Transcript for:
Baljeet's Journey in Glasgow, Scotland

Welcome to the Punjabi Wanderer's YouTube channel, today we are in Glasgow, Scotland. We are with Baljeet Singh. This is Baljeet's house, we are going to the market. The agenda of this video is how expensive Scotland is and how to move from India. It's been a year since Baljeet moved here. These people were apologizing to us because their child was standing in the way. Today the weather is a little better after a lot of days. It was raining in the morning, so one big problem here is the weather. In winters, the sun rises at 9 in the morning and it gets dark at 3.30 in the evening. So you have 6-7 hours of daylight and it keeps raining. So that is a problem that I have seen. What are the other problems and what are the positive sides of moving here? That all we will get to know in this video with Baljeet Singh. Baljeet is married, so the people who have a family have doubts about buying a house, how much rent is there, how much you get if you want to buy a house. So we will get to know all of that in this video. First of all, we are going to the supermarket. We will show you how expensive Scotland is. It is not as expensive as London. I have seen that it is cheaper than London. It's been a week since I have been to Glasgow. I have seen that it is not as expensive as London. But if you compare it with India, it is expensive. We will go to the supermarket and see how much everything is available here. Milk, eggs, bread and everything else. So stay tuned. So tell me Baljeet, what were you doing in India? I had a property, I am not sure. Woods Cation. I actually met Baljeet there. I came as a guest in Woods Cation and then became a friend. Now I have come here. We have met once or twice before that. We have met in Woods Cation 2-3 times. I have come here 2-3 times. My parents have also been there. So Baljeet, how did you come here from India? Why did you come here? First of all, he left his job. He is an MBA. I am also like a Punjabi wanderer. He left his job and went to Himachal. He opened his property. It was well established when he was 3 years old. 2-3 years. So Baljeet, how did you come here? It was the time of Covid. There was not much tourism. So I thought, let's try something different. Let's see the opportunities. It was not like that. I was not having a good time there. But I tried something like that. And you met Baljeet from India? I saw his contacts on LinkedIn. Actually, I used to do a job. My contacts were from Aon. They were in the UK. Then I started contacting my contacts. Through LinkedIn. I already had experience. I started looking for jobs in the same profile. I gave interviews. With big companies. Luckily, I got an offer from a reference. So you got a job from India? Yes, I got a job from India. So if you are educated and have a good profile, you will get a job from India. You have to work hard. I have given more than 100 interviews. It's not that easy. I used to sit in Himachal. I used to give interviews there. I used to show them too. It was like that. You have to work hard. How long does it take to get a work visa? There were a lot of delays during Covid. It took me around 6 months. They said 3 months. They said 2 months. It took 6 months. And my offer kept changing. Luckily, they agreed on the joining dates. They kept changing. After 6 months, I got my visa. I came here the next day. You came so soon? You were in Kali? I was in Kali for the joining date. I had to settle here. I was looking for a house. Baljeet has bought a house here. We will talk about the house later. It's the same thing. You have to pay rent or loan. It's the same thing. It's your preference. What are your future goals? Everyone thinks differently. Exactly. I don't want to stay here. I prefer to pay rent. I don't want to pay loan. I don't want to lose my property. I don't want to lose it. I have mortgaged it. We can resell it easily. It's a remote gauge. It's not easy to buy a property here. It takes a lot of time. I have to do everything. Viewing, interview, bidding for a property. Most of the time, you get rejected. If you want to take an interview, you have to take a date. There is a line outside to see the house. It's a bidding system. If you bid well, you will get the house. At that time, bidding was going well. Loan was expensive. Luckily, I got the approval. You get a preliminary approval. You get a time of 6 months. Can you buy a house on a work visa? Of course. But the rate of interest is expensive. Citizens will get less. Mostly, mortgage providers or other mortgages