e e well good morning folks how are you just give me a minute here or two I'm going to place you on mute for a second e e e e e e e e e how you check one check one okay so we should we should be okay all right good morning folks how are you hope everybody's doing well sorry for the delay my wife is not here to help me do the uh wrangling of the pups so I was uh giving them a little bit of peanut butter to try to hold them off as I put them in their kennel all right so uh it's going to be a casual one today and just as a reminder I I will be here every day this week at 9:30 um give me a little bit of time up to that point um I'm aiming between 9:15 9:25 is in that ballpark there's a couple things I'm juggling in my personal life this uh this week that prevent me from doing a little bit earlier St time but with that said um just know that we'll have a live stream just I guess I guess the easiest way is just to kind of like head to the channel if you're going to you know want to be here hang out around 9:15 and you'll probably see the I guess the logo for my YouTube channel it'll it'll turn red around the outside of it if you click on that it'll take you right to the live stream um I don't know how to notify you otherwise so I just I said just anticipate between 9:15 and 9:25 you know today which is Monday August 12th through Friday so tomorrow and on Wednesday we have some high impact news drivers uh the PPI CPI numbers they they're usually the ones that tear your face off and it's real hard to predict what they're going to do they're extremely manipulated so just know that uh we'll be waiting for the market to kind of like digest that and a good time to do that a few minutes before the opening belt 9:30 so I have a few things I want to cover while we're waiting for uh the market to be around here a little bit more the uh the YouTube channel for my son Caleb uh last time I checked it was about 12,000 is subscribers thank you for that I'm sure there's probably going to be a little bit more people following it without actually subscribing so it is what it is but um he had to work this weekend so that prevented us from having a session together where we could review so I'm deferring that one and if it becomes impossible to do that I will simply just do a video covering and reviewing the week and how his charts should look and then he'll have to watch it and then we'll have to do a subsequent video where you know he can kind of like add his uh his view on but we have 7 o'clock this morning delineating that here this is kind of like what you should be doing Caleb and then we have the run here creating the initial buy side liquidity and the low taking that out here so we have a minor cell side liquidity pool resting right below here and you can see how we're working the initial cell side liquidity which is that low right there now whenever I have a time where if I'm looking at a specific element of for instance like 7 o'c say it's your opening time for your trading as we were talking about last week if you're going to be looking at the charts and start watching price as early as 7 o'clock in the morning you're going to be met with something like this where you'll have a high right here to the left of your stock start time and then actually right at 7:00 creates a a high whenever it's like that I'm going to wait for the initial run because I know it's probably going to take this High out and it's certainly probably going to certainly probably here out certainly probably uh this coin something else the uh the short-term high is cre rate at the 7 o'clock candle so that initial liquidity is an interest to me so I want to watch and see does it in fact trade above here and if it does I'll give it some allowance okay the trade there I'm not trying to annotate that high I want to see the short-term High here form and then start to trade lower and if it takes out that low then I'm highlighting that high and I'm highlighting that low so now you can see we ran above this here and if you look at look scrub over here to the left a little bit more Michael so you have all these relative equal highs the market did in fact make a run above that so that disrupted all that price action over there which [Music] leaves this low which is the minor cell side liquidity it's inside the range starting at 7: a.m. but it's also inside the range that was formed from the run from the London session which is over here now initially when I'm looking at this my eye gravitates to this low and it also gravitates to these lows here which is why I have like I have this low in mine this low and this low which is why I have all this highlighted as a layered cells side liquidity pool so it's it's there's a few of them in there that have my interest this is relative equal to that and it's also slightly higher than that and then we have this low here even though this one disrupted that I have to at least consider that okay um um the upside where we had these relative equal highs and we had this old high here which is initial buy side we've already ran that and started to sell off so on the on the buy side of the market it's been made Jagged initially but we have no news data ahead of CPI and PPI going into Tuesday and Wednesday's trading so when we have that it's it's kind of a little bit um more uncertain I guess the the the right words would be so you have to pick your uh pick your shots a little bit more carefully and kind of like an an analys I got peanut butter on the roof of my mouth too I snuck a bite before I gave to them you have to do your analysis a little bit uh more critical than if you had a high impactor news driver that's medium impact during the morning session and since we have nothing of that this morning and then we have some really big Heavy Hitters for Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30 uh they're going to move around a lot so a lot of interest is kind of deferred until after that report comes out on Tuesday and after the report comes out on Wednesday if you take a look at your economic calendar you'll see what I'm talking about it's the PPI and CPI numbers I don't ever care to know what those numbers are actually stating uh because frankly you know like I've mentioned many times before it's of no interest to me I'm not going to be a student enough to know what that data is going to tell me for a buy or sell it's not giving me any kind of information that is actionable so therefore I never consider worrying about what the the raw data is I'm sure some of you in here listening that are very um interested in the fundamental aspects of of the market and if that's suits you then you know well done I just don't have an interest in that so therefore I defer all of that to everyone that wants to cons consider it useful I look at the the time when the market is likely to give those types of runs they go protracted usually one directional and then sometimes they'll change on an aggressive reversal and go the other direction um most of the time it's just a one directional Landslide okay or it just blows up and goes straight up and it's really unless you're really positioned early on something in London or whatever which I don't try to do that and to prove my uh very low interest in trying to be in a directional move for CPI or PPI I have on Twitter spaces in the past um mentioned what I thought was going to potentially P pan out and in what direction or it may aim for and true to form it's it's never accurate so I shouldn't say never I was I think I was right twice last year with the CPI and BPI but otherwise I'm usually wrong so I don't need to do that for years and years and years uh just to you belabor the point and say okay well this is not advantageous for me so I I sit on the sidelines and I wait and I wait for more information to come after that market is Mo is moving because of the intervention because I don't know where they're going to put the market right as that report comes out and no one really does to be honest with you no one knows that and even if someone had a inkling I'm I'm confident that if a position was placed large enough ahead of it they would run it the other way just for the sake of upsetting it so that's the conspiratorial mindset of my of of Michael right so I'm not interested in worrying about all those types of things um when we look at the market it's it's probably better for you to trade when it's not having a day like this where there's no uh there's no real data to concern oursel with and trade in the afternoon but if there's things that are in the marketplace that are more conducive for taking trade setups looking for Price runs that move to a logical price level where it's it's really telling it gives you Insight that I guess goes against the grain of retail stuff like supposed diagonal support and resistance or indicator crossovers or over oversold that type of thing um if I have those types of advantages in price action and they're they're hinting to the likelihood of that arm wrestling match I talked about last week where we have Smart money Concepts time and price and liquidity and inefficiencies if that's arm wrestling if it's arm wrestling the um Central tenants that go along with retail trading Concepts and things that lead to in my opinion guessing um I I guess it's more appropriate for me I'm not saying it should be appropriate for you but if you have a an affinity for just trying to trade every morning session because that's your operating hours you know if you have those types of things in play and you can identify them you don't really need economic calendar to I guess push push a narrative or push a sentiment um you can just trade the just the price action itself you don't need a whole lot to you know go on but uh it's in it's in my interest as an educator to kind of like promote the idea that an economic calendar behind you moving with the ideas that you're looking for technically uh that in my opinion is better so when you have a a morning without economic data it becomes a whole lot more problematic in terms of seeing sustained price runs uh you have to know what you're looking for where you're looking to take profits partials um move quickly to protect your position not try to uh look for home runs give yourself flexibility knowing that you potentially may get it wrong because you have big news on the the following day and day after and in this case we have that with PPI and CPI so it's important to pay yourself if you get the opportunity to do so give yourself the opportunity to see if it can run but don't punish yourself if it doesn't case in point right here partials always pay you never have to worry about being right or wrong once you take your first partial it completely removes all of that necessity about being right or wrong so let me cancel this order because it should have given it to me in my opinion should have went down down there but it didn't so because it came back I have to sit and relax and give some more time through the marketplace we have the opening range still here I think we still come down in here even though it took me out before it actually did it but this would have been a a transaction that would not take away from the equity it added to when we have opportunities to see the price action move in our favor and we don't take partials if we do not take a a piece of the pie if you will or a bite or a pound of Flesh before it gets to our major objective or our Terminus our main target if that's not the case for your trading right now you need to start adopting that because especially with the volatility that's in the markets today I'm I'm saying specifically today but you know in recent months and years that volatility is going to give you a whole lot more adversity the markets can come back multiple times into the general vinity where you enter the trade at and when you have the potential for the market to pull that deeply back into your trade if you don't know what you're looking for if you're if you're afraid to get back in or you just lose the plot you have no idea what it's doing it's better just to take that Victory whatever that was in this case you see a limit order was filled you see they a stop loss was brought down to protect the underlying position and it came back just to to take it and now we're back inside the range created from that run here to that short-term high and we have yet still to take out let me take these little identifiers off for a second so you can see just fell short of running into that okay now these are the the little gremlins okay the little gremlins that creep in to your Trading and you can get emotional about it you can get mad about it you can punch the air and say it's so and so's fault it's somebody else's fault or you can say you know what I was part of a move I looked for certain signatures to pan out it gave me the opportunity and displacement and and it ran to obvious levels of liquidity it took out this shortterm low I wasn't interested in having any limit orders below that this one here I like that and I have this one shaded arm here okay and what that means is I want to see it get below it it each one each one of these candles hasn't really giving me a kind of like a trade below it spend some time below it and then come back up and and tap into it as a potential inversion fair value cap if you ever looking at my charts if I'm sharing shaded areas on price if it's shaded orange like this to me okay my interest is some some facet of seeing price go below it and come back up and then treat it as a means of barrier that it doesn't want to get back above it if I start watching candlesticks promote that idea and then I see a displacement I might in invite the opportunity for them to put me into a short with a fair value Gap a institutional order flow entry drill um I don't know maybe a bearish order block something something to that effect but it hasn't given me enough information here to justify that yet so I'm watching to see if they just take out this short-term high and then what they do after that if it was to take like this High out or maybe come back up and even touch in this again if it can get back below this one here then I I may entertain the idea of maybe trading that b below here I do really like the idea that they've kept this l and this low in the kind of like in the rule book if you will that now we have relative equal lows there and this one here has a lot of liquidity in it because we have it's it's 5:00 a.m. it's during the close of the London session so we see the market wanting to reach down into that but then stop short of it okay and I'm quite certain that Phil p l yeah uh said no not today because ict's got a limit order down there and then came back for the stop but who's fil so I'm interested in seeing does it now want to go down below this area here come back up and then does it displace it made it could do it and it could do it so quickly and violently that it doesn't really give me a chance to get in it but I want I want to talk about the importance of knowing when these high impact news drivers on the economic calendar like we have a Monday okay generally I'm not a real big fan of Mondays uh I like to see other Traders go out there put their neck on the Block and then see what the general consensus and sentiment is on a given week where we don't have non-farm payroll okay so if we have nonfarm payroll I'm interested in trading on Mondays every single mon Monday that has non-farm payroll Friday I'm trading and engaging on Monday's trading I'm absolutely looking for moves to do you something that gets me into a trade generally I'm not interested in Mondays otherwise and because of that I'm trying to counsel my son and his brothers if they watch these videos too I'm hoping it will inspire them to do it as well but um they shouldn't be trying to trade on a Monday in the morning session ahead of PPI and CPI numbers like like we have here so if there's ever a a real big huge neon sign that says don't really try to trade on this because I know a lot of my students will say and a lot of people that don't like me or they try to troll me for for clicks and Views and AD revenue or attention they'll say ICT never trades and or he says never trade on Monday and then they'll show their after def fact trade and they'll say this is what I did did and that's great you know well two do but there's a lot of things I don't personally want to do as a Trader and other people do and they make money I'm not arguing that but what I'm saying is is because you're here watching my content the interest is you're wanting to know my opinion or what I'm thinking or what makes me tick about an idea about a market going higher or lower and what do I look for in terms of a trade idea what do I look for for a setup okay or when do I try to avoid taking those traits it's important for my son to know that it's problematic on days like this because number one it's the morning session everybody's chopping at the bit to do something and large pools of liquidity big big players in the marketplace are not going to position this morning because they know what's waiting on Tuesday and Wednesday so because of that just know that you're going to see a lot of this type of action where it's up down it's real skittish meaning that it goes up it goes back down it goes back up it goes back down and it becomes very very sloppy real quick and