolutely unplayable you need a melee support with with ivn it's like the law it's written in the legal terms of locking an iron nocturn now they can't play TR a nocturn that's just completely in Gwen VI could be good Gwen is pretty [ __ ] bad against range I think though Gwen is like the equivalent of rata in a way obviously I'm not saying they're similar I'm saying that they're really good into med Champs but rata Gwen against estal n corki they just what do they do they never getting range and like rata this game is actually pretty [ __ ] like this rata is going to struggle he's got a he's got Karma Mantra Q's Corky Rockets nly Spears just flying at him surprise did you sub and like the video okay bye it would be the ultimate comp if they pick Jace on four and flexed it they four pick Jace and flex it and then play like Zer top or Cory mid this comp would be the most disgusting [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life five range Champions so how of late invaded botside and that's their way of splitting the map so in h life's mind they're like aha let's split the map botside their Junger is forced to clear top as or and they can't snobble their bot Lane and T1 is like aha but what if we Lane swap so two things are going on here one's a lane Swap and want a split map but I think they they're both obviously just going to be pushing into Lan swaps here renon is completely unaware I think I'm not sure if they saw them late inade or some [ __ ] but smart Lane swap by T1 he probably has Q oh he took e so that's why he don't take a spell level one e sty was really good there I think renon just didn't take a spell and he was just waiting to see what he needs so the two things this does for T1 is one it gets their bot Lane out of a horrible matchup and two it allows Malai to get a full clear off against n so it's win- win for T1 I've seen this more often now in this TR match up a lot of people in the TR match up corki were going W second and they were just jum jumping in and eing and corki could either match with W or you only get in two Auto attacks your attack speed too low but now tras are going Q second on on TR now people are going QC on TR and it does a lot more it does a lot more oh nice play by Grizzly there that's crazy the first Blood tra you never see that that it's completely illegal because what happens is you invade they invade it's a lane swap jungle can only ever be botside and your J can only ever be topside it's actually criminal to die to this so here's Ren will have the TP top and now what's essentially happened is H life Spot Lane has gotten more gold slightly but they would have got that in the lane face anyway with est Karma into kalis rata but top is one because they have TP advantage and Bot is fine because they didn't lose as much Malai would be fine because he a full clear against n but n has first blood so I'm worri for T1 this game we'll see how they engages but rata this game to me just looks really useless nice traes by Poe to be honest he's actually doing quite well in this Lane but that definitely was just pathetic don't forget chat two things one this is the best of three and two it's Fearless draft so all 10 of these Champions are gone for game two so corki tra are gone for the rest of the series smashy has barrier he can oh he has bailout as well oh they won the 33 that's huge for them nice slow by Smash there go On's conquer is going to fall off oh he's playing first strike actually why is he playing first strike against or Malai that's huge for T1 winning against the Asal Karma 2v2 or like getting leads for the 2v2 is so so good because now maybe smashy can get a vamp sceptor or something after boots I don't know how rich he is and uh that just makes this Lane a lot easier two health potions instead of going Bor what is the first item on kalista is it kren it's Bor oh of course it's Bor it's Bor good against their Champs though I feel like this is the one game where maybe Lal kalista could work pretty well but I guess cuz they have so much range but they nerfed kalista Q I think right and they buffed her they nerfed her Q or some [ __ ] cuality kalista was op can't remember exactly what it was oh he tried to Q his e if he hit that he would kill him I think huge for one the B winning but cor's on his power Spike season 14 power Spike tier in steel caps AKA win every trade crazy no look cor will win has to ult him and corki still almost even in the trade crazy that steel caps by why is not rushing steel caps as well then I don't know maybe it's to do with gold timing on bases but also I think corki base damage is a lot higher and corki has AP on his Q which is really annoying if you're going steel [Music] caps they got Karma Flash can Grizzly cook here that's one spear but they have got ra bail out and take hosle take over oh this n is being really annoying he's chasing them back they're going to have to call Uber to go back to base of this TR he's going to spear Reckless maybe oh he hit oh my God he got him wow Grizzly just smoked them both that was so clean by Grizzly he just won B single-handedly foral Karma cuz they get a free base now a smash movement there was just bad you can't get hit by that they lost so many waves the waves are bouncing estro Karma got a free base but it does look like H life trying to predict a swap but they're not swapping so this is really awkward for hmer life cuz they don't have grubs advantage and they were winning bot now but they've swapped into or which they won't do any damage to I think they tried to predict T1 swapping away and it failed Orin can just ult the wave if he wants I think Orin can clear the wave as well easy the problem is they can't dive renon unless they 2v2 dive 2 one dive or is absolutely fine Karma spacing yeah can't really dive him but they have grubs so they'll do a lot of tower damage he's Ting for the waves yeah fair enough not bad but