hello my future Aroma therapist how is everyone today you guys hear me okay yeah good thank K oh my goodness here we are week two already week two hopefully last week wasn't too intense hopefully you feel like you've learned a lot already because it's only going to get better I know history is kind of I've I've never been a huge history fan for me to talk about history I'm like but I remember therapy history is really exciting and interesting and it's kind of led us to the way that we use aroma therapy today and um what a gift that is so it's only going to get better from here I know um some of you reached out to me like oh my gosh it was so great the last class I'm like oh you just wait the classes just get so much fun You're Gonna Learn oh so much uh I just love teaching this class so much okay before we jump into kind of going over questions from last week and jumping into everything today um I just want to take a minute and breathe in an essential oil uh tell me what you guys are all breathing in I love to start every class doing this because I feel like I kind of reenters ourselves and let us lets us just be open to learning and just thinking clearly so I'm using a subalpine fur Miss's using lavender thought about lavender today but I was like oh I might feel too relaxed that fall asleep peppermint sounds good and as you breathe it in I like to close my eyes because it kind of reenters myself lets my senses really kind of focus in on the aroma as you're breathing it in just think about how your body feels what changes you experience within your body from maybe a minute ago before opening up the essential oil Maybe maybe you notice your shoulders start to relax and you're breathing slow down maybe you find yourself smiling as you're smelling it kind of let go of whatever was happening before this class whatever you have to do after this class allow your mind to kind of shift into this present moment what a gift our sense of smell is for this this is why we're all here right to experience this this beautiful world of aroma therapy and to share with others gosh it's always you know even after using aroma therapy for more than 10 years every time I do that like I get cheerful because it it it just completely shifts how you feel within your body and your mind and it almost just transforms like we live in such a busy world and it just transforms us um back to kind of this moment right now right here I just oh I love essential oils for that so just taking that simple Moment Like encourage you I just encourage you over the next couple weeks as you're studying in class to just do that just take a minute like notice if you're feeling upset or overwhelmed or anxious or maybe down or fatigued or tiered or whatnot just take that moment and grab an essential oil and just smell it just like that and just notice the differences that occur in your mind and your body it's truly remarkable um so I'm going to kind of answer a couple questions from last week because I know there's quite a few questions a lot of them we kind of I think hopefully I addressed a lot of those that were regarding solubilizers that word is always so hard to say um and and preservatives there's a lot of questions on the student Forum about that um I kind of described more on the online platform and as well as the email so if there are any more questions feel free to ask I know someone asked me about vinegar and if we can use that as preservative in a room spray so not one that I would recommend in a room spray because vinegar has a really strong Aroma and it is considered you know a mild preservative um however for like long-term use it's really not the best option like in a linen spray or a room spray it also doesn't properly solubilize those essential oils with the water so again um the cental oils are just going to float on top um so I don't recommend using vinegar I would try to find a high proof alcohol or even just if you're making a small batch just using just water um and trying to use it rather quickly within a week or two um there's another question about polysorbate what's the difference between polysorbate 20 and polysorbate 80 so if you're like looking online on Amazon you want to get polysorbate to help solubilize those essential oils in water in a room spay or a linen spray polysorbate 20 is generally what we use with essential oils because it helps mix kind of like lighter substance with essential oils this is the easiest way to describe it um polysorbate 80 is more for like mixing like heavier Solutions with water so for example if I wanted to make a bath oil and I wanted to properly solubilize the entire bath oil in my bath I would consider using polysorbate 80 like if I wanted to mix essential oils with hoba oil and put that in the bath and I wanted that to be all completely um solubilized in the water then I would use polyurban 80 um that's just an example generally though for bath oils we kind of like the essential oils being diluted in the oil and then applying them to the bath because they adhere to our skin it makes us so soft and smooth which is why companies don't add polysorbate 80 to Bath oils um hope that kind of clears up the differences between the two but polysorbate 20 is generally what we use uh for aroma therapy products sometimes we'll use polysorbate 80 for like bath bombs um because we want it to properly um mix with the entire bath um but that's kind of up to you I've used both and they both work really well um somebody else asked about when we were learning about the holistic health modality I wrote down questions here and she asked how do we tie in all the other Concepts when someone comes to us with a specific problem so say for example she was like well how do I say like how much time do you spend in nature like I don't want to give her this big long list of things to do when I just want to make her like something to help support her sleep so I was like yes yes yes great question so we always just want to be considering Health holistically for anyone that comes to us and needs a product or needs support with aromatherapy so if the problem is for