Transcript for:
Comparing MSR D4K and Firefly PL09 Flashlights

all right so this knife thoughts EDC or everything that doesn't cut video is going to be on these two flashlights and it's going to be both kind of a comparison and a review and these are the MSR d4k and the Firefly light pl09 not mu but quad so a direct comparison here of two competitors and real quick while I talk about the emitters and some other specs like that I'm going to show you some beam shots so the first set of beam shots is in a room on a white ceiling from about three or four feet away and it's the lowest setting in Android L2 so the Moonlight setting and then with the same camera settings outside the woods being about 75 yards away something like that the highest setting so turbo and Android L2 and then some comparisons with a d and MSR D1 V2 in sft 40. so these are both 21 700 battery lights and they both have 519a emitters so it's interesting because both of those things are kind of the new recommendation of the flashlight Enthusiast Community originally 18650 batteries were what the you know flashlight Enthusiast Community recommended now they seem to be leaning more towards 21 700 because it has a lot more capacity without being too much bigger and I will show you some size comparisons and then 519a is now what the emitter that the flashlight Enthusiast Community is suggesting uh versus they used to suggest 219b so they're both nickier and nichia emitters um and 519a also has great attend and CRI are color rendering whilst being you know a little bit more efficient or at least uh you know just better performance I'm not an expert on the emitters but that's what I gather from mostly reading on Reddit so these are kind of like upgrades over you know what the flashlight Community was recommending and they also both have quad emitter tier lenses so that means that there are four emitters and they are all for sent out the light is directed out by a TIR tier I'm not sure which it is lens which is supposed to do a better job of sending all of the light outward versus a reflector and then as you can see here they also both have auxiliary lights or auxiliary emitters LEDs now one thing to be aware of is on the 4K they are RGB so multiple colors that you can do on the auxiliary lights there is the option to have the button RGB also but this one is not this one is just green and then on the Firefly it is just purple in the front facing auxiliary lights and then the button is just like a plain white talk more about that button light a little bit later so a lot of similarities here and uh actually uh my favorite flashlight reviewer luxwad already did kind of a comparison or at least a video on the d4k and and you know a comparison between this and then also a workouts model that's very similar I ended up not getting the workhouse model but I wanted to do a comparison of these two because I have uh carried and used them a good bit so first of all I do think that I like the 21700 size I have actually even been carrying a much larger 21 700 battery light which is the dm11 the noctagon dm11 and you can see that it is much thicker and longer than both of these lights now this dm11 is definitely at the end of what I would say is pocket carriable this is more of like a coat pocket and it actually doesn't come with a clip this is the old version of the D4 V2 clip which does seem to work well so I would say for most people this is too big to carry but it just kind of speaks to the point that I don't mind carrying these bigger lights um it they aren't that that much bigger than something like a 4v2 you can see that the tube is bigger but the head on these two new lights is actually pretty much I believe the same size so you know the head is the same but the tube is wider on the d4k then compared to an MSR D1 V2 the newer version of the D1 you can see that the D1 V2 you know is a good bit wider in the head versus both of these lights and certainly if you if you carry the D1 V2 then I don't think that these 21700 battery and that quad emitter lights will be too big so I do like the 21700 and I also like the 519a so this light is in 219b I really like it I still do carry and use it but I I do think that the 519a it just looks really nice it has um great tint particularly in this light So speaking of the emitters this is actually 5700k so 5700 color temperature uh but it is D domed so that means the the Dome that affects the beam of the emitter is cut off and that was done by Jackson Lee of jail Hawaii where I purchased this light and I actually think that it is the way to go I think that if you're going to get a 519a light and have the option of having it de-domed I would definitely recommend it but as you saw this 5700 is actually looks to me like a lower color temperature than this 5000 so this is five thousand okay color temperature but not d-domed but I definitely prefer the D Dome look I really wish that this other 519a light the skill hunt m150 V3 which is in a normal 519a I wish I could be done it but I haven't been able to take the bezel off anyway I definitely prefer the D domed 519a and I think that it looks really really nice as an emitter it also should give you a little bit more throw but there are some differences in the actual optic so these tier Optics uh they're you know supposed to do a better job of sending all of the light forward versus a reflector but there are some differences you can kind of see the differences when you look down at the the lens there um and I think that the Firefly light pl09 is a little bit throwier from the Optics versus the optic on the d4k but if you're familiar with the optic on the d4v2 the Opticon d4k is very very similar to that now I think that I do prefer the d4k just because of the d-doming but I actually like the the actual beam shape and profile of the Firefly light a little bit better um so moving on from the emitters they both perform well uh they both get super super bright and I actually both get super low also which I like um the d4k can can reliably turn on you know without taking forever uh at a lower level than the D4 V2 into 19B I have to set this to about three out of 150 for the level for the lowest level versus this one will go on at one um but they both get super hot so that's my first kind of complaint with these quad emitters as I have gotten more and more into flashlights and kind of I guess refined my taste I don't think that the quad emitters are the most effective or practical or efficient type of light for me I think that I am leaning more towards a single emitter reflector light or maybe towards a single emitter TIR tier light and that's just because with those four emitters you get a lot of light but I don't know that it's that much more usable light versus a single emitter light and what you do get is a lot more heat four times the heat um and the interesting thing with that is that you know light how we perceive brightness it's not direct it's not linear so uh 2 000 lumens doesn't look twice as bright as 1000 lumens basically and I think that that's kind of what's happening is that on these four you know quad emitter lights they are you know technically four times as bright probably than um the single emitters are at least much more bright I don't know the exact specs of all of these lights but um they don't look that much brighter at least they don't you know give you that much more usable light and they get way way hotter I mean if you turn either of these lights on at full turbo they will be too hot to hold with bare skin at the head in like 30 seconds um so they get very very hot very very quick that's kind of why they're called hot rods and I just don't know that that's super practical for me the D4 V2 and 219b certainly gets hot but not as hot as these two and I suppose