Sorting Algorithms and Inversions Explained

Aug 8, 2024

Sorting Algorithms Tutorial Notes


  • This tutorial covers different sorting algorithms in data structures and algorithms.
  • Focus on understanding inversions, sorting algorithms, and their implementations in C++.

Key Concepts


  • Definition: An inversion in an array is an ordered pair of indices (i, j) such that:
    • i < j
    • array[i] > array[j]
  • Purpose: Measure how unsorted an array is. The more inversions, the more unsorted the array.
  • Example: An unsorted list can have multiple inversions; in the example discussed, there are 9 inversions.

Sorting Purpose

  • Reduce the number of inversions in an array.
  • Ideal sorted array has zero inversions.
  • Average number of inversions for n distinct integers can be calculated using a specific formula.

Sorting Algorithms

Quadratic Time Complexity Algorithms (O(n^2))

  • Suitable when dealing with small datasets or when only a few inversions exist.
  1. Insertion Sort

    • Places an unsorted element into its correct position in each iteration.
    • Efficient for small lists.
  2. Selection Sort

    • Selects the smallest element from the unsorted portion and places it at the start.
  3. Bubble Sort

    • Compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.
    • Requires multiple passes through the list.
      • For example, if 5 > 1, swap them.
    • Continue until the entire list is sorted.

Better Time Complexity Algorithms (O(n log n))

  • More efficient for larger datasets.
  1. Merge Sort

    • Divide and conquer approach.
    • Divide the array into two halves, sort each half, and merge them back together.
      • Recursively divide until single elements remain, then merge.
  2. Heap Sort

    • Utilizes a binary tree structure (Max Heap or Min Heap).
    • Remove the largest element (root) and re-heapify the tree.
  3. Quick Sort

    • Selects a pivot element and partitions the array into sub-arrays.
    • Recursively sort the sub-arrays.
    • Often the default sorting algorithm in C++ STL.

Special Case Algorithm

  • Bucket Sort
    • Can achieve linear time complexity (O(n)) in specific scenarios (e.g., sorting positive integers with a known maximum value).


  • Understanding inversions helps determine the best sorting algorithm to use.
  • Choose sorting algorithms based on the size of the dataset and the number of inversions:
    • For large datasets, use O(n log n) algorithms.
    • For small datasets or few inversions, O(n^2) algorithms are acceptable.

C++ Implementation Examples

  1. Bubble Sort Implementation

    • Uses nested loops to compare and swap elements.
  2. Merge Sort Implementation

    • Implements a recursive function to merge sorted sub-arrays.
  3. Quick Sort Implementation

    • Utilizes a partition function to organize elements around a pivot.

Built-in Functionality in C++ STL

  • Use the sort function from the STL for efficiency and simplicity.
  • Can sort in ascending or descending order using the std::reverse function or custom lambda functions.


  • Understanding different sorting algorithms is essential for optimizing performance in data handling tasks.
  • Knowledge of implementation helps in applying the correct algorithm based on specific needs and constraints.