Transcript for:
Lecture on Songs of Silence Multiplayer Gameplay

I am not the best strategy player so how long will you play until I lose I guess that's actually crazy we we're getting like a six player setup all right everyone is ready that's exciting let's start all right I listening to what the game designer said and always recruit civilians and I think it makes sense to go in and grab the first location as soon as we can let's heal some of the units Oh no just call for a go I don't even know the old race cards I will create a link already to get that sweet resource income and then end my turn if you like this form it always feel free to join our Discord server we do this every Thursday playing together with the community and see how the updates come along how it feels what can be improved and just trying to have a good time together I'm playing The Constructor who's a bit more tanky uh on the front and really good with frenched units in the back and I'm just trying to look at how it goes and what I can do and maybe I should start inspecting my stuff and see what the strategy is this is Garrison okay F head of light starting point of the old Race network light rins okay unlock this location's income Prosperity gos and the buildup card it has to be connected in in a network so this is why it was very important for us to get a network in the first round so now the prosperity growth and the him income is unlocked but for now I will get get more civilians because I should always get civilians and then I will leave my loot wagon here as a Garrison for a moment and get this location as well and we get the Guardians call which deals good damage okay but that went well okay I will play my upgrade card I think I will get En Camp Army no I'm low on money then let's get a battle card all reserves so no it's my turn soon so let's start thinking about what's our next move what do these two they have fear they ignore morale and they have W which means they could become immune to damage and the big one has an nihilate which is crazy and Life Link the light oh what's that let's do it let's leave these here and we're going to recruit new units anyways with the money that we got so we're getting more civilians take this guy with me and do a little bit of attack it's close enough so we're not moving out of our place and we're going to oh that's strong yeah the Lancer is so strong and this will give us a bit of money oh they can fly I for God not my civilians they're ready to fight that did give us a little bit of loot but it's end of turn anyway so let's go doesn't matter watch this guy he's like shaking his head dumping on the ground funny all right it don't get tired you still have a match to win it's my turn who is this Mon and then let's get a mon I think it's smart to get a second hero uh give me a second I have no money to update great what are those civilians let's put them here and that's it next time I'm going for a location that's great oh it's my turn in a bit cuz I need to concentrate let's move her over here give the money to the location cash it in upgrade my some of my civilians put them here and then go for the bridge I guess let's try out that Guardians call can make sure that we do here and our Constructor is taking care of the stiped over here that looks I want to go into attack oh it was in the last second let's try this regenerate lost health and then let's fly these guys over here and give them some healing let's get rid of this little guy yeah so we can focus fully on him push him away my mon just no okay let's oh I can Retreat the safe no I retreat successfully no that was not a good idea oh it's my turn okay give me a second I just need to create a link here let's upgrade these civilians get them in here can we trade our building material for money I gave us money oh that's great oh I need to recruit fast fast fast more civilians yes but for now I'm returning monod and and we go into battle over here oh they got a Garrison get them down fast and then good thing we got a coordinated all so we can tell them let's focus here all friendly range unit oh it's rened we got that location that's great we can update Orica and get what's this Infuse him yeah let's heal all we have a good him income quickly check if we can recruit construct yes oh my God that's a big guy stay in this location everything looking well so far and I think you see this right there's a little corner which is red so I think some Silence from The Crusade faction has spread over here and I guess probably the two other fact or two other players who spawned here are doing something they're fighting at some it's my turn let's go explore I'm doing this I hope it's not orul oh it's just starts that's fine I can live with that the dark is flying again but there is no Escape yes now I can play the Infuse him to heal these people I saved the game there we go load game I have this multiplayer game it creates the room and let's see if it picks up everyone Hi everyone welcome welcome to the songs of Silence multiplayer stream where we always watch me getting destroyed by everyone else who's better at playing the game than me we started a six player map last time and then it got too late so we will just try to check if we can join this time I'm actually interested in seeing whether the game will crash or not because I've never done this but yeah let's play let's let's click Start and see where we go oh I'm starting I have 14 seconds left I was doing something what was I doing I have money right I'll just do this um where's my second T he's over here whoa I don't remember that I have this big guy wow um there is something which looks kind of easy to take so so I want to take over this location the Bandit lir let's do that because I have a big guy look at him just a big Stone man yeah that looks good oh big guy is losing Health great that thing is mine now rebuild it that's more important and then I can add a life do some little fights to get some loot Oh I thought it was the other card okay doesn't matter oh I see a battle let's watch that is that the vessel these guys are op look at them with their little legs ping onto others these guys are crazy if you let them live for too long you're done for but interesting okay last time I got annihilated by worms so I'm trying to get big guys as well so we're not going to go into the Purgatory why because I'm not ready to go to the other side want to go back here someon build up to make it possible to get some various here too because I think Bridge is a good spot what was my plan my plan was to attack we move the monoa to a distance more healing for here and that looks good monoa is op look at those stones great that's what I like to see rocks flying around great that gave me a level up yeah let's get here gratic oh my Army is full oh someone is attacking me how dare you oh gosh and they is strong oh I'm empowering my people I also have some R they have the big and they're calling more yeah let's get let's give attack speed in the back and then focus on this big guy why did you backstab me like