Transcript for:
Sandwiches and Cinema: A Fun Discussion

swies I talk about some sandwiches shall we you know what that reminds me I have two new sound bites and they're both oh my God it's a grill tshir it's not it's not grilled cheese but it's something different was dead week you're [ __ ] you're welcome you're welcome you want me to say that so bad because that's the other one EVP God damn it I wonder if I wonder if it's catch cu the jar is going on you're going to hear thatn sound at some point well speaking of yeah hey Gary you [ __ ] fat bloated gluttony pile of [ __ ] how many sandwiches did you [ __ ] eat two do we have to start do we have to talk about godamn right we do oh yeah we do all right I'm curious I'm all right Jesus I am just gonna get this out of the way real quick you call me a [ __ ] pig no [ __ ] I just gonna get this out of the way for anybody's just start raising concerns see cor get the [ __ ] out of here I don't like talking about my health with anybody so I'm just gonna get this out of how is that how's that anything to do with health when you're just eating [ __ ] sandwiches like like you're Kobayashi well for one like Lucas for example [ __ ] ruining what does this have to do with Lucas no this is about you [ __ ] you this about you are you GNA allow are you gonna allow me to no not if you're gonna not if you're GNA do not if you're G to do a uturn towards a different direction not going Gary if you're not gonna let me explain the situation then I won't say you don't need to explain it I do need to explain it you [ __ ] fact that you got this many things and you had four [ __ ] six in if you're not going to allow me to [ __ ] explain why I did I I won't say it anyway you're not gonna let Meer yeah at least let me [ __ ] explain it why I ate so many what did Gary do this time what didn't he do what didn't Gary do so I shall explain why I ate so many first off just to put it out there I actually am in perfect health I go for blood work properly every six months I have been an excellent [ __ ] Health all that cholesterol gluc well glucose or cholesterol whatever everything's been [ __ ] normal I have been in perfect health except I have high metabolism because of my health issues I already have and increase my metabolism thus I get extremely [ __ ] hungry so today I was feeling a little bit under the weather not necessarily sick mentally but just a little physically ill and I need to get something to eat so we went to the Firehouse Subs I ordered two sandwiches because you know they weren't that big or anything like four or six inches somewhere around there which ain't big enough which ain't big at all not bad so I am there were two Italian subs and I figured you know what these two I know you could take six inches very very easily so I figured you know what I'll get two more sandwiches because these two were good so I ordered another time sub and I ordered a meatball sandwich was which was only half you ate ate you ate four I ate all the sandwiches I didn't eat them all like I didn't eat the sandwiches like guling them down I was taking my time [ __ ] I ate those [ __ ] sandwiches because I was [ __ ] hungry the mother over there they saw me eat these [ __ ] sandwiches they actually gave me the meatball sandwich for [ __ ] free and a complimentary drink I was [ __ ] it was a it was a peach flavored Sprite my favorite hey gu speaking of meat oh no Mew meatwad I should say speaking of fat [ __ ] speaking of fat [ __ ] yeah you say I'm me I do look at side to come and say hello oh no worries Mr worries welcome who's in the chat oh it's um it's hey um hey Andrew if you need to get a dent I know a guy [ __ ] you speaking of fat [ __ ] yeah I got two words for you Jenny Craig speaking of fat [ __ ] let me just get better than Betty Ford at least let me get the picture up oh he speaking of fat ass oh no don't oh I know what he's gonna [ __ ] do what I that's right that picture want to hear something about okay listen this James he sent me the original picture of this like a couple hours after this was posted and he's like hey Rome you kind of look like this guy and I told him would you believe me that not too long ago someone crop a photo and replace the original photo with my head on it he's like [ __ ] serious I saw this picture I the original photo in my [ __ ] timeline I was like you know what I know exactly what I need to do so looks like we ain't going to Chuck-E-Cheese anymore you got all these little [ __ ] back here eating in this pizza so you got this big ass [ __ ] glob of pizza right here Pizza piz C Cougar's like that thing will be gone in less than three seconds I'm get the [ __ ] out of here c c if it's three seconds you got to call Guinness Booker world record you know what it looks like it looks like the [ __ ] spaceship from space balls look at this [ __ ] it looks like a Dorito chip okay you want to know something I actually prefer pizza slices when they're squared a little bit I prefer pizza slices easier to Triangle or Square what what triangle or Square seppy I can't believe he did it oh what' he do what' he do okay last week I told him this was a request for me I told him to make a photo a specific photo and he did oh no I think I know what this is okay Gary share it oh no this Aqua te [ __ ] H aqu Hunger Force what the there's Gary as Carl there's Alex as fry guy there's me as shake and there's Austin as [ __ ] something that might potentially might be the new thumbnail for the 300s that's gotta be thumnail that's gotta be the thumbnail for 300 you know what send me that over I I gotta you know add a little I gotta add you know the B send that that's beautiful over hold I'm gonna send it to that could be a [Music] t-shirt should that be a thumbnail for 300 or or should that just be a thumbnail for a 300 it's like right there because that's like [ __ ] perfect yeah that's thumnails so would only be Romy and Gary should have the roll s oh get the [ __ ] out of here Christina how am I Carl Gary is Carl I'm Shake yeah a yeah Gary is definitely Carl Gary's car I'm definit definitely Carl come on yeah this is got to be for [ __ ] episode AA wait AFA aquaa I can't say Aqua BofA Hunger Force yeah Baba W John Wick White did you do that to yourself I also watch the strange oh why did you do that to yourself speaking of doing things to yourself it kind of makes sense say cppi did 288 speaking of speaking of doing things to ourselves um okay I did a video on this on the channel here but I figured we might as well talk about on the program for a little bit uh we are a good portion of us within the chat and some of us on here succumbed ourselves and torturing our minds by watching that Borderlands movie still have not oh boy let me tell you something about this Borderland movie not only is it one of the most critically panned movies it's one of the biggest box office flops in history dude this movie was so [ __ ] in untolerable to watch I I like I said I can't watch online streams like I used it because of my firewall and a bunch of other [ __ ] that doesn't work for me but the Borderlands film was such a [ __ ] mess it was so Mis casted it was such oh miscast an understatement oh my God say she does look hot as that siren she does but she did no one in she almost 60 okay question I must ask who the [ __ ] BR idea was he was like oh let's cast Kevin Aris Roland he looks like a [ __ ] down you kidding me Kevin Hart out of all people he looks like a downgraded version of Ja like Out cast here's a good idea EBA people you want to know something you I said in the video as well but he said that there was one dude he had a perfect uh format for this movie but he ended up quitting this project because of how people were behaving behind the scenes if I'm not mistaken so as far as where I know Craig Mason wrote oh sorry about that um I know Craig M Mason wrote the original screenplay which he's when it comes to films he's not a good screamer well here's the thing to take things well regardless of that um everybody that saw that script said it was incredible but Eli Roth joined the project and God that's what it yeah Lally people were saying Craig Mason wrote an incredible script and it was just Rewritten entirely and he hat apparently he h the script so much the project that he took his name off of it what does that tell you well yeah why don't you get [ __ ] Vince Russo in charge it's going to ruin everything and dude this is the guy that brought us the Last of Us series which has been nothing but incredible so clearly this guy knows what he's doing when it comes to video game stuff it see okay I Know Jack Black played clap now I [ __ ] hated clap trap in the game oh my God especially Borderlands Borderlands 2 is a terrific game but the one thing I couldn't stand was clap trap he was actually my favorite things about Borderlands 2 [ __ ] what is with you liking annoying characters he's one of few it's Austin what do you expect get the F [ __ ] I don't always like annoying characters come on well I was gonna say gullible [ __ ] but okay just because you're goal doesn't mean you like different things Gary you can [ __ ] right you're still goal how Goble how am I go how am I go the movie cost 15 now here's thing someone's on your side while I am a fan of clap trap in the game I have never wanted to destroy a character so bad in this movie thing than clap trap Jack Black he got on my nerves quickly and like this hasn't been a good year for him dude there there's a part where capl kept on like shooting him I was like [ __ ] destroy him please oh my God I [ __ ] [ __ ] Thanksgiving I [ __ ] can't stand any El Roth I love that about my favorite holiday that's my favorite holiday that was a solid slasher but the ending was not good damn it well hor slashers how about Eli Ross stick to nothing he's [ __ ] horrible at everything by the way also um why the [ __ ] would you make a presence that has ever been seen in the games well hello main character I don't know why don't you choose Handsome Jack as the main he's one of the best [ __ ] villains in gaming history and dude I've been saying it now for the guess what with Mortal Kombat 21 and I did it with unch they get [ __ ] people who don't play games or understand the concept what the games were and able to turn to her own adaptation you don't get anybody who doesn't understand the concept what a video game is and able to be a fan and also turn into their own concept it's not very often we you're able to get a [ __ ] video game adaptation where it's turned into its own original thing look at Gran Turismo that was its own originalis I Mortal Kombat than Borderlands come on much rather wait yeah Roman your gir would tell you Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday uh have You' been spying on me what naked oh oh God your butthole would no that's one terrifying watch Borderlands film dude I was thinking to myself this is literally if not the worst [ __ ] video game adaptation I've ever [ __ ] seen ohu would like to speak Super Mario Brothers uh bull films you know this day I have never seen a new way Bowl film to this day still I've never seen one makes Paul WS Anderson look like Paul Thomas I was to say speaking of video game adaptations what about the final chapter of Resident Evil my least favorite film oh speaking of Resident Evil My Shirt God damn it I might be doing a review of resid Evil Zero in October so well anyways ESC escaping from the whole entire uh concept of Bo since we all know everybody in the chat can agree and we all say what was the budget again million 115 million and how it's only made eight million on its opening weekend it made n million that is horrible because think what's think what's going up against Deadpool and Wolverine is still a juggernaut it's made over a billion within 20 [ __ ] days and speaking of that that that brings me to this uh state of films especially for 2024 has been [ __ ] awful yeah there's been a there's been not a lot of good movies hey Freddy Freddy it's Freddy fish Fox oh I'm very happy that alien R did great because alien Ramos is a great moovie B my G we'll talk about Deadpool Wolverine in a little bit I saw I think Jeff Dunham is hilarious love Deadpool and War but yeah dead pulling Wolverine there's a reason why a movie is making a lot of money same with twisters and same with a couple other films right it ain't pushing a [ __ ] Dei [ __ ] W narrative down your [ __ ] throat yep and then Brian Cox comes out and he says one of the stupidest [ __ ] things I think I've heard in a while you guys continue I'll be right back he states that Cinema is in a very bad way because he blames de pull Wolverine and comic book movies it's beginning to implode um hey [ __ ] where were you last year there's been a lot of comic book films that bomb terribly you know what and big known Blockbusters this is literally same old [ __ ] all over again where some [ __ ] Martin scors some [ __ ] Mor is gonna come out and say oh this is video game this is the [ __ ] yes lady super genr fall you know how so [ __ ] some it is to hear people [ __ ] about the [ __ ] Cinematic Universe clearly it's not their fault and there's been quite a few that hasn't been doing that the problem with okay now there has been Fred fox now there has been yeah Fred fox now there has you know it's hard to get an original film out there released to make a lot of money unless the word of mouth comes out and that people will see it from that point of view but here's the problem