Transcript for:
Sosyal Medyada Takipçi Kazanma Stratejileri

I'm going to show you how I made 20,000 followers from posting just one video with 2 hours of work so by the end of this video you will know all my secrets what I learned from 3 years of posting and how I gained millions of views first of all identify your audience if you already have an account where you want to upload your videos make sure that the content actually aligns with your followers this is important because when you start uploading your videos they will automatically be shown to people who followed you and already watched your content so if you go from posting dancing videos to movie edits no one will watch them and you will most like get depressed so if you have to make a new account add a professional looking profile picture and start from complete zero next we need to choose a niche of content and stick with it you cannot combine 10 different forms of content because let's say we will post football videos car videos and movie edits what will happen is that we will split up our audience into three 33% will watch our football edits another 33% our car videos and the last 33% our movie edits now when we upload a new video from one of these three niches only a third of our followers will actually be interested in it which is a straight path to Nowhere If instead we have 100% of our followers be interested in just one category of posts we'll have three times the engagement just think about that how do you pick your Niche well you have to understand that you won't just go viral after one week instead you have to pick something that you can imagine yourself posting for the next few months so I suggest choosing something that you can identify yourself with your first video will suck so upload it as soon as possible as hard as it might sound your first video won't be good matter of fact it took me over 600 videos to get to where I am now which which is why I'm making this video so you can learn from my mistakes but the sooner you upload your first video no matter how bad it might be the sooner you will break the barrier and start pushing towards the right direction and once you posted your first video you need to get into the habit of constantly uploading I want you to think like this if you upload one video every week you only have one chance of going viral because your videos are like a ticket the more you have the more likely it is for you to go viral if you post seven times a week your chances of going viral will be seven times higher than if you just post it once and if you don't upload videos then how do you expect to go viral and the best thing about this is that you won't just be consistent and gain a lot of followers but you will also evolve your posting skills because obviously the more videos you upload the better you will get at it it's like a sport the more you train the better you become but there's a fine line between posting actively and spamming because the moment you give up quality for quantity you're going to lose in that case it's way better to take a day off because in a grand scheme of things quality always beats quantity and if you actually want to boost your quality to the top make sure to check the first link in the description because I'm still currently running a huge sale in my shop you can get up to 70% of the presets that I use to make my quality look the best as possible limited time offer after you got your first results from posting consistently you need to interact with your community show that you're an actual human being people hate being ignored I'm sure you can relate to that so do not make the mistakes of not replying to your comments because you know got some followers doing that will just make you feel The Stereotype of cap editors and we need to avoid that interacting with your community won't just boost your image but it can also help you attract some engagement if done correctly just look at my videos I always pin a comment with a question question relating to the video If people reply to that comment it counts as an interaction and therefore boosts my video regardless if the comment is positive or negative don't cry about mean comments it's just the internet follow Trends but don't copy copying videos can get you a good initial boost but the problem is once the hype around wherever you're copying dies out you will be left with no original style or content and if you're dependent on the success of other people it will be really hard to establish yourself later on don't sacrifice long-term success of your account for short-term validation what I want you to do instead said what I also did on the video that got me 20,000 followers combine it with your own style and then integrate it in your videos this could be a viral song character or meme just make sure to bring your own style to it so you can distinguish yourself from the masses utilize your analytics so many people don't use the most important tool they have which are your own analytics I can yep for hours about the perfect time to post and what hashtags you should use but in reality it's all individual to your own audience and social media platforms actually give you the insight into who watches your video at what time so instead of using some goofy timetables who were made in 2020 for a completely different audience open your settings and look at when your followers are most active and what content they consume it will teach you way more than some random person in a YouTube video who doesn't even know what videos you post and once you found out when your followers are most active don't just ignore the data but utilize it and post at a certain time no matter what happens stick with it a lot of people make the mistake and get very very motivated and hyped up I got my new account I will post a video every day for a week and end up with 1 million followers when in reality it takes time if you newly start out your videos are most likely not deserving a lot of likes the reason why so many new creators fail is because they implemented the wrong idea into their mind social media is not just luck it's a skill the more you practice fail and learn the better you will become you need to see it as a long-term Journey not something that happens overnight don't get too hung up on your follower account focus on making the best possible videos and then the followers will come over time subscribe and like for more tutorials YouTube thinks you wouldd enjoy watching this video next thank you so much for watching and see you next time