now they can't really fight Drake grubs vers Drake which is better uh I prefer grub think it's very game State situational I think grubs are just so busted that's why you need maai that's why you need maokai flash W on S real no counter play no counterplay that is going to be their engage this game in the Champs like cork Nal flash w wow they didn't get B here one I'm surprised they didn't try and commit for it but I guess there is a plate on it but six grabs for two Dres need to be quick to get a first SP Tower here because I think they're a bit slow Dallas I clear wave o yones First Strike just proed on reckless from nly's Trap just flew across the map so they put their bot Lane M and just will be able to one shot top tier one if he gets a chance oh push him into the bomba just get a tower T1 just get a tower that's all we got to do just get first but Tower somewhere it's nice that Goan gets their red cuz now he's even en camps against n they're going to force Aral Dallas no TPO and rooster first on the move so this is a bit risky by T1 this feels quite risky lucky for them H have no poke have no engage sorry they only have poke so they can't really stop them they need to be poking them before they started so now roosters moved for nothing actually so yeah looks like T1 just one shot that Herold that was crazy that empowered recall from Herold is op as [ __ ] by the way I'm just going to say it right now look how fast they are they're already back mid they didn't even lose a minion no that's crazy all right first one Tower to to poby perfect give me all that gold baby right so this is the point in the game where the karma is officially like I have declared Karma [ __ ] useless karma is now in her useless phase of like we didn't win Lane and I'm the same level as enemy Sports joke I'm two levels down there is a level seven Karma on the map red alert level seven Karma on the map watch out guys it's really scary H life need to poke them like asakas and T1 see the start objectives ASAP kalista for finish or Malai for turn oh two item popster at 16 oh he got that nly Po's just pushing Towers he don't care about no dragon now here comes the painful po hes comp has to win this they need this Dragon they don't get this Dragon GG but they're starting the objective so early I think they should have poked more midwave is so far away now they or I think they they [ __ ] blund this Dragon H life oh my God five man [Music] oral five byold oh the flush W po oh she's going to heate or she can execute up oh they're chasing this a bit too much I think damn hex skates are op that oral was huge by D yeah H started this objective way too early I guess the Herald's been in the bot wave scared them a lot okay that's perfect cuz T1 now have stopped the dragon soul all they have to do now is just play their Tristana Side Lane they also have really good Baron it's Mal off the tower but R Ting behind them oh this could be a problem oh Ron failed this combo he didn't get him power W or what oh my God Ron's trolling oh my God that corki oh he got him feel like they could have maybe this one for one running for kalista so it's kind of horror for H life but still I I guess they kill smash here he doesn't have enough rage for his W he should have Auto wed he just wed instantly I think right I think Alo W gets the stun there in like the the empowered St talk about the dragon fight man I it's fine the save not just get one kill they're all going to dash away anyway all right Rey has War now the ultimate count the PO comes because that item is so [Music] [ __ ] oh nice chly ain't seeing this they have kalista saying this buddy nearly do two a lot of damage to Bar can on it oh the CH great he even knocked back the Observer Mega play by Popa yeah this game GG now now H don't have the Poke or the damage to get through T1 come they have double warms and a tank re is's just running at them why he put TS or what why does Rey want a TV here shouldn't they be getting Dr nice now poby can push top and they should be able to get Drake anyway so I think they're using Drake here as an exit objective they're not using it as the primary objective so they're saying let's push them in take their towers and then after with play done we just base and take Drake or like we back off and take Drake we probably might be in trouble here Mal old timing is perfect because the ren here they just go forwards oh poby trolled man he could have killed cor there that renon is like [ __ ] useless man what body that renon champ he just rocked up and just got one tapped they have TPS and warms and smash has life steal and they have six grubs what a stomp by T1 T1 Esports Academy is popping [Music] off I'm a big fan of Goan I'm a big fan of gan T1 game one goes hard yeah sichani is Mega broken now if T1 don't B seani I'm shocker men why didn't they B seani isn't seani absolutely broken now with Malai nly down unless they're trying to force a scarner here which is what I think they're doing oh they went for ash so they all get S they tried to snatch Ash for wcky they went air this early Dam I mean I did I guess they did did B ton yeah ton cor are out I guess he has to go H or some [ __ ] right Ash Lea that's quite strong I mean I think ra on three here is quite good for T1 right now but re is out of Champs he lost his karma and his rata he's got his Milo he's got his brown he's got his what else he got his Jenna I think they might need to pick jungle here H life unless they want like Cante scarner to be safe on 4 five from the sichani threat on top side uh it's match midp pick jungle or safe top Tod go okay you're not playing Janna or Yumi Reckless it's not happening you're playing or Sona you're playing Brown no you're playing Brown b r a u m you have Sani jungle this is Criminal if he picks okay thres is fine Jin okay I like I like a little bit of Jin what does reckless have with Jin wait Jin wait is that