Transcript for:
Introduction to Figma

Hi everyone, Kevin here. In this video,  we're going to learn how to use Figma. Figma   is a powerful and collaborative design  tool that helps you create, prototype,   and collaborate on interface designs. And best  of all, you can get started entirely for free. If   you're trying to build an app or a website, this  is the perfect tool. When I worked at Microsoft,   we used Figma all the time to design our  software products. We'll start by getting Figma,   then we'll kick off our first project, add Frames,  create and edit shapes, add and format text,   place images and masks, work with layers, add  components and constraints, make a prototype,   and preview what we design, and then finally  share with others. Now, I know that might   sound like a lot, but we'll walk through all  of this step by step. By the end of this video,   you'll be well on your way to designing in  Figma. Let's check this out. To get Figma,   head to the following website. You could  click on the card in the top right-hand   corner or there's also a link down below in  the description. This is an affiliate link,   meaning I make money if you decide to purchase  Figma. However, it doesn't cost you anything   extra and it supports making content like  this entirely for free on this channel.  On the homepage, click on the button that  says, get started. Once you finish creating   your account, you'll land here in the Figma first  run flow. First off, Figma wants to know your   name. This is important as you collaborate with  others. This is the name that others will see   and don't worry with any of these settings, you  can always go in and modify these later. For now,   I'll type in my name and then let's click on  continue. Next, it asks what type of work you   do. Here you could specify that and then click  on continue. Describe your work, I'll put down   freelancer and then continue. And who do you  usually collaborate with? I'll put down teammates,   but feel free to specify whichever one applies to  you. Then click on continue. On this next screen,   you can now invite people to collaborate with you  on your various design projects. And here too,   you can always come in later and you can invite  others to work on your projects. And that's what   I'll do, so I'll leave these all blank for now and  then click on continue. Then they would like to   know what brings you to Figma today. I'll put down  using it just for fun. I'll select that and then   click on continue. And have I used them before?  I'll put down no, it's my first time. Exactly what   you want to hear from your instructor. Then right  down below, I'll click on continue. And lastly,   you can also choose which plan you would  like to use. You have two different options,   there's starter and there's also professional.  In this video, we're going to use starter. This   is entirely free and it covers all of the  essential functionality of Figma. However,   if you want say unlimited projects or files or  version history or additional capabilities, it   may be worth considering professional. Again, I'll  select starter and then down at the very bottom,   I'll click on continue. This now brings us to  the last screen of the first run flow. And here   you can decide what product you would like to go  into first. You have Figma and you also have Fig   Jam. We're going to be using Figma throughout this  video and this is the design and prototyping tool.   But there is also another product called Fig Jam.  And it's worth knowing just a little bit about   this. This is an online whiteboarding tool where  teams can come together, say to collaborate on a   brainstorming session, a kickoff or a standup.  So, you do have that available as well. I would   like to start in the main file browser first. So  rather than selecting one of these options here,   down at the very bottom, let's click on the text  that says skip. This drops us into the main Figma   file browser. And next time you sign in, this  is the screen that you'll land on. This is where   you can create new files and projects and also get  back to the files that you care about. Over on the   left-hand side, you'll see that we're currently in  the recent view. You can also see that up on top.   And down below, you can see all of our recent  files. Now we haven't actually created any of   our own files yet. These are all pre-populated to  help you get started using Figma. Right up on top,   you have a few different menus that you can use  to filter this view. This is especially helpful   as you start getting lots of different files in  your recent view. Over on the right-hand side,   you can also adjust the view. That way you could  just choose whichever view you prefer. Over on the   left-hand side, let's now click into drafts. And  this is only available to you. If you decide to   share any of these files with others, they'll be  view only. So only you can edit these. This is a   good place to say sketch out different ideas that  maybe you're not ready to share yet. Think of it   as just being more personal content. To add a new design within drafts,   you could simply hover over drafts. And over here  on the right-hand side, you'll see a plus icon.   And here you can add a new design file or a new  FigJam file. You could even import files from your   computer. As you hover over any file within any of  these views, in the top right-hand corner, you'll   notice that there's a star icon. This allows you  to add that file to your favorites. So here, let's   hover over Figma basics, click on the favorite  icon, and over on the left-hand side, you'll   now see that it shows up under favorite files. To  remove it, simply do the same thing. Click on the   star again, and that'll remove it from favorites.  Over on the left-hand side navigation, we also   have a category called Teams. And any files  that you place within a team and a project is   available to anyone else who's part of that team.  So, Teams is where you go to collaborate, while   Drafts is where you place your personal files.  Down below, let's click into Admins Team. And   to add people to your team, let's say there are  other people who you want to work with on designs,   in the top right-hand corner, you could click on  Invite and then enter in an email address. Right   now, I'll click on the X icon. Down in the bottom  left-hand corner, if you'd like to add additional   Teams, you can click on this text here that says  Create New Team. Within this team, you'll notice   that there's one project. With a free account,  you can add up to one project. So that may be a   reason to upgrade if you need additional projects.  A project is really just a way of organizing all   of your different designs. So think of it this  way. Maybe we're pulling together a website   for the Kevin Cookie Company. That may be its own  project. And maybe we're also pulling together an   app for the Kevin Cookie Company. And that'll have  a number of associated designs. We may decide that   we should create another project for that. Right  here, I see my team project. And I also see that   there's one file within this project. I can also  double click on this, and that'll drop me into the   project view. Over on the left-hand side, here I  can see that I'm currently in this team project,   which is part of this team. Within this project,  I currently have one file, but it's also very   easy to add additional files. Over on the  left-hand side, with this project selected,   I can click on the plus icon, and I can now add a  new file. In the top right-hand corner, here too,   I can also add a new file. So, there are a few  different ways to get to that functionality. Once   you add a file, you're not locked to having that  file in this specific project. You can press and   hold on a file, and you can move it to, let's say,  a different project, or maybe you want to move   it to drafts, work on it some there, or maybe you  want to take a draft and then move it down to your   project. You can very easily do that. Today,  I want to pull together an app for the Kevin   Cookie Company, and I'll use this project to do  that. Right up on top, I'll click on this carrot   dropdown, and right over here, let's rename  this project to the Kevin Cookie Company app,   or the KCC app. Here, I'll rename the project,  and I now need a file that I'm going to use to   design this app. So, in the top right-hand corner,  I'll click on Design File. This drops us into the   Figma Editor, and right up on top, you'll  see a toolbar. Over on the left-hand side,   we have a pane. Then we have the editing canvas,  and this is where we'll pull together our design,   and over on the right-hand side, we have another  pane, and as we walk through this, we'll look at   what all of this different functionality does. But  first, let's rename the file. Up on top, I can see   my project name, and over on the right-hand side,  I can see the file name. It's currently untitled,   and that's not very helpful. So let's click on  that, and I'm going to call it KCC app. It'll   be the same as the project name. Now that we've  renamed the file, I want to show you how you could   get back to the file browser. In the top left-hand  corner, let's click on this Figma dropdown for   the main menu, and right up on top, we have the  option to go back to files. When I click on that,   that brings us back to that file browser view,  and down below, we now see the KCC app. If I   jump into Recents, here too, we also see that  as one of our recent files. Let's jump back   into the canvas by double-clicking on this file.  