Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, and today I'm gonna show you guys behind the scenes of one of my highest grossing sales phones of all time. If you are running live events or you like to run live events, this is gonna show you step by step, every single page, the ads, the copy, everything we're using to sell between three and 5,000 people per month into our live virtual event.
This funnel has completely transformed and changed our business. I'm gonna show you guys the hooks, the ads, the funnels, the upsells, the downsells, across everything you're gonna see And at the end of this video, I'm going to actually give you guys a swipe file with all of the different pages in this funnel so you can model them inside of your business. This is based on a very simple funnel that anyone could do, including you.
And so let me walk you guys through the Selling Online Funnel. So before we dive into the actual funnel pages, as you see up above, I want to show you some of the ads that we were using. As you always know, in any business, the core, like the big secret is hook, story, offer. Hook, story, offer, right?
What's the hook you're throwing out in your audience to grab their attention? What's the story you tell them and what's the offer you're making? And so for us... Because this is an event we're running every single month, we have to come back and we're doing lots of different hooks, lots of videos, lots of different things to get people's attention.
So you can see some of them right here. The one that we kind of led with initially is very tied based on the sales videos. When you go to the actual sales letter, I'll show you guys that here in a second, you'll see the VSL we have there. It's all based on me setting world record, doing one to many sales, and from there we kind of tell that story.
One of the core ads we launched with is actually showing the footage of me setting the world record, right? So it's me speaking at Grant Cardone's event, 1.5 hours setting world records. Let me show you guys just a real quick glimpse of this ad. Let me just tell you what I love about Russell Brunson.
This is a family dude, okay? You can see him hanging out with his family. Russell is successful.
Russell's trying real things every day, and he's willing to be transparent and say, hey, this is what I'm doing. I want to bring out Russell Brunson. Come here, man.
He did $3 million. In one and a half hours. Three million. Okay, so you see I'm using footage and things like that to create ads to tell the story, which is the same story that they're gonna see when they hit the landing page.
So that's when we first initially launched it. Then after that, it's like, okay, we need to start bringing in more different things, different pattern interrupts, right? Hooks are always about breaking people's patterns, right? I think about people that are on their phone, they're sitting there scrolling, looking at Instagram or Facebook, whatever.
I've gotta be the hook that grabs their attention. And so with that is we have to create a lot of different ads, a lot of different creative. Okay, because especially running an event month after month after month after month, like things will get stale, people see the same ad.
What happens is that something that is the pattern interrupt eventually becomes the pattern, right? And then your job as a marketer is like, what's the next pattern interrupt? What's the next pattern interrupt?
So I worked with Christine Morrell to make a whole bunch of really funny ads, which came to our office and she broke in to find out the secrets from Russell Brunson. And so I'll show you guys a quick glimpse of just part of the ad right here because I thought it was kind of hilarious. Today, I'm going to break into Russell Brunson's headquarters because I'm going to steal his secrets to selling millions online. And then I'm going to share them with you. I am going to kidnap the only man who can show us how.
Russell Brunson. Mwahahahaha! All of good marketing comes with lots of hooks and ads and different things you're throwing out there to grab people's attention.
Okay, so after the hook's been set, the video plays, your story offers them to click and actually come to the landing page. And I'm going to walk you through what that funnel actually looks like. Do you have a funnel but it's not converting?
The problem 99.9% of the time is that your funnel's great, but you suck at selling. If you want to learn how to sell so your funnels will actually convert, then you need to get a ticket to my next three-day selling online event. by going to sellingonline.com slash YouTube or by clicking on the link in the description down below right now. Okay, so here is the backend of the new ClickFunnels. If you haven't seen it yet, this is kind of what it looks like.
But you can see step-by-step here, the funnel. So here's the very first page. This is the homepage. People come when they hit it.
And I'll show you that page in a second. After they sign up, they can go buy their tickets right here. Then they're taken to our VIP upgrade page, right?
So we upgrade them to VIP, as you'll see on the page where I show you. There's two different options. If they say yes or no. All right, now if they say yes to the offer, then we have a confirmation page saying congratulations. If they say no, we also take them to the confirmation page.
The only difference is on this version of the confirmation page, we actually resell the VIP option. So there's one more last shot to kind of try to get them to sign up. But that's the core of what this funnel looks like. So let me walk you through page by page by page so you see what we did, why we did it, so you can model it inside of your business.
All right, page number one, okay? This page is very simple. It leads with a big promise.
If somebody comes to your three-day event, what is the thing that they are going to learn? Now, we're split testing a lot of different versions of this headline. This one's, I think right now, the current control. It says, discover the one to many selling secrets that allowed me to sell over a million dollars online.
