um and honestly like wearing this t-shirt it reminds me less of you and more like you make cool brand band or if you know what I mean yeah uh I think the I think the name just to like uh set the ground going by um yeah designers not like do stuff on their own so basically I'm I studied textile Design This is the fabric fabric construction but the actual construction that I don't know myself technically I can give him a sketch then he does the technical stuff of making sure the Garment fits exactly as I wanted to so that's what he helps with so because they have a lot of years of technical experience just because they were brought up that way because usually yeah so um they've been doing it for a long time how does one find his tailor put the word out Matlab because so basically what I did was like who had a brand of their own like I'm planning to set up my own thing because before this all of my production was outsourced um somebody full time and if you know of anybody who does good work because better if it comes through somebody because then you can be sure about his or like his work so this designer I interned with back in college I asked him also so he put me in touch with this guy and he was the first guy I basically I gave him a shirt to make and I liked how it turned out to be um there's a kind of authority that the master has because you study like fashion design textile design textile design yeah and that involves what like is this a textile can I call a t-shirt a textile any fabric is a textile um so there is uh um they teach fashion design which is Key Construction um second is textile design to give it new colors looks um um foreign BF Tech which is bachelor in fashion technology if you have Matlab basically large scale production manager okay so it's based towards that completely so poor technical Factory yeah so usually we have Tech in our college at least youth setups and send the kids to study BF Tech I've made a business foreign so my dad is a government officer my mom is a art teacher um but she's an art teacher yeah at a government School s um but then later like towards 11th okay around uncle you need like a lot of originality to a certain extent but artists here so then I was exploring other stuff with my skill slip because I have I can sketch really well I can do both subs really well so then my art teacher in school he suggested key uh foreign Institute of Design um but then I got into Delhi so I studied textiles there it was maybe interesting when I was going from a counseling job streams like what are you good with like why do you wanna do this like I can sketch really well I can paint really well I do textiles um will be good for you so textiles and now we're here so so what happened after you graduated college key you've studied textiles you have an understanding um when do you make sarees when you make like a you know like why did you get into like whatever you make is a very if I can typically describe a prakar outfit uh it's definitely oversized shirts and t-shirts yeah uh the prints are very cool very unique um but then there's also stuff like this which is probably not print like the t-shirt is not print the back is really cool but how do you kind of decide and this is what I want to make iterations like it to finally get to like something that you could sell online um iterations thankfully because last semester me like I started experimenting with all this last semester in my college um a collection Banana and Company you have to fund your own thing you have to find your own collection you have to go so how do you Source clothes but is sourcing like an essential part of like design tomorrow foreign sourcing is an essential part of doing this because getting the right material is very critical of doing this critical elements and so textiles main at least in my department there were two um two ways of going about it home based after like sofas cushions curtains bed sheets or you go the other way which is fashion but fashion in my apartment foreign of not such a good quality everywhere [Music] but not worth it yeah so I brought like I bought fabric white fabric foreign foreign but then uh a friend of mine in college she was a model like she got on to like magazine covers so she came she saw she saw one of the shirts then she ended up buying it was it like a unisex shirt huh yeah Aloha I think all clothes are unisexuals like unless it's like foreign foreign because um women have far better clothes women have far better designers working for them women what the [ __ ] is like is that supposed to be um basically it's not like yes I have to be foreign yeah this would obviously change right once again fit the oversized now although I love this fit it isn't exactly oversized but I will never go back to a generic Zara fit at home I don't like it I kind of like this this fit but on a woman it looks like it's more actually yeah so it looks more baggy but they also like that yeah then it makes sense for you to actually go to a menswear or a women's wear section yeah very interesting basically wow I've been deceived so many times I should ask someone I know it's like hey you're wearing an a-line skirt you're deceiving me what the [ __ ] um but like just a general question because