it becomes almost Seek and Destroy like now what does Seek and Destroy Seek and Destroy is where the market will go just above a short-term High just to go back lower to take out a old short-term low then come back up take out that short-term high that was just formed and then vice versa it go back and forth back and forth and it kind of runs you over even if you're in a position as you saw here at the opening of The Stream even though I can be right in the direction and I can see where it wants to potentially go Allah here we are it can still come back and take me out now if it wasn't a Monday with a PPI and CPI numbers coming out on Tuesday and Wednesday I would go back in and short up here but because it's not conducive for that because we have huge news coming out Tuesday and Wednesday I know that the probabilities are likely didn't think I saw that coming did you Phil the high being bumped there and then trading lower here is the new week opening Gap high so the bias as I was teaching last week here's your new week opening gap for this week we had price above it it rallied up it took liquidity and where's the draw going to be where where's that like black hole of of just constant tension and pressure to pull price Caleb it's the new week opening gaps okay so if we have that and we have an old new day opening Gap here we'll have a new one tonight when 5:00 pm comes and then we have the opening at 6 PM we'll create another new day opening Gap but right now we have to work with new week opening Gap and old remember I told you last week that the new day opening gaps have a shelf life or life cycle not that it's limited to five days but if you work with them in that perspective you'll see how the market uses this idea where it gravitates back and forth towards towards these levels they're inefficiencies that will be used again like a magnet will draw price to it so when we're looking at bias these are going to be your first Central tenants to trying to derive what that bias is so if we know that the new week opening Gap is is here for this past Sunday or yesterday evening 6 p.m. in relationship to I guess if I scrub over here you'll see uh we'll come back to it in a second the uh it's less than 20 handles so therefore I'm not really interested in imitating the quadrants inside of it you can eyeball it is about halfway here in the upper quadrant here and lower quadrants there and if it gets trade if it can trade through that and then we go back into new day opening gap of the 9th okay so that's Friday new day opening Gap that would been formed and calibrated from Thursday evening New York local time it's Thursday's 5:00 pm closing price in settlement and then 6 p.m. 1 hour later new session opening so between those two price points you get it here and again it's not annotating the quadrants or the midpoint because it's less than 20 handles okay so if we have a previous new day opening guy below price and we have new week opening Gap here and the market was made Jagged here and we have inefficiencies that we're respecting it the Market's going to do what at the opening bell it's going to gravitate in the direction of these old inefficiencies because the market is algorithmic so it has to refer back to those same things I was teaching last week so that way we're not sitting here staring at bookmap charts okay or things like that talking about nonsense and the whole time the Market's moving and not having had a trade or even knowing the bias there you go so you want to screenshot that okay you want to screenshot it again and put it on your calendar the ICT was talking about this stuff last week and talked about it live coming back up and just bumping this High here and then ripping it down here's your open trades back up touch touches the bottom of the inversion Fair Val you got that's a trade not on a date that's ahead of PPI CPI and the market rips lower eats right on through all of the layered liquidity here upper quadrant level trades lower and look at the bodies how the bodies are stopping right new week opening Gap see that is that beautiful so it's probably random all this stuff probably is working off of uh you know some classic uh Steve neelson chart pattern oh man I can't but I I have to do I have to do it it's my burden I have to carry it so the uh the idea of looking at bias I gave you those elements last week okay and using them fortifying that as part of your repertoire and your regimen your uh guidance that I gave you uh last week as you can see all those rules are still here they're still here and we're trading down into the previous Friday or week of new day opening app okay so I know some of you I know some of you may look at these these ideas and think you know this is pretty complicated it's very hard for me to get a feel for what he's doing and and that that's normal because you're getting exposed to it for the first time and because you have Tik Tok mentality you think it should be understood in 30 seconds you know and it's not going to be like that first of all you have your brain clogged up with with nonsense and things that other people sold you in books and courses and lied to you and said this is what the market does and this is how it works and smart money concepts are nonsense and there's no algorithm but here you again I told you I told you last week we're going to sit here and you're going to see this stuff working again here it is okay but trading to to the midpoint okay or consequent encouragement that ends my interest in the morning session it could come back up into this and then rotate one more time just to take that low out and trade the consequent encouragement and that would complete my day or my morning session or the interest thereof I would not be interested in trying to buy it I would not be trying to go long I would not be trying to go into a short that that you hopefully moves 200 handles or plus that would completely be against my expectations and why would I have that opinion about not doing much more or having an interest greater than than I outlined here which would be consequent encouragement number one it's already moved one-sided it's had a really nice displacement lower it just really just tore off went a lot lower than most of you probably were expecting but it went right to the levels I was showing you here in the live stream it was it was it was going to draw to these levels because we've made made a run higher during London we rallied up bumped a previous high and then we had the market create jaggedness as I was talking about okay so there you go it completely went down to the low so I'm I'm done I would move to the sidelines and everybody that's been following along and went short take your profits and be content okay I don't care if it goes lower just take your profits and move the design I know I know you guys are following this and you're thinking he's got these levels on there and I know it's going to fill so I'm going to use my own methodology and I'm going to trade to his levels I don't want to hear about it I don't want to hear about it please don't don't give me high fives in the comment section even though I'm the only one that can see that don't do that because every single time I I see a wave of people doing that and they're like thank you so much I took a trade on this and I used your don't do that because that means I'm going to be worrying about you and I don't want to worry about none of you okay but let's take a quick look real quick and recap what was going on we have an old clean level over here which very well could could go up here and bump that but we have to use the rules as I outlined last week where you start looking at 7 o'l and you're going to wait for relative equal highs okay relative equal highs boom boom what's this high in relationship to that one is it higher to the high to the left of it or lower it's lower so doesn't that mean that that meets the criteria doesn't it yes so when you have this or the candle at 7 o'clock you know it just starts to drop down from there I'm not interested to ever classifying that as the initial point of buy side liquidity I'm not interested in that I'll wait and defer my actions on annotating and labeling because I know just to the left of that it's it's here too so I want to see it form literal relative equal highs so in case you missed it or I didn't give you a good enough explanation what I meant earlier when we first started talking it's in the rules I told you last week so it's not like I'm ad living here it's what I said last week in the lectures so you're going to wait so if your if your starting point is not 7 o'clock okay say it's not 7 o'clock and you start at 8 o'cl right there okay the same thing you're going to refer to any relative equal highs that have not been pierced or breached that formed after 7:00 but sometimes they will already have taken them out and then you'll have to sit and wait and wait for your own relative equal highs or relative equal lows to form post 8:00 if you're going to use the 9:00 hour you have several other factors that you can use okay um the opening range as I was showing Caleb last Friday you go as students are familiar with this because I've I've shown this before using the uh regular trading hours so if we were looking at it this way are you mad ICT they stopped you out before it dropped no because I know this is going to work again it doesn't just work on one day okay it works every day and every week and it won't stop so if we have what's nice is I I'll explain to you that they would probably run it to this everybody G maybe bump and clear the highs and then drop it lower so I I can anticipate and this is what experience and this is also a little bit understanding the sords code um what they'll do if I'm going to be wrong how will I be wrong now for someone that may hear that and think wait a minute if you know you're going to be wrong or you're potentially going to be wrong like that's not bragging right you know if you know you're going to be wrong why'd you take the trade well there's going to be times where you get into a trade and when you take that trade it seems appropriate and then the things that you were looking for start fizzling out and they are no no longer supporting your trade so it becomes a much more likelihood that you're not going to get the objective you're you're seeking and if it's something that you anticipate potentially closing the trade on you prematurely wouldn't you want to move your stop- loss in an advantageous location so that way if it was the reverse on you you still go home with something not a loss that's that's the parts that comes from learning from me talking when I'm talking about specific things if you don't have a frame of reference to refer to the logic as to why is the trade still viable why should I hold the trade what prevents me from getting back into the trade if I get stopped out there has to be rules for that okay and if you don't start to build on them in the early stages of your development you won't have anything to lean on except for your buying and being profitable or you're selling and being profitable and all the losses in between and nothing except for the emotional response to that versus these are the conditions this is more more appropriate for the chart to say this to me again later on and I'm going to take that as a setup to get back into a trade idea that Mak will be viable but if you are referring to the economic calendar and you understand the effects of manipulation that comes by way of PPI and CPI numbers much like a non-firm payroll day and or fomc where it's highly influenced by direct manual intervention that means you're not going to be able to be a part of the move most of the time because they're just going to steam roll over everything but on a day ahead of those reports and if it happens to be a Monday you give yourself one chance if you can get into a trade early on wonderful using the things I taught last week and what I'm showing you here it's not random that the Market's going to respect these levels okay i' I've said it at nauseum when I first started talking about it last year on Twitter spaces when I introduced the idea of new week opening gaps and new day opening gaps it was last spring summertime in 2023 for the most part part I've watched most of the online chatter about them fizzle out and frankly that's exactly what I wanted to see happen because I shared it and the students that have done any work in them they have seen value in it but because the most the majority of the online trading Community not just my community but everyone they they're all looking for this magic lamp where they can pick it up rub it three times and a genie you pop out and say where do you what do you want to know today okay the Market's going to go up to this level buy it at this you know you got one more wish you want a stop loss it doesn't ever get stopped out okay there's your three wishes for the day come back tomorrow rub me rub me right right so I introduced the concept and because they it's too good it really is too good to be in the majority of everyone's hands I allow the the the interest to fade because if I keep pumping it pumping and pumping it you'll start start seeing the things that I just revealed last week so because my son is interested and he wants to document it I know that it'll hold your attention longer if you're seeing the logic that I'm going to explain as I explained last week and him using it and then eventually seeing him go with top step and then eventually pass his combine and eventually get payouts you'll see that the logic works not just in my hands and not just in other people's hands but as a dad I want to see him doing it in his own hands and then have the rewards of being able to do it and repeating it doesn't need to happen every single day Caleb but overall if you have a net positive month because in the beginning you're not going to have a net positive every single week because there's going to be a lot of this that you're going to have hands off that he's got to do it and learn from it and trust it he's making the right decisions and when he doesn't make the right decisions you have to feel that effect and then work through that prog ress of it didn't work in my hands I did something wrong not the stuff doesn't work that you did it wrong and therefore you have to grind through that and and as all of you are going to be the same way with this I mean you're all going to have those those hit and miss you're going to have days where it just works like a hot knife through butter it just cuts through easily goes right to where you want it to go right away and you're done you can go do whatever you want to do other days you're going to have to really work for it and I have learned over 30 plus years the days that you really have to work for it it's better for you to get out of the trade that you're in if you're having a whole lot of mental uh Capital spent on the outcome of the trade and you're just worrying about it being right in your favor it's actually a better exercise for you to develop discipline just to close the trade turn the charts off and go do something else because what you're doing is you're burning mental Capital you're worrying and stressing and what you're doing also is you're triggering all these stress hormones in your body and I wore myself down as a Young Man doing that if you spend every single day of the week and and for some of you many hours each day obsessing and worrying about what the Market's going to do and really not knowing what to do or how to behave when it does certain things and signaling to you that okay it's done be content with it if you don't adopt those protocols you're going to stress yourself out and here's the thing I have met tons of people that are profitable but they're absolutely unhealthy and unhappy because they're constantly trying to get more than what they need I've seen many people go out there and do exceedingly well intraday and they go in again and they take another trade because it isn't good enough for them they want to make more and I'm trying to teach you have a mindset where if you go out there and you do something once a day and you get the experience from it if it's positive wonderful if it's not positive now you have an opportunity to study what you didn't do right or what you didn't observe correctly those are the two perspectives to hold not that you know the stuff doesn't work or they they did it to you okay I'll give you a perfect example I knew there was a strong likelihood that these relative equal highs could be retreaded to because that the CPI and PPI numbers are coming out Tuesday and Wednesday and the character istic of this morning session ahead of those days tends to be a lot more of this type of stuff back and forth back and forth back and forth and then bump stop me and I said and then once it does that good old Phill and take the price back down to where I said you where it was going to go and it did so I can get mad like I did when I was 20 and say oh you so and so you did it to me again or I can say you didn't beat me today even though you took away the the majority of what I was trying to do you didn't take everything from me and that's the benefit of knowing where to take partials because as soon as you take partials and you run your stop to a position of covering any costs you are