Yes, that's billion with a B, without a sales team. And it says, no, you will not sell a billion dollars with what I'm gonna teach you. Just like if you were to pay Michael Jordan to teach you basketball, you wouldn't instantly become the GOAT.
But do you think you'd become exponentially better from where you are today? And then, so that's kind of the initial hook, right? So when someone comes to you, they know like, man, if I am going to come and sign up for a 3D event, I'm going to learn how to do one to many sales. Like that's the goal, right?
The headline is to give them like, here's what you're gonna learn. Okay, also I have the fact that it's a challenge. I have the dates, the times when the whole thing is happening. Okay. Then down below, now what I have is I have the video.
The video sales letter, the VSL, to actually sell this. And so, again, the video's two minutes, 14 seconds. I'm not gonna show you the whole thing.
In fact, you should go to sellingonline.com and go watch it. But I just wanna give you guys, I'm gonna watch a second of this so you can see kind of a gist of what we're trying to do inside, what we're trying to capture inside the video sales letter. The next man we're about to bring up is the single greatest marketer of the 21st century. The GOAT of the marketing industry.
New York Times bestselling author collects. books his ideas have literally shaped crafted and molded how we view modern day marketing but also everything he does is with integrity the one the only and make some noise for mr russell okay I wish I could show you the whole thing. I love this video.
But notice I'm building credibility. Trying to show that I'm the expert. I'm the person who understands this stuff best in the world.
And then from there, then I go in and make the pitch saying, look, if you want to learn how to sell, come to my event for three days selling online. And then immediately down below, we have the ticket price, $100. This is when the challenge starts.
They click the button and they can buy it, right? So again, if you look at how we structure any page, it's always emotion, logic, fear. So everything above the fold is very emotional, right?
Headlines emotional, videos emotional, the offer's emotional, okay? And again, the majority of your buyers will buy from here. We use heat mapping software on every page. So we'll see how many will scroll past here. Most people get to here and boom, they buy, okay?
So your emotional buyers, the majority of people. Then you transition, now you got logical buyers, like what's the event about? What's gonna happen?
What's the schedule? Like they wanna know all the details before they're willing to buy. So ask the call to action and come down.
Okay, speak to logical buyers. Here's some tests. testimonials, logically they're going to help you. Here's the sales letter, here's what you're going to learn, here's what's happening day one, here's what's happening every single day.
There's the structure of all the different days, right? And then we keep coming down, and then now we have the sales letter, which again is a longer form thing, just kind of logically explain to them why they should do this event, why it's important, what they're going to learn, all that kind of stuff with a long form sales letter, okay? Now if you're going to simplify this funnel at all, the way you do it is above the fold is the most important.
The majority of your sales, 70% of your sales is coming from above the fold, the other 30% percent come from the rest of this and so these things are good but a lot of times people don't launch a funnel because they're trying to write all the long form copy or they don't have testimonials yet or things like that those things take some time so if you're going to cut anything cut the bottom you know this bottom part and lead with the emotion above the fold that's the most important but it can give you an extra 30 bump by adding in the logic and the fear the other parts here inside of the the rest of the funnel okay so there's the first page there and then um all the order buttons drive you down to the sales letter or to the order form right here and then the order form boom we've got two order form bumps we've got a 47 course called the show up secrets for 47 bucks this one converts like almost 60 percent uh so if you can find something that's very congruent with the thing you're selling as an order form bump you can get a huge take rate um again i'm teaching people how to do one to many presentations this bump is going to show you how to get more people to actually show up right huge key and then number two is we added in the event notes and workbook for 27 bucks and this one has a huge take rate as well right so we add in those two upsells those two order form bumps to increase our cart value okay the reason The reason why is because we're selling a three-day event for just $100, which is pretty inexpensive, right? For me to sell one of these tickets through ads. it usually costs about $200 or more to sell that.
So I have to be adding other things into the signup flow to make more money back so it'll cover my ad spend. Because I actually don't make any money, in fact, I lose money by doing the event, all the money is made during the event. I'll talk you guys through that here in a minute.
So that's kind of the core information about what's happening on page number one. All right, right now, any ahas you've had so far, drop in the comments down below. I wanna see those. If you want me to keep sharing all these ideas, you gotta give some feedback to me.
So let me know what your biggest aha was so far. As I keep going through any aha you have, drop in the comments. drop them in the comments.
I wanna see those things coming. All right, that's page number one in the funnel. Now we're gonna transition over here to page number two.
This is the VIP upsell. So someone just bought their $100 ticket, now we're gonna give them the opportunity to upgrade and become a VIP. Okay, and so here's what it says.
Basically, how would you like to upgrade for a live VIP day after the event to get direct help with your sales funnel? And then this is basically a live Q&A VIP day, okay? And so I have a video here of me kind of explaining what it looks like.
