good morning welcome to tack room Bible talk my name is Dwayne and if you're new here to the channel we are not trying we Have No Agenda as far as denominations go as far as any particular thing we're all about just searching the scripture and seeing what the scripture says um with a with a view towards just lifting up Christ all right just just lifting up and pointing people to the freedom and the joy and the forgiveness and the hope that is solely in Jesus Christ that's what we're doing here um and so I want to I want to look at a few verses this morning and I want to see if we can draw some conclusions here and see if you're with me on this now before I get started I want to say again I encourage I I I encourage you to take always give the references the scripture that I'm reading and I encourage you to read these for yourself and prayerfully pray about them and read them and and see if what I'm saying is true um I don't have the arrogance to expect you to just take my word for anything okay I don't want you to do that that's not helpful to you okay um and so check things out for yourself pray about it and uh um and maybe a little bit later on we'll see a verse another verse that shows you how important that is okay so anyhow we're going to start with Matthew chapter 28 Matthew 28 is the last chapter in The Book of Matthew the last part of the last chapter is where Jesus uh is fixing to ascend back up into heaven and he calls um the apostles together verse number 16 says then the 11 disciples um it's interesting here they're called Disciples not Apostles now what's the difference is there a difference between a disciple and Apostle there is you can be a disciple and not be an apostle but you cannot be an apostle and not be a disciple okay a disciple is a student someone who comes to learn from from somebody else that's a disciple okay an apostle means a sent one that is someone who has leared and then who is sent out to teach what they have learned to somebody else an apostle is a sent one that's what the word means and a disciple is a student okay so it's very interesting here in Matthew chapter 28 uh that they are referred to as disciples and not Apostles now you chew on that you pray about that and you make of that what you will okay I just want to point it out words are important words are important every word in scripture has a purpose and a point and they all mean something we don't always know what they mean but we can't just skip over them and go on they all mean something and a lot of times this word here that will be the key to unlock understanding of all of this over here okay so anyhow then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee unto a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all powers given unto me in heaven and in Earth go ye therefore go ye therefore and teach All Nations now hold on to that because words are important okay go ye therefore and teach All Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them teaching who all nations not just a particular specific subgroup of men All Nations teaching them teaching all nations to observe what all things whatsoever I have commanded you you take everything I have commanded you and you go to the world and you teach everybody and you tell everybody to observe and to do everything that I have told you to do teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and L I Am With You Always even to the end of the world now I had some comments questioning just honest sincere questions okay um in the last couple weeks Dwayne um what about the sacraments now we as New Testament Church age Christians we only have two sacraments okay uh one is the Lord's supper and the other one is baptism now there is and in you know I grew up in a Baptist Church several I've been in several Baptist churches and there's a a fallacy taught in Baptist Churches today that there's only certain men who have the authority to baptize anybody that's not in scripture and that there's only certain men who have the authority to to um present the Lord's supper and only certain people have the authority to take the Lord's Supper it's not in scripture either if we believe and I do now you believe what you want if we believe that all scripture is given by inspiration which means god breathed all scripture is given by inspiration of God then God wrote this he wrote it through Matthew but God wrote it and he used the word disciples not Apostles at this point am I saying they were no longer Apostles no no no no no I'm not saying that okay but I'm saying that Apostles are still disciples and so he he it seems to me that he specified very clearly here that I'm telling you this as disciples okay and he says you go to the the whole world and you tell the whole world to do everything that I taught you to do you teach them what I taught you he did not say you go and find some very special men men with with a certain education men with a certain level of panach uh men everybody so somebody asked me last week Dwayne biblically who has the authority to baptize that's where you're wrong that's where you're wrong you don't have the authority to baptize you have the command to baptize now I'm not a um I'm not a pastor I'm not an elder um I'm not I'm not anything but if I was out somewhere and somebody was out and we got to talking and uh they they uh they accepted Christ all right they believed right there and they wanted to follow into bapt and they wanted to be baptized baptism is not part of Salvation baptism is the very first step of obedience okay uh the very first step of obedience would I have the authority to baptize them folks I have the command to baptize them as a fellow believer I'm Comm commanded to baptize them now there's this there's this there's this belief in this Doctrine uh in some Churches amongst Baptists are the worst I've seen outside of Catholics um Baptist have become more Catholic than any other it's it's it's crazy but Baptist teach now that if you are born again and you're baptized and you're baptized into the Baptist Church um that's not in scripture that's not scripture anywhere okay well Dwayne what about the Lord's Supper look if there's three or four of you Believers that are gathered together okay and uh