Histology Lecture Notes

Jun 8, 2024

Histology Lecture Notes


  • Subject emphasis on differentiation between various epithelial cells, glands, muscles, cartilages, lymphoid tissues, and specific structures like the kidney, pancreas, and cerebral cortex.

Epithelia and Epitheloid Cells

  • Epithelium: Covers body walls and cavities from inside and outside.
  • Epitheloid Cells: No free surface, may have basement membrane. Examples: Leydig cells, lutein cells, islands of Langerhans, adrenal gland, anterior pituitary, epithelial reticular cells of the thymus, sebaceous glands.

Sebaceous Gland (Holocrine Gland)

  • Cells: Rounded with central nuclei, filled with lipid vacuoles, appearing clear when washed with alcohol.
  • Located at the base of hair follicle.
  • Secretion Type: Holocrine (cell disintegration).

Types of Glands

  • Apocrine Glands: Apex secretion via membrane-bound vesicles. Ex: Mammary gland.
  • Merocrine Glands: Exocytosis secretion. Ex: Submandibular gland.

Salivary Glands

  • Mixed Salivary Gland: Both serous and mucous acini present.
  • Submandibular Gland: Predominantly serous.
  • Submandibular Gland: Predominantly mucous.
  • Serous Demilunes: Histological artifacts showing a mucous acinus capped by serous cells.
  • Features: Tall acinar cells, basal nuclei for mucous acini; pyramidal cells, basophilic cytoplasm, zymogen granules for serous acini.

Skeletal Muscle

  • Sarcomere: Functional unit from Z-line to Z-line.
  • A Band: Represents myosin filament length (constant during contraction).
  • I Band: Represents non-overlapped actin length (shortens during contraction).
  • H Zone: Central region, decreases during contraction.
  • Identification: Striations, peripheral nuclei.

Cardiac Muscle

  • Characteristics: Branched fibers, centrally placed oval nuclei, faint striations.
  • Intercalated Discs: Composed of fascia adherens, desmosomes, and gap junctions, facilitating ionic movement (functional syncytium).

Cartilage Types

  • Hyaline Cartilage: Chondrocytes in clusters (cell nests), pericondrium present, type II collagen.
  • Fibrocartilage: Chondrocytes in rows, type I collagen, no pericondrium.
  • Elastic Cartilage: Elastic fibers not visible in H&E stain, perichondrium present, individual elastic fibers visible with special stains.

Lymphoid Tissues

  • Lymph Node: Contains capsule, trabeculae, subcapsular sinus, lymphatic nodules in cortex, paracortex (T-lymphocytes), medullary cords and sinuses.
  • Spleen: Lacks cortex/medulla distinction, contains lymphatic nodules (white pulp), splenic arteries, red pulp indicating open circulation.
  • Palatine Tonsil: Stratified squamous epithelium, lymphatic nodules, presence of crypts.
  • Thymus: No lymphatic nodules, divided into lobules by septa, presence of Hassall's corpuscles (central hyaline mass surrounded by epithelial cells).

Thyroid Gland

  • Active Thyroid Follicle: Cuboidal cells with scalloped borders of colloid.
  • Inactive: Squamous cells, smooth borders of colloid.
  • Parafollicular Cells: Pale staining, derived from neural crest cells.

Pancreas and Parotid Gland

  • Pancreas: Serous acini with centroacinar cells, Islets of Langerhans present (predominantly in tail).
  • Parotid Gland: Predominantly serous acini, no centroacinar cells.

Gastrointestinal Tract

  • Esophagus: Stratified squamous epithelium, esophageal glands located in submucosa.
  • Duodenum: Closely packed villi, Brunner's glands in submucosa.


  • Glomerulus: Presence of Bowman's space.
  • Tubules: Proximal convoluted tubule (hazy lumen), distal convoluted tubule (clear lumen).

Cerebellar Cortex

  • Layers: Molecular (stellate and basket cells), Purkinje (Purkinje cells), Granular (Golgi and granule cells).
  • Largest collection of inhibitory neurons: Excitatory only granular cells.

Taste Buds and Tongue Papillae

  • Filliform Papillae: Conical keratin projections, no taste buds.
  • Fungiform Papillae: Vertical indentations with taste buds on surface.
  • Foliate Papillae: Taste buds within vertical furrows.
  • Circumvallate Papillae: Mushroom-shaped, taste buds within furrows.