Transcript for:
Discussion on Leaked Content and Public Perception

then we got breaking news we did a whole patreon last question of the patreon for no better reason and y'all can watch it on patreon for no better reason nobody asked for this Mark just brings up SK in his back blown out for no fa reason he's wearing panty ho Mark brings up a video sketch got the Minnie Mouse gloves on or Mickey we don't know at this point is he is he really I don't know I can't figure it out obviously these images have leaked let me squint my eyes so I don't get all the way in apparently that's why I SCH like this he's like God forbid I he a [ __ ] on my do we know if it's him for real though I think he is gay I'm just now learning about this kid but it seems like he is gay this is a real detective I'm just now learning oh that [ __ ] is crazy though from what I thought I saw ow you look you look you CL your eyes why you put your hand I'm trying so hard not to look close your eyelids you don't have to put your hand there yeah just don't look at it do we still do we know if it's him for real though by your is it possible he confirmed this like a joke you you don't want your kid to be dead to I don't know we why just be gay why can't he be gay bro that's my point wrong what's want the truth I wantu Mark but what's wrong with him being a gay um nothing I can think of why you fighting so hard be's not gay I just want the truth the truth is pretty clear I like you you're seeing a lot of truth there's nine inches of truth right here you're just saying bro yo son oh my God son I bet you he needs a shoulder to Crown if you want to talk sketch I'm here bro reach out now you're inviting him to the crib bro reach out we can talk cry if he's going through what if he's going through something right now I mean he's definitely going through something it's probably very difficult for him something's going through the truth free the truth sell sh shoe free I can't drink sketch I don't know you but it seems like you're gay that's okay oh I want you to be comfortable being that nothing wrong with that yeah be what you are dude that's a beautiful thing [ __ ] anybody who judges you Alex yeah Alex was judging he call you gay looking like this get out of here [ __ ] I'm fly as [ __ ] let me ask you a serious question let me ask you a serious question is your dick bigger than the one schedule sucking in them videos close close so close dire I think I might be bigger are [Music] you yeah this is not funny man we're taking patreon energy back into the beginning of the Pod this they can't judge us it was already we got to go back to the episode we got we got to go back to the episode but listen free sketch in all ways like be yourself yes play video games you know what I mean yeah don't stop streaming now you're going to make one more money don't stop streaming there's no way I I can't why is there no way you don't want it to be true so bad just can't be who he is let him be gay just watched seven videos of sucking dick I would like to believe that they're AI than actual videos of dick sucking that I just put in my eyes through why what do you mean why you don't you don't approve of what he's doing he's probably like emotional Rec this is why this is why I hope his whole world is crumbling I genuinely hope it's not real because the reason he said he was doing is cuz he was [ __ ] up on drugs or did some whatever [ __ ] that's awful W yeah and I I would hope that a young boy was not taken advantage of by some [ __ ] up people because of a drug addiction yeah well that was good well that was good I ain't G to lie that was good we don't even got funny C for me to look into M queue it up there you go he he was late I guarantee you I know he was late I be looking into the camera miles switches 3 seconds later I'm already looking backer there it's on the ring cam in the front I you know what mil's doing back there damn back to the episode we got to talk to sketch man shout out sketch I hope you live your truth yes um I hope you if you're gay I hope you're gay yeah brother yeah brother I gave yeah brother that's not encourageing wish I would brought like the not let's get to all right we're going to go back we go back to the reg rest of episode you think he has a a manager that is shrewd enough to be putting out these narratives on the internet to maintain Rel relevance wait that he's gay no faking this like putting AI images saying that he used to be an only fans creator also also what dude had to be the one that admitted he found like you know what I mean like you don't want to be the dude in the friend group that's like yo yo you heard sketch is in gay only fans you just pretend somebody sent oh I got sent to me I don't know who show us the DM yeah Mark who sent this to you bro it's gr wizard he's posting about it talk to him yeah it's true why why does he still have it activated is it activated or somebody just like no idea it you tell us Al is it activated I