Transcript for:
Oppression’s Impact on Identity and Behavior

[Music] my Lord no more my lord lord I'll never turn back no more all right today's topic we're going to deal with is entitled oppression oppression has made us lazy that's today's lesson weak and lazy oppression has made us weak and lazy and and for those of you those of you checking to see if I have Parkinson's disease you're an idiot listening to false prophets just want to throw that out there is he shaking and checking is he shaking Daniel 9:7 Daniel 9:7 oh Lord righteousness belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of faces but unto us confusion of faces our nation has confused their face for Every Other Nation Under the Sun you have the black man that confuses his face for the African afri many of our Latin Brothers they confuse their face for the Arab or the white man read it again oh Lord righteousness belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of faces as at this day to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and unto all Israel that are near and that are far off through all the countries whether thou Hast driven them because of their trespass that they have trespassed against thee so we suffer confusion of fa because of our trespasses we have sinned against the most high he allowed us to go into captivity our nationalities would change now we suffer confusion of faces meaning we confuse our face for every other race that's out there you have many black brothers that jump up and say anybody black we all the same no a cat a dog has enough sense to know that a black cat and a black dog is not the same okay but amongst the so-called Negroes we are a confused group go to Deuteronomy 28:37 Deuteronomy 28:37 and thou shalt become an astonishment a proverb and the Bible among all nations whether the Lord shall lead thee so Moses is saying the same thing that Daniel was talking about confusion of face when it says Thou shalt become an astonishment a proverb and a byword among all nations whether the Lord shall lead thee means our nationalities would be changed okay and I want to show y'all a clip abiel go to the Glenn Beck clip he was it was a radio uh host I think his name is Glenn Beck and he spoke about the so-called black man of today play it I need it loud so everybody can hear it apparently the census has come out yeah and there's a there's a little confusion because they have uh three boxes you can check if you're a certain race a certain are you afraid to say the race I'm I'm afraid because I don't know what the race is because there's three different terms for them black African-American or negro and so African-American is a bogus PC madeup term yep I mean that's not a race that is your your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America okay so you were brought over either your family was brought over through the slave trade or you were born here and your family uh immigrated here or whatever that is not a race and it's a constantly misapplied term too I mean it's just like you know we we talked about it a case one time where a Jamaican uh who had come here and immigrated from Jamaica was being called an africanamerican and he was like I'm not an African I'm I'm a Jamaican American if where was K where was kof Anan from he's black right kofan somewhere in Africa I think wasn't he yeah yeah he's not an African-American no no and and then somebody who is African-American like Charlie tharen is not referred to as such oh my gosh you know so it's really she was from Africa yeah she's from South Africa no she's American she's African-American but would never never it's it's it's a silly ter negro used to be is it still I mean it used to be it used to be accept and that's the excuse that because there not accept is that still the clinical term for the I mean I don't know either I don't it's obviously a a term that you know it sensibilities at this point yes it has negative connotations in this country but what I'm asking is what are the what are the clinical categories I have no idea all righty then that was it that shows you how the white people think about you so-called black people you're confused confusion of face they make jokes about our nationality why because every 10 years our nationality changes to something else what's the secret we are the Israelites let's go to Isaiah 1:3 now what that came out a lot of black people were shocked that that was even a discussion of white folks believe me it happens all the time the mockery is beyond what you can imagine what do you think the tour bus is all about the tour buses that come in the in the Harlem and through the uh ghetto areas the so-called Black and Hispanic areas that's about mockery yep when you fill out the job application cuz they're talking about the census but on the job application it'll say it'll say uh African-American some say black even amongst the Latin it says black Hispanic white hispanic so by the time you fill it out and they looking at you go out the room they look at this look at this this white people looking at you laughing is a confusion here the hell is this confusion can we read that Isaac Isaiah 1:3 the ox knoweth his owner so God is letting Isaiah know the ox which is a dumb animal knows its owner okay knows who he belongs to come on and the ass his master's [ __ ] and a dumb jackass you could drop a jackass off a 100 miles from where it lives it will find its way home to his master's crib go ahead but Israel does not know the Israelites don't know so God is saying we're dumber than an ox and an ass he's comparing us to two of the dumbest animals on Earth and says we're worse than them dumber than an ox and an ass you don't know you're so you're a dumbass that's what he's that's what he's saying that's I know some of y'all offended now I'm calling us a dumbass that's what the Bible says we just read read it again Isaac so it marinating our minds Isaiah 1:3 the ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's crib but Israel does not know my people does not consider y'all see that my people do not consider who their God is their race their land none of that we don't know our nationality so we're dumber than an ox and ask go to Hosea 1:10 please wait no no I don't want Hosea 1:10 yet let's get Hosea 4 And1 I want that hose 4 and verse one we'll go there first Hosea 4 and verse 1 bear with me wait let me get it all righty all right come on Hosea 4:1 Hosea 4:1 hear the word of the Lord you children of Israel and so God is talking to us again for the Lord haveth a controversy with the inhabitants of the land the inhabitants of the land means the people of the land our people the 12 tribes of Israel come on because there is no truth so he says amongst the Israelites the 12 trib there's no truth amongst us we do not speak the truth go ahead nor Mercy there's no mercy amongst the 12 tribes of Israel come on nor knowledge of God in the land and when it comes to the knowledge of God we don't have it anymore we say we got it we give a great speech in church and Sunday school but we don't have the knowledge of God he's going to break it down even further go ahead by swearing a negro loves to swear I swear to God I swear you swearing you don't even know what you're talking about dummy go ahead and lying and our people love the LIE when you look up the word lie a picture of a negro or Latino will pop up right there liar go ahead and killing and we love to kill one that's why it's called black on black crime you ever see that show Gangland that's a ruthless show of primarily and Latinos come on and stealing and do we steal you better believe it you drop a drop a drop a pen somewhere see if a NE don't pick it up come on and committing adultery now you you ain't even got to mention speak on that cuz we love adultery we love another man's wife or a woman loves to go out and cheat on her man go ahead they break out and blood touches blood meaning we blood touches blood means we're against our own people so now get me the next clip Abel I want Sydney portier is called pressure point came out in 1962 I want everybody to get this movie listen good I thought it interesting that the man who could not stand blood now screamed for it screams were effective too for his standards of hate and glorification of the brutal Drew economic social and psychological frustrates by the score [Music] I tell you we're moving this thing is going well you're not moving anywhere right now in particular are am are you kidding so they stick me in here listen there were 18,000 people in Madison Square Garden the night I told you about okay they grabbed 100 of them and threw them in jail what do you think the other 17,900 are doing right there minute you think this thing can be stopped that we can be stopped yes well how how are you going to stop us well you're stopped aren't you at least temporarily and they will be stopped because everything you're driving for is founded on a lie Li huh hello can you be objective for a minute I know you're handicapped but are you capable of being really objective sometimes good cuz I want to tell you something no in fact I'm going to show you something all right you say we won't get anywhere because what we're doing is founded on a lie now everybody talks about Hitler and the big lie as if it was a brand new invention huh tell me something where are you going to find a bigger lie than the one this country's founded on all men are created equal everything this country is supposed to live by right you personally as far as you're concerned Jo m could have written the Bill of Rights that's even funnier what do you got what can you do can you walk on a bus or a street car or a train and sit down with a little dignity like a free human being like a free man you want to go see a movie can you walk in just any theater some Flapjacks cooking in the window can say hey I'll have some of those Flapjacks you're a negro with some brains you could use a little education can you go to the school where you get a Best maybe you see a house you like and you've even got the money to buy it can you live there huh you live in a ghetto Northeast South the West you live where they let you live in Harlem USA now maybe you're good at some job can you go to work where you can make something out of it can you do any of those things doctor and how about your kids are your kids going to do any of those things maybe maybe sure they would oh yeah in about 5,500 years have they got you so beat doctor that you don't know when somebody's making sense but you'd have been in Madison Square Garden if it wasn't for the fact that you're black now you hypnotize me huh well they got you hypnotized they got you so mixed up you're singing My Country tears of while they walk all over [Music] you right then and there I knew what I was frightened enough turn that up y he said they got you black people so mixed up they got you singing our country tears of the and they walk all over you see now they put that in the movie that was 1962 but I know some people in here right now saying I could go in any movie theater I want I could go to any no you can't no you can't I'mma prove you cannot go to any school you want get me the next clip it's not a clip it's uh news article right there let's play that play that right this is recent this was what date is that May 16th can we hear that for those of you I can go to any school I want that's right share earlier tonight on the KTLA 5 News at 6 we were the first media Outlet to show the photos of the racist graffiti discovered here over the weekend as well as that racist hit list that was discovered this morning as you can imagine parents of the students who names were on that hit list not happy the racist graffiti discovered Sunday here at Agora high school was painted over before school on Monday but what was discovered this morning in a school restroom even more disturbing a hit list of five Agora high students all African-American this is clearly a hate crime and I thought our government has zero tolerance but what upset astred kastenberg and other parents whose children were on The Hit List school officials never told parents about the racist graffiti discovered Sunday I am completely shocked that they painted over something and didn't alert the student body maybe kids have information maybe they have knowledge but to just completely ignore this to to put my son's safety at risk I'm not okay with that part of that is is because we are following the clues earlier tonight aor High Principal Larry misel seen here walking the campus with Sheriff detectives and the hate crime task force explained why the school did not inform students or parents about the racist graffiti we don't want whoever is the the person or people involved to have any information that could help them so you got that advice from the sheriff's department on Sunday they were consulted yeah the um hate crime uh investigators were very very good with us they were delicate they took their time they explained things Lura Hill told me her son whose name was on The Hit List and the other parents were reassured by the principal and the sheriff's department the children are not in danger she also allowed me to talk to her son Shawn this situation um it's really ridiculous like I never thought that anything like this would happen at this school it's really scary when your child is put on a list of with a list of other boys that are being Target tared and also says that they're going to die well all right that's for the uh those of you that just saw the Cy portier clip that said nah that ain't happening today you dumb as hell it's happening all over the country all over and guess what if things break out ain't nobody going to be able to help your kids I'm sorry I know your kids are going to cry now so the things we're going over I took you to Sydney P FM cuz that was very I know that's traumatizing to some of you but you need to be traumatized you need to wake up out of the La La Land yes they had this thing in the news uh last week a Columbia University I'm not sure if I saw it where they have a whites only grant that they discovered recently for only for um Columbia University but only whites can get in it's a grant for them only so nothing's changed at all you got to realize the deepness of what's going on there because they try to teach you coming nowadays that um that's only older Generations that deal with racism that newer Generations are more tolerated but that clearly shows you that that's being T cuz they learned that from the parents because if if you do look around if if you're not you know looking at things spiritually they try to make it seem like we all included but so where else are they going to learn that type of hate from their parents so it it's definitely alive and it's being taught to their kids cuz they don't want it to die exactly from there let's go to Lamentations 417 the