I'd now like to start pulling together my design,   but before I can do that, I need to insert some  type of container or frame where I can place all   of my different UI or user interface elements.  Other applications refer to this as an artboard.   Right up on the top toolbar, over on the left-hand  side, we have this menu. Let's click on this,   and you'll see that there are a few different  options within this menu, and the first one is   called a frame. That's exactly what I need. With  this menu exposed, over on the right-hand side,   you'll also notice that all of these different  items have an associated shortcut key. These are   well worth learning, and will make you so much  more productive and fast within Figma. Here,   I will select Frame. With Frame selected, I can  now draw a frame on my canvas. There you see the   crosshairs. I can press and hold with my mouse,  and here we'll draw a frame, and I'll place it   right there. As you draw the frame, down at the  very bottom, you'll also notice the dimensions of   your frame. This is 288 by 434. Here, if I take  one of the corner handles, I could adjust it,   and you'll notice that the dimensions change.  Over on the right-hand side, within this pane,   you'll see that I'm currently in the Design view,  and down below, here you'll notice all of the   different dimensions for my frame. Now, one way  you could adjust is simply drag using your mouse,   or if you need very specific dimensions, you can  also type them in directly in here. Let's say I   want a width of, let's say 400. I could type that  in, press Enter, and that automatically adjusts   my frame to be 400 pixels wide. I need this design  to be for the iPhone Pro Max. I'm designing an app   to work specifically with that device. Of course,  I could try to adjust the dimensions to get it to   match that device size, but I'm not even exactly  sure what the dimensions are. So, I want to remove   this frame. To remove it, over on the left-hand  side, we'll see that I've now added a layer called   Frame 1. I could select that and then press the  Delete key, and that removes that frame. Let's now   test out using that shortcut key. I'll press F on  my keyboard, and you'll notice that launches into   frame mode. Now, again, I could draw my frame  on the canvas, or over on the right-hand side,   here I have all these different default sizes  for all these different device types. Again,   I'm designing an app for the iPhone Pro Max, and  here I see the very top option is for the Pro Max,   and here I see the dimensions for that device.  I'll click on that, and that inserts a frame   directly onto my canvas. That was a lot  easier. Now that I've inserted my frame,   I would like to include some additional frames  for other screens within my app. Now, of course, I   could press F on my keyboard, and I can now insert  another frame, or alternatively, I can also select   this frame on my layers list, and I'll press  Ctrl C, and then Ctrl V, and that pastes a copy. Alternatively, here, I'll select  this frame, and I can press Ctrl D,   and that makes a duplicate of this frame. Now,  you can even create a frame within a frame,   let's say for a menu or maybe navigation. Now  that we've inserted all these different frames,   you may be wondering, how do you move  around the canvas? Up on the top toolbar,   you can use the hand tool, or you could also  use the shortcut key H. When I click on that,   I can now pan around the canvas. Although there  are also many other ways to pan around, here,   I'll switch to a different tool, and you can also  press the middle mouse button on your mouse, that   allows you to move around. You can press the space  bar key together with your left mouse button,   and that also allows you to pan around, or you  could also use two fingers on your track pad,   many different options. To zoom in and out, you  can press the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and then   move your mouse wheel out to zoom out, or in to  scroll in. You can also pinch on your track pad,   or in the top right-hand corner, you can also  adjust the zoom here, then you could select from   many of these different options, and you also have  associated shortcut keys. One of my favorites,   you can zoom all of the content to fit by pressing  Shift together with one. I'll click out of the   menu, and let's press Shift together with one,  and that now fits all of the frames on the screen.   Over on the left-hand side, you'll now see that I  have three different frames as part of my design,   but the name iPhone 14 and 15 Pro Max 1,  2, and 3 isn't really that descriptive,   and especially once I start building these out,  I want a name that better reflects what's within   this frame. Now, I want this first frame here  to be my home screen. To rename this layer,   I'll simply double-click on this, and that  highlights the text, and here I'll type in home   screen. For the second screen, I would like this  to show all the different locations of the Kevin   Cookie Company, and I'll type in locations,  and for the third screen, I want this to be   a shopping cart, so I'll type in cart. Now, it's  really easy to rename these different screens to   make it clear what type of content is contained  within. All of these different frames currently   live on page number one, but you can also add  additional pages. I'll click on this dropdown,   and we are also planning a tablet app, and I think  it makes sense to keep all those frames separate. Over here, I'll click on page number one, and  here I'll rename this to phone. Right up on top,   I'll click on the plus icon, and let me add  another page for tablet, and here I can click   out of that. Right up on top, when I click on  phone, here I can see all of the associated   frames, and down below, if I click on tablet,  I don't yet have any frames. Right up on top,   let's shift into phone, and here, I'll minimize  this view. You can also move your different frames   between all the different pages. For example, if I  want to move cart, I can right-click on that, and   here's the option to move the page, and I can move  it over to tablet. Now, I don't need to move it,   so here, I'll click out of that, but it's nice to  know that you can move content around all of your   different pages. Basically, gives you more options  for organizing all of your different frames,   and also content. I'm now all ready to start  building out the home screen of my app. Over   on the left-hand side, I'll click on the home  screen, and that frame is currently selected.   A neat little shortcut key, you can press shift  two, and that'll focus on the selection. Remember,   shift one focuses on, or fits, all the different  frames on the screen, and then shift two will   focus on the selection. That's a good little  shortcut key to have in your toolbox. I want   to start by adding a background to the home  screen. Over on the left-hand side, in layers,   I currently have the home screen selected,  and all the way over on the right-hand side,   I have the design pane open. This allows me to  modify the different design properties. Earlier,   we went through and we modified the dimensions. If  we look down a little bit more, I have the option   for fill, and this will allow me to define what  the background should be for this frame. When I   click on this option here, I can choose a  color background. Here, it's just a solid   color background, and over here, I have different  colors to choose from. I can even set the opacity. Right over here, I could also type in a hex code,  and I have other options as well. Up on top here,   I could also set a gradient background. I could  select an image as the background, or you could   even set a video background. I want to select an  image background. So here, I'll click on image,   and right down below, let's choose an image.  I think this image right here will work well.   It's a picture of our factory at the Kevin  Cookie Company. I'll double click on that,   and that's now selected this image. This is  now inserted the image onto the home screen,   but it's not the exact portion of the image  that I want to use. Currently, it's set to fill,   but I do also have other options. I could set  it to fit. There, it fits it in, but I have a   lot of blank space on the top and on the bottom.  I'll click on this. I could also set it to crop,   and here, we could set it to tile. So a few  different options. Let's go back to fill,   but now let's shift it to crop. And I'll use  the control button on my keyboard and scroll my   mouse wheel back, and here, I see the full image  and the area of the image that it's using. Now,   I want the boat to be centered right in the  middle, so here, I'll move it over. I could   even adjust the size of the image. Here, if I  click in the corner, I can make the image larger,   or here, I'll make it taller or wider. But you'll  notice that the proportions or the aspect ratio is   a little bit off when I drag the corner. If  you press the shift key, that will maintain   the proportions. So that way, it doesn't get  distorted. I’ll make it a little larger, and then   let's position it right here so the boat's in the  center. I think this looks good. I'll come over   here and stick with crop. Down below, I could also  adjust things like the exposure, the contrast,   saturation, all these different tools. But I think  this looks good for now. So up on top, I'll click   on the X. Now that I've added a background, also,  over on the right-hand side in the design pane,   you can add a stroke, or basically an outline or  a border. To add that, I simply click on the plus   icon, and that's now added a very slight one-pixel  border. Over here, I could adjust the properties   of that stroke. For example, if I want to make  it a little bit thicker, I’ll click here with my   mouse and then drag over, and that'll increase  the size. It's a fairly thick border. I don't   know if that looks so good. Over here, we could  also adjust things like where it shows up. Is it   just the top? Is it just the bottom? So again, you  could go through and modify all of these different   properties, whether it's inside, outside, or in  the center. If it turns out that you no longer   want this effect, over here, I could click on  the minus sign, and that removes the stroke.   