Transcript for:
Exploring Oversized Gadgets for Fun

I'm about to buy some of the biggest Gadgets in the entire world but first we got to shop for them first thing first giant iPhone 65 in padzilla giant iPad iPhone $115,000 all right let's get it 85 in or larger TVs oh 98 in TV $2,000 though that's kind of crazy what if we did even bigger let's try like a 200 in DV okay at this point we just have to get a projector because now this this is what I'm talking about yeah this is going to be huge oh my gosh so I found this website that only has giant stuff look at this it's a giant $100 bill oh my gosh look at this giant backpack I kind of want it why would I need this this is what we need 100% canvas folding chair this is a grown man on this thing I want it I need it this is actually absurd but we really have to try it all right well I just spent way too much money on ridiculous products now we just wait for them to come in the first giant product is a giant airpod yeah we all have airpods yeah boring no this is the new and improved Apple airpod Plus+ plus and it actually works all right I'm so excited you need to get your nails done stop it that's bumping dude this sounds so good this thing is so cool and it actually has a microphone on it we should prank on somebody okay let's see if we can make a call on this prank hello hello hi ma'am is your refrigerator running yeah you better go catch it who's that wasn't that funny no who was that I pranked them that wasn't a prank I thought it was funny whatever this thing is cool and it is now my new airpod Mac I don't know why Apple was thinking they should should just went with this the next giant product this thing is heavy it's a giant gummy bear and before you say anything I know it's not a tech product but I can buy whatever I want with my money okay no e oh this is so gross and greasy but it looks really good how much you bet I can finish the whole thing how much I want to bet yeah how much you want to bet I'll finish the whole thing right now $20 20 bucks that's it I need more money than that oh bro this is so much food M it's kind of good that one bite was 2,000 calories oh no no our Gummy Bear died stop stop ew my hands are so sticky now oh my God this is horrible oh it wasn't very good giant but nasty that thing kind of melted I think cuz of the shipping this next product is probably the the best products in the whole video yeah do you see that this right here baby is a giant lava lamb I'm kind of nervous I feel like this is a safety hazard it's just a super hot lamp that's going to burn my whole house down this thing better blow my mind or it's a waste because I swear this thing was like 300 bucks that's massive right it's so heavy ready oh I'm going to drop it I'm going to drop it I'm going to drop it dude how does this even work no says your lava lamp will take four to 6 hours to reach optimal flow and color you pay $300 for something you think it would actually work we have time right all will stay with me for 4 to 6 hours woo they won't be able to see the final results until they stay for the video and like And subscribe and comment life doesn't get better than this the light is lighting bright it's so bright oh oh my goodness it's no it's not pretty cool this is the best thing I've ever boughten in all of my adult life I love it and now we just have to wait 4 to 6 hours so for size comparison this is a normal lava lamp and this is our giant lava lamp honestly this one's way cooler too this one's kind of lame stay tuned because we need to wait for this to heat up the next giant product is a giant keyboard okay well it's not a keyboard it's a key like a single key but it's crazy because this is an enter button right for the computer but it actually works so excited okay okay so here's our MacBook and now we're going to plug this in and see if we can actually functionally use this feel like we need to do something like really epic with it you know what I mean YouTube enter wait a minute let me compose myself let's do Google oh what how how how hold on guys let me look something up really quick Swagger I don't know why everybody doesn't get one of these giant Keys they're so cool imagine you're a student writing your essay hello my name is Sarah I'm here to tell you about my hero George Washington furthermore thank [Applause] you hold on there we go it's just a little finicky you just got to you know it works though honestly this thing is super cool it's like a giant pillow but only like one spot actually works so if you like press it over here it's not going to work you have to press it right there it's very satisfying though I really like it bigger it's always better that's what I always say the next giant item is a 100 in TV no I'm totally joking I can't even F that in the studio it's so cute I can't afford it I think $5,000 but what I have is even bigger this is going to blow your mind the next giant item I have is so huge okay I get it I get it you're probably thinking Sarah that is not big that is actually the tiniest projector I've ever seen but that's jokes on you this is a tiny Mini projector by nebula and although it's small don't be fooled this can project a 60in TV nebula also came out with a capsule power bank tripod this is actually the world's smallest 720 DLP projector this thing is really small it fits in one