Transcript for:
Key Quotes Analysis from "A Christmas Carol"

guys welcome to another video you've got me to everything English and in today's video it is a super important video Because by the end of this video you will hopefully never ever have to type in the words key quotes from A Christmas Carol in Google ever again because in this one video I will give you the top 10 quotes from a Christmas car not 40 not 50 not 100 but 10 because I have always advised that if you learn 10 good quality quotes you're set for your exams because the quotes we're going to go through can be used for multiple themes multiple characters multiple questions because that is the trick of learning quotes nobody has time to be learning 30 40 quotes per book because we're then looking at plus 100 quotes that's too much now if your teacher says to you that you should be learning 40 or 50 then do what you got to do but I advise you guys if you learn 10 quality quotes with the right language with the right structure with the right form with the right context and that is what I'm going to give you in this video then you're set so my advice is this guys get your pen get your paper make notes of the 10 quotes as I go along and my analysis of them so by the end of this video if you work alongside what I'm doing your notes for your quotes are done and then all you do at the end of this video is dedicate a couple of hours to learning these quotes off by heart all right guys Christmas Carol top 10 quotes everything education tuition for maths English and science number one we are looking at the famous quote Scrooge is described as being solitary as an oyster now what do we do when we look at this quote first let's pick out the language devices here we have a simile and then I want you guys to talk about the oyster being symbolic and then we have the adjective solitary now this is the language and you know what let's do a bit of structure and you can also argue guys that this quote is foreshadowing so when it comes to language and when it comes to structure you're covered we have enough here we have enough techniques now that this quote is worth using it's not a dead quote it's got a simile it's got symbolism it's got an adjective and it's got foreshadowing all things that we can talk about now let's analyze the quote and look at what exactly is this quote talking about so guys when we look at solitary solitary guys is the idea of somebody being alone but solitary isn't voluntary for example when you speak about a prison ER you speak about a prisoner being in solitary confinement so the loneliness here it almost is implied that it's a forced type of loneliness Scrooge is lonely Scrooge is confined to himself but it implies that this isn't voluntary something has forced him to become like this and this is why the oyster is so important this is why the oyster is lovely now first guys the oyster what is it a symbol of now I want you guys to bring bring in the context here of capitalism capitalism is the belief that money and yourself are the two most important things that's why it produces characters in our text like Mr Burling like Scrooge like Mrs Burling and so on now how can the oyster be a symbol of capitalism within the oyster is the Pearl guys within the oyster is the Pearl that Pearl is Scrooge that's who he is however the real Scrooge has become encapsulated the real Scrooge has been covered by this oyster so you can't find him you don't know where he is so what do the ghosts come and do the ghosts they crack they crack they crack this oyster until Scrooge is revealed to be the beautiful soft man that his nature really is but it's been dest destroyed it's been ruined he's been forced into this oyster by capitalism that's where you link the calls because of his belief that money is the most important thing he hates poor people because of his belief that he is the most important person he hates having to engage with family and friends not that he has much but you get my point so you want to argue guys that Scrooge based upon that adjective solitary he is forced into loneliness but this forced comes through the oyster which symbolizes capitalism and that is why when the ghosts crack and crack and crack they reveal the soft exterior and this is where the foreshadowing comes because this quote foreshadows that there is a chance that Scrooge will change because we know that within the oyster is the beautiful pearl which is Scrooge waiting to come out that is how you want to analyze this quote do you see guys how the first thing we did is we did our checks is this quote worth analyzing has it got language tick has it got structure even more for bonus has it got context yes and then we produce our analysis now guys this quote can be used for questions about Scrooge it can even be used about questions about the Supernatural and Redemption because it shows us how difficult it is to change a being because the shell of capitalism the shell of oyster the oyster is so strong that is why the ghosts the supernatural were needed other forces were needed to destroy this oyster so you've got the character of Scrooge you've got a question about Redemption that it can be used for it can be used for a question about the Supernatural and finally guys it can also be used about a question on the theme of the impact of society what is the impact of society on our character guys he lives like a prisoner but he doesn't even know it and remember this is an amazing point if you actually think about it look at all the people that live out in the world today everyone thinks they're free I think I'm free you think you're free but sometimes there's a big argument that comes along that we're not really free you only feel your chains the moment you begin to move look at checking out my history look at all these other text freedom is a fallacy Scrooge believed that his money gave him power and freedom but the moment the cracks began to appear he realized hold on I've got money