You come down and then there's two options. Number one is you can be a fly on the wall where you can sit in and listen for an entire day. Day number four, basically, listen to me doing Q&A with members so you can learn a whole bunch.
Or if you want... And this one's sold out right now, but you can pay 500 bucks and you can actually get your question answered. It means you show up, you ask me a question, I'll give you the answer, okay? Now, we're split testing a couple things right now.
Right now, we offer the video replays when you buy this. We may take that out. I haven't decided yet, but my goal is to make sure that you get the answer. My goal, if I did get rid of the video replays, is to get more people to show up for the live event, which is the most important part. A lot of people take this because they want the replays.
So my gut says the conversions will drop a little bit here, but we'll get more people to actually show up for the live event. So that's kind of a thing we're playing right now and that we are testing. All right, so those are two options right there. If they're not gonna buy, there's a no thanks link. And again, the no thanks link, we always give a negative qualifier.
So I'm not saying yes or no thanks. Take me to the members area because that's a positive thing. I'm saying no thanks. I'm not interested in upgrading VIP now, nor getting to sell my replays for free.
So it's negative. Like, oh, I don't want this. So I'm almost recapping the offer in the no thanks.
You're not getting the VIP or the replays. So that's kind of the negative qualifier. So there's all the motion. Then I'm going to transition to logic.
Testimonials, telling more of a story. Here's the logical arguments for those who are needing more reasoning behind it. You notice all my pages.
Lead with motion, then logic, and then fear. Fear is your urgency and your scarcity. Speaking to logic, testimonials, what they're going to get, what it looks like, telling the story, boom, there's a call to action again, and then more testimonials. That is page number two in the funnel right there, the VIP upsell page. Then from there, we take them to the confirmation page.
Depending on which one, if they said yes or no, the pages look almost identical. The only difference is if they didn't buy the VIP upgrade offer, we'll have the offer on this page again one more time. Tell them congratulations.
And then a couple cool things we do here, right? Number one is that we actually push them to school because they have a community there. And in school is where we communicate with people during the live event. So we push them to go get inside the community, okay?
Number two is we allow them to be an affiliate. Now what's cool about this is I told you right now it costs us about $200 to sell a ticket to selling a live event through Facebook ads, right? And so instead I'm like, man, I would rather, you know, our customers sell the tickets and I'll give them 100% ticket price, right? So we do, inside the new ClickFunnels, you can create instant affiliate links. So as soon as someone signs up, boom, they have an affiliate link.
They send that to a friend, post it on Facebook, Instagram, whatever, and someone clicks there and buys, they get $100. They get 100% of the sale of the ticket that person gets, okay? And so what's cool about this is it starts making our events viral, where people sign up and they invite their friends and they invite more people. So for every ticket we sell, we sell an additional third of a ticket or something.
So if I sell 1,000 people, I'm gonna get 300 people who come from an affiliate, which is really cool. Okay, so this is a way to make your funnels more viral. Another thing we do to get people to promote this is in the follow-up sequence after they join, we also push people to a page like this that basically sells this a little more, right? Because the first time they see the link, they might not know. And so you get pushed to this page that says, hey, do you want $100 referral for the challenge?
And there's a video of me explaining how it all works. They put their email in and boom, it generates the instant affiliate link as well. So we have this another like second pass through emails to get them referring. Because again, the more people refer, it's just free people coming into my challenge, my event. than not paying Mark Zuckerberg for, which is always great.
And you can only do this in the greatest software of all time, which is called ClickFunnels, getting an instant affiliate link for your customers. That way they can start promoting and rallying the game. You can get a free 14-day trial right now by going to clickfunnels.com slash YouTube or click a link in the description down below.
And block out time on the calendar, obviously. They see all the sessions that are coming up. They wanna see what's happening. We don't give them too much details, but they are able to kind of see some of those things. Ooh, my team's added that, that's kinda cool.
All right, and so that's kind of the game plan. So that's everything that's happening in the funnel leading up to the actual event. If you know anything about funnels, the goal of every single funnel is taking people down this process, down this path to help them however you can, to help serve them at the highest level. And so we get them on events, number one. Now they come to the event.
It's a three-day event. And I'll come back down here so you can kind of see the schedule of what we do during the event. The structure wasn't something we just made up.
If you look at like Funnel Hacking Live or any of my events, There's always a method to the madness. There's always a reason why we're structuring things this way. And so that's kind of what this is, is the structure to be able to increase the likelihood of people actually buying during the event.
Okay? All right. So now, again, day two, I make the special offer.
What happens then? From there, we send people to the signup form. Okay, so here's what the page looks like. After somebody goes to the event, they hear me pitch, they come to this page right here.
And the first step we do is there's video of me kind of explaining what's going to be happening. and be kind of guiding them. And again, you'll notice with funnels, it's always about you're guiding somebody on a journey.
