Subject emphasis on differentiation between various epithelial cells, glands, muscles, cartilages, lymphoid tissues, and specific structures like the kidney, pancreas, and cerebral cortex.
Epithelia and Epitheloid Cells
Epithelium: Covers body walls and cavities from inside and outside.
Epitheloid Cells: No free surface, may have basement membrane. Examples: Leydig cells, lutein cells, islands of Langerhans, adrenal gland, anterior pituitary, epithelial reticular cells of the thymus, sebaceous glands.
Sebaceous Gland (Holocrine Gland)
Cells: Rounded with central nuclei, filled with lipid vacuoles, appearing clear when washed with alcohol.
Located at the base of hair follicle.
Secretion Type: Holocrine (cell disintegration).
Types of Glands
Apocrine Glands: Apex secretion via membrane-bound vesicles. Ex: Mammary gland.