good evening quarters welcome to our webinar I am tap class and I am your colleague instructor my name is Gita and I am with my team here Miss Marcia and Miss Ida welcome to everybody and we are all so thrilled to have you all in this class today and yes we are going to have a very exciting class I can't wait um it's going to be full of you know engaging videos and games and so many things that we're going to do and before we go and dive into that let's take a moment to say hi to everybody in the chat yes hello hello hello everyone good evening to you if you are in other parts of the country or anywhere in the world good morning good afternoon and I'm so happy to see you all in the chat and I can't wait to see you giving your names of your places that you're coming from in this webinar and it's so much fun right like you are from different parts but we all like get together here for one particular like aim that we have a goal we have to learn medical terminology welcome everybody thank you so much and yes it is about time for me to call my team here and I'm going to invite Miss Marsha and Miss Ida to say hello and say a few words to you before we begin this class and remember do not forget to put anything in the chat there's question box that you have and our team here is in the back answering to all your questions if you have any and we will be addressing everything that you need to know yes Miss Marcia hello to you good evening thank you for joining good evening good evening and good evening holders morning evening Wherever You Are and welcome again to another Wednesday of ontap thank you so much Miss Ida how are you doing today good evening thank you for joining good evening Miss Kita and Miss Marcia and good evening quarters welcome for another wonderful day and let's learn medical terminology absolutely thank you so much Miss Ida and I think somebody is having a problem is that audio video what is the problem um can you just come back like log out and come back into the webinar just to make sure that you all you can hear the audio correctly okay okay good good one of them is saying good and let me know if anybody else is having any problem with audio video just make sure that you're clicked on the audio of the computer to listen to yes and yes we are about to start everybody thank you very much for coming into this webinar and I can't wait to start let me begin by showing you what I'm going to do today so yes it is going to be our medical terminology every Wednesdays 8 to 10 P.M and it's going to be an interactive peer-to-peer with me myself Miss Gita and my team here miss Ida Miss Marshall and it is a roll calling time yes but remember we are going to have lots of quizlets and some Light review of the medical terminology and I already did a roll calling for you guys I called and I said hi to everyone if you want to say hi to me you can go ahead and do that in the chat and yes we are going to do today respiratory system it's going to be week four the reason because we missed one class in the middle and then in the very beginning we had missed one week for doing a chapter from the last session so we actually basically missed two weeks of uh topics so we're going to cover that today and today is uh topic is going to be respiratory system as well as cardiovascular system so we are going to cover two topics in one class you're not going to miss anything we're going to try to Crunch everything in one and we'll try our best to do it and let me know in the chat how many of you are going to tell me what do you think is going to be our calling today or our response calling what is going to be somebody said all set you bet what else can you think of what else do you think ready to roll ready to rock yes macaroni and cheese okay let's see what it is okay it is macaroni and cheese everybody freeze yes that's what's going to be our calling and we all know the general flow of class I'm not going to go die reading this because we have to cover two chapters so you all know your webinar already the more what is more important for you is your audio whether it is connected to computer audio or not make sure that and also remember where you're going to type your questions or your answers that is the box there and make sure that you make use of it and also when you are practicing your Quizlet word sets this is where you're going to go if you have the link good if you don't have it please capture this on the screen that you are seeing and you're going to be learning this word sets from the month of August or the August session okay and we are in August now and today is going to be respiratory system and cardiovascular system and we are going to do some Cahoots definitely you need your phone for those of you who love to do the Cahoots on phone then yes that's the place for you those who want to play in the chat you can definitely do that as well so lots of code and Quizlet today and we all know the parts of medical terms prefix root word and the suffix prefixes the one that comes before root word is someone that stands alone has some meaning he or she is a bachelor or a bachelorette I call it like as if it's a person and suffix is something that comes towards the end of the world and it also adds meaning so let's look at this particular word that we have and the word is bronchiogram and what is bronchiogram we know what bronchiogram is right and what is Bronco let's like cut it down into three components one is the root word uh Bronco meaning bronchus O is a vowel that combines and what's the third part of it gram which is the suffix which means an x-ray a picture okay so bronchogram is the next picture of the bronchus so we are about to start a wonderful video of our respiratory systems and give me one moment yes let's look at this video well that was one brief video of the respiratory system it also so showed us how our air goes from our nose to the bronchioles and the next that we are going to learn is what is the major functions of the respiratory system as we know that it supplies uh the blood with oxygen which is then delivered to all the bodies so many trillions of cells and it removes the carbon dioxide from the blood and it expels it from the body so that's the function of the respiratory system that's the like overall brief what I could tell you right now but why do we need oxygen oxygen it's an essential gas in cellular respiration and this process generates energy in the mitochondria of all the cells and the primary waste product of this cellular action is our carbon dioxide as you can see their oxygen and the carbon dioxide this is the carbon dioxide this is the oxygen and this is together we are actually using in our daily life as you see that the air we breathe what percentage is our oxygen it's only 21 percent is the oxygen the rest is nitrogen so we actually extract a little oxygen from the air that we have for our life the respiratory system organs what we have the major is our mouth or the nose and the larynx and the when air enters in your mouth or nose the mucus is the one that actually AIDS in humidifying and warming the air before it enters our lungs look at that and it passes over your larynx or voice box which has vocal folds able to generate sound and their larynx also protects the trachea and if there is a question for you um when you sneeze uh particles that fly from your nose and mouth are at nearly 100 miles per hour look at that what is this physiologic reason why one would need to sneeze and look it goes at a speed of 100 miles per hour so the