with some of these original films they're [ __ ] horrible and I'll give you a great example Bo is afraid that movie was aw one of the Absol it's to me the worst it's the worst [ __ ] movie made since it's it's it's a negative one is it one of the worst movies of the 2020s so far I think it is the worst oh which one Bo wasid yeah that movie it's it's a m there it's the worst movies I saw since the wrong Missy I think the wor movie The decate so far is emis f easily I think it's no it's either the wrong Miss wrong Missy I'm sorry wrong or or B it's your most watched live video you ever did it's like over how many views is that I haven't checked a while it's crazy arus foul um old I [ __ ] hate it yeah where his father in the Attic turns into a gigantic monster dick my God I will never forget that when I was in the movie with my with with Sarah um and uh as soon as it ended I turned each other I was I we turn each other with the we were like to each other what the [ __ ] was that okay so speaking of Brian speaking of Bri Brian cockhead 21,6 n holy [ __ ] really yeah damn uh so uh Cox went on to site the mcu's latest box office sensation Deadpool Wolverine as an example saying that although superhero films are making a lot of money once again uh uh uh the L animate movie The Flash there was other Blockbusters that bombed terribly did you forget about those yeah and he wants to say that these make a lot of money and he targets Deadpool Wolverine I'm just like did you forget um inside out two Twisters Godzilla X Kong by the way I want to also add there's a couple other ones too there's been plenty of original films as year actually made a killing in the box office like Doom carto I'm sorry long legs been a killing in the box office wait what long never mind what about long legs I was saying [ __ ] horror movie yeah that did gr the box office um I know there's others devil trap bombed trap was a huge yeah and you know what let's pull up the numbers of the 2024 worldwide box office shall we okay just I'm just gonna say just to answer a question that Freddy asked about Deadpool Wolverine quick thoughts about that I thought that film was a lot of fun I agree it's a great [ __ ] time unless you look Nukem I'm sing it against you [ __ ] you Gary I love you look but sometimes I don't know where the [ __ ] you're coming from my friend um yes bad boys r or died 400 million worldwide Godzilla godzill X Kong the new Empire 567 million Dune part two 711 million inside out two 1.6 and a quarter billion who I didn't I did not think that was going to happen with over a billion Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 400 million Twisters 300 plus million domestically it made 240 million so [ __ ] did you forget about those or did it just went over your [ __ ] head like the comment you made oh and he does bring and by the way speaking of uh comic book he was in the movie X2 he played an important character he played William striker in X2 the create yeah the guy who c yeah and I want to say this and he says this and I quote uh he okay he jokes that he often forgets that his character created Wolverine in the MCU lore Deadpool yeah yeah yada who I created but I forgotten actually Cox added when when those films are on they are always a bit of me AK as Striker and they never pay me any money thank God you were [ __ ] joking smartass and uh by the way should I mention a point to Brian Cox here if you're watching for this's movies making the money that they' be making theaters would be dead right now exactly what do you think saved the movie going industry it was Comon book movies and Blockbusters l no way he'll top gun Maverick Spider-Man they saved the [ __ ] they saved it even Paul T Anderson admitted thank you Spider-Man yeah so eat [ __ ] you [ __ ] dick looking some [ __ ] it's like sure they excuse me the quote unquote theme park rights well you know what no way hm moved me Deadpool and Wolverine moved me and yes I did tear up during no way Helm [ __ ] all of you inside out too 1.6 billion the biggest animated film in history I did history it is I think it did it I think it's now the biggest animated film of all time wowos should have done better but it not bastards oh no what a shame [ __ ] [ __ ] all right so yeah Brian Cox you [ __ ] sucker sucker and by the way alien ROM Alien ramulus made 42 4142 million in it's opening weekend asho o o overall it made over a 100 million which good good great mov [ __ ] [ __ ] and thank you to Lady Erin for pointing out some interesting points about this yeah [ __ ] Brian Cox cockhead he's great in succession but yeah yeah you can see why his last name is Cox [ __ ] IDI his last name is Cox we got it do we do B boys dumb [ __ ] 2 got me emotional as well I I related to Riley in so many ways during that movie I did I didn't get you're gonna you never get emotional wish I had that sound but no I don't ever [ __ ] get emotional done movies really Scot the giant yes uh yes Jose you're correct wait ROM you don't have that sound what oh no I didn't get rid of it Austin has it yeah I have it oh Oh I thought Romy did yeah I have see I have a couple sound bites that Romy doesn't have but I have a few that he does wonder why I don't have my glasses I went to a different Walmart and you know what I was so [ __ ] pissed I was going to go to the sunglasses section and I was looking through some of them and there was this one pair I didn't reach to it yet this other couple walked came around the corner he's like oh there's more glasses here and he got he grabbed this red pair it looked so awesome he took it right in front of me and I wasn't I was just like I was like man you're lucky you're lucky there security cameras here I want to shout your I would have shout con your ass like they live right Romy they live oh [ __ ] man the glasses had except we weren't in a back Alleyway no the biggest clown of the year is is uh uh swe biggy Inc no oh yeah yeah swe e easily another one is uh uh uh 298 he's another one there's been a lot of them Puff Daddy puff P Dy D that's the worst too about Boogie because man he was like one of the coolest [ __ ] dudes yeah know J Vaders you're [ __ ] speaking of trolls Borderlands the best mov I saw since last air bender best you saw since cats right JV by uh by the way Jay thanks for uh watching um the the latest video I put on that you know might as well you know that was going to be my next point you might as well talk about that yeah oh yeah yeah as of today it is my 13 year anniversary of content creation on this channel hey I've been following him since then so you'd be quiet Gary he's been sming since 2011 since Jack and Jill that's yeah since the Jack and Jill uh review and um I I got I got one comment saying Alex and that it relates to something that you're a part of Oh no I got comment uh a question cond I don't I'm sorry I'm not eating a hot dog I like must um I got a question relating to Jesus Sage um I got a question relating what happened to the crew essentially I'll tell you exactly what happened they all died I am the create I am the I am the Nick fur you get out of [Laughter] here keep out the truth hard doging it you I've been we don't talk about that well you did cheat it on Gary with him or I can tell exactly happen cheats up with all of his ASI so it's all right well I can tell exactly what happened to the crew they all [ __ ] died no I'm still here yeah they saw they saw they they took a whiff of you Gary and well I mean specifically I mean four out of the five are dead except okay four okay three out of the five one of them I want dead the other one the [ __ ] stood me up so we won't get we won't get into that M but here's the thing the reason why we're not doing stuff anym together because it's scheduling it's it's just nearly impossible to schedule things together it's kind like with both of us is like the reason why we weren't here last week is because well Austin not but Gary Austin what happened last week was I won't get into it on my end but between myself and him down there yeah let's just say for the past while it's just been so it was just so [ __ ] awful it was pretty it was like M June and July was their AUST like it was so [ __ ] awful dude it was literally me between him and I it was just one thing after [ __ ] another and like mentally it was just not proper so I me I will say I have been getting better each day I've been getting slly better every day I I I've been I've been the best I've been in a really long time actually my situation has cleared up nicely still a couple things but the main Situation's all cleared up so knock on wood I would I will say in terms the I mean maybe it's a possibility that at least Alex Lucas I maybe even Shane will come back into the picture at some point I mean never say five well Shane wasn't 288 the guy [ __ ] works six days a week at least so it's really the reason why we're not we don't do stuff anymore because it's just scheduling because it's just it's [ __ ] impossible to do so but when we do stuff together we have a great time but um fact well how do you explain this [ __ ] show Dr wonderful this she was hot man I know I just saw that recently I just ever since I I said that in when I was doing my my [ __ ] commentary Dr wonderful she's a good-looking mil have you ever met Mr Clean he stood you up he stood Lucas up he stood dude I will never forget to this day when you remember what I'm about to talk about Alex when he when this particular person invit as to hang out catch up what [ __ ] the got out of it he said let's catch up yet we saw him what a couple weeks ago before we did that and the thing is he didn't even [ __ ] talk the entire time you want to know something when I try getting cont you ever seen in the theater Jack and Jill by the way I'm looking at Christina's photos twice because let's just say I'm looking at her I agree Jack and Jill hey uh hey Gary you got something you want to say well she looks uh awfully nice in that photo so oh what was that what was that porn star you named something bosoms Betty bosoms Betty bosoms Betty bosom Betty bosoms that's son of a [ __ ] okay you want to know what he did I don't know if you all remember but for the new chat as well he asked me to be a part of one of his little program he was doing I forgot the name of it but he asked me to be a part of his program and he asked me you want to be part of it about a specific use I said sure why not the day came for him to do the show he never set of goddamn word to me that the program got pushed back yep I was sitting there waiting I was like where the [ __ ] is he then he contacted me what was it a week later or so he said he still on for it and I was like no I'm not Wick no singing no singing sing no singing [ __ ] anymore but uh no I will say thank you to everybody for supporting I didn't see that in theaters uh Jack [ __ ] finishes thank you reading the goddamn commentary you fat looking big pile [ __ ] that you wor Austin no finish your moment quickly to say this um you're gonna eat all these [ __ ] go ahead no finish I want you to finish okay so all right get Roy it's just quickly it's quickly thank you everybody for supporting I'm have a lot of [ __ ] planned for the future just wait stay tuned just wait guys it's gonna be some cool [ __ ] Gary and I have something planned in a couple of will talk about that because okay next few I PCH the idea you're like godamn w for the October we're gonna be streaming until dawn and I believe what was that one game the case of uh we'll see about Frank Stone because until dawn is like a 8 to 10 hour game and I want to stream that game like once a week we'll see what happens during the mid because I might going to Orlando for vacation still with one of my best friends um we got until dawn and let's just say November he brought this idea up I immediately was on board dude you perked up so quick okay we are gonna be streaming Mirror's Edge in uh November yep and I am I it's on Game Pass I have it downloaded did you get a new copy no what oh no yeah I never got that copy back I never did well well you gave it to me and all of a sudden you had [ __ ] stains all over it I give it to the only stains that's gonna happen when he looks up that hot bath in rule 34 well I love Faith con so that's happening in November um along with that I mean Hallen horr reviews is coming back this year uh 10 movie reviews [ __ ] out of here two video game reviews one of completed so yeah there's a lot of stuff Mario Kart stream that people been W to see you know what Gary what's plan that for like late next month people want to see some Mario yeah and next year I'll have some let's say some TV reviews coming next year one in particular I I told these two guys I might as well bring up to Alex I am going to find with the First time seen watch The Sopranos I've never watched Sopranos took you long enough I've never diso with the ending though that's just by the way that is just a taste of what's to come next year because I have a lot of stuff happening next what this it's the song The it's the theme song Come On well then let them sing it in Alex oh sorry I didn't read the thing no singing my bad no singing yeah guys thanks everything let's move on by the way uh there's there's another part there is a fellow you there's a fellow friend of ours that I like to give a special um shout out love to and he literally just returned to YouTube after literally a [ __ ] year or maybe two but a year off and he's came back to the the