Transcript for:
Black Cat Energy: How to be Irresistible

hello my beautiful Darlings welcome back to my channel I hope you're having an amazing day today today we're going to talk about black cat energy how to become the black cat so that the man becomes the golden retriever that is going to chase you forever are you tired of having men ghosting you are you tired of having your partner taking you for granted and not giving you the treatment that you want it is the art of subtle seduction black cat energy is one part of the fan fat energy which I preached since the beginning of my channel this is the most magnetic energy this is so juicy so irresistible I have a full course on how to become an irresistible F by the way I will link it below but black cat energy is very similar it's one aspect I would say because F energy is way deeper than just black cat energy black cat energy is basically who is chasing who having the energy of the black cat is having just the energy of someone that is being chased someone that is just fine on their own when you see a cat they're just laying there just very confident not looking for anyone's approval they are just the star they are just the unbothered queen when you think about the golden retriever the dog is just chasing after attention he wants attention to have this energy you need to understand your value and you need to understand the art of subtle seduction art of subtle seduction for a man to be up obsessed with you to be devoted to you to be like oh my God because a man wants a price why do men would want a price why do men would want to be the golden retriever they want to be the golden retriever they want to be the one chasing after you they love that they're Hunters by Essence if you are the black cat as a woman this is your Natural Essence your natural place you are in your feminine energy when you are the black cat you are in your relaxation in your abundance to receive and the man is not happy when he's not chasing the man is not happy when he's the black cat the masculine is happy when he is the golden retriever let me explain why because he's achieved attention from someone that is slightly above his Lee when I see something that I like I got it I love it go I mean I go crazy for what are you talking about well you if you ask any men do they prefer someone that is out of their league or someone that is under their league most of them 99% of them would respond they prefer to date someone out of their league why because the masculine want to achieve they want to win they want to feel like the winner and they will feel like the winner once they get a prize for my whole life whenever I've truly wanted something I've always gotten it I truly want you so brace yourself the chase is on something that they work on something that is hard to get something that other people could not get and only them because they are the winner they want to feel like the hero this is the hero complex when you see all movies most movies are created by men on top of it they want to feel like a superhero on top of the word Superman right so they want to feel like that with the woman that they choose and not everybody can get the black cat not everybody can get the F F this is the appeal and I think that on the other side 99% of women would not feel really good in a relationship where she has to chase the man she has to make the effort would you feel good if you had to call your girlfriends and say well I met this amazing man but I had to chase him I had to convince him to be with me I had to really pursue him but now it's okay he's mine this is not the love story that we want no we want to feel desired we want to feel chased we want to feel wanted this is exactly L that in all movies we love that we love that aspect of the men concering the woman it's like the men want to feel masculine but you're taking that opportunity away from him by you chasing him by you doing those desperate things he's going to see that as desperate okay men and women are not the same and if a man is doing something but if woman is doing the same thing it's going to be seen as desperate because we are the prize and with you he wants to feel like a winner like he did win you not like he was forced to be with you any relationship like that where the woman is kind of forcing the men to be with her when she's chasing after him where she has to convince him with her persistence and insisting on him oh do you plan the dates oh let's go there let's go there let's do this you see that she is pulling and he's just kind of passive letting it happen and Men love their freedom ladies they don't want to be trapped in a cage that is the biggest mistake that a lot of women do is that they trap men it's like oh when are we going to be exclusive when are we going to get married like they trap them and men they don't love that they want the freedom of choosing and they want to convince you they should be the one convincing you when are you going to be my girlfriend when are you going to marry me please marry me come on like they should be the one showing you with their assets how amazing they are and you are saying okay yes for God's sake Penelope featherington are you going to marry me or not and seeing her and being like as a Golden Retriever as a man I am going to impress Her Like She's So Perfect in her perfect form she doesn't need to do anything a lot of women think this is just physical appearance this is just about what kind of dress I'm wearing what kind of surgery I'm doing what kind of this and that this is not the case this is about all about your energy you can have the most beautiful woman if she has a desperate energy the men will never see her as his dream girl okay this is about your essence your energy