that's just because the 519a is a more you know powerful emitter or however you say it you know for the the scientific specs but for me I'd rather be able to you know turn the light on and hold it and not have it get super hot one thing with that is that the Firefly lights are supposed to have really good um drivers so they're supposed to be more efficient I don't know that I see a huge difference in how quickly they got hot and how hot they get but the Firefly light are supposed to be um you know more effective and you can kind of see that in that it can have a really really low lowest mode um now one thing to be aware of is the the d4k is available with a boost driver which will make it not get quite as bright but you probably won't really see the difference and um will give you better run times and it'll be more efficient so get less hot at the same brightnesses as I understand it now Jackson Lee of jail Hawaii said that he doesn't like the Boost drivers um because there's been some flickering issues and things like that so this light doesn't have the Boost driver but it is an option that a lot of people on Reddit recommend I can't really you know tell you if it is or isn't better because I haven't gotten the chance to check one out and I don't really think that I will on the Boost driver um but it is something to be aware of that there is that option for a little bit more efficiency even if it comes with a little bit lower output but I don't know if you actually see that difference in output um so that's the first complaint that I have with both of these really is that uh they just get too hot at the highest you know brightnesses now I have another complaint on each of them separately so I'm going to go with the d4k first here this is a complaint that I think a lot of people are you know going to think is silly maybe say like oh stop being a man be pambi or whatever I don't really care if I'm going to carry a flashlight I want it to be comfortable I just think that these prongs are way too high um they you know when I put this light in my pocket it I feel those I mean when I'm walking I feel those jabbing into my thigh and you can see that there's a huge difference in how far those prongs stick out on the d4k versus the D4 V2 I posted on Reddit about it and someone said they thought that you know mine was a fluke and that theirs didn't have that and then they checked and they did so um I'm the first person I've seen say anything about it maybe I am being a man be pamby but I don't really care it's you know I want to have a light that doesn't jab me um when I'm carrying it so um just be aware that these do stick out it might not be a problem for you if you have different size thigh or something like that but for me it does make me lean towards carrying the D4 V2 instead because the difference in performance both brightness and run time with the 21700 battery and the 519a versus the 18650 battery and the 219b it's just not a huge practical difference for me in daily life whereas you know having it be in my pocket all day and Jab into me does make a difference now moving on to my complaint on the Firefly light I really dislike that the button light can't be turned off now I've tried and tried I've asked Firefly light they never really gave me a direct answer on pl09 whether the button light can be turned off or not but the way that it can be turned off on some of their new newer models which is by clicking nine times does not work but you can see if I turn off the front-facing oxalates so now they are blinking and then turn off the front facing aux lights that button light is still on and while it's not super bright it's actually kind of you know Annoying in the middle of the night if you're going to have this flashlight by your bedside which I have tried to do and that button light to me is just too much light coming out when I should be able to turn it off most other button lights I actually don't know of any other Android 2 light that has auxiliary lights that you can't turn the button light off so it's actually kind of a big um turn off for me that you can't turn off the button light on this light because if I'm going to carry it I want to just be able to set it on the bedside table and have you know it not be putting out a whole bunch of light in the middle of the night and I just want to have control over that because there are times where maybe I don't want to have you know a light on all the time so I really dislike that the only way to turn that button light off is to you know manually lock out by unscrewing the flashlight now as for Price neither of these are super inexpensive neither of them are like Ultra expensive so um depending on where you get them like for example getting this from JL Hawaii in the United States it was more expensive about sixty dollars after he had a sale going on but I think they're normally about 70 um with this setup and then the Firefly light I also got a discount code directly from from Firefly light for this specific light and it brought it down to about fifty dollars but they're normally a little bit more maybe about sixty dollars something like that so you know sixty dollars seventy dollars now the d4k there's a million different options of emitters that change the price and things like that but with 519a if you get it directly from uh MSR it might be a little bit less like 60 versus 70 um not down into 50 really unless you get a different emitter so about you know 50 or 60 versus about 60 so very comparable in the price um and I think if you were going to choose between these two really it comes down to whether you're willing to either not care about those prongs or what I was going to do which was take a Dremel and Dremel them down or if you don't care about having the button light all the time on all the time I think if you don't mind either of those things these are both really great lights you get a lot of practicality out of them you can turn the the highest setting down from you know full 150 out of 150 in Android 2 and not have to worry as much about the heat you can also adjust how hot it can get before it starts stepping down which is something that I didn't do on these so Android 2 gives you more customization than you ever really need uh so I do think that they're great lights if you can get over those specific issues but for me with all of the other lights uh that you can have so to give you a few more comparisons here's the D4 V2 really like it um here's just as an example of a AAA size light this is the Lemon top edc01 I don't even have a battery in it um again here is the D1 V2 really like that and whoops the dm11 and then the skill hunt m150 which is um you know one of my favorites probably my most carried light right now so kind of medium-sized lathes towards the upper end of pocket carry size but it's just up to you whether those issues are some things that you can get over for me I have other options I think there's a lot of other options out there so you know I'm not really going to I'm going to lean away from from these specific models but I do have um as you can see several msrs I think that the d4k is it I like that that they created the 21700 version um I don't like that the Firefly light has the pl09u which means mule I do have a mule on the way from Firefly light but those are really small complaints uh compared to the others that I mentioned in this review so take it as you will if those are things that matter to you and um I hope you've enjoyed the video I hope it's been helpful if so make sure you give it a thumbs up you can leave any comments you have any questions and make sure you subscribe to the channel click the bell and select all so you know when I post new videos last but not least as always don't forget to go out and do good