I don't understand key over the last few years we've seen a transition in most designer Brands and boutique Brands like yours Indie Brands key there's a shift towards street style fits oversized shirts oversized or like is it economical to just make one size like what is what is the reasoning for making oversized fits all of a sudden I feel like a lot of it has to do with Comfort also like covert change a lot of this whole situation because so everybody just realized key um they are the most comfortable and usually you will see kivo lose only lose fitting Comfort correct oh right there so I feel like a lot of people started accepting it as a concept and if they're accepting it then they're also buying it then later So eventually everybody started just accepting we should wear clothes which make us feel comfortable yeah so that's my guess I don't know why do you do it uh you could have just made like tighter t-shirts right but personally aesthetically I don't like that why is that um because I have a heavier body so if I wear something tight fitting on myself it looks hideous to me and say like because when I started it I had no idea about fashion Matlab schools then I figured if I have to start somewhere I might as well start with doing something probably so when he says and then I just kept doing it if somebody wants a like fitted shirt I still do it Matlab they give me their measurements I'll still do it but yeah as on the website the products as is the loose oversized fits yeah language learning is a skill that you can work on and you get good at it by being consistent it is not an inbound Talent language similarly same trees English movies foreign design really good lehengasachi you've never met him I'm sure he's wonderful but why is it that he he's never owned a linga bro he probably I don't know but as a cue on that like like why is it it's why is it that men and sometimes even gay men turn out to be better designers I don't know actually notice her actually it just makes me thinking [Music] but you're all the big names they're men yeah makes you wonder why yeah very weird I've never thought about it yeah but yeah like you can't wear the manga yourself but maybe you have an eye uh I was reading this interview that uh Abu Germany and Sandeep khosla did who were also big names in this for what langa usually Bridal bear Bridal Wear right so they were saying we were self-taught that's that sorry how can you like be self-taught in fashion and like making clothes how does that happen like I have no idea because Theory training the charts you work with figures and uh all of that like how it's just it just struck me as very surprisingly I feel like I don't know measurements to cut like the perfect shirt fabric but what I can do is I can make sure key the end product looks nice so make us end products if I bring somebody else in he can help me with achieving this goal to us give him a sketch I gave him a few references that's where a master comes in okay for example this t-shirt or something else can you effectively 100 execute that a barbaric negotiations [Music] because I didn't have uh enough resources to do that like when I started um now I'm at a stage where I can do that so A B I make say 10 samples um Bento foreign for example this one is a cool concept it says because you like taking naps in the afternoon yeah it is a very simple fun personal process right now italics how do you make those choices depends a lot on the idea and uh like till now all the printed stuff of all the stuff with like artworks t-shirts starts within idea foreign important times with you doesn't go with the whole idea of it is when I was in Goa for two weeks a cargo that was cool it stuck with me the name dreams but it's your lived experience that comes to your t-shirts and shirts most of the times yes but how would you like do it on a shirt that's just like Prince hmm [Music] and then I can make a very nice version of this in a shirt like in a print or whatever foreign foreign [Music] what do you do like are you because I understand you have to to bring out collections every you know every season in their collections you just live your life do you go out do you meet other creative people like what do you do to make sure go out meet other people see things experience things uh uh and you call that work I'm a hardcore music fan foreign paintings right just seeing things basically and then filtering it down how can I use that into my own work basically what is 100 collabs which is 100 100 clubs sorry the hundreds the hundreds so it's an early based brand like I got their logo tattooed crazy um you like it so much yeah but it was it mainly life-changing though because basically it's an LA based streetwear brand and like considered to be like one of the top in their game like streetwear group globally so stupid like along those lines and I was reading I was really bored Instagram so somebody had put key menu it was called this is not a t-shirt by Bobby hundreds who's the founder of the hundreds okay um good book very good book very good book and I read that and around I think foreign looks really good and Evo for third order then couple of hours later he dm'd me saying hi prakar I showed your work to my team also all of them