Transcript for:
Community Event Planning Overview

oh my God fore he said the last meeting we had uh we discussed that five cases wasn't enough if we could add like three more but we wanted to see what everybody says to that and me and Cindy can do one or two cases you know we add on because to me the five cases is not enough because it's open to the public right and you know when you open it to the public free food free everything people are going to show off you know yeah that too so we wanted to see what everybody says or how everybody feels about you have a lot of cupcake some sweet somewhere don't that the food oh the food was good the food was not enough F not enough chicken you know all that you know appreciate it for all that you know you should understand understand what do you about the part um so after the meeting last week we went over there to Lincoln Park and uh and just respectfully like in all seriousness like I didn't realize how how poor the condition of the park was um I did see in your pictures that there were you know the fence around that playground area um I'm not completely sure how long that's going to be up you know and also the the shelter that I guess would be used for the barbecue itself for people to barbecue in I didn't realize how bad it was going to look too in person um another thing that's concerning as well was the trail that goes to the parking lot it's I know it's dirt but like you know there's going to be a lot of people that not a lot of people but we already know the people we know that are going to have problems walking up that trail even from that parking lot that even though the parking lot is kind of close so to speak um so we talked about it me Lima hope and Even Stu and we feel like you know we should get another spot I know it's last minute but we were able to find a spot out there in Auburn it's called Isaac Evans it's a it's literally right across the street from Auburn uh Golf Course um and right by the Green Green River so we were able to get that spot and reserve it for $100 so far right yeah that's yeah it's 100 if Auburn uh resident gets it so we got you know our Auburn resident it m yeah we uh but it's a clean part it's very clean and it's big but uh I think there's they only allow one t yeah so they allow one t um the good thing about it it's nice and flat um bathrooms are right there by the parking lot the parking lot is nice and big as well and then we believe it will accommodate our guests who will be coming uh hope went there the other day and you know I wanted to see how far the parking was from the um shelter I'm I'm thinking Elders I'm thinking people that you know got neede problems like me so the parking is right here and you can walk right there it's everything is right there the bathroom the shelter the big space and there's a lot of shade cuz it's you know trees yeah so yeah yeah it is it is limited to a size I think 10 by 30 or 30 by 10 something like that and that's you can only have one yeah you can't have the other smaller regular size I don't know I got to I got to check if we're allowed to have you know more I mean that sounds great to me it's it's just the thinking about the older people that's my thing you know like what's easier for them to walk in uh from parking lot to the area instead of having to walk farther or up a hill and all that stuff oh that's that makes sense you know so that's the only thing I was thinking about would we be able to with time wise um switch the location then or so so we have it all day um but I think if you guys post it you know let people know we have enough time no I agree you know but um we reserved there for the whole day perfect yeah no I mean it's what everybody agrees on you know I mean I just reserve the linoln partk because at that moment you know we were trying to look all over the place and we didn't have on forit yet either so I just reserved something and the other yeah the other places that were more umic for us to to use was it was all taken so and there's cops that go back and forth too that that check the park you know so that's a good thing about that that's yeah yeah no I mean you've already reserved it that sounds good yeah let's you know yeah I'm on it yeah and again Anette sorry about that we wanted to discuss it today since we were all together here you know I mean is that okay no wor no we you know what for me it's like what we all agree upon you know and that is so I would rather I'm thinking about the older people too and you know the Laboratories because when we I'm like oh man okay that's a little way it's an incline for the elderly people and then like are people that have you know you know disability in problems walk no it's it's totally fine you know these are the things that we need to do and you know um let's do it you know we want this picnic to be you know um like steu said this reflects us as a you know and um know there's there's there's no no way that you know we can just you know do it on our own it has to be a team so I appreciate you guys looking into that um so also uh local presidents do um if you don't mind can we use your house to you know do all the stuff over there and you know take all the stuff to the park since you're the closest to the park is that okay sorry is that all right cuz we just have to bring this close um can you tell me what the park name is uh Isaac Evans okay that park down the street from uh from muo that's only part I know no it's behind that Courthouse you know that C Courthouse yeah and there's a road that goes in the back right and it's the Green River Road or something there yeah it's just one way going in one way coming out and then the golf course is right across the street oh yeah there like a private road or something that was my first time there never been there before I don't know all going to ask I'm going to um call tomorrow and see if I can get but it's okay you know it's okay I mean it's you know like like the media say was of you know we got 10 more days yeah moste that's six total and we'll do two cuz we added three more to the five that you guys have more and Leia I don't know yeah like I said avoiding she you know your focus doing hot dogs hot dog is good