AI Form Builder Application Lecture Notes
- Developing an application that can generate forms using AI
- Creation of an admin dashboard for tracking forms and results
- Settings page for managing subscriptions
- Deployment and adding analytics using Drizzle ORM
Key Features
Form Generation using AI:
- Users describe the form they need via a text area.
- Sends a request to OpenAI API to generate form content.
- Parses response to create a publishable and shareable form.
Admin Dashboard:
- Track existing forms and create new ones.
- View the results of forms.
- Settings Page to manage subscriptions:
- Free plans can create up to three forms.
- Option to upgrade to a premium plan for more forms.
Deployment and Analytics:
- Deploy the application.
- Add analytics to track usage and custom events.
Tools and Libraries
- Next.js: Project setup with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Source directory, and app router.
- OpenAI API: For generating form content.
- Drizzle ORM: Interacting with the database.
- ShadCN: UI component library used within the application.
- Stripe: For managing subscriptions and payments.
- Plausible Analytics: For tracking user interactions and page views.
Technical Steps and Implementation
Project Setup
- Initialized project using
npx create-next-app
- Selected configuration options: TypeScript, ESLint, Tailwind CSS.
- Added ShadCN UI library and configured with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.
- Set up global CSS and customized theme.
- Created initial components and setup file structure.
Form Generation Feature
- Popup with text area for form description.
- On submit, make API call to OpenAI to generate form content.
- Parse response and construct a form to be shared.
- Added integration with OpenAI API and handling parsing.
Admin Dashboard
- Created page to track forms and their results.
- Included a settings page for subscription management.
- Defined user access restrictions based on subscription status.
Authentication and Subscription
- Implemented authentication using NextAuth (Google Provider).
- Created user session and state management using hooks and providers.
- Integrated Stripe for subscription management.
- Created API routes for handling subscriptions.
- Implemented Stripe webhooks and customer portals.
- Developed frontend and backend logic for subscription and payment handling.
Database Setup
- Set up schema and relations using Drizzle ORM.
- Defined tables for user, sessions, accounts, and tokens.
- Added tables for forms, questions, and form answers.
- Handled database interactions for creating and storing forms and their responses.
- Managed database migrations and changes.
Deployment and Analytics
- Deployed application using Vercel.
- Configured environment variables and redeployed with updates.
- Integrated Plausible Analytics for tracking user interactions.
- Implemented tracking events for key user actions (e.g., creating a form).
Challenges and Solutions
- Handling AI outputs and parsing responses.
- Managing Stripe customer IDs and subscriptions adequately.
- Implementing secure routes and avoiding unauthorized access.
- Ensuring database migrations align with schema requirements.
Review and Conclusion
- Successful form generation using AI integration with OpenAI API.
- Smooth user and form management through an admin dashboard.
- Effective handling of subscriptions and payments with Stripe.
- Deployable and analytics-integrated application using modern libraries and best practices.
Explore More: Next.js, Plausible Analytics, Stripe Documentation.