picture is something that really I I can imagine all those particles coming out of our mouth so what is the reason why one would need to sneeze can anybody in the chat tell I'm looking at the yes to somebody said to expel irritants yes allergy dust absolutely absolutely that is what the reason is that's the fair uh what you call um layman term uh response to this question as to why we need to sneeze it is actually a response uh that is generated in our body for the irritation that we feel in our nose yes wonderful thank you so much everyone for answering and yes it's a reflex response absolutely what you said there in the chat seizing or sternutation occurs when the respiratory epithelium that lines the nose is irritated and I'm still amazed by the speed of the sneezing the particles that come out of our mouth and the respiratory system organs the pharynx and the epiglottis look at the pharynx here and the epiglottis is the one here in the back of the throat the place where the nasal cavity and the oral cavity meet is called the pharynx yes both the cavities where they meet and the throat area is the pharynx and when you eat there is a flap which actually switches and it's made out of connective tissue called the epiglottis it prevents the food from entering the track yeah yes when we sneeze sorry when we breathe and when we eat this flap is the one that actually operates respiratory system organs the track here and the trachea here is or the windpipe is a tube actually made up of cartilage rings that branches into two bronchi yes the trachea it goes divides into two which is bronchi and it is lined with cilia and mucus and which is designed to filter harmful particles from the air we breathe so whatever enters our throw a nose and mouth these Celia and mucus they actually hold it from going into the lungs and the trachea opens into two bronchi and then continues to Branch into smaller and smaller tubes called bronchioles as you can see in the picture uh see this it goes and branches more until it reaches here and the gas exchange does not take place at here it goes all the way towards the end of it where the exchange takes place towards the last part where the bronchioles are and look at the bronchial histology you can see how it is the bronchi how it is lined up the bronchus or the bronchi how it is lined up it has the epithelium the smooth muscle the cartilage the bronchial Lumen and all of this so we don't have to really remember this it's just and then look at the epithelium the clumps of hair like Celia protrude from the tops of the specialized columnar epithelial cells and this Celia the rhythmic moment of it it serves to move bacteria from other particles away from alveoli and towards the throat where they are expelled or swallowed so yeah so this Celia really helps to move the bacteria or any particles away and the lung tissue histology look at the lung tissue the alveoli are composed of single layer of squamous epithelium and between the alveoli U we may see a thin layer of areolar connective tissue and numerous capillaries also lined with simple squamous epithelium well the picture is really and the respiratory system we have the last part is the alibioli right the last one here you see that the bronchioles terminate in tiny sac-like structures called alveoli so the last of the bronchioles and it ends to alveoli the oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged here in the microscopic blood vessels called capillaries so the blood vessels down there the veins and the ultra veins and the are the arteries yes I think capillaries they exchange the oxygen and carbon dioxide it happens at a very smaller level which we don't even realize how small it is and here Airways into the lungs um you see the picture the lungs the track here the bronchi the bronchus and the bronchioles and all the way to the alveoli and look at that the deoxygenated blood comes in the oxygenated blood goes out so The Exchange happens between the veins and the arteries so it's about time to do a shout out to everybody how did you find the little show of the respiratory system yes every okay so what do we have today for a call calling what do we have for a calling today yes everybody freeze absolutely thank you so much everyone and yeah it's about time we'll do a small Quizlet and I'm going to invite um Miss Ida to come and do a Quizlet for us give me a moment let me not go far ahead missaida let me know if you're ready I'm ready uh-huh okay here you go let me show my screen and let's do this okay pertaining to Al alja I was moving really fast on it I'm so sorry I'm just coming out of it hey come out give me a moment here I don't know why it's just doing that one moment I think you could okay I think I got it give me a moment here let me freeze this give me a second foreign yes here we go all right pertaining to one L two algaia three low bar for Tommy and let me check what's recordings everybody's saying the first one let's go with first yeah inflammation of one tummy to Ill three itis and alveolitis I see a whole lot of saying three let's go with three great job study of array logic stami um there's a sweeping two over there this is of spiral Patty Idris logic we're getting a good practice everybody's saying Patty yes good job on that surgical repair reconstruction stormy graphy plasti plagia I see a whole lot of a saying three let's do the three excessive discharge flow metri Riya Dania Raja excessive discharge or flow uh you we can get confused between two and four but I see some are saying too some are saying four I'm confused too what do you think we should take Mass cider should we go with two or four okay let's go with four okay let's go with four I don't know all right technique of viewing Scorpi algea scope stomi this one we know um yeah it's going between one and three so this is another one I would go with one because it's a technique so I would go with OP or P yes yeah okay excessive discharge flow graph graph Rhea plagia and metri yes Quizlet gave us another chance what is excessive discharge flow yeah I can see everyone saying too and now we know oh good job everyone thank you very much Miss Ida that was great and remember excessive floral discharge is real not reach here so that's our age what is regia by the way anybody can tell me what switches again anybody tell me in the chat what yeah abnormal flow condition somebody said Okay Okay um foreign no it's not pain though yeah it's not pain access you yeah it is excessive bleeding as well excessive flow our agis uh but yeah that that is there is a difference between uh regia and uh real there's a difference between yeah it is kind of confusing uh regia is like um excessive it's like heavy uh discharge or abnormal way of flowing is ratio our Ria is actually a flow Ria is just a flaw so regia would be something abnormal you would consider and Riya is just a flaw so I think that would be there's a fine line of difference uh if anybody can yeah yeah someone said rapid flow that's also correct yeah it's very difficult to really tell what exactly is the difference but yeah there is a difference absolutely ah so let's do the next one give me a moment here I think we are going to do some word sets here uh so let me bring the screen Miss Marcia Miss Ida thank you so much for uh doing the Quizlet and it's time for Miss Masha to do some root words for us some words sets for us all right coders are we ready for these root words so with the respiratory we have rhino which is your nose boringo is throat labo or is