are provided after a year. The rate of interest is more. I preferred it because I wanted to live in my house. Can I see your house? Yes. It's Christmas. It's Christmas. It's Jesus' birthday. We were talking about the house. Other than that, there are other ways. If you don't get a job, you can apply for a study visa. But they have stopped it. They have stopped it. Some of my relatives have come here. They have been stopping it since last year. It used to be a very frequent way for people to come here. A wife got a job. After that, the whole family came here. It was being misused. People came here on a study visa. They didn't study. They saw a job here. They shifted it to a work visa. Now, they have put regulations on it. You can't do that. They have changed a lot. Since Rishi Sunak came here. I think because a lot of people are migrating. Last year, there was a record-breaking migration from India. That's why they are trying to regulate it. So, this is it. Are there any other ways to come here? There are many other ways. But they change from time to time. Do you still have a spouse visa? Yes, I do. I don't have a spouse visa. I used to get a spouse visa when a dependent was coming here. Do you think you will get a girl if you get a spouse visa? Yes. You will have to apply for a visa. That's why I came here. Just kidding. So, these are our different types of visas. Do we have to cross? Yes, let's go there. It's a little far. Let's talk on the way. We have to go home. It's written here for sale. Okay. Let's talk about the price. How much did you pay? Here, there is a valuation company. They do the valuation and we have to bid on it. Okay. Wait a minute. I just remembered. In Glasgow, you have to pay Rs. 25,000 per month. This is basically council tax. Garbage collection is included in council tax. Rs. 25,000 per month. Okay. I was telling at home. I have bought it for more than Rs. 125,000, which is Rs. 1.25 crore in India, more than that. Okay, Rs. 1.25 crore. Yes. Okay, so you will get it more expensive in Gurgaon, Gurgaon? Obviously, yes. You will get it more expensive. Glasgow is so cheap. Yes. It is difficult to get it anywhere else. Okay. You will get it only in Edinburgh. Okay, okay. Edinburgh is also expensive? Yes, it is expensive. Okay, so Glasgow is a cheap city to live in. Yes, you can say that. Okay, okay. It is cheap as compared to other cities. Edinburgh is expensive because it is a capital city. Yes. There are a lot of cars here. We have come to the main road. So, the house that we have seen, Baljeet's house, in that, I mean, one part… The valuation of that was in the papers. Yes. That was around Rs. 1 crore. Okay. And you bid on that. I bid on that. Okay. Then there are other expenses here. Okay. To buy the property as well. Okay. All that together, everything, registries, everything. Yes. Okay. You have to keep a solicitor here. You cannot buy the property without him. Okay. I have seen a lot of shops. There are houses outside. There are photos of houses. These houses are for sale. They are all agents. Okay. Gents. So, there are three people involved. We, an agent, and a solicitor. Okay. Only a solicitor can make an offer. We cannot make a direct offer. Okay. So, there is a process as well. Yes. To buy a house as well. It is complicated. But it is very cheap. You will not get a house worth 1.25 crores in Gurgaon. No. There is no question in Gurgaon. I have got 2 plus 1 types. I don't think I will get it. I will show you the house. It is a very good house. It is big. It is comfortable for the family. And I have got my own room in it. Generally, Baljeet does that. Baljeet does that. There is an AirBnB here. He lists the house on that. That room. Yes. He comes from there. How much is the rent of the house? If you want to buy the house on rent. The same house? Yes. 1000 pounds. Okay. 1 lakh rupees. The electricity is different. Okay. So, it will be around 1400 rupees. Okay. Okay. We are going to buy groceries. You are two people in the house. How much do you spend per month? Groceries? I am telling you everything. Groceries. Gas. Bill. Phone bill. Car oil. Everything. How much do you spend? 2000 pounds. That's it? 2000 pounds. I made a video in London. He said that he earns 4000 pounds. London is a little expensive. It is expensive. It is expensive. Whatever job you do. You get more salary there. You get double salary. So, I was not getting more salary there. So, I came here. I preferred here. Okay. Okay. You do a white collar job. MBA. Yes. What is the rate of every hour here? What is the rate? Right now, it is 10.50. Okay. So, this is the difference. According to the age. In London, you get 20 pounds per hour. This is Scotland. The minimum wage rate in Scotland is different. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I am telling you to spend half of the expenses. You will have to see your income. If you have to do all those jobs. Income is fine. Tax. Tax is this much. Okay. Yes. You have to think about everything. How much tax? 50% No. 50% is for business people. Okay. So, the slab here is 125. Means. Yes. It is of 12500. Okay. Annual. Okay. After that, tax is applied. Which is around 21%. 25%. 24%. Yes. Depending upon your job. In India, you have to pay this much tax. Here, you have to pay in pounds. You have to pay in pounds. If you earn less, you have to pay in pounds. That's what I am saying. After that, there is not much left. Yes. Is this the store? Aldi. Aldi. Okay. Since when did you call it Aldi? Aldi. Okay. This is ALDI. Okay. So, let's go inside it. Let's see how many groceries are inside. We checked online. It was open. The shop is closed. Now, he will have to go home. Cursing his wife. I have been saying for two days. I have to get groceries. Today, the shop is closed. Okay. It's Christmas. Everything is closed today. Hey. Shall we see from there? From that shop. I am seeing. If you think, that I don't know where you are going abroad. See here. The water is standing here. Look in front. I think Tesco is open in front. So, I can meet in Tesco. Do I have to go from here or there? See here. The water is standing here. I think it's closed. Let's go. Let's go from here. So, I have seen that England as compared to other European countries. It's not that much. Like here, people don't play waste cricket. We throw all the waste in the dustbin. If you go to Germany. And if you go to Slovenia. In Slovenia. They do so much waste cricket. It depends on the council. Yes. What rules they put. Like our council. Yes. They pay special attention to such things. Yes. If we throw something else in the dustbin. They won't take it. Really? Yes. Okay. No. I have seen in London. They were not doing any waste cricket. Okay. This is Tesco Express. Tesco is not complete. So, here. There are different variants of Tesco. Tesco is a chain. Like Aldi. Aldi. Aldi. Like that. Tesco is a chain. So, Tesco is bigger. This is Tesco Express. I think it's closed. It's closed. The door is closed. The light is on. The door is closed. Yes. So, get ready. Where are you going? Huh? What? Are you going to wear a suit? Nothing. People were saying that there is no beach. In Glasgow. Look at the beach. There is a beach in the middle of Glasgow. Waves are coming up. Be careful. Don't get wet. And one more important thing is language. Now, when you are coming to Scotland, you should know English. But the English here is a little different. You won't be able to understand the accent of the people here. So, for that, you will have to practice with the people here. So, if you don't have any friend who lives in Scotland, then you can't practice with anybody. So, there is an app for that. Cambly. So, there are a lot of local tutors in Cambly. From UK, US, Canada. And you can go to the app without any judgment. The tutors are very friendly. They teach you. You won't be judged without judgment. If you don't know English. So, even if you are zero in English, you can still learn. So, you can book a trial class on Cambly. Which I think is just Rs. 44. It's a 30-minute trial class. And if you like the class, then you can opt for one-on-one classes or group classes. So, in group classes, there will be two more people like you. From other countries. So, it will be a little cheaper for you. And in one-on-one, only you will be with the tutor. Right now, Cambly is running a campaign. So, there is a coupon code. TPW27 It is valid for only two weeks. So, you can use it and get some discounts. The link is in the description. So, go book your trial class today. As we were going home, the road was so beautiful. So, let me show you. Sometimes, you can see it here. The sky is completely dark. And it's drizzling like this. Today, it's beautiful. He was saying that his leg is aching. Then he remembered. What is the medical scene here? Doctor-to-doctor. When you apply for a medical visa, According to the time you are applying for the visa, You have to go to the NHS. Here, there is a central health system. National health system. Yes. Okay. You have to pay the fees for that. How much is it? I think it has increased now. It will be 1000 pounds. For a year? For the 10 years you are applying for the visa. Is 1000 pounds for a year? No. Assume it is for two years. 