and so aside from the ribs I I told you know so I'm just going to of turkey PS to add on to you know just for people I know you guys are doing for ribs you guys going to get pork ribs aren't they more expensive no the is less the is more expensive that's why we don't have enough water and juice so what's what's the menu can you guys yeah what's the whole menu the menu was um barbecue chicken it was um pork spare ribs uh it was hot dogs um rice and the graen salad the salad um and now we're adding and then dessert dessert doing the cake um and then there's uh we're doing the fruit the oranges and water drink said okay everybody's doing two cases of water plus Junior's 10 oh so the drinks are um six cases yeah six cases of soda from um Tima um five cases of soda from Mike um and then I think there is me I'm br oh yeah so you're bringing five yeah we we need a lot of H2 I think we probably have like so Junior bringing 10 PES plus the two from each of us right y oh we got plenty okay that's a lot of no that's Junior mile oh Junior Fisto's bringing the 10 cases of water oh we're bringing yeah and we're not doing green salad or we got three CH Cas of chicken a ponies oh I had a question are we allowed to bring you know a certain amount of tables or tables you can just bring table I think so they I think we can bring table we make it EXT I got some two three extra two you I have five8 um you're bringing three cases of chicken lch three okay two that's eight on chicken eight chicken it up there think and where do you buy that from Cash and Carry I think that place that us to be okay and Char is making five p my P of rice is that enough we can make rice too 60 cup of rice C I think is a 40 cup thatl to back so charcoal and all stuff how many bags of charcoals depend it's like eight G of chicken and for this is out of our any suggestion so how many bags do you think you guys would need bully or eight okay the other I don't know try I think but it comes with big and stuff oh that's marinade stuff so the marinade stuff sorry Marin you told me how much four pineapple juice brown sugar brown Su juice extra extra extra eight Cas of chicken and then we got ribs 23 for the round that's said 10 of those juice four pack I mean four can orange juice pineapple juice maybe two you knowly we have it all day they do it like how they do it is like dawn like to dusk so anytime you know [ __ ] yeah what time is um everybody supposed to be at your house what time you want four three or four uh three or four okay um Mo envelope okay like I said you know it's the first time it's the first time can I give this back to you and moa's name on it oh my name oh we can put moya's name yeah you just okay is yeah is there an account already for the group no we haven't we're going we haven't established that yet okay yeah but we're going to um I think we we're talking about that after the barue okay and then me Ste and Sam you can cat it you know why you know why I say that because um might put Mia's name on it and s's going to look at it like who gave who gave him a check are you sure cuz she gave you the check I going to put donation to yeah Cofe okay what else oh the program uh but you guys are doing games yeah and then the I I was um the backpack I was thinking that you know we can um you know um do it like sometime during the um the the the park time CU we want the families to stay a little longer it's not to I know they won't just come and get the backpacks and go but part of it is you yeah sorry you know just you know so that will be L later maybe after and then just have the kid line after the food a fellowship a little bit you know fellow it out the kids understand I have a concern I know I'm not part of the grou yes you are you are we just don't know it for us no I'm just saying you know so if you're doing the fa the greetings to everybody is it going to be in s or in English it's just a and English Mexican or Spanish or Chinese we want to understand broken English so real quick um this is you know whoever's going to be Manning the uh registration welcome table this you know we pass it around to I'm going to pass around the samples here this one too but that big one is the registration um question survey intake form for families that are coming in these are questions that we um ask a lot of the families and on there there's um a question on what do fam or our family services what what do they want to um to see what do they want to um have you know provided for them for the future you know because as we file and get our number then we can go ahead and get these um these these documents already in our in our records and so we can use them so a lot of it's just the basic uh data that we're looking forward to um to get from the family so this is going to help us get programs started for the families and we don't need our our 501c3 number to get this information we're we're getting it now to save it so when we are certified and GA our um number we can go after those grants for senior program use everything and so the second um I think did you guys get the small one the second one is the student information basic we want to know what uh School District they're in what age group what school because in that way it helps us um go for the grants for the youth programs and educational program for our kids okay so that's just to show you guys um we were talking about like at this the backpack uh Booth or how we're going to give it away we're going to separate the high school's kids and the uh elementary kids yeah and all their uh supplies are different you know so and the high school kids are different but we're going to have stew and um Sam and me um you know hand those out and some of the other workers who are available that day but um but we we're going to uh have that taken care of too I if you look on our list um we have all the the vendors that are going to be coming that have offered their services for free um we have someone that's doing shaved ice from Ziggy treats and cotton candy yeah they're so they uh U they're going to come and donate their treats for the kids for free um I ain't got insurance Doris hope knows too but she's she's going to be there to you know talk to