Game Theory: The Ultimate FNAF Timeline

Jul 21, 2024

Game Theory: The Ultimate FNAF Timeline


  • Spanning 19 books, 11 games, and 8 years, the FNAF timeline is complete.
  • Focuses on one main story: William Afton's journey from rise to his fall.

1930s: The Origin of Inspiration

  • The Great Depression, cheap entertainment needed, especially in Utah.
  • Fredbear’s Singing Show: Roadside attraction featuring an animated bear.
  • Captures the imagination of a young William Afton.

1950s-60s: Inspirations from Innovators

  • William inspired by Walt Disney’s use of mascot suits.
  • Develops his own characters: Fredbear and Bonnie the Bunny.
  • First attempt with rudimentary costumes.

Rivalry and Business Expansion

  • Enters Chica’s Party World, a rival restaurant using animatronic robots.
  • Afton’s feelings: jealous but also in awe of Henry Emily’s work.
  • Merges businesses to form Fredbear’s Family Diner.
  • Co-owned by William and Henry, blending suit performers and animatronics.

Family and Rising Tensions

  • Afton has a wife, two sons, a daughter.
  • Animatronics to roam and interact with kids.
  • William’s nanny cam system and Michael as a babysitter.

The Bite of '83

  • Michael torments his younger brother with a foxy mask.
  • Michael and friends force younger brother near Fredbear, leading to a fatal accident.
  • Springlock failure in Fredbear’s suit causes the Bite of '83.

Aftermath and Grieving

  • Fredbear's Family Diner closes due to tragedy.
  • Freddy Fazbear's Pizza remains open.
  • William buries his son in woods.
  • William’s wife left grieving, Michael haunted by guilt.
  • William turns to alcohol and more work.

Shift to Madness

  • Death of Henry’s daughter, Charlie, escalates William’s descent into madness.
  • William starts murdering children and stuffing their bodies into animatronics, creating the Missing Children Incident.
  • Development of new, more advanced animatronics with built-in security features.

1987: Freddy Fazbear’s Reopening

  • Launch of toy animatronics with facial recognition to detect predators.
  • Afton infiltrates as security guard, uses the golden Bonnie suit.
  • Commits more murders, leading to The Bite of '87.

Creation of Circus Baby and Elizabeth’s Death

  • William creates circus baby-themed animatronics for his new restaurant.
  • Elizabeth, his daughter, is killed by Circus Baby before the grand opening.

1993: Breaking Down Animatronics

  • William revisits old Freddy Fazbear’s location, dismantles animatronics looking for ‘Remnant’.
  • Attacked by spirits, ends up getting springlocked and trapped behind walls.
  • Enters a coma-like state, effectively immortal.

Michael Afton’s Quest for Redemption

  • Michael tries to make amends for his past actions, uncovering and destroying various Freddy Fazbear locations.
  • Discovers father's experiments in Sister Location.
  • Encounters and attempts to stop his father multiple times.
  • Ultimately involved in the plan to trap all animatronics and set fire to the pizzeria.

Fazbear’s Frights and the Puzzle Pieces

  • 2023: Michael discovers an attraction built around the Fazbear’s tragedy.
  • Encounters Springtrap in the attraction.
  • Sets fire to the attraction aiming to destroy it once and for all.

Rebuilding the Franchise: Post-2023

  • Clara Afton, presumed wife of William, takes charge of rebuilding and rebranding Fazbear Entertainment.
  • Utilizes marketing, deception, and robotics to carry forward her aims.
  • Creation of Glamrock animatronics and the Mega Pizza Plex.

Final Confrontation

  • Gregory, a seemingly normal young boy, dismantles the animatronics, freeing Vanessa and confronting the remains of William Afton.
  • Upon destruction of the pizza Plex, the possessed elements and remaining spirits continue to influence events.


  • Story of William Afton and his descendants unfolds in a cyclic narrative of tragedy, revenge, and attempted redemption.
  • Highlights the role of remnant, animatronics, and the intricate relationships between characters.
  • Theory subject to updates with future releases and added content.