welcome to our channel today we will start our new series for auditing theory concept and practice introduction services statements and generally young financial statements not been prepared on islam company prepared in accordance with standards it's a filipino is services services financial statements statements is statements or hindisha fairly presented by management entities in accordance with the standards and prepared fairly on financial statements audit of financial statements review of financial statements and other assurance engagements so now being audited um normally historical financial statements and review of historical financial statements so kappa hindisha historical financial statements knocked falsia under the under the category of other assurance engagements services and not related services so pakistan being related services at you my connection but my relationship services excuse me or mug m management our financial statements complied with the philippine financial reporting standards and is presented fairly seriously management or reasonable level of assurance about the management's assertion of a subject matter's compliance to a suitable criteria in a form of positive assurance of assurance gathering sufficient subject matter audit assertion assertion management is fairly stated young financial statements the financial statements is present fairly in all material aspects so union wordings fairly presented young financial statements based on judgment population partner is about the inherent limitations non-internal controls internal controls not in your okay level of asuras is in the form of negative assurance or limited being moderate or limited level of assurance procedures yeah nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the financial statements is not presented fairly in all material respects so indeed directly manga supportive or supporting documents documents evidence about sabbath on review engagement next is about agreed upon procedures so related services agreed foreign next is about compilation so annoying big sub compilations so in contrast to auditing skills accounting expertise accounting expertise to collect classify and summarize financial information without assertions so to let them agreed upon procedures so itoi based from ps8 120 paramas overview non-auditing and the related services so pogba thinks auditing but not absolute level of assurance and you report nothing is positive directly unfairly stated bashar or hindi some moderate or sorry moderate level of assurance or misunlimited level of assurance and negative young foreign conclusion agreed upon procedures no assurance benefits sufficient competence statement next is other things operational audit is about the effectiveness and efficiency of the entities operations so entity next is integrated audit integrated young integrated audit i required years among publicly listed entities and public companies is about forensic audit so boxing abina forensic audit is about the investigation to deter and detect fraud so pineapple meaning is next is about the types of auditors independent or external auditor among other types of auditor [Music] external auditors financial statements um businesses as external auditor requirement nadap licensed professional tapacha is a certified public accountant next is about the internal auditors so pakistani they helped to achieve the goals of the business so effective internal control or improvements internal control of these operations normally knock on dogs on compliance or did within the entity financial statements or financial statement audit entity and about the operational audit entities is that they are employees of the entity government or government agency or government owned or controlled corporations next is the internal revenue agents suboxone internal revenue agents bir agents national internal revenue code next is about the industry specialization of the auditing firms non-public practice companies manufacturing companies or among banks or other financial institutions specialization industries merchandising manufacturing and meridian separate team about taxation consulting forensic and other services next are the managers however oxygen having managers normally stealing supervised selected few audit engagements and lastly are the senior er or misati natal managing partners young responsible support developed non-firms policies day-to-day management managers auditing firms and lastly about the seasonality of an accounting firm or auditing firm so normally from from december through april so normally um deadlines submit reports among regulators and other regulatories season framework for assurance engagements