Support Strategies for Students with Disabilities

Sep 10, 2024

Lecture Notes: Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities


  • Accommodations and modifications are essential for school success for students with disabilities.
  • Accommodations and modifications are similar but not the same.



  • Adjust how a student accesses information, participates in activities, or demonstrates learning.
  • Do not change the curriculum.


  • Change what is being taught or what the student is expected to learn and demonstrate.

Examples of Accommodations

  • Adjusting the amount of work required.
  • Allowing extra time for assignments.
  • Adapting assignments or providing extra assistance.
  • Changing the physical setting.
  • Using assistive technology.

Examples of Modifications

  • Simplifying tasks, e.g., identifying only the hours on a clock.
  • Shortening vocabulary and spelling lists.

Role of the IEP Team

  • The IEP team must identify strategies to help each unique child succeed.
  • Includes classroom, non-academic, and extracurricular activities.
  • Parents are vital in crafting the IEP.

Parental Involvement

  • Observe what works and struggles at home.
  • Discuss with the child about their feelings and experiences.
  • Ensure accommodations and modifications are in the IEP.
  • Ask questions about impacts on graduation requirements.
  • Open dialogue and clear documentation are essential.


  • Teachers and parents to discuss potential strategies like peer buddies, small groups, and assistive tools.
  • Assign roles and follow-up responsibilities.

Flexibility and Creativity

  • Accommodations and modifications should adapt to the child's changing needs.
  • No standard list; be creative and stay involved.


  • The importance of parental and team involvement in a child's educational support.
  • Keeping the child's best interest and success as the primary focus.