platform and he's now doing his whole reviews again that is our buddy Dr Hannibal oh yeah King King Hannibal oh yeah Lector our buddy Hannibal is back he back doing reviews now uh the Super Fan show I believe he's the guy that looks like Cube uh oh yeah his YouTube channel Super Fan K he is now he is back he I know what happened but I like his reviews I think he's fun he was gone for a long time like almost a year but he was gone for a long time he just recently came back and he's now doing reviews once again and it's good to see him back you gotta hear him you gotta hear him p and Rhymes man he's good really yeah he does a little hip-hop himself man he's really good and he does like theme like like I think he does like certain like types of themes when it raes to V and stuff when he's doing his like uh RH he's really oh his goty rant is one of my favorite reviews oh God someone men oh my God it was hilarious someone mentioned I should review lost next year no oh where's count Victor atct don't do it Austin don't do it it's one of the most over he oh Alex when you wake up you have two bite marks you wna know something vampire look got a couple bumps over here I mean I said this I said this to a Hannibal the other night I told him I came for the talk but stayed for Spyro the Dragon in the background because he's got a Spyro and the dragon uh oh yeah he's a gamer too and he said to me that he's always watching he's the angel on my shoulder making sure my jokes don't get too corny hold on HD says have you reviewed return that is one of the greatest zombie movies ever that came out in 1985 that kind of redefin the of the Living Dead it's called it's it came out this movie is awesome that's a good one that's where the term you know it's like a whole different look on zombies it's so much fun it's it's it it pokes it's a good satire while playing you know it's got awesome cast of characters and everything it's one it's in my top 10 easily greatest zombie movies ever oh wow yes once again love to our buddy uh Hannibal Super Fan k whatever his YouTube name is he is back doing his thing it's good to good to see him in action once again I I'm hoping he released some more Rhymes I'd like to listen to his his his stuff he's really good EVP and the other thing is that in his reviews he's actually really [ __ ] funny too he please watch his review of Gotti oh I was in I still have not seeing Gotti he said something like this movie is so bad it's like having godilla B over and take a diarrhea dump like that under and the Remake is great too and I the one who told Austin about Dr Hannibal or KB and yeah see I had a big part Gary and I had a big Parts in it kind of yeah okay I hold on hold on wait Guys Don can I have a Hot Pocket oh my God there's another that's another sound I forgot to get from Alex can I have a poptart can I have a poptart here you go I I don't know how I forgot that one camera you ate the [ __ ] sandwiches your ass poptart those things are good but they're [ __ ] terrible for you well speaking of uh speaking of something I poptarts are really I actually had some Popeyes today yes you did okay did you get the did you get the the infamous chicken sandwich I got one spicy and one mild there you go but is it the actual like like the the famous chicken sandwich everyone saying is okay I want to hear okay it how because they say this one and the Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich are the this knocks Chick-fil-A out of the park yeah usually popey okay well popey's as an establishment in itself is one thing but they're mainly known their chicken sandwich sandwich it's incredible it's incredible they got pickles they got the Mayo on there the chicken is nice and I hate using this word but it's true it's moist and that's one of my pronouns wet and moist [ __ ] sake identify as a fire hydrant yeah Popeyes knocks Chick-fil-A out of the park and they have better mac and cheese too yeah I said it you know what [ __ ] son of a dick [ __ ] you had to go peek a bear since we since we're talking about food since we're talking about go oh no oh no [ __ ] a lot of air uh the [ __ ] was that that sound like the gr Gary Gary [ __ ] way if you're wondering wait wait where is it where the hell is it if you're wondering why I'm wearing a sweater it's only 59 outside bring that I would love to have that Austin it's [ __ ] Philly today Gary what [ __ ] was that why did it go so fast yeah all right thank you thank you lady there has been a few in recently it's okay really one of them was Phil donu yes before there was Oprah before there was Jerry before there was my there was Phil and the other one oh my God this I feel so bad for you noi family oh okay uh one of the brothers now both the brothers are are are gone Nows both wild the both whilst moments you know Roman Reigns's father and Uncle the legendary uh tag team and one of the main an know why you know once that kind of started off they're both gone now in the spa sea and ala ala they're both gone now ala and that oh man my heart goes out to an noise because that's that is and that's within like a month or two Origin of the bloodline I'm trying to think who else um else pass I know there's a couple others there I think it was a musician hey lady Aron who was the other one uh would you kindly remind me please but yeah those were the ones that stuck out to me um trying to figure out who El passed away this month [ __ ] I'm trying to think who else was it uh I know mac and cheese is what is with you Mac chees thank you very much joher well what's wrong with macaroni and cheese [ __ ] Noob sbot over here oh Susan Susan wait what Peter Marshall that's right Peter Marshall yeah game show host of H Hollywood Squares Jack Russell that Bob Bob bitum oh Greg uh Greg kin passed away as well who uh and GNA rot man he's the one who wrote The Great wrote yes he wrote The Breakup Song he wrote Jeopardy he also wrote they don't they wrote he wrote The Breakup Song yeah he he he unfortunately passed away yeah the former CEO of man what is it 2024 dude what the [ __ ] is going on oh I don't know it's not been pleas no good yeah my sympathies go out to them their friends and families that's unfortunate shall we shall we move on to some fair food that H that we oh my gosh yeah I know you with fair food that big tub of [ __ ] how about fair food got to be deep fried on Stick whoa if it's if it's a fair food this giant dick come from anyway I was at the fair recently I was at the fair recently and and uh oh far coming oh [ __ ] oh Here Comes The Grudge too chick Jesus [ __ ] headphones that's that's what you get that's what you get I think I got a pke now that's what you get first there was that P dude you know what that sound like when a grenade explodes and it's like that hot pitch and then it was just like the antenna went out God damn Christ I think I got a poop pretty soon poop not right now [ __ ] you [ __ ] anyway says pancake oh that was all right so I was at the [ __ ] Fair recently just to put it out there I had a horrible goddamn time it was so [ __ ] crowded this dude why do [ __ ] kids dress like cheap $2 horse yeah seriously you know I had a talk with somebody about this I mean for kids who dress so [ __ ] just inappropriately or act that way you realize what trouble that they can get in I don't know maybe I'm just being too much of a [ __ ] old man at this point but no no you're not anyways all of them were [ __ ] rude but also I was at the fair and everything was so everything was so goddamn expensive it was like 22 $22 to get in for one person for ad mission for one person some these prices for these Fair Foods I was losing my goddamn M how much was it for a hot dog hot dog was roughly about close to 10 bucks close to you can go to Costco if you're remember you can get like a150 for that delicious a bottle of water a bottle of water was $3 a fried Oreo was eight fried water vodka in it fried dough was 12 uh fried Twinkie was six uh corn dog a burger like what $18 or something rough trip a delicious thick and juicy triple bacon butter burger the greatest [ __ ] Burger ever doesn't even cost nowhere near that much wait how much was a burger roughly maybe 18 bucks maybe you can get the delicious Double D and in and out for like five bucks they make it with [ __ ] dolling bucks did they make it with wag no no wag go I want wag wag hold up Ragu oh no wagu w wagu w r [ __ ] well anyways I got this little list here of the fair that happened by the way just ended I want to talk about all of the recent items that they had for like the most exotic items that they had at the fair I want to go over and see what everyone thinks and see hot dog that's called Glory Hall so the first thing they had on here was called this first thing they had on here was called a Polish garbage plate this contained two potato cheddar Paran layer with you pay attention this was a Polish garbage plate it had two potato cheddar paragis Laden caramel eyes onion sour cream polish goulash sauce cheddar chees G that's your fault Gary poish G yes [ __ ] Polish Polish what Gary poish what [Music] Gary poish poish Gish cheddar cheese cheese curs and sad hot relish so good and tasty there's someone named mysterious one the next one mysterious the next one on here is called Big G's famous Texas style loaded ribbon fries you said Big G thought you're gonna be talking about something else the way you Des Texas style loaded RI ribbon fries you have thinly sliced potatoes chili cheese bacon ranch and jalapenos it's basically like nachos but with fren Fri well it's it's basically it's basically potato chips I want to try that potato chips potato chips the next one on here is called piggyback Mac this is this is a mac and cheese with P pork on top of B oh that sound good yeah that sound good is he is he scared of hammers breaking them oh no worries um no worries well then again has been subb so who knows goddamn [ __ ] mother anyways deep up my butt anyways next thing on here is something called sweet sweet and spicy cheese puff fried pickles no okay [ __ ] pickles anyways fried dill pickle chips what the [ __ ] crushed cheese puff sweet and spicy sauce we are all about what are you laughing at you laughing at [Music] what swish SW SWAT spe spicy sweet and sour SAU Gary is gonna [ __ ] smack you going to unleash Bree Dr please turn blue my nuts did fried dill pickle chips crushed cheese puff sweet and spicy sace shut Dr damn it no continue what was no don't go to the next item what else was on there continue we are all about creating an experience for our guests each year at the fair through unique and fun Foods testing in the kitchen happened the year before all it's basically explaining how they created this [ __ ] item next the next thing on here is called bacon wrap small corpeno poas oh that sounds interesting that [ __ ] do sound pretty good though that sounds pretty good actually is basically a jalapeno pepper wrapped in bacon i' try it a anyways fried next up is fried catfish and collar greens oh I love I love some kind of green fried catfish and collard greens topped in a watermelon sauca wrapped in a tortilla shell o you just want to catch interesting yeah I love C you don't want to catch a dog fish because it could have fleas yes please anyways the next item on here is General s's chicken wings it's basically chicken wings and general s with the side ofme gimme gimme gimme next up is called The Loaded colossal onion we were going so well that's one of the bosses from that's one of the that's the that's the first boss in cuphead that's a that has to be a boss in [ __ ] colossal colossal he's a superhero from X-Men colos colossal is it way that made me think of a stream that we can do together serious colossal colossal colossal chedi cheese sauce bacon bites and onion sauce th chunk yes please I hope you break your [ __ ] St dude working on the rail world [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] next item damn the next item on is called oh here we go yeah I'm all your we're doing it peekabo honey Bri chicken fries sayen say it again honey b a chicken fr Fri it's basically french fries and lightly breaded deep fried chicken topped with hemade honey butter and spicy mayo sauce that that sounds the next item is called Port belly pasta tacos or pastor tacos Billy it's po belly with my point Apple base marinade top with pineapple bites on white onion and cilantro white that's racist next item on here chicken bacon enchiladas with yellow rice hey uh uh Lucas where's Lucas atalo then he'll lose his m i don't need to anything I don't need to say anything because that speaks for itself next thing the next thing on here is called sausage oh what the [ __ ] what happened what happened I I highlighted myself you highlighted yourself congratulations it does it looks like absolute dog [ __ ] the next item on here is called [Music] Hallelujah Jesus for minut I thought you were gonna [ __ ] like catapult out of that goddamn it's called sausage por sandwich well you would know about sandwiches you fat to gluttony [ __ ] it's basically a regular sausage sandwich with poman tomato sauce on it next they have is stoft a AO St Bach whatever the [ __ ] it's called look at this [ __ ] a Quin waffle dog is it's the healthiest item it's basically these dogs are it's a waffle not fried waffle and next up oh you're gonna like this one oh R is that the fair it depends on which one it is I don't deep fried Dilly Dog wait what did you say g a deep fried Dilly Dog