hand and only weighs 650 g I know it doesn't seem to make sense that this is giant Tech video and I just brought out a tiny projector but let me show you just how big the screen can get so with our nebula projector and the new nebula tripod all I had to do was turn on the projector and now I have a giant screen in my bedroom this tripod is super useful for getting all different kinds of angles and I didn't even have to install a big heavy TV this is my dream come true I have a giant TV right in front of my bed and the image quality looks fantastic honestly I don't know how I'm ever going to get out of bed after this this projector is great for movie Nights in your room but since it has 2 hours of battery life and it's extremely portable you can take this party anywhere got board in the bathtub and wanted to watch a movie check honestly this is fantastic CU I get really the bathtub or let's say you ran at a monitor space and wanted an extra screen check it's like having another computer right next to me or maybe you're at a town but you still want to do your Pilates workouts check and even with all these location changes the capsule air has no problem readjusting with iea 4.0 which helps the projector focus and adjust the screen so it always looks super clear and super crispy this is by far the smallest yet biggest Tech Gadget ever and my favorite part is that this projector is licensed by Netflix which means it has Netflix and Google TV already built in this is so much easier than actually buying a 100in TV and another useful accessory that the nebula air comes with is the Snap-on base you just put it here on the bottom and snap so it comes with this little circle that you can hang in a ton of different places like on a hook on a nail on the wall even a door handle if you wanted to you can get super creative and this actually goes like everywhere the next jumbo item is a giant evv remote because you know sometimes it's hard to see those little remotes we need it bigger and better we've all been there you know you're watching TV and then who lost the remote not with this bad boy it's so big you can never lose it imagine they still lose it it's in the couch cushion and the craziest part about this thing it actually works I'm going to give this to my grandma cuz she can't ever see the remote she's like what is that here grandma have this she's still going to be like all right so it definitely works cuz it's lighting up but the biggest thing is we have to make sure this actually works with the TV wait what did you say the code was the code is going to 0895 0895 it works watch this watch [Music] this we have so much power look at this okay wait how do I do this up up PO power on it's honestly very inconvenient how big this thing is if I want to press something I go all the way over here this thing is not working that's all we can Doo this thing sucks I want my money back see I'm smart oh we got to work oh God what are you watching dude I didn't think this giant thing was actually going to work look at that oh look the news doesn't enter it's NE mode bro this is not what I wanted to watch right now what are you doing I don't really know it like works but it doesn't at the same time what do I do turn it off this is really inconvenient whose idea was this what idiot designed this thing you did Sir there we go what what do you want for me I'm watching the news okay there's a silver SUV it works the next product is giant but really dangerous it's a freaking giant lighter that actually works you're going to be blown away in three two just in three two bro what what stop embarrassing me what's going on here this is oo a giant mug Story Goes that I went to the doctors the other day and they were like you're having too much caffeine you need to cut it down to one cup of coffee and I said okay one cup it's only one cup let's go Brew up some coffee brewing normal coffee would take forever so we have instant coffee so what we're going to do is just take a little bit of this just a tad this girl said Tad look get closer it looks like some want took a big old dookie in there this is not looking good now we mix it up ruin my morning coffee my morning Joe this smells good let's go small sip oh God it's heavy it's so heavy wow it lowkey tastes pretty good M it tastes so so yummy so imagine this right you got your cup of coffee as nor one normally does shoot sry so just imagine you're working normal day at the job oh oh my God it's so freaking heavy Oh shoot no no not my shirt on second thought maybe don't get a dry mug ah it's okay look how yummy oh it's a work out to lift this up giant mug is fantastic but I don't think this is very reasonable our next giant product is a giant iPad okay it's not really a giant iPad but it's as close as it gets it's a game board with like 20 million board games on it this thing was expensive it was like 600 bucks so it better be worth it oh it has gold on it this thing is like a whole table wow wow oh my goodness so it's supposed to like replicate all of your favorite board games so I'm super wow oh my gosh this thing looks insane hold on I was about to throw a fit because look you have to buy the games this thing cost $600 and you have to freaking buy the games I think we just got Ultra Mega scam like I could have bought all of these board games for $600 absolutely