but I've got no family I've got money but I've got no love I've got money but I have nothing else so guys that's how you want to use this quote one quote but look how many ways ways we can apply I wear the chain I forged in life now the first two quotes you've heard them a thousand times but let's now go through this one again I wear the chain I forged in life now guys let's use red for our language I really love the verb here guys the verb forged I love the symbolism of the chain because it's not a it's not a I don't know duara make Chains It's not a designer chain it's a different kind of chain this chain is symbolic of something far deeper and then guys you can maybe argue there's a brief flashback here notice what I'm doing every quote I'm giving you or I'm trying to give you language and structural devices now this one quote I want us to link it to form and we're going to link it eventually to the gothic genre all right guys let's now talk about this quote I love this quote accountability is what this quote is looking at you finally realized damn I messed up but because you never realized it whilst you were alive because you never realized all the all the sin and all the trouble you caused while you alive while you were alive now you are paying for your sins you are paying for for your crimes not not legal crimes moral crimes so now I we now we can even talk about the verb we if you really wanted to but what are we saying about something being worn why is he wearing this chain why isn't I don't know I carry a I carry a book in my pocket that shows me I messed up guys him wearing a chain I would argue is two points number one it's a warning for everybody else he's a war in talking warning when Scrooge sees him he visibly sees the chain he sees the the the fruits of your sins with this man he's carrying it this whole time secondly it's the idea of being weighed down he's not wearing a designer chain you got imagine it's some kind of like like a steel metal heavy chain it's weighing him down it's really disturbing him and it's a constant punishment now why is it a chain why did the writer choose a symbol of a chain and I always think of this very simple thing a chain is joined by Links links in a chain so a chain is made up of different links and if one the links comes out the whole chain falls apart now what are these links link one link 2 3 4 5 6 the whole thing is full of links that's why the writer chose a chain but what does the chain chain symbolize guys the chain is an accumulation of all the sins all the moral crimes that were committed whilst being alive everything links to the other and then guys this is the idea of accountability there's not a resistance there's not a fight it's not as though he's saying I was forced to wear these chains or why am I wearing these chains it's acceptance I forged I wear the chains I forged in life I did this forged is when you create something so if I Forge this pen I've created this pen he is saying he is admitting that I am guilty for the sins that I committed in life guys this quote you want to use it as a big humongous warning for the car of Scrooge and there's one important context that I would use for this particular quote and that is Freud and the discussion of the it Freud guys and the discussion of the ID comes across a lot here if you look at a lot of the protagonists in our text they end up suffering for temporary pleasure so McBeth gets his head chopped off in the pursuit of becoming the king lady McBeth commits suicide Romeo and Juliet both die in the pursuit of temporary pleasure in the pursuit of temporary pleasure the writers keep telling us that it's not going to end well same thing goes for Jael and Hyde it's not going to end well how then can we link Freud and the ID here remember guys Freud spoke about the human brain and he said that one part of our brain is the ID and the ID is where all of our desires are sitting so for example our desire for power our desire for money this all comes under the ID and I would argue that this quot shows us the dangers of not being able to control your desires where's religion in the bin where is right and wrong in the bin Scrooge Marley and all the other Rich capitalist men they were the gods of their life so they treated other people especially the poor however they wanted to so guys you can bring capitalism into this quote and you can also bring Freud and the ID if you wanted to then guys let's link it quickly to a bit of form and the form of A Christmas Carol is the gothic genre and the gothic genre is when you have Supernatural things going on so ghosts and demons and spirits and magic and all that stuff or some of that stuff exists within the text now how does this quote link to the idea of a Gothic genre because guys this quote is unnatural things taking place a ghost walking with a chain hanging down off their neck weighing them down what does it do it literally scares the heck out of the now I know none of us are sitting there petrified none of us are sitting there absolutely afraid but that's what it intends that's what the purpose of this is all right cool that is quote number two done let's move on to quote number three love this quote this is a different kind of quote wait actually guys hold on what questions can you use this quote for first things first the idea of redemption you better change because if you don't change this is what's going to happen the idea of Supernatural this can be used also the idea to talk about Scrooge because one of the ways he was changed it wasn't just by showing him his past and present and future one of the ways was scaring him into submission how come he was inv visited by three lovely Angels or three lovely unicorns fear is a catalyst for change when you're scared of something you begin to change because you're scared of the consequences anyway guys let's move on quote number three now this is a different kind of quote this is a weather pathetic fallacy kind of quote that