black woman said I'm shocked I'm appalled I I couldn't believe it somebody throw some water on the black woman cuz she's in la la land the so-called negro kid the boy he said D he said nearly the same thing he said he couldn't believe in this day and AG something to that effect that this kind of thing could happen I can't believe it I'm like are you in America where the hell are you and he learned that from his dumb mama she dumb he dumb too right the the the so-called racist parents taught them to be racist and the and the victim of the racist is talking about you're in the land of love and Roses exactly he's him and his mama goes home and sings that song Our Country T I don't even know the words sweet land of that's it of the I go and sing that foolishness exactly Lamentations 4:17 he going to hit you upside the head with watermelon while you singing that pow here [Laughter] [ __ ] Lamentations 4:17 Lamentations 4:1 17 as for us our eyes as yet failed for our vain help in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us the black woman on that skit not skit on that news report said I'm shocked I thought this was what did she say about America I thought have I thought this country has zero tolerance the government has zero tolerance for hate crimes mean Negroes so the most high got it read it again please Lamentations 4:1 17 as for us our eyes as yet failed for our vain help in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us so you keep watching for America to save you they can't save you they are product of society white people are a product of what their forefather although they good to say that wasn't me that was my what do they always say my forefathers the ancestors whatever they're taught from youth up all the evils that their forefathers did and it's engraved in them that's why you see the graffiti and things of that magnitude being written on the walls all right Isaiah 30 and 12 please I don't get shocked if you in if you in this truth you should not be shocked your kids should not be shocked if I see an Israelite child up in here that's confused and shocked I'mma look at their mother and their father and say you've done a terrible job kid come and they call me a niggaer I don't get it are you kidding me sit down [ __ ] go somewhere [Laughter] Isaiah 30 and: 12 wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel because he despise this word and Trust in oppression and perverseness and stay thereon read that again wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel because he despised this word that's the first problem with our people right there that's why we're confuse we despise this word Now give me that scripture in Psalms 40 the one that says they shake their head when they see us Psalms 44 we going to come back to Isaiah 30 but I just want y'all to see this we've read this many times before you got to meditate on this thing watch this Psalms 44:13 so this is what we should have learned by now because of our Disobedience watch this thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors nobody likes the Israelites go ahead a score scn and a derision to them that are round about us a scorn and a derision to them that are round about us go ahead thou makest us a by word among the Heathen there's that word by word that's the same word Moses used and thou shalt become an astonishment a proverb and a by word a byw word is being called outside of your god-given name instead of being called Judah you call [ __ ] instead of being called uh Ephraim you call SPI okay instead of being called isal you call wet back okay and so forth and so on read it again thou makest us a byword among the Heathen a shaking of the head among the people you ever know that happens a lot when you when we walk into a room or out of a room they shake their head you know how black people go white people do that too but they don't they don't do the they just look and go [ __ ] look at them the tour buses when they go through Harlem they take it detour you see everybody in the bus just shaking their head look at that one right there pants below his butt look at that [ __ ] go ahead Nathaniel and you know they can say all they want on that bus they just up there having a blast calling us all kinds of nword and jigaboos and yep exactly go ahead verse 15 my confusion is continually before me hear that my confusion I'm confused as the white is is going went on so David in the spirit was rightness this is how the spirit of our people today my confusion is continually before me it's the same thing Daniel prophesied about unto us belong confusion of face we are a confused race of people why does no one like us nobody likes us read that again my confusion is continually before me and the shame of my face hath covered me and the shame of of my face ha covered me I'm get I got a story for you one day I had to rush my Gaba he was little I think he was about four he was having an asthma something me and my wife we drive I'm driving to the hospital and I'm trying to pull up into the front but there's a big fat Edomite with her kid standing there and I'm trying to get in and she looks she and the boy is pointing at us and she says they got you [ __ ] just wait my wife said you think that hurts feelings you dumb cracker move your fat ass but cuz the woman said it to us like we're supposed to go oh my god did you hear what she said to us I just I'm in a car drive I just laugh oh she called us [ __ ] she don't know I use that word all the time it doesn't bother [Laughter] me but that was supposed to be the cryptonite to us oh break down and cry the hell is this from there Proverbs 3:31 and you know when a white person want to call you a [ __ ] they'll put on a rap song you know the lyrics to this song you know the lyrics I know all the words they just want to say the word [ __ ] that's it h proverb what El say go Proverbs Proverbs 3:31 Envy thou not the oppressor and choose none of his ways read that again Envy thou not the oppressor Envy thou not the oppressor go ahead and choose none of his ways and we have lived our lives here in captivity envying the oppressor anything the white man does we want I'm going to give an example of this might hurt some of yall feelings the Civil Rights Movement was about Envy of the oppressor how come they got a whites only toilet we want to sit on the white man's toilet I think there's some power in that thing you think there's some power there yeah why why don't we get to share his toilet why we got this old dirty rund down Black's only toilet right here look at the white man's water fountain why we got the color water fountain why can't we drink from his water fountain right why we got to sit in the back of the bus there must be some power they keeping from us let's have a a March so we can sit on his toilets drink his water and ride the front of the bus too read that again Isaac Proverbs 3:31 Envy thou not the oppressor and choose none of his ways M that's like the guy said in the thing you want we get the worst education we fight and scrape to get his level of education but guess what they always leave things out who had the hand up over there I see how people didn't learn their lessons with the with the Anor when they shared the blankets with Esau I ain't trying to share no toilet with him if I don't have to ex exactly let's go to Isaiah chapter 1 and verse 4 Isaiah 1 and verse4 a sinful Nation a people Laden with iniquity where you at Isaiah 1 and verse4 let me look at it let me look bear with me a second does it say I or ah ah okay read it again Isaiah 1:4 ah sinful Nation a people Laden with iniquity now he's talking about us the Israelites one of the first things in becoming born again is that you got to realize that we went into slavery because of our sins we did not go into slavery because we was weaker than the white man we went into slavery because of our sins the most high took his Spirit from us the Africans the Arabs the white men got together and conquered us because we are we became a sinful Nation read it again ah sinful Nation a people Laden with iniquity the word Laden means covet you just covered over with iniquity iniquity means sin the breaking of God's laws we're covered with that go ahead a seed of evildoers the Bible says we are a seed of evildoers this is what God is saying you can get mad cuz some people hear us and go you hate your own people believe me it's quite the contrary but we going to speak the truth you got the how people get shot in the streets and I hear lie after lie after lie kid got shot po the gun fall up D the gun's over there oh he didn't have a gun no he didn't have no gun he had to G now he's dead LA's on the street teaching what's that woman the family that just got upset laa Ral Graham rali Graham family now the young man got killed awful all that's in the hands of the most high um you spoke to them and what did you say to them laba to the family ion tell him what don't remember tell him what he said I remember he said um laa said to him basically that this you got to go to the scriptures these things are going to happen and the guy and the father said to him we're going to handle it another way meaning we're going to go through the justice system and handle it that way and laba said that's not the way to do it here's a flyer you know you know we're always going to be here every Saturday and the guy the father said thank you but the mom they walked away as you can see no justice now they got found not guilty did you see now they confronted the cop in the street the I don't know if there was a big guy I don't know I just saw a quick thing he's shaking a man's hand he saidou got away with it he was holding his hand and the guy the cop saidwell that's your opinion so I'm looking at it and things like this this is oppression is going to happen until we repent as the most high wants us to repent turn back to him read that again Isaac Isaiah 1 and verse4 and in the when outside the courtroom the father started screaming at him what are you gonna do you're gonna shoot me too you gonna shoot me too right you racist bastard and all that think this thing is going to go on and on and on it's not going to stop I'm sorry it wasn't just him it wasn't just that family it was another guy beside them that his son got beaten by police brutality also he's doing the same thing he's going through he's awaiting trial a waiting awaiting it's going to be a long waiting list and it's going to be the same result yeah when he saying when he saying that he he got another way I said or you going to turn to the same system who just kill your son yeah yeah that's what I said I said you going turn to the same people who just killed your son I saying that your uh then I saying that the Bible is the way brother because he going to turn to the same system uh uh put his trust in the same system who find his son who find his dirty cops not not guilty read that again Isaac Isaiah 1 and verse4 ah sinful Nation a people Laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children that are corruptors they have for Aken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger y'all see that we have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger that's why these things are going to keep happening the most high wants us to turn back to him and repent of our sins okay but until we do that is going to continue what verse was that Isaac oh that's verse four there still more go ahead they are gone away backward see that we've gone away backwards that's where that term backslid is coming we've gone away backward from God's laws we're trying to get as far from God's laws as we can we trust in oppression I trust in a system that just killed my children I trust in democracy I trust in yeah okay you keep trusting in that go ahead why should ye be stricken anymore so God asked us a a question why should you be stricken anymore read you will Revolt more and more we will Revolt more and more revolt against who against God go ahead the whole head is the whole head is sick and then the head ain't talking about Christ who's the head talking about there huh read it again why should you be stricken anymore you will Revolt more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint he's comparing Israel as a body so I'm going ask the question again who's the head that's sick Joel Judah the southern Kingdom Judah the southern Kingdom that's the tribe came from okay the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint go ahead from the soul of the foot he's comparing Israel to a body now he says from the soul of your feet go ahead even unto the head even unto the head there is no soundness in it but wounds and bruises and petrifying sordes they have not been closed NE neither bound up neither mollified with ointment y'all see that so now I'm going to show y'all the next clip I'm going to show a lot of people want to we always ask we say listen um when is issachar and the other tribes going to come in don't worry the most high said he's going to raise who first Judah he said he going to raise Juda first and guess what as Judah raises up the other tribes is going to fall fall in line behind them and I'm going to give you an example of that on a carnal level don't play that yet during the Civil Rights Movement when Judah rose up as the Black Panthers what happened next Zephaniah the young Lords came up right you had the Puerto Ricans as the young Lords who what else who else popped up a aim the American Indian movement who else came up the brown Beres the which was the Mexicans so don't worry as Israel grows the tribes is going to follow believe that now this clip here uh a PM sentus so I was looking at it and what I I was I was listening to the whole thing I don't know if y'all could hear it but sounds pretty good but in this they tell you how Ephraim studied the Black Panther Movement and decided not to make many of their mistakes so they they did some things different I want y'all to see what they did listen good this is the young Lords [Applause] the young Lord's party was a revolutionary Puerto Rican nationalist group based primarily in New York City and founded in 1969 it's easy to remember the young Lords as just another one of the many radical groups in the late 60s and early 70s dedicated to fighting capitalism and racism but unlike most of these groups the young Lords also deliberately fought sexism and homophobia and from the records of their activism it becomes clear that the young Lords had a nuanced understanding of the interconnected systems of repression and try to create an organization that reflected this understanding we see this when we focus on two party members first Denise Oliver the first woman on the Central Committee and second Pablo Yuba Guzman the minister of information Oliver recognized how powerful sexism was in society she wrote in Palante the young Lord's publication when you look to any