1000 pounds? 500 pounds. Okay. I don't remember exactly. They have increased it a lot recently. Okay. I think they have increased it by 30-40%. So, it's okay. It's only 1 lakh. Yes. Right? But there is an insurance. Yes. If you compare it with India, The services are good. I haven't used it yet. I have used it for normal purposes. Like cold cups. I have used it for that. Yes. But they say that You get good services here. Yes. If you get a serious illness. Okay. If you get cancer. Yes. If you have a problem, If you want to go, You have to take an appointment. You have to take an appointment. Do you get it easily or not? You get it after 2-3 days. Yes. If a person has a stomach ache, He will get it after 3 days. They will tell you. They will guide you on the phone. That this is the medicine. You go here. They will tell you the medical shop. Okay. You can collect it there. For free. For free. Okay. You don't have to pay. Okay. And all this is near your house. Mostly. Okay. Because you have to register near your house. Yes. And there is a medical shop near it. Is he your GP? GP. General practitioner. General physician. Whatever it is. GP. So you call the GP. He will tell you. Take this medicine. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. will also remove the dependent. Nursing makes sense that it is happening like this. So I mean, I saw, let's go home, come. I saw in Spain too, my brother was at home, his mother had a problem with her knees. So the knee is hurting, whatever surgery is happening, the date is not available, I don't know how many weeks after the date is available. Hey, look in front, what clouds are coming, black in front, very black. Earlier, the mountains were visible. Yes, now the mountains were visible, it's all over now. So okay, so this will be his, everyone is about to reach home, I will show you the house and the car too. How much insurance does the car come with, brother? Insurance depends on what your profile is. So if you have a license here, then what I have, you get around 1200-1600 pounds per month, which is like 140-150 per month. Brother, there is a lot of wind, there will be good audio, let's go home and talk. Look, it will start raining and we have reached home at the right time. I will show you in the car, his car is worth 2000 pounds and he is giving insurance of 1600 pounds. This is his car, it's a small car, it's good, it's a nice car, he bought it, he bought it second-hand, it's used, so he got this car for 2000 pounds and its insurance is 1600 pounds. So a car for 2 lakhs and 1.5 lakhs, 1.6 lakhs, he is giving his insurance and this is the house. So this is the house, I will open it, this is our hut, you go ahead, you go ahead, come because even the mother-in-law was once a daughter-in-law. Here, mostly in the houses, it is activated. Okay, yes. So. So. Take off your shoes. Yes, I am taking it off here, going up. No, I am taking it off like this. And this is my old slipper from Indonesia, it is still working. Yes. Okay. So this is your house. What is the problem in this? What is the problem? So there is one more portion here. On the ground floor. There are four portions in this box. So yes, this is their bathroom, toilet, washroom. And the rest is central heating. So this is my room. Okay. There are a lot of spas in my room. Yes, because it is hot. I had installed central heating. Apart from that, this is Baljit's room. And this is the hall. So sitting area, dining area. Here is his office. If you are getting such a big house for 1.25 crores, then what is wrong? You are not getting it in India. He has spent a lot of time here. You can make this as a bedroom. Yes, this is usually a kids area or dining area. And here is the kitchen. I work in the office. So all the four houses are the same? Same. So this is the kitchen. Today we will make Maharaj Maggi Dal. Very good. He is a very good chef. He fed me delicious food. So let's finish our video here. Look at this. We have been asked to go and get our luggage. We have to make a video later. So we are going somewhere else. To get our luggage. It is raining. Yes. So we will go by car. This is the same road. We have reached Ditto. 