oh my God I thought you said something else you know what it is basically I thought he said deep fried dildo what how [ __ ] how did you get how did you get I can't understand how the [ __ ] this dumbass piece of [ __ ] says how how did you get that how did you get that even I don't know how the [ __ ] you got that how did you get Gary as you were saying anyway it is a Tangy pickle stuffed with all beef hot dog that is fried in panco batter until golden brown it's basically it's basically a pickle Raptor on a hot dog a [ __ ] D pickle oh who who wants to hear some treats some sweets and desserts I'd like to hear that okay a red a red hot candy apple paragi I can't eat apples though two apple pagi and crust corn flake Crum comes top with whipped cream shap cinnamon ice cream and drizzle with hot red hot cinnamon syrup by the way Gary they're called a perogies perogies perogies perogies you dumb [ __ ] perogies not perogative I do like apples as well I can't [ __ ] eat apples well lady Aon you're about as sweet as a dessert yourself what's what are you trying to wait what are you trying to say Gary I'm saying she's [ __ ] hot lady Aaron do me a favor treat Mr G barel like an emergency vehicle stay 500 feet away she probably think that was part of the nicest [ __ ] things I've have ever said to her oh get the [ __ ] out of here Gary next up is oh God what Gary should have got the sound effects out for that one I was going yeah that's what I was wanted to he anyways it's called over here it's called it's called it's called bu I know you like blowing bubbles I he told me he missed you bu Ray Dudley that big tub of [ __ ] it's a strawberry lemon bua what a SW a bua te it's AA bu te that's a turkey sandwich bu damn it boo boo Bo what the [ __ ] is someone take over 999,000 229 screenshots of that please 17 that works best I can do is 12 bucks no h here oh the price at the [ __ ] price next item on here is a strawberry raspberry lemon smoothie next up is a pretzel it's basically a pretzel with formed in a buffalo and it comes with a Loganberry cream cheese and maple whip cream sauce if you don't know oh now that sounds [ __ ] good if you don't know good boy let's just say you have to be a buffalo native to understand what Loganberry is next up is a summerwe slushie it's summer weenie slushie summerween slushie a ween I thought said weenie yeah I thought so too okay so this summer we slushy is basically an ice cold Orange it's oh orange I love me some oranges it is a cream it is a creamsicle slushie and a jack' lantern cup with creamsicle popsicle inside top with Whi Cree next up merid made mermaid Dipping Dots blue Reds very ice and vanilla Dipping Dots titties titties titties so jam those are your so those are your three wishes but you'll never be able to get in real life you [ __ ] my moment of Glory sorry Jordan screenshots yeah too many screenshots next up is a strawberry short cake crunch it is homemade vanilla ice cream and a waffle comb with a topping that is short short cake next thing on here is a gram Cent Central s'mores magic ice cream marshmallow sandwich okay that sounds good it is an ice it's an ice cream sandwich with graham cat Graham Central Station ice cream chocolate wafer and a graham cracker dipped in a dark chocolate rolled and Crush Grand crackers top of marshmallow chocolate Bard and marshmallow chck what Gary there's three items left on this menu there's app Apple Cinnamon Pizza uh deep deep fried cookie dough yes please oh my God that screams out that screams out death yeah yeah for your sake yeah for your fat ass hopefully soon [ __ ] [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] Gary [ __ ] you you know how he's all you want to know something you know how Locas is always desperate of trying to get a woman's phone number oh God yep well unfortunately the only number that he'll begin is the [ __ ] four digits on his future toe tag what the H the only way only way he can get I say this joke R Gary the only way he can get laid that involves numbers is his jail cell number with Bubba I'm sorry bch hey hey Locas this ain't like the mile that's what you call an eastem oh don't worry he won't be escaping from Alcatraz anytime soon it'd be a shocking experience you know William that's actually a really good idea Attack on Titan I I'll consider that so the last item on here is called fudgy puppies hey Gary it's gonna be so amazing you can cut the electricity with a knife like a knif through butter hey uh Hey vampire Luke I loved you in Dracula Prince of Darkness oh goodness gracious yeah the last it is called fudgy puppies fudgy puppies fudy puppies the F fud puy F puppies fudgy puppies is basically Belgium waffles on a stick dipped in chocolate with your favorite to on it wait hold up Alex what's that called again said [ __ ] puppet forg puppies I'm so the microphone for God SES so there you go that was a lot of the bizarre items that was at the fair this year and uh some of them a lot of these next topic for today how weird is Gary search list oh you don't want to know I don't I don't think the word weird quite covers that you don't nobody wants to know what is on my search I was gonna say I don't think weird is a lot of things on my search list that no [ __ ] human should ever well they probably be thinking yeah it's me in general because let's just say there is a lot of [ __ ] porn on there I'm what a shot Roy I loved you as Garis from mk11 I am the Alpha and the Omega oh wait I'm team vanilla I like Mor com 11 I I I just don't like the gameplay I couldn't stand the game playay MKX and N are like oh n and MKX are [ __ ] awesome you want to know something about lady Aaron in the flavor of vanilla this is what I like this is what the beautiful comparison is she's the proper Elegance of what vanilla should be basic simple and appealing to the eyes they see no it's my favorite flavor too too bad it too bad it should be locked up in Pandora's Box away from your ass that's right shut the [ __ ] up I was comparing her to her to her favorite ice cream flavor what and I was saying something very nice and positive I don't want you near lady Aaron [ __ ] I'm more mother [ __ ] you I you know what's gonna happen if you get near her this is what I'm going to do to you oh boy you really think lady run and hide you really think I would do something I don't trust you do something lady Eric stay away from all guys because they're all dogs I should know because yeah CU you're one of them oh yeah in order to know what they're like you got to think how they're like and be how they're like oh jeez I've been I've been there too I've been there as well never had any good experiences but I've been there as well that's probably why I lost all my goddamn hair but still anyways what's next here's what I have to offer ladies and gentlemen um got a plethora we talked about that talked about that the actress actresses turned down major roles uh I have a list of the Disney's redison films rank this is credit to Nicholas Lee R uh best and worst vehicles in the Twisted middle franchise um the most critically acclaimed actress of each year from 2010 to 2019 the only year I did not do was 2017 because I couldn't find one um Sophie's choice if you wish H we do have a bua game that'll be later on down the road that's what I have to offer oh and the 10 worst video game adaptations with Gerber oh what you got Alex I have a list that I have been waiting to go over for quite a while now but uh it's MLB players whose names that sound completely fake but are very real over that um I got some pickups records oh yes vampire Luke go ahead of course got some records I have some mind buing facts about films you probably didn't know I still have the uh I still have the according to watch Mojo jumbo watch mumo Jumbo [ __ ] their top 20 Greatest slide musical performances ever I have the 10 worst video game adaptation films I got the 10 best sandwiches and I also have the most well you ate four of them I also have the most expensive cars ever if you had if you had three more it could have been seven seven and you bought them at a 7 yeah I can't wait to show you guys records that I got today f was all right so let's do the show and tell first then we'll get to Alex's topic I don't have a Snickers so I have three records to show today three records I went to my local record store in search of a 9in nails record originally but uh they don't have any n Inch Nails at all which kind of bummed me out yeah there's no no Trent resar nothing I was really shocked by that but oh my God man but I found two you know you usually go to a record store you search for one thing but end up finding out other things which you don't think to pick up and I found two particular things that you know what I'm happy I found them first thing is this I'm pretty sure Alex has this oh oh thank you vampire Luke I do yeah I do have the James Bond soundtracks 10 bucks it was in there used arrival was it's a 1982 New Zealand pressing 1982 okay so it doesn't have you to a Kill it does not now the next one this thing was the one that surprised me I'm a big fan of this show I reviewed it a couple years ago I mistakenly said the wrong year it came out in which I still kind of got crap for but um I found the record for the twin peak's original score oh and it's a translucent green record translucent green I'm definitely gonna listen to this anden this other one came in just today I've been waiting been wanting this record for a very long time again Alex has it in his stash it's one of my favorite records ever I'm so happy I finally own this [ __ ] oh you're that's right and uh it's a special edition which it's a translucent gold and red splatter vinyl too oh John sympath man I would try and open it but I don't want to mess up the um you know the record itself but um yeah those are my pickups I tried to find um anything from like uh I I almost walked out the Foo Fighters record but I was like you know I have I got plenty enough already if you can choose between Sprite or Pepsi or Coca-Cola because I can't well if I had to choose between Sprite or Pepsi Sprite easily Sprite for me I have to choose Sprite acid I only drink Pepsi if I'm like going out the only time you should have Pepsi is for mechanic to pour in your car you shut the [ __ ] up the only time I have Pepsi is on like a special occasion when I go out to dinner or something that SP otherwise I stick with Sprite all the way there you go all right so what is this topic about hi there Taz nice to see you so what is this topic about when you got these funny names this is a threat I saw on Twitter this is MLB players with names that sound fake but are very real it's so scary so we start out with the outfielder notorious but guys I believe he has a Serial named after himself Coco Crisp I heard of that name that's an actual name for one yes yeah he played for the Oakland Athletics I believe hey Fred hey Fred next up we have sugar cane That's Another name he was a pitcher all right next sounds like something that sweet too with the name himself yeah next up left field Johnny dickshot Johnny dickshot Yes Johnny dick what the hell was it Johnny dickshot oh God oh God Urban shocker is he related to IR or Shyer oh next up outfielder Rusty [ __ ] what Rusty [ __ ] with a K well it shows that he's a real [ __ ] huh Rusty [ __ ] his parents most [ __ ] hate him next up he has a he has an uncle named Mike un stins next up short stop pepper Jack glasscock what a glass Cannon Jack he's vulnerable but he knows how to Pack-A-Punch is it is it d l a SS c o c k yes my God yes Mr glasscock all right stubby clap [Music] [Laughter] stop wait stubby or Stumpy stubby stubby stubby clap imag him jumping on a trampoline stubby clap stubby [ __ ] clap [Laughter] I like that's the best one no good son of a [ __ ] the best one so far Orville overall I thought you about to say Orville Rick and Boer orille or what's his name what what Orville overall on over or or overalls darl straw Daryl strawberry is a a legendary he's a legend leg Yankee player yeah Gaylord Perry next up pitcher dick pole dick pole dick pole hey dick this list contains a whole lot of [ __ ] dick all right [ __ ] Theo the [ __ ] the bo [ __ ] the [ __ ] the B if you interview uh stubby Klo here's what he would say stubby clap stubby [ __ ] clap uh next up is mysterious Walker Oh okay that's different Texas Ranger chicken hawks good show chicken hawks I bet he fixes the best nuggies there you go oh God chick chick Budweiser an American classic wait is that a real name of a person yeah Budweiser oh wow that actually is a person hson that's a [ __ ] movie that's a awful movie oh I know okay he said it he just wants me to say it what what the H [ __ ] come gar come onary know you want whaton God damn it [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] God damn it right next up lil Stoner your will Stoner that's your favorite player is his first name that's what you name your penis no comment on it looks like a pair of testicles moving on um Buttercup Dickerson hero horn blower oh my God that's what [ __ ] RGB RGB told him to say that you mother you people just want me to say some yeah foror leorn Hudson Haw real Hornblower any more stupid [ __ ] you people want me to [ __ ] say to raise my goddamn blood pressure oh God God damn it what's next dick [ __ ] man a lot of what the dick um boots puffen burer [Music] PFF what the [ __ ] is that yeah B boots boots Bootsy Boots the monkey Bootsy boot boots you that my [ __ ] Boots