we want to use now the quote reads as follows the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs dirty as snow upon the ground now here guys I want us to use pathetic fallacy and I want us to use to use to use to use the adjective smooth and the adjective dirtier and then I want us to discuss the overall juter position in this quote now when it comes to context I think a nice easy context to use here is capitalism and is there anything else we've got language we've got we've got we've got we've got structure we've got context yeah cool let's begin so this is some of the stuff guys that we can talk about when it comes to this call now you're going to notice guys one thing about me I don't like to overom complicate context when it comes to A Christmas Carol there's so much context but it's not a history subject you don't need to know everything about everything in our exam we're aiming for four power paragraphs in those four paragraphs at a maximum at a maximum we're doing context twice context is worth six out of 30 marks so don't give unnecessary importance to things that really they are important but not compared to this stuff all right guys the quote reads as follows the smooth smooth like a baby's bum the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs and the dirtier snow upon the ground now this quote you know what guys this quote is even symbolism because we can use the snow as a symbol of class and there's some more context should you wish to use it so what are we saying about this quote now this is the ultimate ultimate stretch quote this quote I argue is a lovely lovely quote to talk about the disparity between the classes in society how I argue that in this quote snow can be a symbol of the rich and the poor I repeat guys snow can be a symbol of the rich and the poor so let's start with the first part of the sentence the smooth beautiful untouched no stress no damage no no hardship life is good for this snow this snow where where is it the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roof is at the top now I hope you get where I'm getting that this smooth sheet of snow this untouched this perfect life is good piece of snow represents the rich upper class and this smooth lovely snow it looks down and what does it look down upon it looks down upon the disgusting the the the discolored the the the muddy snow upon the ground now this snow upon the ground what is this symbol of this is your poor working class inhabitants of the time the rich watch the poor and how tough their life is but their life is amazing when it comes to the rich people now that is why guys we've got the two adjectives then we've got the JX position because it's that contrast between the rich and the poor and then of course it's pathetic fallacy because the writer is using the weather in this case the snow to reflect uh the mood and the events in the play this is a fantastic quote to use and I do think my analysis is pretty decent if I say so myself um but guys how can we use this quote guys this quote can be used to talk about class for the rich and poor this quote can also be used to talk about the idea of change and whe po whether it's war or whether it is a disaster it's the children it's the young children that are seen to be affected the most however at the same time it's the young children that appear to be ignored so these two characters the boy and the girl they're a symbol of society they're a symbol they don't represent just a boy and just a girl they represent Society but what part of society do they represent they represent the poor working class the Youth of the poor working class now what does it mean if you're ignorant ignorance is the idea you are obliv oblivious you have no clue as to the suffering that I am going through or you do you are aware of it but you don't care enough and this is exactly how Society was built and not much has changed take London for example if you look at how London is is is championed and advertised it's talked about the shopping and the restaurants and all the attractions but beneath all of this is a dark layer of homelessness of crime of severe poverty but this is hidden by The Glitz and the Glamour and it's that point here we BL that takes place over and over and over again now I sometimes question to myself why was the boy chosen to be ignorance and why was the girl the idea of want and I myself link it back to the time period and remember guys this is not me being sexist this is not me being rude but it was a strong patriarchal Society so when it came to change when it came to um Reformation it was the men that would have been looked at because it was it was it was it was ultimately the men the young boys who would one day grow up to become men who would engage in education go out in the workforce rise up the ladder and one day have the chance to change society and it was the woman the women that they would provide for is the want but there's a clear division the rich they don't care about the poor and they give nothing to the poor that is why these two exist so this quote guys uh boy is ignorance and girl is one it's a lovely quote it's a lovely quote to expose the problems Dee rooted in society that's one way you can use it it's a lovely quote to talk about the in the need for a change the need for Redemption why do Scrooge need to change what is wrong with him being rich and selfish and not going out and caring for other people is because this will continue to exist this won't change the whole text isn't just about changing Scrooge Scrooge is a symbol of the change needed for the whole of society so guys you can use all these uh quotes in all these ways but you really want to get to grips with this quote it's a nice easy quote remember and finally why is it in two short sentences boy is ignorance girl is one the first point is there's much more emphasis created by them coming in two short statements because they sound like facts this pen is white this jumper is blue