e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to carry the weight of all of our sins you paid the price for WR so you and I can walk with him so lay all your TR down the of the one whoar the ground your P going to keep you [Music] new life is waiting now come to Jesus R into his heart there's freedom and there's love come to Jesus as you are he's waiting for your heart there's Mercy in this he came the land sacrifice for all of our s your P been near washed away by love and [Music] grace you troubles now feel of the one who be the CR P going to keep you you life is Bing now to Jesus run into his heart there's freedom in there to Jesus as you are he's waiting for your heart there's Mercy in is come to Jesus into his heart there's freedom in there come to Jesus as you are he waiting for your heart there's Mercy in [Music] this there's no shame in this love no pain in this heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Let Your Presence Fall Like Rain In This Place and upon every facility all over South Africa let your anointing come right now like rain father fall Upon Us Fall upon the barren dry areas in our lives in our world father we are not a hopeless people we position ourselves in your presence and we know where your presence is there is life father New Beginnings there is growth and so tonight we come and we give you the Adoration we give you the praise and the worship for all that you have done for us and we thank you we praise you we magn ify you we glorify [Music] you hi there and thank you for tuning into our crc's live broadcast with Pastor ad bosov I cannot wait to hear what Pastor ad is about to teach are you ready most definitely T now we have had a phenomenal start to the year and so today is going to be no different in the way that we praise and worship so let's jump to our feet amen let's jump to our feet the King of Kings and the Lord of lords is here this morning this is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it are you ready to Praise Jesus come on let's put our hands together [Music] the Lord is with me so I have everything that I need he always needs me so there is nothing that I will feed all the days of my life I will dwell in the house of the Lord surely goodness and mercy overflowing forever more we yeah we all our praise to the name of the Lord we raise and we raise all our praise to the name of the Lord are you ready everybody sing it louder everybody LIF him higher in the Praises To The King we here we all our praise to the name of the Lord come on oh our praise to the name of the Lord come give him a shout praise to the name of the Lord he goes before me so I won't worry about a he's fighting for me so every single time I will win all the days of my life I will dwell in the house of the Lord surely goodness and mercy overflowing forever more we raise yeah we raise oh our pra to the name of the Lord we raise we prise all our praise to the name of the Lord everybody singing louder everybody lifting High your Praises To The King we raise Weise all our praise to the name of the [Applause] Lord come on put your hands together I pr the of the he is worthy one PR the of the Lord [Music] sing louder lift him higher give your Praises To The King we PR we raise all our praise to the name of the [Applause] Lord oh come on give him some praise all our praise to the name of the [Music] [Applause] Lord oh praise to the name of the Lord oh oh we thank you Jesus hallelujah oh we praise you come on wanding into the night wanting a place to hide this way I tried with all my might but I just can't bring the fight drifting yeah a vagab and just when I ran out the road I made a man I didn't know and he told me that I was not alone what did he do he beat me up he turn me around he place my feet on the solid ground I thank the master I thank the savior because he healed my heart you change my name forever not the same I than the master I thank the oh I thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God I cannot I what I see got no choice but to believe my are burning yeah likees so long so so long to my and bitter you can't just keep it moving you welcome from the streets of gold I sing you save my soul R son has found his way back me up he turn me around he my beet On Solid Ground I than the master I thank the savior because you heal my heart you change my name forever free not the same I thank the master I thank the saor oh I thank God oh we thank you Jesus whom the son has set free is free indeed hallelujah oh we praise your name for you are a good god let's sing it help lost another one come on 2 three lost another one I am free I am free I am free another one I am free I am free I am free another one I am free I am free I am free lost another one I am free I am free if you be free this morning come on I am free I am free I am free I am free I am free I am free I am free I am free I am free one I am free I am free I am free you pick me up you turn me around my feet on Solid Ground I than the master I than the Sai because you heart change my name change my name forever free I'm not the same I thank the master I thank I thank God the Bible says without faith is impossible to please God we're going to please God this morning by stepping by stepping into all he has called us to in 2024 come on get up get up get get up get up get up get up get that get get up get up that get up get up get get up get up get up get up get up that get up get up get get up of that get up get get get up get up get up get up get up get up on that don't see that get get up get get up you me up you turn me around my feet on SOL ground I than master I thanor because we heal my heart change my change my name forever free I'm not the same I master I we got to go tired crazy is what we do we're going to do it one more time with everything we have with everything within us oh 1 2 3 come on get get get that come get get up get up get up out of that gra get up get up get up get up out of that gra get up get up get get up out of that gra get up get up get get up out of that Gra get get up get get up that gra get up get get up that gra get you be me up you turn me around you my feet on SOL ground master I than hallelujah oh we thank you Jesus aren't you glad that he's in this place come on oh you changed our names you changed our destiny Lord oh Jesus we love you you're the center of it all and we worship you in this place this [Music] morning maybe we've made this complicated oh the it was ever meant to [Music] be hasn't it always been about the same thing Jesus Lord bring us back to Simple Things Come On Let's sing you you understand center of it all my heart belongs to you my savior all in all you're the one I hold on to for the beauty of the my soul will to say Jesus I love [Music] you teach us to decide the moment when to serve and when to sit at your feet oh keep us awake to what's important just like Mary better oh for you are the center of it all My Heart Belongs to You My Savior all all you're the one I hold on to for the beauty of your my soul will let to say Jesus I love you for you for you are the center of everything my heart belongs to you oh My Heart Belongs to You Jesus one I hold to for the beauty of your day my soul will to say Jesus I love you my For Your Glory my for you everything for the honor of your name and if my tell the story Let It Be of you every for the h on our lives belong to Jesus and my for you glor world for you all every for the h of your and in my tell the story let it be all you every day for the honor of your name you by the center of it all my heart belongs to you you my savior all you're the one I all go for the beauty of your name my soul will to say Jesus I love you for you for you other the S My Heart Belongs to You My Savior all you're the one I hold on to for the beauty of the