our families and you know about Medicare and if they need you know Insurance you know just to offer their services for our families and stuff like that but uh I believe Sam's going to have a his rugby team there too so that'll be great and then uh there's some other people that uh like other businesses that donated more of the uh more of the school supplies that we added on to the uh the elementary kids and uh and all these other uh yeah all these other school items so it's it's it's really it's really a good we're going to have a good um school supplies for our kids and backpacks for high school and the younger kids so you know make sure you bring all your grandkids and you know and and those individuals that are going to be there um for our ad our registration tables I have all the the name tags and pens and the raffle tickets are going to come from Mike and I think you have raffle tickets some that's not Ed yeah and you know yeah so as far as the registration Tes in all those items and um because this is going to be real critical for our our grants the funding we're going to get and you know starting next year I'm believing and praying to God that you know everything will come in line so yep and I think that's it that's it there's any other questions or okay I'll turn it back over I just got a question so the barbecue stuff on the side still doing the cakes right you know the desserts yeah the desserts you guys are doing the ribs and the and C my question is is one full sheet enough for 300 people no it's got to be two full sheets we were doing to oh okay never mind who's doing the pizza it was just mentioned just talking about it for you yeah I think the's good enough few treats maybe some trees other kids they like are these all officers or there's more there's more people much W Junior you know but he's disabled right um but um yeah that's it and everybody's doing something I'll just drop that all to you your house I'll get your address for Forint for for think it's like a free thing to the public just we I like what you said too because then we can it kind of be like when we get our number and then we can have an official you yeah I how we're doing it is nice you know you know if it's not like you know if it's not like a big big outcome like of like 300 plus people I think that's okay it was 200 people I think when uh when when we started this with Mom Ang the main thing we were thinking barue get Club out and you know whoever comes comes you know and we were just planning on like 100 people at that time we we look through that for a family I also wanted to mention to like um these are going to be to the yeah those are nice I think dued them so I just need 10 so yeah so are the raffle tickets just going to anybody everybody right fill these out okay oh good ticket no that's good also says every hour or so that's uh eight baskets what was um the flyer well I mean we keep the same time right like 3 to who's in charge of the games well we are um been looking to see what games uh we get you know volleyball like they have a nice like field over there big enough for volleyball game and I don't know Sam do you want to do like a maybe like a Showcase of rugby like maybe touch rugby or something like that there's a whole river look like there's a Beach area yeah there's a river in the beach the kids are going to be busy and there's a plround there is a yeah we're going have to just tell people like please watch your kids you know bring your tow CH CU I'm not sure if they have a land lifeguard but you know so you responsible for your own kids M yeah no you they do yeah this was the only one that was available like I checked kulon angle leg all all is so crazy yeah yeah so packed I think that's pry much is there going to be somebody like photogra like doing pictures and video I'm sorry so that so l&p Services they do a lot of photo photography videos um media for um nonprofit organizations and Community organizations so Larry and PPP um this is what they've been doing for like 25 years so they they're good friends of ours they they came and offered that they would do our for free so they're going to give us all the photos and everything else and and also we're going to have a um a photo backdrop for the school supplies because we wanted to capture the moment of the kids receiving their backpacks and stuff and so they're going to take all those pictures too so this is all going to be so good information for our PL our grants so you know we're but yeah so they're going to come and do all the they'll stay there the whole day for the most part maybe 5 hours 6 hours and gets good pictures you know for us and they can do videos too so we'll videos so yeah and is everybody wearing the same thing or or as long as it's a ey shirt you know yeah shirt is that the the wa no um the shirts going to be gold and yellow like the io shirts it's the thing is next week oh Saturday I think that's pretty much everything you just got and going to let those guys know that are not here and then you guys are letting know also I have a generator so if anybody needs to plug in I'm sure the vendors like um will have their own generators too okay yeah the only thing that brought up was if we're going to have a a food truck or something then that would be more paperwork to fill out because there's another or if we're putting up one of those yeah that's another you know yeah expense we're they can bring their own blow up next year next year we'll be ready and we blow yeah like we don't have none of that bring your garbage bag yeah that's good yeah that's everything if if we forget anything let us know another I'll put about our many minutes there in case we we forgot something yeah you know before we end um I just wanted to you know apologize and ask for forgiveness for you know anything you know that I might have done but I just wanted to explain my role as a secretary is just to disseminate information that talks about and you know and just be these guys hands and feet pretty much and keep up on the you know the the administrative stuff what I was saying but I just wanted to say everybody's doing such a great job and what this is going to be all about when when we finally get to