it mobo Lobo it means lobe bronchio means bronchus ulminole is long yeah everybody in the chat let me let me ask you what is lobo or lobe means in the respiratory system the lungs are divided into yeah the lungs are divided into lobes uh I think the one side lung is three lobes and other side lung is two lobes I don't know which is the right or the left yeah but it's all together five lobes for the lungs one is three uh I think the one on the side of the heart has two lobes and the one on the side of the other side is uh three lobes so that's what the lobe is all about alveol means alveolus alveolus bronchiole is bronchial Ortho means straight Costo means rib freno means diaphragm so some prefixes Brady which means slow this which means painful or difficult hyper above normal and hypo is the opposite the lobe normal normal and enter is between uh some more prefixes tacky means fast uni means single or one LG means sense of pain and means without and post means actor so here are a few suffixes dieses means fixation by surgery and we all know what itis means inflammation of Denia condition of pain in meter an instrument that measures and metri technique of measuring Ria which we now know means excessive discharge or flow Sculpey technique of viewing algaea condition of pain ill pertaining to um Nia or or nia yeah breathing penia yeah Pina so we're going to build words using root words and suffixes rhino along with scopey it's rhinoscopy rhinoscopy either way rhinoscopy it is a technique of viewing the nose rhino and plasti is rhinoplasty which means surgical repair of the nose rhino with Logie rhinology is study of the nose foreign so to go over the medical term word list rhinoscopy is technique of viewing the nose rhinoplasty is a surgical repair of the nose and rhinology is study of the nose some more uh word building using root words and suffixes rhino without you rhinocchia condition of pain in the nose for when go with ill pharyngeal pertaining to the pharynx rhino along with rapid right right Rhino Rafi Rhino rappy Rhino rappy it is stitching or suturing of the nose okay another set of medical terms we just went over word list right now Gia condition of pain in the nose pharyngeal pertaining to the pharynx and Rhino rappy stitching or suturing of the nose wonderful uh Miss Marcia thank you so much and we learned quite a bit of words there and yes it's about time for the kahoot so let's get ready with your phone let me quickly bring the kahoot on the screen and you guys can uh start scanning and you can start playing kahoot on your phone I'm going to bring the first one and we're going to quickly play this let's do this here you go copy okay I'll give you 30 seconds for you guys to join the kahoot game and we'll play this we'll have lots of fun let me know if anybody is having a problem joining the kahoot and all those who answered about the lobe great job everyone yes right side has three lobes um yeah right side has three lobes and the left side has two lobes everybody who answered great job there and how many of you are going to be answering in the chat for the kahoot let me know that anybody in the chat or everybody's going to go on the phone okay one of them saying in the chat okay oh there are a few more coming okay yeah we got a couple more okay so let's start let's begin I'm going to start counting down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 call three quarters half one quarter how about one tenth zero okay I hope nobody had a problem joining there so let's start okay the first one here let's begin okay what is diaphragm is it epiglottis is it free no is it tracheo or is it lobe o those of you are in the chat let me know what is your answer for this is it epiglottis free no track your Lobo blue Yes frino means diaphragm great job most of you got it right and the scoreboard looks like this Royal alpaca is on the top Charming Quail balanced Fork Swift dough balanced or chain great job to come on the board what is breathing now what is another term for breathing is it Costo Spiro thoracal or plural it's going to be very I'm confused to now what is the answer for this Costo spirothoracco plural some of you are saying blue yes Spyro yes very nice very nice plural is the plural cavity thoraco is the thorax region the upper region and Costo is the rips so Spyro is the one that's the breathing again Royal alpaca State there Stellar alpaca came up balanced Fox stayed Swift term stayed and the new person here on the board is snowy Macau great job true or false I love true or false apnea means without breathing is it true or false use your prefix air and understand whether it's true or false apnea means without breathing true apnea means Nia Pina or nia whatever it's called is breathing apnea is o means without so I said use the prefix if you know the prefix o means without that is what the answer is apnea means without breathing so Royal alpaca is going to stay for the day-to-day balanced Forks came up Stellar alpaca scheme stayed on the spot Swift State and the new person here on the board is Magic sea lion and we had sermon with the three correct answers fixation of the pleural membranes fixation what is it is it fluorodesis spirometer thoracos stenosis or plurography it's definitely not graphy it's definitely not meters it is definitely not stenosis okay this is fixation so what is the suffix this is means fixation so pleurodesis is fixation of the pleural membrane and a lot of you got it correct but balanced Fox is on the top Stellar alpaca and the top came next Swift dough went up magic sea lion came up and also gentle Turtle came up so the whole new set of people on the board and we have Noble seal the highest climber 10 places great job on that the fifth question what is removal of is a genic is it Malaysia is it ectomy or daisies removal we all know what removal is it is the mustard not the ketchup yeah almost everyone has got that right balanced Fox State Stellar alpaca State Swift dusted in fact everybody stayed and fast duck is the fast highest climber three places you are going to come back and yes what is slow is it Brady tacky this or paneer paneer or Pina Pina foreign yes this time I see you most of you are doing so great in this very good Brady is slow tacky means fast balanced Fox teller alpaca everybody stayed except Royal alpaca oh Royal alpaca came back but in the fifth place and we have 11 players they reached the ancestry streak of four what are another true false here what is free no means is it diaphragm is it true or false we learned this right everybody should get this right everyone and I'm glad everyone got it free no means diaphragm and those who did not now you know and here goes the scoreboard balanced Fox everyone stayed on the spot and we have someone called Daring lemur daring lemur is back in the game three in a row so yeah probably it lost somewhere came back condition of excessive bleeding now comes our excessive bleeding oh I hate this question Rafi rajia plegiogenic oh we don't have Riya there I'm so glad I'm so glad I always get confused between the two Condition it's a condition ER is a condition we have to remember ER is a condition of excessive bleeding and that is regia so we all got that right and those who did not Rafi means suturing and I see the scoreboard standing strong and we have six players who reach the ancestry of four ninth question of the twelve pneumothorax which means air in the thorax is it true or false pneumo means air thorax means thorax pneumothorax means air in the thorax did I