day my soul will left to say Jesus let sing Oh for you oh for you are the sa of Center heart you're the beginning and the end of the you're the one I hold on to for the name live to Jesus I love for you all for you theer of it all my heart belongs come on say it as a prayer this morning all and all you're the one I hold on to for the beauty my soul live to Jesus I love my soul live to Jesus oh my soul Jesus I love take the lead of every [Music] step even if you tell my feet away CU where you are is where I want to be the death of me is calling for the oh come on tell him this morning I don't want you're not I just want you I don't want if you're not in it I just want you your heart your way show me your your s your voice bre through the don't want it if you're not in it I just want you I don't want it if you're not just you oh come on church we ask him whisper to me secrets of your heart come on we want to discover Our God cuz I want to discover all you are come on we leaning in church I'm leing into heaven for oh yes we partner Lord I will partner with your presence come on we sing I don't want it Jesus I don't want it if you're not in it I just want you Lord I don't want it if you're not in it I just come on your heart your heart and your way show me your face your song and your voice break through come on we I don't want it if you're not in it I just want you no I don't want it if you're not in it I just want you just want you just want you just want you all that I see like everything all that I dream as your Fe all that I am fall come on surrender surr I Surrender I see everything oh that I dream the your Fe oh that I am my KN I I I am all that I see my everything all that I your Fe all that I we surrender we surrender everything we lay at the feet of Jesus I need surr I surrend surr I know what is you're God in it I just want you I don't want it if you're not in it I just want you I don't want it you're not in I just want you I don't want it if you're not come on Jesus your heart your heart your way show me your face your song and your voice break through come on your heart Jesus your heart and your way show me your face your song and your voice break through I don't you're not come on lift your hands let's I pray for 2025 I don't want it if you don't want it come on oh come on everybody lift your hands BL theight ptor Johannesburg that's your pray another way you say thy will be done father I don't want it if you don't want it I just want you just come on say it again I yeah come on give him your biggest praise here this morning at the start of 2025 come on lift your voice and give him praise in the name of Jesus hallelujah oh the fire of God's going to fall in this place in the name of Jesus come on lift your voice and give him praise we had a great week and we are going to continue in Revival this morning the presence of God is here the power of God is here God's going to change you and God's going to redirect you and 2025 will be your best year ever in the name of Jesus come on everybody let's praise the Lord and B A++ plus Hallelujah well it's good to see you all in this place today 2025 is going to be your greatest year that you have ever seen how many of you believe it it is going to be the of multiplication that is a promise that God has given you in Jesus name get somebody a high five and say I Was Born to Run and let's get ready to do great things for God in 20125 in the name of Jesus [Music] hallelujah how many of you are ready for 2025 how many of you are excited come on how many of you are ready to run for God in 2025 like you never have come on on oh come on you have to unbuckle your seat belt this morning lift up your one foot today get out of the starting blocks in Jesus name cuz you are going to run you are not going to be a sitter you are going to be a runner get my sound right please you are going to be a runner for God I said you are going to be a runner for God a runner for God you I declare it today you are going to run like you have never run in your life [Music] before swim y swim here give somebody high five while we sort everything out on the stage give somebody a high five and say I Was Born to Run for God welcome to TBN TBN yet one gospel praise TV Facebook live YouTube see radio stations Correctional Facilities welcome today Russia Israel America Europe Iran India Pakistan China come on this is your year in the name of Jesus Christ amen take your seats open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter [Music] 12 I was born toan my message this morning you can say Amen you're not an accident you're alive at this time because God designed for you to be alive and I'll say it again this year you are going to run like you've never run for God Hebrews 12:1 the Bible says therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and this sin which so easily ens snaz us and let us run with endurance somebody say let us run the race that he set before us whether you like to know it or not you are in a race a marathon so you better start running you better start running for the prize you better start running to obtain you better run for gold say Amen looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith for the joy that was set before him and de of the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God consider him who endured such hostility tough times persecution betrayal opposition from Sinners against him lest you become weary and discouraged in your soul I want to read the same passage in the message he says do you see what this means all these Pioneers who Blaze the way all these veterans cheering us on T the know that there is a grand stand in heaven this morning that are cheering you on my brother is sitting there my father is sitting there many people that were members of this church that prayed for this church are sitting in the grand stands of Heaven cheering us on to run there's a God in the heavens cheering you on to run so you better get busy with running there's people in heaven that believe that you have a race to run and you have what it takes and they do not look at you this morning as somebody that is not able or incapable they are cheering you on because this is your time to run this is your time to get on with it this is your time to get over whatever you have to get over this is your time to live your biggest life for God ever and to believe that you can make a difference in your [Music] generation so he says these veterans are cheering us on it means we better get on with it what is the day today the 19 we're not waiting to run we are running already right he says strip down and start running listen the five Gods going to get a hold of some of your feet tonight as well and you are going to run for God like you've never run for God he says and never quit no extra spiritual fat no parasitic sins keep your eyes on Jesus who both began and finished the race wein study how he did it because he never loost lost sight of where he was headed that exhilarating Finish Line that exhilarating finish in and with God he could put up with anything along the way the cross shame whatever and now he's there in the place of honor right alongside God when you find yourself flagging in your faith when you go through discouragement he says go over that story of Jesus again item by item that long Litany of hostility he plowed through that will shoot adrenaline in your veins listen I don't know about you but I've got a buz in my spirit I've got a stirring in my spirit I've got some holy ghost that trening on the inside of me and I've made up my mind I'm going to run like never for God in close that please like never for God in Jesus name 2025 is a year where you are going to run for God like never yes there are times to sit and soak in God's presence but then you better get up and you