the monkey he's the goddamn [ __ ] cousin of [ __ ] curious George [ __ ] kous George and [ __ ] the man in yellow hat too what do you have against kous George yeah what's because because he's an [ __ ] I bet you you know he didn't manelle had didn't feed him a banana so he probably took his [ __ ] uh dildo Highway cone siiz yellow hat and took a diarrhea lava dump in it that's it that's all you got to say about cous George yeah well that's wcas when he was a child Man with the Yellow Hat God damn it uh what was his name again boots dick and bottom Bo I'll put in the chat hold on I I don't I don't hate Curious George well I don't like Curious George [ __ ] that stupid monkey Bluff bger damn [ __ ] all right what's next next up is peekaboo vich I see you I see you peekaboos peekaboos peekabooo you [ __ ] you peekaboo I see you hold up a second you people are [ __ ] mean to me hey watch this people peekaboo [ __ ] you you people are [ __ ] mean to me today you're mean to us so get sometimes the you stupid [ __ ] are being mean to me [ __ ] piing on me you were mean to me last night because F Well cause [ __ ] you that's why well [ __ ] now that's why what's next the only Nolan oh Nolan Christopher Nolan the only Nolan Nolan okay noan all right Tony suck who sucks Tony suck yes he did Tony suck Tony suck that's his name suck that's his name oh how come I didn't get him his name was Tony suck hold on vampire give me a second Tony Tony why the [ __ ] would you want a goddamn [ __ ] minds we have Alex Tony I think from wrestling that the Tony his name um who I'm talking about right Abraham Washington yeah oh my the Abraham Washington show Tony tonyy I doubt it I I see what you mean uh um you know what in the most recent years of wrestling I only watched that because I actually laugh that's the only good thing about WWE ECW oh that was great during the dying days anyways next up uh Harry Chek G har I don't have any hair on my ass thank you very much oh [ __ ] no I don't did you get the watch job already I shave my I shave my [ __ ] ass mind you nice ass baby nice ass baby uh I liked Arthur that was a fun show uh vinegar Ben Melle that's interesting vinegar Ben Melle I hope there's someone named slim jum get close to that um come posie his last name should be dumpster instead hey Gary that was my joke [ __ ] guess what I said it yeah [ __ ] you dude oil can boy hairy ass Elmo yeah hairy ass Eloy Eric say t like get out of here hairy ass Elmo gay Ernie Potato Head BT uhu big [ __ ] big [ __ ] big I forgot Big Bird [ __ ] big bird [ __ ] G Perry blue balls Grover yeah Gaylord Perry that's what [ __ ] Jack Perry's feminite gimmick should be in wrestling Spike Owen Spike Owen does Kevin El almost world thank you very much God damn it Tiger King damn it why does this sound like a name for a for a alternative version of [ __ ] Tony Tiger's Frosted Flakes no that's that's the that's the fighter from Tekken god sakes makes sense when you think about it chicken wolf chicken wolf razor shines raisin brand would you [ __ ] off razor shines Pete lck e a [ __ ] what that's why I thought I said Pete wck oh no I thought he said peacock you want to peek at my [ __ ] what well there's nothing to see why ice box ice box Chamberlain ice box Chamberlain well then again there was the refrigerator Willi Perry it was yeah fatty Brody [Laughter] what fatty Brody [ __ ] yeah that's that's literally me candy Cummings why does that sound like a name for porn star say think ex sound like a porn star name and last one on here canonball titom that sounds like a [ __ ] gamer tag Cannonball titom I that sounds like a name you see at a lobby waiting for the next fighter to show up oh for God's sake that ladies and gentlemen is a list of MLB players whose names sound fake but are very piece of crap that was so goddamn silly all right next silly next all right let's get to our next [ __ ] bit silly let's get to our next bit let's get to The Bu of [ __ ] all right so Alex you might as well still keep on talking cause time to start off with your bit of the week okay pisle flick of the week actually a couple last Friday when I was at the Dolphins game driving home from the Dolphins game let me just preface this by saying this on my Spotify liked songs list I have 3,416 songs liked holy [ __ ] driving home I'm not joking I put my I put my music on shuffle four songs from the same soundtrack popped up yeah and I decided to watch it because it's one of my favorite movies of the 2007 Walk Hard the Dey [ __ ] story walk story that movie is like a pro that film does not get enough recognition that's a proper that's a proper SP it's literally a spoof of the music industry in general it's also spoof of Johnny Cash Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys um I think George Jones correct me if I'm wrong but it's all it's Johnny Cash mainly uh Brian Wilson The Beach Boys um little bit of Elvis Pressley got Elvis they got um Chuck Barry I believe is in there they got the Beatles in there and it was all parodies and were they were literally poking fun at their stereotyp God damn it saurin yeah I thought John C Riley I believe he was he killed it he was think joh part about it the best part about it that all the songs were original I know there were no covers the crazy thing is well here is America's next single wart which was written 30 minutes ago 30 minutes ago for the seventh time let's go [ __ ] on everyone just started everyone just started [ __ ] ripping their clothes off in like what was it 1938 or something to God get out of here D want no part of this [ __ ] that was L and the crazy thing is that he it's not habit forming he did [ __ ] marijuana he did pills he did Reaper he did cocaine he did it all but when it came to Viagra he said I no part [ __ ] also and drugs I don't want to suum to The Temptations [ __ ] you the tempation the Temptation Temptation you Nevers not one don't leave me don't leave me darling that's not a bad title for a song that's not a bad title but please don't [ __ ] ancient Egypt [ __ ] ancient Mobility [ __ ] cats oh here goes G watch this movie again now damn it what he said what he said [ __ ] my wife it's it with me Dewey I've been confusing about that for the last 10 years [ __ ] aent [ __ ] cats [ __ ] ancient Egypt [ __ ] Asian Mobility [ __ ] cats oh my God God damn that [ __ ] like you smell so nice what I smelled it I smell smell that [ __ ] smells like [ __ ] it smells so good a py py wait are you my name is d That's me there's nothing nothing you can do all I need in this world is my music I don't need you and I don't need anybody I don't need my wife I don't need my baby I don't need my monkey all I need is my music oh my God God that m is a [ __ ] classic man it does not get any recognition no it doesn't bomb at the box office oh and that's a shame as well because I got oh by the way hey Rock of Ages take some [ __ ] notes on how to do spoof on music [ __ ] that movie is so bad God damn it if you haven't seen I highly recommend it highly recommend you seeing Oh my God yeah the music was all original it was parody Bob Dylan as well Christ is 50 this year holy [ __ ] what is the play of the week speaking of Bob D that new that new Bob D movie looks really really good no um so since that alien ramulus came out this past week and I figured I'd talk about an alien game is it what I one of the greats out there it's called alien isolation isolation yep so this is a game it uh it takes place after the events the first alien if I'm not mistaken he play as Ripley's daughter Amanda and um scary the game it's it's literally survival horror and it's Roots because a not only try to survive against the xenomorph but also the the synthetics and here's the thing the xenomorph in that game is a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah especially on the too if had a PlayStation I camera and you had that thing connected with the voice on the alien could hear you could hear you like I I remember I was playing the game I I wasn't streaming it but I remember I was just playing at one point I was like oh God I hope they doesn't I was it comes right after me and it's scary as hell you don't get really any ammo to survive you're Lally just basically trying to shot you're solid an alien that's essentially what it is but it's scary as hell um and that that that studio as far as has that made a game since alien isolation which is crazy but no alien isolation is a terrific game you haven't played it play and apparently from what I heard fetty Alvarez got the most inspiration from mention that fetty Alvarez he is a huge fan of alien isolation yeah that was his inspiration actually there's a couple there's actually an Easter egg from the game in the movie and I caught it it was really really cool oh no here we go oh no oh here we go no that sounded [Music] icky what the [ __ ] I turn into a sound bite another one Dam it oh this is your fault it is my fault my no it's my fault weak as [ __ ] my ass well did came out of my ass oh you're G see Silent House that's an underrated film very good movie just the ending kind of ruin it to some the ending isn't great but man everything else before is [ __ ] insane I can't duplicate that when I that was the first thing I heard too I think he's listening to the play was what is is the next one I don't know because that what what's next uh uh the fat F fap of the week oh yeah well we Fab okay I know she done some type of porn you can you can find it man this woman when it comes to visuals man this woman fixs fit fits all the criteria she's [ __ ] nice and thick nice and thick big big hot sexy curvy BBW blonde hair big tits nice curvy ass you know it you name it the whole nine yards her name is and her name spells a little differently but her name is Jamie Smiles what's what the [ __ ] I forgot I forgot that's a baseball player I was I was waiting for what that sound like I was opening the door to to Castlevania the gab okay I've been holding I've been holding that Jesus Christ dude that door need some WD40 I've been holding that in for the past few minutes why you didn't spontaneously comust spontaneously comust comust yucky but yeah that's how you spell her name Jamie yeah look up this woman dude you ain't gonna believe it I think I might have to fart again a little bit oh my God what did you [ __ ] eat Gary meatball sandwich oh yeah you ate four of those [ __ ] no three of them were Tian Subs the other one what did you miss just back up a minute or so you heard the loud this freakiest [ __ ] castle door you will ever hear good goodness gracious yeah Jamie Smiles a tiny dick [ __ ] coming on here with that tiny that Tiny Dick [ __ ] what's the album of the week what's the album of the week G you [ __ ] fart again no I don't have to fart again break sure about that I go do some all right album of the week all right so I've been listening to these guys a lot hold up hold up hold on going once going twice going three times so better God it's s like a rocket ship the [ __ ] meatballs tomato sauce oh my the me right okay the album of the week so I've been listening so these are one this one of my favorite groups in music I talked about their first album before now I'm going to talk about their second album because these guys ended up becoming extremely Su successful more than they were prior with this particular album and not only is it one of the most popular albums in the new wave genre but they had consecutive successful songs on this particular record only only maybe about eight songs Al together however though each one of the songs became number one in the UK and I believe us charts and that is Tears for Fears songs from the big oh very nice I have that this album is a [ __ ] Masterpiece of music I don't know how I don't have a tears or fears record yet that's this album contains literally every single song on here it's subliminal you got shout the working hour and here's the thing though that this particular track is one of their personal favorites out of any song that they have written this is one of their favorite ones because it's a very it's a very beautiful song it really is saxophone it's got nice Orchestra to it learn to play saxophone very good lyrics I think this was one of Roland or Ball's best uh vocal rang that he was able to do so the working hour is a phenomenal track Everybody Wants to Rule the World which is a Monumental lady Eric just mentioned that all time favorites mother's talk I believe very soothing song Head Over Heels another Smash Hit great song Head Over Heels the last one was somewhat instrumental but not really it's called listen which was their which was an that's my favorite sex position but yes songs from the big chair they actually had a documentary called there was a little documentary called scenes from the big chair where Not only was talking about the album itself but the tour and everything how they got in the music and all the other stuff but yes the album came out 1985 Jesus H this like from the big chair like I said it is a masterpiece of a [ __ ] album and I and they I didn't believe that shout and everybody wants to rule the world would have been that successful but it ended up becoming that's two of their biggest [ __ ] hits ever two biggest [ __ ] tracks but not only that though it made him a buttload of cash and just worldwide love I almost saw them but some to be yeah the I almost last second I almost went to see him twice what the first time they cancel second time I got stood up