example sleep we want to consider you know are they drinking caffeine at 4M at night um what is their cirium Rhythm like are they getting up in the morning and getting exposure to Daylight Sun um kind of thinking about what their stress levels are like maybe that potentially is impacting it can we help manage the stress during the day to help them unwind later in the night time just always incorporating like the full picture if someone has you know a teenager comes to you and they are um struggling with blemishes maybe thinking also yes we want to support those blemishes and maybe yes we want to add you know teach Tre to that um blemish control roller or whatever that we're making them but also considering that those blemishes for a teenager are likely a response to just the fluctua hormones that we experience when we're teenagers so maybe then incorporating also maybe Clary Sage or a hormone supporting roller as well um so always kind of just thinking about the broader picture and is there anything else that aroma therapy can help support that individual I hope that kind of helps answer that question for you guys um let me look oh another question was about um a request actually about I briefly talked about you know time and nature and how Hanoi has been studied to um support our natural killer cells within the body and let me just share a thing so this is on the online platform and this is under I think I put it it's going to be under um I have to look let me see where it is it's on the online platform for week two anyways um but talking about the impact of tree Aromas on our health and well-being and this kind of goes over some of the studies when it comes to how different um tree aromatics just impact us and one of them that I talked about last week is how it potentially can impact our immune system and increase enk cell activity so if you've never heard of enk cells and you're like what the heck are you talking about so NK stands for natural killer cells so natural killer cells are our primary defense against pathogens against germs and bugs and bacteria um we want our natural killer cells to be up in order to help just fight off any pathogens or cancerous cells anything like that um when needed and spending time in nature has been shown to increase NK cell activity also diffusing hinoi essential oil has been shown to do this so there is a study done by Dr quing Lee and I share about it in this um little graphic that I made you guys um but he did a study where they diffused hinoi essential oil for three nights in urban hotel rooms from 7 P.M to 8: am and they noticed they took blood samples of the participants and noticed that their urine samples and blood samples were analyzed and noticed that they had a significantly increased enk activity as well as a percentage of NK cells and it what's interesting about the study it wasn't just like the next 24 hours this was increased they actually did a followup um lab draw and that the NK cell activity was increased for seven days after diffusing this essential oil at night which I think is just so amazing so anytime I'm feeling like oh I wonder if I'm coming down with something or maybe I'm like really stressed and I'm worried that like for example it's fall season here almost fall season here in the states and I'm like okay cold and flu season is coming up I need to really like manage my stress but I also if I'm feeling really stressed I want to help my support my immune system because any time we're really stressed it can help it can suppress our immune system so I'll sometimes if I'm having a really stressful day I'll diffuse hokei at night not only does it help me just kind of relax and unwind and help support sleep but it's also potentially supporting my immune system and I swear by it like knock on wood I've been really lucky the last couple years as well as my kids as far as sickness goes so um something to always kind of consider and if you're interested in learning more just about how trees can just help support our health as well as treat aromatics this is a really great book I'll share this in an email um this week but it's by Dr quing Lee who is like the leader in um Forest bathing research and um anything kind of related to that he actually is one that conducted that study that I was just talking about but it's called Forest bathing how trees can help find you health and happiness by Dr cing Lee it's a really and it's a beautiful book like there's so many pretty pictures in it and it's just it's really well written so in case that's something that you love I am a huge fan of tree oil so anything like tree oil related like I think every time in this class maybe not every time but there will be many many times and we'll stop to breathe in our essential oil at the start of the class and I'll always have a tree oil I grew up on a tree a Christmas tree farm so I just have a strong like love um for tree oil so I could smell them all day long so I'll probably talk more about tree aromatics a lot in this clas okay any other questions from last week that I didn't answer that kind of are on your mind yeah if you guys can change leave the caption set at English um that would be very much appreciated I could also send you the captions after if you're in another country and you can help convert those into your language if you like as well so just reach out to me if you want to do that but let's try to keep the captions at English please I've got a question yes um so I have PCOS and currently think I have a cyst just wondering would like mixing lavender oil in uh like a cream and then massaging that into the area help kind of like what I read in the textbook or what would you recommend for for PCOS yeah is it more to support the symptoms or more to hopefully suppress the cyst or both probably both right probably both yeah yeah yeah right you're like it would be a bonus if we get rid of it unfortunately there's not a lot of research specifically with PCOS and essential oils like I have Dug Dug dugged and looked there's a little bit with endometriosis but not as much with PCOS but what we do know about a