in the closest thing to Nirvana as a Trader because now the outcome of the trade is no longer all that critical is it no because because you've taken something out of the trade you've locked in a position where even if it were to come back on you you can't lose you can't lose barring some crazy Gap you know like that's always there but you technically barring some crazy volatility Gap that would be you know unrealistic to expect I guess it it could happen now with all the all the stuff that's going on over in Europe and Middle East to the Brits last year when I was talking about watch Britain watch the UK you're you're going to have some crazy stuff happen are you paying attention it's almost like uh reading price action isn't it so just be careful over there and it's going to be coming here and it's going to come to Canada and we're all going to feel it but the point is you can react to those types of stimuli where you get stopped out prematurely and go back in and Hunt try to do something extra because you didn't get your full run if I uh if I pull this back up this old high those are the relative equal highs that the market was reaching for but this is the the level of least importance to me what I want to see it do is trade above these highs here why because starting at time 7 a.m. my interest is there so we go up we go down we rally back above so the buy side is taken and just for good measure it takes out the highs from the previous session and then we break lower and we have a fair value Gap okay and the market trades up into the fair value Gap right there and I'm looking at how the market wants to use old inefficiencies because I'm thinking it's going to stay heavy and really work towards this low a lot faster because it wants to do the moves generally a little earlier when we have big news on a Tuesday and Wednesday like we have in arcademic calendar when do you trade these early sessions ICT why are you why are you sometimes taking trades before 9:30 opening BT or before 10:00 Silver Bullet I've said this before but this is the part where you write it down okay if I have an economic calendar that has like these big impactful event on the following trading day then I'm going to try to take the trades early because everybody's going to be in here trying to do something at the opening bell and it's also a Monday so because nobody blew up anything and we went we didn't go thermonuclear over in the Middle East everybody want to go in and take a lot of Trades so there's going to be a lot of volatility there's going to be a lot of interest in trades right away and I want to be in when the Market's the cleanest and what how is that going to be determined well what I taught you last week at 7 o' to 8:00 I'm going to use that first 30 minutes post 7 a.m. and that's here okay so here's 7 o'cl to 7:30 right there okay so what did we form that high that low that's why I'm delineating those levels okay in case you have forgot last last week's rules so we traded down below it okay so now we're going to wait and see does it want to come back up and upset these here knowing full well that the new week opening Gap is down here for this week August 11th that's Sunday opening from Friday's closing settlement price that's what the new week opening Gap is so since it's below it and then the next new day opening Gap is last Friday the 9th where is that down here so all we're going to do for guidance all we're going to do is follow the rules I gave you last week we're going to wait for the market to be made Jagged on the opposing side of where these inefficiencies are isn't that easy all you're doing is waiting for them to run up take out the smooth areas right here and they ran through the previous highs and then did what we break lower and then we have displacement in here so if we go back through all this price action here we can then start looking for hang on one second I thought I had my laptop plugged in I'm in the in case the accoustics are acting a little weird in the audio it's because I'm inside the great room of my first floor of the house so it's I have really really high ceilings and I can hear it as I'm talking sometimes it's like eoy I'm in a big uh a big room here so hang on one second let me plug this in before I lose the power speaking of power uh last week we had the remnants of hurricane Debbie come through and the wind was kind of whipping up so we lost power for a moment until I had all my generators turned back on since I wanted to leave the session last week or last Friday at 10:00 I had no interest in in trying to log back in and I had to take care of what I had to take care of so I wasn't going on this the site or Community post that how to tell you what was going on because I had things to take care of but anyway um we had this inefficiency here and going back over through all this see all this right here all this inefficiency even though we went back and forth through it here I'm aiming for all that in there and then we have this inefficiency I traded into it there right at the bottom right there you see that I want to get in the trade some of you may see what I'm teaching and say okay I can see the fair value gaps I can see the inversion fair value gaps he's talking about I can see um I can see the order blocks okay I can see it but where do I get in it well if I'm trying to trade and get short I'm going to use the lowest prob the lowest probable resistance in terms of getting in the trade wordss I'm going to use the lowest threshold level on a fair value Gap that I think is going to hold price down because I have TR many times to be very very very precise with the stuff I understand and know what the Market's likely to do more times than it's not and I've watched my limit orders should it prints the price that should have given me a fill but it doesn't do it and it runs the other direction and to me as a 20-year-old that used to really make me angry because it made me like you know come on this is like I took it personal I literally took it personal and I'm assuming you know like in this live stream you have to assume that they're just simply not going to let you have it especially if you're if you're right a lot if you're right a lot you're standing out there's going to be a lot of other people that doing that's doing well but they have an issue with just you I'm not saying you I'm talking about me specifically they can they can't stop all of you but if they stop me that discourages anybody from trying to follow me or the logic that I teach see the difference so take out the king I'm not saying I'm the king but take out the king and the pawns will fall so if I share my stop loss orders if I share my ideas of where I'm actually going to try to get into a trade I'm actually creating liquidity and even a larger Bullseye so I try to do things in a manner where I don't want to draw too much attention to it but you can see all the logic is still here but entering on the inefficiency over here extending it through what is it what is this right here what is that right there this inefficiency what is it what kind of classification is that well for for folks that think they understand fair value gaps and whatnot they think when it trades up there it's going to sell off not if you don't have the information I'm teaching you because what are we expecting we're expecting these relative equal highs to be taken in as much as these levels up here traded to go back and listen to the lectures last week if you're if you're watching this one and didn't watch the last last week's lecture or skipped or didn't really listen to any of the things I said and you just watched and maybe were bored to death and turned off the thing because you think it's not of any interest go back and really go through it and listen to it and take notes Scout's over there snoring you'll probably hear her it is a reclaimed fair value got meaning that see when the narrative and the time are not in an agreement even though it trades back up to these inefficiencies you're thinking just like everybody thought a down Clos candle every single time a down Clos candle's touched the Market's going to go up that's what everybody over on baby Pips thought when I was first teaching about the idea of my order block and because they tried to do those types of things and assumed that okay it's going to go up it's going to go down based on these candlesticks that ICT was talking about and when they failed in their own hands because they didn't understand the narrative they didn't understand the logic and how to actually use them they run away and say well it doesn't work and then you have a lot of people that are doing that and you have new people coming in and they have an interest and say I hear a lot about this guy named ICT and these smart money Concepts and they start seeing other people's opinions and because they're lazy they'll take those opinions and say well you know they're saying they lost money it doesn't work so therefore I'm going to avoid that because I don't want to be prudent and actually do the investigation myself and try to use it in my own hands and see if there's any valid use to this information so therefore that's why you get the the the stigma that's around me but then for the people that actually go through the process of learning it doing the right way and spending time in their own charts weighing out the rules and things I've taught I did give guidance but the problem is I've warned you ahead of time it's going to take you a whole lot more time that you wanted to take and then when you start spending that time and you really make good use of that time journaling and seeing the examples of what it looks like you will see that the times that in your own hands that will fail as long as you understand the correct narrative and you're understanding the elements of time when these things should happen you'll see that they work a lot more than they'll fail in your hands meaning that there's an edge there and with experience you'll start saying okay well if if I see where it didn't work in my hands here here here here what was I doing those days or those instances that I was unaware of seeing when it was not likely to pan out for me and then that's experience that I can't encapsulate in a book I can't encapsulate that in a lecture there are things that are going to be much more useful to you because I don't know where your shortcomings are in reading the information is in price I don't know that and you can tell me in an email and I have lots of people try to do that and they want me to fix their their their hangup and I don't know all the things that you're feeling and what you're thinking what you're fearful of what you're excited about what your motivation is all of those things are going to be impactful for you either taking the trade or not taking the trade and you're trying to rush through all those discoveries about yourself and that's the under that's the undermining that that's going to happen in your development but you're going to fault something else or me or or something you know something out outside yourself is going to be the external factor for why you didn't find success and to me that's unfortunate because that's the that's the prevailing mindset of most people today old and young because they're lazy and I know you don't like hearing that you think I'm being condescending but it's the truth because you're not hearing me when I tell you you're going to have to do this for months okay months and you should be demoing okay for a minimum of 6 months before you ever trade with a real account ever because you don't know enough about yourself you don't know what these tools are going to do in your own hands some of you may have a wild run of just everything's working out good and you don't have the lessons that come through hardship that are going to come eventually and then you have to discover how to grind through that and refer back to when it was working in your hands don't throw the baby out with the bath water and that's what everybody wants to do they want to find the next hot thing I am the hot thing okay because this is the market this is what the Market's going to do every day every week the problem is there's going to be times where the deck is stacked it's stacked the deck is stacked mid game against even me that's manual intervention in other words you ever been to casino you ever been at the casino and you're playing Blackjack and the dealer and and you maybe couple other people are playing and you just got a good hot run and all of a sudden you're making money or someone at the table's making money and then they'll come out and they'll change the shoe okay the shoe is that little box they have multiple decks in okay that deck or those those Decks that is a stack okay it's designed to run out a certain favor of odds in The house's hand the casino's hand knowing how to count cards gives you an advantage it doesn't tell tell you every order of that that shoe of of cards it just gives you an advantage of how many cards are left in that shoe but if they know because they have the eye in the sky that means there's people up there watching there's cameras watching if they know there's a man or woman at a table that constantly is just cleaning up they're going to come out and they're going to change the shoe they're not running out of cards but they're bringing a new shoe there which messes up your count you have if you're a car counter if you're smart you're getting up you're casting your chips and you're going home and you're going to go to another casino and you won't come back to that one for months because now they they they're on to you okay these tells these little things where it tells you in the marketplace that you are not likely to have the advantage right now something been changed okay if you watch the movie The Matrix when they see a Deja Vu moment that means there's a glitch in The Matrix right something has changed according to the script in that movie well the same thing in price action if you see something that upsets what is normal are you going to go in and just say I'm not going to pay attention to that it's it's not a warning to me I'm going to I'm better than this I'll overcome it that's what I did when I was 20 now because I know I've been doing it a long time I know how I can hurt myself I can hurt myself in this so to prevent myself from being overly emotional or too psychologically committed to the outcome needing it to be in my favor for the sake of being right these are all things I had to wrestle with I had to create protocols and say okay where were my losing trades where were the times where I blew my account where were the things that caused me to go into a tail spin and I couldn't find the rhythm of getting back into finding a series of winning trades again I had you you find that by keeping a journal and being honest in it but not beating yourself up but it was easy for me to see where I was hurting myself because when I was journaling initially as a 20-year-old all of those journals were highly toxic and directed towards myself as a failure so it'd be very easy for me to highlight what I was thinking and most of it was relationship and I didn't like where I was working at and it's probably for some of you that that's the the very Central tenant of why you're overdoing it you're pushing too hard because you want to get out of that uncomfortable State this is the stuff that nobody wants to hear about because it's a reminder that these things exist in your personal life too and you're like this has nothing to do like I didn't ask to come and listen to the do Phil okay I want to hear how to trade but you don't realize until you go through it that those are the things that are going to be impactful and resistance to you being successful because you're you're going to tap into them subconsciously and by having rules about knowing when I'm not going to trade again I'm not going to go back in even if the market does this or that because I know the economic calendar tomorrow and Tuesday I'm sorry Wednesday Tuesday and Wednesday have such a huge weight of volatility in the in the offing it's going to happen tomorrow guaranteed we're gonna have lots of movement on Tuesday lots of movement on Wednesday and a lot of folks are sitting back and they're going to wait for those reports they're going to pass and then they'll start putting money in the marketplace or taking money out in in respect to whatever the market does as a response to those data points but if you don't have rules and protocols in place that you know this is what you're trying to do and this is what you're trying to avoid you're going to be aimless like a like a like a cell booat out there without a Rudder wherever the wind blows you and are you in control of your trading when it's like that I can tell you I was not in control of my trades when I was like that at all and then I was always forced to have an emotional response that was always exaggerated and when I was right it was yeah it was super skill and when I was wrong it was the end of the world and I wanted to quit trading I never wanted to do it again and I had to convince myself by going back and look at the times where I did it right and that encouraged me CU I didn't have a ICT talking to me I didn't have these cheerleading sessions or guidance okay I had a couple videos