this is the United States all these lines signify the boundaries of each state there are 50 today I'm going to tell you which ones are the 10 best going into 2024 like where should you live what are your best options these are the 10 best options we do this list every year we rank the states by their stats crime economy real estate schools healthc care and a few other stats and we see who shakes out to be the best between number two and number one I will give you a few that almost made the list everyone asks for that every year in the comment section I would love to hear which states you feel are the best and why a few years back we did a follow-up video based on your guys input all right we're going to see who made the top 10 for 2024 get it got it good let's take a look number 10 Massachusetts Massachusetts has dropped on this list quite a bit two years ago they were number three here they are at number 10 but it's still a great place to live from its Charming historic towns like Cape Cod to its biggest city Boston there is something for everyone in this state they got some of the best colleges and universities in the country they have some of the best health care and some legendary sports teams the Boston Red Sox the Patriots and the Bruins it's also a great state if you like a good change in Seasons cuz they have it their fall Fage Is Amazing by the way they also have great Seafood you like clam chowder or lobster rolls uh you know Boston's probably your best place that's an opinion there's a strong argument that you can get better uh Seafood in Rhode Island so if you're into history you like great food you need an education and you need some good healthare Massachusetts is a good place for you to be here's where they rank amongst the other 50 states for economy Massachusetts is ranked 13th for school they're ranked third in the nation Healthcare third in the nation and crime 11th that's not bad now as you go down the list you're going to see that their numbers are better than a lot of other states but some of the other stats that I'm not really talking about on this they're kind of boring but they're still factored in they kind of suck at their INF structure isn't doing great they're actually ranked 43rd of the nation and their fiscal stability meaning how the government is spending things and how the government of the state and let's say cities like Boston how their future looks it's not great they're ranked 44th of the nation but you put that all together in the number blender we call it calculator and it comes out Massachusetts is number 10 number nine Florida living in Florida is you know not a bad deal for a lot of people even though we did a video just recently about how a lot of residents are researching moving to New States Florida is still gaining population actually depends on what study you look at they're always in the top five of the most moved to States the sunshine state does live up to its name with an abundance of sunny days that give you plenty of vitamin D which will affect your mood you probably be a lot happier if you're living in Florida I mean the entire State makes you feel like you're on vacation every single day Florida has more beaches than should be allowed in a polite Society it's like they overshadow just about every other state on top of that they have a severe case of laid-back lifestyle this another state that has amazing seafood and tons of outdoor activities yes I get it they have hurricanes occasionally they do get some pretty good rainstorms but most of the time that state is sunny and pleasant or sunny and extremely hot if you like hot weather this is a really good place to live let's look at their stats for economy Florida's ranked seventh in the nation for schools believe it or not they are ranked number one I don't know how long that one's going to last with all the teachers that are flooding out of Florida right now though I was reading a Blog by this economist and he said that the real estate market in Florida is starting to be affected by all the problems they're having with teachers leaving and things like that one of the worst things you could do for property values is having school problems whether it's their bad schools or in this situation teachers are flooding out of the state they're ranked 28th in healthcare and 19th when it comes to Crime now the reason they're number nine and not lower on this list is the opportunity score they have is they're ranked 46 meaning you can get a job don't expect it to be the best job and don't expect me clining any social ladders anytime soon number eight Vermont living in Vermont is like a breath of fresh Maple scented air talked to a lady on a train one time and she had the nice way of explaining why she loved living in Vermont she said it was about embracing the simple joys of life rolling through Villages wood burning stoves and having a beer at a mountain Tavern I have to admit it kind of sold me on the state the pace is slow and the people tend to be as warm as that wood burning stove she spoke of it's a great state for people that like to be outdoors winter spring summer and fall all of them they have something for you to do in Vermont it's not just a place either it's kind of a state of mind that celebrates the good life in all its rustic Glory when you look at the rankings their economy is ranked 18th in the nation schools ranked 15th Healthcare is 18th their crime is number three one that really helps them get into the top 10 is their opportunity they have the second best opportunity ranking in the country number seven Wisconsin now I could see this one I love Wisconsin Wisconsin is a great state and it's not a bad place to live from its stunning natural beauty of the Northwoods to its bustling cities like Milwaukee and Madison there's something here for everyone you can't beat cheese curds and Friday fish fries and of course BRS and beer man those people in Wisconsin like their brw worst I swear I don't know what it is it's almost like Los Angeles and San Diego and tacos and I guess New York and Chicago with pizza there's an interesting question who