Over here, you could also add various effects.  For example, an inner shadow, a drop shadow,   a blur. But I don't need that, so here, I'll  click on the minus, and that removes that effect.  Overall, I really like this image, but it's a  little bit bright, and it'll be hard to read   text and also to see the logo sitting on top  of this background. So, I think ideally I could   blur it out or maybe add a little bit of darkened  color on top of it. To do that, I'm going to use   a rectangle. Up on the top toolbar, over on the  left-hand side, here, we have different shapes,   and when I click on this dropdown, here, I can  insert a rectangle. You have a line, arrow,   ellipse, polygon, and other shapes as well. I  want to insert a rectangle. You can also use the   shortcut key R. Here, I'll click on rectangle,  and my icon now changes to the rectangle tool. Over here, I can now draw a rectangle, and  as I'm drawing it, there too, we also see   the dimensions of this rectangle, and I'll place  it right here. Now, you'll notice this rectangle   is not currently in a frame. You can draw shapes  and place objects outside of the frame. Basically,   what that means is anything that sits outside  of the frame will sit as its own layer. However,   I can take this rectangle, and here, I can drag  it onto the home screen. Now, one neat thing is   as I drag it over this frame, you'll notice these  different guidelines that appear to help me place   this shape. Here, it's perfectly centered.  However, I can move it down, keep it in the   center, or here, I can move it up in the center.  So, it really helps with placing objects. When I   release it, you'll notice that the frame adopted  this rectangle. Over on the left-hand side,   under layers, now we see the home screen, and the  rectangle now lives within the home screen. Here,   if I pull the rectangle out, there, it falls  out of this frame, and it's now its own layer   again. And over here, I'll drag it back in. I  now want to adjust some of the properties of   this rectangle. I'll go up to the corner, and  let me adjust the dimensions, so it fills up   the entire frame. And right there, it now fills  the entire frame. With this rectangle selected,   over on the right-hand side, I have all of the  different design properties, just like we saw with   frames. If I look down a little bit, here's the  fill. I'll click on this, and let me give it just   a completely black fill. And for the opacity, I'll  set it to, let's say, 30%. So, that way, it just   darkens the image just a little bit. I think that  looks really good. I'll close out of this. I want   to add an effect to this rectangle. Down below,  I'll click on this plus icon next to effects. And   within this dropdown, let's go with a background  blur. That'll blur whatever's underneath this   rectangle. So there, it blurs out the background. Over here, I can now click on the background blur.   And if I click on this icon, that opens up the  effect settings. So, if I want to adjust the   intensity of the blur. But I actually think four  works fairly well, so I'll stick with that value   and then close out of this. That's looking really  nice for the home screen background. Next, I want   to add the logo for the Kevin Cookie Company  to the home screen of the app. To add a logo,   up on the top toolbar, over on the left-hand side,  where we selected the rectangle, let's click on   the shape tools menu. And down at the bottom, we  have the option to place an image slash video.   Let's click on that. And here I have all of my  different assets for the Kevin Cookie Company.   And there's the logo. I'll click on that and I now  have my logo file selected. I can now choose where   I want to place this image file. I'll place it on  the sign to start. And that now places my logo.   But to be fair, it's fairly large. So, let me make  sure that just the logo is selected and here I'll   drag it over and let's adjust the size. Now again,  when I adjust it, I want it to adjust, but also to   keep the proportions. To do that, let's press the  shift key. And here I can adjust the size while   also maintaining the proportions. I think that  size will work well. And over here, I'll drag it   up so it sits right here in the app, right near  the top. I think that's pretty good. If we look   over on the left-hand side, the layer or the logo  is currently sitting on its own, but I want it to   be part of the home screen frame. So over here,  I'll select this image file and let me drag it   down so it sits under the home screen. And you'll  see that the logo is currently the topmost layer.   So, what if we were to put the rectangle above the  logo? Well, let's test it out. Here I can take the   rectangle and I'll move that to be the topmost  layer. And now you see that black 30% opacity   sitting on top of the logo and you also see the  blur affecting the logo. That's because this layer   is above the logo layer, but I don't want a blur  and a darkened effect on the logo. So over here,   I'll take this and move it to the topmost layer  and there it now sits on top. I think this looks   great. As you start designing, you may need to  know, well, how much space is between this logo   file and the edge of the phone? This is especially  important if say you're working with the dev team   and they need to know these specific distances. You can press the Alt key under keyboard and then   hover over the gap between different elements and  that'll tell you the specific number of pixels.   This produces what's called red lines. Right  up on top, I can see that there are 53 pixels   between the top of the phone and the beginning  of the logo file. And here I can hover around.   Along with getting the red lines to appear, you  can also have a grid appear. Here I'll select   the frame. And then over on the right-hand side,  you have an option for layout grid. I'll click on   the plus icon and this inserts a grid with 10  pixels. Here we see it overlaid on top of the   frame. Over on the right-hand side, you can  also configure the different settings related   to this grid. If I click on this, here I can  adjust the size of the grid. So, let's go with,   let's say 20 to see how that looks. There I have a  20-pixel grid. You could also adjust the color and   also the opacity of the grid. I'll close out of  this and I don't think I need a grid for now. So   over here, I'll click on the minus icon and that  removes the grid. Next, I would like to include   some text on the home screen of the app that  includes our tagline. Before we do that though,   I'll press the shift two key just to zoom in  on the home screen. Up above on the toolbar,   we have the text tool. You can also press  the key T on your keyboard. I’ll select this. I can now choose where I want to place my  text. I'll click right here on my frame and   then I'll type in our tagline, deliciousness  in every bite. I now want to modify the way   this text looks. I'll press control A to select  all of my text. Then with this object selected,   over on the right hand side, I have all of the  different design properties for the text. If I   scroll down just a little bit, here I can adjust  the size of the text. Currently it's set to 12 and   I think it's a little bit small. Let's try maybe  27. I think that'll work better. Right down here,   I can also set the fill. When I click on this, I  can choose all these different colors. I can set   a gradient. Here you could also set the opacity,  but I think white will work well. So, I'll close   out of this. Right down here, I also want to add  an effect. I think maybe a drop shadow would look   good. I'll click on that and here's drop shadow.  And when I click that, that helps the text stand   out just a little bit more. Still, with the text  selected, here I'll scroll up and I can also align   it on my frame. So, I could left align and that'll  left align with the leftmost portion of the frame.   Here I could center a line, right align and I have  different options. But let's go with center align.   And I think I want to, why don't we pull this up  just a little bit. Here, I'll pull it up right   there so it sits under the logo and I think that  looks good for the tagline. Now that I've included   the tagline, I would like to include navigation at  the bottom of my app. And to do that, we're going   to insert a frame. If you remember from earlier,  the shortcut key for inserting a frame is F and   there that changes my cursor to the frame tool.  You'll also see that it's selected up above on   the toolbar. With this selected, let's now drag  a frame on the bottom. And I want it to be about,   let's say 50 pixels tall. And here I'll drag it  to the edge and over here, I'll make sure it's on   the other edge. Now I want to move this navigation  bar all the way to the bottom. So here I'll click   in here and I can now move it down to the bottom  of my app. I think that's a good position. Over   on the left-hand side, you can now see that  I've added a new frame within the home screen.   