Case Method and Decision-Making Insights

Aug 25, 2024

Lecture Notes: Understanding the Case Method and Decision-Making Challenges


  • Speaker: Professor from Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School.
  • Topic: Understanding the Case Method, using the MeToo movement as a hypothetical scenario.
  • Objective: To provide a sense of the case method in a short time frame.

The Case Method

  • Purpose: Replicate real-life situations characterized by incomplete information and uncertainty.
  • Goal: Train decision-making skills under uncertainty through practice with numerous cases.
  • Cold Calling: Often involves students actively participating, sometimes unexpectedly called upon.
  • Hypothetical Scenario: Discussed without prior case reading - a departure from typical method.

Hypothetical Scenario: CEO Decision-Making

  1. Allegation Against COO:

    • Sexual encounter allegation after an office party.
    • Steps:
      • Fact-finding: Talk to the accuser and the accused (COO).
      • Inconclusive outcomes and further decision-making.
    • Addressing external allegations and societal repercussions.
  2. Allegation Investigation:

    • Investigate internally, even if the accuser chooses not to go to law enforcement.
    • Consider implications for company culture and public relations.
  3. Handling Internal Culture:

    • Address "bro culture" within the company.
    • Consider implications on employee safety and productivity.
    • Response to concerns about mentoring female employees post-MeToo.
    • Addressing drinking culture at company events and its impacts.
  4. Gender Pay Gap:

    • Addressing leaked data about gender pay disparity.
    • Analyze and communicate reasons behind pay differences.

Key Takeaways

  • Connection Between Issues:
    • Egregious behavior, bro culture, and wage differentials are interconnected by power dynamics.
  • Skill Development:
    • The case method fosters making informed decisions with limited information.
    • Understanding organizational culture and its impact on broader societal issues is crucial.


  • Case Method: No "right answers" but encourages navigating and communicating complex decisions.
  • Humility: Emphasized as an important trait in decision-making.
  • Open Discussion: Importance of addressing sensitive topics with care but not avoiding them.

Q&A Highlights

  • Variety in Cases: Range from simple business decisions to complex global evaluations.
  • Learning Approach: Engaging discussions over lectures for better retention and skill development.

These notes provide a comprehensive overview of the lecture, capturing essential points about the case method, decision-making challenges faced by CEOs, and considerations around company culture and societal issues. They serve as a useful study aid and reference for understanding the broader implications of these topics.