has better Pizza Chicago or New York I say Chicago let me know in the comment section below but back to Wisconsin Wisconsin is a great state to live it's great for families it's great for colleges and you'll meet some of the friendliest people in the country in Wisconsin sure they have their fair share of snow and winter weather but it's still a great place to live ice skating snowball fights and in the summer when the warm weather rolls around you got all kinds of laks for perfect swimming boating and just lazy days at the beach and they got the Packers let's see how the badger state ranks for their economy they're ranked 22nd which isn't bad middle of the road their schools number six Healthcare number seven crime is 22 their fiscal stability kind of gets them on this list a little bit higher it's they're ranked seventh in the nation that's not bad number six Nebraska Nebraska is a great state to live if you're not looking for skyscrapers yeah they don't have really big cities they got Omaha and Lincoln and then everything else is pretty much a small City or small town I said that once before and someone said well you've obviously never seen North Plat I have seen North Plat they only have 23,000 residents here's a good way to judge if your city is a big city or a small city or a Big Town to or small town if you run a marathon around the outskirts of town and some people are getting lapped twice you don't live in a big city but Nebraska is a great place to live if you like a quiet life even though it's a pretty Flat state it's got some amazing rivers lakes and sunsets over the Corn Husker state are not a bad thing to see they're also big in barbecue here too they kind of fly under the radar and they're often overlooked for the quality of barbecue that Nebraska has they got some good barbecue let's look at their ranking for a Nebraska is ranked 10th in the nation which is not bad they're ranked seventh in the nation for schools 21st for healthcare and 25th for Crime I was a little shocked with the crime rate too for infrastructure they're not doing bad they're five that's how they moved up the list this High number five Minnesota one of the only real bad things about Minnesota is they get some horrible Winters they're a lot like Wisconsin they really only have one place that has a whole bunch of crime which is the Twin Cities Minneapolis St Paul but they have thousands of small towns that are ready for you to move in and be relatively safe once you get past the crime in Minneapolis and the cold weather they have it's a great state they've got 10,000 lakes which is their state motto Land of 10,000 lakes in reality I think they said there's close to 13,000 either way there is water everywhere here if you like to boat you like to fish you like to swim you're going to find a place to do all that now I should clear something up Minneapolis does have some crime it's not doing great but it's definitely not as bad as some of the other cities in the United States their total crime rate is only 133% above the national average Detroit is 155% above the national average Detroit's pretty scary because their property crime is so low it's only like 50% above the national average their violent crime rate is 45% above the national average meaning nobody has anything worth stealing but they're still hurting each other St Louis total crime rate is 200% above the national average and I know some of you are going to ask Chicago's total crime rate is only 67% above the national average the violent crime rate is only 143% everyone always brings that up there's a lot of rumors and there's a lot of misconceptions about what's going on in Chicago it's not as bad as you think it is they do have the most murders but they also have far more people than anyone else on the list so like I said even though Minneapolis has some crime it's still safer than a lot of the other big cities especially in this area Minnesota's not a bad place to live and they're number five on this list let's check out their rankings for economy they're ranked 11th that's not bad Schools they're ranked 20th Healthcare they're ranked 11th and crime they're ranked 20th they come in first place though for infrastructure and opportunity they're number nine that's why they're number five on this list number four New Hampshire New Hampshire and Vermont always show up on the same list they're very similar and they're right next to each other I think they should just erase that border between the two of them and call it one big state but most New England states are going to be safe and their crime rates are always going to be low sadly tonight in Maine I'm recording this on the 25th of October but there was a mass shooting in Maine funny thing about that nothing's funny about it let me rephrase that the strange thing about that Maine has such a low crime rate all the New England states do really except for Connecticut that it really won't affect their crime rate or it really won't move them out of the top five in the statistics world this is called an anomaly it doesn't happen in New England but New Hampshire is another great place to live as long as you don't mind the snow these White Mountains though offer some epic hiking and skiing and the lakes are perfect in the summer for swimming and kaying it's New England so the communities are usually warm and friendly they're just like that New England and they don't have a sales tax that's always good so if you're into gorgeous Landscapes friendly faces and saving some bucks New Hampshire is the place to be their economy is ranked fourth in the nation that is not bad schools are 18th not the best Healthcare is 14th and their crime is number one they're less important stats that we haven't been putting up here but opportunity they're ranked first in the nation number three Idaho Idaho is a very lback lifestyle with stunning natural beauty and friendly folks as long as you're not from California like I've said before if you move to Idaho and you're from California tell people you just got out of prison before you tell them you just got out of California they'll accept