mad operation on this though how the heck do you do that wow wow how is this going to work on the normal operation you grab the little tweezers and that's what makes it fun is you have your little tweezers and you pretend to be a doctor how do you do this on the screen though patient has a broken heart repair his heart and charge your fee bro this is not operation this is a whole another game dude I feel like this is probably good for kids right yeah to distract them all right I'm done I don't like this game all right I'm going ready in bro he's dying he's literally about to die bro it feels good to be a gang I wanted to see like an operation happen like that cut open his heart or something this game is a load of rubbish yeah there's no way how do you pick you can't play Battleship on this you the whole point of the game is you're not able to see the other person's side how is this going to work I don't know this is why technology ruins everything I'm a tech Channel nothing beats having your little pieces and then sorry sorry Jo you're going to be the captain and I will be the bomb cuz I'm the bomb hey well don't look so you're just supposed to turn don't look I'm not looking okay go this is so dumb what do you mean I have to turn [Music] around that's pretty cool though I'm not going to lie the animations are kind of sick right like it's fun cuz you and I can interact with each other yeah like oh my God we get it oh my God where are your freaking boats at I got your battleship no the concept of this is kind of cool like I get it you don't have to buy all these board games games and you can play with all your friends but like it's just not the same bro it's not the same it is a giant iPad though which is cool this product was cool but definitely not worth the $600 I paid for it and I'm returning it this next product is pretty big since I couldn't afford a 100 in TV I bought an inflatable projector screen instead the only problem is this is not going to fit in the studio oh my gosh this actually I don't even this is huge it's too much work we have to tie the screen on and everything oh my goodness it's a little bigger than I thought go it's I made a severe laugh in my judgment no Sam rescue us Sam please what the dog doing I did not think I had the facilities for this maybe we okay so the screen is a little bit bigger than I thought just a little bit but this is going to make the most epic outdoor movie theater so let's test out our giant movie screen with nebula's other new projectile the cosmo 4K SE this is going to be perfect for our giant movie theater because not only is it portable but it also expands to a 200 in screen if that's not giant I don't know what it is this projector is so incredibly nice and I'm so excited so let's go try it out with a giant projector screen oh my goodness I cannot believe how huge this screen is and we didn't have to SA sacrifice the quality either because this is 4K with Dolby Vision making for a clear bright viewing experience this literally feels like my own home movie theater I'm honestly so amazed with how the self-developed nebula Master image processing engine brings natural delicate and Vivid color styles so when you're watching your movies or TV you can expect Dynamic contrast optimized Grays scale color accuracy and smoother visuals with the contouring now that we have our screen and our projector I'm really excited to try out Netflix because it's built in with this projector as well and Google TV and since it's built in it's super easy to play your shows you pretty much just turn it on and it's ready to play your movies and it comes with Keystone correction which pretty much means it's automatically going to adjust a screen size to fit your projector or your wall and even with our giant screen it's going to automatically fit the screen perfectly features like that make this so enjoyable to make an outdoor movie theater and it's so portable because it has this handle on it which means you can take it anywhere you want and I love how bright the screen is because the protector has led plus laser light with 1,800 an lumens with higher brightness and luckily for us the cosmo 4K SE comes with two 15w speakers equipped with Dolby audio that are built in so that way we can watch our movie with great audio as well our giant theater is really coming together the next thing we have is a jumbo size not your normal size jumbo oh let's go oh crap this thing is kind of huge I get it guys I didn't do that good of a job it looked a lot bigger in the pictures trust let's just play wait Sarah what what is happening three live left love there you go all right so now we've assembled our is still loose we're just not going to we're not going to now that we've assembled our giant for a row that means I get to beat you ready yes go speed run speedrun you don't have a chance stop stop it oh got got it no oh dang it a tie what is happening here I freaking hate this game look load of junk don't buy that on Amazon zero star review oh my gosh I just have so many papers what I what could I ever do how do I keep track of all this the giant paper clip only $599.99 what did I ever do before get your giant paper clip today your papers will never be a mess again oh jeez cut that out cut that out oh dang this thing is heavy the next thing we have giant Rubik's Cube