lot of like hormon related conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis a lot of essential oils that have affinities for the reproductive system um can help support all of those conditions so if I was to make like a lotion or a cream or a body oil I would focus in on the essential o oils that are have Affinity with the reproductive system in your um product recipe book if you look towards the end on page 22 it has essential oil affinities this this if you haven't received this in the mail yet too this is also on the online platform um but I kind of grouped all the affinities of each of the monographs in which like core system Affinity they're helpful for so if you look under reproductive this is the oils that I would really kind of lean into so Clary Sage duranium Yingling fennel um those if you have endometriosis so do not use fennel scratch that one off I know you don't you said PCOS but I'm just making a note for that for everybody else Fen is not one so okay yes we'll learn about we'll learn about fennel um kind of later in this course but fennel is not one that is recommended for endometriosis because it has a compound known as trans anol which can actually increase estrogen levels which is great if you're like going through menopause or something else going on but if you have a estrogen dominant disease such as endometriosis it can actually make things worse so that's an oil that we want to avoid but all the other oils like I would consider making you know lavender clarage geranium would be really helpful um my hormone support roller also includes Cyprus in there because Cypress really helps kind of get blood circulation flowing if you have like endometriosis for example you kind of want blood to have movement because there's a lot of like stagnation with endometriosis um so those would be like the four that I would consider using lavender Clary Sage geranium and Cypress um you could also maybe consider even frankincense if you wanted to um but there's lots of options and then just being consistent about applying it you know once a day yeah but we'll be talking about women's health in in week 14 as well but I hope you find some relief I know PCOS is just it's a nasty one it's not one that I wish upon anybody to have because oh it can be challenging I have a question yes go for it um yeah I wanted to ask last week we didn't have time it's more just like a general question on essential oils and I've always just been curious about it and I think obviously be the perfect person to ask just getting your opinion so um I've like heard from other herbalists and stuff just with other you know educations that I've done on Plants um that they aren't really like the biggest fans of essential oils mostly due to the sustainability issues kind of wanted to get your perspective and take on it because yeah like I follow this one herbalist who she's really big on for instance like using like she loves essential o but she just thinks that like with the at the scale that they're use and all that and so she's like always advocating hydro sols and like one time she did a whole demo she was like cuz she has that copper distiller you know that I'm sure you know what it is and she like she showed like actually how much like essential oil yielded from like all of her lavender or whatever so I guess I'm just asking like wondering generally here like like what are your thoughts I mean a love Essentials I think we all did what are your thoughts on that narrative it's definitely a concern for sure with Su sustainability and how the market continues to grow at like exponential rates um this is why I kind of last week I briefly talked about how hydrosols I think will become the next aroma therapy because they result in a much greater yield and we can use them in a lot of different ways as well this is something in this course that we want to think about is when we're making these recipes and making products just really thinking about the sustainability of those essential oils using these lower dilutions you know essential oils are extremely potent so you know one drop is plenty two drops does not mean it's two times as powerful like we'll go on Pinterest and you'll see I think in a lot of these herbalists I think this is where some of their big concerns stem from is that they'll see others sharing um these recipes with like 80 drops of essential oils and a 10mil roller and it's extremely wasteful it just is extremely wasteful I it's like my biggest pet peeve when I see you know liquid xanax or whatnot this roller and it has 80 essential oil drops in it because typically when we're using essential oils to support us psychologically or emotionally we just need to smell it so using 80 drops isn't going to make it so much more powerful right or applying essential oils consistently undiluted on our skin um really is is pretty wasteful right like we're and it's really expensive as well to do that um I know some people love to do that and I think that um is something that I'm not going to judge that person or whatnot um but I do want everyone to kind of think outside of the box when it comes to suain sustainability and know that you know this this bottle of lavender this 15m bottle of lavender it takes 27 square feet of lavender plants grown to make this one essential oil bottle this is why I do a lot of just like I'm very frugal with my Essential Oils always like I'm very very so you know when I'm smelling essential oil you don't see me you know dropping it on hands rubbing it all over I like will smell it from the bottle a lot of the times like I'm conserving as much as possible but also considering you know it shelf life and trying to use it within that time because I don't want it to go bad um there are some essential oils like when we learned about in this class that are considered you know near-threatened plants and um one of which is is Frankensteins so how really thinking about how we're utilizing that specific essential oil um and using it sparingly all of the other essential oils are pretty easy to grow um I mean some essential is like peppermint oh my God you