Here I am for real. This is me for real. Okay? John Thorrington. Jonathan Lee Thorrington.
But you can call me Johnny Elbows. That's my nickname. My phone number is 402...
It was a stormy night in Freenont, Nebraska in 1986 when Jonathan Lee Thorrington was born. A healthy baby born to a hard-working blue-collar family. Johnny was the eldest of two boys.
Growing up in the 90s, Johnny and his brother Nathan had a normal childhood. Johnny was just like any other 8 year old. Until one day, a simple moment of carelessness changed it all.
I'm retarded and I'm handicapped. And I'm just looking for a friend to hang out with. Running in front of his uncle's semi truck. Causing permanent damage to both elbows, as well as other untold injuries. Johnny was never quite the same after the incident.
Okay do your fire power. Fire power guys. Johnny elbows. Dab.
Johnny's school days had their ups and downs but he led them as best he could. He attended special ed classes and had a small group of friends who gave him the nickname we all know him by today. His schooling ended in the early 2000s. While his classmates left for college or got jobs, Johnny retreated into a world of his own. For the next decade, Johnny led an isolated life.
Johnny's life consisted of playing video games, wandering around town, watching movies and hanging around at the park. One day he met Mario. Oh my god. How's it going? Living locally to Johnny, the pair got talking and struck up a friendship.
It was this video filmed by Mario which introduced the world to Johnny Elbows. Hey! You gotta be quicker than that buddy.
Mario then encouraged Johnny onto TikTok where we got the long saga of Candy and Sandy. Candy, Candy, Sandy, Candy, Sandy, Candy and Sandy, Candy and Sandy, Sandy and Candy. That rhymes Candy, Sandy, that rhymes. I like my friend Mario, he's like my brother.
Their friendship had several ups and downs. Turn yourself in. You don't have to buy me food, you can just buy Mario food. I'll just starve to death. I don't have a friend no more, Mario's...
Mario and I is not friends anymore. Mario... You're a dead man.
Did you kidnap Candy... again? Where's Candy at?
Candy's at the chocolate factory? And if he sees me down to the swimming pool, he can kill me. You and I is not friends no more. Mario.
Big boy pants. Due to the popularity of the lives, Neba could stay angry for long. Look!
2 million! 2 million! Johnny! Holy shit!
Oh my god! Johnny! What are you doing?
What are you doing? There it is! Oh! Yeah! Go!
Go! Whoa! It's a snake. He can read my lips.
What? Big boy pants. He needs to be a president of the United States. What?
I'm his bright, bright, bright, bright president. So Mr. B is going to come find me and give me a case of money. Oh, yes.
Because I'm famous all over the whole universe. But then on one chaotic life. Hold on y'all, we gotta try to get rid of these kids y'all. For real, please!
You don't leave me alone! I'll tell my mom and dad you're causing trouble with me. Yo, leave him alone! He's asking you to leave him alone! Leave him alone!
Joni said something questionable. But y'all, I do apologize again. His c- I promise I've no bearing on me.
I don't support that shit or endorse that shit. And you can look at the hat one more time. Alright y'all, be easy. I'm out. Mario was quick to dissociate himself.
Following the incident, Johnny's brother Nathan posted this picture on Facebook. Johnny posted an apology on TikTok. Hey Nathan.
Nice. My brother Nathan. If you want, you can put me in a home.
I don't mind it. I'll be away from everybody else anyways. Be...
Having a like a... I don't know... Have like a...
Cabin out in the country, just me, nobody else. I just want to tell everybody out there, I'm sorry what I've done, and I'll fix my mistake. I will teach myself a lesson not to do that again. I'm not going to the park anymore, and Mario, we're not friends no more.
We're never going to be friends no more. No more TikTok videos, none of this, none of that. Hey Mario, we're not friends no more.
Sorry, can't be friends no more. I just don't want to go to jail like my brother did. And everybody, I'm sorry. And I'm going to change my phone number in the future and just start all over in my life. I'm a grown man, I should live on my own, but...
Too scared to do it.