boom boom I'm not having a debate I'm not having a discussion I'm giving you two factual statements that's how these two Quotes come across number two it shows you how there's not much else that these young children have going on these young children are neglected and they ignored and these young girls they are just needing more needing more but they get absolutely nothing number five this is a lovely quot I will not shout out the lesson that they teach strong qu powerful qu it's a quote of conviction it's a quote of certainty now for this particular quote guys I would talk about the first person pronoun over here I would and it zooms in as a structural device this is a really good example of zooming in it's not we it's not us it's not me and him I singular I will do this when it comes to the idea of accountability he takes full accountability I will not shut out the lessons that they teach now this quote guys I will talk about it as a imperative it's a command isn't it but who is Scrooge commanding who is he talking to it's like he's talking to himself it's like he's Mo obeying himself he's amping himself up I will imagine somebody doing press UPS one more one more don't give up don't give up you got this it's like he's talking to himself he is now what ironically you can argue he is now holding him self to account the way the spirits the ghosts held him to account the change has taken place the change is working I will not shut out the lessons that they teach all right guys and this quote is a lovely quote when talking about Redemption do you know over here guys the idea of shutting out I want you guys to go back to the beginning and the idea of this oyster the oyster has well and truly been smashed into bits been smashed into smithin no longer is he shut up no longer is he locked up no longer is he covered no longer is he stuck he's now out in the open and he says with conviction that no matter what happens he will not go back to his old ways guys this quote it's a lovely quote when talking about Redemption look look at the change that's taking place the change is huge look at the look at the power when it comes to this character look at the effect of the Supernatural and then it foreshadows how there is hope if he can change if he can make changes then anybody can make changes so guys this is a lovely quote used for that but I love the conviction in this quote it's not a Wishy wasy quote it's a clear strong powerful message um said by Scrooge himself the course be departed from the ends will change now this quote guys I want to begin with the idea of foreshadowing then I want to talk about this course being a metaphor for our life and our actions and then I want to talk about the verb departed I think it's a very important uh piece of language to discuss all right guys if the course be departed from the ends will change it is never too late doesn't matter how young you are doesn't matter how old you are change is always available for all of us and this quote really highlights that important need for change now the course you know life in this quote life is seen as a journey right and the idea of fate and destiny that you're almost destined to end up somewhere you're almost guaranteed to reach a particular goal a particular outcome but this quote guys when it looks at the course of life when it looks at the Journey of life it doesn't see it as one straight Road you can almost see like a zigzag it goes up and down the left and right like it's like a roller coaster but what does Scrooge imply what is Dickens imply leave certain things behind get off the motorway get off the junction just because you're on a certain Lane in life just because you're on a certain course in life it's never too late to change it's never too late to change because if you leave your habits if you leave everything you've been programmed to believe look at Scrooge he didn't care about the cratchet family he didn't care about the poor people he didn't care about his nephew he literally only cared about himself that was the course of his life and what did the ghosts what did the spirit show him that if you carry on on this course you're going to have a terrible ending you're going to have a disastrous end so what does Mr Scrooge do he changes he Maneuvers and he departs from this course with the help of the ghosts with the help of the spirits and he results in changing himself but also changing everything around him so guys this quote again is a very good quote to use about the impact of the supernatural it's a very good quote to use when looking at the character of Scrooge Scrooge is not as nasty as and one-dimensional as a lot of people make him out to be the guy becomes a bit of a thing the guy reveals how Beyond this oyster beyond the surface there's a lot more to him so use this quote guys for all those different uh mechanisms the cold within him throws his old features now this quote is from the very beginning guys this quot is from the very beginning and we can look at the personification and we can also look at the symbolism in this quote plus the idea of foreshadowing and then I would also bring in to be hon you can do both you can also bring in capitalism and you can also bring in patriarchy and to be honest with you guys you can even bring in Freud you can even bring in Freud and the ID in this quote that's a lot there's a lot going on now do we have to speak about all of the these things no we don't but we pick and we choose the best things that we find based upon the question so this quote guys I believe it's in like the first couple of pages of the book and they can describe Scrooge as somebody who the cold within him froze his old features Frozen positive let's take it back a little bit has Scrooge got a flu that he's unable to to recover from no that's not what this quote is talking about when this quote is talking when this quote is taking place it talks about the symbolism of the Cod if the is is similar to Mrs Burling