love it do you want to do a collaboration like yeah he's huge he's like a legend in your eyes he's huge um so then he asked me for my email it was time it was proper work emails and I was like he's saying it would not end up happening because Q doesn't make sense for them who am I a random kid from Delhi um but then they actually followed up on that emails then we started working like and that took like when he messaged me okay so I had enough time now um on body smoothly I was blown away they're giving me the opportunity to do this um because I had no idea yeah how to go about it doing it but then I did it and then they were so kind like they're kind enough because once all of that happened they were like my accounts team would like to know your details to uh remunerate you for the collaboration [ __ ] crazy crazy people and so you got on internationally after that yeah to the collab is this t-shirt sale available is the shirt still available so there was a t-shirt there was a pair of shorts there was a pair there was a jacket um and there was a shirt damn so four pieces we started so initially Bobby will do one t-shirt but then it's gradually it just moved on into like a small capsule collection type oh no it's not available I watch basketball a lot um and I'm a huge fan of LeBron James and this guy was on the same team as LeBron so I was like for at least LeBron was a player at the time in the team yeah yeah like finals [Applause] foreign so yeah coffee crazy though and so after that people started buying Bollywood yeah Bollywood um uh usually they do it on sourcing basis what does that mean so for a shoot yeah like they'll Reach Out Joby stylist ICS if you have sizes available can you send us photos so you send it to them they'll see if they like anything um and they'll tell you this might work for our shoot or whatever and can you send it to us so I send it to them they shoot the whatever just kill a picture here foreign I get stuff for my marketing some people are against it um I see no harm like it goes both ways plus you can spend Arizona keyboard okay because that was like custom he thought it's a biceps stylist sure yeah I hope so she still bears so Rahul is a stylist Rahul Vijay okay um he before this I guess he was in GQ um yeah he's a famous stylist so he reached out key Arjun wants this but custom pretty much yeah we'll buy it right like obviously I'll do it crazy so what's what's happening now are you doing more shoots with Bollywood people catcher um they keep reaching out to me off and on um but usually I don't send because not because I don't want to send but just because I have a very limited drama of samples so I can't send it with them obviously is it tough to run like an online clothing store all by yourself because you do it by yourself you and your master G yeah that's it yeah hmm um because you have to keep churning out stuff like every so all of my stuff except the t-shirts is made to order okay so you have the fabric available in your house um usually if it's a good day then I get the fabric at my place foreign would be better if there were more people but I'm slightly patani perfectionistic um like I can't just work some with somebody to make the designs designs even if the idea is mine the execution is somebody else's that's also good um it's a collaborative thing right they also suggest what they think and like it sounds good then we do it like sometimes I've hired people in the middle job I need somebody else also to give their feedback or their designs um then I've hired people on freelance bases like what is your typical work day like this is foreign yeah foreign like thankfully he is also an introvert I guess so he's not much he's older than you yeah he is married [Laughter] like the cracking jokes yeah foreign [Laughter] or because I've seen the Instagram store but something happens whenever a free speech or a bootleg or this or almost Gods yeah how does that how does one create that feeling I don't feel that feeling when I'm wearing a Zara yeah I don't feel that feeling when I'm wearing a CK yeah I don't feel that at all I feel like most of it comes with context also Matlab but then once you realize foreign but then just because it's been there around for a long time now so you'll feel nice particular item of clothing correct there is no connection it's virtually the same name in different styles and formats same with Hilfiger same with Emporio Armani same with premium connections because you have no context of them as a person Matlab um who I look up to like when I have the money I'll buy some stuff which they design so now that I have a couple of those pieces these hold a lot of value for me so this is not a t-shirt that's what it says this is not a t-shirt because it's much more than a t-shirt Matlab it's a feeling t-shirt foreign foreign it's a lifestyle more or less yeah it certainly makes you feel different it makes you feel like you for me it makes me feel very much at home I don't know why like even with an almost Gods which a brand that I really really love uh just maybe it said before it becomes mainstream but then I see a lot of Brands choose to not go mainstream like they choose to like be that exclusive collection household name and you kind of like