can't get rid of peppermint right like if you try to grow peppermint in your garden oh my gosh it will be back again and Back Again it'll take over a whole area so some essential oils like we don't really need to worry as much about sustainability while other ones um we need to just be really focused on making sure we're purchasing them from um a brand that we really trust that has a focus on sustainability that isn't wild crafting essential oils meaning like Gathering them illegally those plants illegally um to use that it's not potentially impacting the um Extinction of that plant there's some essential oils like in particular that you may choose not to use because they're on the near-threatened list uh for example like Rosewood actually I think Rosewood may have and I think it actually just changed from threatened to near threatened I think it just moved up a little bit um but that's one essential oil that I just don't use period um because I just I want to support that sustainability there's a lot of other essential oils that we can use in its place there will be herbalists out there that you guys will encounter or see on social media that are completely against essential oil use um and I think a lot of that stems from just this really poor use of essential oils by the mainstream public um and as well just what they see in the grocery stores and their every right and that's our job as a Roma therapist to really focus on protecting these plants and educating others how to properly use them as well as diluting them appropriately not overusing them um using essential oils that are not on the threaten list so I I'm not sure if that really helped answer your question or not um it's hard I mean there's always going to be people that disagree with you there's going to be people that don't like Essentials at all like that have zero background with like medicinal or like herbal medicine at all then there's going to be herbalists that um completely disagree with the use of essential oils because they herbalists and they like you know to use the plants and then they're also going to find a lot of herbalists that also are rapists and both of them work together like there's so many in the school forx studies that are that are both herbalist and a rapist I worked with a lot of herbalists that appreciate both and I think as long as you are focused also on recognizing the beauty of these plants and that takes a lot of plants to make one essential oil um we can all make a difference I mean sometimes I also think like if the sustainability and know someone's growing essential oils or growing plants just to um be essential oils like I don't really have an issue with that because there's a lot of animals that make homes in those plants over that period of time and um it's a lot better than you know having high risers being up in different areas and um I mean protecting that Farmland I feel like is most important if there's essential oil plants grown and then you know they're harvested and then they're grown again personally I think I'm okay with that because there's much worse things that we can be doing to the environment than that um but I think it's always important for us to have that focus on sustainability that was like a five minute answer to your question I'm sorry like you can tell I'm passionate about it hopefully that helped a little bit olly um I just ask you could you show me a picture of that book again please sure sure it's called I'll send an email with it too but this is it I don't copy just um so I can see if we can get it in the UK here um what I did mention as well is do Tera do a blend uh tree bathing blend see yeah it looks like it is absolute it smells amazing oh really I wonder what's in it interesting yeah it's really really nice I've heard about it before that sounds really amazing so um I I'll try and find out exactly what's in it but I can't read it it's too small yeah just in case anybody was interested so sounds good yeah thank you all right okay so the people asking about scents um making the room sprays and the scent only lasting a few few seconds is there a way to extend the Roma this is a really great question so room sprays typically the SC it doesn't last very long not like you were diffusing essential oils because you're spraying it those essential oils are extremely volatile so they evaporate really quickly depending on the essential oils that you choose in a room spray will also impact this so if you're using a lot of top note note essential oils meaning like the essential oils we kind of talked about this briefly we'll talk about it more during the blending unit um the essential oils that have top notes are a lot of the Citrus essential oils um peppermint is a top note um I think eucalyptus is actually M up but anyways a lot of the Citrus essential oils are top notes so their Aroma wears off really really quickly if you want to extend the aroma slightly you could add a Bas note to that blend this is how perfumer work so maybe adding just one drop of a Bas note even though you're like oh I don't really like that Bas note but maybe adding you know one drop of vver or one drop of frankincense and that can help kind of extend that scent also it's important to know whenever you're making a product um a room spray a lotion like we're making today a body butter sometimes it takes like 24 to 48 hours for those essential oils to kind of marry with the base product I like to say Mary because that's what I feel like they're doing is they're marrying um similar like if you're making like salad dressing and how you put it in the refrigerator and 8 hours later it tastes totally different because it just those those ingredients have really married so if you make up a room spray or a lotion like we're making today and you apply it immediately after making this class and you might smell it and be like oh it's not as strong as I hoped it would be just wait wait the 24 to 48 hours um and typically then the aroma becomes much more pronounced and stronger okay the question if you make a spray for hair then do we use alcohol still as a preservative