better start running you have to get over whatever it is you have to get over and you have to get on with your assignment and your mission in life you have to make up your mind I am a runner I'm not a Setter because God runs with the runners he doesn't sit with a Sinners it's okay to sit with Jesus a little bit but my brother then you have to get up then you have to rise up and you have to start running for God with a fire of God in your heart shout amen and give him a praise somebody in this place come [Music] on this is a year to have big expectations and to pray your biggest prayers ever we're not going to come to God and pray little gentle Jesus make and Mild look upon this little child prayers we are going to pray big prayers because we have a big God and we have big expectations in Psalm 2:8 God says ask of me and I will give you the Nations as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your Poss I challenge you before God to pray your biggest prayers that you have ever prayed to your big God that Watches Over You Jes whose mother called him imagine having a name like this oh the pain that's what jabes means but jabes is not defined by his past what does he do he goes before God and jabes praise to the god of Israel and he says bless me oh bless me will you put your hand on yourself this morning and say bless me oh God bless me come on do [Music] it you the Bible says whatever your hand touches is blessed put your hand on yourself again some of you won't touch yourself put your hand on yourself and say Lord bless me more than ever say it this morning morning come on he says give me large tracks of land some of you are going to go places you never imagined you're going to do things you never thought of not by might nor by power but by the Holy Ghost God is going to give you what you didn't even ask him for God is going to amaze you God is going to multiply you God is going to expand you God is going to surprise you this will be a year full of good surprises I tell you we've had a cycle of tough years but I know in my spirit and I can feel it things are changing things are turning things are getting better for South Africa for Africa for you you better get ready to go from the bottom to the top you better get ready for things to turn around because we serve a god of the turnaround say Amen some of you have been through much hardship you've been through difficulty but I tell you your days of sorrow and your days of trouble are in the name of Jesus because weeping in tears for a moment but joy comes in the morning if you believe it say amen and give the Lord a praise come on so it doesn't matter what you've been through it doesn't matter what mistakes you have made it doesn't me matter the pain he does but Jesus came to heal your broken heart youve got to strip down you've got to let go of your past you've got to let go of your pain you've got to let go of yesterday you've got to let go of emotional hurt you've got to get on with the plan of God for your life see see this is our time to run for God like never and run we will Unstoppable by the power of God this is our time to plunder hell and populate heaven to do more for God's kingdom than we ever have so the call to follow Jesus is not what I learned when I went to wherever it was like the Holier you are the less you do for God but if you study the Bible when God enters your life he calls you to a life beyond yourself and he calls you to bigger things than you ever imagined the call to follow Jesus is to leave yourself behind your doubt your fear your insecurity your low self-esteem to leave your past behind it's a goal to Dream Big Dreams and to pursue the vision God has for you it's a call to live a life much larger than yourself me myself and I and to embrace a journey a journey an adventure Hallelujah I mean this is the greatest adventure of them all to to to wonder into the unknown to leave the safety and the comfort of the boat at the word of Jesus and as you do you will find Jesus on the water he will sustain you it is a call to do more than you ever thought possible Daniel 11:32 the Bible says but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits Helen Keller said life is either a daring Adventure or nothing at all so what is 2025 not 2024 going to look like this year amen it is going to be a daring Adventure it is going to be an adventure it is going to be getting out of the boat with Jesus Christ come on and venturing into the deep unknown on the word of the Lord Jesus Christ it is going to be a year with you are unstoppable it is going to be a year where the favor and the blessing of God will surround you where your enemies will stumble and fall before you it is going to be a year where the goodness of God will follow you all the days of your life say Amen in Jesus name so don't sit there in your cynicism in your pacifism in your nism that's my word for get up get over and get on with it with the life that God has for you shout amen come on somebody somebody ready for to run for God this year just get on your feet move your feet look alive look like you are ready oh come on give that person a high five again and say you better run for God this year in Jesus [Music] name so God wants you to run for him religion wants to quieten you down people don't want you to talk about Jesus but you're going to talk about Jesus more right people want to silence you but you cannot be silenced God wants you to run for what matters the prize that awaits you in heaven not just for what this world has to offer God wants you to remain focused on the upward call on Crossing that finished line where you will stand before Jesus one day and he well done good and faithful servant God wants you to run to obtain there's something waiting for you on the other side there's something worth running for in this life to not be a quitter in Jesus name God wants you to win I'll never forget 1994 I was praying with naville Hill when Revival just started I moved to blooman Naval Hill is is a little Hill overlooking blooman every Saturday I prayed there and many other mornings I went there by myself one morning as I prayed I saw a cloud not like Elijah the size of a man's hand but it was a little cloud and I thought about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and I thought I looked over that City and I started weeping and I I thought about how many people are lost how many people would go to hell if Jesus came back now and I heard God talk to me and he said Son I've called you to bring Revival to this city then God showed me two other people man that he had called they never answered the call of God and then I heard the Lord say to me just like this he said run for me or I will find another now what do you think your pastor did I started running on naal Hill I mean on that Outlook I started running I said God I'm going to run for you God I'm going to run for you I I think the people that went there to look at the early morning City Lights of the d off the freay they all thought I was crazy but I knew what I was doing I was responding to God I said God I'm going to run for you and some of you better make up your mind you have to start running for God you have to stop uh uh sitting and wandering and contemplating it's time to become certain and sure about what God has called you for why you are alive at this hour and get on with your mission get on with your assignment and begin to run for God harder and stronger than you ever have say Amen come on in Jesus [Applause] name so he wants you to run for him 1 Corinthians 9:24 the Bible says you've all been in the stadium and seen that the athletes run everyone run everyone runs one wins we run to win he says run to win all good athletes train hard they do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and Fades you after one that's