this I had such a good army maybe I should Retreat so I can keep my hero that's so rude I hate that I was just building everything up No Escape can I not go this way what do you mean no Escape I could have retreated here right that's my my side that music is so not fitting I need live or die let's go this is the mood I'm in what is this they stole my artifact they stole my money they stole everything I've worked for these are tragic times yes they are when did they I wanted to attack them and they just came for me I mean at the end I admit he's playing good very good he knows the game but I just was hoping that I could sneak in you know it's my turn I had a plan right get some more various I don't have enough movement points to get there to attack them and they will probably attack me then I could get some gold maybe I go back there's not much I can do I'm just roaming around because I need to upgrade like my all right I will probably watch how this gu's come comes in and destroys everything let's see what he does oh my God in second year uh it's not looking too good for me but I think I have some Garrison everywhere else so that should be safe we leave all these out and give everything the monoa the because of its work playay the light life instead of the Life Link which should allow us to recruit to upgrade the har ringers to move the constr back here move faster to get the location back hopefully yeah and let's see what's screen doing if they're going to take it back or not cuz I know they have these big guys it just depends on what they're doing Maybe what what I mean we can watch what they're doing I wonder if they're going to travel to the light side but I think that should be an easy win for them against the darkens they're leaving I think so are they leaving they're gone they just went they went somewhere here I don't know where but they said bye-bye good I wanted to go back here take some civilians with me and then go back to upgrade the first one and I can see what's happening a bit more on the other side of RA side so EMP power yeah see if you know what you're doing things look a bit better so this is ours now there's already something and I can recruit L keep no I can upgrade these to lore Keepers but first I need more car let's leave the civilian here I'm going to attack these guys and hope it works out um get some money but that should be fine yep and I don't think we lost any unit out of that sash the money get some Lancers I can bring them a Lancer I think going in now makes sense and monoica is in the back to attack if needed oh there they are they hiding oh gosh they have three Lancers let's focus on the big guy oh gosh can I call my reserves who's my reserve some civilians gosh that doesn't look good for me I mean we do good damage but their Lancers are super strong it's so sad why does this keep happening it doesn't even make sense to go back inis monoica because they're still super strong Freelancers all right welome at how to lose that songs of Silence gosh it makes no sense to go in I was I was thinking I was doing so good I had like a strategy this guy just doesn't die get a Lancer upgrade a civilian Trade building [Music] material keep the civilians in my reserves and then move and then do some battles oh that was fast everything looks good here we can upgrade them also to various I'll do an attack I need goinging well over there that's fgy it's weird would you play better every stream thank you talking to Constructor giving him another Lan and another healing unit should I attack the besieging Army is a question why not Reen comfor me so often I'll comfor them yeah that looks good that gives me the money and next turn I can just end the siege and go back back and stash it right in because this is a Supply location I think that was a good move now let's see what I have I still have money for the L I will get a lance unit here let's take this location back real quick but I will just live with the consequences of my action because it feels good and maybe it was a good move maybe I mean they don't have a hero here right now they don't have a hero here right now it's here I really want to make sure the gold is touched okay well maybe we'll have a bit more gold that looks great that feels great bring it back we cashed in the money I will wait a bit more and recruit civilians this time I did buy Lancers I think so oh yeah this is what I thought would happen oh let's fly over here and stun this guy yeah just flying around I don't know if recruiting makes sense if it says no escape again that would be sad um apparently it was no Escape let's see if they're going to come for the capital or not more Lancers I wish I could go in but I think I should be better than them themselves yeah the time just ran out I think he's scared upgrade the civilians put them here the heart Bring here and we will fight here that's what be sad [Music] and see what happens Empower these guys High ringers can fly that looks good Empower these guys yeah the laners are good I'm scared that green will come in now backstab me any minute but I have Lancers they're good and these are healing let's go back get another Lancer so I'll put them in reserve for now I will up grade the civilians I will take them with me as a reserve and put the Lancers in here and make some room to buy more lances next round no cheating in songs of sence just courage and honor yes if I die because I'm bad then I die oh that's okay my Garrison will weaken them a tiny bit and then I can just get in the back that was the plan all along right oh that guy I want that's the big guy why do I not not have any cards that guy is crazy yeah he's ambushing me now okay that's fine we lost that location I know he's cornered me but instead of going that direction I think it makes to go that direction once I have time and just attack here and see what happens go in I think it's all or nothing right let's see empower the small guys yeah I don't think that's going well I'm out of people they're lost all of life where are my units I don't even know where my units are how is that guy so strong I had such a big army but I mean it's All or Nothing let's end this game there's not much it could have done differently Target enemies are turned into gold let's turn them into gold I love this effect do you see this yeah no it doesn't make sense it's just I'm I'm just it's such a disadvantage I don't even want to know how this map looks here let's spring will come back but I'll just go in and attack because let's end this game let's end this game it's been going on for too long if I just could kill this triun that would so [Music] great I mean it's okay but it's so sad I don't even want to watch this he has three big guys I never had a chance see that's why I need to summon constructs I need these guys he knows the right he knows the game I'm actually amazed that we finished a six player multiplayer map in songs of Silence um it was a fun session it was exciting to try out six player songs of Silence wow that's crazy uh but yeah it was fun to play with you all