oh God damn it yep so I had to so I'm very glad to go over this one it's one of my favorite albums it's it's perfect very nice there we know there you go that was Mr gab's album of the week y all right what are we doing now uh we GNA play a game we're gonna go over some want play Sophie's Choice Sophie I don't want to play Sophie's choice I know lady eron wanted me to do uh either the red asson one uh the selfie choice was another one let's talk Disney oh and the Disney you want me to do the Disney okay all right who was that uh credit to Mr Nicholas Lee he did a list like this and it made inspire me to do so as well now the renissance Theiss era contains 10 films and the this was actually a really good ERA really like every single film on this L on in this in this period of time was actually really good so contrl F delete delete no um all um wait uh is it um F5 uh control is it control control all four whatever that closes things out or something okay so there's 10 of them everything all right I know Luke nukem's going to be there he probably wants to hear it is too oh yeah here we go number 10 is a pocah hunst now well here we go now let's be real here even though it might be the we it's still a decent film but the reason why this film is popular or or is because it's arguably the movie has arguably the greatest Disney musical song of all time did somebody say poest yes it's all F4 thank oh now you [ __ ] show up of course I had I had to go pee I love pocah I love it's my second favorite Disney princess oh I wonder why hold on hold on all I want to do is zoom zoom zoom here's a zoom here's a zoom zoom for you okay I gotta breathe breathe okay gotta push on the gotta push on the belly a little bit find gotta find the right but gotta find the right button okay here's the button okay that very last bit right there you was a squirtle [ __ ] squirt yeah s Squirtle squir Squirtle that was my f that's that's my um go-to poem yeah guess what Happ Squirtle afterward Charmander Squirtle Squirtle all day yeah Squirtle afterward he ended up becoming soup [ __ ] it sound like bubbly soup but yeah color God damn it like yeah Colors Of The Wind that you know and the actress the actress who voice up she sung that song too hey I thought it was a very colorful movie I like the little story to it choice of words it was colorful you know what I meant Gary all right and I wasn't even trying to do a pun number nine The Rescuers Down Under I still like the first one more really these are not these are not Joanna X you know every time I think of The Rescuers Down Under it always reminds me [ __ ] quote he all it always reminds me of that guy oh my God okay uh number eight oh boy I know I'm going to get some hate for this one Hercules how [ __ ] dare you that should be higher five I canot put I cannot put it higher than that sorry like I'm not I mean I like Hercules but I'm not like the biggest fan I like Hercules I number seven number seven Tarzan you only like that movie for Hercules the only reason why you like that film's because a [ __ ] Phil Collins you be my heart not really it is a I like caran but come on not over Hercules I do like I do like that all I would hear what's higher than Hercules all right what's happen number six mulon why is that not in the top five [ __ ] you no that is my old time that is my good for you I don't give two [ __ ] [ __ ] that is my number one number one [ __ ] P hole I absolutely love Manan I wonder why [ __ ] wonder why you know what okay I'm gonna ask okay I'm gonna ask the [ __ ] chat no no no no CH I'm asking the [ __ ] chat [ __ ] you okay Chad do you want me to do a [ __ ] talk on moan right yes no that's it [ __ ] I Gary I actually do want you to I'm GNA ask the people should I do a [ __ ] review of Mulan here on the channel oh no no no no [ __ ] you number six [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Flo s [ __ ] hat Vina dick [ __ ] dick [ __ ] hi hi okay hi uh number five Gary go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] yourself mermaid that higher than [ __ ] actually I can see this you what [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] fart now godam it you're telling me that [ __ ] fish [ __ ] is getting more goddamn attention sh better songs it's got better songs [ __ ] your songs [ __ ] your Fisher than Hercules is one that kind of helped save revolutionized everything [ __ ] goddamn fish [ __ ] she goes up on the [ __ ] sea this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] fu has better oh everybody remembers Ursula godamn [ __ ] REM F do this [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] ocean all of a sudden get played by this [ __ ] guy while this goddamn beautiful Warrior who is trying to become some H the [ __ ] and plus [ __ ] yourself you [ __ ] yourself look someone agrees with me oh here we go maturity rules thank you very much thank we got what movie sh what movie won Best we have somebody in the [ __ ] chat who smart another guy who's on my side thank you very much we got someone who is [ __ ] smart and in the goddamn chat thank you very much this is what happens when you sniff opium all right thank you but I'm sorry Lil Mermaid has more essential qualities it there we go another smart comment right there thank you no just Kiss My Kiss My Ass by the way Gary Hercules just be the mol on shut up I said kiss my ass kiss my ass suck my [ __ ] and smell my [ __ ] finger [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] break a broom handle off in your ass I should I do it you choose it Austin should I do it yes do it do it do it do it do it no I don't want to piss him off come on [ __ ] come on Alex doing say what do you want to say a [ __ ] shriv dick do it do it do it what do you want to say about this this particular do it Alex do it no I want to know please please hey car look at the live chat live chat [Laughter] oh God you got to get like brownies oh my God God damn what was that blueberry not blueberry I actually break something I'm just saying what the just it's oh my God what the [ __ ] well the M the Mulan remake sucks so I was actually talking about the Remake um hey what are you doing blueberry you say Mo on is that [ __ ] godam did you hear what did you hear what he said he said the Remake he said the Remake he was not being [ __ ] specific in the goddamn chat at all I was talking about the Remake this to get me to the boiling point no you're stay you're stay right here at the [ __ ] bottom put me back up no put back up there I'm not putting you back up for [Music] you I like Hunchback on Notre more than you sh your [Music] godamn [ __ ] I'm just kidding Gary I was just kidding about that I was kidding R the butt I'm kidding I'm kidding okay you people have been pissing me off godamn good that is what you get for last time I'll be [ __ ] what was that Hercules start to get out here what was that Gary you goddamn clumsy hey sh Hercules does not suck at all you what are you talking about I think Hercules has the uh Meg oh [ __ ] oh man let me tell you something I will show her my my uh what the [ __ ] G tell you how much of a good person I am did you even hear me say any bad [ __ ] about Hercules man I would turn me AF I did not talk [ __ ] or say anything bad about Hercules at all I love s this to1 I do not I did not I did not say any bad [ __ ] about [ __ ] Hercules Hernandez what have I mul [ __ ] talk [ __ ] about Mulan mul what did I say you're telling me that that [ __ ] Hunchback C sucker who looks like he got a bag of [ __ ] popcorn exploding in his [ __ ] back son of a [ __ ] what goddamn Danny temporal looking [ __ ] get a goddamn much more praise than [ __ ] Mulan but did I say anything Cho me you're choose me to tell me that [ __ ] shut you're tell me that this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] l exited [ __ ] sucker is getting more goddamn bra than Mulan ever had about Mulan Gary did I you you said those [ __ ] escalated [ __ ] one H goddamn godamn cookies and cream your piece of [ __ ] this is beautiful R continue on goddamn right I love my Mo on oh [ __ ] so [ __ ] you you're welcome guys oh goodness never mix benad with NyQuil all right I do that all the time what are you talking about why you're so calm here you go another smart person talk oh my number four don't worry folks I'll I'll put everything while Happ in the table of contents my number four is Aladdin oh okay so you tell me AO monkey is high you're choosing that little sow piece of [ __ ] monkey brain [ __ ] bag over moove you hey hey you don't you don't disrespect [ __ ] the genie okay Genie the greatest Side characters I pull over Mushu Robin Williams enough said say Mushu Mushu I'm gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack I will choose Robin Williams over Eddie Murphy any day of the week I'm saying mush who wears his shoes inside and out and Jafar is an awesome villain too I love Jafar my number three my number three this look Nukem I hope you're there this is one of the most underappreciated best animated film FMS ever made when it comes to top of the list in terms of villains this guy is near the top of the list there we go again with this goddamn Hunchback Danny torelli D [ __ ] ass look looking [ __ ] done is jealous that the H Hunchback got Esmeralda and not you is that her name Esmeralda I'm not interested in her well yeah with your lipistic Tiny Dick what great good whatever the [ __ ] name rolling rolling rolling Hellfire hell yeah dude it's like I said this this movie is and by the way I was never saying anything about Robin Williams I love the [ __ ] gen I was talking [ __ ] about the goddamn monkey the monkey Snee you okay yeah I had a Snee a [ __ ] Mt big he angry Ang now okay pretty obvious it's pretty obvious what the top two was going to be the question is what order yeah number two my number two is The Lion King oh wow okay and my number one I think this is the best animated Disney film of all time in terms of the handron number one is Beauty and the Beast I can see that it was nominated for best picture that year yes was the first anime film to be armed for and rightfully so let me ask be should be my top five too actually okay so what's more hyp so what's more mesmerizing and influential is is that you got a talking tea tunnel you got a talking [ __ ] teacup you got a talking [ __ ] clock who sucks Mar than a [ __ ] goddamn how do you know that how do you know that it's a logical question I mean you're the one who opened up worm [ __ ] dude wait that's seven or eight at best no way that's number one get out of here do you know the significance behind this move there's a reason why it was the first animated film being for best picture you the is easily a top Revolution now there's not every single song every single okay it's it's got one of the greatest villains best heroes a best anti-hero it's got every [ __ ] song in this in this movie is to you're choosing the [ __ ] goddamn you're choosing [ __ ] the Candlestick who looks like goddamn sander Cohen from Bioshock we got the [ __ ] goddamn fat hippo teapot you got the goddamn teacup and you have the [ __ ] goddamn cuckoo clock who sucks more [ __ ] than a goddamn Alexis Texas does again how do you know this great ass then you have then you have that [ __ ] rose that once you touch it you'll be dead in an instant then you have the [ __ ] beast who's first name is not La unfortunately yeah or Mister oh yeah or Mr yeah whatever the [ __ ] his name is so you got the god job voicing that character in the remake yeah I bet you 10 bucks that that [ __ ] piece he doesn't shave his goddamn balls list for he get the [ __ ] out of here CA cougar hey Lion King was number two but honestly it could be I told you before Lion King and beauty Beast can go either way Lion King is like [ __ ] little mmy higher thanon why I put be Beast number one is because it came out earlier and it was it made a bigger impact to how people looked at animated films to that point by the way I will say the remake of being the Beast is actually really [ __ ] good I actually think is quite yeah Luke Evans was my favorite actor in the movie I'm not happy about this shut the [ __ ] up Gary no I'm don't care look everything else I have nothing to yell about but I'm talking about the little merma made offer [ __ ] Milan deal see couger says it should be number one I will die on that hill and that well in that case that that comes to a great celebration then that's right eat [ __ ] oh my God okay um what are we what are we doing now can I go back up top please [ __ ] my turn to [ __ ] talk a couple things I can go over I have didn't go over anything did he I I did my pickups that's it oh you did okay I want to hear them sandwiches I got the 10 best sandwiches I got the most expensive cause ever sold at auction and adaptation so I got some interesting things I want to hear the cars okay what do you want to hear the cars or the sandwiches folks sandwiches got sandwich I'm a car person so iar about the cars I'm a no I agree with you C CER Lion King should have been nominated for best picture over it should have been yeah okay oh I'm not sure about Sophie's Troy lady Aron because you know that renaiss might next week well that Renaissance topic wait be quiet you mother so we got three for cars and three for do just do the cars it's fine no let the people choice got swiches Gary's had enough for one yeah Gary's had comment please highlight his comment no for [ __ ] sake thank you just to put it out there