that I knew verbatim and I couldn't couldn't get anything out of them anymore to keep me going so I had to refer back to the times I did it correctly and then also treating my opportunities where I did it wrong as a means of this is my goal to figure out what I was doing wrong there notice the language I use there I didn't say how the market doesn't work and or the concepts don't work I was being very personal about the opportunity of discovering where I was doing it wrong and in my opinion as a mentor I see that a lot I see it in older students that have not been profitable yet and they have those tenants they have those Central tenants they don't like to hear it because they want to be able to say well no it's this it's that it's you you didn't teach me right or you didn't teach me the secret this and secret that again here I am on YouTube teaching the very things that are absolutely going to cause these markets to do what they're doing based on time and price and it's happening again just like every other lecture series I ever did just like the paid mentorship videos I uploaded on the YouTube channel that stuff doesn't fall out of favor it's not going to get stale it's it's the it's what the Market's going to do but because you have so many things like a candy store in front of you how are you going to use the information I can't realistically force you into a mold but I am in certain aspects because he's my son I'm leaning on the authority of being his dad when I say you're going to trade the morning session knowing full well that this will at least give him a Baseline and then if he wants to change up and go to trade in the London session or trading the afternoon session in in the US he can make that decision because he'll have the same protocols that he uses here just at a different time of day and I'm not willing to make changes I don't want to sit up at London I don't want to do that all over again I don't want to do that so since this is you know second time for him to go through this it's Dad saying okay I'm not willing to make changes to my schedule I'll do it once to show you the logic and for all of you that are here wanting to learn and you have an interest that time of day but you'll see that nothing's really changing it's just you're applying the same concepts of measuring time determining where the liquidity is and then waiting for this disruption and the waters are made Jagged or rough wherever it's smooth okay you're waiting for that jaggedness to come in and if you look at what has been shown here what I traded off of is these relative equal highs this up closed candle I'm anticipating that as a bearish order block why because it's going above the relative equal highs we had the market trade lower it went beyond the opening price listen folks this is for order block fans okay my order block does not require the trade below the wick if I understand the narrative and this talk a little bit about narrative this morning my interest was being short I wanted to be short because we had a nice run all last week and we really didn't see TGIF on Friday I talked about it with Caleb I said I believe it could do it it could it could potentially have a retracement as much as 20 to 30% of the weekly range it didn't do that they kept pressing in into Friday's close okay wonderful so how do I trade with that information knowing that TGIF did not form on a Friday Friday if the market didn't retrace 20 to 30% of previous week's range and if it's up Clos week if I see that that's likely to happen but it doesn't deliver let's say I took a trade on Friday and I was trying to get short and it just didn't Peter it it just it didn't pan out and it petered out and maybe it caused a losing trade or maybe it didn't give me a fill and or it just didn't give me what I thought was going to happen the the end result is what was lacking TGIF did not Mater materialize and manifest itself on a Friday wonderful so fast forward to Monday if you're going to trade on Monday and this is true even if there is CPI PPI on Tuesday and Wednesday or later in the week you can use this information anticipate the likelihood of 20 to 30% of the previous week's range occurring on Monday's trading so it's TG but the the actual retracement of it is deferred to the following following week in this case it's Monday do you need 20% of the uh weekly previous week's range to be profitable no but it's one more little box to check that probabilities are better in the short than going long so then when you start mapping out your your day 7 o'clock in the morning as I outlined last week determine what your initial high for buy side is and what your initial low is for your sell side wait for them to be taken and if you have the weekly Gap the new week opening Gap and a new day opening gaps are below price and you have that function of determining okay well it could retrace into some of previous weeks range you have a lot of things going in your favor that point to what the initial run will offer you a range so that way you can determine some kind of directional bias that bias doesn't have to be the daily range bias where you're predicting the Clos is above below the opening price remember it's session bias too and you need to be able to determine that first Caleb you you need to be focusing on in the morning session I want to know where a run could form that is measurable it's something that I'm able to participate in and it's one-sided okay wonderful if you can see that we're above the new week opening Gap and and we have new day opening gaps below the market at 7:00 or 8:00 or 9:00 at the opening bell then you know the weight of the market is going to be pressed to the downside so the Market's going to discover probe into discount arrays that's something that's below the market price and or seek inefficiencies that are deep retracements into previous week's range or just taking out short-term lows that can be determined from a 15-minute time frame okay so as the market was trading on this Candlestick right here we opened down here after a down closed candle that closed below the opening price of that up closed candle let me zoom in make sure you can see so this opening price all I need to do is see price trade below that and on the time frame I'm seeing this Candlestick which is the one minute chart that closing price right there validates this is a bearish order block all I need to do is trade on an uptick well the next candle we open below that open price so I already have that F here because it could have opened down here or it could have opened above it I want to see it open below this and then trade up where's my fill see it at the opening price here's the opening and there's where it's opening on this candle and trades up I'm selling short when the Market's going up okay stop loss goes to rejection block which is the close on the order block so we have a little bit of heat here not much what's it trading to the initial buy side liquidity that's these relative equal highs goes there too so I know I can I can absorb a little bit of heat it's going to come back and use this information back there because there is an algorithm I know you don't like to hear it but I'm going to prove it to you every day and the market trades again Lower and then we have a gap in here so again as I teach you're not using the wick of that Candlestick right there you're using the body's close why because it's different and there's a separation between the next candle's opening so there's a volume imbalance there so you have to incorporate that with your your measurement of your Gap and then by doing that you'll get a true consequent encouragement level which is what you see all these candlesticks touching here right in here now truth be told this is the part where you're going to if you don't like me or if you're looking for something do the gotcha stuff or oh he's lying here I had Piper sitting to the left of me in my morning room and I had my laptop on me and I was trying to draw all this stuff on here and then I had my cursor sitting right over here just like that and I was moving her and her claws which I have to trim them back on her her front paws I didn't get a chance to finish her last week when we were doing her paws we got her back done but she she doesn't like to have it done so I had to wait well they were stabbing into me as she was pouncing on because she don't want the other puppies to get near me and I know this is probably boring you but long story short because I was pushing her away I I use a mouse pad my laptop like I don't have an external M uh Mouse I it's like a touchpad I prefer them I I like them I don't like external Mouse uh I don't like it it's just the way it is I have to use it obviously when I'm using my my screens upstairs but if I'm talking to you if I'm executing or managing something on the laptop um I prefer it I don't have a a little mouse that's external when I pushed her away I ended up touching the the pad and put me in there and I had to I had to deal with it I had to accept it and there's no logic in here that justifies that fill except for I pushed the pad without wanting to do so but the trade is still viable I know that it's giving me the information I want to see is look at the Wix here it only goes above it by one tick it only goes above it by one tick okay wonderful the bodies are proving to me that we're only really respecting the lower half of this Gap see that let me take that let me take the thing I'll put it right back on in a second give me a moment you see see how the bodies are showing how it's just respecting the lower half you want to see my PD arrays and my inefficiencies and fair value gaps whether it be cellid balance bid efficiency or bid balance cellid efficiency you want to see half of them not respected because that in itself is Insight that's how you know the algorithm is doing exactly what you want it to do see when I talk about signatures and price and what the algorithm is doing what the algorithm is doing this and when the algorithm is doing that it sounds like [ __ ] if you don't want to believe there's an algorithm but then when you start seeing me execute and it's the same logic repeating over and over again or I'm calling individual candlesticks then suddenly you're met with argument that you have to contend with I don't give two shits if you believe there's an algorithm I'm enjoying the fact that I'm rubbing your nose in it but there are times where these inefficiencies will come back entirely close in and still go lower I do not like that I don't like to see that in my trades I don't like to see that in a trade that I'm waiting to see form and for instance say I'm trying to um anticipate this as a return back up into it to go short which is what I was wanting to do I really wanted to execute as it hit this that's what I wanted I wanted consequent encouragement I really wanted that fill but because I'm allowing the dog and I talked about this last week when I don't let him up in my trading office but I'm down here being with them otherwise if she's not in the house my wife and the we only have my youngest living with me and my nieces so if they're not here with her they're going to howl and cry try to get my attention and that's going to be distracting you'll hear them in the background I won't be able to mute them because they're going to be howling because they want to be with me Piper is the one that loves me the most and she's trying to get on my lap and I pushed the the laptop in her away and I did and executed one I said crap so that's what that fill was in in here it was not me trying to get into a trade based on any kind of logic it was just one of those things that happened in real life okay it's going to happen to you but when it does what do you do in the beginning if you don't know these things if you don't know how to trade and hold on to a trade or trust a logic as soon as you realize you did something that you shouldn't have done your best learning curve to experience is to close that trade and then see all right this is how I would still manage it and what has it done it completely disarms you you don't have the weight of it has to be right it has to pan out in your favor because now you're stressing about oh I got into a trade or I part I partially pyramided another position size in this trade idea and now I'm working about this is a mistake versus watching what is price doing okay so the signature is is you want to see the upper half when you're looking at a Cy or a inversion fair value Gap that should act as resistance or if you are using a reclaimed fair value Gap that's a premium array a premium array you want to see the upper half of the inefficiencies or gaps you want to see them leave that open that's how you know the algorithm is respecting number one the PD array and it's also telling you that you're going to see a measurable displacement in your favor now right away you should be getting this warm and fuzzy moment goinging over you right now because that's the stuff that's the stuff that I never wanted to teach that's the stuff that is not printing in price so it's not in it's not in your Candlestick you want to see the things that are not in the candlesticks materialize that means where there's an inefficiency okay how do I know when certain gaps are not going to fill oh I go into everyone that I'm referring to to with a hope that they're not going to fill because that's the algorithmic signature that I want to see in that now if it goes up and trades to the top of it then I need to see an immediate response and rejection there and then it has to displace and I won't touch it until it gives us another fair value gap on that time frame or in this case is one minute chart it has to be 15 seconds 30 seconds something to that effect and then I'll I'll use a fair value gap on that time frame because I've already missed the rejection but I waited and looked for it at the top of the fair value app and once it starts at displ lower then I'll just get into a lower time frame and get in sync with it and it's fine I ain't worried about it that's the price delivery Continuum theory that I was introducing last week I don't need to be in the entries based on the time frames I'm studying if I miss it because sometimes I'm just being a little stubborn and I I'm trying to be very finessing about the where I'm trying to get in at I'm trying to impress either myself or some of you sometimes I won't get my fill and then I have to go and use a a lower time frame to get in sync with it that's fine it's very forgiving when you know what you're looking for but that that was what that was okay and then I have this inefficiency here which also has this what's this Candlestick what's this green Candlestick right here it is a bearish order block just like that one so this opening price did this candle close below it once it passed through yep so that validates that as a bearish order block so if I can see price create these areas where there's an inefficiency and then I can label the very specific change in the state of delivery which is what the opening price is on every order block then what I'll do is I'm watching I'm not doing this physically you should do it when you start studying price but with these things in mind when price starts to trade back up into it as it's trading into it okay I'm going to hammer that as a short I'm not going to worry about if it fills me with slippage at the low of the Gap I'm trying to get inside of this order block between its opening price and it's low but I have to trade it as soon as it gets there the first time I don't care how much heat and time I have once I get in it because I know I have the framework of this right here this Gap and the midpoint of this Candlestick which is what mean threshold some of you said consequent encroachment consequent encroachment is a gap okay anytime there's a gap or inefficiency the midpoint is consequent encroachment if there's a specific range that's formed by the order block singular candle it's mean threshold okay so the midpoint of that essentially it's around here okay so what is it doing it goes right there so it goes just outside of the the fair value Gap but I'm referring to the midpoint of that Gap how do you know how to place your stop losses where they're at ICT when you put those stop losses in and you're putting it and it looks like it's going get real close to it but it never goes there it's this type of stuff behind me I'm I'm I'm measuring all of the potential for the market to respect certain levels with this logic and if it trades just to the top of the fair value Gap okay what is it really reaching for it's not that it has to go back to this it's trading back to the order block because that's what starts this run lower notice that so that takes us through the minor cell side liquidity here why is it a minor cell side because it's a low inside of this low to that high when I think it's going to go down here and I'm aiming down here in this layered cell side and if it's going to go there how far could it go it can go down to the new week opening Gap and if it expands through that what's the next new day opening Gap it's August 9th down here and as I told you my interest in this is in the mid part of that would I if I was still in the trade would I have captured this low no and then trading down to this low would I