I can see how it's great for room spray so a hairspray typically I don't use alcohol because you're kind of spraying that on your hair and um you know what I have a great recipe for a hairspray I generally don't use alcohol though because that alcohol can really like dry out your scalp I mean unless you have oily scalp you might be okay with that but generally what I will do is use um like solub as my solubilizer and I will add a little bit of um Rose hydrol Rosemary hydrol as well as a little bit of water and then the essential oils um and then I just make a a short batch I try to use it within two weeks let me see if I have my recipe though and I'll try to write it in the chat um I might not have it handy so I might have to share it later let's see it's really handy here yeah here it is let me just copy and paste this in the chat so you guys have it okay there it is um but that's kind of a recipe that I use and we try to use it rather quickly um especially if you're using it every day and you could always decrease this recipe by half as well yes all the essential oils are identified as top middle and Bas notes in the monograph book so as we and as well as the PowerPoint so as we're learning about each of the essential oils they will be in the book if they're top notes middle notes and we'll kind of learn a little bit more about that during the blending unit okay I think we're going to start to go over the main lecture for today and then if there's more questions I can answer them after this class um no Rosemary won't darken your hair gosh I wish it would because I have little Grays that are popping up I wish it would darken the hair but no it should it doesn't darken the hair it's extremely volatile so um no it won't darken the hair that would be amazing if it did though okay so today we're learning about the biological role of essential oils within plants how they're stored within plants um and we're also going to learn about how essential oils then are made from plants so going over distillation um cold pressing CO2 extract solvent extraction and then we're going to learn about uh Roman chamomile uh if you're someone that is really sensitive to Aromas though I just want to warn you to start with that Roman chamomile can be really strong when you're smelling it um one of my students a couple years ago smelled it and she was like oh I really love the smell but she kind of overdid it and she ended up with a really bad headache after it so Rose Roman camel meile has a blending factor of one meaning that we want to use less of it in a blend so it is really really potent and aromatic It's a Wonderful essential oil um but if you are sensitive to Smells I'll warn you about this before we start smelling it as well um you might want to maybe like hold it a little bit farther from your nose and not right next to your nose or just smell as a cap that we'll be learning about Roman chimil and then we'll be finishing off with making a aromatic lotion uh I know a few of you had questions about instead of like finding a lotion can you just make your out and yes of course you can so on in the book methods of application and workbooks this is also online this part if you look to the lotions and cream section um there's a wonderful re recipe in there called Rosemary glad star favorite uh famous cream recipe I've made it many times before it is amazing to make um it's a great kind of Base recipe to making like a cream or a lotion if you it does make it a it's a little bit thicker the recipe that she has in that book um if you may want to make it a little thinner just add more hydrol or waterbased um component to it and that kind of helps thin it in that um in the water phase um I we really are import like trying to focus on keeping it simple though at the start of the class like we could make our own cream or lotion this class but I really want to show you that we don't need to do like these intense like DIY products in order to share the beauty of essential oils with others which is why last week we just made a simple room spray and this week we're making just a simple lotion from a base ingredient for those people that just don't have the desire to make like these big in depth products later in the course we'll be making body butters and things that are a little bit more in depth I like to kind of like ease everybody into it at first and show you that there's easy ways to just purchase an unscented lotion and add essential oils to it so that's why we're starting it kind of like this okay let's start learning today about just exploring plants and distillation and as always if you have questions it started there as always if you have questions just feel free to interrupt me or ask in the chat and I'll just periodically check the chat throughout the class so as a Roma therapist it is really our responsibility to not only have understanding but also appreciation for plants and this comes to that like goes back to that sustainability question that was asked a little bit ago we really want to just appreciate that it takes a lot of plants to make one bottle of essential oils you know as you learn more about each of these plants and essential oils that we're using in this class you really begin to just appreciate them in a whole different way you begin to notice them differently even today as I was picking this little Rosemary sprig to use in the class today I was like oh like I smelled it and immediately noticed how like my shoulders relaxed and dropped and I smiled when I smelled it and besides that emotional response I was almost like I looked at it I was like I want to put it all over my hair to help support hair growth it's such an amazing essential oil for that um and plant for that as well so um you really begin to dis appreciate plants you'll go to a greenhouse and walk around and you'll see pachuli um or you'll see Sage or lavender growing and it you'll think about all the benefits that those plants have for our body it's truly remarkable so this is great gr quote by Stephen Harold uh buer which just says plants mean nothing in isolation they are a life form