give the answer already that looks like yeah it is true pneumothorax pneumo means air pneumonia you get pneumonia remember that is condition of uh the lungs um pneumonia then we have the scoreboard which is almost staying the same except for shifter came up and Royal alpaca is slowly climbing up and we have four players just hitting the ancestry of five the tenth question here inflammation of the lungs due to infection inflammation of the lungs due to infection wow this is bronchogenic pneumonia Bronco Malaysia or Bronco lactasis bronchiolectasis let me go that again bronchogenic pneumonia bronchomalacia Bronco bronchiolectasis so what is inflammation everybody got that 13. which is pneumonia so pneumonia is the condition of the lungs the infection the it's a condition of the uh the place where there is air the thorax or the lungs is the place where the air is going in so it's a condition there and yes if there's an infection it's called pneumonia and you all got that correct some of you did not I would also not get it right if I were going to do that Stellar alpaca came up sweet Dusty Royal alpaca is slowly climbing balanced flow balanced Forks and Magic sea lion stayed on the spot gentle turtle is back in the game three in a row so 11th question here what is painful or difficult is it Pina Pina this hyper or tacky painful or difficult and I think it is that I'm not giving this I hope I'm right yes this I was thinking of this so everybody stayed there I don't see anybody moving and Charming Quail is the highest climber three places that's nice puncture to remove fluid we know this actresses mycosis synthesis orectomy oh actresses mycosis synthesis or ectomy it is not ectomy at all actiminates removal mycosis is a condition of mycosis is a condition of uh what is mycosis mismasha do you remember what mycosis is I do not mycosis mycosis is the condition of it's some fungus condition is that correct am I saying it right probably yeah so that's not the puncture to remove fluid is going to be the synthesis yes so let's look at the podium here and let's see who is in the third place Royal alpaca third place great job sift 12 second place and our winner for this kahoot is our Stellar person so Stellar alpaca great job and we have balanced Fox and the other person there fourth in the fifth place I do not want to forget them great job everyone you're doing wonderful wonderful wonderful so let's see what we have next to do here one moment let me start a nice little video for you well that was uh one small video what happens if your Airways is constructed so I hope you're having a great time so far let me know in the chat how are you going so far are you doing great okay that's nice I see a lot of you saying good that's wonderful and let's move a little further down into seeing more about our respiratory system the surface area of the lung is roughly the same size as a tennis court oh I did not know that okay it's something and what is a yawn another uh just like the sneeze what is a yawn it occurs when a person's blood contains elevated levels of carbon dioxide okay and the influx of oxygen provided by the yawn it helps to re-establish the homeostasis so probably it goes down with the oxygen so it tries to like breathe in a whole lot and bring in the balance homeostasis is bringing the balance and that is when our yawn occurs and here's the respiratory system organ the plural the pleura is this area you see between the long lobe and the end of it this space is called the plural sometimes people get fluids filled in there so plural the cavity this area is also called a cavity is a fluid filled double membrane that surrounds the lungs and it effectively creates a closed space like a balloon for the lungs to operate and the lobes of the lungs yeah here we go with the lobes um we have look at that you know always have to remember the right side of the person the patient or the person in question the right side is not my right side so we always have to consider this is the right side and this has the so this is the right side and this is the left side so opposite of what yours is the thing so if I said three lobes here and two lobes there that's what I meant and this is the superior lobe the pink one is the purple is the middle middle lobe and the the smaller ones are the inferior lobes or the it's a they are in the bottom Superior is on the top and the middle one is in the middle did you know the chemicals in cigarette smoke damages the alveoli and the one who smokes that person's lung looks like this and the one who is normal that person's lung looks like this so nobody wants to be in that place the circulatory system and the respiratory system so these two are interconnected the primary vehicle for gas exchange in the red blood cells and these cells have a protein called hemoglobin which attaches and releases the of respiratory gases so the blood ah the small the small and what I meant to is this the red blood cells is the one that carries the oxygen all through the body the circulatory system and the respiratory system the blood is delivered through the lungs via the heart in a process called pulmonary circulation so this is what you see is the pulmonary circulation the blood from the heart which is the purified blood goes into the lung and there it exchanges and brings the carbon dioxide back uh takes the sorry the blood goes all through the body and it goes through the lungs it exchanges and comes back to the heart so the pulmonary circulation is the one the oxygenated blood is then transported back to the heart and pumped to all the bodies of the tissue so the one which comes from the lung it goes all through the body and comes back to the heart and it goes back so it the circulation happens and that's called the pulmonary circulation so look look let's do this from body this is blue is a bad blood the red is a good blood okay so from body it goes to the heart and the red blood is goes from the heart to the blood and again from the heart it goes to the lung and from the lung it goes to the heart and again here from the heart it goes to the body and from here this blue from body to heart so it keeps doing that back and forth you can take a screenshot of this if you want to it's very interesting what is optimal breathing Pace respiratory system organs the diaphragm the diaphragm is a large muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities and when you inhale it moves downward and your rib cage expands and when you exhale it returns to its normal position and air is expelled from the lungs excuse me so diaphragm is a large muscle right it's round below now let me go back I'm sorry about that it go down below and it expands and it contracts uh the rib cage and when you exhale it returns to its normal position and this air is expelled from the lungs so did I miss anything now so here the pressure for negative when the diaphragm is pulled down the balloon inflates and when the diaphragm is released the balloon deflates that's how the technique is the diaphragm technique is when we inhale and exhale um basically the air fills in diaphragm expands and when we release it contracts and what is a spirometer it is actually uh is where you actually measure the volume of the lung how much you can fill the air inside your lung sometimes we they say that we don't breathe enough when we breathe we have to breathe all the way like you have to take a large volume of air into the lungs so that you know we completely like make use of our lung capacity it's important to have