the prison thing a little bit better but whether you're into hiking in the Sawtooth mountains or skiing in the winter wonderland known as Sun Valley or maybe you just want to hang out and eat some potatoes there's something for everyone in Idaho it's been in the top 10 most moved to States for about 7 years now and I would say the last three or four they've been in the number like one two or three here they are at number three for the best states for 20124 even though there's been a pretty active migration towards Idaho over the last four or five years they've still got a lot of open land and a lot of great places to live real estates climbing a little bit but it's still cheaper than most states on the West Coast technically it's not on the west coast but it's considered a Pacific Northwest State along with Oregon and Washington all right let's take a look at the rankings for economy Idaho is ranked number two of the nation not bad schools 19 not the best but that's still respectable Healthcare 14th again respectable crime they're ranked eighth in the nation fiscal stability they're ranked second as well and their infrastructure is number 10 so they got pretty good stats all the way around the only bad thing is their opportunity they're ranked 29th in the nation and that's still not even in the 40s or anything number two Washington State living in Washington is pretty awesome to be honest a lot of people love it that I know that live there got Lush Forest The Majestic Cascade Mountains practically in your backyard you got the ocean on the left side of the state it's got its problems just like every place else and trust me there's a whole host of people that will dispute they're the number two spot in the comment section I don't know what it is about these people in Washington but they all say the same thing and I'm starting to think it's the same person that just has multiple accounts cuz they're always using the same words same verbage I know plenty of people that love Washington I often think about moving to Washington and it always shows up in the top five of any list about the best states to live in when everything says this is a great place to live and then you just have a handful of people or just one person that says it's a horrible place I'm thinking it's them Washington like every other state does have some problems that's one thing I think a lot of people for foret they're trying to compare a state versus Perfection when they should be comparing it against other states nothing's perfect but Washington's the second closest you're going to get to perfection in this country in 2024 if you like coffee and friendly people stay out of Seattle if you just like coffee go to Seattle people in Seattle really aren't that friendly they've actually have this reputation of being very cold to newcomers the rest of the state is definitely not like that go to the eastern part of Washington you'll think you're in Iowa the weather in Washington state gets a bad WP but the mild Summers and the Beautiful crisp autumns more than make up for the rainy days that you'll see throughout the winter occasional snow here and there and again on the Eastern side of Washington there's not much rain and not much snow can get pretty crisp though I like Washington I think it's a great state and I think it's a great place to live especially since they don't have a state income tax that's always great here's their rankings for economy they're ranked ninth of the nation schools 10th Health Care ninth and crime 20th not great but it's pretty good now here's their other stats fiscal stability ranked fourth infrastructure Sixth and natural environment they're ranked second in the nation side note they're tied with Oregon for natural environment and don't worry Oregon didn't make this list this year didn't even come close all right before we get to number one like promised here are the ones that almost made the list Iowa would have been number 11 South Dakota would have been number 12 and Colorado would have been number 13 okay if you're thinking about moving to one of these states there is a link in the description destion box for home and money they can get you in touch with a real estate agent anywhere in the country it's a great website you should check it out all right on to number one and number one Utah That's right The Beehive State makes it to number one and it totally makes sense there's a lot of good things going on in Utah Utah has some of the best natural beauty in the country a lot of people don't associate desert Landscapes with beauty which I think is a mistake it's not my thing but you still have to recognize that the desert is beautiful and Utah is a perfect example of that now the entire state of Utah is not just desert but that is where you're going to find some of its best natural beauty I mean the national parks alone in Utah should sell you on this Capitol Reef National Park Canyon lands National Park Glenn Canyon National recreation area of course you got Bryce Canyon and arches and one of my favorites Zion National Park Utah is a state that's doing all the right things they've got great people and it's showing in the uh migration patterns they're one of the most moved to states in the Union right now and it's been picking up steam and I think it's going to continue to pick up steam in the next handful of years got so bad that the governor of Utah sent a letter to the governor of California to tell them to stop sending people there that's obviously a publicity stunt because California is not sending anyone anywhere people are going on their own and Utah is one of those states that sent a lot of people to California in the 1990s and early 2000s so a lot of them are just coming back all right let's see their rankings for economy they're ranked number one for healthcare they're ranked number seven schools number five crime number four now if you dig a Little Deeper it's the number one state for jobs right now that's how Utah got to be number one all right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it now go out have a great day and be nice to each other