gold eternally so while we run to we don't lose our rewards up there we run for God T to serve Heaven's purpose we don't run for what this world has to offer we run for what God called us to do and that might mean you're an advocate a lawyer a doctor an engineer an architect a teacher that's your assignment in life but that assignment must be submitted and subject to your Higher Calling which is to use what God gives you to be the best at whatever God calls you to do so that you can have influence to bring more people to Christ because the only thing we can take to Heaven our people what is it profit a man if he gains the whole world and in the process loses himself a better car a better house maybe God wants to bless you with a better car but my dear friend that will not give you Eternal peace your Eternal peace is serving God's purpose in this Journey we called life this journey where people so often lose focus of what it's all about and this is where Paul talks this morning he says we better get on with this race that God called us to run we better understand there are people that ran before us we a relay we are now the ones responsible for this generation therefore we serve people in the medical profession in the legal profession all those things are God's gifts because God created you to work not six days you will rest and one day you will work six days you will work on the seventh day you will rest so your job the Bible says is part of your joy that means your life your work is important to God and you must have goals and dreams and Visions for your secular job but do not pursue your career at the expense of your Eternal reward do not lose yourself in the journey called life cuz that's exactly what happens to many people cuz life can be complicated life can be difficult life is filled with obstacles challenges Temptations trials and tribulations there are many obstacles Thorns thizzles along the way we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and we need to strip down and not pick up the things of this world that will slow us down we have to make up our minds we are going to live free we are going to live for God we are going to run for God we are God's fiery ones we are God's burning ones we are the difference our makers in this world we are the history makers in this world shout Amen in Jesus name so how are we going to run any athlete knows that if you want to finish strong you have to get rid of the excess weight [Music] right I mean I I know that of you watch UFC I do because we have some South Africans there no I like it in any case um but if they climb on that scale and they overweight they're disqualified any person that trains gets on a scale every day and the scale I talk about is the scale of God where God weighs your heart they check their diet which is the word the intake because you eat the wrong stuff you'll disqualify yourself you don't check your diet you're not diligent and committed to your training program which firstly is your spiritual training program which is not just at the start of the year and I'm glad that there are so many thousands yet today Hing blooman but may not this be the way you start may this be the way that you're going to run this whole year I said may this be the way that you are going to run this whole year come on if you plan to serve god with a passion a Zeal a desire come Sunday you'll be in charge stand to your feet and give him praise because we're not just going to start we're going to run and finish so it's not a time to take it easy to slay slow down and listen I've been a pastor 38 years this is not now our New Year's resolution commitment to God can I have an amen we're not going to show up just at the start of the Year Easter and Christmas thank you for the 3A means okay it's not time to play church it's time to be the church people are going to hell and we need to get on with what God called us to do his purpose should overshadow everything else in our lives we live submitted to him to his calling so how are we going to run for God in 2025 let me say again it's not 2024 cuz some of you are still in 2024 we're not in 2024 we're 19 days in 2025 and I'm telling you I am I I have something on the inside of me I just want to run run run run I'm I'm I'm I'm sorry we restricted in the morning Services otherwise I'd be my hands would be on many of you so number one you have to make up your mind that you're going to be a anybody can sit in the stand your time will come when you're in heaven but while you live you have to run for God you have to run for your assignment for your purpose a madeup mind is a powerful mind and hear me clearly you are in a race whether you like to know it or not you are yet to run Born to Run for God yes they are obstacles they are hurdles they are thorns they are the souls there are trials and there are tribulations but you were born to run there's a runner living on the inside of you and his name is called Jesus Christ Hallelujah no matter what the Bible says consider Jesus who inured endured hostility persecution opposition betrayal when you feel like flagging when you feel like being discouraged the Bible says consider Jesus and it will shoot adrenaline into your veins you're going to get up again and you're going to run whether you feel like it whether you don't feel like it you're going to run in the good times and in the bad times you are going to run in the sunshine you are going to run whether it rains or hails or snows you are going to run through your valleys you are going to run over your mountaintops you are going to run when the road is smooth you are going to run when there are obstacles in the road you are going to run no matter what I'm talking to somebody you are going to run because that is what you were born to do you are a runner so run for forest run I Was Born to Run you better run run run for God in Jesus name and when you feel like quitting don't when you feel like quitting run you've got to run the quit out of you you don't pray the quit out of you you run it cuz emotion follows motion we you don't feel like doing it you better do it that's why you have to make up your mind to run the Army forced military service okay they taught us to run the quit out of us on the office's course they would have the other people always say sign off the course Tak funny curses off and some people did or ring the bell or whatever the case is when you felt like quitting and any person who went through that will be honest enough to say we all thought about quitting right Andre I tell me you go through a tough time and you don't think about quitting that's when you run harder and and and and and you run through the quit and you learn more about yourself and you become more resilient and you become stronger cuz when everybody everything and you says quit you don't just like Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane when he sweated great drops of blood and he said father let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will be done but thy will be done three times he prays a prayer but he does not tap out I don't know what you are facing I don't know what you are going through or might be going through this year but my dear friend you've got to run the quit out of you you've got to keep on keeping on you've got to get up when you feel like staying down because God lives on the inside of you come on you are born of God 1 John chapter 4 says and greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world so this year you are going to run not by yourself but by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ say Amen in Jesus name number two now you can expose my illustration thank you you have to lay aside every [Music] weight and when I say every weight I mean every weight you have to get rid of excess weight now