a higher lung impact capacity and factors affecting volume several factors some can be controlled and some cannot and lung volumes can be measured using the following terms the males have larger volumes the females have smaller volumes taller people also have larger volumes non-smokers and athletes oh yeah athletes people who swim they need to have a large um respiratory or lung capacity and people also who live in the high altitudes and the reason because the oxygen at a high altitude is less so they probably like breathe very strong to get enough air and enough oxygen and that's when their volumes increase but people who are small shorts or who are smoking who are not athletic and people living in the lower altitude have a smaller volume of uh air and it's about time to do a shout out wonderful let's see macaroni and cheese yes I see that macaroni and cheese I love it I love the chat what do you say Miss Marshall it's wonderful to see right when this when they type when they type in the I I just love how they type in and it's just wonderful so let me quickly go over one more video for you guys I love to show this one more animated video let me bring that up give me a moment uh let's see what I can I have a one animated video you probably will love it uh let me show this to you guys It's a Wonderful video I think I did a show well that was one nice video about how the air goes in and what exchange happens in the lungs and yes Miss Marshall would you like to do the root words before we move on to the next chapter that is going to be the cardiovascular so before we move to the next chapter let's quickly go through this root words sure okay the root words here Casto means rib Bueno means diaphragm plural means plura Spyro means breathing the racco is the thorax or thoracic cavity next we have plural which means pleural membranes Costco rib lobe o lobe breno diaphragm tracheo is your trachea some more root words lorengo is your larynx epiglotto means epiglottis cyst is system leuko is white and correct egg some prefixes multi means many uni being single or one LG Z sense of pain and without and again post means after some more suffixes Airy means pertaining to ectomy removal of genic pertaining to forming in originating in and IA means condition of an abnormal condition some more suffixes meter an instrument used to measure plasti surgical repair of sclerosis condition of hardening of stomy technique of viewing and scopey formation of an opening so building root words and suffixes you have Bronco along with itis is bronchitis and bronchitis is inflammation of the lining of the bronchi Bronco together with mycosis is bronchomycosis condition of fungi in the bronchi Bronco along with Graham is Bronco Graham which is an x-ray of the bronchi so our word list bronchitis means inflammation of the lining of the bronchi Broncho mycosis excuse me it's condition of fungi in the bronchiat bronchi and bronchogram is an x-ray of the bronchi thank you so much Miss Marshall that was great we learned quite a bit of words there for respiratory system and we are going to move on to the cardiovascular system so give me a moment here let me bring up the cardiovascular system here I really want to start off with the a nice video for you guys and then we'll start okay so I hope you liked what we did with the respiratory system we try to move it real fast so let's do this one give me a second here I hope you like that brief video about uh the veins and the arteries the difference between the veins and the arteries is the vein carries the bad blood or the deoxygen oxygenated blood and the arteries carries the oxygenated blood so what is that we're going to learn in the cardiovascular system is the nature of the blood the human art the blood vessels yes that's all we're going to learn and what is the primary function of the circulatory system as she mentioned in the video it transports the respiratory gases carbon dioxide and the oxygen it transports nutrients to and waste from all the body parts of tissues it delivers the endocrine hormones to Target organs and tissues yes and it contains us that fights pathogens and it regulates the ph and ion concentration of the blood body fluids and also helps stabilize the temperature of the body by transporting Heat what is the nature of the blood blood is a mixture that contains the following components let's look at the blood has the red blood cells it has the oxygen carbon dioxide it has the plasma am I showing the screen or not okay I think I'm not showing the screen so give me a moment let me go I am not showing the screen I think so yeah no yeah yeah yeah yeah let me know that here because yeah and here we go sorry about that I was about to show you okay so this is our heart that's working right there in the corner um and we're going to learn what the circulatory system does to us and the primary function just as many as I mentioned uh it transports the respiratory gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen it transports the nutrients to and waste from all the body tissues it delivers the hormones the endocrine hormones to Target organs and tissues it contains the cells that fights the pathogens and it also regulates the ph and iron concentration of the body fluids and also regulates helps regulate the body temperature so these are the primary primary function of the circulatory system and I was here while I realized that my screen was not showing so the blood is made up of red blood cells on it's on it has oxygen carbon dioxide it has the plasma which is mostly water it contains hormones nutrients immune cells waste like urea and platelets the components of the blood and the red blood cells they'll almost look like Cheerios to me the colored Cheerios what do you think let me know in the chat what does it sometimes it sounds it looks like a candy uh yeah Donuts exactly yeah someone said red smarty yes it gives me the reminder of some candy fruit and all that it doesn't look like blood so yeah red blood cells they are bicon clay concave as you can see disc that do not have nuclei they Bend and fold easily fitting through the smallest of the vessels and their primary function is to utilize hemoglobin a molecule especially designed to hold carry oxygen and it delivers it to the body's trillions of cells while removing the carbon dioxide so look at that the little cells do do so much and what are the immune cells do they often call the white blood cells and they contain phagocytes which means they eat and lymphocytes which works together to fight pathogens such as viruses and bacteria platelets are not cells but they are cell fragments which from a fibrous which is a form of a fibrous Network causing blood to clot so whenever someone gets insured that area of injury gets clot of blood which helps from not having excessive flow or flow of blood out of the body so it kind of like creates a blockage the nature of the blood the plasma you can see the blood when it is settled it looks like that 55 percent of it is plasma some small percentage of it less than one percent is the white blood cells and the platelets and 45 percent of it is the red blood cells and plasma is like a straw colored liquid you can see that um which contains all the blood components aside from the rbcs so most of it is plasma plasma makes up about the 60 percent of your blood and contains carbon dioxide it contains glucose amino acids proteins minerals vitamins hormones and urea well um when you look at that blood it all this Cheerios coming out of it I don't