and I get it guys yall are like Sarah why do you keep buying all this random giant junk I was so excited you don't see a giant Rubik's Cube and not buy it world's largest and fun fact I actually know how to solve a Rubik's Cube and to prove it to you I'm having my assistant Joelle y mix it up I think that's good wait now I'm kind of stressed out I talked all this mess sir Grace hidden talent it's going to take a minute so bear with me this thing is a pain in the butt why would anybody buy this it's so clunky and hard to spin okay it's going to take forever Mission failed I forgot how to do it y stop no I know how to do it no this is my only time to shine it'll come to me just give me a second get this out of my face W when I said giant products I was not Li put your guesses in the comments down below what you think this is only I know what it is no this is going to be crazy watch this dang it ah get out yeah this right here is a ginormous lawn chair for our outdoor movie setup let's go outside and finish our giant movie outdoor setup Epic Movie now all we need is our giant chair to complete our giant outdoor movie setup and it's going to be totally Mega [Music] epic why is this thing so huge pull it off okay thank you look at how huge this thing is oh my gosh this is perfect yes sir and now our movie setup is finally complete and we can watch our movies wow we actually did it we made our own at home J giant outdoor movie theater how is this even possible this is such a Vibe the stars above our head our giant chair is so comfortable huge 200 in screen and none of this could have been possible without our new nebula projectors nebula projectors are by far my favorite way to watch my media whenever and wherever I want with the best quality they are seamless to set up have great image quality and are extremely portable whether you're trying to build your own home theater like me or just want a smaller projector that you can take anywhere and do so many things with the nebula projectors are definitely the right choice if you want to be chilling like me watching all of your favorite movies you definitely have to click the link in the description to get your own nebula projector and again huge thanks to nebula for sponsoring this video so what's the first thing we should watch on our movie theater the in the dream the next thing we have are giant dice Big Dice o it says but you know what they say about Big Dice right big bets Joelle if I roll a five you need to jump in the pool what heck no ready okay [Music] go oh you got lucky you got lucky if I roll a seven you got to call your ex you ready oh that was just shut up shut up no no no I can't no I can't Jo I can't them Joel I can't no please don't make me please don't make me you said Big D big bet so you got to do it well now I got to unblock him this is such a stupid idea no I really don't want to freaking do this please don't make me do this BL it out please leave your message for I'm free all right we did the Dare these di are really cool I'm going to take these to casino next time of course we cannot do giant Tech without a giant iPhone and yes it did cost me $113,000 and don't be fooled this thing is massive but it actually works like a normal fully functional iPhone everything you can do on an iPhone you can do on this bad boy including the camera so this we're actually filming on our ginormous iPhone I don't think the quality is that great but hey it actually works get out of here POS no I'm getting hungry are you hungry yes yeah okay hold on thought not sponsored by door Dash Chick-fil-A we could get Starbucks we could get oh McDonald's McDonald's McDonald yeah what should we get chicken nuggets coming right up4 pound chicken nuggets big back big back over there okay you got a big b stop no I don't dude it's going to take forever to get here we're ordering um some chicken nuggets okay we have enough food enough big back all we wait for our chicken nuggets let's keep ourselves entertained what the look at this can you draw me no all right let's play I go first no I'm a guess it's my [Music] iPhone oh you think you're slick watch this watch this oh my God it's so embarrassing out are you dumb are you dumb see it put in the comments down below you was bad at Tic Tac another thing you can do on our giant phone is play games so I think we should play my good friend poop and some cup pong this is so fun dude how do you expect me to play on this thing it's so much harder on this oh my God sorry I was really excited for that this is where I come in clutch check it out check it out okay give me a break it's a lot harder cuz I have to really drag it you know it's kind of far dude this is so fun I love this Let's test out the speakers on this bad boy this is so neat like I said well worth the money best giant Tech that there is I have the biggest iPhone in the entire city by the way I'm going to take this back to my house though can you get it no and the moment you've been waiting for what does the lava lamp look like well it looks insane dude look at this thing it's like the perfect color combo of like pink and orange and purple and you can see the lava like floating around in there they look so cool like this is I'm keeping this for sure forever so nice ow it's hot that was horrible do it again wait hold on wait product product product