group to find out who's the most oppressed it's always going to be the women and because of sexism strong presence in society it inevitably had a presence in the young Lords she wrote there is still male chauvinism in the party it's a difficult struggle for a man to liberate himself after 23 or 24 or 25 years of being a macho but it wasn't just men who are the problem Oliver wrote that in addition to men being unaccustomed to gender equality many women had been similarly convinced of their so Ro as helpers to men having recognized sexism Oliver applied her anti capitalist beliefs to better understand conventional family structure she rejected marriage seeing it as a slave contract she also question the benefits of the nuclear family she wrote I don't see where there are any great advantages to the nuclear family at this point actually the concept of two individuals living together off somewhere is selfish and non-socialist the young Lords also brought homophobia into their understanding of Oppression Pablo Yuba Gusman described on Palante how homophobia was an even more power ful Force than sexism he wrote we found out it's a lot quicker for people to accept the fact that sister should be in front of the struggle than saying that we're going to have gay people in the party Oliver and Guzman didn't just write about the interconnectedness of Oppression in Plante they actually put these ideas into practice within the party soon after the young Lords of New York was created women members formed a woman's caucus Oliver having seen the submissive role women played in the Black Panthers soon took further action to change the party by relying on direct action including a sex strike women of the young Lord succeeded soon women were appointed into positions of power and the young Lord's 13 points program was changed from demanding that machismo be revolutionary to rejecting machismo all together most other radical groups at the time lacked similar reforms early in the party's history members of the Gay Liberation Front recognized the openness in the young Lords and some members of the Gay Liberation Front became young Lords or developed ties to both organizations after some party members formed a woman's caucus a few women formed a gay caucus as well despite these successes most of the young Lords remained hostile or apathetic to gay activism some members openly dered homosexuality and most of the ones who didn't kept silent but if we consider how pricious homophobia was in the US around 1970 we can appreciate how it's significant that the young Lords considered homophobia at all the young Lords also made some effort to form alliances with other activist groups for instance the young Lords also attended the Revolutionary people's constitutional convention in 1970 which was intended to encourage activist groups to look beyond their own specific oppression in 1970 Iris Morales another party leader participated in the housing crimes trial a public event that brought young militants together with older activists to respond to New York City's housing crisis these efforts to form alliances with other activist groups while limited also reinforced their multifaceted understanding of Oppression how we're going to respond to the killings of our people we're not going to sit by and allow more Julio and allow more Comm Rodriguez abortion deaths we have to begin to stand up as a people the Puerto Rican people the young Lords believe that to really liberate a community defeating poverty racism sexism or homophobia was not enough true Liberation required defeating all forms of Oppression the battles the young Lords fought 40 years ago are still being fought today perhaps those who have taken up the young Lord's battles need to consider this view of Oppression and not just because it sounds good rather this view has great potential for broad alliances and widespread Liberation may be critical to their success there's been trouble and there's going to be more trouble we're going to continue to have more trouble you see people are going are learning to struggle together people are learning to fight together and I don't think that's trouble you know I think that's self-defense you know I think we're defending ourselves you know I think the trouble has already come when [Applause] now so that's why I said don't worry about uh that as Judah Rises up the other tribes going to follow but there's going to be a difference there with Israel the differen isn't any kind of Revolution any kind it starts where Zephaniah where does it begin man okay with the men that that's good something else huh Isaac starts in the house starts in the house that's true something else I don't want y'all to think y'all not thinking Mike get a liar suffering Reuben give me John give me John 3 and 3 please John 3 and 3 give me John 3 and 3 the first thing about Revolution which is about change Christ explained it here you just got to see it come on Isaac hit me John 3 and verse3 Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God everybody wants the kingdom the kingdom of God everybody wants change but Christ said you must be born again that's the first thing Born Again does not start with the wife first or somewh with the man it starts where in your mind it starts within the man first okay give me that Matthew 18 and3 let's get it let's make it a little more clearer with Matthew 18 and3 if y'all notice this foolishness with the young Lords they brought in women as Leaders cuz don't let me forget that thing about women leading we got to touch that the scriptures uh they wanted to go against homophobia they had homos in there all of these things touches on Christ saying be born again if you're not born again you cannot see the kingdom of God meaning the New Kingdom to come upon this Earth you w't going to be you are not going to be a part of it what else were they fighting the women leaders jumped up and said let's have a sex strike to make the men do what we want let's touch on that in the Bible too you women don't get no ideas don't even think it where you at Isaac Matthew 18 and verse3 this is about being born again come on and he said verily I say unto you except you be converted and become as little children except you be converted and become as Little Children You shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven which is the New Kingdom upon earth like the Lord's Prayer says thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth on Earth on Earth so everybody wants this New Kingdom to come cuz everybody's tired of America ruling the Earth what a new kingdom is coming upon the Earth but it starts within first in your mind in your spirit in your soul that's where it begins first read it again Isaac Matthew 18 and verse3 and he said verely I say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children let's pause right there the first thing Christ says You must Christ is the leader he's the king he's letting you know if you want Revolution you want to be a part of the New Kingdom you got to be converted we just read about our people are Laden with iniquity imagine a new kingdom coming a new Kingdom's on the earth you got the Angels at the 12 gates what do you think a dumb negro in Latino will do yo gee you see all that gold they got let's Rob them G let's Rob them [ __ ] yo I don't know they Angels the hell with that black angels the hell with that we going to rob the they will try to rob the Angels or you think they won't do it huh Sodom and Gomorrah the angels went in the house what did the and Sodom say bring those two angels out that we might know them we want to have sex with them you don't think a Nigro was that damn Wicked oh yes they are so Christ said huh you ain't getting the kingdom like the way y your mind's all messed up you be trying to rob the Angels get yourselves put to death so the revolution got to start up here first now where would you at Isaac read that again for me Matthew 18 and ver3 and he said barely I say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children pause except you be converted and become as little children except you be converted what converts us let me stop back here yel converts us what converts us Christ said except you be converted and become as little children you cannot enter the kingdom Psalms 19 and verse 7 listen good the law of the Lord is perfect the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul converting the soul so that's what Christ was talking about let's go back now so the law is what converts us the law is what converts the sinick soul and we are a sinick people so Christ said this back in Matthew 18 and3 Again Matthew 18 and ver3 and he said verely I say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children stop except you be converted now let's we want to go through this slide 12 a what does it mean except you be converted does that mean we become a Muslim and say assalam alaykum no it doesn't mean that it means that you have to change your ways and start following the laws keeping the statutes of the most high okay stay right there it said except you be converted you got that part correct and become as little children what does that part mean become as little children is not going by your own understanding anymore as the world taught you you have to forget about what you know and get that milk which is the word okay let me let me use other words your answer is correct there's kids up in here we all some of us have children when your children ask what color is the sky what do you say tell them blue blue do does your children go no it ain't no it ain't [ __ ] it's fuchsia do they do that so to do they do that no they can't no the children whatever you as the parent says the children go yes daddy yes Mommy that's it because they're learning they're trying to learn what is that called that's a tree that's a truck oh what's that M that's a plane they're not going to Buck Up So Christ said except you be converted and become as little children in terms of what we become like little children in terms of what now in terms of the law right so when the most high says Thou shalt not commit adultery yes Father thou sh have no other gods before me yes Father it ain't no yeah but I think you know how Negroes and Latinos do when we on the street they got so much mouth they want yeah but what if you know my brother what that's not his little children they're not ready yet so Isaac read that again for us Matthew 18 and verse three and he said verily I say unto you except you be converted and become as Little Children You shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you ain't going to enter this new kingdom this Kingdom of Heaven is talking about here on the Earth a lot of people don't understand the term Heaven you tell a negro Heaven negro that they looking up in the sky Kingdom of Heaven yeah no that's what the slave master taught you if you go by Christ said thy kingdom what thy will be done where on Earth so what in the world are Christians talking about when they looking up in Kingdom of Heaven yeah it's in the sky let's go to Deuteronomy 11:21 please about heaven we got to understand what the Bible means it used the term heaven in ious ways but in terms of the Kingdom of Heaven here's what Moses explained to us Deuteronomy 11:21 I think that's it or is it 24 somewhere over there verse 21 all right I want everybody to get it I want everybody to get it read along with us so youall know we ain't making stuff up come on Deuteronomy 11 and verse 21 that your days may be multiplied and the days of your children in the land which the Lord swear unto your fathers to give them as the days of Heaven upon the Earth y'all see that as the days of Heaven upon the Earth that's what the Bible's talking about read on he's going to get more graphic more descriptive verse 22 for if ye shall deligently keep all these Commandments which I command you to do them to love the L the Lord your God to walk in all his ways and to cleave unto him stop that's the same thing Christ said except you be converted and become as little children that's what Moses said here for if ye shall diligently keep all these Commandments which I command you to do them to love the Lord your God to walk in all his ways and to cleave unto him what's going to happen read on then will the Lord drive out all these nations from before you and you shall possess greater Nations and mightier than yourselves y'all know what the word possess means the same way the white man possess us God prophecy says you shall possess the Nations we going to own them that's Heaven you don't know what heaven is you don't know what living is you don't know what eternal life is but the Bible does come on every place where on the souls of your feet shall tread shall be yours you can't even comprehend that thing read that precept again right there every place where on the souls of your feet shall tread shall be yours imagine that that's you got to have power to do that thing imagine you walk into China say this is mine I'm standing right this is mine and ain't the Chinese nothing got nothing to go and say nothing about it we have no idea what that feels like because we don't own a square foot of land knowwhere exactly so we can't even imagine how spiritually uh beneficial that's going to be wait you know what a negro thinking right now I own four acres in North Carolina I got acres in Jamaica you got to pay taxes over here you might go down there and find the field burn up exactly and you pay them taxes on your four acres of land downside watch white man take it from you that ain't yours that's still theirs you can finish paying for the house all on it right that land is still there you they go you owe us [ __ ] pay pay the money oh you don't want to pay the taxes who so what they did to Lauren Hill Lauren Hill now I love Lauren Hill don't get me wrong we all love Lauren Hill Lauren Hill so don't misunderstand but she decided I'm not paying taxes she said the white man's a devil Illuminati got all these things going on I ain't paying nothing they said oh really bring the little black woman in the court she's in the court yes they said why don't you want to pay taxes little black girl she said she begins to break down the Illuminati in court the white man is sitting on the bench with his gavel the Illuminati oh yeah the conspiracy theories he says well if you want to do less time what you're going to do long because the lawy is going y honor please such and such such such he said all right little black girl I'm going be merciful if you want to do less time you will go to a class A Class of what's it called de brainwashing conspiracy theories so now she got to sit in hour's worth of classes where Esau is saying there is no Illuminati you're crazy all of that all that for not pain here the Jedi Mind you all that for not paying her taxes and go to she in jail keep playing with this