in the Inspector Calls is his evil angry unsociable nature that negativity and guys we all know people like this in our life like just the way just by the way they look you can tell this isn't a nice person the the the their evilness their personality comes out on their face that was huj he was so evil so nasty that it reflected on his face but I want to stop for a second that cold that evilness what did it do it wasn't just like a like a touch it froze it completely Frozen and I use this analogy right of imagine you freeze a body like death when you die and you put a body in like a freezer it literally makes everything stop no blood is Flowing no heart is pumping everything is stuck everything is rigid so I use this quot to talk about the idea that before Scrooge changed before Scrooge met the ghosts and the spirits he was like a dead man walking there was no life in him there was no light there was no life there there was no passion there was no energy it's like that movie not movie that song More passion more energy anyway there was nothing in him he was dead that's where I want to use this first part because it shows you where he came from if we're going to talk about how how does who change and the power of the goost and the power of the supernatural you got to know who they're dealing with this was not just some random bad disgusting person he was the Pinnacle he was the peak of that Society the guy was a dead man walking the guy was frozen to the absolute core now if something is frozen and you want to make it warm and fuzzy and all nice it needs to be defrosted it needs to be changed it needs to be heated up life must be injected back into him and who does this ghost one ghost two and G three come along and they defrost him now it froze his old features bit a weird one isn't it why not say it froze his it froze his old features for me this is to highlight how he looks around this part in the book it talks about I think the next paragraph it talks about how when he walks down streets even dogs move out the way because when dogs see him when dogs sense him they don't want any anything to do with him so you can use this to the idea of he really really epitomized the damage that a capitalist Society has done to him but now I want to bring bring in patriarchy patriarchy traditionally if you look at mcth and Shakespeare and so on was Man on a horseback strong and powerful But as time overlapped we stopped fighting on Horseback we stopped using swords and what became a sign of a strong powerful man it was his command over welth how rich are you what status do you have so these two went hand in hand the Richer you were the more masculine you were like Mr Burling like Scrooge but I would he talk about the flip of this and I would argue that Mr Scrooge is a victim of the system does this look like somebody who has has flourished he is one absolute ugly looking man walking on the streets he's like the witch is in my breath is this what you desire is this what you want this is the question addict is posing the guy's got money the guy's got everything that you would need in a capitalist Society to be powerful and Rich and amazing but look at the state of him and that is where again I will talk about the danger of following your desire the danger of following your ID but God this is a lovely quote easy quote to talk about Scrooge easy quote to talk about Redemption easy quote when talking about the supernatural so it can be applied to lots of different themes even Society because it shows that this guy is a product of that Society he's a product of everything he pushed all right guys what number will you on number eight now this is the dichotomy this is the juter position between this quote and the last quote it's your lovely Ru of three he's a good a friend good a master and as good a man now for this quote guys I will literally use rule of three it's the same thing as power of three it's the same thing it's the same thing as triplets is when you have three descriptions about the same thing it can be phrases it can be words but this is what rule of three is looking at and I would most definitely look at the word here where is it guys you've got good good and good and then I would focus on the three nouns friend master and man now good a friend as good a master and as good a man it's very interesting guys because when we now look at this and and we juxtapose this quote with quotes like this look at him here look at him at the beginning when he was solitary as an oyster and now look at how this man is described there's no more negative terminology he's not cold anymore he's not evil anymore the guy is perfect the writer emphasizes that he's good he's good he's good not amazing but not terrible he's there he's got to where he needs to be and then we look at the three roles I call these roles in society being a friend being a master and being a man it's quite a patriarchal quote isn't it sound like Dickens was watching Andrew Tate because what does he conclude that a good man is this is the product of change this is what he's become so after all that change after all those spirits and all those ghosts visiting him this is the product first friend learn to maintain relationships with other people and this is where I would look at the Ghost of Christmas Past this is what he taught Scrooge then we look at his master boss being in charge of people this is the ghost for Christmas present because it was the whole cratchet family and how he treats the workers be a good friend but don't negate being good to just friendship link it also to your work life don't be a j and hide don't behave one way for your friends one way for your workers let that personality be consistent that's why it's good good good it's the same adjective but let it be consistent and finally accumulate it in every part of your life because your manliness your masculinity is literally what defines you so this quote guys it shows us how the change when it comes