I have a habit I get on the scale twice a day I do and I look in the mirror because when you stop looking in the mirror you can get a a distorted picture what mirror am I talking about the word of God you have to look in the word every day am I on track you have to get on the scale the scale of God that means your prayer in the presence of God you have to get there and allow Jesus to strip the excess weight that comes as a result of life one of the things about life is it's easy to put on excess weight as we get older and it's not just for young people it's more difficult to keep the weight off and everybody over 60 says okay the rest of you are all young you know okay let me not say that so Hebrews 12 the Bible says that we have to strip down and run any athlete knows if you're going to finish you have to strip down get rid of the weight and Run for God the challenge of life is that we accumulate weight knowingly or unknowingly when we come to Christ we are free sure we are messed up and our hearts are broken when we come to Jesus that's why Luke chapter 4 the Bible says his spirit is upon me because he's anointed me preach the gospel to the poor and to heal the broken hearts you have to allow God to heal your heart you have to allow God to heal your Brokenness you cannot keep and keep on hold on to your Brokenness you have to allow Jesus to set you free your spirit your soul and your body cuz that's what he comes to do he comes to heal your heart he comes to set you free in your mind so when you come to Christ you are free but then the journey starts and what happens we pick up a bag emotional baggage that's a big one people carry emotional baggage and it's empty should be filled with peace should be filled with expectation happiness life but what are our bags filled with as we go through life we bump into people that's what the Bible says consider Jesus who endured hostility cuz people will hurt you people will disappoint you things will happen and when those things happen the Bible says you have to be quick to forgive otherwise you pick up emotional baggage and this emotional baggage are going to slow you down you're going to get hurt put that hurt in there hurt there it is hurt read put the hurt in there come quick quick quick her causes what in me a wound now I've got a there read my brother wounded Spirit now I'm wounded what does that do brings bitterness bitterness I'm just piling it on without realizing it my word my bag is always full and it's only three some people have seven 8 nine 10 of these things and they walk around with these things and they think they're going to run this and they justify that I'm hurt because of something somebody did I I can't forgive because of what somebody somebody did somebody said this somebody did this so they're trying to run and they're carrying this baggage and this baggage is slowing them down and there's more there's the baggage of Shame the baggage of depression the baggage of regret the baggage of resentment unforgiveness whatever it is we pile all these things in you and we think we can run and somehow we slow down and we don't know why we slow down and what does emotional baggage do it leads us to to spiritual fact we we pick up up doubts give me that back one is not enough for me you know no I don't put anything down cuz I'm in charge of my life I put the doubt in I put the unbelief in cuz I've believed God now for 3 years and now when the preacher says it's your best year ever I'm filled with cynicism put it in there I'm filled with and and and I stop coming to church somebody else comes into my life callouses there are calluses in my heart I'm not sensitive to the Holy Ghost any longer thank you that's enough see if my shoulder will lost Hallelujah and there I go and I come in church and I wonder why I can't worship God I wonder why I don't feel free I wonder why I've lost my joy in the Lord I wonder why I've lost my peace in the Lord because because of life I'm accumulating a lot of baggage I'm trying to be free but I don't go to the person who set me free I ignore what Jesus did I ignore the sacrifice that's why the Bible says looking unto Jesus the author the developer the perfector the purifier of your faith you take your eyes of Jesus and you put it upon man the baggage is going to come your way did I get so discouraged I get in a place of depression what happens I open myself to parasitic sins inevitably because now I have to numb the pain I have to self-medicate and sin comes back in my life and that addictions come back bring that back quick quick quick quick quick bring that back now I'm back where Jesus found me I'm messed up I'm broken I'm hurt I'm trying to run for God put it in and give it to me quick quick come on Brothers we're running this here quick quick give now here I am standing in church with my baggage and the pastor says shout unto God with a shout of joy and you can't the pastor says Make a Joyful shout unto the Lord and you cannot the pastor says this is going to be the best year of your life and you are filled with cynicism because you've got so much baggage in your life and the baggage is slowing you down the Bible says you have to get rid of that baggage oh somebody on the balcony Give the Lord a praise you have to let go of your baggage give him a praise this morning because as you praise him the yolks will be destroyed and the pant will be lifted give him a praise praise praise give him a praise put up come on lift your voice and give him praise lift your voice and give him praise you can have the baggage of self importance the baggage of opinionated the baggage of inferiority the baggage of unbelief the baggage of low self-esteem baggage that we pick up then we nurse them we hug our grudges we hold on to our hurts and eventually we slow down we say the church is not the same God doesn't love me and it's not anything about anybody else it's the weight that you picked up your thoughts your emotions your spiritual life prayerlessness no communion with God callouses on your heart no place for the Holy Spirit you wonder why life is not easy while Jesus said my yoke is easy my burden is light and suddenly this journey has become burdensome why cuz we're running a race holding on the Bible says set aside every weight he says set aside every weight cast aside oops cast aside every weight amen I said cast aside every weight how do you do it sorry camera lady you do it by casting it aside you have to let it go I said you have to let it go you have to let it go you have to let it go in the presence of God you have to cause those cares upon Jesus who cares for you you have to let it go you have to come back in the presence of Jesus because that's where it all starts number three you have to look unto Jesus Keep Your Eyes On Jesus because when we don't we will allow what this world does to us to fill us with baggage he says we we we get we have to get on with it so you have to make up your mind that I'm going to be a runner you have to understand what will stop you and possibly what can disqualify you from finishing and you have to get rid of those things not by your own efforts but by getting yourself in the presence of God because the anointing will destroy every yoke and remove every burden so you have to keep your eyes on Jesus in the good times the bad times not take your eyes off Jesus because people will fail you he will not David said when my father and mother forsakes me the Lord will pick me up he's the one who said I'm the friend that sticks closer than a brother he's the one who said I will never leave you I will never forsake you he's the one who said I'm your Good Shepherd I will walk you through the valley of the shadow of death he's the one who said my goodness and my Mercy will never will always follow you he's the one that said you can say