country this country is the called the beast for a reason where we at Isaac I'm sorry got digress verse 24 listen good to this Deuteronomy 11: 24 every place where on the souls of your feet shall tread shall be yours from the Wilderness and Lebanon from the river the river Euphrates even unto the uttermost sea shall your Coast be watch this there shall no man be able to stand before you you see that that's some power that's letting you know God going to give us power he said there shall no man be able to stand before you you got to go deeper to that what that really mean that if there's a if there's the nation standing before you and you want to step on that land he got to move read it again verse 25 there shall no man be able to stand before you read the verse before that so they get the whole thing verse 24 every place where on the souls of your feet shall tread shall be yours so so I want to put my feet over there but the but that white man standing on it keep reading from the Wilderness and Lebanon so I want to step on all that go ahead from the river the river Euphrates even unto the uttermost sea shall your Coast be read there shall no man be able to stand before you nobody going to stop us from putting our feet wherever we want that's going to be ours that's right that's the Kingdom of Heaven man y'all how how could y'all have the spirit to just allow this truth to go down the garbage mhm knowing that we going to get this go ahead brother but come on for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that he shall tread upon as he hath said unto you do y'all see that now let's get that in the New Testament Revelation 2:25 see this is what some of us in here look forward to so we labor and labor in this fire to make sure that this word comes forth Revelation 2 and verse 26 and he that overcometh and keepeth my Works unto the end he that overcometh and keepeth my Works Christ works is the Commandments I'm going to say it again Christ's works is the Commandments he that overcometh and keepeth my works until when Until the End meaning until you die or Christ return whichever come first go ahead to him will I give power over the Nations that's why I said we going to have power we going to have power over the Nations go ahead and he shall rule them with a rod of iron we going to rule the nations with a rod of iron we ain't going to play with the Chinese the Japanese the Arab the white man the African we ain't playing with nobody go ahead as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to Shivers as the vessels you got to think about what the Lord did with Samson a lot of y'all don't really imagine what the Lord did with that was lowlevel when the Philistines was attacking Samson remember you read that even Esau don't show you in his te I got I got to give it to you how many men did he beat with the Jawbone of an ass a thousand men out of all those thousand men they came from the front the back the side of him left side right side you mean not one sword struck him not one spear yeah it did but guess what happened to them swords and them Spears when they touched his body them things broke you looking at the Chinese talking about oh the tow technique oh you don't know nothing you better read about your own forefathers Christ said what I do you Israelites shall do greater than me Christ promised that thing imagine that a sword going on your body and the thing break that's some power right there that's why it said the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon all the nations that's what Christ is saying right here read that part again Revelation 2 and verse 26 six and he that overcometh and keepeth my Works unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to Shivers even as I received of my father see that Christ said the same power I got from my father I shall give to you Israelites if you repent and keep my works until the end now give me Isaiah 60 and2 Isaac Isaiah 60 and2 Isaiah 60 and: 12 is the precept for what Christ said and what Moses said come on for the nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee Shall Perish yay those Nations shall be utterly wasted y'all see that that's Bible prophecy which is yet to come to pass Christ said except you be converted and become as little children you cannot enter the kingdom of God we want this new kingdom we want to enter this thing but in order to do that we must be converted and be like little children that's I ain't got time to argue with you come in this truth we ain't got time to argue with you we might be on the street and argue with our people cuz we trying to win them over but once you come through those doors it shouldn't be no more arguing days should be over right exactly exactly cuz we're all supposed to understand the mission everybody should be single-minded in getting this work done so now we going to set the example for all the tribes that's what we going to do just like when a black panther set that bad example all the tribes Follow by behind that right behind the Black Panthers you had the young Lords you had aim the American Indian movement you had the brown Berets amongst the Mexicans it's going to happen that way in the truth all the tribes going to see the work of God being done with our hands and they going to follow behind us so I ain't worried about it but we got to be converted and become like little children okay and guess what ain't no women going to be leading this thing give me that in 1 Corinthians 11 let's so that way we get that thought some of you men come in here why can't I was raised by my mama that's the problem with your skinny jeans and your pants below your belt but why can't women lead they nice that's what happened with the young Lord had women even in the Black Panthers they had some women up in high positions in that right remember we saw that a couple of months ago Barby SE explain the woman destroyed the movement the white woman come in why don't y'all join with us women the worst thing of any movement is the women you're like slave you're like a slave and you heard the Puerto Rican sister say what did she say who me what she said being married being married is a slave contract yes this was amongst the Black Panthers that's the Black Panther right Angela Davis right she was one of the head spokespeople right and today she's a lesbian the women made the Grievious mistake I see the most high had his hand in it the white woman whispering and the black and Latin women's ear to get them to separate from their men but guess what in this thing that ain't going down any woman that want to side with the white woman let's just read the scripture Isaiah uh 1 Corinthians 11 1 Corinthians 11 and verse one be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ Paul is going to give you the order of any move M the order of the nation of Israel come on now I Praise You Brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you y'all see that keep the ORD meaning keep the laws the way I gave them to you read but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ Christ is our leader he's the king the head of every man is Christ read and the head of the woman is the man read that again and the head of the woman is the man so you have had these movements back in the 60s that rebelled against that thing that's another reason why they failed this movement of God ain't going to fail you either going to be on God's side or you're going to get steamrolled over and we ain't going to look back we going to remember Lot's wife we ain't looking back all the black woman got run over back there so what keep it moving she dead she she back there that's it we de again Isaac 1 Corinthians 11:3 but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man so that's the order the god set that order up so you don't like that you got a problem with God this ain't for you then go be a mama's boy somewhere yes there's there's a scripture that um backs what the Elder said about the rebellious woman going against the movement that the most high in Christ has go to Micah chapter 7 verse 10 because there's judgment for her just like the elders said cuz some of y'all line with the Christian mindset might be saying that he's wishing death on the women so let's see what the Bible says about the Judgment For The Wicked Woman with that mindset to go against the plan of the most high Micah 7 and verse 10 then she that is mine enemy shall see it and shame shall cover her which said unto me where is the Lord thy God because the reason why they want to do a movement other than what the most high is doing and Gathering the 12 tribes is cuz they don't believe the Bible they don't believe in the men coming together as new leaders on the earth so they argue with you and question you about your God and your beliefs read on where is the Lord thy God mine eyes Shall Behold her now shall she be triing down as the myy of the streets so that that's the Judgment that's going to come to any woman that think that they're going to rise up with the you with the mindset of the United States of America exactly go to Ezekiel 13 now cuz a lot of times sisters come with the Bible not not no sisters in here because they righteous women I'm talking about on the street and then people see the videos and oh why you against the woman God I'm going to say it again God instructed us to turn on the woman oh you think I made that up your mama boys is starting to sweat now oh my wife going to be mad and she going to tell me to leave I shouldn't be up in here Ezekiel 13:17 Ezekiel 13 and verse 17 likewise thou son of man set thy face against the daughters of thy people which prophesy out of their own heart and prophesy thou against them so God is letting us know don't turn a blind eye to the big mouth woman who wants to prophesy get in her behind and tear her to Pieces that's what God's order to us is that's why we're on the street we ain't playing with no woman cuz they always jump up well H Jesus is in my heart and I feel the holy shut up you ain't got no holy ghost on you this you going to stand in if I could punch in the mouth I would but I'mma hit her with the scriptures shut her down because she's following in this American state of mind and it's hindering us from getting the kingdom then you got a simple brother on the side you right sister he looking at her behind he want to get some you're right sister you know you're right shut up you twoo got the woman give me the woman with preaching with a breast hanging out here's the next level don't get spirits on y'all either the woman with her Tatar hanging it's a new thing we got to crush her too I want why don't she call us and let's do an interview with her no then all the brothers will come all the brothers will be in the yeah that's it right there that's all right there talk about p Jesus get the actual video so they know we ain't making this thing up some of Y don't think might we posted that D demon Brothers don't get spirits on y now if you zoom in her her Aras that's technical term is is hanging out and there's another video with the nipple over the dress I said what that's enough AB they starting to sweat how it used to be a saying that you speak with so God we can't tolerate this this is a this is a level with Wanita B them all of them give me that again Isaac read that again Ezekiel 13 and verse1 17 likewise thou son of man set thy face against the daughters of thy people which prophesy out of their own heart and prophesy thou against them God says prophesy against them tell them what they going wrong so a lot of people get mad why are y'all so rough on the woman because they've been told all their life black woman you are the what they be saying about them you the Queen of Heaven you are the goddesses shut the hell up she's a [ __ ] repent or die that's it that's the only message God got for you oh you're so rough you're so mean you it's better that we say it to you than cuz when Christ come he ain't going to play with the woman he's not going to be impressed by the size of her 34 DS that don't that ain't doing nothing for him you're going to hear you're going to hear fire and brimstone that's it and remember Paul said the same thing Paul said for the women to shut up in the churches he don't want to hear their mouth he said it's not permitted for them to speak exactly let's read down this then we're going to get that scripture that Asaf just uh quoted come on read on Verse 18 and say thus sayith the Lord God woe to the woman the word woe means destruction destruction to the women come on woe to the wom that sow pillows to all armholes you know what pillows mean mean those big arm sleeves that hang low real long like in the churches they got that go ahead and make cchs upon the head of you ever see the Deacon sing in the churches they got those curfs right on their head come on of every stature to hunt Souls will you hunt The Souls of my people or or and will you save the souls alive that come unto you right will you hunt The Souls of my people and will you save the souls alive that come unto you come on on and will you pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley for money that's what he's going into and for pieces of bread uh-huh to slay the souls that should not die they slay the souls that should not die meaning what the souls that should not die are those brothers and sisters that ask who are we in the Bible what does God look like I mean sincere question they want to know the truth and these women tear them down and hold up the white image of Jesus and say God loves everybody shut up and sit down that's what they do to us go ahead and to save the souls alive that should not live and they saved the souls alive that should not live meaning they'll have drug addicts homosexuals come to them and they'll say Come As You Are God accepts you in Jesus come as you are that's what they do and they come oh the the white man can be saved in all nations everybody that's what these women do so God says prophesy against them don't let these women that's when we was on eastern Park we was a teror to the women they come out there with the you remember that the women would come out with their them Baptist with their damn drums we tore them up and everybody around be like don't it got to a point when they saw us coming down the street they pack up and leave we like it that way that's the video he got the video now give me that 1 Timothy 2 the one I uh uh uh as pulled out 2 11 2 and 10 now all this is for edification because we we want all you men to know that in this movement of God you men are the leaders you men are the leaders the women going to get to kingd them but they're going to fall in line fall in their proper order ain't no woman I think I'm a better Le shut up y'all can y'all can you sisters y'all can hate me if y'all want it's okay I love y'all but we going I ain't letting y'all hinder me I ain't let no woman hinder