to Scrooge Scrooge didn't change in one way it was a wholesome change every thing about him changed he was changed to the very core now there's loads of quots guys that you can use happy and light as a feather and all that stuff but I think this one just epitomizes it perfectly I love this quote I love love love love this quote another Idol has another Idol has displac me how do we stop with this quote so the word displaced as you know an idal guys let's look at ID first an idol of course is a symbol but what is it a symbol of it is a symbol of worship now the word another implies that a change has taken place and this is reinforced by the verb displaced but this quote I want you guys to discuss gender here for a second this is a very interesting call scog blessing has one love interest in this book and she comes in the Ghost of Christmas Past and we're taken and we watch a scene between him and his ex-girlfriend and she has a go she says another Idol has displaced me and before we talk about who or what has replaced her it's important that she Sayes another Idol because what does she imply she implies that she is and that she wants to be his only Idol now that's a controversial statement because what does she want out of her partner what does she want out of her man she wants absolute submission she wants Scrooge to see her as the idol think about it another Idol which implies she was and wants to be the first and only one but this goes against complete patriarchy men were supposed to be in charge men were supposed to be EMP powerful they were not supposed to worship the woman but this quote at that first part you can discuss it if you get a question about gender and gender roles it shows that battle she wasn't upset that he had a new Idol it was the fact that this one has replaced her she wants him to worship her it's a bit much in my opinion I'm guessing he's glad he got rid of her but we move on that's the first part now this then goes to the idea of money and power and status he is a slave to his desires he's so ambitious he's so driven but what is he ambitious for what is he driven by if you read around this quote it talks about that what's what's replaced her what's displaced her is a golden idol this is a symbol of money and wealth and so on so she basically says to Scrooge that look first you used to love me and you used to worship me but now you've replaced me and you love money more you love your job more you love work more that's basically the argument that's basically what she's saying to him this here guys this here I would use it as the beginning it was the Catalyst of his downfall yes he had a bad childhood and his father and him didn't get on the best but what really sped up his downfall where he became solitary where he became isolated it was his his his his his obsession with the golden idol it was his obsession with money where over time it replaced every other relationship that he had 10 number 10 number 10 and you got to get it in there you got to get it in there guys because this quote is I think it's a nice quote and it's a nice quote to just oppose the rich and the poor um Mr katet made the gravy hissing hot Master Peter made the potatoes with incredibly bigger and Miss Belinda sweetened up the apple sauce now this quote guys I want us to talk about it in regards to the rule of three and in regards to the juter position I'll explain what I mean in one second now this quote is a nice one to again it can be used for change it can be used for family it can be used for the idea of Scrooge and Scrooge sees what he's missing out on he didn't want this Idol he chose the other idal so it can be used in like lots of different ways but why did I choose this quote let's read it again Mrs cret made the gravy hissing H Master P Master Peter mashed the potatoes with Incredible Vigor and Miss Belinda sweetened up the applesauce this Family Guys these characters they they've got 1% of what Scrooge has but they have 10,000 times more than what he'll ever have what do I mean by that they haven't got a lot it's talking about them prepping their meal and how there's not much they haven't got much food but look at the love and the unity that they have they work together they don't need money to be happy they don't need status to be happy they have family and they have each other and then we can talk about the adjectives that are used when talking about how they work for example if you take where is he you take Peter guys he's working with Incredible Vigor he's not saying oh Mom I can't be bothered he's he's driven he's motivated he wants to do and help his family in a good way so guys this quote is a lovely quote to contrast the the the narrative in a capitalist Society the these guys this family proves the opposite they don't need money to be happy they don't need status to be happy you need love you need each other and it's that contrast they might be the dirtiest snow upon the ground and Scrooge might be the smooth snow at the top but ironically the dirtier snow seems to be having way more fun than the smooth snow at the top all right cool guys now we have these 10 quotes that run throughout out the entire book I hope you made notes as I was speaking um and I hope you kept up now I'm not saying this guys because it's my video but I genuinely mean this these 10 quotes once you made your notes and once you've learned them off by heart they have enough of everything to be used in an exam test it open up past papers and see if you can plan essay using these 10 quotes so remember in an essay you're doing four paragraphs two of the paragraphs they will give you sorry sorry two of the quotes they will give you because they will come from the extract so you have to see can I use two of these in every past paper question and I'll argue you most definitely can all right guys I hope you found this video beneficial you now have your top 10 quote for A Christmas Carol learn them use them and go and smash your exams peace