of him the Lord is my helper I will not fear what will man do unto me he's the one who said I will lift my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help my help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the Earth you keep your eyes on Jesus my brother my sister because when you keep your eyes on Jesus you will lift up when you keep your eyes on Jesus you will stand up when you keep your eyes on Jesus you will be a runner you will run through the obstacles you will not be defiled you will not allow the dirt of this world to get on to you because you are immune because you are running with Jesus you are running with your eyes on Jesus amen and then number four you have to live this life empowered by the Holy Spirit there are certain things that can only be accomplished by the presence of God all your efforts all your sweat all your hard work will not accomplish what God has for you and yes you have to be a hard worker but take a right 4:6 the Bible says not by might nor by power but by the spirit of God Bible says human efforts human Endeavors is not enough you need to live a life empowered by the holy spirit so make up your mind come on my beautiful family in 2025 to believe the word of God make up your mind 2025 I'm going to be a runner for God like I have never run I'm committed my eyes are in the Finish Line my eyes are on Jes Jesus Christ make up your mind no matter what you're going to keep on keeping on then make up your mind I'm going to walk with God this year I'm going to live a life I'm talking about it tonight empowered by the Holy Spirit when the spirit of God Came Upon Elijah Elijah Bible says the hand of the Lord came upon him he began to do what he ran when God's spirit comes on you you will run and you will be Unstoppable and the mountains and the hills will melt like Wax at the presence of the Lord 2025 is your year of blessing 2025 is your year where you will run for God if you believe it this morning say Amen come on let's stand to our feet and give the Lord a praise come on lift up your heart lift up your spirit [Music] I Was Born to Run I Was Born to Run I Was Born to Run I Was Born to Run I wasn't born to get lost I wasn't born to quit I wasn't born to lose focus I Was Born to Run I went every head B every eye closed no one moving I Was Born to Run sitting in blooman y in Petoria in all our churches this morning maybe you've never run for God I don't know maybe at one die time you did but you've become disheartened discouraged and you you're no longer running for God the greatest thing you can do is to run to God no matter what Don't Run Away From Him always run back to him run to Jesus and I know a comeback is not easy but a comeback for many of you this morning is the only choice you have you have to get yourself back with God you have to run back to God and really this morning it doesn't matter where you've been what you've done how low you've sunk where you've run to what matters is that you run back to Jesus you come back to him and you let go of your shame and your regret and your pain and your hurt and and I'm not good enough and I'm not worthy none of us are and we'll never be worthy for his grace he died for us while we were Sinners you'll never earn God's favor his favor is personified through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who died 2,000 years ago and this morning I want no one moving now please many of you God's touching you if you had to die in the next 24 hours you don't know where you would spend eternity at one time you served God but maybe you've grown away grown cold or and you've drifted away from your father's house like the prodical son I want to help you find your way back to God but you have to make up your mind Point number one make up your mind that I'm not going to live for myself I'm going to live for God and I'm going to come back to God and I'm going to surrender all to Jesus some of you need a fresh start with God and you're not going to find a God who judges you you're going to find a god with Open Hands who loves you who will restore you and heal you and set you back on your feet every head bowed every eye closed in this place in bethleem in blooman all over our churches wherever you are this morning you say Pastor that's me I need a fresh start with God a new beginning if that's your desire there's a stirring in your heart this morning you need to get back to God this morning and you know it in your heart forget your friend next to you God is talking to you if that your desire quietly wherever you are on the floor of the balcony lift your hand I want to say a prayer before I leave quickly slip your hand up high all over this place raise it up quick quick quick quick all over this place God bless you God bless you God bless you raise it up God bless you slip it up God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you raise it up God bless you bless you bless you God bless you God bless you I don't want it if you don't want it for me Jesus [Music] quick by please look at me this is important the next moment is critical will you please stand with me if you're well able all over this place please God's touching many many people this is going to take a while but it's important cuz if we start right with God the rest will follow so all over this place many of you raised your hands many of you brought your friends we know that your love for your friend will bring your friend to Jesus this morning so all over this place if you raised your hand you did not you want to get right with God it's going to take you a while from up on the balcony I want you to run to God this morning it don't mean physically run I want you to leave your seat wherever you are make your way to the sides come down the L closest to you we are going to pray right here at the altar and God is going to do something new in your life this morning come on come on put your arm around your friend bring your friend to the altar walk to the LI come down the sides come on don't stay in your seat come come come come on I don't want it if you're not in it I just want to I don't want it if oh come on walk them to the altar this morning walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk come on come on come on come on Voice break there's more of you stirring in your heart this morning it's the Holy Ghost Jesus is knocking at your heart open your heart and come home to the father this morning come on my brother come on my sister come on come on this is how you start this year nobody leaving the building now thank you you I don't want it it I just want you come on we are going to see more people saf that's why we are about we respect what God does that's why we stand to our feet that's why we don't walk out God while God is working break heart your show me your come on we are waiting for you Jesus Loves You Jesus loves you I just you need to come I don't want you've not entered this race you need to come I don't you're you sound heavy this morning I've taken up every bag and it's making me heavy you need to come and lay it [Music] down your wife cannot lay it down for you you need to lay it down you need to come we'll wait for you we'll wait for you we'll wait for you you need to come there's one more that need to come you need to come you say to me Pastor I've not enter this race because I'm too heavy I'm too heavy I've taken up too many bags I'm asking you this morning God I'm asking you this morning [Music] come your prayer this morning I'm asking you this morning come and position yourself come and position yourself because he loves you show me your because he loves you because he loves you for God so Lov for God so Lov for God so love I you're not just you I if we miss one person it's too many if we miss one it's too many thank you thank you thank Youk thank Youk thank