this is cambridge assessment international education cambridge igcse global perspectives paper one and it's zero four five seven slash one two february march 2021 in this video we'll be going through paper one that's one by three of your whole gp course you also have your individual report and your team project but in this video we'll be focusing on paper one so let's get started this paper has an insert as well okay we have question one study sources one two three and this is from the insert so let's go to the insert source one two and three okay so pause the video and go through okay back to our question paper okay the question says identify the percentage of the world's population okay percentage under the age 25 from source one okay from from source one the world's population is young 42 percent of people under the age 25 okay so it's 42 percent let's put that down okay one b identify two challenges for young people from source two you can pick any one of these but be sure to write them entirely i'm gonna pick ensuring access to secondary education and living with conflict and war okay one c which challenge for young people do you think is the most significant explain why okay don't get scared by this question but you can use the insert passages one source one two and three to help you you can use the for example a lot of people under the age of 25 it's like 42 percent of the world's population so it has a lot of people which means a similar problem can affect them so you can say it affects most people firstly write down those uh write down that challenge that you think is the most significant and then put those points in for this question i think i'm gonna take inequality and poverty okay i've listed my challenge now i've gotta explain why it's the most significant as you can see that i've taken all of this from the mars scheme but you can develop this by yourself into complex sentences some of these can be found in the insect for example it has the greatest impact probably affects most people yeah we saw that for 42 percent of people are under the age of 25 in the world and so you can see that these these kind of points can get you three marks if you at least list out three okay let's move on to the next question 1d explain why young people should be a priority for governments okay this question is six marks but don't get scared you have to cover all the perspectives for example global perspective national perspective and local perspective you can even include personal perspective but all of this shouldn't be from your own side you should lift it from the insert but don't just lift it frame it in your own words paraphrase it but do not use any kind of information outside the insert that won't gain marks so from here we can see young people are large in population globally so this is a global perspective their larger population so they might affect us a lot globally and as you can see the question paper it was mentioned here here that you have to study sources one to three so it doesn't mean that you can't use even source three so you can even use information from source three okay if you go through source three you can see that these highlighted points support our answer young people care about the future because this question says that why should young people be the priority for governments so because they care about the future they're involved in shaping the future they they can achieve a fair and stable society and they are our future and another thing is they face a lot of challenges you can put that in your sentence and from source one you can see that they are large in population and from source too you can see that they have a lot of challenges so just put this all in a sentence and you have almost six marks so young people are large in population they face many challenges they are our future they are involved in shaping the future they help us achieve a fair stable and sustainable society stuff like that just put in a sentence global perspective national perspective local perspective personal perspective as well i've just given you a blueprint i'm not sure whether i can write this or not so let's go on to the next question okay question two study source three okay what's source three okay this one so just pause the video and go through source three and then we'll pick out the strengths and weaknesses so young people care about the future that's more sweet what are those trends and weaknesses of the argument supporting this claim okay there are some things that you have to consider when concerning strengths and weaknesses they are the tone of language range of evidence counter arguments whether the source is reliable and many more things as well but we'll be focusing on these so when you talk about the tone of language is it reasonable is it aggressive is it persuasive is it emotional and when the range of evidence like is it out of date is it too long ago published or is it a recent one and then whether they're from reputable or highly esteemed organizations such as wh o unesco is it reliable or not is the source of evidence given stuff like that when you come to counter arguments like in source 3 they have already mentioned here the counter arguments it's something opposite to what he's talking but he's included it to consider it and he's taken his decision and the reliability is whether it's out of date the evidence is out of date or this or the whole article is out of date or by whether it's by a person who's in that field is it biased does he work for is he a friend of a young person something like that does he support an organization for young people that's sort of reliability okay when you're listing all of this out you can just list out strengths reasonable so you can list out like this you have to form it in a paragraph this is a wrong kind of format if you come back to the source you can see that they've used information from international organizations like the united nations so it's a reliable source of evidence because the united nations is an international international organization and you can also see here that it's published in europe in 2019 so it's not uh it's not that out of date and this article has a sort of reasonable tone it's not too emotional it's not so aggressive it's polite it's not it's just reasonable tone and he has cited