that for them that as well the experience yeah of going to prakar and buying his T-shirt and meeting him at a studio cheese is something that the one is looking for uh personal interactions yeah in almost every sale that they make I did something valuable not like my girls but I don't know um what is that YouTubers influences That I Used to Be it's remember when Zara first came around selection oh my God finally fashionable yeah and then over the years I think their their practices got exposed yeah or even fast fashion Allah fast fashion is like uh churning out just because you can I remember the day I got turned off by Zara is when midi t-shirts like bro what the [ __ ] is happening yeah it but somebody or uh and the rate at which they put the stuff out robot weird because within two weeks or three weeks of that you will see the same exact thing similar story and just because a cheaper alternative providers foreign they're not respective of the original ideas it's an Italian company where is Zara from uh I don't know what about Aldo I've got these yeah Aldo sneakers here I'll show them yeah okay but these have lasted me for a long time yeah their quality used to be not as good but um I like metal selected yeah so like what do you think about this brand although so yeah to an extent not fast they'll take nice existing Concepts already uh [Music] uh I prefer Nike yeah oh I love Nike why does Nike have so much trust it has so much insane amount of trust across the world yeah I don't know Adidas started doing nice stuff experimental stuff with experimental designers um but then foreign yeah they've been at The Cutting Edge of everything yeah the sneaker Market is theirs the [ __ ] sports shoes Market is there is the banjo tennis shoes everything jerseys that's a Japanese or a Chinese drop right in Japanese in Japanese Japanese there's a slight premium that you feel huh I don't feel in China supreme but yeah they're also into fast fashion yeah basically the way it's packaged to you know very nice plush AC store where good salesmen come and sell it to you unless you really have like a bone to pick with like Fast fashion fashion Ambassador most people will wear it they will talk about it on Instagram but unique clothes really nice what do you think about super dry foreign but as soon as your weight fluctuates it starts showing you your nasty side again that whole you know like oh yeah body guy or heaviness that's something that you don't have with street style no matter how many times you beat the [ __ ] out of it the fit Remains the Same yeah hmm College okay yeah we mentioned uh yes crazy uh it's not a usual Choice people to read murakami and then keep reading because the books are so strange yeah they're so strange narrative how do you get into it uh I started reading it after he became famous like like schools so I'm not a heavy reader but um what I talk about when I talk about running what both fascinating book I read it foreign like 190 200 pages yeah he's a very fascinating name Mirko one of his best quotes is if you read the books that everyone else reads you will think like everyone else thinks are we not reading you again um crazy yeah bro he's one of the few guys who's really mastered like iguardo then a magical realism I think one that one card that you would also like is this a book called A Hundred Days of Solitude by uh Gabriel Garcia Marquez the original magical religion father um [Music] like the end is something that he would never expect it's like a Game of Thrones kind of end but it's a it's just so strange sounds like a good book bro it's a it's a [ __ ] fantastic and it's written so well also there is that um what else there's this uh uh my all-time favorite is shantaram yes I read it like still stands out to me it's a fat book yeah the second part was not that nice um I lost interest by that time because I had so much has happened he's been on this podcast also he actually interviewed Gregory David Matthews immediately after reading movies after reading the book uh I went on to YouTube then you get a little disappointed because you meet your Heroes and if he was like you could never find him yeah I think with authors especially with the book of that size and magnitude once you see he gets a living person yeah that mystery gets destroyed in your head yeah foreign community of expats bro what a nice book what a nice book what a great set of writing there is that have you read the white tiger yes obviously yeah he all he's also really good I really like the book the movie that much videos foreign foreign because she's not a natural blonde okay they did the scene in the movie but then they cut it out so you don't see it in the movie but um uh I don't remember the author name yes if it's just Delhi Delhi capital okay uh it's about Delhi and how it is what it is today sound if you put it that way sounds very boring but it's not um history but from the points of view of Matlab Joe purane politicians they've pictured it together yeah foreign so rich people they'll have fancy houses but the wealthy people they'll have houses and gated colonies and then enclosed area is wherever you can you cannot enter inside Matlab without the proper credentials ah um actually wealthy and the generation