I'll click on frame one and let's rename this to  navigation just so it's clear what this is. I'll   select the navigation frame and then let's press  shift two and that'll zoom in on this new frame   that we've included. Over on the right-hand  side with the navigation frame selected,   I want to set a color for this navigation frame.  Over here, I'll click on fill, click on the plus   icon. And for now, let's set it to black. I could  always come in and I can change this later. Next,   I want to insert three squares within this frame.  This will help me lay out where the buttons for   the navigation will go. I'll press the R key on my  keyboard and that sets it to a rectangle. And over   here, first, let me press the shift key to make  sure I get a perfect square and let me make it   about 45 pixels tall and also wide. And over here,  let's center it right in the middle of this frame.   There I get that guideline that tells me this is  the center. I'll press control D on my keyboard to   create a duplicate and there's another square.  And let me place it, let's say write it about   there for now. And I'll press control D again.  And here I'll drag this over. Let's move over,   pan over. And I'll place this here. Now, I'm  not sure if the spacing is quite right. So,   I'll select this square, then press the shift  key to select another object and the shift key   again to select this one. Now up on top, I  can click on this icon and I can distribute   the horizontal spacing. And when I click on  that, that distributes them. Now let me select   all of these and make sure that all of them are  centered. That's right in the center and they're   all distributed evenly. I think this is looking  good. Now that I've inserted all of my different   rectangles, we have containers for the different  icons. And this is by no means a comprehensive   or in-depth look at how you make icons. You can  go super deep on this topic, but I just want to   show some of the fundamental functionality that  you have available within Figma. I want to start   by adding the location icon to my navigation.  And I think a good place to place that would be   right here on the center rectangle. Here, I'll  make sure to select this rectangle by double   clicking on it. Then I'll press shift two to  zoom in on this rectangle. Now I have plenty   of space to build out this icon. To represent  the location, I want to design a location pin.  To build that out, let's go up to the top toolbar  and here let's click on all of the different   shapes. And right here, we have the option for  an ellipse. I can also press O on my keyboard.   I’ll select that that, and then I'll press the  shift key so that way I get a perfect circle.   And let me make it maybe smaller like this.  Let's make it about that size. And over here,   I'm going to place it right in the center. I think  that's a good position. To edit this shape, simply   double click on it, and here it shows all the  different points that I can edit related to this   shape. Now I want it to be a pin. So, I'm going  to take this point at the bottom and here I can   drag it down. So, there I can start adjusting the  ellipse. Now I want it to go straight down. So,   I'll press the shift key. And that way it'll lock  it in the center position. And let me bring it   right down towards the bottom. Now it's not much  of a pin with these curved edges at the bottom.   With these handles that stick out, I can adjust  the curve. Here if I take one of these handles,   here I can make the curve larger. Or here I  can make it smaller. Now I want it to be just   a hard edge down at the bottom. So here I'll  pull it in right towards the center and there   I get that nice straight edge. Over here, I'll  select this side as well. And here I can pull   it in and there too, I get that nice hard edge. I'm currently in edit mode. That's where you can   see all these points around the shape. And up on  top on the toolbar, it changes to show edit mode.   Once I'm all done in edit mode, I could click  on the done button or I could press escape on my   keyboard and that now exits edit mode. The shape  of the push pin or the location pin looks good,   but I do want to set a color and I think white  will work well. So, with this ellipse selected,   over on the right hand side, I'll click  on the fill and let me set this to white.  All right, it's coming together. I now need to  punch a hole into this location pin and we're   going to use another ellipse to do that. Up on  the top toolbar, let's click on these shapes   again and let's go down to ellipse. And over here,  I'll press the shift key to get a perfect circle   and let me draw it so maybe nine by nine. I think  that might work well. And let me position it here   in the center. I can press the alt key to check  that the spacing on this side is the same as the   spacing on this side. Then it looks like they're  both six, so that's perfect. So, I want to punch   this out from this shape underneath. So, I'll  press the shift key on this shape as well. So   right now, I have both of these ellipses selected.  Right up on top, I have different controls. I can   combine the two different selections. I could  subtract a selection, intersect, exclude,   and even flatten. Now I want to subtract my first  circle from the bottom ellipse. So here I'll click   on subtract and that's now placed a hole into  my location pin. Now, if I move it around,   you'll notice that there is a hole in this shape.  Overall, I think this icon looks really nice,   but I think I would actually prefer just to have  a stroke or a border around this location pin and   no fill. With this pin selected, over on the  right-hand side with all the properties here,   I could remove the fill and then I could add  a stroke. But that'll take a few steps to   do. Instead, I can swap the fill and the stroke  simply by pressing shift X on my keyboard. I'll   make sure that the location pin is selected  and let's try this, shift X, and that swaps   the two. I think that looks really nice. Now I  want to take my location pin and I want to group   it together with this rectangle. That way, if I  move this object, it'll move both the rectangle   and the location pin. I'll make sure to select  both the pin and the rectangle and then I can   right-click. And right here, there's the option to  group the selection. I also have the shortcut key,   control G. I'll click on that and that's now made  a group. I can now click on that and I can rename   that. Here, I'll call that location. I can still  expand the group to see all the items that sit   within that group. Now, I don't think I need this  rectangle anymore. I only needed the rectangle to   help me form my icon. So over here, I'll click  on the rectangle and with this item selected,   over on the right-hand side, I have  this eye icon. When I click on that,   that hides the rectangle and now I'm just left  with my icon. I'll press control and scroll out   with my mouse wheel and there, I now have the  first icon on my navigation bar. And to be fair,   I think that looks pretty good. Next, I want to  add a home icon to the navigation bar and we're   going to use a different set of tools to make  this. I'll press my middle mouse button to pan   over to the leftmost rectangle. There it is. I'll  select the rectangle. Here, let's click into this   one. It's rectangle number four. And then I'll  press shift two on my keyboard so the rectangle   fills the screen. And now we have plenty of space  to design this next icon. To build the home icon,   we're going to use something called the pen tool.  Up on the top toolbar, right over here, let's   click on this menu and here we have the pen tool.  You can also use the shortcut key P. I'll select   that and we're going to build a house to represent  home. I'll place the pen tool right in the center   of the rectangle and then I'll click my mouse. And  that puts down the first point of the pen tool.   Now I can draw this line anywhere. Now I want  this to be the roof of a house. I'll press the   shift key and that way I get a nice 45-degree line  for the roof. And let's come right down to about   this point. I'll place it there and that now fills  in the stroke or the line. Now I could continue   building my house from here or I could press the  escape key and let me go back up to the top so I   could build the other side of the roof. I want it  to be nice and symmetrical. I'll click right here   on this point and here I'll press the shift key  again and I'll go down to the same line. There I   get that nice red guideline that lets me know  that it's now at the same point and there I'll   place it. If I make a mistake placing my point,  I could press the delete key and I could simply   do that again. So that's one way you could get  rid of a point that you don't want. And here I'll   place the other edge of the roof there. Now I'll  go over, let's say maybe five rectangles for the   under portion of the roof. I'll go right to about  there and let's bring the house down to about that   point. I'll press escape again. Let's go over  here and let's count over five. One, two, three,   four, five. And here I'll go down to the bottom  and over here I'll connect the points. So now I   have all the points of this vector icon making up  my house. If you want to move some of the points   that you've already drawn, up on top, you can  click into this menu and select the move tool.   Now I can select a point and here we can now move  it to a new position. But actually, the position   I had was fine. I'll press control Z to undo and  there I have my house again. Overall, this house   looks good, but it's just a little bit small.  