Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. My name is Courtney and today we're going to be talking all about crystals. I love crystals.
Crystals are my like literally my favorite thing on this planet. I have tons of rings. I have so many crystals.
It's like not even funny. I would rather spend money on crystals than on clothes or makeup or anything like that. So It's safe to say that I have a little bit of an obsession and crystals are becoming more and more popular in today's society because of the new ascension cycle that we're going through. If you've noticed, a lot of people have become more spiritual, have been more open to talking about more spiritual things, and overall have just been raising their vibrations. Some people have not.
Let me just get that out of the way. Some people are definitely staying lower on their vibrations, but it's all a part of this new ascension cycle. So things are progressing and that is why a lot of people have been drawn to crystals. A lot of other things as well, but crystals for this video.
I want to talk about how they're formed, what they do on a healing basis for our bodies, and I want to talk a little bit about some of the common crystals and what they can be used for. So If that sounds like something you're into, then just keep watching this video. So before I really get into it, I just want to say, if you don't believe in the power of crystals and crystal healing and metaphysical ideas, don't drop any hate. I want the people who come to my spiritual videos to be kind and conscious about other people's feelings and beliefs. I don't judge you for your beliefs.
I don't want you to judge me for mine. So at the end of this video, if you still don't believe in the power of crystals, that's totally fine. We can all agree that they are just beautiful pieces of earth and that is enough.
So like I said in my last video about being an empath, everything on this earth and in this universe has energy. The planets, the animals, the earth, that's a planet, our own bodies, atoms, everything has energy. energy. Even our thoughts and our emotions have energy.
Even though they're in a different density so we can't see them, they're still there and that's still energy. We have different energy centers in our bodies known as chakras and when these energy patterns and energy centers become disrupted, that can lead to poor health, poor mental health or digestion, back pain, headaches, depending on where the energy is blocked or disrupted you will might see some symptoms so i actually have an aura photo over there but you can see where my energy centers are strongest and where they're smaller and i tend to have a lot of issues in the areas where they're smaller so the idea of crystal healing is that crystals have their own energy and these crystal healing practices can help relieve our physical ailments so how are crystals even formed okay So crystals grow over millions of years within the earth's crust at very high heat and pressure and this makes them the most energetic object on our planet. So lava and hot gases mix together within the earth's crust. We all know that, I hope.
Certain molecules are also present and elements such as oxygen, sodium, iron, potassium, water, and magnesium. And essentially all of these elements mixed together in the liquid, that's the beginning stages of how crystals are formed. So crystals form when these rocks begin to rise from within the earth's crust up towards the surface. And that takes like millions of years. But the higher they rise, the cooler the temperatures of the earth are.
Slowly, very, very slowly, these rocks begin to rise. to cool down. Once they begin to cool down, the lava and the elements, gases and everything, they begin to cool and harden which forms these crystals.
So depending on the environment that these rocks are exposed to and the certain elements that are present, the crystals will look completely different. So growth, color, shape, hardness, that's all I can think of at the moment. Those different aspects of a crystal will be different.
They will vary from crystal to crystal depending on their environment. So crystals work with the human energy field. It is proven by science that we have an energy field.
I'll actually put in some photos right now. You can actually have pictures taken of auras with special equipment and it's not that difficult. And there's actually really interesting pictures of fruits and plants that have their auras showing and I'll insert them right here.
But I'm just saying every single thing has their own energy field including crystals. Everything vibrates at their own frequency. So these crystals work within the human energy field.
and are able to move, diffuse, shift, change, and absorb energy within the body. So crystals vibrate at different frequencies based on their composition, which is similar to the cells in the human body. They all vibrate at their own frequency.
It's not a myth, again, that crystals have energy. It's actually proven by modern science, and they use liquefied crystals, I think quartz, in a lot of modern technology, such as... watches, lasers, credit cards, fiber optic, phone lines, what else?
And calculators. So working with crystal energy helps the human body find its natural rhythm. So crystal healing is based upon laying crystals of different vibrational rates along the body's energy centers in order to affect change. It may also involve laying crystals in certain patterns and grids around the body.
So using these grids, with the different crystals can enhance their individual properties and direct the energy. When we come into contact with a crystal, its vibration interacts with our personal energy field. I really want to make a whole other video on auras and your energy field because I find it so fascinating and the different energy chakras because they're all related and it's just a topic that I'm really passionate about and I think that would be really cool to teach you guys a little bit about that so let me know. So if you're in tune with yourself and you're very sensitive, you might be able to physically feel the vibrational change when holding a crystal. That's how I first fell in love with them.
I went to a crystal store and I picked them up and I could physically feel the vibrational energy in my hands and ever since then it's just been I need all the crystals. Ancient civilizations have used crystals as well. They had been used for thousands and thousands of years.
For example, ancient Sumerians used crystals in their magic formulas. Egyptians used lapis lazuli, turquoise, and clear quartz in their jewelry, which was really significant because they'd place a lot of emerald jewels right in their heart chakra, which is a stone that resonates with the heart chakra. So they definitely knew something.
The ancient Greeks used hematite to protect them in... battle and greek sailors used different stones in their amulets to protect them at sea so i just wanted to throw that out there because crystal healing has been around for thousands of years it's not like a new concept even though it seems like it is because it's becoming more mainstream now the ancients definitely have some idea of what these stones were able to do for them and their energy field and how to protect them and protect their energies So next I wanted to talk a little bit about some common crystals and what they're able to do for you. So let's get on into that part. So starting off, we have selenite.