and you're born again and you love Jesus and you want to observe the Lord's Supper do it do it you say dway are we we have the authority to do that you have the command to do that okay everything that was taught this is some some of you your hair is standing on in all right you're having a coronary right now you might need to stop this video and go get yourself a glass of water and settle down because you're having an absolute fit because the truth of scripture is choking the life out of you all right because you have a problem you need human authority because you don't trust the holy Spirit you don't trust God okay well let's look at something else let's just keep going cuz I'm having a lot of fun right here okay let's go to Luke chapter 24 okay Luke chapter 24 this is another passage of scripture that is it's Luke's uh side of the the um the Ascension Luke chap 24 and so he goes into a little more detail here that Matthew doesn't give all right Luke 24 verse number 49 verse number 49 says and behold I send the promise of my father upon you now for the sake of brevity I didn't dig all that out but you can look it up you can study so he's talking about the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit of promise Jesus said when I leave and I go back to heaven I'm not going to leave you alone I'm not going to leave you comfortless I'm going to send the spirit to you that's what he's talking about here he said um behold I send the promise of my father upon you but Terry that means wait but T ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high he said this is what I want you to do I want you to go to jerus M and I want you to wait all right the holy spirit's coming I'm leaving and when I leave the holy spirit's coming and he'll guide you and tell you what to do okay uh and behold I send the promise of my father upon you but T ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high okay pretty straightforward stuff all right not complicated uh let's go to the book of Acts chapter one now I want to point out here while it is very very true that all scriptures given by inspiration of God and it is all profitable there are two books in the New Testament for church age for Christians today that is very very dangerous for you to try to get your church age Doctrine out of cuz that's not what they're for one is the Book of Matthew I'm not saying there is not do good Doctrine in it I'm saying it's something you have to really be careful about you got to understand what's going on and the other is the book of Acts uh I think probably the book of Acts being incorrectly used has produced more bad Doctrine in churches today than about anything out there okay the Acts of the Apostles the acts is the actions the things that they did this is a history book this is not a Doctrine book this is a book that tells you what these fallible humans and God and how God used them and how things got started and how this new early church age how they figured things out and how God revealed the things over time all right but you can get a lot of bad Doctrine out of here if you're not careful if you don't actually study it prayerfully carefully all right uh so anyhow in the book of so Jesus said you go to Jerusalem and you T you wait okay so we go to the book of of Acts verse number 15 and in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said the number of names together were about so they're about 120 people together and Peter stood up men and Brethren this scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas which was guide to them that took Judas uh for he was numbered with us and had obtained part of this ministry now this man purchased a field we'll go on now read it for yourself I'm not skipping anything important uh that has to do what we're talking about here but just for the sake of blood verse number 20 for the sake of blood I was reading blood right here for the sake of of time okay uh for it is written in the book of Psalm let his habitation be desolate and let no man dwell therein and his bishopi let another take now there's some really really interesting points that we're going to find in this wherefore of these men which have accompanied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out Among Us beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection and they appointed two Joseph called barabus who was surnamed Justice and Mathias and they prayed and said thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men and show whether of these two men thou H has chosen that he may take part of this ministry and apostil ship pay attention to that words have meaning from which Judas by transgression fell that he might go to his own place and they gave forth their lots and the lot fell upon Matias and he was numbered with the 11 Apostles now we got all kinds of problems here here we have all kinds of problems the Holy Spirit did not come upon the apostles the disciples until Acts chapter 2 they did not have the spirit of God oh dear Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem and wait don't do anything until I send the spirit when you have the spirit the spirit will tell you what you need to do until then Terry wait but before the Holy Spirit came so these were men who believed in Jesus Christ but they did not have the spirit of God dwelling inside of them leading them and guiding them they had been LED and guided by Jesus Christ up to this point Jesus Christ was gone had not yet sent the spirit so these were well-intended men who read the Bible but did not have the leading of the Holy Spirit and did not obey Christ Peter did what Peter has done his his entire existence he got impatient and he stood up and he said I got to do something so he said men and brethren we got to do this because why because the Bible says but the Bible didn't say that they had to do it the Bible didn't say it had to be that person the Bible didn't say it had to be now but he found a verse back in Psalms and he said this is this this we got to fix this this is what has to be done and if you go down they even prayed about it verse number 24 and they prayed and said thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men show us whether of these two thou Hast chosen now the