me the biggest problem for you Israelite brothers is going to be the woman remind me get that scripture you know uh re 14 that one that's going to be your biggest hiccup in this truth the woman that's what you saw at the Black Panthers the young Lords you going to see how the women played a pivotal part in Esau corrupting what they were trying to do and destroying it yes um this whole society intoxicates women with power because if you look at it everything is exalting the woman you got the Statue of Liberty even in the Catholic churches they esteem that so-called Virgin Mary right you know above anything when you look it up you look up Queen of Heaven online you see that so-called Mary but that's really Isis and we all know that but everything about the society is the upliftment of the woman as a goddess exactly question and it's intoxicating to them why is it that he goes after the woman to lift them up as you say Beil I'm sorry say that again I said why does he go after why does the the the leaders of this Society the white man he goes after the woman and lift them up because the women have an influence over the men like the way the women had a sex strike the men gave into that okay yeah that's one two is because if the woman is is viewing herself over you that makes it difficult for you to make a nation with her because she's not respecting you because she's been put over you and she sees you as a son rather than a husband I'mma hyp you out to something what y'all what we showed y'all with the uh young Lords movement where the women said they feel marriage is a slave contract they had a sex strike and all that um they revolted against the men joined with the white woman where do we read about that in the Bible that's in Genesis with Eve Adam and Eve Adam and Eve Adam and Eve Satan did not go to Adam remember that he went to who Eve the woman the woman she's the weaker vessel that can manipulate and corrupt her that's the same thing that happened in the' 60s great to the woman and you can destroy that whole thing now where was we at Isaac uh first Timothy's 2 and verse 11 come on let the woman learn in Silence with all subjection with what with all subjection with what with all subjection who can explain that one for me with all subjection now it's easy it's not hard uh Isaac Matthew 18 what did it say um to be converted as little children that's it be converted as little children being converted as little children a child is subject to the parent it's all a child has all is subject to you in all ways so when we read in Timothy let the women read that again 1 Timothy 2:1 let the woman learn in Silence with all subjection as a little child that's what it means with all subjection means as a child just listen to what I'm telling you that's it don't give back talk don't try to go around the word of God and come up with your own ideas that's what the Christ is saying through Paul right there come on what you got is it Luke 3 is Luke 2 verse uh 51 explains that this is about Christ when he was young and he ran off from his parents and he came and they found him got it Isaac yes sir read verse 50 uh verse 51 yeah Luke 2 verse 51 and he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart see he says he was subject unto them he was 12 years old he was subject unto his parents he say it's time to go back is go or was he wandered off all right y'all see that he was subject unto his parents he had to obey them so the God says let the women learn in Silence with all subjection not some subjection cuz that's what some of Y dealing with at home your wife only listen to you part of the way the other half she she disregards you that's going to be a hindrance to your walk with the Lord give me Isa uh not Isaac ASA where was that at um the other one um that's 1 Corinthians 14 verse start with 33 now I wanted to Wi a revelation but since you call this one yes that's was just a followup to what we just pointed out I was saying that Paul didn't want to hear none of the woman's thoughts in the church so we had to seal it up with this start with 33 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion but of Peace as in all churches of the Saints so he's going to explain now why is confusion and no peace in the church read on let your woman keep silence in the churches Paul is giving a commandment for the woman to shut up he's saying I don't want to hear nothing they have to say read on for it is not permitted unto them to speak because women get upset we get emails I just got a call the other day saying could you give me the scriptures where it says a woman can't teach the Bible read on but they are commanded to be under obedience that is a commandment to shut your damn mouth read on as also saith the Lord and it's in the LA so the women fight with that right they fight with God on that thing so ASAP when the lady said when the woman said give me the scripture did you give her the scripture oh yes yes and did she accept it she accept she was taking it back to her mother because it's usually the sisters that wake up and realize that there's a Wicked Woman Pastor in their family so she wanted to show it to her mother mom you need to shut up and the mother said show me that I ain't never read that in my life okay so that's what I'm talking about so when she brings it to her mother what do you think her mother going to do I ain't get she hasn't brought me the feedback yet okay I'm wait I'm waiting to hear that one the reason why I said it is because a lot of people don't think you're going to find it like they say I want to know what the bible really says no you don't you don't want to know what the Bible says right you don't want to know you really really don't want to know give me the scripture about I'd rather dwell with a dragon who knows what that one is now I'm I'm touching on this for a reason based on upon the video we saw with the young Lords got where you got where we at ecclesiasticus sarak and the Apocrypha chapter 25 verse what let me see it yeah that's it yeah that's it sarak chapter 25: 16 this is for you married brothers and you brothers who plan on getting married listen good I had rather dwell with a lion and a dragon than to keep house with a Wicked Woman read it again I had rather dwell with a lion and a dragon than to keep house with a wicked woman you hear what our forefather said the black man has not been raised up like that but black woman and Latin woman if you ever want to know why now it ain't I ain't saying this is 100% of the time but 99.9% of the time the man leave you cuz you got a big mouth and won't shut up can you read that again now I know some men is w I know well what if he was just a whong I'm not talking about that we talking about now the woman's role we ain't getting it the man yet we dealing with the woman read it again ecclesiasticus 25 and6 I had rather dwell with a lion and a dragon than to keep house with a Wicked Woman y'all got to meditate on that thing listen to what he's saying I'd rather live with a with a dragon and a lion rather than to live with a Wicked Woman let that thing marinate on that brain that means she's worse than those two animals she's worse than that thing Solomon says she's worse than death I find more bitter than death the evil woman that's what he said you talking about a beast that fire comes out of that fire come he'd rather dwell with that see that's why you just can't let the words just ride by you got to let you got to got to pict put that picture in your mind hear you in a room with a dragon that's blowing fire all over the place you rather be in there with him rather than to live with an evil woman read it again cuz maybe I'm making this stuff up read it again for looking at me strange 25:1 16 I had rather dwell with a lion and a wait minute wait wait wait a lion I'd rather dwell with a lion this ain't talk about the cowly lion on The Wizard of O it's talking about a real lion that eat people he'd rather live with that and what else and a dragon so he'd rather have the lion and the dragon in the room with him than what than to keep house with a wicked woman now give me Ecclesiastes 7-26 I'm going stop there Ecclesiastes 7:26 this is why Solomon said this you know what they thinking you got sisters right now online some of them might be sitting up in here well if the Bible says such rough things for the woman where do I except you be con converted there you go and become as Little Children You shall not see the kingdom of God so the woman's role is to hear these scriptures and say you know what get right I'm going to get myself right I'm going to apply this right quench the fire that's in your belly like the dragon M and read even though you made that point watch we still going to get the emails and the complaints because the scriptures say what's supposed to be seen on the woman is the hidden man of the heart which is who Christ Christ so the elders directing these scriptures not to that woman that's walking in Christ that says whatever issues I'm going through Christ is going to resolve them he's saying to that big mouth loudmouth woman that says I'm going to overt talk him till I get my we I'm going to disregard what the Bible says and I'm going to keep arguing with him till I get my way that's who he's directing this to and y'all know who y'all are the one who sit down and think if I prepare my argument right I'm going to win forget what the Bible says read read that one Ecclesiastes 7: 26 and I find more bitter than death the woman whose is snares and Nets that's the kind of woman that he finds more bitter than death somebody that's trying to trap you up to keep you from the work of the most high read it again and I find more bitter than death stop and I find worse than death damn he fires worse than death when you're dead you ain't doing nothing he says but being with her is worse I'd rather have death than to deal with that thing so that mean death is sweeter go ahead brothers that's enough read the whole thing so we read the whole thing whose heart is snares and nuts that's the kind of woman that he finds worse than death that's the with whose heart that contentious woman that fire breathing Dragon woman all that demon she's the one that Whispers in your ear and says why can't women be over men why are you a male chauvinist what's all this machismo about why can't we be leaders that's the one huh why you why you talking so rough right why you talking so rough why you talking so loud that's the woman that Solomon said I find more bitter than death and I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and Nets and her hands as bands who so pleaseth God shall escape from her so you brothers that find yourself hooked up with a woman like this some of yall sitting right in here now if you want to please God you better escape from that woman escape from her get rid of her if she's the devil the Bible speaks of she's trying to put you on a sex strike go ahead Malachi let me get you come on and it's so ironic right a lot of some sisters they've been in here two three 4 years and they marryed and that the scripture we reading right here they fit they fit that thing man you know they keep they don't keep they they keep giving their husband a hard time even in the truth you understand they ain't no change they a they ain't born again as yet you know so sisters when we bring out these classes is not it's for you all to examine it you understand you all know who you all are that be in the house running your mouth at your husband and don't respect him you all got to stop that exactly that's it who else was going to you say something I was going to say y'all skipped over what laaka said you know this type of woman because when the scriptures is coming out they disregard all of them and say why you not getting on the men yeah that's the first sign of your in front of that type of woman cuz if it's me and I'm being blasted I'm going to do what Paul says I'm going to examine myself I'm going to be shocked that it's in the Bible and I'm going to say am I doing this I need to stop it but that Wicked Sister the first thing she says when you bring all the scriptures out is why you getting on the women why there's nothing in there about the men okay and we had that sister here and she left and played the [ __ ] every time we would give a class trying to correct the sisters she would say it's woman bashing and call up the other sisters and say what was the class on was it a woman bashing again now she's a [ __ ] with another man left her married husband in this school and found another man and that was her mindset that the first thing that would come out her mouth when the scriptures came out not let me see how I could not let this apply to me it was why you don't talk about the men the Elder won't talk about the men don't forget the other woman who got made her husband build a shrine to her yes yes okay big powerful leader here over men got his wife with um I forgot the name of the book The Book of what book of Dad where is that in the Bible where is that writing in the Bible for us to St study it and trying to pass it to other sisters now she's god with a a a a setup now if you want to know any questions come and ask her uh you what you see RA in the Bible the the gospel of America the new woman's Bible exactly get Ezekiel 34:31 the last verse I'm going show you brother something you coming this truth in all those movements the men was put they started off all those movements started off strong somewhere in the middle Esau got in there whispered in the women's ear they sent the white woman in and crack destroyed everything why because there was no converting to God's law but this time the most high is prophesied he said there's no stop in Israel this is the movement that's going to cover the Earth right Ain't No Stopping this thing Ezekiel is that the right scripture I'm asking for yes verse 31 I want all you sisters to listen good you feminist in the closet feminist Ezekiel 34 and: 31 and ye my flock the flock of my pastor a men or what a men or what a men and I am your God sayith the Lord God y'all got to understand that thing you Brothers don't realize how important you are you've been living your life in the shadow of a woman all your life from your Grandmama I tell you what the what they tell the police when you go to a black man 's house the one that's in charge look for the oldest black female she's in charge that's what they tell you in the academy disregard the man just totally disregard him go to the oldest black female that's how they've brought us up in this country and a lot of you Brothers you know that's exactly the way it is cops busting your daughter you trying to explain he ain't listening to you he looking around for the oldest black woman to see what she got to say you better pray she said the right thing on your behalf cuz if she said a wrong thing you're going to jail right