you thank you [Music] amen there so [Music] let us give God a great hand for the gift in this [Music] house because whatever you respect you draw towards you whatever you disrespect leave your [Music] life I wish I could come to each one of you personally but I want to say to you God loves you [Music] I want to say to you God loves you if this whole Gathering was just because of you it's worth [Applause] it I want to ask you this morning to put everything aside the Bible says I I I take up one thing and that's Jesus I lay hold I I I pick up one thing and that's him because there's nothing else that can there's nothing else that can replace him no matter where you at there today we we laying it down no matter what what what you did in life that made you cross cross the lane and and you qualifi you disqualified yourself he's putting you back in that starting blocks amen because the Bible says he makes everything new the Bible says he makes every new I want to say to you this morning he's making everything new amen will you be so kind just to pray this prayer it's one prayer it's one one prayer you say Pastor it's simple it's one prayer say Lord Jesus I give you my life this morning I lay aside everything I lay aside L every weight whatsoever Blinded Me blind numbed Meb messed me up I lay it at your feet and this morning in exchange I receive you I enter the race of life and as I enter this morning I have one prayer to hear this words well done good and faithful servant what I've called you to do you've done I come this morning I forgive myself and I give you everything I thank you right now the Bible says if anyone anyone that's me that's me is born again he's a new creature old things has passed awayed everything has become new I'm a new person a that old person is dead old isad in Jesus name amen let's give them a hand [Applause] [Music] let's give them a hand because that was you never forget that was [Music] you you're part of the family that's why I can say family you our brothers and our sisters but you know you entered today you you you enter that race you you in that blocks but but now you need to help us to coach you you need to help us to to to to help you to to help you with the right diet you need to help us to to steer you to hold your hand to say no no no you're going to make it because because one thing today your sins has been forgiven now we need you to grow because if you're not growing you're going to die so we need you to grow from a baby to a young man young woman and then to a father mother because a baby knows their sins are forgiven a young man young woman knows I've overcome the evil one and then a father a mother knows I've known him from the beginning amen so there's some fathers there's some mothers there's some young men that want to walk with you will you be so kind to turn tomorrow right your left the other churches bloomon Johannesburg if you tend to with the pastors and then there's coaches there's trainers that's going to help you allow us to walk with you there's trainers there's coaches that want to help you we don't want to leave you alone we don't want you to be isolated amen let's give them a great hand family [Music] can I ask the other churches uh those with us this morning in blue North you may uh break to your own pastors for communion this morning you may be seated can I ask the red Brigade to start giving out the emblems [Music] let's run while we'll give at that stuff we heard B said run otherwise it's going to be a long day who of you need to be armed today who of you need to be armed I can't give you AK I can't give you R1 I can't give you a block Glock but I can give you something stronger than [Music] that the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:9 that our weapons are not the weapons of this world we do not wage war as the world does what the ushers are placing in your hands this morning is a spiritual weapon is a spiritual weapon As We Gather the beginning of this year and As We Gather at the table of the Lord I want to tell you we placing a a weapon that will dismantle that will break chains that will whatsoever its name is and manifested in the spirit will be destroyed today all he's asking you is partake and [Music] receive because he's done it all you know sometimes in life those of you are married that longer than one day Lilo also know known as the devil he comes and he moves into your home without paying board and lodging he doesn't pay for any food he just comes to mess you up to break to bring uni to to to bring this Unity then God has given us this [Music] God has given us this we start this year like pastor at says so that we want to position you right we want to position you right so that you will run but I ask you this morning come and whatever as a child of God you need to lay down lay it down at the table of the Lord this morning because at this table there's forgiveness but at this table there's healing as well at this stable this morning there's forgiveness and at this stable there's healing you know you know if I if I can take you to the Cross this morning and he says in his word put me in remance put me in remance if there's one thing that stands out is the words of Jesus that said father forgive them for they don't know they do not know what they're doing because when that person betray you and it will happen when that person breaks the trust it will happen when that person lies about you you're going to have to pray father forgive them for they do not know what they're doing because Pastor ad Illustrated it this morning if if you allow unforgiveness in your heart my brother my sister you're going to run with many bags because it's going to bring resentment it's going to bring anchor and anger it's going to bring Strife it's going to bring many things and it's going to slow you down I ask you this morning you've entered this race you want to receive the prize I ask you this morning as we're going to sit at the table of the Lord surrender it you say to me Pastor you don't know what I've done to me you don't know what they've said you you you don't know what that husband has walked out of me he cheated on me again you're going to have to say father forgive him because if you're going to carry that unforgiveness you're going to become a better person can can we lay it down this morning can I ask you to lay it down this morning what's the most important words a husband can say to his wife can I help somebody the most important words that wife Canard is I was wrong can I get an amen from the [Music] wives is that true uh Chanel okay sh El said it's true what's the most important words a wife can say to her husband I am proud of you you know when as a husband you say I was wrong you diffuse many things don't fight the wrong battles I've done this longer than three days don't fight the long wrong battles as everyone received anyone that did not receive yet can you open the Bible says you can give to me as he broke the bread Luke 22:1 19- 21 and gave it to his disciples he said this is my body given to you do this in remembrance of me remembrance we choose to forgive in the same way after the supper he took the cup saying this cup the blood is the New Covenant in my blood which he Spore out for you family he paid the price that you should have paid he paid the price what you should have paid let us just receive that healing today no matter what heal what what what what broke your heart he's he's got the power to heal but you need to make the decision I let go you need to make the decision I lay it down you may you may partake of the emblems you might may partake of the bread and the wine the juice and I want to say to you this morning after you lay it down don't allow anyone to pick it up again don't allow anyone to repeat it again because you've laid it