The rectangle is a lot larger than the house.  Let's go up on top and click on done. And within  the move menu, let's select the scale tool. You   could also press the shortcut key K. And over  here, I can now scale the object by clicking   on these handles and adjusting the size. But  there it's not centering it. So let me click   on control Z to undo. You can press the alt key  on your keyboard and then you can also scale it   and that will scale the icon from the center. So  that way I keep it nice and centered. That's a   good position. Right up on top, let's go back to  the move tool. And I want to move the house down   a little bit within this rectangle. Now I could  pull it down with my mouse or you could also use   your keyboard to nudge an object. With this object  or this vector selected, I'll press the down key   on my keyboard and now I can move the position. I  like that spot right there. Looking at this house,   I think the edges are a little bit sharp. I  don't think they should be that sharp. I mean   this is for a cookie company app. I'll double  click on it and that brings me back into edit   mode. Over on the right-hand side, I have  these various properties for the vector icon   that I just pulled together. And right here,  I can adjust the corner radius. So here I can   adjust that and make it a lot more round. Now,  I don't know if you could tell that's a house,   but let me adjust that maybe one or even here,  I could type in, let's say 0.5 and that gives me   these nice round edges. That looks a lot better.  Also, on the fill over on the right hand side,   I can make it a little bit thicker. So, let's make  it right at about there. I think that thickness   looks good. And let me also adjust the color to  white. This is looking great. Let's now group this   similar to what we did with our location icon.  Here I have vector one selected or the house and   I also like the underlying rectangle. So, these  two are now selected and I'll press control G   on my keyboard to group those two objects. Here  I could expand the group. Now right over here,   let's rename this to home just so it's clear what  this is. And with rectangle four, I no longer need   that background rectangle. Over here, I'll click  on the eye icon and that now hides that rectangle.   Let's now press shift one on the keyboard and we  can see the overall app. Now this is looking good,   but you'll notice that the stroke on the house  is a lot thicker than on the location icon. Let's   make a quick adjustment. Over here, I'll click on  location and let's open this up. Here I have all   the different shapes that make it up. Over on the  right-hand side, let's adjust the stroke. Here,   I'll make that a little bit thicker. So maybe  we'll go with two and maybe I adjust the house   so it's a little bit lower. Here I'll select the  vector and let's adjust that down. Maybe we go   with, let's say two as well. So now we have our  two icons. For the third icon, I want this to go   to our shopping cart, but instead of having us  design this icon, let's see what we could find   in the community. One of the great things about  Figma is they have a very active community where   other members pull together assets that you  can leverage in your projects. To get to the   Figma community in the top left-hand corner,  let's click on the Figma menu and right here,   let's go back to files. Down in the bottom  left-hand corner of the file browser, let's   click on the button that says explore community.  This opens up the Figma community. And again,   here you'll find a wide variety of different  free and paid templates, plugins, and also UI   kits that you can leverage in your different  projects. And here you'll see a few examples.  Now I have a specific template in mind that I  would like to use and it's called Iconamoon.   Let's click on this one and over on the left-hand  side, let's now open this in Figma. This now opens   up the Iconamoon template. And here we see all  the different icons that we can leverage. In the   top left-hand corner, we see all these different  pages that are part of this file. For example,   if you want thin icons, you can click on that  or lights or here's bold. I want regular,   so I’ll select this page and right in the center,  I see all the different e-commerce icons. I'll   press control on my keyboard and scroll my mouse  wheel in. And right over here, I see an icon with   a shopping cart. This will fit perfectly in  my app. Here, I'll double click on this. And   over on the left-hand side, here I can see the  icon frame. Let me expand that. And right here,   it looks like it's made up of a vector and then  also two rectangles for the wheels. Here, I'll   select the two rectangles by pressing shift and  also the vector. I'll select those three items and   press control C on my keyboard. I've now copied  those different items. Up on top, let's click back   into the Figma menu and go back to files. Let's  now go back to the file that we've been working   on. Down on the left-hand side, I'll click into  the KCC app and here's the KCC app. Let's double   click on that. I'll now select the rectangle down  below where I would like to place the shopping   cart icon. And then I'll press shift two to zoom  in on this rectangle. Next, I'll press control   V and that pastes in the shopping cart icon. Now,  this is currently black and all my other icons are   white. So, with all of these different vectors and  rectangles selected, over on the right-hand side,   let's go to stroke. And over here, I'll set it  to white and then I can close this out. Also,   I wanted to fill the rectangle. So just like we  did before, let's go up to this menu and then   click on scale. Next, we could press the alt key  while dragging these handles to scale from the   center. Here, I'll press alt and then drag it up.  And here, I'll fill the rectangle, let's say right   to about there. Right over in this menu, let's go  back to move and here I could reposition it within   this rectangle. I think that's a really good spot.  I now want to move all of these different items   over on the left-hand side into the navigation  frame. Currently, they're sitting outside of that   frame. So here, I'll drag all of them down and  let me position them within navigation. And I also   want to group them with this rectangle. So, I'll  select all of these different objects and then   let's press control G and that'll group these  different items. Now, I can double click on   that and here I can give this group a name. I'll  call it cart and hit enter. And now I have that   group. I can now expand this group selection.  Let me select the rectangle and here I can hide   that underlying rectangle. Now again, the nice  thing about grouping is all of these different   objects are now tied together. So here, if I move  the overall group, that'll move the wheels along   with the upper portion of the shopping cart. Right now, let's press shift one and that'll   zoom out. And let me actually focus just on this  first frame. So here, I see all of my different   icons. Now, this one's a little bit thicker.  So let me select the cart and let's adjust the   stroke just a little bit. Let's set it to two  so it matches the other icons. I think this is   looking really solid now. Now that I finished  adding my navigation bar to the home screen,   I would also like to include the navigation  on some of my other screens. So over here,   I'll click on navigation and let's press control  D to make a duplicate of this navigation. Now I   could pull it over and I'll place it within the  locations screen. However, there's a problem   with doing it that way. I want to update the  color on the original navigation bar. Here,   I’ll select navigation and over on the right-hand  side for the fill, I’ll click on the color icon   and I'm going to click on this dropper and I want  to use maybe a dark brown color from the logo   just so that color carries over in other places  throughout the app, maybe right at about there.   And over here, I could also adjust the opacity  so it's slightly see-through. Let me actually   go with a slightly lighter shade. Let's go right  at about there and then also adjust the opacity.  Now, one thing you'll notice is that new color  and the opacity does not carry through to my other   navigation bars throughout the app. And ideally,  I want to be able to make a change here and have   that carry through everywhere else. For now,  let's select this navigation in the locations   frame and then press the delete key to remove it.  Over on the left-hand side, let's make sure that   the navigation frame is selected. I can see that  it's my current selection. And we're going to turn   this into a component. That way, any change that I  make to the original component will carry through   or flow through to all of the other instances  of that component. Up on the top toolbar, we   have an icon here that says create component. You  also have a shortcut key. I'll click on this and   this is now turned navigation into a component.  You'll notice that the color has changed to purple   indicating that this is now a component. Up on  top, let's now click into the assets tab. And   here I can see all of the assets associated with  my project. And you'll notice now that I have a   section titled local components. And there's the  navigation bar that we created. Over here, I can   now select this navigation bar and I can drag and  drop it into my locations frame. I'll put it right   here and let's drag it to the very bottom. Now,  one of the neat things is, here I'll select the   original navigation bar on the home screen. And I  don't know if I'm really digging this brown color.   