held on first there no I'm not interested because I understand what's forming it's making the market Jagged down here it's enticing people keep selling short it's going to keep dropping no it's not it's done its work and then it trades down to last Friday's new day opening G and then shows a willingness I want to go higher and then trades right back over top of all this and here's where we're at notice I'm no longer interested if it trades at that level here why because I have rules I have protocols I have understanding and I know when to stop I need to stop pull the plug and the market will still gate someone someone could very well be long in here great did you understand that the market was going to do the selloff here did you participate in anything going short there are you mad about not catching that initial run see these are all things that you're going to have to learn how to cope with and replace it with instead of toxic thinking like that saying okay well these are the things I've done correctly and this is panning out for me and I'm growing in my understanding and I'm making progress it may be monetary and it may not be monetary initially maybe just in your experience you know gaining each day and the week that you do these things the exercise and build in your understanding or it may be demo profits that you're going to use as a means to lean on because when you first start trading with real money when you take losing trades what reference do you have if you haven't made a a run of profitable trades what what experience do you have to lean on to encourage yourself the demo trading where you did it right you you need to find the sugar in it otherwise it's going to be hard for you to stick with it it's so easy to quit this industry very very easy to quit it there's so many things that's going to cause you to second guess yourself doubt it and just the work ethic that's required is going to keep most of you from ever becoming profitable and it's not because you don't have a good Mentor it's not because you don't have Concepts being taught to you that are useful it's because you aren't ready that's really what it is but anyway the uh the gravitational draw on price are based on the lot that I gave you last week so again I I tipped my hand to you last week in a on a grand level every single time I was on Twitter every single time I am in other people's live streams and I'm pointing to specific levels this is the logic I'm using I said it last week I'm saying it again here I am trying to tell you with no uncertain terms that this is such a huge Advantage some of you already know I mean you sent me emails and whatnot saying this is wild like this like this is really like I can see it now right and that's how it should be but you're still going to do it wrong eventually and then you're going to get mad and you're going to try to do something to fix that one day problem that one day error that you caused in your own hands and then that's going to create a toxic response to you being responsive to an emotional or psychological impact of you doing it wrong you don't want to go home with a losing trade you're going to try to fix it or you got a little bit of a draw down or you got in a trade you didn't take a partial and then you're mad because you let it turn back on you and it's a small loss or the fo loss because you didn't move a stop loss and it's going to cause you to want to do something to fix it and my advice to you is don't go home with the loss realize it take it home sleep on it and feel what it feels like and you're going to find out unless the Lord says no the sun's going to come up tomorrow the markets are going to be trading and this stuff will still be in the charts but something happens where we lose all rational thinking and we just go nuts and they call it tilt where you just completely just are out of your mind and you're just trying to do anything and you don't even know why you're getting in a trade and all of a sudden you cause severe draw down or blow the account or Lo lose the funded account or fail the combine I see this so many times so many individuals out there that are in other people's live streams are saying oh just blew my account again or the live streamers themselves are blowing their accounts and they're showing you new accounts that they just started up because they're not consistently voting on the same ones but there's people flocking to them watching that and their only real interest is is they're going to give out a a discounted affiliate link not that they can trade not that they have any useful information coming out of their mouth it's say give us a code give us a a discount code I'm not going to do that I'm trying to give you the how to do this on your own so that way you don't have to watch anybody live streaming and this is no knock against anybody else but that's why I teach I teach people to be their own independent thinker but there's also going to be a big huge crowd of new people going to watch other people doing it I watch other people do it I don't ever take a trade with another live streamer doing something that I think well that's a good idea I didn't see that coming let me let me join in and do their trade I don't do that I'm never doing that I'm there looking for their crowd their cheerleaders in the in the chat window I want to see their response and if it's diametrically opposed to the things I'm teaching you here well guess what that means it's Candy Land it's literally like walking over to a candy I mean walking over to a baby and taking the candy out of its hand I know they're going to cry I know they're going to squeal and whine and say you're a jerk ICT you called it right and I lost money so now I'm going to troll you I'm going to do this I'm going to do that and when they watch other people they don't necessarily have to be my stuff but other people that had the balls The Moxy to stand out there and tell the world what they're doing and trade and push the button in front of other people I got a lot of respect for that but they get trolled they get trolled for doing something the people that are trolling them can't do or would never do and they're miserable but I love that because that proves that I'm going to get an emotional sentiment reading by that group of people and when they have trolls in their comment section and other people are biting back at those trolls and they're saying the Market's going to go here the Market's going to what did they do they emotionally wagered they've committed themselves so I'm I'm literally teaching you how I use other live streamers chat window and my my point in telling you this is start looking at it when when it does these types of things when you start seeing it okay it's the perfect sentiment indicator when people are showing you their hand and it's emotionally driven and it's a lot of emojis or it's very very pointed language against someone or the market they're telling you you that they are completely letting go of the steering wheel closing their eyes and flooring the gas pedal and if they're saying that the Market's going to go up and I'm anticipating it going down and that criteria is there and it's it's it's uncanny they're doing that right when it's trading into a fair value Gap or it's trading right above a short-term high that should be upsetting Bops and they're bullish I'm going long I'm long now I'm I'm long 15 contracts they telling you they're traded with a funded account they not passed the funded account yet and they're trying to make it all in that one trade perfect perfect that is the perfect scenario for ICT as a sentiment indicator because now I'm going short but everything I'm doing behind the scenes is what I've been teaching you last week my son Caleb sits here and watches me do this okay and I'll say it's it's going to do this it's going to do that it's going to hit this candle and he's like man like it's literally doing every right I don't know why you're surprised um your dad's ICT right and when I watch other people and they're just staring at the charts they don't know what they're looking for and they're talking and they're talking and they're talking when there's opportunities there's really opportunities right there and then when I'm in their chat and I say you note this buy side or note this sell side I've literally told you where the Market's going to go and you can use any retail logic entry pattern after that to get in sync with it and write it up there or write it down there that that's that's what I'm doing but what was I doing to come to those conclusions what I taught last week and what you saw here today now when I when I get stopped out and you watched me get stopped out in profit there was not a loss is it I wasn't able to stay on the trade the entire entire run do go back in and rush and get mad try to get back no I don't need to save face I don't need to fix a problem there's no problem I understand that the mechanics on a day like today ahead of CPI and PPI numbers back toback Tuesday and Wednesday it's a Monday I didn't have TGIF deliver on Friday okay then it's going to be deferred it's going to retrace back into the range during Monday's trading especially if we open up at 7:00 in the morning here and we punch above the marketplace to upset what relative equal highs here where was that formed in London so I know that it's probable that it's going to go up there it doesn't need to all it needed to do was trade above these relative equal highs because that's what formed after 7 o'clock in the morning just like I taught last week the rules are not morphing I'm not changing I'm not cherry-picking anything everything is the same thing every single day and that's exactly what your trading has to be if you're trying to change settings and you're optimizing [ __ ] because you know you got you're trying to look good in front of other people if you're constantly optimizing you have substandard [ __ ] I it's 7 o'clock folks you know 7 o'clock isn't changing when it's 7 o'clock it does when you go to different time frames or time zones in the world but I've already told everybody calibrate everybody's calendar everyone's clock everyone's charts have to be ICT time it's the same ICT time it's the same ICT [ __ ] Channel everything's going to be the same thing every single day you're not trying to reinvent the wheel you're not trying to make it better you're not trying to optimize you're not trying to change settings there's no [ __ ] settings do you understand the the the value in that at 7 o'cl you're going to delineate that as a marking point and then you're going to wait for relative equal highs and relative equal lows is isn't that [ __ ] delicious isn't that delicious that it's not going to hide from you they cannot hide it from you how are they going to keep 7 o'cl from hiding from they're they're somehow going to hide 7 o'clock like you can't look at the [ __ ] time on your watch that set to New York local time like you're somehow gonna just forget that 7 o'clock is on the on the front of the the face of the clock they can't hide that then what are you waiting for you're waiting for relative equal highs and lows to form and you're waiting for them to be breathed and here's the thing if they have the market in a premium oh you were talking about that in Winship videos Michael could you peel back that onion a little bit more sure sure I can last week I told you if we're in the time of day 7 o'clock 8:00 and 9 in there you're looking for relative equal highs to form if listen if we're above new week opening Gap and clustering of new day opening gaps all of last week's new day opening gaps where are they in proximity to where we are here where are they where's price in relationship to this week's new week opening that at 7 o'clock we're above it the previous new week's opening G we above it so the algorithm is going to do what it's going to seek fair value in a discount so how can it mathematically and use time go back to a random [ __ ] point unless it has a very specific reach to time date day of week week of month month of year and where are these inefficiencies when time of trading begins and ends oh my oh my that's delicious isn't it my dogs like it hang on I think it's probably Amazon give me one second here I got to tell you I'll be honest with you really I enjoy these live streams because I don't have to go back back and edit anything and I'm really loving this new ICT where I'm not worried about you know all the little quirky things that used to bother me so anyway when we have these uh these signatures I outlined last week and we start at predetermined price times price times times of the day which are what I gave you last week we're measuring we're waiting what are you waiting for ICT at 7 o'cl what are we looking for well you're looking for a directional run okay and if we are starting at 7 o'clock here and we have the new week opening gap for this particular week of trading which forms on August 11th Sunday's opening price relative to Friday's closing price if we're above that that's one checkbox that is likely to displace and move and deliver sell size delivery that means it's going to enter a sell program it means it's going to drop the price is going to have a sustained price run lower it's further likely to occur if you have new day opening gaps clustering below where price starts at 7 o'clock well you have your Friday new day opening Gap and all the ones below it and you have last week's previous new week opening gap down here see that so the likely the draw down into these levels wonderful so now you have the first elements to building your understanding of bias so you're not looking to go long even if the market Springs higher and takes off and has this a real huge Dynamic price run I'm not thinking I'm probably wrong I'm waiting for that to fizzle and and run out which is going to occur above old highs that formed after 7 o'cl so I'm waiting for relative equal highs to form and then I'm waiting for price to pierce above it when that happens I'm not afraid I'm literally high on goofballs I'm looking for the opportunity to see the price go below it and it does right there that validates that as a bearish order block not because it traded above London's High that's not it it's it's not it it ran stops above London's high so now someone's going to call it the [ __ ] what they call the fu candle it's an Institutional candle you [ __ ] clowns there's no such thing as an Institutional candle okay you [ __ ] multi multi-level marketing [ __ ] you Liars man you are [ __ ] Liars come out here and call every [ __ ] candle like I do do that then you'll have then you'll prove that you have something hindsight [ __ ] relative equal highs okay it goes above that and then shows me it proves to me that this change in the state of delivery that opening price on that candle I want to be at that price or between the low that candle's wick on that candle anywhere near that's my sweet spot that's where I'm trying to trade but my risk has to be defined as much as the midpoint or mean threshold of that order block it does not need to be up here man this is some good [ __ ] I see damn this is good yes I'm cooking out all week come back I got some good [ __ ] coming but that opening price that's my entry on that candle I don't have them up here do sorry I'm sitting here acting like you can see the prices again here's the opening price and that's the fill okay that's the logic being used and then in here that's this human error pushing the button and I was looking at Piper thinking man you're messing up a perfect illustration today but I love her anyway and then the market trades with this fair value Gap and we have this order block as well so the opening price on an up closed candle when the market is in a sell program that means there's going to be sell side delivery that means the Market's going to be in a protracted delivery lower it's moving lower it's going down for a specific reason for inefficiencies that are in a discount and or sell stops which is sells side liquidity so what does that mean I want to be selling short when the market returns into any inefficiency or up at the the butt end of an upclose candle because that's a bearish order block okay so we have this Candlestick right there you see that look at that Phil what's it doing I'm going to use the lowest threshold entry the easy one the one I know I'm going to get I'm not going to worry about not getting it because of a limit order not filling what is it it's the low of that fair value gap on that Cy right there right here this Candlestick right there defined by this candlestick's High I want to use that candlestick's high I'm using that as my point of reference to get into the trade knowing full well that this Candlestick right here is a bearish order block but I have to afford myself the likelihood of it touching this fair value Gap again notice that so am I going to adjust the stop loss because this Fair B Gap formed and I went in here and added more am I going to roll the stop loss aggressively because it's it's afforded me another entry no and when I add to it here am I going to trade and aggressively lower my stop loss simply because I went into a trade no I have to then wait for the market to roll out of this after it's proven it's it's doing what I wanted to do the bodies are being kept at the high of