10-15 minutes ago. So if you are ready for this, then come. Then come. This is in every season. Winter, summer, any month. Rain, 24, what do you call it? 25 days. It is Christmas. We will get decorated houses. With lights. So now we are in our local area. All the shops are here. Shawarma, etc. So we are not celebrating Christmas here. All these shops are open. I hope we will get our luggage from here. But parking the car is also a big problem. If there is no crowd, we will get it. Otherwise, parking the car is a big headache here. So, we got our luggage. And this is the punishment. No, I am kidding. He works a lot in the kitchen. Now we ate food. But craving for sweets. So we have waffles and ice cream. And then we will talk while eating. About the remaining luggage. How is the salary? How much does he earn? We will talk about that in a while. In description. This mic is annoying. Sometimes it doesn't record the audio. So we will... Now it is saved. Very tasty dessert. Okay, Bill. Do you have anything else in your mind? That we didn't talk about. We talked about NSS. Yes. We have to register in GP. What else? Here in Europe, it is better that you don't have to learn any language. Like they speak in English. But the accent here is different. It takes time to understand. But if you are working in MNCs, then there is no problem. After that, I think, people's salary is very low here. One thing I said earlier, that people get £20 in London. It depends on their skill. Minimum wage there is also £12-£13. Same here. There will be a difference of £1. Then it will be better to stay here. Because it is cheaper here. Expenses are half. If you are getting a better salary there, and you can stay in the outskirts of London or UK, then it is fine. Otherwise, Glasgow is better. The two girls we saw in the previous vlogs, they are students. Ishmael and Cece. They stay at Liverpool Street. Okay. There is a door below their house. There is a room on the second floor. There are five people. Their house rent is £5000. So each person is paying £1000. With electricity and electricity. I don't know. I asked Nani. She said, £5000 rent. Utilities will be included. And it is in the centre. Yes, it is in the centre. There is a lot of sharing in the centre. And as soon as you leave, there are pubs and bars. So it is a very happening area. So it depends on where you are staying. Right. Like in my office, there are a lot of people who are employed in London. They come from the London office. They stay one hour away from London. So just to save on all those expenses. Yes. They have got a cheaper salary there. They have taken it there. So now, how much is your salary? What is the range? It depends upon your skills and job you do. Starting, according to minimum wage, it is like 22, 20, 22. Even after doing MBA? MBA people are doing such jobs here. Because if you get a good job, it is 30 plus. 30 plus. Like if it is a proper office job, according to your skills, if you have done a good MBA, you have experience, or you are an engineer or a software engineer, you have experience, it is 30 pounds plus. So it is 3000 rupees. 3000 rupees. Like taxes. Still you are getting 3000 per hour. So how many hours do you get in a day? 8 hours? I am saying 30,000 annually. So which comes out to be 2400. 2000 monthly. 2000 means 2 lakhs. So it is not that much. Even in India, software engineers are earning 2 lakhs. If you talk to a software engineer, he will get a package of 70,000. I have no idea. All the people in the office are on a contract with TCS. Their minimum starting salary is 40-50,000. That's what I'm asking. But when they come on a contract, their taxes are higher and their pay scale is different. So they earn 40-50 lakhs a year, minus taxes. Minus taxes. So generally, if you look at the people around you, how much do they earn on average? Like you said, they spend 2,000 pounds a month. I was reading the stats here. This is the old Indian policy to maintain the level. That's why they have a minimum wage rate. Okay. And if you go to stores or Indian restaurants, they give you a minimum wage. Which is 11-12 pounds. Yes, 11-12 pounds. Then if you go to MNCs, they give you 20 per hour or 30. Then if you get a better job than 150-170 per day, you get 200-300 per day. Okay. 300 per day? Means 30,000 rupees. Okay. I mean, that doesn't happen in any job. It depends on your experience. Mostly, they will hire you for a job. If you have experience in any old country. But after that, when you grow, you will have the same experience. Okay. Then the salary increases accordingly. If we take the average, you said 25 pounds per hour. 25 pounds per hour. This is the average that people are earning. So if you earn 25, how much will it be in a month? I was saying that people's annual package is less than 25,000. Annual, so less than 25 lakhs. Yes. It's around the minimum wage. So it's