I think it might be nice with, let's say a light  green from the logo. So over here with this item   selected, let's go back to layers and let's select  navigation. Then over on the right-hand side,   let's scroll down and here for the fill,  let's click on that and let's go with this   dropper tool. And over here, let's select this  green color. Let's say right at about there.   And over here, I could also set the opacity.  So, let's bring it down to maybe about 80%.  Here, I can now close it out and look at that. The  new color from the home screen navigation carries   over to the locations navigation. That's one of  the big benefits of using components. Any changes   you make to the original component will also carry  through throughout your entire design. Now, one   of the neat things, if I decide to make any, say  changes to the components on the location screen,   that will not flow back to the home screen. It'll  only affect this individual instance. We've been   putting so much work into this app so far that  I think it would be nice to use this same design   on multiple device types with different screen  sizes. So, let's test it out to see if maybe it'll   work on a different device screen size. Over  here, I'll click on the location frame. Here,   it's currently selected. And right down here,  I'll click on these handles to adjust the size.   But you'll notice that the navigation bar is just  locked in this position. It's locked over on the   left-hand side and also the top of its position.  So, as I pull it down, it does not adjust. So, let's delete the navigation on the location  screen for now. And instead, let's focus on the   navigation on the home screen. To make our design  responsive, so it scales on different device   screen sizes, we need to use something called  constraints. And constraints tell Figma how layers   should respond when you resize the frame. This  helps you control how your designs look across   different screen sizes and also devices. Over on  the left-hand side, let's click on the navigation.   And right here, we see that it's selected. Over  on the right-hand side, we have all the different   properties. And right here, there's a section for  constraints. This tells Figma how to adjust as you   scale the size. Now currently, it's set to lock it  to the left and also lock it to the top position   that it's currently in. And again, we saw the  problem of that. Here if I expand the frame, it's   stuck to the left and also stuck to the top. So,  we need to modify this behavior. I'll click back   into navigation. So, with the constraints, let's  see what the different options are. Currently,   it's locked to the left. I could also lock it to  the right. Or here, we could have the bar locked   to both the left and to the right. We could place  it in the center while maintaining its size, or we   could simply have it scale with the design. So, if  it gets smaller, this navigation bar gets smaller.   If the design gets larger or the screen size gets  larger, the bar will also get larger. I'm not sure   if I like that either. But let's try locking it to  the left side and over to the right-hand side. So,   let's test this out. Here, when I click on the  home screen, and now if we expand the size,   you'll see that the bar is locked to the left side  and to the right side. So, we're making progress,   but it doesn't stick to the bottom. So, let's  select navigation again. And then over on the   right-hand side, we have our constraints. And  right underneath, we also have the option right   here for top. So, when I click on that, this  is defining what should happen in the vertical   space. Now currently, it's locking to its topmost  position, but here I could lock it to the bottom,   the top and the bottom, the center or scale. Let's  put it so it locks to the bottom. I’ll click on   that. And here we have a visual representing  what's happening. Right over here, I'll click   on the home screen. And now when I expand, look  at that. The bar is locked to both the left side,   the right side, and the bottom of the screen. And  so now it's scaling. You'll notice that the icons   aren't quite right yet, so we'll have to make  some adjustments to the constraints for the icons.   Let's now adjust the constraints for the different  icons. And let's start with the leftmost icon or   the home icon. Over here, I'll click on home. And  on the right-hand side in the design pane, here   we see the current constraints. I want it to lock  to the left-hand side of the screen. And currently   it's set to left, but right now it's set to top.  I want it to go and lock to the bottom along with   the bar. So here I'll click on this menu and let's  select bottom. So here it'll lock to this side and   also the bottom. Next, let's click on the location  pin. And I want this to always stay in the center.   So over here in this menu, instead of locking it  to the left, let's click on this and let's lock it   to the center position. And here too, let's also  lock it to the bottom. And lastly, let's click   on the cart. And here I want this to lock to the  right-hand side so it maintains this distance to   the right and it also stays locked to the bottom.  So, I'll click on this and let's lock it over here   to the right and also to the bottom. Now let's  test out what happens when we adjust the frame   size. Here I'll click on the home screen frame.  And now when I adjust the size, look at that, the   icons maintain their position. The house is locked  to the left and there we see it locked to the left   and they're all locked to the bottom. This is  exactly the behavior that I want. And this design   is now being responsive where we could use it  on different device types and the navigation bar   would continue to work and also look good. I'm now  going to select the navigation bar on the bottom.   I'll press control D to duplicate it. Over here,  I’ll now drag it over to the location screen. And   over here, I can also place the navigation on the  cart and here that's inserting the component onto   these different screens. Now when I take the  locations and I adjust the size, you'll notice   that all of those constraints carry through. Here  I'll select the cart. When I adjust the size of   the frame, there too, all of those constraints  hold. I'll press shift one to focus on all of our   different screens. Next, I want to start building  out the locations screen of the app. To do that,   first I want to insert some text that lets people  know where they are within the app. Here I'll   click on text and let me click up on top and here  I'll type in, let's say, locations. Over here,   I can now move the text. Let's place it right  there. And I want to make some modifications   to this text. Over on the right-hand side, here  I have all of my different properties. Let's go   with, let's say, size 36. And for the fill, here  I'll click the dropper and let me select this red   from the logo of the Kevin Cookie Company. Let me  go a little bit brighter. Let's go with this one   right there. I think that looks great. Now I'll  click out of the color and here I will adjust the   locations so it lines up right there. Now I also  want to build out a card that'll represent some   of the location information. Let's insert some  more text and over here, we'll call this the, say,   the Seattle flagship. Now I don't want this text  to be as large. So here, let's move this over,   but let's adjust the font size. With all of this  text selected, I'll go down and let's adjust this   to maybe font size, let's say 15. Now I want it to  be a heavier font. So, let's click over here and   let's go with maybe semi bold. I think that looks  good. And I'll leave that there for now. And next,   I also want to insert some additional text where  I list out the address for this location. Now   that I've typed in this text, I don't want it to  have the same font weight as the title of this   location. So over here, I'll select all of this  text and let's select maybe a regular weight. I   think that'll work well. I'll position that  here and let me pull this over so it sits to   the left of locations. Now, of course, these  aren't lined up right now. So let me select   all of these different objects and up on top  of the properties, let's align left. This will   align all of the different items to the leftmost  item. Now I want the address to be a little bit   closer to the title of the store. I'll select that  text and then using the arrow keys on my keyboard,   here I can nudge it up. So, there we can see  the spacing. I think that's a good amount of   spacing. Next, I also want to insert an image of  the store location, but I don't want to insert   the image just yet. Right up on top, I'll go to  insert shapes and here I can insert a rectangle.   