that fair value Gap right there and essentially the midpoint of this order block which is mean threshold so first time hearing this if you're a first-time viewer right away this is [ __ ] to you and you're going looking for overball oversold indicators and moving averages that's what you're looking for you're looking for a signal service and I want you to leave because I have no interest in dealing with people that are like that I want to broom you quickly okay when I teach I'm going to filter out the chaff because if you really want to learn how to do this you're taking notes you're listening and you're listening for logic that repeats and you're going to [ __ ] hear me say this at nauseum it's going to repeat a lot you repeat yourself so much go [ __ ] yourself comment boy because I'm teaching I want to prove that what I'm doing is a repeating logic it's a repeating logic that you have to have ingrained in your understanding and when you're watching price because if it's not part of your intellect if it's not part of your bacular if it's not part of your daily technical vocabulary then you're going to [ __ ] fail aren't you but guess what if I'm constantly bloviating on about how this is this is what it is and this is what it isn't this is what it is and this is what it isn't and it's never changing it's never morphing in than something new then it's scientifically proven nine out of 10 doctors will [ __ ] approve that IC he's got his [ __ ] together and it's going to repeat so therefore you have no excuse not to be doing this stuff and observing it and logging it and looking for these signatures to be in price action that's the experience that you're lacking that's what overcomes the fear and the anxiety and the worrisome thoughts that you're thinking you're thinking the algorithm is going to stop working because here I am I'm teaching it live in front of everybody and now more people are going to learn it and they're going to change the algorithm no they're not they're not okay they're not because this is the science of how price is booked so if this is what price is going to do are they going to be able to change time 7 o'clock 8 never going to come no it's always going to be there London session is always going to be there the New York sessions am's going to be there the PM session in New York's going to be there and you saw last week how to deal with the Asian sessions if you want to trade that time of day you may do it wrong but they're not changing [ __ ] okay so anyway as um as I was watching price action I mentioned how because these were relatively equal what is it those are relative equal Highs at 9:00 if I had not taken a trade say I was not in a trade say I didn't have one and I wasn't stopped out prematurely in gain in profit this is your 9:00 setup right here isn't that your relative equal highs isn't this price run from here up up to there opposing where you think price May draw to or I was taking your attention here and I told you the new week opening Gap last week that's where it's going to draw to any clustering of new day opening gaps that's your Friday new day opening Gap these are the word escapes me these are qualifying factors that put probability so far in your favor and it was taught to you in advance last week and the same logic is working here again we're not trying to predict the closing price here folks we're just trading a session run something that's going to yield you something that is clear it's one-sided it's going to be very pronounced in price it's it's it's not going to be something that oh it looks like it could have ran but it's hard to tell there no it's definitely a run it's definitely a protraction in price it's one directional and it goes to a level that can be predetermined it's not random okay this type of lesson I would have man I would have given anything if someone knew this and was willing to teach it to me when I was first starting because I would be all over these charts studying annotating and putting all these things in a journal every single day and adhering to these rules and I would be so much better the trader and person and I wouldn't have all the the mental baggage I have that I put myself it was self-inflicted but you have all the advantages of having this information now and going forward studying it and learning how to better yourself and avoid all of the [ __ ] nonsense that's out here there's so many things being told to you that this is what the Market's going to do this is what makes the market go up this is a technique this is a pattern this is some horseshit this some algo this is some kind of a u indicator take the [ __ ] indicators off your chart every single one of them and if that makes you mad and you watch me or if you like me and it offends you get over it man because you're you're literally lying to yourself when you're saying that that indicator has any bearing on what prices is doing it has absolutely [ __ ] all to do with what price is going to do it does nothing it's literally doing nothing it's calculating and compressing mathematically old moves that you can't do [ __ ] about but what am I teaching you this is the time when the Market's going to run this is how the move set up they engineer liquidity then they run the liquidity that's the manipulation when you see that manipulation guess guess guess what that means the other side of the marketplace is now it tag [ __ ] you're it it's going to go other direction and some of you are still going to say this is complicated it's not complicated it literally is the easiest [ __ ] there's nothing else that can be easier than this literally I mean how many times again every time this does this I'm going to show you again how many times you need to see this before you start taking it serious and say I'm going to start journaling and start looking for this stuff in Old moves and collecting data that way I'm building pseudo experience that will be used going forward when I walk test forward everything that's that's not realized in price delivery yet that means you're walking forward with the hard right Edge you don't know what price is going to do next so you're looking at the chart like this you don't know what it's going to do so what do you lean on a lot of you just want to go to live streamers and just listen what they're doing and if it if they think it's going to go up you wait for it to move 30 handles if they even hold a trade that long and then once it starts doing it it's it's usually the big bold green candle or bullish candle then you'll go in and buy because it you know it's got five more handles to run and then it starts squeezing against you 17 handles and you get out and but then goes right where you thought it was going to go or the live streamer hinted that but never took the trade to get there and that's the cycle that I watch always panning out it's just it's just it's crazy how it this does it over and over and over again but to break that cycle and to prevent yourself from going through those types of things you have to have some kind of Baseline you have to have something you're going to start doing and measuring and then not only what is price doing when it's behaving a certain way but how you feel how you're feeling when when the market does certain things do you get it real excited when you get in front of the charts and you anticipate something happening and it starts moving in your favor notice are you getting really emotional and and and like Adrenaline Rush that you're right and are you focus on the feeling of you being right at the moment because that's a problem you cannot invite the warm and fuzzies until you close the idea it means it goes to terminus where you would no longer be in a trade and you have stages of your development before you even get to that part even with a demo like we're just talking about the fundamentals of determining what price is going to do and why it should do it that's the that's the important the why I'm telling you when I'm telling you how but I'm telling you the why it's going to do it that proves there's a [ __ ] algorithm because if I'm pulling [ __ ] out of my ass like some people like to go around the internet and pretend that's what it is how is it that I'm sitting out here and I'm telling you beforehand where it's going to go look at the live streamers on on YouTube predominantly most of them and I like lots of them and I have an affinity for a few of them but most of them they don't know where price is going they're reacting off of something that forms at a later time they don't they really don't know where it's drive driving to and I've counseled one in particular to watch these lectures to help them so while I'm not mentioning their name per se they understand what I'm saying right now and who I'm talking to if you start to implement these ideas your trades will grow exponentially in terms of the yield in terms of how much you're getting out of it the Precision elements will increase and the comfort of you being in the trade and not being so skittish about okay I don't like this I'm getting out I I rarely have that at in my 20s I was a basket case I'm watching quot Trek you know watching charts go up and down just by price and I I didn't have charts we just watched the data the highest high and the lowest low and where it's at right now how many contracts have traded that's it that's what you had so because of that experience I learned how to read the tape without realizing knowing that that's what I was doing and every time the high of the day would be breached and they would back off on the bond market or back off on British pound futures or back off on Silver contracts or crew oil or whatever I was trading at the time you live cattle lean Hogs whatever it was I was trading I wasn't aware that I was learning how the market will constantly keep pressing into liquidity I just felt that okay um it's going to be a blastoff move because we just broke the high of the day no not realizing that there could be deeper retracements around elements of time because anytime the market moved above a certain level cuz I only want to be a buyer then when I first started I thought that now it broke out it's going to keep going higher and I would be frustrated that we would have retracements and because I didn't know how far it would retrace I didn't understand where the fair bag gaps were when I first started doing this I didn't understand where the buy side IM balance consequent cro would be I didn't know where the short-term lows would be that they would go down there to sweep them and then start running higher and create a new Bight about selfs efficiency and that's the one that you want to try to go long in in the upper half of it and that's a model right there I didn't I didn't know those things initially I didn't I didn't have that understanding I didn't have the Insight experience seeing it executing on it I didn't have that these are all things I had to grow through and through prayer and just helping you know myself through personal counseling which was and you hear I I'm I'm swinging from one Spectrum to the next imagine being the the person that's going to coach you but also tears yourself down and you're the person also that just ran into the tree with that account recklessly driving you know the next trade before you should have taken it it was it was crazy like it was literally insane and how I arrived you if it wasn't God helping me I would have never arrived at my understanding of how these markets do this but I had to have some kind of foundation and I'm providing that for all of you and and you're not entitled to it okay I'm not obligated to tell this to you but I I just know that even when I'm done with this whenever that end is I don't know what it's going to be but uh no matter what happens with Caleb he could be wildly successful he could be modestly successful you know if he just gets half his monthly bills I'm tickled to death by that if he can just make his monthly expense of where he lives all his bills paid car insurance all those things he has to pay out of that of his wages I don't give him money for that so it's a motivation for him to to do better and everything's expensive but all of these foundational points here this is my best for him okay this is my best I'm not holding back because you're all watching I am proving to you that this [ __ ] is the real deal it's the real thing it's exactly what's going on in the marketplace and I even told you this is exactly what I use when I'm in other people's live stream and I'm calling it and many times it's against what they're saying and it's not to be rude it's just for me to go and say hey I support this live streamer I've never talk bad about him but I'm also there sharing and I'm not doing it where okay well they're long I'm going to go short because I'm going to say here's the sell site I'm just saying this is what I see and the people that follow me and understand me they know right away what I'm doing okay he's saying that it's this is the sell side level he's talking about so whatever the Market's doing right now he's going to be looking to go up into some kind of Premium aray that means go through the time frames now you know 155 1 go through it and you'll see the fair value gaps the inversion fair value gaps the order blocks as I'm talking about here today reading price like this Caleb you're not trying I'm not trying to sway your your interest to to an order block I'm just showing you how when you're bearish and the market is in sell side delivery that means it's in a Cell program it's going lower up closed candles should be used as a means of staving off any advance higher but not every up closed candle is going to perform like that it'll go back up into inefficiencies it may touch the inefficiency again why because there's a measure of time that's afforded to it to do that so if we know that at 9:30 that's like we're at the game now you know this is it it's the big game because the opening bell is in 30 minutes so at at 9:30 right here there as soon as that Bell opens or sorry as soon as the opening bell happens and the Market's technically quote unquote open it's been trading but that's what they call the day session what has it done well at that moment it's created these relative equal highs and has these relative equal highs and that Gap right there so it can return back into it now I could have very easily moved my stop higher but I don't do that because I'm committed to this is what I see in price if it stops me out I'll stop out with a gain it's not taking things from me it's just removing me off the bus before the bus goes where I was originally on the bus to go to which is down in here down in here and down in here I was showing you where the limit order was I wanted to get out down here but I was going to change that and you've seen me do this and I know when I talk like this it's very easy for people with no character or just they're just little dick energy boys okay they'll say oh you're saying that and hind I I literally do this all the time I show you what I'm interested in but if it starts to really move I'll take the limit order expand it Beyond and then I'll start taking single partials off when it gets the levels I like just go watch my examples on Twitter and on my YouTube channel like when I do those things I'm using predom the logic I'm showing you here okay so this is how you start learning how to read where price is going to go because as I said on baby Pips that's your first lesson you have to know where the Market's going to go if you don't do your initial work there anything and everything that you do is wasted time and I can't stress that enough Caleb if you try to do anything more than try to figure out where the Market's going to gravitate to and when you don't see it like it's if it's not obvious based on what I'm showing just in last week's lecture and today if you don't see that in price don't hold an opinion don't try to form one because the only thing you'll do is you're going to try to arm wrestle and develop your will and it'll be many times contrarian and I I had to wrestle myself out of a contrarian perspective I mean I there's certain times where I look for it to be beneficial for me as a Trader I let my personality which is what I was talking about here and every other time I talk about other people's live streams the ones that have a live chat open and they allow other people to to talk I am diametrically opposed to the sentiment of whatever they're saying if the things I'm teaching are technically there in price at the time I'm looking for them those are my best trades those are the times where I'm absolutely in stunner mode I'm I'm I I got no problem going out in public and saying this is where it's going and look how look at the history on Twitter tens of thousands of you would be in my live stream or whatever CH space listening and I'm calling every single individual one minute candle and where it went to and then you watch my examples of of recorded trades and then I'm out here live streaming now giving you the logic of how I do it and it's still panning out and you're still going to worry about there is no algorithm or it's going to stop working or I'm making up stuff you you're you're worried about all the wrong things instead of just learning how to do it yourself you don't have to be a fan of me I don't want