information from the united nations and given the date in which he's taken it from and he doesn't include too many opinions as well and he even includes these kind of things but he doesn't tell the sources of this uk and scandinavia report so it's kind of unreliable we'll write that down so you can start it off like the writer uses a reasonable tone to state his opinion in this article he has supported his argument using information from the united nations which is a really reputable organization the piece of information is not out of date because it was published in 2019 and the information was used in 2018 from 2018 sorry and the writer also considers the counter argument in this paragraph he supports his argument by telling positive things about young people and then you can bring in however the writer does not include much factual and statistical evidence i'm just lifting from the mark scheme so that we can get the proper idea of this insert sort of tweet okay however the writer does not appeal much to statistical and factual evidence and there is some emotional touch to it like after all the future the exclamatory mark there and there is some stereotyping like this one media lines often report sensational stories about young people we don't know how often that is so just go through many mark schemes to get a lot of um points about strengths and weaknesses and then you'll be able to pick out the strengths and weaknesses from sources like these okay next question many older people think that young people are badly behaved how could you test this claim you may consider the types of information sources of evidence and methods okay this one you have to consider all of them because to obtain maximum mark okay and this little chart might be of help to you i've used the marg scheme as a guide as well but this might help you when you're when you're telling about types of information you can say that like for our topic many older people think that young people are badly behaved you can compare the statistics and information from the past and present about how many criminal activities have taken place by young people like at what age that could help you identify whether they're badly behaved i'm just using the source as a guide you can see here criminal behavior and older people you can use these kind of things but remember to tell comparing statistics and information from past and present you could also say you would compare into it you can also use individual testimony and materials from case studies image images clips video clips studies media articles data from governments data from city authorities and charities and these are types of information because they're different types but when you come to sources of information you have international organizations you can also say that i would collect information from reach research reports experts pressure groups charities ngos media in the internet national local governments and the departments and international organizations on whether young people are badly behaved and when you come to methods you can use interviews questionnaires surveys and internet searches on like like you could conduct surveys interviews and questionnaires with relevant experts in the field of young people behavior and questionnaires surveys around society on whether they think young people are behaved so just put all of that into a paragraph and make sure you get eight marks okay question three study source four this is source four and go through it pause the video okay question three identify a value judgment from hannah's statement explain why it's a value judgment a value judgment is a belief or view based upon moral or ethical principles of right or wrong so you can't judge whether that statement is right or wrong it might be right to some people and sometimes wrong to other people we need to find a statement like that from hannah's argument okay we have one two three and four value judgments in hannah's statement argument so just pick them up and put because you can't judge whether but to make good decisions different points of view need to be considered you can't judge whether this is right or wrong the same principle goes with the others in poor it's important that politicians listen to young people right to give young people a chance and let them contribute to government the you can't judge whether these are right or wrong so are they your value judgments so just pick one of these and write them down over here remember to give only one because they you'll be only required one and always write the definition of what you're asked like value judgment writing definition value judgment then biased right the definition of bias opinion fact like that question 3b kaito is arguing that older people should hold positions in power identify one fact from kaito's statement okay effect is something which is true or accurate and can be verified let's get an example here we have one two three four five six and seven oh sorry that's six so pick any one okay and this is the fact that i've chosen okay question three be two how explain how well this fact supports kaitou's argument so when they ask you these kind of questions you have to explain why the fact supports his arguments you can argument you can say that it's relevant to the argument it's based on research and evidence and sometimes if the fact doesn't support the argument at all or it's not efficient enough you can say it's out of date or you can say does not give much support because because it's not relevant to the argument so just put that you have to give two kinds of points just take it from the mark scheme and keep flipping through you'll get it okay we have question 3c okay this is the kind of questions where they ask which argument is more convincing so you have to consider these strengths and weaknesses reasoning evidence use of language different kinds of information so you can consider the use of evidence the tone of language and where the evidence is brought from is it from a reliable source like the un or who international organizations and then you can talk about how the argument is structured like it has a logical structure you can also say that it has it it is logical and well structured and for the other argument that doesn't suit you so much you can say it's unlikely when you talk