I'll select rectangle and let's draw it so the  store location image will be right here in that   space. And again, I'll select all these different  objects and let's align them to the left. That   way they all line up over here. And I think this  looks pretty good for a card. Now I would like   to reuse this location card, especially if we  have multiple locations that we're featuring   for the Kevin Cookie Company. And just like  we did with the navigation bar on the bottom,   we can turn this card into a component so we  can reuse it in different places. To do that,   here I'll select all the different items  that make up this location. And up on top,   let's click on this to create a component. And  over on the left-hand side, we can now give this   component a name and I'll call this location card. I now want to add more of these location cards to   the location screen. So right up on top, let's  click on assets and this will show us all of the   different components within this file. And here  we have locations. I'll click on this card and   let me pull this over and let's place it right  to about there. Now I can also pull in another   copy of it and let's place it right at about there  and we'll modify the spacing later. And over here,   I could pull in the card one more time just to  represent what the screen would look like when we   have all of these different components. Let's go  back into layers. Now one thing you'll notice is   this card is overlaying the bottom navigation.  I want the navigation on top. So, I'll take   the navigation. Currently it's the bottom most  layer within this frame. So here I'll take the   navigation and let's move it up to the top and now  it sits on top of this card. I can now select all   of the cards that I just inserted by pressing the  shift key on my keyboard and then left clicking on   each one of these cards. And you'll notice I have  these different icons on here. If I click on this   flat line in between the cards, I can adjust the  spacing between these different cards. Here I can   expand the spacing or here I can contract it. So  let me place it right at about there. I think this   is a good amount of spacing to have between those  cards, but it's really easy to modify it if maybe   you want to tweak it and see what it looks like if  maybe things are just a little bit closer. Looking   at this design, I think there's actually a little  bit too much space between the address and then   the image area. I like to pull this in. Now the  great news is because I made this a component,   I can make modifications to just the original  component and that'll flow through to all of   the different instances. Here I'll select the  rectangle where I'm going to insert the image   and I could use my keyboard now to nudge it up.  And as I nudge it up, look at that, it nudges   it up for all of the different instances of that  component. So again, if you're reusing different   elements of your design in many different places,  it's well worth using components. It'll make your   life so much easier. Now that I've inserted all  these different placeholder rectangles for a   photo of the location, let's go through and now  add photos to each one of these rectangles. And   it actually turns out it's really easy to do. Up  on the top toolbar, let's click on this dropdown   and here we have the option to place images and  videos. I'll click on this and this opens up   all of my different Kevin Cookie Company assets.  And here I'll use all of these images that I've   selected. Then I'll click on open. And right now,  you'll see my cursor with a four icon next to it.   I can now place these images. And here I could  preview the first image that I'll place. This is   one of our locations or the storefronts. I could  click in this rectangle and that fills that image   into all the rectangles. I'll click on the second  one, the third one, and the fourth one. So, it's   super easy to then swap in an actual image into  your design if say you have placeholder images.   Looking at this card, I think it would actually  be nice to just show a circle of the image so it   matches what a cookie looks like. I mean, we got  to stick to the cookie theme. And I think a really   nice way to do that is to use a mask in Figma.  To insert a mask right up on top, let's go to the   ellipse tool. Over here, I'll click on shapes and  here's the option for an ellipse. And over here,   let's draw an ellipse on top of this image.  And I'll place it right at about there. So,   I want to show this portion of the image. Right  up on top, we have the option to turn this ellipse   into a mask. Again, this tells Figma what parts of  an image to show or to hide. So, I'll use this as   a mask. But currently that hasn't actually done  anything. If we look over on the left-hand side   at our layers, here we see the ellipse with a  line going up. So, it's applying the mask to   anything above it. But currently there's nothing  above the ellipse. That's the topmost layer. I   want the ellipse mask to apply to the rectangle  which is currently sitting under the ellipse. So,   let's take the ellipse and move it under the  rectangle. So now it's taking that mask and   applying it to everything above. And look at that,  it now applies a mask. So, this is defining what   area of this rectangle should be visible. And it's  just that place right there. The location screen   is looking fairly solid now. And I want to build  out a little bit of the cart screen. And a good   place to start is by adding the title. So, I'll  go up to the text and let's click right here and   I'll type in cart. But one problem you'll notice  is this text here does not match the text on the   location screen. Now, of course, I could take this  text and I could copy and paste it over into cart.   But then what if I update the color or the size  or something else on this location screen? It   won't flow through to all the other places. We saw  the benefit of components and how you can make a   change in one place and have it flow through to  others. With text and also colors, you could do   the same thing. But instead of using a component,  we're going to use something called styles. So,   let's create a style. You can create both text and  also color styles. Here I'll click on locations.   And over on the right-hand side, here we see all  the different text settings. Here we see the font   size. I'll click on these four dots. And I can  click on this plus icon to create a style. I'll   click on that and now I could give it a name. I'll call it screen title and then click on   create style. Right down here, I can also set  up a style for the fill. I'll click on the four   dots. And right over here, I can now add a  style. Let's click on that. And over here,   I see existing properties for this text. And for  the name here too, I'll also call it screen title.  And down below, let's create the style. And here  I'll close out of it. So now I've saved both the   color and also the font size. Let's now click on  cart and I'll select all of that text. Let's now   go over to the right-hand side and click on the  four dots. And here I see my existing style. I'll   click on that and that adjusts the font size  to match locations. Down here with the fill,   let's also click on the four dots. And here I see  the color for screen title. I'll click on that and   that applies the same color and also the font size  to this text. Next, I also want to align this text   so it appears in the same location as locations.  I can click on locations. And here I can see   the X and also the Y value, 26 and 35. I'll  select cart and over here, let's set it to 26,   tab over 35. And there it now appears in the  same exact location as locations. Looking over   at the left-hand side at the home screen, it looks  just a little bit empty. And I think it might be   helpful to include some type of button on the home  screen that directs viewers over into the cart.  Let's click on the home screen over on the  left-hand side in the layers panel. And then   let's press shift two and that way we focus  just on the home screen. To insert a button,   first I want to insert some text. I could press  T on my keyboard or I could go up to the toolbar   up on top and then here I could click on the text  tool. I want to place text right at about here and   I want it to say, let's say order cookies. I’ll  press control A to select the text and over on the   right-hand side, I have all the text properties.  Let me set it to, let's say 20. I think that's   better. And here I could select the text and let's  put it, let's say right in the center right over   there. Now for it to be a button, I also need  to include a background behind this text. So,   let's go right up to the top where we could  insert different types of shapes. I’ll click   on this dropdown and here we have the option  to insert a rectangle. I could also press R and   over here I'll draw a rectangle in back of this  text or at least right now on top of this text.  Over on the left-hand side, to ensure that  the text appears on top of this rectangle,   I need to adjust the layers. Here we see that the  rectangle is currently on top of the text. So,   let's take the text and here I can move it up  to the topmost layer and now we see it sit on   top of the background for the button. I now  want to format the button. I mean, I don't   think a gray button like this would get that  much engagement. So over on the left-hand side,   I have the rectangle selected and over on the  right-hand side in the pane, here I have all of   the different properties. Let's start by setting  the fill color. Here I'll click on this gray color   and let's use the dropper tool and maybe I'll pull  in this light red color. Let's go a little lighter   than that. Maybe right at about there. Oh, that  looks nice for the button. Over here, I'll close   out of the color. Next, I also want to round the  edges of this button. Right now, it's just a nice   rectangle, but I would like to curve those edges.  So here again, I'll click on the rectangle. Over   on the right-hand side here, I could adjust the  corner radius. So, let's drag that over in there.   You see the edges of the button curving a little  bit. I think that looks good at just at about nine   and down below, I'll also click into effects and  here I can add a drop shadow under the button.   