that point where we can just start filling out you getting funding for our group so you know we just on one heart mind you know I mean depending on God you know all the way we can't do it without God telling you amen so keep us continue to keep us prayers too yeah that's it hry oh yeah yeah you got to send us your address C foree do you guys like having a meeting here um you know when we need to meet or is that okay because I canook you to no it's free it's Free's good Free's great okay father God just try to lift you up everything we do father Your Glory father God your hon father God we just thank you for everyone here that's come together with one mind and one purpose father God father God help us prepare for this barbecue father God favor favor upon everyone here favor upon those that are coming father God open doors that still need to be open father God we thank you for the favor we receive so far father God father God we pray for God that everything as you want be done in per father father God we just pray father God over this father God father God bless everyone that provided food today Father God we in your precious holy name never know I full okay and then on that table okay the how far you I'm oh Hospital High School oh the high school yeah he got a he coaches so got practice oh okay we want the kids to get yell at okay oh well did you bring any of the girls them do they have any practice today no's over there with m right here what do you do you water and D pepper and Cherry pepper thank you cheese oh yeah yeah thank you do want one huh I do you want one make this for the barbecue first time I always who's doing GRE salad me you yeah we do this we'll take this you guys want drinks that yting he went to I eat it yeah very com right oh in your sum start it which you coach the little ones yeah m work let's go drop to her car and go straight to we go home the Rainbo and there cookies did I couldn't even go B tra was crazy I told we're going to have to go to yep yep okay okay been in here too I got lost downstairs and up here too see know want okay everyone okay all right okay bye Miss bye what what that hold or somewh else oh high yeah uh junior football right down like a room yeah make yourself a basket take the chips to the girls chicken don't something too anything that t t a lot of work old l San Francisco oh wow nice was at was yeah okay guys good meeting thank you for the food and all that yeah cheesecake and then next uh I don't know what kind of is that right there thanks and Char thanks a lot for the to hold the meeting I like yeah I know okay which floor we I Tred to get the one on the bottom they're like um how many people um3 25 yeah that's a that's a big room downstairs what is that is that just regular practice or don't oh man got a lot of nice things there's a Australian uh pip place right there yeah their stuff is good we used to go there a lot when that guy was working there that was going to the church oh yeah do you remember him the tall one I think he's from New Zealand or Australia he look bangi but he saw more huh he used to go to our church but it was um I think he's from New Zealand or Australia thank you for making your I know is good Orange um cream how you like your job how you like your job you like it I'm I'm good oh no I'm everybody go we're not cuz if we take it they're not going to eat the that's no only time is oh yeah okay I'm going to don't worry don't worry about it not for you for the kids we could go smoke down there okay we would have got out if not was here why mama would have been there with him he' be running everywhere go back to work tomorrow I'm going to try to put these questions on a QR code that the data that you need M that we need yeah that's right that way people can pre fill them out before they come and all that show me your confirmation tiet yeah how long did you have to wait for um the turn around time for GR no no no for your umney yeah I toit God got me early oh thank God yeah I was so C I could stop crying that day thank God so much but you're like a lot strong stronger now right yeah my kidneys are my kidneys noral good I say you guys were getting breakfast snacks lunch dinner I'm like damn you guys are spoiled y she said it wasn't like a small lunch or small dinner it's like getting CRA chicken and then wait for the wow oh they always do good yeah he Mike that mik oh yeah Mike's right there Mike desserts and pizza dog yeah chicken nugget yeah chicken nugget corn dog pizza that's all he wants he lives in White Center so we can just go tomor and come on 1 go 5 days that's all I can you know take off of work I said wow that's fast and if you're paying that much money to some at least do two weeks or or three weeks you know man the the hairs are so expensive now I can't 16 with alas oh that's right I they still didn't do that W that'll be nice yeah and you can fly from here to Hawaii Hawaii to how much is the fair now 16 or 18 oh yeah no this is good this is enough Pizza Che Pizza the pepperoni pizza's good but you don't even eat the but you can eat it oh nice you're you're there where uh no he yeah samean but can I you know that was the one thing that was so funny when we used to work at the airport we can get P but we're broke you know like where are we going to fly to we don't even have money I used to be so so she still wear glasses yeah my mom yeah I get it right here buts I can take this yeah what about okay you sure okay pizza box over there here put my salad in there can you not drop it LMA this is your other plate the pizza for the kids thank you thank you Mike my salad is very precious to me I I don't want her to drop my salad it's easy to hey there's chips right here you guys want chips we're not taking it we have those at home hey Anette you want to take some chips oh sure yeah take some wait Lio take some chips too for the kids we we have some already at home just give it to Lio because huh there water right here Cindy oh you getting soda say welcome don't have brought a wagon take it you sure yeah they clean everything just put all the garbage like the garbage okay yeah but there's the box thank you for the foodie guys the drink for the everything are you coming back