the husband answered the door and he's like the son exactly let me see your mama cuz I want to hear from her exactly that's what they showed you in Tyler Perry movie what was the name of that movie media the one with siisy Tyson ah family reunion right family she was the oldest female the second old and everyone listened to her the old men they gambling they drinking boo who that is that's l oh made us like damn sambos and Coons that's why I said the movements all before us they fail give me that scripture the Lord brought forth the apostles last 1 Corinthians chapter 4 and ver9 if I think that God has sent forth us the apostles laugh so that's why we know Israel the truth of the Israelites is always comes out last prior to this you had all these different movements you even had Islam you had a Christian Movement the the apostles is coming out last meaning Israel the truth and abiding in God's Commandments is coming out last come on as it were appointed to death as it was appointed to death go ahead for we are made a spectacle unto the world right that's why we go on the street we're made a spectacle unto the world why they on the street teaching this Bible thing what's all that about all right an elder yeah this scripture is good because a lot of people when they hear us and they see us for the first time they want to know how long we've been doing this right you get that question so this is your answer now okay the most high set it up for us to come last and clean up all this madness here that's right that's prophecy so this is the scripture you give them when they start asking how long y'all been around anytime they start asking you how long you've been teaching this and why I haven't heard of you you let them know the most high set us up to come last be the cleanup man I'm going to show you now how come in every movement the white man infiltrated particularly under J Eda is that the right man's name j edga Hova he set he infiltrated every movement of blacks Latinos Native American Indians he got to the woman he sent in white women and he sent in drugs now okay where we at First Corinthians about the sex strike um 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verse4 some of your wives want to play games with you no uh start at uh three 1 Corinthians 7 and verse three start at two verse two nevertheless to avoid fornication the word fornication means sexual sins sins against the laws of marriage threesoms forom ories lesbians uh beastiality homosexuality all that incests all that falls under fornication read again nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband and every woman must have her own husband not a bunch of women sharing the hell is this that is that's going to happen in the Kingdom but in righteousness so here's a scripture more proof every woman is to have her own husband me and Sister Janet and sister Betty we all got the same husband that a what this said read it again nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband come on let the husband Rend hold on hold on hold on brother hold on yeah that scripture proed that other Israelite they bugged out their mind you understand the one who want to do two three wise that scripture right there prove that they a bunch of liars exactly read on verse three let the husband Render unto the wife D you know the women that join with a bunch of freaks we all came from the world we before we learned this Bible we knew some freaks of nature women that used to get down like that y'all heard Foxy Brown her book she said she had a threesome with Jamie Fox Jamie Fox and Jay-Z freaks those are the type of women that hit a truth and go we can have multiples and you Israelites yes sister we can have multiples then she going out hopping in the bed with two and three women with her man the hell is this all about that's why we can't we can't get but so far but the go but God's going to move him out the way watch this read and likewise also the wife unto the husband wait read again I'm sorry I missed it read again um verse three let the husband Render unto the wife do benevolence do benevolence deals with sex deals with sex deals with sex I didn't stutter come on and likewise also the wife unto the husband deal right come on here it come the wife hath not power over her own body so she does not have the power to say no I'm having a sex strike read it again the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband the husband has power over the wife's body read and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife so the man can't say I'm having a sex strike either not that that thing ever happens but what we saw on the film clip the women got listening to a lesbian have a sex strike against your man all them simple Puerto Rican women listen to that thing now they want to know what my man left me he need to leave you the hell is this ELD they taking advice for a woman from a woman that don't like penis exactly a lesbian is got another sister she don't care about it so it's quick to tell her put it on strike girl you don't need it I'm going tell you about a lesbian just for a second I'm going try not to get nasty let me get my thought right ASF said they don't like penis they love penis I'mma tell you that's why they they put on certain things them strap on I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm getting kind of I'm I'm a clean it up they put on certain things y'all know what I'm talking about they like that but they what they don't like ASAP is the man telling them what to do that's what they don't like they want to be in a position of authority right exactly they don't like the man attached to the thing that's why some of the women tell y'all they're going to cut yours off they want control that's how they feel they going to get that control don't they got a saying for that as an expression any penis envy I think I heard the term yeah that's what it is yeah that's a psychologic that's in Psychology they talk about that okay what you going to say I was going to say thank God for the bomb he going to get rid of all that dog on thing God is going to clean this whole mess up he going to clean it up if these men and women can't get right with what the Bible says it's going to be ashes to ashes dust to dust God going to kill a lot of people yes see that uh Puerto Rican movement it goes against the argument that that the homosexuals say now they say I was born a homosexual right no because homosexuals are so devious that they know exactly how to tweak with someone's mind and how to oh sex strike do this do that and at the end of the outcome is they're going to recruit and make other uh lesbian women that's it that's it what they say about women when they go to college oh they going to they're going to turn out they want to experiment women in the basketball team they going to get turned Esau already knows the formula on how to create homosexuals and they enacting it right now exactly and the truth is they never want somebody else that's like them they looking for somebody that's not that way to turn them y it's about domination exactly I hope you that we as spiritual men and women got to be able to see through this foolishness see with spiritual eyes go to Judith chapter 5 and 20 so yeah what you got Corinthians 7 and verse 1 Corinthians 7 and verse 5 defro ye not one the other so so Brothers the scripture says the scripture says that the woman should not do what read that again defro ye not one the other you know what has happened when sisters get that frame of mind that they ain't going to give their husband um no no sex and so forth you know what that lead to a lot a lot of times adultery mhm adultery you want to know why your husband always watching porn or why your husband stepping out on on on you in marriage a lot of times because you withholding sex from him you know he got to argue with you 24 hours a day n I'm tired or I got a headache or I got to pick my nose or I got to dig up my ear or my toe hurts tomorrow next year next month after a while he gets sick of that then you finally get it you be so dog on frustrated when over you right read that again read that again damn it wasn't even worth it I had to go through all this argument read read that again Isaac Isaac read it again all right 1 Corinthians 7:5 defro ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your inconen that's the point right there that's the point right there that Satan do what that Satan tempt you not for your inconstancy that's why I said when when a woman withholds sex from a husband or a husband withholds sex from from his wife it lead to adultery it lead to that spouse stepping out of that marriage which is evil which is wrong but that's what it lead to also I'm going to give you another trick silly rabbit tricks of for kids here's another trick they do I'm revealing all the secrets I just got to put it out there you ever notice when a woman is on her menstral here she comes oh honey you're so handsome and beautiful she want to touch and rub you then you get all the RS and you go can we have some psych I'm on my period that's what they do now we set all out we still getting back to the point I know we we stepped off the side a little bit go to Judith in the Apocrypha chapter 5 and 20 Judith chap 5 and verse 20 she don't snuggle with you till she got her menual and now she want to snuggle I'm sorry I'm get let me get off that go back go ahead now therefore my Lord and Governor wait let me let me set it up for y'all let me set it up for y'all there's a guy named hopanes he's a general of an army the Israelites are in a m we just came back from the Persian captivity and he's asking who are those people in the hills and this ammonite is telling him about the Israelites cuz that's who we were dwelling our kingdom was in the mountains so he begins to explain the history of Israel that if they're keeping God's Commandments cuz the king that General wanted to destroy us so the ammonite is explaining to him aior is explaining to this General he says if they're keeping God's Commandments you will not be able to defeat them but if they're not keep keeping the Commandments you shall win against them now I want to read these two precepts it gets to the Point Judith 5: 20 and 21 Judas 5:20 now therefore my Lord and Governor if there be any error in this people meaning any sin if they're breaking God's Commandments you got women's rights movements if you got homosexuals with them if you got what are some of them things you got crackheads alcoholics with them child molesters pedophiles come on and they sin against their God M let us consider that this shall be their ruin this shall be their ruin go ahead and let us go up and we shall overcome them that's why the white man keeps sin in the black latino Community because they know God will not fight for us as long as we're in that low state in the midst of sin now watch this but if there be no wait wait but you running by the words but listen to what he says this but now go ahead but if there be no iniquity in their Nation meaning if they have repented unto their God and are keeping his Commandments let my Lord now pass by you better leave them to hell alone go ahead lest their lord defend them and their God be for them and we become a reproach before all the world do y'all see the secret that these other nations know about us if these people that's why they got churches on every block this is why they got liquor stores on every block crack houses on every other block to keep us in the midst of sin okay so they know cuz the most high will not stand on our behalf as long as we're involved in those sins we got to repent that's why Christ said except you be converted and become as Little Children You shall not enter the Kingdom so it's a fight to keep these Commandments it's a fight to get to the kingdom because we and it's prophesied we're going to win the Bible says onethird of Israel is going to do this thing onethird that's all we looking for that's the El God say he's going to fight for that one3 of Israel the rest of the two3 isra I'm going to kill them cuz they will not repent who had the hand up over here the churches that open in our neighborhoods whatever grants these people are getting to open them up they're not getting those grants to open them up in Caucasian neighborhoods right or in the suburbs it's only out here around us same thing with the corner stores the liquor stores these these immigrants that are coming from other countries they get those grants to be in our neighborhoods that's right not in the Suburban neighborhoods where there's little to no uh minorities exactly y'all got to see that with spiritual eyes how come you can't get a grant yeah you got see how come you can't get a bank loan to open up these business open up a business show you how destroyed we are we a we don't even think think about that so there is a conspiracy against our people and whether you believe it or not there is we just read read it again Isaac verse 21 Judi 5:21 but if there be no iniquity started the verse above it verse 20 now therefore my Lord and Governor if there be any error in this people and they sin against their God let us consider that this shall be their ruin that's why Brothers with the truth of that we're Israel there will be no women's movements there will be no feminist rights there will be no homosexual movement there will be no white women cuz that's a lot of y'all downfall right there white let a white woman walk through the door every heading oh the white woman W the white woman you forget you got a wife right over there y'all know who you are that ain't happening on this trip remember your Hebrew name yeah you don't even know your Hebrew name what's your name my name is Chuck the hell is this and you put on that white Voice Hi how are you and you take the Bop out your step now you walking safe yeah you ain't walking hard no more your back is all straight and stiff you ain't eating mayonnaise sandwiches the hell is this right even she brings the dread where you at Isaac oh verse 20 let us consider that this shall be their ruin and let us go up and we shall overcome them but if there be no iniquity in their Nation but if there be no iniquity in their Nation let my Lord now pass by lest their lord defend them and their God be for them and will become a reproach before all the world I'm going to show you that give me that in Revelation um 12 I think it is and 14 somewhere about the dragon and 17 that's what I want watch this this is how dangerous keeping the Commandments is in the society y'all don't know the power that's at your disposal you sleep on it we want to talk we at camp today I got an idea how black people I got a no we sick at listening to you Negroes we're going to do what God says watch this Revelation 12:17 and the dragon was wroth with the woman the drag this is a parable talk the dragon is the so-called