Prioritizing God's Kingdom in Discipleship

Sep 17, 2024

Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's Representatives on Earth

Session Two Overview

  • Focus on primary concern of discipleship: Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)
  • God's primary concern: His kingdom and His rule must be prioritized above all else.

Key Concepts

God's Rule and Prioritization

  • God's kingdom must be first; God cannot be second.
  • Benefits of discipleship come with prioritizing God's rule and standards.

Illustration: Saks Fifth Avenue

  • Mannequins in display windows serve to attract people inside.
  • Similarly, kingdom disciples should serve as an advertisement of God's kingdom.

Kingdom Discipleship

  • Discipleship involves learning to live under the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • Importance of binding and loosing as kingdom authority.

The Master Key

  • Master key concept: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
  • Comparison to smartphone passcodes: unlocks access to kingdom benefits.
  • Bible's primary subject: the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

Kingdom Disciples in Action

  • Biblical examples of God's rule: Exodus 34 (calling men under God's rule).
  • Satan aims to disrupt our pursuit of the kingdom.

Illustration: Dallas Cowboys

  • Analogy of football plays to explain kingdom strategies.
  • Kingdom play was first called to Israel, blitzed by Satan.
  • The alternative play: The church as God's "waggle" to advance His kingdom.

Seek First the Kingdom

  • God's rules often differ from cultural norms and opinions.
  • Importance of prioritizing God's kingdom and righteousness.
  • God cannot be second; He must be first in priorities and decisions.

Illustration: Baseball

  • Emphasizes the necessity of touching first base: Seek God first in everything.

First in Your Life

  • God desires to be first in priorities, decisions, and passions.
  • Shift perspectives to prioritize God's viewpoints.

God's Promise to Disciples

  • Promise of provision and removal of worry when kingdom is prioritized.
  • Kingdom living modeled through lessons from nature and assurance of God's provision.

Illustration: Warranty and Appliances

  • Warranty analogy highlights the importance of following God's standards.


  • Operate under God's kingdom and His standards.
  • Utilize the master key to unlock the doors of your life, trusting in God's provision and protection.