arrogance in that is mind-blowing they humanly picked out what they decided was the two best candidates in their eyes you go all the way back to Saul of and in the Old Testament became King Saul they chose the man that looked the best to them and you know the Bible says that man lookth on the outward appearance but God lookth on the heart and God saw Saul's heart and God rejected Saul after a while stripped the kingdom away from him and gave him to David nobody would have picked David but God looks at man's heart these guys they pick two out that in their opinion in their eyes these are the two best candidates God we offer you these two Now show us which of these two cuz these are the only ones we're offering you this is our choice show us which one of these twoo that you that you want that meet your approval and then they literally they cast lot which means they rolled the dice or Drew Short Straw or whatever now can you imagine God looking down and saying well I I have to comply I have to comply um this is the two that they chose and so all right I'm going to cause I'm going to cause the dice to roll up on the right number to give them what no the whole thing the whole thing was a sham a well-intended sham all right but a sham all of a sudden name and this this is where people go to prove Apostolic succession this is it right here this is not Apostolic secession this is an arrogant man standing up without the leading of the spirit of God demanding that God take whichever of the two that he offers to him pulling scripture out of context saying a prayer but not waiting for an answer to the prayer and then doing what he thinks must be done instead of humbly quietly patiently waiting for the leading of the Holy Spirit do you see the problem here you ever done let me show you the the logic fallacy behind this Apostolic succession thing okay you ever in high school or Junior High you ever done a really complex math problem all right now let let's take long division okay I mean you got you know 1,347 672 divided by 9 you know whatever 58 that is a long equation it takes a lot of work to get all that worked out and you get all the way down to the end and you turn your answer in teacher says no that's wrong the end answer is wrong and so you go back over it I mean it's like a three-page problem there's three pages here but you go back over it and you find out like three steps down you forgot to carry the one all right or you know we we always would get to going and and you added 6 plus 7 and came up with 12 just cuz you were in a hurry everything after that point in that equation is incorrect everything that comes after it is wrong it's wrong now if Apostolic succession or um pastoral succession or Baptist succession or whatever is right but we're told to watch out for false teachers and false prophets false people all right I myself have been in church and had Baptist fundamental independent Bible believing King James only mission-minded blah blah blah Baptist preachers stand up who've been in the ministry for 30 years stand up and say well I have to resign I'm not saved I'm not born again and never have been 30 years of baptisms 30 years of ordinating other preachers 30 years of Salvation messages 30 years of ministry carrying on his succession everything if if this whole succession from man to man to man to man to man thing is true everything after him is false because if this is true then anyone he baptized oh anyone he baptized was not biblically baptized and if they grew up and went in the ministry anyone they baptized all the people they baptized was not biblically baptized because according to what you're saying it's all false so you go back to the year 1312 and you have a apostle but he was a vault and he laid hands on and prayed over somebody else and they became a apostle but they're not because they were ordained or sent uh whatever word you want to use by a false Apostle so the mathematical equation is broke and so every single person in that line of succession is false so just knowing the human race just having a basic understanding of the of the uh Universal fundamentals of math if that is true there's not a Baptist preacher in the world today that's qualified to stand up and call himself a pastor based on this whole idiotic succession thing there's no not a priest there's not a pope there's not a bishop there's not an apostle because for 2,000 years it's been in the hands of man and Peter got it wrong your first pope your first pope was a first one to get it wrong I'm being factious cuz Peter wasn't the first pope but I'm saying you want to trace this all the way back the very quote unquote first pope the very first Apostle that was appointed prayon by the first pope was fake wasn't real was not the will of God was not done by the leading of the spirit was done in Disobedience to what Jesus Christ himself clearly and plainly said t until you get the Holy Spirit Well he jumped up and appointed Matias and then a few days later the day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit comes down and say oops now what it's not that complicated you and Christ you and Christ let me say that again you and Christ all right now we're going to go to First Peter okay's see I think I got a ribbon in it yes I do first Peter chap 2 verse number one wherefore laying aside all malice and all Gile and hypocrisies and envies and all EV evil speaking as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby the scripture this is Peter this is Peter Peter said you need to search the scripture you need to hunger for the scripture that you can grow because you're only going to grow through the scripture if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious to whom coming now look at this to whom coming as unto a living Stone well that's an interesting choice of words um Stone who's writing this Peter who's he writing about obviously he's writing about Jesus Christ to whom coming as unto a living Stone disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious ye also as Lively Stones oh my goodness who's writing this Peter sephus ye also as Lively stones are built up a spiritual house who all believers and holy priesthood oh my goodness each and every Born Again believer is part