Reckless ad carry wait I think Reckless might play ad carry now are they going to play Jin B and it's going to be smash Bard Reckless Jin I think that's what they're going to do cuz now they're going to bend thresh and [ __ ] maybe it's mind [ __ ] if they ban supports now and then they put Reckless on Jin and then give smash bar they've done that before oh they banned smash's Bard you see him smiling I think they also thought that the Jin would go to Reckless and then smash would play Bard it is a classic T1 they stopped reckless from playing ad carry what are they going to do here I wonder Alistar that does reckless play Alistar I feel like it's still Reckless ad carry oh yes really yasu with no knockups yeah so a bit better aox in this comp for T1 looks really good right now especially if they blind Cante Jack's blind a bit more annoying I think uh can go poppy if he wants gregas is a bit difficult to play here on five I think kante poppy atrox they haven't done that for a while so I wonder if they've dropped it actually I wonder if they've actually dropped it it's Reckless Alistar wow okay I mean I haven't seen Reckless Alistar before he's 100% supporter now yeah he is last bit they're having a lot of fun swapping around apparently Alistar has been played a lot by Reckless oh yeah he's been practicing you can't have orange kdas on Alistar Reckless that is illegal that is against the law to have good kdas on Alistar yeah Alistar level one obviously is [ __ ] trash like Alistar level one is useless so they'll give up the push early and they'll let it come into them because Go's pathing top anyway oh my God is crazy oh he didn't get it run run that's lucky they got the red and got out it's okay to lose FRS it's fine oh the Minions look quite hard to last it so their top mid and but are losing actually and jungle they're down 700 gold 800 gold in five it's quite rough minut it's like the least of the the problems it's like fine but hopefully the Jack goes a ja cuz what I witnessed from B was vile smashy smashy smashy yeah Bo is pretty good for Jin against ash mega bu and Jin is really useless right now isn't he like Leona W is actually the most OP spell in the game is Leona W it is it is it is it is it is is Leona W that spell is broken as [ __ ] man she turns into a six ior I can order six meals a day I can't wait oh no re got the last hit go on Smite wasn't there he needed to get six there wow they really just did say to they said to go on Yo English or Spanish and just couldn't move I don't really like mer treads on Alistar but I can see it I like it but oh Rey found a pick oh the flash done oh Pop did the Roose delete to him some of themo gets the reset or what where's at what am I saying you're going to reset bro I'm completely quick today maybe they can t bot I think a has a Bas here think KOB needs to press B and T bot hello hello poping now he's Bing T he wants to secure the grubs I mean Jax's base with no TP and vgo's dead so he should have just gone way earlier if Ash SP right good position by Reckless didn't get spotted by the vision PL I think he wants to W he wants to q w in but I think he lost Vision when he left the bush otherwise this would have been much cleaner okay that's a big play for T1 because they they got they got a couple grubs at least and they have Drake so it's not the end of the world also actually H's pretty strong right now no flash on top jungle as well that's the problem with aelion soul like aelion Soul can hold the wave out of tower range so it never really becomes a dive all right T1 lock in for this Drake Dallas TP the problem with tping into a drake fight is a against Jack especially when they're on Herald it's free they have a free Drake it's I mean Jack just murders for tier one and you you rock up the Drake Fight You Secure Drake and team backs off Jack gets like 600 gold on First Blood Tower and you're sitting there like guys my game is my game is done on S Side Lane he's going to be forced off this Tower he can stay there for this one wave but I think he's going have to back look at where Leona is I feel like Leona is running the game down right now why did Leon a Bas and run bot I feel like she should have been around top so they can force this into tier two oh my God that arrow man I think if Leona was here they had a free tier two top as well if that if that Arrow hit atrox was 100% dead I think there's the B tier one and they were going to get anyway even though the Leona based and tried to cover it down need to be really cautious at moving towards mid top oh that was disgusting I mean I can see what he was going for but that was vile he's trying to clear the wave and Fe it and and push him off the Tower or I guess he lost track of of support move he's like trying to Q to here the Min out the tower range pull the wave away Force Ash back and then run to his team but yeah Leona Will C him off God it's a game two classic yeah it might just be I mean they have they have standing gold B it's chch Soul which is [ __ ] useless but H life wins the next dragon fight anyway cuz T1 need a bit more time is Goa the only gin that makes the champ look useful uh there's been a couple G which have looked good one of them though this is hard to defend can try it though can get a shuffle here maybe Nice kill chain C on Leona was big there Nice kill good defense obviously when you match their Sid Lane play and you get a kill the waves are pushed into you so it's quite hard to get in from it that's why defensive play is not as rewarding but Po's getting strong some of the some of the roads are getting there's more and more roads leading to him I'm surprised popes didn't pull the trigger here and tried to go for a shuffle somewhere all right here's the TR spawn kby has oh Poe has that's huge D can behind them Rey needs to flash in big combo by Rey down is the Q flash that soul but he's getting chain CC oh D