generational wealth um [Music] a few farm houses for people and I was surprised by um just bare minimum to start with I think you will also like Daddy by kushwan Singh this book is called Delhi a novel parallel sentence here Delhi is a popular that I love to keep visiting but that would the league that's a [ __ ] like that is the first paragraph of the first sentence that is a book it's also based like this only because he lived in a deli that's very lutein's Deli Chief engineers so I could just be around the show and like do my bidding so um you haven't slept but it's so beautiful seeing Delhi yeah it's on bike that part of Delhi the one that is here it's a fat book that I've never dare to read I have no interest in East India Company particularly I hated it but then I had to get through it yeah then it became so city of jinns makes you feel like yeah I am gonna go and start digging up the city to what I find Hannah on the roof uh Ruskin one yes crazy I like India yeah I like India too bro India has a lot of yeah wonderful things to offer in fact I read city of Gins in Mumbai and I was not selling for Delhi again uh yeah [ __ ] you know initially I was lucky I should move here there left and right once I started hanging out in Delhi was like a lifetime it's a nice place [Music] um and I was walking by like a fancy neighborhood um they're wearing proper uniforms little fun stuff yeah um yeah Delhi um right now foreign foreign huh foreign we're just having a drink having a smoke or ask us just lying at the end of the road and you know like it's the city can be what you want it to be the city can be like a fantastic Adventure or it can be so boring you want to get out huh it's just about how you're willing to explore yeah absolutely which is amusing yoga these kids are running feature bodyguards for some reason um foreign go [ __ ] the videos actually missionary position or like it's like he was just going at a strong Strokes like that's it come on slums of India sorry even a vloggers [Laughter] an actual video like parody no it's actually um bro you call it loneliness experimentation yeah for repression I don't know what name to give it but this is the image with him foreign [Laughter] foreign yeah I don't think you would see it in Mumbai because it's too much if this guy was jacking off then you're like too weird um good night seven eight months back I was walking by um foreign Hawaii why do you have to do this this is what happens I mean Clips straight upstairs my guess had an opinion and we talked about it like um but this whole yeah what's we have been talking about it catches [Music] to just avoid saying maybe I don't like dogs I have a dog I like my dog I love my dog but do I love all dogs not so much yeah but people don't like when you say that because like oh how can you not love all dogs foreign [Music] how do you create your own fashion like what do you typically like to wear um recently I've started wearing my own stuff a lot more than other stuff but usually consumer ous can I afford it um do I really need it do I really need it can I afford it for third questionnaire does it go well with my wardrobe the whole wardrobe in general again but you always go through that checklist I don't have to sit down or Matlab properly but okay um works random organizations foreign [Music] [Laughter] foreign you look like it so yeah but it's maybe couple days you can you can check out your paradoxical research Style by this oh yes but I wonder like why so you've had dhanji in your shoots as well as well why do you naturally collaborate with the diapers do a lot of stuff with the rappers first and foremost uh cool like time ago then it happens so there's a sense of comfort with them yeah um there is this uh DJ blood yeah yeah so he saw some of my stuff yeah and then he like bought a couple of pieces yeah when he was in Delhi he lost his uh luggage or something then he was like I need some clothes so he bought some stuff then we got talking then I figured we were thinking um I guess maybe because I like music in general so much I tend to gravitate towards it subconsciously um there are sadly very few rock stars left in the world yeah but I would love for you like dress up a rock star because that'd be very interesting like a tight like a tight print pan like a tight sure that's open Hopefully the guy has abs is that what he does rocks are near but like he's the have you seen Rockstar fashion 70s leather pants controlling belts balls hardcore huh yeah kind of miss that can't recreate that anymore yeah but but I'm someone who likes like old school fashion like I'll still like wear uh olive green shirt or jeans like you know narcos fashion yeah have you seen narcos Fashions I really love that fashion like I want that's nice but it has to be thicker shirt like a like boots and you just go to places you just feel like [ __ ] the banjo 70 sale I don't know what what's your go to look right now like what are you what are you experimenting with um just sort of first match again black cargo pants from Uniqlo like basic black cargo pants and I have a pair of Dr Martens what is it Dr Martens the boots boots okay yeah they're the first they're the that's the brand which I guess made the boots I guess from London um whoa