of a holy priesthood yes why are we a priesthood because we offer sacrifices to God what sacrifices sacrifices of Praise sacrifices of service sacrifices of obedience we're priests why does a priest go to another priest we don't okay spiritually we're all priests and we're all Lively Stones if we're born again to offer up spiritual sacrifice is acceptable to God by Jesus Christ wherefor also it is contained in the scripture behold I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone what is the Cornerstone the Cornerstone is the very first stone of a foundation upon which a building is built it's written in scripture I lay on Zion in Zion a Chief Cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded it says right here that Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone upon which the church is built so in Matthew chapter 16 Jesus is the stone upon which the church is built and it goes all the way back I mean even all the way back to Psalms Jesus Christ is called The Rock upon which we're built Peter himself is saying Jesus Christ is the stone upon which the church is built behold I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him obviously he's not talking about he that believeth on Peter but he that believeth on Jesus Christ shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner the chief foundation stone upon which the building is built and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient where unto also they were appointed but Ye Ye who all believers all right um in fact if we go back don't lose your spot here when he starts this letter Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to The Strangers that's Gentiles that's people who are not Jews back in that day scattered throughout Pontius galatia capadia Asia bethenia elect according to the forn knowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ Grace unto you and peace be multiplied funny he didn't say anything about the Lord's Supper there he didn't say anything about baptism he didn't say about joining any organization he didn't say anything except that through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ so he's writing that to all believers to the Gentiles at that time specifically because they were being cut out they were trying to be cut out um but that's who he's writing to so that's us okay um but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation A peculiar people that ye should show forth the Praises of him who has called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light folks that's it why can't we not understand that why can we not understand that why is this so hard why are you so blinded to the freedom and the truth that is in Jesus Christ and to the twisting and the lies and the chains that are brought about by everybody who is not Jesus Christ everybody who is not Jesus Christ Apostolic succession is a false Doctrine it's not biblical it's not even logical it's not even reasonable the only place where we see where that took place in Scripture it was wrong it was disobedient to God it was the arrogance and the hubris of a man there it is there it is Dwayne what is your purpose in all this my purpose in all this is to show you that you're free you're in a prison but the door ain't locked the door is not locked you can walk out at any time Jesus Christ has set you free if you're born again if you're not born again then you just as well as be chained by the words and the teachings and the false doctrine of mankind as you by alcoholism and sexual perversion and theft and greed and everything else chains are chains okay it doesn't matter if they paint the chains gold or they're all black and Rusty it doesn't matter a chain is a chain is a chain is a chain and so if you're chained then you're chained but if you're born again you're free you can open up those bars and walk out anytime it's all an illusion it's all an illusion it's all lies you are a royal priesthood you offer sacrifices listen when Jesus Christ was crucified and he said it is finished what happened physically what happened there was a and I've read in places it's like 4 in thick curtain made out of animal hides and different things that that separated the holy of holies from all of humanity and only the priest could go in there when Jesus Christ cried it is finished that curtain was ripped and torn so that all may enter he didn't hang another curtain he didn't hang a curtain of church he didn't hang a curtain of priests he didn't hang a curtain of Baptist pastors he didn't hang a curtain of authority and succession and he tore the curtain so that you can come directly to him and everybody who tries to hang another curtain up that says you cannot come to him by yourself you got to come to him through us they are from hell and unless they reject that they're going to hell and if you listen to them you're going with them you're going with them you and Jesus Christ the curtain has been removed the curtain has been removed and he says come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden come unto me to Jesus Christ not the Baptist Church not the Church of Christ Church not the Orthodox Church not the Catholic church not the Lutheran Church not the Jehovah's Witness church not the LDS church go to Jesus go to Jesus and Fall on Your Knees and worship him and cry out to him for permanent Eternal forgiveness from all your sins based on the promise that he gave when he died on the cross to shed his blood to pay for those sins after you come to Jesus then you worry about finding a Biblical group of right-minded Believers you go to Jesus first you go to Jesus first and no one else no one else has been appointed by God as a gatekeeper between him and you not me not anybody okay I'm going to stop there because I'm getting a little passionate about this I'm going to get scratchy and I don't want to get scratchy all right listen I love you guys all right I'm nobody I'm nobody I have no Authority I have no special unction I have nothing I'm just a man who discovered Jesus Christ and I love what he has done and I want you to find the same freedom and hope and for forgiveness and joy and peace in him that I did so I'm just pointing you to him okay all right we'll catch you guys next time