know why I'd say Cheerios such looks like tedious and we have though white blood cells here the plasma here the platelets here am I going really fast and yeah this is all you see flowing through the veins and what does blood has different types right um we have the a the V the B type the a b type and the O type and the Rh factor uh In The Blood also determines additional blood types which is the positive and the negative so if somebody has a type blood it can be a positive or A negative similarly for b a b and O uh so these are the different types of blood and what is uh the percentage of blood types you can see that 38 percent of the population has O positive about 34 percent has a positive and then the fraction here you can see six percent has a negative nine percent has B positive two percent has about B negative a B positive is three percent and a b negative is one percent so anybody wants to tell what your blood type is or let me know if anybody wants to sell what your blood type is okay I'm O positive and more positive yeah I did not know my blood type almost until I was like in my late teens I nobody cared what my blood type was until I was in late teens I did not know my blood type but turns out that I was O positive um so some yeah there are people in this world who don't know the blood type it's very normal for us here uh at least in my family to not know what the blood type is like I don't know it's very important to know the blood type uh yeah I'm more positive which is good because majority of them have a blood type which is o positive and it takes about a minute to make the entire trip too and from the heart so it takes about a minute to make that trip the average adult has about 12 to 16 pints of blood and millions of rbcs are recycled Sims every second in your spleen which is they replace and regenerate in the red marrow and the rarest rarest blood type is a b negative yeah we saw that percentage right it was about like one percent and the most common is o positive which is 38 and I come in that category rbcs live for about 120 days before they get replaced which is important factor facts about the blood and let's play kahoot I'm going to invite Miss Marcia on the floor here and Miss Marsha are you ready for another round of kahoot for us I am our coders are you ready for another round of kahoot yes and I'm really sorry for not showing so scream for some time and I'm glad I keep figured that out very quick uh so here you go just about a second year and I'm about to show my screen and yes copy this scan this code and let's get going let's get to kahooting [Music] yeah I see everybody in the chat macaroni and cheese macaroni and cheese that's right everybody freeze everybody freeze for this kahoot yeah forget about everything and play kahoot okay I'll give 10 seconds to everybody is that less let me know if it is less 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one three quarters half one quarter one twentieth one tenth one and here you go let's start bye Cardiology we are going to go over Cardiology number one what is Cardiology is it pertaining to the heart the heart study of the heart or surgical repair of the heart I know you guys got it you already got it is very important here yeah [Music] all right the mustard study of the heart so we have prairie gecko in the number one spot a bowed deer followed by snowy ferret bronze lion and creative zebra on the scoreboard number two pericardium is it pericardial endocardial value arrhythmo that's it's kind of easy it is red pericardio everybody got that so just a little shake up uh Prairie gecko held its own in the number one spot power seal came up snowy ferrets stayed the same a magic elephant came up yellow glider came up and up seven places it's radiant and large the highest climber number three what is an instrument used to record the heart is it cardiograph cardiomegaly cardiopathy or Cardiology or coders I know the coders have this one that's pretty easy it's definitely not yes they got it cardiograph red cardiograph uh oh just a little shake-up magic elephant is now in the number one spot snowy ferret came up power seal held its own spot radiant Lark came up and Prairie gecko stayed in the same spot and up four places this cute rooster you are cute number four what is cardio pericardiopexy okay I'm gonna try that again cardio pericardiopexy is it pexy condition of without a normal Rhythm of the heart or is it inflammation of the inner lining of the heart and it is surgical fixation of the pericardium of the heart yes fixation a lot of you guys got that the majority yes wow we've got some shake up here now yellow gliders in the number one spot power seal came up magic elephant held its position Green Lemon came up bronze lion came up and three players hit the ancestry for three very good disease of the heart what is disease of the heart endocardium cardiomegaly myocardium or cardiopathy disease of the heart disease of the heart is cardiopathy yes wow power seal is now in the number one spot yellow gliders in the same spot magic elephant everybody else held their own three players came up with an answer streak of four number six endocardium endocardium is it pericardial cardio myocardium or endocardio oh that's pretty easy I'm sure every code is going to get this one that's kind of a giveaway yep very good very good endocardial yellow glider came up magic elephant came up Green Lemon came up power seal held its position and bronze lion held its position and up four places is bright Mack off the highest climber number seven technique of recording the electrical activity of the heart is that electrocardiograph electrocardiogram electrocardiography or cardiograph the technique of recording technique yeah oh yeah and it is electrocardiography very good very good yeah that can be kind of yeah this is a technique yeah it's a technique so graphically when it ends with why it's the technique that we're going to see graph is the record itself and graph is the technique yeah so that's the difference there and Graham is recording as well right yeah yeah exactly oh wow magic elephant is now number one snowy ferret came up Prairie gecko came up yellow glider and green Lemmy held its positions fast out is making a comeback for three in a row number eight now a recording of electrical activity of the heart yep just went over that is it electricity electrocardiograph electrocardiogram or cardiomegaly a recording of electoral electrical activity of the heart yep it is electrocardiogram mustard electrocardiogram magic elephant remains in the number one spot Prairie gecko is coming up power seal came up snowy ferret helmets position and mountain dragon came up Prairie gecko has the highest answer streak of eight number nine what is the surgical repair of the heart is it cardiogram cardioplasty Cardiology or myocardium we know the answer is right when the sky is blue cardioplasty plasti is surgical repair very good very good so snowy ferret is the only one that came up and everyone else stayed the same magic elephant has the highest interest rate of nine wow okay number 10 true or false endocarditis means inflammation of the inner lining of the heart true or false what say ye coders it is true endocarditis inflammations itis inner lining endocardial carditis all right number three spot on the podium snowy ferret number two Prairie gecko and number one the Hooter is Magic elephant yay I love the way they shake their heads I shake it too all the time that's wonderful yeah and the difference between