only 2000 rupees per month. Less than that. And the expense is the same. If you are living alone, then the expense will be less than that. But if there is a family, then obviously it will double. So the same thing is that both people will work. So one's salary will be spent and one's salary will be saved. Whatever you want to do. Whatever you want to do. Okay. So if we finish this video, If you see that it's been a year. So yes, one more thing. People call it depression. It's gloomy weather here. And the sun is not visible. So the feeling of depression. Did something like this happen in a year? I didn't feel anything like that. It's been a year now. It's been a year. It feels like the sunlight is less here. It's getting to me. Sunlight is less. It keeps raining. You can go out less. If you go, then you have obviously got used to the rain. So like I used to go to Edinburgh regularly. In the beginning. So it rains every day. And I have to go. I have a job. I used to go by car. But there was also a walk from there. For 10-15 minutes. So. So I got used to it. Of the rain. It's the same, get used to it as soon as possible. Where you are living. That can happen. So you didn't get any feeling of depression today? I didn't get it. Okay. So it's a personal matter, right? Right. It can happen to anyone. It's been a month since I've been living in the UK. And I started feeling that the day is too short. It ends at 3 o'clock. Then it's night. So let's end this video by asking. Was it a right decision? If you look back. Not now. Too early to decide. What do you feel now? It's fine. It's good. But it feels like when will you go back? Or will you stay here? I don't know anything now. I will evaluate after 4-5 years. So if I kept coming to the video for 4-5 years. So you will come to see the video after 4-5 years. It can be 3 years. It depends. If I give you some honest feedback. Coming from India. So obviously cleanliness and pollution. These things have improved a lot. But in India if you are earning lakhs per month. Then you will have a domestic helper at home. You will have a cook. You will have a cleaner. You have to give minimum wage. You won't be able to afford it. You have to give minimum wage. You will have to give it. If you don't give what you are earning. Then it becomes illegal. People do this. I don't know. Call someone from India. That is illegal. What I would say is. If you like comfort. If you like luxury. Then stay in India. The luxury you can do in India. You can't do it here. There is a level of freedom there. There are rules and regulations for everything here. Don't do this, don't do that. The car won't take a U-turn from there. What happens to us Indians. We are used to breaking the law. Either you can't break the law. Either you will be fined a big fine. Or you can go to jail. And you get a license paper. There are points in India. But there are strict rules here. In India. Is bribery going on here with the police? No. There is no option. I heard. His call is going on. It's okay. His call is going on. So. Okay. That's what I was going to say. If you like luxury in life. Then stay in India. If you are earning lakhs of rupees there. Then stay there. Otherwise here. Okay. You can come. But the first generation. I think it will work. In the next generation. A little. You know. You have to set up. You have to buy a house. You have to buy a car. You have to do everything. And the next generation. Will get it. Will get a base. Yes. So. It's all dependent on you. If you want to do it. Then you can save well. And you can also enjoy. You can also enjoy. Okay. I told you. What is the expense? How is it? The rest depends on you. But coming from illegal ways. That is absolutely. I mean. It doesn't mean anything. Illegal. It's difficult. Now the UK people have made it difficult. I don't know. If there was any option before. I saw it yesterday. We saw that film the day before yesterday. Dunky. Shahrukh Khan's. He made a great film. I feel like this. All governments. It happens together. If you want to stop. You can stop. Exactly. You can stop. Okay. The video will be long. Let's finish this video a lot. In the next video. I don't know where I will meet you. Because I am going ahead. Birmingham. And then I will go to London. Then I will go to Ireland. So I don't know. Where will I meet you in the next video. I don't know. When will I make this video. When I won't make it. So yeah. Till then. Goodbye. And I will see you in the next one. We are hardly. Yeah. Like a baby. We are the baby politicians. We are the baby politicians.