fans I want students that learn how to do this and they tell me I've been able to take care of my family I've been able to take care of my family and I thank you so much for that and I say in response give praise to God that's it because I want the invitation to redirect it right back to him that's it I don't want to be worshiped I'm not the guru I'm not the you know the goat I'm not the greatest of all time but I don't ever want to move my Stop open once I reduce it and I'm content with getting stopped out if I am if I moved it too prematurely I'm going to eat it it is what it is it's just I'm going to live with it and if it's conducive for me to enter again and it's not today because we have big news tomorrow and frankly I'm not interested and it's good for you to see me trade and see me get stopped out and still deliver where I said I was going to go because that's going to happen to you do I sound regretful no do I feel like I gota go out and try to save face no because everything I'm teaching and taught last week is in your chart it's happening every day and they're not going to stop doing it because there's a whole lot of people out there even listening to me they're not going to do it they're not going to do it folks they're not going to stick to the rules they're never going to trade with real money because they're afraid so there's no there's no concern there either they're never going to pass their funded account challenge because they don't have all the the the wherewithal to be personally responsible they're going to overtrade they're going to over leverage even understanding this they're still going to break the rules that's why I have students from 2016 that still aren't profitable not all of them are like that but I do have students from my very first paid mentorship that can't find their way through this and the ones that are honest they've been very candid with me they say these are the same repeating things I keep doing and I can't stop I can't help them they have to make the decision they know what those things are so they have to figure out what those triggering mechanisms are that cause them to keep doing that repeated phenomenon that they know is going to give them an adverse response it's not going to get them the results that they're looking for so they keep doing it over and over again expecting a different result and that's where the frustrations coming from and for an educator it's very frustrating for me because I I'm at at the I'm at the end of my ability to help them because now it's all in their hands clearly the things I'm telling you are there in the chart it's happening every single day the problem is you're either not able to identify because you haven't spent enough time practicing and logging and then watching price deliver real time looking for these things to repeat yes if I was told that that had to do that at 20 years old again that would have sucked but after I blew a number of accounts I would have been really interested in trying to do it I know that because I have the tenacity to do it I I it's in my makeup to do it I didn't want to go into this and and except not knowing how to read price I went in wanting to know everything about it I wanted to know everything that is there for me to Tak advantage of everybody else's perspective and be superior to that was my goal I wasn't trying to be the best Trader in the world I wanted to be the guy that knew exactly what's going to happen and for some of you that just like you know that can't happen and there are days where I I get it wrong but that's my that's my desire that's my that's always been my goal and the way that these these Concepts you know that I've had to create a language for so that way you can see what it is that's behind the scenes that I can't teach you these are the closest things that get me to that point and truth be told I am not satisfied with it because I know know there's some way that I could probably explain it differently and it would open up your understanding a lot better based on what I've already shown that keeps repeating but even in even knowing that I don't know how to do that it's very frustrating so I had to you know be content with what I've done because I know I have students that do really really well and if it was something that wasn't really there they wouldn't be doing well they they wouldn't make money they wouldn't have the the the accolades that they can prove you in front of the world that this is what they've learned and now they put it to work and they're making money lots of money you know they don't work their job they have their own little business now doing their thing and to me that's awesome but you have to have some kind of personal responsibility going into this and not just look for well it's going to be easy or I'm just going to say he sucks and he's a fraud and the stuff doesn't work well first of all you can't say the stuff doesn't work and you can't say that it isn't precise and you can't say that it doesn't have the ability to call the Market before it happens I mean look at these levels look look at behaves around these levels and why it does what it does when it does it see these are all questions I asked myself initially as a 20-year-old I'm like I don't know why price did that when it did I didn't see that move there's no way stop there's no way for me to determine that move starting when it started like there's no way for me to have arrived at that and then I would go in and say okay what was occurring then what did Price look like then what did every one of these open high low closed bars because that's what I was using back then not candlesticks my eyes were better than they are today and I would stare at them and make annotations and a lot of things I thought initially were Catalyst for white did I soon found out that they had nothing to do with it and I would search indicators and see which one of the indicators would do a better job of determining that it was going to go up or go down and I wasted so much time with all that stuff and it really I'm telling you listen sit sit still for a minute okay because I'm about to close this video I want you to spend the least amount of time learning how to do this I really do I want you to be able to do this and have no fear I want you to be able do this and know beyond the Shadow of Doubt even if you make a mistake today or tomorrow or the next day that you trade that that loss doesn't undermine your desire to do this and your confidence in trusting it that's what I want for you I love you son and I know that you can do this I know you can but you're going to have to sit down and go through this and it's going to be daunting it's going to feel like you're not learning anything it's going to feel like it ain't clicking for you but it's going to happen if you keep pressing into it you'll see it you'll be able to see exactly what dad's telling you it's going to do this and do that we were doing it last was it uh Sunday we were watching it not not not uh what was it Friday when you see these things repeat you'll be able to do the same thing that was doing this Candlestick is going to go right up here it's going to stop right here and then immediately that next candle or the candle right after that one on a one minute chart you'll be able to determine the magnitude the the speed and where it's going to run right to and it's going to feel like a mutant superpower and it gives you confidence and in your age because you're still in your 20s you could potentially become an arrogant prick like I was because when you're 20 years old you already think your [ __ ] doesn't stink and you walk around and peacock about the smallest of little things because you want other people to recognize you and give you an that a boy but it'll impress dad more if you quell that and you just learn how to just be consistent and not be arrogant not be arrogant to your brothers if you get good at because they're going to look at you and they're going to pattern themselves after what you're doing and I want to see you learn how to do this well and not be arrogant and not try to talk down to anybody when you start making lots of money I don't want to see that I want to see you do well and Be steady Edy you're not trying to be talking to anybody in a condescending tone not to not to act like you're better than everybody else because you're going to want to do that sometimes and that's not going to be what people see in you and they're they're not going to look at you and say wow look at that the other 20-year-olds are going to want to be like you if you did that because they feel the same impulse they want to be significant and they think acting like that will yield them significance or clout and I'm trying to tell you as a fdy Dutty old guy I did all that stuff and I not proud of it and if you find your way in success with this stuff and you want to teach everything that you know that I'm holding back for you getting this Foundation if you want to give it to the world that's entirely up to you I won't say no because once I give it to you it's yours but you have the ability to determine that but if you're not properly rooted in decency and modesty and not being arrogant you you won't be prepared for it I'll hold it back from you if you if you show those signatures and your character but if you use this and you do well with it and you show that you're not being arrogant or egotistical or just trying to be better than everybody else believe me you're going to try it because it's going to feel like you arrived it's going to feel like you are are Superstar and therefore you're you deserve to be treated as a celebrity don't try to be a celebrity make your money live well let everybody else think whatever they want to think about you it doesn't change it doesn't reduce it doesn't increase it but your concern about everybody else's opinion about you will be a personal reflection on you and you'll care more about that stuff than just the things that you're supposed to be doing watching this thing just Cascade lower and lower and lower what a beautiful Drop did something happen I don't have any news wires in front of me because I'm just on my laptop wondering that uh something just happened there I mean technically we've went back to the level I already outlined to you well I said what I wanted to say today and I I showed you the logic working you saw me get stopped out knocking out at like um trailed stop loss so it's not a loss um when I showed uh how all these Concepts work and I talk about how the Market's going to behave and it does it on Twitter I had always people asking me all the time can you show a losing trade can you just do it wrong once in a while and I'll be honest with you the 20-year-old me loved seeing that the 20-year-old in me loved reading comments like that and I would Snicker and I'd smile and I'd look at my wife I'd look at my sons and say look at this and that was just me just nodding to the younger man and me saying that's what you want to see all the time but if I do it if I show you it's real it's organic like today and I'm telling you when I'm interested in going back in and when I'm not so what does it mean for tomorrow then I'm going to close it obviously we have the 8:30 news drivers on Tuesday and Wednesday they're going to absolutely be Bonkers it's going to be nuts I'm not trying to predict the market ahead of that um you've seen on Twitter and wherever else I've tried to do it before I've done my streams where I thought where was going to go to and it would go the other direction which is fine because I'm not trying to trade ahead of the CPI I'm not trying to trade ahead of the PPI number uh they're face rippers they're literally decapitate you if you're wrong and it's unforgiving so what we are doing is we're going to start our session at uh 9:15 tomorrow and on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday so I'll give you my pre-market view I'll go right into that I'll talk about the levels I'll have them on my charts that way it's already done and I can just point to them okay I I don't want to draw them out because it's a little too tedious I did that last week so we can see it how it's done but they'll already be on the chart populated so then when the stream starts I'll say okay good morning whatever you and then point to this this is what I'm looking at this is interesting to me this is where my focus is and I want to see if it does this or that then therefore I would be looking for price to go here or there as a result of that okay so the rest of the week you'll see how I'm really looking at price and formulating an idea around bias maybe talk about you know how the market May behave in specific profiles not that you need to know how to do that right now Caleb it's not even really essential at all really um because all you're looking for is a run from a a a a stop hunt that is engineered based around time then price then it goes to an area of inefficiency drawing to a new week opening Gap and or a clustering of new day open or new week opening Gap or a clustering of new day opening gaps so it's this very very Bland not sexy not terribly exciting rule-based idea of determining where the Market's likely to go to and why it's the same logic I taught you last week it's the same Jour idea I taught when I was teaching liquidity but I'm giving you a much more refined right to the point even though there's a whole lot of other stuff in here because I'm talking to my son and if you don't like go [ __ ] yourself the idea is that you want to strip it down to the Chrome where is it going why should it go there and how can I know when it's going to start doing it and what is the beginning of that move well you're looking for the market to open up at your time when you're going to sit down in front of the charts and if price is above new week opening Gap clustering of new day opening gaps the market will tend to seek those old reference points then if you're going to be looking for it to go lower you want to see relative equal highs form and then Pierce them and then once it rejects that all you have to do is get on board with a fair value Gap institutional orderflow entry drill a bearish breaker a bearish order block a bearish mitigation block inversion fair value Gap that used to be viewed as maybe something that would have been bullish but now once it trades below it if it trades back up into it see how fast it easily becomes usable the language now suddenly means something instead of just talking like an ICT student or smt uh no not SMC smart money Concepts Trader you understand what that stuff means not just using buzzwords and you know what you're looking for and by having that that understanding that repeats in the processes that you go through following specific protocols you'll learn by experience where your best setups for your personal risk and appetite for leveraging anything in here in terms of real money there's no shortcuts to it son I promise you if there was I would be giving it to you and you'd already be using it but this this is the first part that everybody has to do you have to do this part and it's a it's a sped up Advanced perspective on on the things I've already taught but this is the shortest route through it there's no there's nothing I can do to shorten this learning curve with what I'm showing you here and for some of you that are listening from the outside and you think that this is too hard too too daunting for you I am not the mentor for you and it's okay you don't have to you know insult me on the way out you just never have to come back here again don't waste your time if if if what I'm showing you here doesn't resonate with you and you can't see this is what the Market's doing and how it's behaving don't watch anything from me don't even watch anybody else that talks about my stuff because they're not going to make it any easier for you I promise you they will not explain this they had no understanding what I gave last week at all all zero not one of my paid mentorship students knew what I was teaching last week you heard all the same terms but you did not get it laid out like that ever by me and none of them were teaching like that so you're all in the same playing field right now it's all been evenly distributed to all of you at the same time don't try to skip ahead and don't try to be better faster than you should be you're not even supposed to be taking trades right now but the logic is is it gravitating away from these things at the same time is it occurring at when we should see it happen the backdrop behind the trade when it went to this level here piercing above just these little short-term highs after 7 o'cl formed all that logic that's the repeating phenomenons that you're going to get real comfortable with and that means that you know what you're looking for how many times have you spent looking at the chart thinking damn I wish my dad could just tell me how to read this easier like all it looks like a foreign language like I I used to look at charts and it would just bleed together in the in the open high little closed bars you ever stare and all a sudden it goes to a blur and you like almost like a double vision like crossing your eyes I would be like that two hours before going to work and I have been up all night long and I have to drive for a living back then and it felt like