what you embody what you exude but first just wanted to let you know that if you want to see more of my content I talk about fashion femininity old Hollywood glamour Seduction dating and anything to make you become a highly feminine lady and upgrade your confidence make your life feel amazing and seductive feel free to join the channel the link is down below and also follow me on my Instagram and on Tik Tok and of course if you want to join my fan fatal siren course the link is down below it will transform you into this black cat if you want to really Embrace that energy and go deeper and really Embrace that fully in your life Embrace that fanet energy because the black cat is only one part of the fanet energy there's so much around Fan has also Elegance femininity her fashion her sense of fashion her sense of Mystery her Allure her Aura her seductive aspect there's so much to say about her and to truly embrace all of that and become this irresistible Dream Woman then feel free to join my course the link is down below it will make men on their knees they will not understand how you changed suddenly and you became this incredible woman trust me a lot of women are telling me that this course is just another level and if you truly want to upgrade grade yourself also with me and meet me and meet other amazing amazing ladies and make a lot of friends and at the same time have an amazing vacation improve your feminine energy then feel free to join my goddess feminine retreat in Dubai the link is down below let's talk about the art of subtle seduction seduction is not about being too loud it is about unbonding different version of yourself at the right moment it is about using the appropriate tone and energy to Captivate and hold the attention ion for example showcasing that you're smart but still letting a man feel heroic and masculine not feeling like you're this kind of knit all Lady no you're smart but you can still be in your feminine you can still lean back and let him shine sometimes and sometimes you are shining but you're not always this know-it-all lady that need to prove that she's smart you can lean back you have this quiet confidence subtle seduction of the black cat the black cat energy is also being able to make a man feel good in your presence feeling like a hero feeling masculine in your present this is really having the right approach of changing your energies when you need to so for example you are able to be soft and playful but you're also being able to be firm and strong about your boundaries right you're able to Showcase that you're smart and intelligent but at the same time you can let him also showcase how smart he is and be useful to you you and ask for help sometimes it's about having this balance this Duality you're not just onedimensional you have a lot of things to offer you never get bored with the F and with the right energy you won't need to express your boundaries they will speak for themselves they will be understood implicitly men should know and feel your limits without you having to say a word it's just about being confident and composed when you carry yourself and I invite you to see my video about how to deal with conflict in a feminine way and keeping your value and your elegance and your femininity and your dignity at all times having Duality being able to be this princess deserving a princess treatment but also being this sharp intelligent woman right you can be both you can be multi-dimensional use different tones for different settings seductive on a date assertive at Work men are attracted to a balance of energies just like us we're attracted to a men that have a balance of energy it's just like the light and the dark feminine just like the light and the dark masculine the light feminine is the good nurturing nice aspect loving caring playful joyful the dark feminine is the seduction is the mystery it's the power is the boldness and you need both you need one to search your boundaries you need one to enjoy life and feel free and beautiful you don't want to be in the extremes for example a lot of women are on the extremes if if you are too sharp on a date it can be very off-putting right you master the art of being soft yet strong you master the art of having your boundaries inside like a bowl inside that is very hard and strong and outside you're very soft this is the ability to switch your energies to the light and the dark feminine that is going to effortlessly make men obsessed maintaining secrecy maintaining mystery black cat energy is about being chased not chasing it's about being a little bit a Loof unpredictable creating a dynamic where the man loves you more than you love him like when you see Morticia Adams and Gomez I love their examples you can still see that he loves her more she loves him deeply okay but you can still see that he Ador her and he really loves her more a lot of women don't want to hear that if you really want to have this Dynamic where he chase you forever he needs to be seeing you as this dream woman he's so lucky to have right they love to have a price that really they feel like oh my God I'm so lucky to have her I'm so lucky to be with her embrace the power of mystery and leave something to the imagination withhold information sometimes tease let him fantasize about you and even in a relationship ladies you can withhold information you can tease a little you don't have to say to him everything that you do all the time share enough to pick interest but not enough to be fully understood let him wonder about your thoughts your feelings making him more invested about trying to uncover the Enigma that is you okay a man never fully knows you even if you're married since years I think there's still ways to be mysterious there's still ways