boots in the cargo pants like a basic black T-shirt uh but today which is why I like it what is a weird fit like how to oversized like extremely oversized where's the max oversized like it looks bad but that's why I like it because it looks so bad that it's good I hate you like I love you are these green I've never seen someone Rock cargo pants like you do cargo pants in fact then I made these pants I love these yeah before both of these uh Delhi where Delaware okay uh uh he very chill guys um so I bought a pair of jeans from him too good wow I like to make basic stuff like I like the logos very minimalistic huh it's supposed to be the Lotus Temple they've got a model here cool they make like oversized jeans also these are the ones I bought oversized loose fitting really nice pair of jeans interesting yeah yes away say s the ones I bought but uh recommendations and they can buy the stuff that you make but like if there are like other cool brands that you follow that are available in India um what else do I really like because jaywalking almost got Jiva to anybody everybody like everybody knows anywhere right relatively lesser known um it's okay if you don't know turn black don't block official I think I follow them on Instagram already they only do black clothes oh yeah or minimal ethical size inclusive 11 11 clothing you'll write the name eleven eleven one one dot one one oh yeah oh my God one-on-one clothing yeah not bad bro like I thought a natural show which one yeah yes a car brand a card over but it's so expensive it's quite expensive cargo is great thank you for connecting me now I'm just like watching babes in bikinis on Instagram this is Cardo yep that's the one um like [ __ ] they're also Deli base right yeah like okay questions hi uh Rohan Burma like how does do you recommend like can people discover new clothing stores by going to places like shapuja and just walking into stores they have this manufacturing unit there they don't have a store there okay manufacturing from what I know um but but I don't feel like I don't think stores message one has to discover them through Instagram only see what they're following Instagram Word of Mouth go better always because thoda then you have an idea of what to expect energy [Music] but I feel like it's better if you go with some um which what do you think about like how can people buy cheap used sorry cheap streetwear expensive comparatively three four five k six like for even cheaper is that possible Village huh foreign [Music] why haven't people like made forays into that yeah there's another brand called Garuda Garuda Garuda Garuda Garuda but the bird right yeah but why you throw the expensive because but also because that this guy Imports his fabric from Switzerland so Garuda Satellite City is all black though this one yes wow but a fun fun Jesus for clothes they have their own clothing line what yeah what about like men's Bombay short company they do made to order rights is straight up or [Music] expensive sideways as people want like a replacement for going to select City walk or a big mall yeah to buy premium clothes they'll start going on Instagram and buying them online and then going to people like you I feel like six to seven years okay original but discount stores so they're set out a little bit outside the city so that you have to spend a whole day there okay now up again the True Religion I don't know if you know about it it's it's not that good it's hideous it's hideous right but the reason it became famous is because remember that kid lavish by Instagram you remember it's lavish lavish and then he would only wear to religion the most expensive jeans I've bought these are two Religion jeans that I bought in 2015. for like a hundred and twenty dollars yeah which was a lot at that time yeah so um I was like um check the price point 35k yeah why are genes so overpriced like I think still like the only below but the hands down best people that still make Genesis device yeah you guys but I feel like a coffee um which is made and crafted or something like that foreign those were horrible in hindsight now that I think back I remember my photos that [ __ ] has died down yeah but it was very popular right extremely skinny jeans at some point now the difference I only wear wood cut yeah I used to make fun of him um so fashion how many college like we were taught fashion is cyclic uh everything keeps coming back you will see sometime down the line it'll come back like 10 20 years down the line it'll be back bootcut is making a comeback again burka was popular in the 90s 2000s everything keeps coming back going coming back no original ideas Matlab TV [Music] [Laughter] yeah I think people also pay more for like anything that is hand made or organic yeah you know people just pay 10 expert if you just say it's organic you know anything but huh but yeah because they would they were really good in the early 2000s if you remember like Delhi fashion yeah he has like some fantastic clothes then he decided I was like great so um yeah I don't know what they're called like uh yeah but um I have a lot of those shirts still I don't know what to do with them but they're they're [ __ ] cool yeah um basically the idea is it helps you in looking Slimmer because uh