those sandwiches I ate even though they were big they were actually really healthy thank you should have been nominated for Best Picture easily sandwich the vegetables a lot of people are saying sandwiches too all right yeah sandwiches okay it's it's almost neck to neck but some more i' saying sandwiches yeah Gary it could be bad it could be Austin's fan base oh get out of here with that oh God you know what I do every I always type hey atin Nam the top five fils you know no matter what I'm always I'm just grateful that people stop by can you can you rank your favorite MCU films not that the newest one came out I'm not gonna make fun you know what I'm just grateful that people come up you're playing a [ __ ] video game he's like have you refed Garfield I I really don't care I'm just grateful that people stop by simple as that anyways uh what's your sandwiches then I guess we're doing we review the 1985 classic Back to the Future oh my God I do want to re-review that movie actually all right all right well first off people want to see me my number I think it's my number three best of the 1980s My Number Six faor movie of all time well well okay uh Alex my number two was ET my number one was the Empire shce back for 198 that's fair number number four was aliens number five was Glory so yeah oh Signature 2 sucks balls oh Dave you missed it I was talking about baseball earlier hi David thank you buddy I appreciate that I was talking about baseball earlier you're not wrong Peewee this month [ __ ] sucked yeah yep all right so summer suck not not of it was great but the ending of it it's not even finished all right I know we're gonna talk about some sandwiches sandwiches that's a turkey sandwich all right this is from a website called oh okay food and wine and they got a lot of [ __ ] sandwiches on here so oh my God what now hold on I got a I got a I got a hold up a sec I got like a notification it's queso's Channel and it states that the title's called I even like burgers oh how do you not [ __ ] like burgers he better be [ __ ] trolling man no kidding okay um sh which how many sandwiches I do should I do top 10 or top 20 which one you want uh 20 which one you want to hear I'm let you just decide 10 15 15 15 15 H we'll do 16 it's an even number oh my okay [ __ ] do 20 do Alex deserves some love okay top 20 God damn it that's what you're gonna be doing after eating the sandwiches you's got a point yeah this is coming from a website called food wine starting off with number 10 it's a barbecue jack fruit sandwich with cabbage SLO SS terrible a smoky Tangy gently sweet sa sweet sauce that is barbecue jack fruit with po pork pickles oh is it like a p pork barbecue sandwich it's like a p pork barbecue sandwich okay there's place I went to uh they they had the sandwich with Texas toast bread and the best uh shredded pork shredded pole pork with a tasty barbecue dude that was one of the best food gasms I've ever [ __ ] had hey M what was the name of that barbecue place this particular sandwich it has it has the barbecue pole pork but it has like a much more sweeter tangye barbecue sauce it has the cabbage salad and pickles on it so it's that type sandwich all right number 19 is a called aada pav or better known as a potato Fritter sandwich this is a potato Fritter the size of a [ __ ] baseball is huge with a white flaky bun SME with coconut spice pumpkin spice had me it's with coconut and spice coconut spice and everything nice number 18 this is one of my favorite sandwich SES that I love to eat uh chicken Caesar wrap o that is one of my favorite sandwiches I like huh it's a simple sandwich it's just a chicken it's literally just a Caesar s with a chicken I like a chicken Caesar those classic I make them whenever chicken I like it okay this one is called this one is called the barbecue Bubblegum Shrimp pboy oh that's that's that is that no there's a place um my mom B went there when she went to New Orleans yeah is it in New Orleans Gary yeah my mom my mom and family went when they went that it is that sandwich next the the bubble gum shrimp place in New Orleans it's a bubble shrimp bubble shrimp oh oh my God diabetes hey gu what's wrong what happen I think you got the G bear [Music] bubble go trip [ __ ] Bubba who [Music] [ __ ] trip go ahead oh no oh God damn it next one on here is called a beef Beluga what beug it's called a ground beef ground beef Beluga ground beef Beluga sloppy joe with fire I don't like sloppy joppy Joe this is a this is a Kore this is a Korean delicacy sandwich it is with soy sauce brown sugar garlic oil a hint of got youan so it becomes Saucy sweet a lot of flavor John says Bela like the size shirts Romy wears it's got It's got a lot of seasoning in the sauce of the sloppy gel and it's got like a cold SLO salad like John high like Johnston's comment buuga like the shy shirts oh for God's sakes all right next one on here is called okay classic uh Fried Chicken Sandwich problem those for breakfast today yeah popey popyes poy the best luga whes are really funny animals those are Classics next one is called a viian fried catfish poo po PoBoy is a this is a this is a Vietnam this is a Vietnamese uh delicacy Cuisine sandwich where it is a salty sweet and spicy crisp catfish fried sandwich with Cajun seasoning on it and the various you know fruits some well not fruits like carrots and celery and well not celery like carrots uh basil leaves lettuce all sloppy joe aka Mr casuals tast in movies that is good Legend it's better than the original comment of the day right there the [ __ ] Hunter H man yeah the big beefy e sandwich there you go beef yeah uh next one on here the classic uh patty melt with with love Patt especially with extra onions the classic Patty milk damn it with scall and Chipotle mayo on it [ __ ] onions oh hello F uh next item on here is another classic for all those who like this kind of thing uh the Philly the classic Philly cheese steak oh yeah gotta go to delandro number 11 is an Italian beef sandwich it is uh Italian beef yeah that's uh Chicago I believe right it is with uh J it's with J it's with uh roast jarder jarder and roasted red peppers and Italian beef either hot or spicy or not saying hot peppers or sweet peppers not necessarily specific it's roasted h hot or sweet peppers depends what your liking is and it has that it has that basil pesto sauce on it too oh next up on here is the Japanese 7-Eleven eggs egg St with s oh my God you got to be [ __ ] kidding me we it's specifically the Japanese style and we C get the hell out of here Chicago hot dogs are aw oh it's all right H you had to do what you had to do pal uh okay well then again he does he does live uh in the good old UK so there is the the yeah there is a time difference um but yes this made with egg yolks and rice or apple cider vinegar R fluffy jaing number n number nine is the is specifically the Philadelphia roasted sty style pork sandwich well that sounds real okay roasted style pork next up right here I'm not sure if that can top pull pork for me though but okay number eight is something called vegetarian muffle lettuce no for [ __ ] sakes this is a rless vegetarian classic New Orleans sandwich it is garlic infused roasted vegetables a trade place with Italian Cuts Olive relish and it also has either bosta or beam salad roasted either in the sandwich yeah [ __ ] vegans go to France you know look I'm not a vegan myself but there are some vegetarian vegan dishes that are quite bad not bad I've not hadish but this actually does look appetizing that I like to try I look look at I said it first no oh no you know Lucas one of these days oh no oh you like the dwam sticks you know Locus I said the joke last week I'm gonna say it again when YouTu did the garbage a video it's unfortunate that gun wasn't real Baldwin oh my God good God actually you know what what what Al Baldwin yeah here's the thing he got let off because it wasn't his fault it was the person in charge of the guns it was that person yeah yeah yeah all right next one that's not a joke towards the person who end up course no no no of course okay just making sure yeah just got the context folks okay context guys next one is called the Oro ham Oro Oreo or wait Oreo Oreo Oreo o r i o l e hand oh okay or just Oreo ham sandwich it is basically a Chicago style sandwich it is toasted specific bread that I can't pronounce rich country ham and silky mozzarella studded with cinnamon and black pepper cinnamon next one on here is a Cuban sandwich this is a c this is a Cuban style sandwich that is a classic with that is classically marinated and sauce blah blah blah blah with orange juice and add a complex kick with cumin garlic does it come with a cigar it looks like obviously that's beef on there so it's a beef sand next up a cucumber sandwich oh for man Undertaker will stay away from that [ __ ] you don't know the story about the Undertaker he hates cucumbers next up next up is called the Monte Cristo oh that's I've had though that's ham and it's basically a breakfast brunch sandwich called again Gary Monty Cristo Count of Monte chisto krisco no it's kristo you dumb [ __ ] okay so this sandwich I never had this one before it's raspberry jam spicy mustard with ham next up is called uh pan bnot pan bognot or nikosi this is obviously Italian okay yeah I'll just put in the I'll just put it here and you can try and figure it out yourselves I can't pronounce it withth a like me it's this sandwich oh I don't know yeah this a sandwich I don't know let's look this up hold on it's basically right now I need visual aid like it's a vegetarian type sandwich oh it's like a panini almost Panini almost expain what kind of sandwiches is I mean it looks like a panini it's very healthy it's got some olives in there with some lettuce guacamole or something guac Stu is called a croquet Madam this is a French Sandwich it is basically another Breakfast Brunch sandwich it is a extravagant with butter cheese ham monre holiday sauce and a fried egg on top yeah and number one take a guess what number one is I'll say it's an American classic cheeseburger uh BLT cheeseburger very close very close with the BL um bacon lettuce tomato with avocado you're very close with the descriptions you're very close you just gotta get the name the descriptions are there for this sandwich double double from in and out it's the it's a class club sandwich oh oh Club I've had a lot of club sandwiches oh oh fantastic I love club sandwiches but for me though what I like to do is I like to put avocado on mine I like avocado I like avocado too why am I Mr Pink all right all right I believe we got a game plan a little bit so unless P want to talk about something real quick I'll get our game set up awesome we got a game to play I I'm aware I know no Cru cheese sandwiches I know right I mean I have it would take me than a few M all right then we'll probably wait all right I'll wait for next show I'll wait for next show God damn it Austin sorry but anyways as for our program while I'm getting our game set up I did Shuffle these cards up so as for our program uh I don't know if GRE and sha are gonna go are streaming tonight probably not but stay tuned on the pop popcorn panel on David's page on Tuesday they're going to be talking about a movie I'm sure they're gonna be talking about that I'm not sure of but when they talk about it I'll be sure of it okay so they'll be doing that live uh rant and Rave every single single Thursday at 8 pm you got Brandon you got Andrew you got Jordan you got big bve you got Michael whenever shows up you got you got Tom you got Tom or Cyprus who shows up so often every so often Kenny Omega kega God got him on there but you got the main squeezes on there and they're on they talking about wrestling and a bunch of other stuff I you monkey and every day Eric is up to some shenanigans on his particular page doing whatever his game shows wrestling reviews or just sitting there with his hands on his belly shelf and trying to teach how to cook [Music] so make roast be sandwiches they're talking about The Talented of The Talented The Talented Mr Ripley with Matt Damon which is actually a really good actually is so the Bon the those favorite it got 30 votes usually we get more than this but interesting uh favorite station the winner is wow vrock with 47 I voted I voted for Flash FM I voted for wave 103 yep I knew you would I feel you would emotion 98.3 got last with 3% I guess a lot of people are very emotionless get the [ __ ] out of here been a yeah I'm team vanilla you know the crazy thing is one of my favorite H for GTA team vanilla you want to know something when we were playing it when we were streaming it takes when we were streaming it takes two I kept calling that [ __ ] book for Hernando Martinez oh yeah yeah was it was Bano Martinez you know what it is he's like it is so beautiful like a big fat girl just lost a lot of weight the [ __ ] radio stations are hilarious all right who is going to be the guinea pigs playing card shocks right now who's gonna play the game I'll do it you'll do it I'll do it you'll do it all right one of these two who's my opponent I don't care either way Austin all right I pick Austin you know what I wonder if how I can make it work with everybody I don't know how you can with three people yeah there there's no way I don't know if that's possible yeah I can try and figure out a way to make it work with three people no you can't because because you gotta you gotta ask you gotta ask a a question out of a hundred they