down whatever its name is if it slows you down lay it down father we thank you we thank you as your children we humble ourselves and we choose this morning as Pastor I taught us this morning to position ourselves and say the words one thing I hold on I hold on to Jesus and I lay everything else down so that I will receive the price the price he has for me in Jesus name amen will you be so kind just to put your eyes towards the offering for this week thank you Isaiah 55:8 to9 says for my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways my ways says the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts God's ways are always higher when the world says keep God says give when the world says save God says so when the world says strive God says serve when the world says live for yourself God says live beyond yourself Jesus is our greatest example of living a life according to God's ways Jesus came to serve and not to be served and to give his life for The Ransom of many as we lay down our lives for the sake of God's purpose we walk in our savior's footsteps we give so serve and live lives beyond ourselves knowing that God God is able to multiply what we place in his hands this year place all you have in the Master's hands your time your talent your treasure and watch how God will multiply it and bless those around you that are in need Matthew 25:35 to4 for I was hungry and you gave me food I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and and you took me in I was naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came to me then the righteous will answer him saying Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink when did we see you a stranger and take you in or naked and clothe you or when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you and the King will answer and say to them assuredly I say to you in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me the ushers can now stand as we receive the offering please note for your security the doors will remain closed God bless [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] heing the morning sun hope when I am hanging by your F cuz every time I look for it I find your faithfulness again water in the wilderness my defender in the Lion's dead cuz every time I look for it I find your faithfulness again yeah faithful then faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faithfulness wo faithful then faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faith [Music] the love that heav to the Cross till he paid the price for all my sin the temporary Tom was seal by sow but they couldn't keep it in yeah now that it is called oh tell me what's impossible for we tell my God what is then who can be faithful then faithful now you never run out of faithfulness faithfulness wo faithful then faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faithfulness oh faithfulness faithful now you never run out of faithfulness faithfulness wo faithful then faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faithfulness you never run now you never run never run out of me you never run now you never run never run now run you never run now you never run never run out you'll never run out you'll never run never run out [Music] of for the things you've done for the things to come for the breath and oh thank you Jesus for the things you've done for the things to come for the breath in my heart oh thank you Jesus for the things to come for the things to come for the breath in my oh thank you Jesus for the things you've done for the things to come for the breath in my lives oh thank you Jesus yeah faithful then faithful now you never run out of faithfulness faithfulness wo faithfulness faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faithfulness oh faithful faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faithfulness W faithful then faithful now you'll never run out of faithfulness faithfulness [Music] amen family thank you for your time few more minutes can you say to the person on your left or your right give him your boat then look to them again and say but what boat [Music] those of you who were not here last week that's why we do it this morning past said what you have in your hands you need to put it back in his hands I want to ask this morning that's not all of you if you're in the position that you own a business or you're a key person you have influence as Shepherds as pastors we want to ask you to open that business for us we don't want to run your business we want to come encourage you we want to come and have a prayer meeting even if it's 15 minutes once a month God has placed you in a position of influence you steer that boat and he needs that boat you here this morning you a man or woman of influence allow us the ushers will give you a form right now if that's you it's not all of you that say this year like Peter I'm going to give God my boat because a meal in the boy's hands is just for him but a meal that he place in God's hands feeds 10 of thousands Obed Edom and I'm not going to go there for time sh Sake O obededom they they had to get a place for the presence of God and and and David couldn't couldn't find a place for the ark and and Obed Ean was a wise man he said bring that Ark here and he placed that Ark in his house for 3 months can I tell you what was the fruit of that the scripture is up the the fruit of the presence of God Old Testament in his house everyone listen to me every one of his descendants served God because that's what the presence of God do he allowed the presence for 3 months in his home and everyone of his children his children's children serve the Lord I'm saying to you again this morning the ministry is built is built by asking we ask you open a door for us we cannot force ourselves in if that's you this morning and say pastor we will allow the Shepherds to come once a month once a quarter once a week we will send someone to start a prayer cell in your business and you will will have listen to me a net breaking catch this year if that is you you can just raise your hand we've got a small paper if it's not you you don't need to raise your hand because you're 12 years old and you don't have a business if that is you you can just the users is ready they've got a small paper and that's just for us to contact you if you say this morning morning Pastor I'm giving God my boat I need the presence of God in my boat and you will look back the end of this year and your year will be [Music] different I SES that you give forms let us run you heard Pastor said run you don't walk [Music] you're good you say I don't have a pen ask them for a pen and if your neighbor don't have a pen ask them but why didn't you bring a pen you're not spiritual I'm playing is there anyone else just raise your hand we've got forms all over you say what do I need to that form if you see that person with a red shirt just give it back to him and tomorrow we will contact you because we need to get inside of your boat all all hands has been served all tables has been served because that's what waiters do they wait on the table allow me to bless you father I ask you this morning as people recommitted as people to lay down many things that made them heavy I ask [Music] you bless them make your face to shine upon them allow your goodness and your mercy to harass them and father give them peace I say to each one of you hearing my voice I speak Luke 2:52 over your life you will increase in stature you will increase in favor with both man and God doors will open that has never been opened because God said so whatsoever God has blessed no man can curse you are blessed and highly favored in Jesus name amen have a great day have a great day have a great day God loves you help somebody your life is not your own you have no promise of Tomorrow amen [Music]