So they hit this page, there's a video of me telling them exactly what to expect, what to do, what's gonna happen. So they come over here and they start filling in the form. And this is the basic form, their contact information, email, phone number, what they're trying to do so we get some basic information from them. So that's step number one. They go through that and they click Submit, and it takes them to step number two.
And step number two, this page right here, basically says thank you, your application's been submitted. And then I basically here give them two different options. Option number one, if you're ready to sign up right now and you know.
Click right here and we'll take you directly to the order form. You can sign up. You don't have to talk to anyone.
You're ready to rock and roll and go. This is my goal. Obviously, I want people, hopefully at this point, they've been in an event with me for two days. Hopefully at this point, they know if they're in or they're out. So they come right here and they sign up, which is really good.
Nice thing about that, if anyone runs a sales team, no one has to talk to them on the phone. They'll come and sign you up. So we make more money off these people because I don't have to pay sales commissions.
But there's always people, again, usually you're a logical buyer, so they need more. They need to talk to someone. They have a question.
Whatever that thing might be. So for them, I have this option number two, which is just request a callback. So they click on this, boom, it then takes them to a page. And actually, it'll put them in a queue.
And then we have a whole team of people who call people immediately, find out their question, and close their sale. Okay? So that's kind of what the two options look like.
So get them set up right now or request. It's a callback. If they do go sign up right now, it takes them to the order form, and this is what the order form looks like right here. They come right there and they can sign up.
Again, they can sign up for $10,000 one time, or they can do 3-pay of $3997. Then we also ship them a shirt because that's cool. They pick the size they want.
and that's what this page looks like here inside the funnel as well. And we can test the modules. People have gone through it. But there you go.
There's the order form. And order form structure layout copies are one of the most important things. We've tested a ton of order forms because people are like...
last step like they're there with their wallet they're ready to buy something for like okay take my money and then so many times the order form scares people off so we found to make the order form more simple is there's a headline boom there's the order form there's a recap what they're getting and that's the extent of we don't have long form sellers and things like that only other thing i add sometimes is sometimes i will in the replay sequence i'll take the part of the offer where i make the pitch where i'm just walking through everything they're getting when they sign up i'll take that video and i might embed it here on the page it's like hey if you if you forgot what you're getting click here and it'll recap me doing the offer stack, walking through everything you get when they sign up for the offer. I don't always do that, but if I am gonna put any video or anything like that, that's all I'm putting on the order form. Other than that, the order form should be very simple and very, very easy. All right, guys, so that is behind the scenes of the Selling Online funnel. Again, this is one of my most profitable funnels to date, and I've been playing this game now for over 20 years, and so there's so many little things weaved into this funnel.
I hope you got a lot of value, a lot of ideas from it. If you did, drop down the number one ahas takeaways down below, but now that you're here, I wanna give you guys the coolest thing. This is the best part of the video.
as you guys know, is I actually went through and took screenshots of all these pages. I used a really cool tool that we created called Barnum PT. Basically, think about PT Barnum and ChatGPT had a baby and it created a free Chrome plugin.
And the plugin is amazing because you can do screenshots, you can do funnel hacks, you can use AI to go rewrite pages, you can use the transfer funnels from ClickFunnels Classic to the new ClickFunnels. You can use it to move funnels from some of our competitors back into the new ClickFunnels and a whole bunch of other cool things. But one of my favorite things is the fact that I can use it, take screenshots of every single page of my favorite funnels. All I do is I click on the little hat right here, boom, pops up I can say I want to take a picture of the section I grab it takes a screenshot and boom saves it into my barnum PT account but what's cool for you guys is because I love you I already went through and screenshot it all these pages for you they are right here inside my swipe file section you can you can see I got I got swipe files for every funnel I've ever funnel like there's tons of them in here but right now I add these to our paid challenge funnels right here and here's the selling online event so down in the description below I'm gonna put a link I'll use you click on the link and it'll take this entire funnel hack all the screenshots the pages and it'll copy them inside of your Barnum PT account.
If you don't have a Barnum PT account, you can get it for free just by clicking the link down below as well. It'll be in the descriptions. Just click on the link to get your free copy of the swipe file of the Selling Online Funnel and we'll import this that way as you are building your next funnel. You can look at it as a model to get ideas for how to structure the pages, the copy you should use, et cetera, et cetera. And that was my gift to you guys for listening to this video.
I hope that you enjoyed it. And with that said, you guys, I hope you're enjoying these funnel hacks. It's been fun going behind the scenes and doing deep dives, showing you guys the things that are working inside the funnels. If you wanna watch another funnel hack, there's gonna be a link right over here or here or somewhere where you can watch it. one of our funnel hacks.
Thanks so much. I'll see you guys on the next video.