tonight front page challenge welcomes the outspoken negro leader Malcolm X sir what what's the real reason why you two men split is it merely ideological or is it personality what else probably personality it was not uh the statement that uh originally was gave given by the movement when I when we split it's more personality than anything else you've called people like Martin Luther King you've got a Nobel Peace Prize an Uncle Tom is this correct first well I'd rather say that uh in the states there's a law that has recently been passed or decision handed down by the court wherein if you call someone and Uncle Tom they can sue you for Lial well so I never refer to them as Uncle Tom I would say that Uncle Martin is my friend Uncle Martin is your friend yet you would disagree with his uh approach to what he wants to accomplish definitely if his approach would bring about uh what what the black man in America needs to completely eliminate the problem that we have I would say well and good but I very much doubt that uh anyone who uh adopts the approach that Martin Luther King has been teaching to our people in that country can point to any meaningful gains that has actually served to solve the problem black Muslims have sometimes whether you have or not and I think probably you have have sometimes it seemed to me been preaching hate to meet hate uh I don't Advocate any kind of of hate there's a lot of talk that sounds very much like it no I think that the guilt complex of the American white man is so profound until when you begin to analyze the real condition of the black man in America instead of the American white man eliminating the causes that create that condition he tries to cover it up by accusing his accusers of teaching hate but actually they're just exposing him for being responsible for what exists well that's that's uh something of an argument but I've heard speeches made by some of the people of your group I think I've heard you make speeches it seemed to me that you were advocating uh what I would have to describe I think as violence to meet the serious injuries that have been done your people with which I totally agree I don't call that violence uh I don't in any way encourage black people to go out and initiate acts of aggression indiscriminately against whites but I do believe that the black man in the United States and any human being anywhere is well within his right to do whatever is necessary by any means necessary to protect his life and property especially in a in a country where the federal government itself has proven that it is either uh in unable or unwilling to protect the lives and property of those human beings just before Pier takes it you've got a pretty good fighter and the world's heavyweight champion lined up with you to help out yes Mr X if I guess I call you that is that a proper appellations Mr X I I'm wondering if you still believe as I think you certainly did in at the time you're Allied of the black Muslim movement in a segregated black nation in North America I don't believe in any form of segregation or any form of racism uh I'm against any form of segregation and Against Racism is it am I right in saying that the black Muslim movement which you have left did believe in that well Elijah Muhammad taught his followers that the only solution was a separate state for black people and as long as I thought he genuinely believed that himself I believed in him and believed in his solution but when I began to doubt that he himself believed that that was feasible and I saw no kind of action designed to bring it into existence or bring it about then uh I turned in a different direction are you still a Muslim yourself I'm a Muslim I believe in the religion of Islam which believes in Brotherhood complete Brotherhood of all people but at the same time that I believe in this Brotherhood I don't believe in forcing my uh desire for Brotherhood upon those who aren't willing to accept it course I think the Christians would say that they also believed in Brotherhood what would you say to that I'd say they believe in it but don't practice it that' be a pretty good answer sir when the uh mizen goes up in the minet twice a day he cries to the world there is but one God and he is Allah do you deny that there is a Christian God uh the moisin does this five times a day five times and I only heard him twice well you were fortunate to hear him twice but he does this five times a day and the same God that he says uh that he expresses the existence of is the god that the Christians profess to believe in themselves and the god that the Jews believe in one God the creator of the universe the Muslims believe in the god that created the universe and I think the Christians do and the Jews do now as long as all of them are talking about the Creator uh the Jews may call him Jehovah and Christians may have another name for him those who are arabic speaking refer to him as Allah well we believe in the same God now as the Muslim religion advances in the United States are you uh modernizing it or or sticking with the old faiths for example the complete segregation of the Sexes I think that everything today on this Earth is being modernized uh religious uh principles and practices as well as political and and other things now when you went to Mecca this is a very sacred and Forbidden City I tried to get to Mecca myself and certainly didn't make it uh not being a Muslim but how would they accept you as one you're an American there are few American Muslims this is true and by being an American and not having uh any not being able to speak the Arabic language I did strike a snag a very serious snag but I was fortunate uh to have been pretty well known by the officials in Arabia and they knew too that I had accepted Orthodox Islam it had been highly publicized in the paper and I became a guest of the state I was a guest of who of Prince fol the president King fol fol and they made it possible for me to go before the committee Hajj committee or Hajj Court who examines you and and ask you questions about your belief and if you pass it then you were okay to go to Mecca but it's you would have to have a translator there uh oh I had one then we realizing that our problem in America that we are black Americans and we have a problem that goes beyond religion we formed a group known as the organization of afroamerican unity and the objective of this organization it's non-religious number one any negro can belong to it and the objective of that organization is to uh bring about a condition that will guarantee respect and recognition of the 22 million black Americans as human beings we feel that the problem number one of the black man in America is beyond America's ability to solve it's a human problem not an American problem or a negro problem and as a human problem or a world problem we feel that it should be taken out of the jurisdiction of the United States government and the United States courts and taken into the United Nations in the same manner that the problems of the black man in South Africa Angola and other parts of the world and even the way they're trying to bring the problems of the Jews in Russia into the United Nations because of violation of Human Rights we believe that our problem is one not of violation of civil rights but a violation of Human Rights not only we are we denied the right to be a citizen in the United States we denied the right to be a human being Mr X may I thank you very much for coming on our program and perhaps clearing away some of the cobwebs of misconception that some of us might have had about your belief and I think you're very sincere man and it takes a lot of courage to uh to admit a former belief is wrong and we congratulate you for that on the service you performed tonight in giving us your views thank you so much Mr thank you