guess how many some guess if it's higher or lower us guess high or lower but usually what I can do is between one to 100 you can guess the number and whoever gets it close you can guess the point and get the cards can't really do that with three people though well maybe we'll think of something we'll think of something uh actually all all three was try to guess a number and see whoever is the closest gets to it that's the only thing I can think of but it goes rules of a card sharks though I just sent all right let me let me get my camera up here I gotta point it out the car there's your there's your pride with uh keyboard all nothing wrong with that I this no is a joke I gotta figure out I gotta get some [ __ ] breaking news the acolyte has been cancelled good [ __ ] that show okay yeah the movie just got destroyed viewership wise it cost $180 million to make all right [ __ ] money okay Alex said he's playing who's the other guinea pig um Austin is yeah I am oh I see I see bad ass was going to play no because people don't want me to play games ex they don't want him to win all the time they don't want me to win okay Alex [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] even will even will said good okay so let me get the cards displayed okay good night uh will I'll talk to you later good night Mr William conqueror it's the blue cards he it the blue cards wa where's the red one oh where's David he loves card sharks okay I'm gonna give you all a question and you obviously know what to do I'm gonna start off with Alex first because I like him the most 12 i l because it's it's been a hot men since I played this game okay you ready for here's your first question okay we asked 100 people if prostitutes was legal should they be allowed to unionize how many people said that holy [ __ ] 69 that's a good guess okay that's like the greatest [ __ ] answer oh God okay peanut higher or lower than 69 um higher no uh it's 58 so he gets to flip the oh that was close [ __ ] okay um Baker Mayfield is the top peanuts the bottom okay wait wait wait wait wait it's it's reversed for us Gary yeah but it's say how Is It reversed because when you're looking at it that is the bottom for us and the other one is the top okay okay for okay here's what we here is Alex is that better yes okay Alex card look at that great this is a low lower always lower than an a you got yourself a high jues are low let's go higher and you got a jack let's go lower oh no but that's okay that's okay because Ace is the best base card so I'll take it so I gotta change these other cards now unfor it l like you oh no and I did Shuffle these cards just put it out no hope he did oh no okay with the next [Applause] question okay okay from men in their 20s are women are older women really better in bed how many men in their 20s said that older women are better than in bed and out of a hundred right I'm gonna go with 70 okay is that high around that number too higher or low than 70 well I'm thinking know a little experien that makes makes a little bit of difference so I'm thinking that's going to be higher well you're wrong the answer is 53 it's lower wow why would it be 53 you know the thing is I wasn't too far off experiment matters folks what I got what do I got so for peut you got yourself an eight Christine's like hit me lower lower than eight [ __ ] you it's change your cards up I got [ __ ] troll the moment you did that a donut I just noce my screen's glitch give me one second your screen's Frozen you look like you have like a face we got to one more question I believe there three questions total so here's your next one oh it's three okay how many questions does usually gamees the game usually go for three or four I thought you keep going until whoever reaches the end all right I thought too have you ever out of 100 people have you ever told someone the check is in the mail when it really wasn't how many hundred people said have you ever told someone the check is in the mail when it really wasn't this is for this guy I know Paul hman can say something about that wait wait what did you point to again Gary I want H Ste quiet I'm thinking uh 32 32 okay p is that higher or lower here you go Sten [ __ ] that well guess what you're wrong the answer is 36 so here's what we what we'll do you've got control of your cards you can play your cards if you want or you can pass it to this guy to play his cards okay so I will play I will go higher go higher than an ace lower lower lower I forgot the rules I'll play and I'll go lower lower than an ace okay it's a king lower than a king all right lower than a king a six oh that's the hard bit all right quit [ __ ] looking at the card higher than aist that is unfort the first round on on Austin wins round one he oh wow okay for a hot M bers I swear to God if Aus was talking Billy well I'm sorry [ __ ] probably played me now no you stupid piece of [ __ ] all right it was an accident time for our next round here we go piece of [ __ ] I have the cards all Shuff garage look what Stephen said in the live chat Chris crine said hit me oh whoops wrong game and he's like I want to hit Jerome I was like [ __ ] me hit him one more time stupid [ __ ] got stupid godam it I didn't mean to that all right we're GNA start off with peanut since he won the first round here's question we asked a 100 female wrestlers have you ever used a scissors lock to get your own way how many women wrestlers said that they use the scissors lock to get their own way it is I I is this with other women too it's female wrestling I know but they did it to well go on what is your guess sciss 60 is that higher or lower than 60 when they put on the figure when they put on the figure four guess what you'd be correct it is only two of them oh damn only two huh I guess the R I guess you have to separate the r from the artist you got a card of a nine you can yes uh Godfather change that that okay go goodbye to the nine and yourself a two [ __ ] there you go a two it's a jack lower lower than a jack yeah poop freaking all right okay alrighty so boring freaking cards boring boring boring this great I love this I was boring when I went to the flame Market there wasn't any s on Clarence that day they didn't have any golden spatulas yeah golden Baker Mayfield here's your question Baker's Mayfield okay your question is we asked 100 people do you think people criticize the government to too much how many people say they criticize the government too much [ __ ] hippies 82 all right is that higher or lower than 82 I'm saying [ __ ] higher than that well you're wrong it's 36 what that's not a lot of people dude people criticize it enough oh my godfield you got control of the Cs again you guys Ace Ace a 10 lower lower than a 10 four higher than a four [ __ ] you oh Jesus all right we got one more round to do it would be a completely different show it' be yeah that's the reason we would switch to rumble then we actually won two rounds so far wow well yeah because you [ __ ] Su yeah you didn't even get a chance to even flip your goddamn cards it's it's it's just called dumbass luck no s so squishy so squishy alrighty so there you go [ __ ] all right last question here we go Pena we as we asked we asked 100 doctors have you ever worked at the hospital have you ever worked at a hospital you'd be afraid of going to as a patient how many doctors said have you ever worked at a hospital to where you'd be afraid of going to as a patient that's to I'm going to say like I'll say 45 on this one 45 is that higher or lower than 45 be higher though higher higher than 45 you be You' be wrong the answer is 32 you serious all right you got yourself a card of a four you can player higher than a four by the way if you lose this [ __ ] thing he wins the round I'm aware I'm higher than a four [ __ ] you he win death damn is she loves her Sushi no fish so right that's like in the six to five like the four to six range it's like you better be lucky on that one well two out of three Falls whoever wins this goes to the money round all right Alex let's see what happens here all right team vanilla I vanilla I am just shuffling listen to me these cards stink that's okay yeah they do man [ __ ] all right quiet all right there are your cards right there so let's get to our final Alex since you won the last round you were starting didn't Shuffle anything this is a s in death all right okay we asked 100 third graders and I'm sure fat ass hey look no [ __ ] you no Lucas pay attention Lucas pay attention have you ever eaten a dog biscuit how many third said they have eaten a dog M Max no [ __ ] okay 55 55 okay peanut higher or lower than 55 I'll say lower on this one lower and you'll be correct the answer 12 all you're starting card as a queen wow Lu as you are on the minority lower a seven lower lower than a seven a five oh my goodness I'll go higher higher than a five a seven [ __ ] all right um are you g to freeze I'll go I'll freeze I'll freeze okay so we're going to another question this one is yours we asked a hundred people would you like to be able to choose your dreams how many people said they would like to be able to choose their dreams I'll go 60 on this one 60 is that higher or lower than 60 I'm thinking that's way higher you'll be wrong the answer is 40 wow you got your card of a seven you can play that seven or you can change it or you can pass I'll change it I'll change it you got a 10 lower lower than a 10 oh my goodness [ __ ] the ch [Music] just for Giggles let's see what Alex's cards looks like higher lower why would be higher than an ace lower lower a two higher four higher you [ __ ] me I got lucky are you [Music] I won all right holy [ __ ] all right here Shuffle the card now now you Shuffle the cards oh they've been I've been Shuff I guys Shuffle Now you Shuffle the cards okay money cards there's about what five rows money cards I think there's three oh you guys know bar than I do so hold on a minute it's all right so it's two on the top three on The Middle four on the bottom okay pretty sure and you will be getting three cards to choose from in terms of the choose it's okay Gary it's 1 three No 1 three4 1 three four one okay so one one three four start you start off with 200 and then if you make it to the second one you get an extra 400 and then the big bet which you have to bet at least half okay for peanut here is your you start up with 200 bucks you at least bet half or so your starting card is a four [ __ ] hell okay um higher how much how much how much oh [ __ ] I'm sorry uh it's half right so go 100 100 $100 higher all right so you got uh 300 and have to bet it again right yeah see here uh 150 um 150 higher please it is an [Music] eight so 300 150 450 let's go uh let's go 250 on this one and uh I'll say lower ouch oh but that's okay that's okay that's so you bet 450 and no he had 450 I bet 250 250 so he's down to 200 but he has an ace but he gets an extra 400 for making it there so he's at 600 and he has so anything is lower than an Ace's I'll bet 300 and of course lower oh [ __ ] I would bet all of it I would bet all of it lower a five or higher lower I mean God damn it you I know what you mean so600 and3 900 900 curiosity I can still I can still change a card right yes you can you got these three options right here can I change the card which one this one this one or this one you change a five on a five [ __ ] hell um you know what all right Halloween coming soon I'm gonna keep it as it is and how much do I have again 00 I'm gonna BET right now let's do 700 and I'm going to go higher than a five what [ __ ] oh now he's on the 200 all right so he's got to move move up I believe or continue on son of a bot we're almost done lady erant almost there all right that's what she said oh ow you got a you got a three showing uh higher and I'll do uh I'll do 150 and that is 300 50 and now you move up here now to the big girl and the big boy the big boy was I need to Disturbed earlier the sickness album earlier all you got you got a jack sh Luke he had credit that's why he had well uh okay so I bet 150 so about 450 right now I'll bet all lower it's a two hey h there you go that is your card there you go that was card nicely done next episode we are gonna be plain screenshot this [Music] video love it I couldn't resist with that I'm sorry Gary alrighty um we're gonna play screenshot this not on the next week's program it's a video game version I believe you're hosting this no I'm not actually Gary is oh that's right I keep sorry Gary I'm hting the movie One for obvious reasons yeah yeah right right I'm sorry Gary I'm sorry I'm sorry garyu Alex and Gary so much off the last one so it was funny though all right folks it's time to go byebye right now time go byebye so folks on this channel I got a couple videos I've uploaded for you all the watch check them out when you do I'll have some interesting more reviews too page also next Wednesday is the return of Pain and Gain pickups okay you better tell me the time I'm gonna add that to the banner next Wednesday at 10 o'clock Eastern Standard Time picks pain and game picks it's a pain and game pick that H yes spat yes all right so I'm might as well add this I might as well add this on here so there you go so every single Wednesday up from now until then it is gonna be painting game pick thems on Wednesdays at 10 pm Eastern Standard Time so starting next Wednesday so I guess you guess all right it's time to go byebye for you all so we're gonna get out of here so byebye CH for now goodbye bye s