white man the great red dragon with seven heads and 10 horns read it again and the dragon was wroth with the woman the woman here represents the 12 tribes of Israel when you read verse one and two I'm just getting to the point ahead and went to make war with the remnant of her seed why which keep the command of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ that's what's going to make this Dragon mad the dragon ain't mad this system this B system of Babylon is not going to make war with us as because guess what every time we rose up send us some crack in there send the white woman whisper in the ears of the black and L woman tell them that they they don't need to listen to their man give them jobs give them jobs they can disrupt everything but on this go around this dragon's going to be angry because they said they're keeping the Commandments all those tricks we set up ain't going to work this this go around that's what we that's why we're at the level of understanding that we're at so that we can let the people know this is how we're going to overcome by keeping God's Commandments when when we can you just imagine you said what I don't get why I keeping number one we just read in Judith if there be no error in this people what what did they say God would do for us he will fight for us imagine this onethird of the nation of Israel no longer buying pork shrimp Lobster cuz you know that's the black woman's favorite food soon as you want to take out take me the Red Lobster take me the Red Lobster and she all sick with gout and all kind of Health diseases can't don't understand why but imagine onethird of them saying no I'm not eating that no more a onethird of them saying I'm not celebrating cuz you know Christmas is the big economy Day holiday we ain't buying nothing on these holidays we ain't celebrating Thanksgiving I ain't buying no don't put no turkey cranberry sauce the economy of this system will shake we ain't buying jeans to put on our fat booties no more why aren't they buying these things what's going on with this people this system will shake y'all don't see the power you so busy want to march with some damn picket sign and get hit upside your head with a watermelon you don't see the power God gave you he said just keep my Commandments and I'll do the rest I don't know white man told us how to March who had the hand hand up yes AAR the stock market has been going crazy these past couple weeks imagine if something like that happens to the stock market it's been the highest in history exactly all right just imagine if that they say blacks and Latinos are the biggest Spenders we're the backbone of of this social economic structure we spend more than anybody but imagine we put our money in Israel we do what God's commandment says everybody going to look at us say wait something's going on here amongst these they changing their names too oh where's rahem Raheem little where he at n my name is no more what what's going on here I'm telling yall God has laid it out for us oh you got to be like they say with lot you got to be in it to win it and we staying in this thing so whether some of y'all getting mad and all that you going to leave go leave [ __ ] and drop dead we don't care make room for the Believers exactly make room for the believer we hate the ones that are here just taking up space this TR this train going to keep on going that's right watch this Matthew 1:17 like I like the way Deacon Abel said it he said uh everybody talking about change but nobody want to move nothing here's God's laws [ __ ] move something we got the power to move things and we going to move this group you see right here we going we ain't just about talking about it we going to do something and I ain't talking about guns none of that I ain't talking about that don't misunderstand Matthew 4 and verse 19 and he saith unto them follow me and I will make you fishes of men teach them the laws the statutes Commandments for you to be a fisher of men is more than you we we just think about throwing a a a rod and reeling them in but it's more than that the next level is you cuz when they come in you don't eat them like a fisherman does you bringing them in to teach them to raise them up to come on a level of Christ that's a great responsibility that's what you officers are that's what you brothers are attaining to become fishes of men why when you when they come in now it's your job to teach them build them up what must they do because this movement ain't going to stop there's how many leaders in Israel 144,000 144,000 ain't going to be like them old movements where there's one leader you kill him the whole thing is destroyed M Christ said there's 144,000 12,000 of each tribe some of you Brothers want rank you want responsibility you want to be fishes of men you got to realize the responsibility that comes with it and it's not excuses every week you got a let me get my nice words an excuse of why God's work can't get done you're a waste of God's time ma Micah 4:10 Micah 4 and verse 10 be in pain and labor to bring forth who can explain that to me H you explain that be in pain and labor to bring forth meaning that it's not going to be easy you're going to have to endure certain things you might have uh sleepless nights to bring upon the truth you might have to sacrifice uh everyday things to bring forth this truth let me hear Josiah you explain it be in pain lab to bring forth all you Mama boys up in here rub my back baby me I get excuses things ain't right in my life please brother help me are you we ain't got time for you explain it what it mean it means that the work of the most high takes precedent it's first and foremost what about excuses every week well brother it didn't get done because of this it didn't get done because of that oh there's a water in my leak leak in my ceiling oh I had diarrhea I got garia I got all kind of real there are no excuses when it comes to the most High's work thank you read on Isaac Matthew um Michael 4 and verse 10 be in pain and labor to bring forth all of us are in pain we all in pain and laboring we all sometimes go through sleepless nights we all struggle financially everybody in here who don't got money problems raise your hand cuz I know I got a whole lot of them M let me say something but when y'all read this it's not about putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation because when you love this truth this work that you this what it say your labor of love because we love to do this because we know what we're doing we understand the mission so it's not it's not really pain in the sense it's not uncomfortable either because you know you know what you know what the reward is let me give you an example I'mma use I'm going use a woman's example when a woman is laying in the in the hospital giving birth that's some of the painful painfullest moments in our life talk to me women okay but they're going to keep pushing why because they're trying to push that baby out and as soon as that baby is born they happy as hell they done forgot all about the pain because that was Labor of Love they were in their in labor loving the fact that they was bringing new life into this Earth read that again Michael 4:10 be in pain and labor to bring forth oh Daughter of Zion like a woman in Trel that's what Deacon yosa was explaining it's like that just came right behind it it's just like that we're being we're in pain and laboring to bring forth what the truth of the most high God and he Compares it to a woman in child labor pains because when like he said when a baby's born they're happy when the kingdom come we going to be everything we the struggles we went through it's going to be nothing nothing but you Brothers got to believe that that's where your faith got to kick in you got to believe that and understand that was that it Isaac oh no there's more for now shalt thou go forth out of the yeah that's it read all verse for now shalt thou go forth out of the city and thou shalt dwell in the field and thou shalt go even to Babylon Babylon is the United States of America how do I know that this is the Babylon is talking about as we read on it's going to explain that it's America go ahead there shalt thou be delivered was our people delivered from ancient Babylon no they were not delivered from ancient Babylon so that Babylon is not talking about back then this Babylon is America go ahead there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemy that's the proof right there there in Babylon shall the Lord deliver you from the hand of your enemies that's what we waiting on that's why we in pain and labor to bring forth we don't have time for you cry baby brothers you will hinder the movement of God and you really ain't going to hinder it you're just moving yourself out the way because Christ said you can do nothing against the truth and I believe that thing I know it's to be true every man that stood up in to hinder this truth when you read this Bible God killed him put him to death okay from there go to Luke 12 and 42 Luke 12 and verse 42 and you know how I know some of you brothers are not in the spirit you I'm talking about the officers not so much you new brothers I'm really the officers we're not he officer say I'm going to my I uh somebody's wedding and it's on a Sabbath do you think I should go brother I'm just looking at you like you got three eyes you're asking me as a you're an officer you're asking me can you is it okay to go defile God's Sabbath and go to your cousin's Rusty wedding what kind of Officer is that you took a test just so that you can be over men cuz you're a dummy then you got the next brother officer oh I want to go to my family's house my Wicked family who don't keep the Commandments to clear my head U Zaki help me out with that one help me with that one I say I want to go to my Wicked mother's house she breaks every commandment of God I want to go to her house to clear my thoughts I mean I mean I mean that's out of order you can't do that it's a waste of time doesn't make any biblical sense no not at all so when I hear an officer say that I want to go to a family member's house who hates God to clear my head you're the devil the Bible speaks of you got the devil on you that's straight up so don't say I was confused I don't know I'm telling you now you got the dev on you you're not in a league of being an officer you can be a member cuz that's the level you're rolling in cuz I expect that from the group in the middle cuz they not learn the level that you brothers are on the outskirts so I expect to hear things like that but I should not hear that from new side Brothers you officers I got to clear my head I go to my Wicked family member's house hey if Christ told got brother laughing because they know that sounds crazy as hell list it I'm I'm going to show you how cold it this is you got a brother who's probably was weeping when Christ called him y'all remember that brother wanted to go to his father's funeral and what Christ told him so you want to go to a a union of unbelievers and Christ just told a man that's the most emotional time in your life your parent just died and Christ shut you down and say come on keep it moving seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven first so what the elders bringing out the analogy that's just on a small level okay think about that you being told go do the Lord's word on the Sabbath and forget about your dead father or your dead mother half of y'all in here cannot do that bro yeah I remember something you said some of them their mind is not convert yet that's the key to everything by your speech you showing us your mind has not been convert yet to Christ by you speech alone watch this Luke 12 and 42 Luke 12 and verse 42 now what we're going on I want all you new brothers cuz some of you new Brothers new brothers might be kind of nervous this is going to make a man out of you this going to build you up cuz guess what behind you there's going to be another set of brothers and those other set of Brothers may be drug dealers gang bangers and they got a lot of dumb thoughts and you cannot play with a negro you got to put him in order first to make him a leader so that way the next group that comes behind him he knows how to deal with him because this movement ain't going to stop go ahead Luke 12 and 42 and the Lord said who then is that faithful and wise Steward whom his Lord shall make ruler over his household to give them their portion of meat in due season so who is the faithful and wise Steward that we're all stewards to the Lord we are trying to fulfill our stewardship to become those leaders that God promised us that we will be go ahead blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing see that that's the point when the Lord returns we want we want him to find us in the vineyard in the work not laying comfortably in my Wicked Mama's house eating secretly eating pork chops chiplin and eating porn watching porn the hell is this go ahead a verse 44 of a truth I say unto you that he will make him ruler over all that he had y'all see that we were just reading about the Kingdom of Heaven in Deuteronomy 11 where the souls of your feet shall shall be yours the only way it's going to be yours if read that again Isaac that part of a truth I say unto you that he will make him ruler over all that he ha that's the Earth he's going to make us rulers on the planet Earth go ahead but and and but and if that servant say in his heart my Lord delayeth his coming because that's what a negro says After Time Christ didn't come back today he's theay is coming I think I could get away with a little bit of wickedness come on and shall begin to beat the men's servants and maidens and to eat and drink and to be drunken when it says to beat the men's servants and made his meaning to abuse them to abuse them take advantage of them okay then it says and to eat and to drink you're so occupied in your own personal eating and drinking your life you've neglected the work of God that's what it's saying go ahead the Lord of that servant will come in a day when he look not for him and at an hour when he is not aware and will cut him in Sund and will what and will cut him in Sunder kill that Wicked servant and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers you're going to be appointed with the unbelievers go ahead and that servant which knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes that means death you're going to get punished go ahead watch this but he that knew not but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes and did commit things worthy of Stripes shall be beaten with few Stripes you shall be punished less than him come on for unto whomsoever much is given now this is the part I wanted to get to read that again for unto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required come on and to whom men have committed much of him they will ask