Transcript for:
Belladonna as a Remedy for Children

well belladonna is the most often prescribed remedy for children haricot well for sure there's all sorts of reasons why the fever may come on the one that's most given is a haircut that's a slightly old chap because it's peculiar but it doesn't matter what the reason is if it childhood diseases or things that strike children and they all start with a fever almost all and the fevers are usually belén Tonica style so what is it how you're ready if any of you seen scarlet fever it's like scarlet fever that's the main remedy for scarlet fever it's a red hot throbbing perming fever that affects particularly the head eyes Gill glassy irises dilate the carotid arteries throb and as long as the head gets hotter and hotter the rest of the body chills the feet the hands can be icy cold and they've come out of the fridge and the head is burning hot if you put your hands to touch that feverish head it's you just don't believe he can get that hot and the heat remains as a sensation in your fingertips for a long time after you've removed your hands it's a heat that just infects the you know the others around as well now just imagine what it's doing inside the brain hmm there's a imaginations monstrous imaginations even with the eyes wide open glass early fixed at the parent his lovingly trying to make the child better the child's internal life the child internal imaginal life overwhelms what their eyes see we could switch it another way we could say the child is not seeing mom the child is seeing a leering monster with fangs or a wild dog or tiger about to Spence or lion about to kill something wild and vicious and destroying Tiger Tiger burning bright nightmares if fever like that lasts he puts the child into febrile convulsions because the fevers too high for too long we're told to what we should do is cool down a child sponge him for her around the neck and around though the wrists to bring a temperature like that down it's not healthy anymore when it's that high well end on as much better than sponging wrists and so on what you see on that once you give belladonna is that first of all hallucinations kill the mind state terrifies there's wild eyes get better the dilation to reduce his eventually the temperature will come down that may not be an instant event what you will noticed though is the temperature redistributes before the temperature goes down so the hands and feet will warm up and you know that the remedies right when these things happen and if anything of that wild state reappears and give another belladonna and because it's so wild and so intense it's often appropriate to give many repetitions of it over a short space of time like even every five minutes so I guess you know children's in a nursery first-aid kit it's got to be there a lot we know Anika's always para Donna's can use a lot