to maintain this spice because mystery maintains the spice add spice to your interactions with unpredictability okay don't rush to take the phone calls don't rush to respond don't make your full life around this man the power of absence makes you more valued something that is rare something that is not always here is more appreciated for example sometimes turn down invitation because you have things to do you need to be hard to get to genuinely be hard to get because your life is so full of many things that you don't even have to time to think about a guy that is ghosting you or a guy that's not responding immediately why do you notice those things why do you notice that he didn't respond to you why aren't you more busy with your life why aren't you outside taking a run why aren't you like making a smoothie or having lunch with your girlfriend why aren't you focusing on your new hobby that you just took like you want to do ice skating and you really want to practice and be good at it why aren't you focusing on you and your well-being instead of focusing too much on these people that is the Black Cat the black cat has their own life when you see a cat they're just walking around they don't really care they go away they do their own thing and then and then they come back cats are not obsessed with others but ladies your presence need to be a privilege and not a given the black cat also have emotional Independence blackout energy is about not letting anyone push you out of your emotional well-being you are active not reactive so that means that you don't let a man's action or non-action dictate your well-being if he doesn't treat you well you simply remove yourself you remove your energy you take a step back from him a little bit you don't let anyone and I mean not just men you don't let anyone have an effect on your well-being on your emotional well-being you value yourself too much to let others have that much impact on you okay the black hatat is unbothered unbothered energy is not letting others have an impact on your emotions take a deep breath as I always say but always take a step back from the situation and remind yourself how you cannot control other people okay you can only control yourself you can only control your own reaction to events it's okay to have emotions but it's about not letting those emotions control you and control your life and ruin your life even in that case you're a slave to your emotions you're a slave to other people you're a slave to other people's action or non action so that means that if a man is calling you you're good if he's not calling you you're not good if he responded to you you're good if he does not respond to you you feel bad to treat us to give us gifts is SU privilege okay they receive our divine feminine energy we know our value we know what we bring to the table okay the black woman she observes she judges and decide if her energy is worth investing okay he said that okay um I didn't re like when he said that all that is in your head right but you are more inward thinking to yourself and observing observing judging thinking where do I put my energy okay my energy is too precious for that if her standard are not met she is walking away she does not hesitate to express her needs and wants and boundaries in a feminine way okay always one of the most important thing about the blackout energy and the fan F energy this is like the biggest thing she is not afraid to lose someone this is the biggest mistake that a lot of women do that's why they chase that's why they have Desperate energy that's why they ruin relationship ships that's that's because they're afraid to lose the men you're not afraid he's afraid ladies you can chase me all you want but trust me I'm way too fast for you you're not constantly afraid that if you say something if you do this maybe he's going to leave maybe he's going to ghost me maybe you just have to be yourself expressing your standards and your boundaries you're not afraid of that boundaries and standards are just so essential because it ensures that only the one who truly value you and respect you will stay while those who do not naturally Falls away the black cat respects men autonomy as I said in the beginning because the black cat is not the Chaser she then naturally respects men autonomy men love their freedom as I said they want their freedom and in that case the black cat does not mother a man they're nurturing and caring without being controlling controlling is Mother energy is even masculine energy I invite you to see my video on how to stop mothering a man I will link it below but they respect their partner's ability to make their own decisions okay they're men and do not try to change a man this is useless who try to change him in this office is not who you are you're a great downto earth guy not some jerk that has to show people how powerful he is I am powerful you respect his autonomy and it creates a healthy dynamic between the two of you it create a balanced relationship where both partner feel value the black cat is in tune with herself and her feminine energy she understand her body she understand her Cycles she understand that it's not the external that she needs to focus on she does not let external pressures dictate her actions we have different moods our hormones are not the same and the black cat understand that and that's why she's so magnetic because she listens to herself more actions speak louder than words and it comes also with selflove you need to show with actions that you love yourself you cannot say that you love yourself if you do not take actions to please yourself the black cat has also Detachment she Master the art of Detachment she doesn't wait for a men's call or a men's text or if a men did not