It's a conduit to the highest level of consciousness and all that is infinite. Spiritual guides the universe and intuition. It brings the spirit world to earth and reminds us where we come from and where we're going.
It's known for its master healing properties. There isn't much that selenite can't be used for. Meditating on a desired outcome and carrying the stone with you can help to bring great healing and inner peace.
Aventurine. It's known for amplifying luck, prosperity, and abundance. And this stone attracts luck and assists in the successful application of new opportunities.
It's associated with the heart chakra. It harmonizes the mental, physical, and emotional bodies and reestablishes balance. Aventurine is supportive of the heart.
blood, and energy circulation and can help speed up recovery time from an injury, illness, or surgery. Crystal Quartz. My favorite. It's the most commonly known crystal. Crystal Quartz is seen as the window of light into the metaphysical world.
It contains the entire color spectrum and can be used to amplify desires, prayers, and manifestations from the spirit world to the physical world. Crystal Quartz is a master healer and it's thought to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems and increase the flow of key energy in the body. Citrine.
Citrine is associated with its connection to money, gold, and wealth. Carry this stone with you to the bank, to the business, and to the store. business meetings involving finances, or place citrine on your desk and gaze at it while you work.
Citrine can help you attract abundance and financial wealth and stability. Citrine is known to stimulate the metabolism and aid in digestion and nausea. It can also be used to strengthen nerve impulses, helping the brain fire more rapidly and sharply. Agate. Agate is the stone of stability.
It can be found in nearly all colors and seemingly endless types of striations. It can be a clear transparent or colored in vibrant colors. Agate embodies our inner world and all its states. Agate raises self-awareness, stabilizes the aura, transforms negative energy and its powerful conduit of spirit.
This stone is great for healing anger, emotional instability, and lack of self-worth. It can improve mental function by improving clarity of thought. Tourmaline.
This is the preferred talisman of protection. Tourmaline is used as a psychic shield to ground your energy and combat the entry of negative entities in your energy field. It has long been used by shamans, witches, magicians. Although tourmaline is black as night, it can be used to ward off negative energies, raise your vibration, and usher you into light.
It encourages you to remain radiant during dark times. Use tourmaline to ease pain in the joints and to assist in realigning the spine. Rose Quartz.
The beautiful pink quartz is associated with the heart and expressing unconditional love to self, others, and the planet. A wonderful stone to invite love, assist in giving love, and even attract your soulmate, rose quartz is all about the heart. Wear or carry rose quartz to open yourself up to finding love if you're single. and to deepen and nurture your love if you're in a relationship.
Centered around the heart chakra, rose quartz can be used for deep emotional healing and release, and has been known to improve circulation and lower blood pressure. It can also be used to ease palpitations or skipped beats and release tension. Lapis Lazuli. This was my first crystal I ever got. This beautiful blue crystal is one of the most vibrant, ancient, and sought after on earth.
It has been associated with royalty and luxury and its celestial properties assist those in the physical realm with wisdom and good judgment. Lapis activates the ethereal upward chakras. This intriguing stone promotes inner observation and truth as it assists in the discovery and representation of the spirit realm.
Use this stone to support the throat, the larynx, and vocal cords. Amethyst This is one of the most common stones of the new age along with selenite and crystal quartz. Amethyst can be found in all corners of the world.
This beautiful purple crystal is known for many things but manifestation is at the top of the list. Connect to your heart's desires and life purpose with amethyst and then manifest them in your life. This powerful crystal is associated with the upper chakras helping us bring the ethereal realm to the physical plane.
This includes bringing our earthly dreams to life. Use amethyst to boost the sympathetic nervous system, balance hormones, relieve headaches, ease neck tension, and treating insomnia. Place amethyst under your pillow at night to sleep deeply and wake rested, ready to create and manifest. Opal. Opal is so beautiful.
This brilliant and colorful stone appears to be on fire with a rainbow spectrum of electric colors when moved in the light. It's associated with the eye as it's so pleasing to look at and associated with the third eye chakra. Opal inspires optimism, happiness, appreciation, and a general sense of well-being.
Opal acts as a prism of the entire aura and brings in the entire spectrum of light to the spiritual and energy body. Use opal to awaken psychic and mystical qualities and as a vehicle to connect with ancient spiritual realms. Calcite, the cleansing stone.
It is the perfect stone to have with you when you're looking for a big change in your life. It amplifies and increases energy. This energy will amplify the flow of energy in your body and help you with your mental expansion. Calcite crystals can also enhance your learning abilities. They're a great crystal to have when you're learning a new skill.
Your mind will be like a sponge that will absorb everything. If you're unsure of where you need to go, this crystal can help you to use your talents and abilities to discover your life's purpose. Calcite is said to be good for easing back pain. My favorite crystal is Labradorite, at least right now and for the past few years. I just got this really pretty one.
I just wanted to show you. But it just blows my mind that like the earth can create something so beautiful. Labradorite, the stone of transformation. Useful through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies.
It's excellent for strengthening intuition and promoting psychic abilities. It's powerful and reveals the truth behind illusions. treats disorders of the eye and brain, relieves anxiety and stress.
So those are just a few common crystals and what they do on a metaphysical level and what they do on a physical level. So I hope this was helpful. I'd love to do a crystal collection for you one day. I just can't say enough good things.
If you don't have one, go to a crystal store and find what calls out to you because that's really how you decide what is going on in your body. It's by what you're drawn to. And that crystal will help you in some way. So I hope you enjoyed this video.
Subscribe to my channel for more videos. And don't forget to follow me on my Instagram at CourtVioletta. And I will see you guys in my next video.