about the tone of language express whether it's precise emotional exaggerated or and you can even talk about the clarity of the argument so when you come to reasoning you have logic structure balance claims balance is whether they consider counter arguments structure is whether it's clearly structured or properly structured and logic is whether does it make sense or is it relevant claims are like opinions but they should be factual or it should be trustworthy okay the evidence part is really important because you have a lot of things under it okay so i'm gonna go one by one let's go with relevance relevance is whether the piece of evidence or information is relevant to the topic is it supported argument sufficiency is whether he has he given enough information that supports his argument source is whether it's from a reputable organization or not like an intern an international organization or something private and date is just how bad how back it was published like is it a long time ago types of information fact opinion value not religion factory opinion anecdotal what kind of type of information is it is it a useful kind of information does it support his argument testimony is expert testimony and life accounts from experts in the field and range of information and depth is like has he used a lot of information like statistics or data reports stuff like that okay next you have the source of bias this is i'm going to give you some examples suppose a person is working in an office and there are too many migrants in the country and so the migrants work better than the person who is working in the office and gets his salary decreased so he might say that migrants should be banned from the countries because if they were banned they it would support him and increase his salary so he is biased towards this situation okay another thing is some people might say more people should drive motorbike calls motorbikes so only the people who are interested and sometimes people who are interested in motorcycles would say yeah this is a good idea but there are some potential risks which they're not going to consider because if they were permitted to drive motorcycles then they would enjoy it and so do you have a source of bias there so when you consider this you have local interest economic personal values experience so these you have to consider this like interest towards the subject economic is it going to financially support them if they support that argument the personal values what kind of personality like personal values experience have they experienced something similar or do they have some sort of connection bit with it before that's all about bias okay suppose you choose that kaito has a better argument than anna so you have to say good points about kaito but you also have to say a bit like he may have point nine points that are good about him he has to have at least one or two against him because nothing is perfect and and for hannah you have to tell all the things that have not satisfied you like unlikely structure or lack of evidence aggressive tone and then you should say something that is contradictory so you should you should have some balance between the positive and negative points remember you can say that both of the arguments are good you have to have one person's argument with you you should choose only one never tell that both of them are good and believable so that's it for this question if you have more doubts go to the mark scheme it would be of great help okay question four these kind of questions want to ask you what option you would choose for the well decision making like here we have a government wants to improve the lives of young people providing more education training for young people lower the voting age that young people can vote in elections involve young people in this decision making about a lot of issues so you have to choose one of these and they're being considered and in these you should like tell why you chose it and why you didn't choose the other suppose i choose provide more education and training for young people i should say i should give in the benefits of choosing this option and it also should give the disadvantages of the other two like why didn't i choose them why is this particular option better than these the other two so always choose one don't choose two sometimes the reasons may be that if you lower the voting age they you have to sometimes the reason might be financial like people like for example if i take this one you have finance people can't can give can give so much of money for so many people to study so that's a drawback of this like that you can explain some drawbacks of the other two that you found and always consider the different arguments or perspectives some people might say no this option is better than this option you have to consider them and give alternatives some other alternative method to avoid clashes or the better option being eliminated in this question you can use the information that you got from the insert source one two three and four never use information that's outside bounds always from the insert if you need more help with this question it is a kind of complicated question i think 24 marks yeah 24 marks you really need help from the mark scheme that will really help you so you can include information about how many people are going to be affected not not information but like how much people like a lot of people are going to be affected or impacted if we take this you don't have the number of people who are affected you can say that the amount of people like most people are going to be affected or impacted by the option you can explain how long it might take like for product like provide more education and training it's going to take longer than involving young people in decision making you can also explain the challenges you might face and implement implementing like elderly people might think that it's a wrong idea so i'm just getting it from the mark scheme remarks the marx game is a real guide so that's the end of this video be sure to like comment and share on this video and also subscribe if you liked it and found it helpful and useful most of the questions were given blueprints because they were quite lengthy but i hope it will be quite useful for you i'll see you in my next video bye you