electrocardiogram and electrocardiograph electrocardiogram is actually the picture itself is the cardiogram gram is a picture itself graph is the instrument which can capture the picture so graph is the instrument gram is the picture itself so that's the difference between electrocardiogram and electrocardiograph I just wanted to tell you that because there was one question and it's it was like we had a 50 50 answers from people so I was trying to get that cleared and it's about time to do some Light review I'll go ahead and do the Light review for you guys let's bring the picture on the screen okay so we are going to learn some root words it is endocardio which means endocardium pericardio is pericardium is rhythm Volvo is valve and vasculo is vessel so you see that in the veins we used to have uh so-called screen oh I see again people saying not seeing the screen am I doing so why am I doing this all the time there we go there it is yes I'm like caught between two big two slides here so yeah root words endocardio is endocardium pericardio is pericardium thank you everybody in the chat for letting me know that thank you Marsha raimo is rhythm Volvo is wall and vasculo is vessel or all the blood vessels is vasculo um that's why the vascular system that's what it's called valve is that we saw in the veins and arteries where the blood has to move in One Direction that's why we have the valves in the vessels NGO is the vessel or blood vessel Vaso is also a vessel valvulo is a valve we know is a vein and flabber is a vein too so Veno or vein is a vein flabo is a vein um Vaso is vessel they're all one and the same like you know they just have different names for terminology for the same so all five you see are nothing but blood vessels suffix EK is pertaining to gram as you see here now it's extra picture or a recording graph is an instrument that records so we got the difference now electrocardiogram and electrocardiograph gram is the picture graph is the instrument remember that logist is a specialist who studies and the Lord Jesus study itself and the next suffixes we have is megali which is the enlargement pathy is disease of Plasti is a surgical repair itis nobody wants to know this because we already know it it's inflammation and pexy is a surgical fixation now what is the difference between plasti and pexy for pexy you see there is a x here and fixation has X here so remember taxi means fixation whereas plasti is a surgical repair so if pack C is fixation then plasti is repair I don't know how much different it could be right but yes oh is without ectasis is dilation ectasis is dilation and these are the suffixes okay they um they come towards end oid is resembling and Omar is swelling or tumor we're going to build some words NGO which is nothing but vessel plasti angioplasty is a surgical repair of a blood vessel angio with ectasis is injectasis and g-ctisis if I'm saying it right dilation of the blood vessel ends you with Oasis is NGO Oasis which is formation of blood vessel Oasis is formation angio is blood vessel angiopoiesis is formation of blood vessels so the words that we learned is angioplasty which is the surgical repair of the blood vessel injectis is dilation of the blood vessel angiopoiesis is formation of the blood vessel and the next set of words that we're going to learn is vasculo with itis vasculitis is inflammation of the blood vessels which is disease of the aorta then we have arterio artero with ectomy is arterectomy is the removal of the artery arteryctomy is removal of the artery the words are inflammation of the blood vessels which we learned vasculitis disease of the aorta is our aortopathy and arterectomy is removal of an artery and I'm about to show you something so give me a moment here and I have to remember to show the screen okay here we go let's watch this a little bit well um I love this video so much I watch it all the time and it just amazes me and yeah someone in the chat said that it is amazing to see how this whole circulatory system works and yeah it's a human heart it pumps blood through a closed system of blood vessels and I think I have to show my screen once again that's the thing right I'm I'm challenged here for some reason and the heart has four chambers which we saw and separates the deoxygenated blood which is the blue blood we saw that blue colored blood from the oxygenated one which was the red and we love to see that very much the pericardium consists of two layers here see this is the pericardium which is surrounding the earth Perry surrounding the heart um Berry means all around the and it's a fibrous layer it anchors the heart it keeps the heart intact and it's uh it generates the pericardial fluid to lubricate and minimize friction around the height so there is a fluid in between this which actually see this between this there's a fluid which helps from lubricating there should not be any friction and the layers of the heart that picardium the the layer itself has many layers itself and it has the epicardium The myocardium which is uh ah the composed of Highly vascularized cardiac muscle weight tissue and the endocardium which is the innermost of the layer of the heart um it is identical to the inner lining of the blood vessel so there are three layers of this particular pericardium and the circulatory system uh it has two pumping system we know that already now one is going to the lungs and one is coming from the body all over the body the right side of the system deals with the deoxygenated blood the right side is the right side of the person okay not our right side but the right side of the person and the left side of the system deals with the oxygenated blood again the side is of the person not us external anatomy of the heart it has two atria two ventricles uh the veins bring the deoxygenated blood from the body and the arteries carry blood away from the heart to the other part of the body and the coronary arteries the heart own blood supply so the heart needs because Heart is also a living thing in the body right it needs its own blood supply and so the arteries for the blood for the heart itself are called coronary arteries so these are the arteries of the Bloods of the heart itself which needs for the heart um and these are arteries the red ones and the blue ones are called the wings and the Atria the two atrials yes and the two ventricles the atrias are the are on the top and the ventricles are in the bottom the inside okay the chambers we have we know there are four chambers and this big one is the aorta itself this is the biggest artery of all um which carries the maximum amount for all the parts of the body and we have the two ventricles here the two Atrium here the left and the right uh this is the posterior vena cava and this anterior when I come out anterior is like on the top here posterior is on the side down below they have we have the pulmonary artery which brings the blood from the lungs uh pulmonary vein uh this is the left atrium and the introventric this is the there's a wall here between the inside the atrium there is a valve and this is called a trioventricular wall and there's a septum here which is actually like a flap left ventricle down here the lower right one is here and this is our top most vena cava which brings the bad blood to the heart so yeah these are the different parts of the heart and the right atrium look at that the right ventricle the left atrium the left ventricle so you've got the four things once again this is the more in Intense or intricate of intricacy