mean if if they're up if people them right now I would assume it's still activate I got caught oh because IED to do research but you're gay did you look at the page is it still up there's no way he's probably making so much [ __ ] money streaming there's no reason even do the gay porn you doing it for the game really are love the game Clause you know what I mean damn let him goe it there's no way I I why is there no way let me tell you why because last week everybody was 100% convinced that the prison porno was real okay there was did you see that one yeah so this girl is getting [ __ ] she's the co she's getting [ __ ] by this guy in a prison in England right and the other dude is filming on his phone and everybody's like oh my God this girl has a boyfriend her boyfriend's an MMA fighter they have a kid together and ever their family's going to fall apart blah blah blah and it just comes out today that the whole thing is fake wow so it's like is this the new thing might be the new thing yo how much of it was fake so all of it it's just a scene set up those are just two random guys no one's in jail nothing a damn yeah that's far and here's the [ __ ] up thing why did we want it to be real it's kind of hot dog she sto they look they got scared why do these things why are these things hot dropped to her knees Like A Champion dude dude that that what I knew it was fake she it was the distance she put the penis inside of her head that was like shocking there was like no warm up trap it was it was absolutely insane but why is there something hot about this because it's Naughty Dog Tabo yeah that that's the simple not everything taboo gives you an erection though hopefully Mark right just because something's taboo you're know like this is hot why is that hot she's a husband and a kid and she's sucking some [ __ ] Algerian guy's dick in a prison in northern England and that I'm like turned on by this I should seen the video as saying it I need to watch the video you get horny right you just Fu imagine zidon headbut the middle of a [ __ ] prison cell it's I don't why is that it's the ultimate desire to be wanted that you're willing to risk everything you have your life your family your children your money everything your career and you're going to risk it all for this guy okay okay so it is it is insecurity it's we all want to be desired so much by a girl that they would be willing to throw away everything I mean think about her life she's a prison guard and Sheffield like think about what she's going to throw away 40b a year 40,000 lb a year oh my God how is she ever get another job and she's but she's an immigrant though you got to consider that oh was she yeah she's Brazilian she's that's also hotter she doesn't even know that top part of the job I think that's also important like she doesn't know it's only fit the crazy part about that is technically that's right so we're all getting off by watching a video she's ripping them she has the power yeah yeah creeps God damn bro don't be gay about stop being what a gay guy n that's what yall bro yo that is the ultimate design wait a minute hold on if if Mark's theory is true Mark Mark might have threw out some ter to [ __ ] but we're going to go with it we're not fact jacking sit down Brett why okay if Mark theory is true that we are we are turned on by ultimate desire from women like women becoming so uh uh uh the in uncontrol of their actions due to their their their lust right that she would be willing to rap a man technically female to male yeah as long as it's not like underage or anything like that is the hottest form of sex I'm just saying if we're going by this theory if we're going by the theory let's just go by the theory Mark walk us through it and I don't mean to put you on this yeah okay go I think I think we might be wanted something is that it do we just want to be wanted but the fact that we want to be wanted so bad is why it's hard to dudes oh [ __ ] like cuz we never cuz the second they want us that bad we're into it exactly and then they got to stop and and there's only one thing we can do what wait not that hold on hold on but that's why you never hear man keep like now you you talking got B [ __ ] instead of a bleep just put no but go go that's why you never hear of AG men like doing the accusation bad because as soon as they're wanted so badly by a woman even in a power differential they're just going to accept it wow yeah there is something incredibly flattering about a girl just wanting you so bad I mean there's been moments in my life where there was a girl she looked a lot like a rat at a Long Island show once and she was like I just I just want to suck your dick in my car if you want to come right now and she was a rat looking girl I do want to come right now I'm so glad but I was so turned on by it I was like maybe I should give you that you should have you can't the willing and say no while she's doing it just to like throw her off yeah yeah yeah yeah