send a confirmation for your date then you move on you do something else go on another date then her happiness as I said does not depend on anyone else but herself this Detachment does not mean you're cold or unrusted it's the same with the F she is unbothered she's an unbothered Queen but it does not mean that she's cold it does not mean that she's not extremely Charming that she's not you know this magnetic seductive aura that she's not enjoying her time and being playful on the contrary I think you have more fun in that way you're detached so in that way you're able to have more joy Joy you're not cold you are actually happy because you make yourself happy it depends on you you having a good day depends only on you no matter what a man does if he does not text her okay but I'll still have a good day I'll go outside I'll go meet other people I'll go meet friends I'll go take a dance class I'll go do Zumba I'll go do Pilates I'll go take a walk in the park I can observe the birds and take a nice smoothie on the walk coming back from home you're the only one that can control your happiness and your emotions if you genuinely ask men what they love when they say that they want an independent woman it has nothing to do with money it genuinely has nothing to do with money it's because they want a woman that is able to occupy herself so that mean that she's not there every 5 minutes calling him especially high value men that have high earning jobs that are very very busy men they don't want a woman that's calling him every 5 minutes to say what are you doing I'm bored like let's go there let's do this like she cannot function without him or that she needs him for absolutely everything she needs his opinion remember that you're the price and let the world come to you the black cat is a priz if you think that a man is too good for you you're not in your black cat energy okay if you're there oh I need this man I want this man no you're not in your black hat energy you're not in your fan file energy you need to focus on I am the prize who is going to be worthy of the queen who is going to impress me more who am I going to choose to be my husband the women that are the most appreciated captivating and seductive are the women that appreciate themselves first the sexiest woman the high value woman the fan Fel they balance sexy and classy in their behavior and in their clothes in how they dress and how they present themselves walk walking around with confidence with a lure with class and elegance you're poised you are graceful you have dignity you don't let anyone approach you like that you are a challenge you let a man fantasize you don't give him everything you don't give him everything immediately you don't give him intimacy immediately you don't show him all your body immediately you let a man fantasize and work on his imagination imagination is the root of Seduction let him have the space in his mind to miss you and use his imagination this is so powerful just the longing when you see it in Bridgeton this is so sexy right let him wonder what is she doing right now trying to win you not you trying to win him in that case you're not a mysterious fantasy anymore you're not a fantasy you're not this dream woman you're just convenient and there right you're just convenient he say okay he's kind of passive in his feminine energy if you are the one suggesting let's be together let's have kids Let's Get Married constantly chasing let's go to this restaurant like driving the driver seat like driving the relationship basically and he's following around he will not be passionate about you you will not have this passionate relationship he will be there passive just because you're convenient I don't want that for you I want you to have this magnetic juicy amazing passionate relationship why do you think that in video clips from men singing you always have women why do you think is that why do you think there are always women in a rapper singing or any any type of men singing There's always beautiful woman around because it adds value to them right it adds value to them why do you think that they want women so much they want to be around us they love our feminine energy they cannot live without it the black cat woman doesn't ask a Man how he feels all the time like are you okay what can I do for you are you hungry did you eat anything like a mother like you are his mother always checking on him let him handle himself he's an adult the black cat doesn't want to change a man she just accepts him for who he is and if he's not like she wants she will go find another one that's better suited for her it's about you and your standards they need to be in your head and you need to observe his behavior is he the right one made for me you you do not take a man and shape him however you want you take him how he is he's a finished product you're not his mother feminine energy women glow and radiate because they're not there to impress anyone thank you so much for watching my beautiful Darlings I hope you liked it and I hope it was really helpful for you to understand this black cat energy and how to have a man chase you like a Golden Retriever and truly have this juicy energy men treating you like a prize men cherishing you don't forget to subscribe down below if you want more juicy advice of course if you want to join my fan f course the link is down below you will transform yourself into a feta into a black cat into this incredible woman and men will not recognize you they will be wow they will chase you they will be devoted to you and truly treat you like a queen so if you want to join the course the link is down below and join me on my Instagram and on Tik Tok and until next time I'm giving you a lot of beautiful kisses my darlings