of the heart that you see here um just take a look you really don't have to remember anything because we are learning the medical terminology it's just a picture of how the blood and the Heart works blood vessels as we know we have veins and arteries and the capillaries where you see the exchange of blood happens and it provides the pathway through which the blood is pumped throughout the body and I like these pictures so wonderful this is basically summarizes this picture summarizes the uh cardiovascular system the other day I was looking at a video where they actually had pulled the heart it was the open heart surgery and that pulled the heart out on the table and it were fixed with all those pipes of blood of the oxygenated blood and the deoxygenated blood and I was surprised to see how they could pull out the heart from the body and yeah it is time for a shout out let's do it this one is going to be for this particular chapter Red Robin [Music] how many of you like to say yum I would like to know in the chat you remember that right Red Robin I like that little like sound yum yes I like the sandwiches there I had one gone there only one time to eat and now that I'm getting hungry give me a moment let me see if I can show you something more one moment here we go let's do this one foreign oh that was great um and yeah I think some of you I think one of the person had a issue with the video I'm not sure how many of you uh can anybody tell me like if anybody had a problem with the audio of the video okay I think I just knew one person having it okay everybody's saying yes so yeah nobody had it so good um I think it's just one person I'm not sure why but yeah please check your audio before uh you know and we are just about to like you know finish this I want to like quickly go over what I have here uh before we end this today's class and as you know blood vessel yeah we learned a lot about blood vessel abnormalities are a component of a vascular headache such as migraines and cluster of headaches so sometimes people get headaches due to the abnormalities of the vascular system we learned about the tunic intima and Tunica Media that we saw in the video the innermost layer and the outermost layer and this is all the different arteries of the head and the trunk I really want you to take a screenshot of this picture and you can go with it when you have a free time just go over this picture if you can take a screenshot of it that would be great I'll leave it for few more seconds so that you can take a screenshot of it so the arteries of the head and trunk the arteries of the Upper Limb the arteries of the lower limb so it is quite a good one for information so please take a screenshot of this and I'm quickly going to move on to the next screen again this you can take a screenshot of this it's arteries of the head and the neck look at that it's so nicely labeled uh so I like when the picture is labeled so you know where exactly water is there and this is the arteries of the head and neck please take a screenshot of this and look at it at your free time and that way you get a brief idea about you don't have to buy out anything because none of this is going to come in your exam um it's more of a medical terminology again the arteries of the Upper Limb and the thorax so the Upper Limb upper part of the limb and the thorax so these are the labeling of the arteries you can take a screenshot of this one as well you can see the subclavian artery which is on the shoulder the axillary artery which is the low upper part of the arm and then we have the ulnar artery the brachial artery the radial artery which is near to the Lower Side of the arm and here take a picture of this and then again arteries of the abdomen okay look at the picture of that take a screenshot of this as well if everybody is taking or not let me know in the chat take a screenshot of this particular picture good if you got it great let's move on arteries of the pelvis and the leg take a screenshot of this as well you can see the which goes to the heart and all the arteries of the lower limb lower limb yeah the pelvis side and the leg take the screenshot of this and how do we take a pulse the average resting human a heart rate is about 70 beats per minute for adult males and 75 for adult females I'm not sure why it is more for the female when feeling for the carroted pulse under the angle of the jaw use very light pressure so we can actually check here and look at your clock and see what's your heartbeat or the pulse blood vessels capillaries the smallest of blood vessels are capillaries are the microscopic tubules where gas exchange takes place um like in the video they said that the capillaries are like the neighborhood roads all the loading and unloading happens in the capillaries all the good blood and the Bad Blood gets exchanged all of your trillions of cells have access to capillaries to rid themselves of carbon dioxide and acquire oxygen and yeah this is some more here the arterial and venule um this is the capillary the right in the middle is the capillary um you can see that's where the exchange happens the capillaries permeate all your body tissues at their smallest rbcs must move single file through them if all of your blood vessels including the capillaries were laid end to end they would stretch about look at that the amount of length they have 75 000 miles oh my God or three times around the world it's for me hard to believe that but that's how much it is okay so I'm about to give a Quizlet um or maybe not I don't think so we can even do the Quizlet um I would say uh do you guys want a Quizlet or you want to end this class just let me know in the chat you want to do a Quizlet it will go over like 10 minutes do you want to do that or just want to end the class because since we combine two classes like two um yeah someone some people are saying no end the class so that would be great I think I would be ending the class because I don't want to keep you waiting because it's already too late uh so yes let me end the class so give me one moment here before I end this uh also give me a second and always remember that uh your class here um it is foreign States come back next week we will have two big topics we'll be covering next Wednesday and most likely it's the last class of the August session and it's 8 to 10 p.m Eastern Standard time we're going to do kahoot Quizlet and yes we're going to be having a jam-packed class next week and remember we want your feedback definitely want to know how did the class go today uh why is the feedback very important because it helps amca deliver quality classes and it helps your instructor help you and no feedback means no good and I want to bring my team back again to say some few words to you before we end this class and say good night thank you all for coming and yes Miss Marcia and Miss Ida please come in the order that I call you and say something for the chorus good night coders have a great evening we'll see you back again uh next Wednesday have a good night thank you Miss Marcia good night good night quarters yes we'll see you next week with another great time yeah thank you so much Miss Idol thank you good night and everybody good night see you all next class we had a great time together you were great at kahoots and Quizlet thank you very much good night 4 000 exam passers and free classes at AMCI learn to go straight from home or on the road at a m c i we're on the East Coast the West Coast we're all around the world I [Music] i a m c i a m c i a m c i