the more so we we read all that to say that a lot some of you Brothers became officers not because you believed this truth but because you want some of you wanted to be over men why did you give the test to this brother and not to me how come he's this Rank and I'm not to get the positions that were given you over the people in Israel means more responsibilities we've told you this many times before why become an officer if we got to beg you to do the work we got to send Deacons and other officers to sit over you and watch you you don't need to rank you don't believe in this we got to scream on you to get the little bit of work God is asking you cuz it ain't for us it's to get this truth out but your faith is dwindling why because you want a woman you want a house or whatever it is the worldly stuff give me that in Matthew 4 this is the problem this is the problem you Brothers grown men in here 30 some of you 40 you want to be babied this is ridiculous what we're hearing that's what I meant by Mambi pamies Mama's pampered boys cuz the most high ain't dealing with that garbage this congre this work is about building men that's what this is about making making men from Negroes making men from Latinos making men from Indians CU that's what we that's what this truth is about 144,000 rulers that's going to rule this planet Earth you can't rule that in a boy mentality and the Lord got the program on how to turn you into a man Christ said there's four types of Israelites four types of brothers and sisters come in this truth four types only four Matthew 4 and verse4 Mark 4 and ver14 the swer Seth the word and these are they by the wayside where the word is sewing but when they have heard say cometh immediately and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts so the first type of Israelite he hears the truth and he allows Satan to come and take the word from him okay he he or she's whispered something in his or her ear while she they're hearing the truth and they get distracted and they forget all that they've learned go ahead right we see that at Camp a lot come on and these are they likewise which are sown on Stony ground here's the second type of Israelite come on who when they have heard the word of immediately receive it with gladness I'm an Israelite oh man praise the most high you receive this with gladness go ahead and have no root in themselves you don't study you don't apply the Commandments to your life you have no root in themselves go ahead and so endure but for a time you only enduring this Truth for a Time come on afterward when Affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake immediately they are offended see that you get persecuted for the word's sake okay you your wife don't want to hear this truth you met me in a club I'm going to keep going to the club you met me when I smoke weed I'm going to keep smoking weed now you're offended you're trying to show her the scripture she ain't listening to you or might be your mother or your father you get offended because now they're coming against you with what you are learning read and these are they which are sown among Thorns these is the this is the third group of Israelites go ahead such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the cares of this world I want my own place I want to live like this I want a wife I want a woman none of which is wrong to want those things but it supersedes the laws of God you put the cares of this world first in your life go and the deceitfulness of riches uh-huh and the lust of other things enter in choke the word and it become becometh unfruitful it chokes the word of God the laws in your life and you become unfruitful you're not putting forth anything that's why Brothers got to constantly rail on you scream on you go ahead and these are they which are sown on good ground now here's the fourth category of Israelites come on such as hear the word and receive it and bring forth fruit some 30 fold some 60 and some in 100 now we all pray that we fall in that last category but that comes through patience time experience you never know until the end now Romans 11: 1-4 we almost done I know I keep keep saying it but I'm going Rush this Romans 11 1-4 all right watch this Romans 11 1-4 come on Romans 11 and verse one I say then hath God Cast Away his people because that's what Christianity teaches that God Cast Away his people read God forbid the answer is no he did not Cast Away his people read for I also am an Israelite of the Seed of Abraham of The Tribe of Benjamin so the Apostle Paul was of The Tribe of Benjamin read God hath not Cast Away his people which he fornew God never Cast Away his people read what ye not what the scripture saith of Elias watch this this is what the scripture said about the Prophet Elijah read he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying Lord they have killed thy prophets so Elijah said to God in the book of Kings Lord they have killed all the prophets read and dig down thine altars come on and I am left alone so Elijah thought he was left Elijah thought he was the last prophet around in Israel read and they seek my life come on but what saith the answer of God unto him but what did God say to Elijah when Elijah thought he was the last prophet left read I have reserved to myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the the the knee to the image of Beal what is he saying with that remaya what is he saying there that there's an elect that hasn't bent to the the ways of Satan right you might think you're alone the Lord says but no I got 7,000 men in these last days how many are in reserve how many does God have reserved 144 144,000 now you might ask yourself what does that scripture have to do with us today I'mma show you in the Book of Esther chapter 4 go to Esther I want all you brothers and you sisters to pay close attention to this because a lot of you coming is truth and you want to give up you run out of steam you run out of gas you want to give up you want somebody to baby you rub your back pamper you so you say I'mma tell you like the last Elder that was here remember what that negro did he said I'mma pull back from doing the work and I'mma watch it fall apart did it fall apart so you got Negroes up in here with that same mentality I'm going to stop doing the work and watch it fall apart Esther 4 vers 13 then morai commanded to answer Esther think not with thyself that thou sh Wait hold on let me set it up I just thought about it Esther was Queen over Persia Queen Esther of The Tribe of Benjamin was picked by the Persian king to be his wife he took her and made him made her his wife so morai went to Esther who had all that power and authority he told her use your authority to help your people she got scared and didn't want to help help Israel at all this is the reply Mori gives to Esther listen Esther 4 and verse 13 then morai commanded to answer Esther think not with thyself that thou shalt Escape in the King's house more than all the Jews for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place I want all y'all to understand it read on but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed so you Brothers in here with talents and skills and we got to fight you to do God's work to hell with you God will raise up other Spirits other Souls will do this work that's what he was telling Elijah he said you ain't alone Elijah I got a 7,000 men in reserve there's 144,000 men and our days of begging you to do God's work is finished we're not in we're not in here to beg nobody we got Brothers raising that's why you want everybody to train in every Department apartment we got so if you bug out to hell with you go drop dead on the pork chop somewhere we want everybody in here to learn this work to be a leader so ain't one man going to tear this work down you ain't tearing nothing down I want that to go out to every officer every soldier who think you're going to hinder this work by not doing it that's finished go ahead and who knoweth whether Thou Art come to the kingdom for such a time as this there was a reason for for everybody in this truth a reason for everything we're going to end it here with Luke 14 and 27 and we're going to look at a video Luke 14 and verse 27 and whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple you hear that because everybody in here got problems we all got personal problems so what Cry Me a River that's what Christ is saying read it again and whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which of you intending to build a tower sth not down first and cth the cause whether he have sufficient to finish it less happily after he ha laid the foundation and is not able to finish it all that behold it begin to mock him because you got brothers that come in his truth they start off good and powerful I could do this I could do that I can got the skills I got the talent I got the know how then when you give it to him the responsibility after while they I want to go to my mama house um I got things to do I want a wife you know I want to go meet a woman somewhere and they're not able to finish the task at hand the Bible says people going to Mock You mock you go ahead saying this man begin to build and was not able to finish or what king going to make war against another king sth not down first and consult whether he be able with 10,000 to meet him that cometh against him with 20,000 or else while the or else while the other is yet a great way off he sendeth an ambassage and desireth conditions of Peace So likewise whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath he cannot be my disciple y'all hear what Jesus Christ said if you're not willing to forsake everything you have you cannot be his disciple some of you want to hold on to the alcoholism some of you want to hold on to the crack addiction the pornography uh your sister your mama your cousin your friend he says you cannot be my disciple you can't be you want to hold on to your relationship and your old your your your your marriages you had in the past you want to hold on to that Wicked kids in the world you want to hold on to that you cannot be my disciple so we all got to take stock on ourselves do I really understand what I'm into do I understand what this Bible is about am I willing to finish this [ __ ] Play that video I wanted to say something before he started real quick before you run it that part in there where it says ambass of Peace read that that part there verse 32 Luke 14 and: 32 or else while the other is yet a great way off he sendeth an ambassage and desireth conditions of Peace what is this talking about about this is talking about somebody who who did not calculate didn't count the cost because think of us as teachers we've been out teaching telling people to get themselves right we're being an example of righteousness and a beacon of light to them that are still in darkness so they seeing that that's what they've known us for now all of a sudden I fall out me and Elder was talking earlier we known a lot of people in the past that were great teachers with great bravado they out here in the street bugging out because they fell out so what kind of examp now the world is mocking them the people that that were in sin that used to watch them teach them now they're looking at them like you gave up the ghost so on your way on your way back to them you got to send conditions of Peace said listen I I know I was teaching you but I was too weak to finish you send desire you send things of Peace because you didn't count the you fell out you fell out on the way up that's a horrible way to go now you got the same people that you was blasting to get them to repent now you got to go back and wallow with them that's what that's saying read that statement Again Luke 14 read from the cter ca this read the whole thing cuz y'all will see it Luke just run through it and I'm going give it back to the Elder because I didn't want that part to pass okay and whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my my disciple for which for which of you intending to build a tower sth not down first and cth the course whether he have sufficient to finish it less happily after he ha laid the foundation you started this work you started showing the brothers you gave them you gave them the example of on how to get themselves together but you didn't count you didn't you didn't have enough in your spirit to finish this fight read and is not able to finish it all that behold it begin to mock him all that saw you bu started to build and you gave it up they begin to Mock You Now the world is kicking you in your ass that's what it's saying read saying this man begin to BU began to build that's the mockery and was not able to finish or what king going to make war against another king sth not down first and consult whether he be able with 10,000 to meet him that cometh against him with 20,000 so the most high is giving you the same analogy when it comes to going to war against the cat here you got five men and you getting ready to go against 20 and you realize you don't have enough to finish you don't have enough to whip his army that's how we are against the system you have to gge yourself up to to win this fight but if you don't gge yourself up you realizing that you're your arms are too short to to box with this Society so what do you end up doing you start sending condition of Peace y's up meaning you're finished we had this discussion 16 years ago I'm going to refresh your memory remember when you first started giving me the tapes of the teachers Time Square Wall Street and I would come back to you and say what happened to this guy where is this guy because I'm looking at this guy in the middle of Time Square the whole entire police force out there surrounding him and he's blasting them Wall Street time where any place you could think of in Manhattan his voice was heard and I will watch the tapes in awe and then go back to yasa and say yo what's up with this guy where is he I want to meet him that's what we reading about now they making mockery of him they making mockery of him cuz he had he was hot right then and he's nothing now that was it this here is a scene that's showing you what what we're going to bring out of here is that those of us that that get weak in the spirit thinking that the work of the most high going to stop the work of the most high going to keep on going you just going to find yourself running behind it but you ain't going to catch it because once you give up the ghost it's going to be hard to get yourself right because what the scripture say seven demons get inside you and Destroy You from within worse than the demons that you had when you came in here come come on [Music] [Music] [Music] train is gone that's how a lot of that's how the brothers that you were speaking about they can't catch up yes and finally my brethren be strong in the Lord his what his what his what it's