couldn't finish the soul h oh wait okay Jesus okay grizzly got it I thought I thought I thought D got it for a second I was like what I was going to say what the [ __ ] bro I'm tripping today he was still in he was he was still in in still in atrox form man I think poby just needs to send it there it's hard though I guess yeah this Jax is a bit of a problem I swear Jax is one of those Champs where they build full Bruiser damage and they feel like they're unkillable when you're playing against them they just feel so tanky so when they're they're so [ __ ] annoying to play against could try and engage here poster has a really nice angle to have some roads lead to you okay I didn't want to go for it I feel like he could have had some roads there it's gone it's gone they have so much damage soul and Ash are murdering this oh no T1 maybe they can slow fight here poby can you have some roads roads NOP no wrong way you took the wrong turn you took the wrong turn oh my God [ __ ] poby man you wait all game for the road and that's the one you choose [ __ ] me man you can't park there mate is burning smash is this game winable people no it's lost this is Mega lost I don't like being that guy and being the Lost Andy but I'm looking at Jin items and and uh their only win condition is azir getting this rabadons and they're funneling rabadons into azir and I mean he he can't do damage to their Champs maybe when a both you steal it but there's no way that that they're that they're that bad as a team and they're just going to let you flip it I mean they have to flip it oh my God they got it what what happened B oh my God they got Nash there's no way they still going to lose the game I think but that's crazy that they get it maybe the road that he was trying to get they did lead their base about to get bodied CU Jack Bas to be bought so T trying to Ping but wave to clear it out fast can only play on one lane they can't end right po has re has there's no way they can end no shot re just has to go in they can't end oh oh knocked into the Nexus into the Nexus is it worth to kill Leona for a Nexus Tower you know it was cool but [ __ ] man feel like they should have just gone in put some on Soul point though stop their Siege yeah but I think if they just got the wave The Siege would be over crazy H like hm we're flipping this that's back and T1 like well we'll just finish it for you TI for it's a shame Dal died I feel like if Dal lived and got the baron buff that would be huge for them oh but Ked in oh my [Music] God D down okay jyn's getting some items now slowly get that RFC slow the game down I mean think about this they have Baron for another 40 seconds they're farming mid for free they have really good wave clear for when they want to see each Baron against H life and there's no dragon for four minutes so as long as they don't leave the base and die T1 can stole this game is it worth that they're stalling against asol yeah it's always worth this all right just try late game you can onot someone right so try and one tap someone randomly can get like a four on six items and they can always win another Baron spawning another steel I can feel another Steel another robbery there is 100 CS top but we'll not talk about that cuz popster is about to do a road he's about to PVE a road one one one one one one one 2 one one one another one another one another one no Lea got it wait they killed Ash wait they're winning the 44 what what they're winning the 44 oh my God what did that Jin just do just one ta dieso huh how did they win that Ash just got one ta the power of friendship wait there's no way they're ending what they could in there's no way they can they do get sold though they get sold that's huge wow I'm surprised they won that Baron fight wait they're so bad they're so Mega back oh the arrow look at the arrow run everyone get out they're minus 3, 300 on the bar what that Did Jin for shot just one shot what is Ash doing she's like she's playing in the back of the pit what is Ash doing he was trying to like walk up and hit the sichani or something you don't have headbutt on ash I think they might have just scaled I thought you said this was lost yeah I didn't expect them to steal it and then win a fight and then get sold and then delay the game and then get six items and then still hold my bad now they need to stall for an elder fight it was so lost that it's impressive that it's winnable you know what I'm saying a zero death outar it's been a while since I've seen that that's crazy red BT six item po almost six item to double Abyssal mask is that are we [ __ ] does that is that [ __ ] or what's going on stack or not no way right is here not he's probably like B he just probably buys blue every base T1 actually have pressure here oh nice block by Rey meron really useful there actually they really need asol to get last f with Ash rabbit on asol here with ult upgrade monster but right now I mean they can just press already on so on the wave oh combo was crazy oh you should have flashed away don't flash away onar don't do that don't do that don't ever flash away just die it's pointless don't ever flash away you don't do that you don't do that no you don't flash away on alar no only the boys six item po asol still no rabons he's flying to PO wave right now does he get Rons does asol get Rons for next fight oh yes oh no oh no there a what's the play are we going to hit or are we going to shuffle oh oh po almost one oh no the aurs oh my God the game down boom one boom two boom three abuser wait they won the game what the [ __ ] they won the game that is criminal that they won that game absolute comeback kings that baren Ste was massive they were actually able to SC it and win they won that they won that holy [ __ ] they're second place now kind of most they don't have the head tohe head but they're kind of there e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for