a language I was never going to learn I know what that feels like but eventually doing these things you're going to start seeing it like sheep music I know you not have played an instrument you can read Sheep music to me I don't know what the hell that is okay just so you guys know my son played the trombone in school he was in marching band and my oldest son Cody he used to play the saxophone and Cameron played the drums and Kaden didn't play any instruments but uh they had the ability of reading sheet music and I I can't like I cannot read it I've tried it just I don't know what it is if something says no you are not going to pass so I I have I have an understanding what it's like for people when they see me talk about what price is going to do and to the degree it does it I understand it seems like something you can't do but I'm confident son I'm absolutely confident that everything I taught you last week and what's in this today and the the reinforcement ideas I'm giving you here that's all you need and the rest is you just practicing it and studying it and collecting the information I promise you you will have the ability to do what you see me doing here it doesn't mean you know how to buy and sell and pyramid and every entry that that that's all that this is not that's not important but being able to read where price is going to go that is your first mutant power all of you listening that's your first goal to get good at that because everything after that point is easy you'll anticipate fair value gaps when it's when you're likely to see it Go lower just simply wait for it to form on the chart and that's what forward walk testing is walking forward testing delivery of price where you're not pressing any buttons you're just tape reading you're going to watch them form and say okay it's it's going to drive up into that fair value Gap and then I want to see the upper half of it stay open and then when it does okay now it's going to drop hard and you keep doing this every single day week after week for months and then what will happen is you get really comfortable doing it and then that's your invitation to start doing demo trades but before you get consistently able to be able to see what price is doing and anticipate the formation of the fair value Gap waiting for it to be there and then anticipating it trading up into it or down into it when it's going to go higher until you get to that point where you can anticipate that forming you shouldn't even be thinking about a demo you shouldn't even have a demo available to you it should be just watching price not worrying about nothing and when it's boring and it keeps repeating you have to get to that point when it's boring to you watching price action and you can see what it's doing how it's behaving it's measurable it should not go past this point therefore what you're saying is without saying so with the demo account is a stop loss just outside that boundry point should not be traded to so the trade should still be open if you were in a demo or if you're in a live account and you're teaching yourself and desensitizing yourself to the fluctuations when you're looking at the chart without this information or not knowing how to trade with another methodology I'm not I mean I have to say this because I know when I say certain things like this it sounds very condescending to like nobody else makes money but ict's uh Traders no but if you're consistently making money you're following something that you spent time with you you know it intimately these are the things that repeat this is what it usually does do and I trust it so therefore I'm willing to put risk behind it when you get to this point of knowing had to anticipate the setups that it's going to create relative equal highs because the new week opening Gap and the new day opening gaps are below price at 7 o'clock so I know at 7 o'clock I'm waiting for a relative equal High to form right away contrast that with you not knowing what price is doing or anything nobody thinks like that except for our community and it's something that we anticipate and we're sitting there waiting for it to form guess what that gives you patience it overcomes fear it manages anxiety because you know what you're looking for and you know why you're waiting for it because if it can create relative equal highs then you're going to wait for it to come back up to it and Pierce it and it does it there and then from that point you want to see every premium array that means anything that I ICT could use to get into a short idea which one makes the most sense to you and that's your initial model that's the one you practice with and it may morph into something different it may be you know it may not be fair value G for Caleb he may end up becoming you know an order Bo Traer it's something else you know but I'm forcing him to that way he has a foundation because I don't know how to address questions with him or direct him and I don't have the ability and I don't have the time to do this for everybody and I know some of you are sending me stuff and you're emailing me these long really long emails and I'm sure there are some really nice things being said in there but you're asking me to have this one-on-one coaching typ type thing with you I'm not doing that so please don't be offended by it but I have no time or interest in doing that you're getting the best of the best because I'm sharing it with my son and you you're you're getting an experience that I had no interest in having with anybody else so just be content with that you clearly see it works I mean it works I that's you want this kind of stuff you want to be able to see the things that supposedly the person you paid or bought a course from or a software package or whatever if it doesn't work you you'll see right away it doesn't work but on the other side of the coin is if it works and it works really really well and its logic is so sound that it's scary like this is information that the general populist they don't think like this the Aver Traders don't think like this and that's why it's hard for them to listen to someone like me and yeah I make it entertaining for myself to be the prick the condescending prick when when it's entertainment value only because I knew how to draw a crowd that's the that's the purpose of it I want people to talk I don't need to advertise because if I say all the right things and push buttons they'll talk and then it calls people's attention to my channel and then they'll come here and then I'm giving them that litmus test see if it's real and see if it's not if it doesn't if it doesn't work and appear in your charts then it ain't real right and that means that you don't have to ever come back and do anything with me but I love converting people and I love it when they're coming at me as someone that is adversarial initially and I have lots of students like that it's much more satisfying doing that if I can convert them and they came here to either insult me or try to say this that and I think there no algorithm doesn't work and all of a sudden they're they're finding that it works and they're like dude like just I was there I was just like the rest of you that talk [ __ ] about him but I can't say that now because I'm making bread I'm I'm living on it now I love that that's how I scratch my ego I get off on that that really gets my rocks off so I it's an art managing expectations leading people enough to make them want to talk about me and then that creates traffic and I never had to advertise because I know how to instill in interest that will cause other people to draw other people to this channel it's simple as that and if I advertised it would have been worse it would it would have been really blown up but I don't need to do that but you'll get to this point where you know exactly what you're doing when you're going to do it and when you don't want to do it and you're not going to have any regret when you do or don't because you're content being content as a Trader is such an elusive thing and you think making lots of money should equate to being content and it won't it won't be like that that doesn't lots of money being made doesn't make you content lots of money generally is a result of you chasing lots of money being content with making plenty and not needing to try to worry about other people's opinion of how well they how hold an opinion of you Caleb is the wrong direction there's lots of people out there that can't wait to see you be ICT 2.0 I am looking for you to do the things I wish I could go back in time and not have done and I wish I could change about me I want to have that kind of impact on you in your development I want you to be humble when you make a lot of money call no attention to it call no attention to it because other people in their learning they're going to be inspired by that but there's a whole lot of other individuals that are going to see you and they're going to hate you because they're not going to learn it as fast as you might learn it or if you take longer because it could happen if you struggle a little bit longer than both of us think it's going to take for you to do this that's going to be a reassurance to some of them and they're going to be like you know I'm glad that he didn't go right into this because if you if you take off and you start doing really well invariably they're going to say it's me doing everything and since you want to do this and share every every aspect of it you they're going to see that it ain't me when you when you share your your feedback when we're doing our weekend reviews and or talking about what your observations were and what you thought was going to happen and it didn't happen that way I expect you to be really candid about it and say look you know this is what I thought and it was you maybe discouraging I want you initially to say where you thought it was going to happen and it happened and I want you to share how it felt and then we're going to move away from that happy good feel good you know warm fuzzy stuff because that needs to be outside of your trading the Deep anxiety and fear and worry that can't be part of it and the Elation of just being high and you can't do anything wrong you got to keep that out of it too but in the beginning you want that more than anything because that means it's successful that means you're doing everything right and I'm telling you it's normal for you to feel that but you can't have that as a steady diet because it will constantly be the goal and that's not the goal the goal is to be indifferent when you can get up and say I know I can go out there and find the next move I know I can participate in it but I don't have to but I'm choosing to sit down in front of chice because this is what I anticipate it doing because this is what my back testing my journaling my dad's taught me and it works like swis time piece precision and I have to get myself acclimated to that precision and develop a synchronicity to that Precision because you are not going to beat the market ever son that's never going to happen the only thing you can aspire to do is get in sync with it you're not beating the market you're not beating Dad okay you're just getting in sync with the market and that's all you need you just need pieces of the week from Sunday's open to Friday's close where everything is just right for you then sit down follow the rules dad's teaching engage with it and when it gives you what you're looking for be content turn the charts off that's exactly what I'm looking for if if you do that son I will be the happiest most proudest Dad I've ever been because I know that that will yield the interest with your brothers and then they're what are they going to do they're going to try to pattern thems off of you and that will send me over the moon I'm not expecting you to be an Olympic feat Trader I'm not expecting you to do any Crazy Town stuff I just want you to do just enough and you'll see as soon as you start making what you make it your job and how fast it can be done over the course of a week with very little effort then your mind will shift to thinking wow if I'm only doing this much and I'm not emotionally driven to do more what happens when I allow money management to do all the heavy lifting and then your account starts to Parlay and parlay and parlay and you're not doing any more effort than you did when you developed your own model you're not doing any more heavy lifting you're just doing the same minuscule amount but the management of your money and the equity that it supports will do all the heavy lifting and you're never doing any more in terms of greater than 1% risk you're never going to assume a trade that has more than 1% risk you're not going to try to trade every session you're not trying to trade more than one time a day and if you take a loss you're done and that's that's your model it's not I'm going to go back in and make it you're done those were the things I should have done when I was 20 if I would have done that my life would be so much better if I would have done that instead of trying to be Mr Wonderful Mr everything I put myself through stuff and caused all kinds of mental Scar Tissue chasing Perfection chasing more money trying to outo everybody else when I had enough I had enough to do exceptionally well and never need to do anything else but I kept tinkering and tinkering and tinkering and then I took away from the real reasons why I was wanting the trade is I wanted to live comfortably I didn't want anybody tell me when I had to go to work when I can take a vacation and whatnot and you're feeling that right now when Mom and Dad just say we're out here we're getting up either get on the road and get on with the RV or if we just run a car because I don't drive my personal car and I go away um we can do that anytime we want and that's one of the things that my kids tell me all the time I want to live like you Dad okay this is how you can get there but it isn't going to be fast it isn't going to be easy in the beginning but once you understand these rules once you understand what it is that you're trying to replicate every time you do this you're going to see it's the same stuff and some days you'll think you see it a certain way and it won't pan out that way and the outcome will be adverse it won't be a good thing but it doesn't mean it changes anything it doesn't mean no longer works or you know you're not going to be successful it just means okay stop if you have one bad result and you're limited to only one exposure to to the outcome good or bad for that day and you stop you can't be mad you never are going to have an anxiety attack you're never going to be panicked about getting it back right away because this is the normal procedure if I take a losing trade I have to stop that prevents you from going into tilt that prevents you from getting greedy it prevents you from being fearful of not knowing what to do because you feel like you got to get it back and you tried it again you lost again now you made a little loss now bigger you'll never want to overtrade you'll never need to over leverage it's be it becomes your job you when you go to work you're not trying to do more than what your supervisor is asking you to do nobody does nobody works like that and your trading needs to be the same way you need to simply just look at it and say well this is this is what I expect the Market's going to do and I see this potentially being there as a setup and if I take it and I lose okay no problem I'm going to turn the computer off I'm not going to give myself any toxic fuel to just worry myself into uh anxiety or grief about it and I'll try it again tomorrow I'll log it tonight when the Market's done and it's over it's it it's painless it's literally painless that's a systematic approach of controlling fear and greed but I have a lot of students that hear me say that and they know that that would work and that would have worked for them if they could stick to it the problem is social media invites it ICT live streaming now invites more of an interest in doing stuff and it's hard to say I'm not going to look at the charts or trade anymore especially if you have a losing trade because you feel like you got to fix it and you don't need to fix it you need to feel what it feels like to go home with it and then over the course of a month and see how that one or two or maybe five losing trades over the course of a month has absolutely no real effect on what you're doing and Direction you're going but you can't appreciate that just because I said it like anything else when you were growing up if I told you don't do this you were the first one out of all the kids well Dad said not to do it soon as Dad turns around I'm gonna do I'm gonna do that so I know it's it's it's an inherent nature in anyone but of all my kids you've had that in you so I'm telling you this is the best way way that you should go about it and it's for your benefit to do it and as a default I would be very very proud if you are able to do it this way because that means you're going to be better than me and I really want that son I want you to be better than me in every aspect and if you listen to me you will be and I can't wait to see it but that's it for this one I'm going to close it and I guess we'll be back at it again tomorrow at 9:15 Lord willing and until I'll talk to you then be safe