That looks great so far. On second thought, you  know, I actually think it would be better if it   says order cookies today. I think that would get  more people to click on it. So over here, I'll   click into the text and let's type in today. But  you'll notice one problem. The text now extends   beyond the button. Of course, I could click into  the rectangle and I could expand the rectangle   to fit the text, but that's going to be a pain.  I'd rather connect the text to the rectangle. So,   let's get rid of the today text. Over on the  left-hand side, let's select the rectangle and   also select the text by clicking the shift key and  then clicking on both of those layers. Over on the   right-hand side within the pane, you'll see a new  option for something called auto layout. This will   allow us to expand the text or add additional text  and the underlying rectangle will expand to fit   whatever text we decide to add and we can define  how it should respond. Over on the right-hand   side, let's click on the plus icon and here we  have a number of different settings. Within auto   layout, I have a number of different settings.  As I expand the text here, I could define what   should happen. Currently it's set to expand the  button that underlays the text horizontally. I   could also have it wrapped to a new line or here  I could have it expand vertically. And over here,   I could set the gap between items and I could  also set the padding. Let's adjust the padding a   little bit. Here I could drag it so I can make the  button larger or here I could bring it in a little   bit. I'll bring it in. And over here, I could  also adjust the vertical padding. Right here,   I could also define where the text should  sit within this button. Currently it's set   to align center and I like that location.  Let's now click on the text and over here,   I'll now add that new word. Let's type in today  and look at that. The frame now for this button   expands to fit all of that text. In fact, if we  look over at the left-hand side under layers,   you'll notice that it turns the button into a  frame. So, the container is a frame and then that   frame includes text that says order cookies today.  So, the rectangle has been converted into a frame.   In the top right-hand corner, let's now center the  button. Over here, I'll click on center. And now   let's use the arrow key on the keyboard to nudge  it up just a little bit. I think that's a great   spot. That looks perfect. I think this app is now  in a fairly good spot and I'm ready to share this   out with the team so they can start providing me  with some feedback before I invest more time into   building this out. But I think it would be helpful  to turn this into a prototype so they could   click on the different buttons and see all the  different screens. To turn this into a prototype,   here let's click into the home screen and over on  the right-hand side in the right pane, let's click   on prototype. And here we can now turn this into  a prototype. A prototype allows people to interact   with your design. Right at the very top, I can  define a flow starting point for this prototype.   And I want the home screen to be the starting  point. Over here, I'll click on the plus icon.   And this is now defining this screen as the start  point. That's exactly what I want. Now I want to   make sure that the navigation navigates to the  different screens throughout the app. So over on   the left-hand side, first I'll click on the home  button. And if someone clicks on the home button,   I want it to bring the person to this home screen.  So, as I hover over, you'll see this plus icon. I   could define where this button should link. So  here I'll click on the plus button and I want   it to go to the home screen. So over here, I'll  release right there with that frame. So here, when   someone taps that button, it'll now scroll to this  main view. Here, I'll close out of that. Next,   I want the location button to go to the locations  screen. I'll select location. And over here, there   too, I also see that circle with the plus icon.  I'll click on this and I'll connect it to the   location screen and then I'll release. So, this  way on tap, it'll navigate to the location screen.   I also have other settings within this screen.  For example, when someone clicks on locations,   it'll instantly move to the location screen. But  here, if I click on the dropdown, I could also   animate it. Maybe I want it to dissolve, move  in, move out. So, you have different options.   But for now, I will leave it set to instant.  And over here, I'll close out of this. Lastly,   I also want the shopping cart to go to the cart  screen. Over here, I'll click on the plus icon and   then I'll drag it over and connect it to the cart  screen. Over here, let's make sure it connects and   then I'll release. And here too, I have all those  same settings. But for now, I'm just going to   stick with a simple example and I'll close out of  this. Now, one of the beautiful things is because   I'm using components, if I click on the navigation  bar on any of the subsequent screens, these will   also navigate to the appropriate locations. So  that's yet another benefit of using components.   I also want the order cookies today button to go  to the shopping cart. So over here, I'll select   frame one for the button. And then here too, I  also get that circle icon. I'll click on that   and let me drag it over to the cart screen and  then release. This way, if someone clicks on this   button, that will navigate to the cart screen. I think all of my different buttons and also   flows are now in place. To test out my prototype,  in the top right hand corner, let's click on the   play icon. This now opens up a prototype of my app  design. And look at that, you'll see my design now   sits in an iPhone frame. That's looking really  nice. When I click up my design, you'll notice   these blue rectangles. That lets me know where I  can interact with this app. So, I could click on   this button or I could click on the navigation  down below. Let's start by navigating to the   location screen. I’ll click on this button on  the bottom navigation. And here I can see all the   different locations for the Kevin Cookie Company.  When I click again, I can also navigate to the   shopping cart. I'll click on this icon and this  shows me the cart. I haven't put anything in the   cart yet, but we'll have to build out this page.  Up on top, I have various options. Over here,   I can view all the different flows and I could  jump back to the beginning of flow number one.   When I click on this icon, I can leave feedback  on the flow. Over on the right hand side, I also   have various options that I can configure. Once  I'm ready to share this prototype with others,   maybe I'm ready for feedback, I can click on share  prototype and I can invite other people to view   this prototype. Once I'm all done interacting  with this prototype, I can close out of this   tab. Back now within the main editor, anyone on  your team can come into this and start working on   this design with you. However, if you would like  to share this with others, in the top right-hand   corner, you can click on the share button and here  you could type in email addresses of other people.   Over on the right hand side, you can define  their permissions. Should they be able to edit,   just view, or just view the prototypes? And over  here, you can see everyone who already has access   to your file. Now, I don't need to share it with  anyone right now, so over here, I'll click on   the X icon. Once other teammates come in, they  may have feedback on the design. Up on the top   toolbar, we can click on the add comment icon. You  can also press C on your keyboard. And over here,   I can now place a comment anywhere on these  designs. So maybe with this button, instead   of red, maybe green would look better. I'll click  right there and that leaves this comment icon and   I can now type in my comment. Let's say make this  button green. And I have other tools down below   that I can add. Here, I'll send that through.  And over on the right-hand side, we now see a   pane that shows all the different comments on this  canvas. Right up on top, you have different filter   controls and you could also sort which types of  comments you want to see. Now, right up on top,   once you start working on comments, here you can  click into it and you can reply so you can have   a conversation related to the comments. And once  you resolve it, you can click on this button to   mark as resolved, but the button's still red,  so I haven't resolved it. Another way you can   share your designs with others is to export the  designs. Over on the left-hand side, for instance,   I can click on the home screen, so that's  currently active. And up on top, I can click on   the Figma menu and right down here under file, we  have the option to export. You can also export to   PDF. And when I click on that, you can define what  you would like to export. So, let's just export   the home screen and then I'll click on export.  And this gives me a PNG showing the home screen.   That looks really good. And I can share that out  with the broader team. All right, you now know the   basics of designing in Figma and hopefully  you start pulling together some incredible   designs. And even better, we now have a beautiful  designed app for the Kevin Cookie Company. To   watch more videos like this one, please consider  subscribing and I'll see you in the next video.