you wear a t-shirt underneath because your legs they appear longer because I got um so you'll notice in photos the shirt part it'll be one third and the legs will be your torso will look like it's two third so your legs look much longer than they actually are which is why you look thinner and taller in photos in a boxy fit shirt it also expands your torso right foreign t-shirt like you've seen what is the point foreign [Laughter] I also bought one yeah the only fashion that I see missing in the in the winter is trench coats yeah I feel like because like they're better at carrying fashion right but I feel like men are much more The Reluctant to do it the only reason I say that is because the trench coat was down jacket the other cool outfit that I really liked was a nice turtleneck sweater trench coat bro actually one semester so about four or five months all black trench coat all black those are trench coat well I just wore all black and French code bro I felt like a [ __ ] monk yeah Alexander McQueen like you know or someone else who said that you know this outfit is my uniform it's like a uniform trench coat coffee yeah shortcuts like long overcoats final boss loafer hey that whole that whole idea short happening yeah loafers when will a Delhi man learn how to kill the loafer the loafer is an old item it can only work at this point it just looks so tacky and bad I've hated loafers since never wore them like never go they don't work if unless you're a millionaire in Hawaii or a Cuban gangster yeah loafer makes sense why are you in Delhi wearing loafers under a jeans it just reminds me of like yeah this person hasn't really like learned fashion and I've been guilty because I wore loafers everywhere uh through school but I hopefully stopped in college because I figured out or with the Decay nice but I just wanted to share my grievance against Loper the worst one is um you've seen the slippers like the slides they look like a shoe and then hideous I I don't I don't like the Kanye shoes also Kanye ones yeah I tried wearing Miracle size but but I bought I bought a UK 12 Mega Fitness yeah he's going through a really bad time right now Kanye West isn't he yeah a lot he's been on several podcasts and whatnot have we explained companies like I don't know if he can make a comeback like I really liked him as an artist um because just because I say seeing all that you feel like you can also do all this which he's done coming from where he came but then he goes on to do all this so then it really hurts because crazy yeah I think he he's just going through a tough time in his life and he's on his meds one of the bot problems yeah Kim to break up I mean I don't hold her guilty or whatnot but like but [ __ ] man would obviously we're still together It's just sad to see a star simp yeah you know crazy with this whole thing you know there's a thing called the Kardashian curse many videos every man who went to the Kardashians yeah got messed up yeah Scott Disick famous rich guy yeah ruined his life in drinking and alcoholism still hasn't recovered I don't know if him and Courtney are still together or not has kids with her probably uh Pete Davidson is now taking therapy yeah Peter Davidson is there there's Lamar Odom there's uh there's laborator is an NBA player went out of form of her uh Tristan Thompson went out of form Tristan Thompson another Envy player the guy who's white the white NBA players that uh that is Tristan Thompson is a black guy LeBron I have seen that um yeah yeah she also married another NBA player Jovita for Kim for a few for two months later uh but uh that guy's there Travis Cafe it's easy to place that yeah and like the worst is [ __ ] Bruce Jenner now known as Caitlyn Jenner bike yeah um makes for an interesting conspiracy theory yeah but I feel like you don't know if it's true or not huh yeah but look look at Rob Kardashian ruined overweight yeah depressed or negative he is never shown with the Kardashians even though he is the son of Bruce Jenner now known as Caitlyn Jenner yeah like it's interesting makes you think yeah makes you think Joe Rogan has a great comedy special on this especially thank you like one of the jokes about this one of the jokes is foreign young as [ __ ] live in in Mumbai a long time ago yeah he's also nice yeah I went to see like two minutes nsui ncua I just saw the NSE University like in I think 2016 then he performed at the same place I feel like that should also release but it's nice he's good he's been added for years yeah yeah I like his style of Comedy makes you think it's not dumb comedy yes I think I like I overall I've realized English comedy just touches me here in the head dumb comedy comedy I mean uh stuff like foreign foreign anything any other handle everywhere everywhere nobody was a guy was smart she can I had a blast talking to you about so many other things not just fashion obviously yeah um obviously uh make sure you check out his fashion uh we'll be I'll be wearing more Pixar and this Fiesta T-shirt has like given me so much happiness is wearing it feels cool um uh because I've got this one piece so thank you bro thank you so much and yeah this was those cars for you guys make sure you subscribe see you next Tuesday or Friday take care bye foreign