rooted in and identified by their Community by their relationship to and interactions with all other life on Earth it's really just appreciating all aspects of plants and the role that they play in the environment so in arom therapy we're actually studying two groups within the plant kingdom so we're studying angiosperms which are the flowering plants so anytime I'm looking at a word I it just is easier for me to break it up what that word means um hopefully that helps you kind of remember as well but angio um actually means inside side and sperm means means seed so the seeds are inside of the plant of the flowering plant these are the flowering plants gymnos sperms are different these are plants that have lack of flowers but they still produce seeds so jyos stands for naked sperm stands for seeds so naked seed gyos sperms so there's actually 400,000 known species of plant an and the vast majority of them are angiosperms actually one of my students from my last class said a great way to remember this is Angie has flowers and Jim has none and I was like that is a good way to think of it so Angie has flowers and Jim has none I made a list of all of the angiosperms and gymnos sperms um and the Botanical families let me share it here yeah one second let me get it up on the online platform as well this week so this just kind of goes over I think this is actually in your book as well um but just goes over all of the flowering the angop sperm Botanical families at the top and at the bottom is the non-flowering the gymnos sperm families so for the most part the majority of the B iCal families that we're studying are all the angiosperms so I'll start saying some of these words and they might start kind of you might start connecting the dots you might start remembering like oh like last week we learned about Rosemary or lavender well Rosemary is also in this family um well we learned about how lavender and lavender is in the lam and acce family so each of these is kind of arranged by the Botanical family the aromatic plants are arranged by similarities so maybe similarities in like attrib attributes in their chemical composition maybe how they're grown as well as their therapeutic properties so knowing this can really just help us know about potentially using like substitutes so if I'm using an essential oil say for example trying to think of a good example um like maybe I'm using essential oil from the AC family which is down here so this is like a lot of the Citrus essential oils are in the Ruda AC family if I want to substitute another essential oil I could also like for orange for example I could also choose a different essential oil in that Ruda AC family as they will have generally the same similar attributes um as well as com chemical compositions not always there's always some exceptions to this but a lot of these like a lot of the essential oils within the asra AC family like Roman chamomile German chamomile HRM will learn that a lot of those essential oils are great for supporting allergies either allergies related to skin or respiratory allergies there's a lot of similarities Within These which is kind of cool and then there's two Botanical families that were learning about for that are in the gymnos sperms the pinan family and the koer AC family woo big words but these are a lot of the tree essential oils that's just kind of a resource for you okay well let me back up a minute okay before I get into this slide though there is um something I want to be really serious in this class I laugh but I am really serious about it if any of my students ever says this ever and I come across you saying this on social media or anytime like in a class or whatnot I will I will um completely deny ever being your teacher I will say I didn't teach them that they didn't learn that from me um I never want any of you to repeat this and maybe you've heard this in the past but please let's kind of clear the air I never want anyone to say that essential oils are the lifeblood of plants please never say that it's like one of my biggest pet peeves essential oils are not the lifeblood of plants it's just not a good analogy and it's one that kind of I see circulating sometimes on social media or whatnot and I'm like no stop saying that it drives me crazy and this is the reason why we're going to learn why so blood within the body works for lots of different ways to help support the body it's absolutely vital for the body it transports oxygen and nutrients and met olic waste and hormones essential oils do not work like this within plants so we can't use this analogy um essential oils are actually considered secondary metabolites they're not essential for life of the plant so plants are structured in such a way that they depend on Soil and Water and Air and sunlight to sustain life and just to perform their activity this activity produces something known as primary metabolites these are vital to the plant's life so enzymes proteins lipids carbohydrates and chlorophyll those are actually considered more of the lifeblood of the plant although there's some issues with saying it like that as well but essential oils are actually considered the secondary metabolites so these are not considered necessary for life so alkaloids flavonoids also are considered part of this the plants are uh photo aoto which means that they depend on the sun in order for photosynthesis to occur humans we're actually considered heterotrophs meaning that we depend on the release of oxygen from Plants to provide our necessary energy so never say that essential oils are the lifeblood of plants they just they're they're just not they don't work like that they actually could be considered I think another way to say it is that they're considered like the maybe like the life sweat of plants I know that's not as romantic to say um but even then there's some issues with saying they're the life sweat so that they're not the lifeblood of plants they're actually the secondary metabolites of plants they're still really important though to the plants and we're going to talk about the reasons why essential oils are so beneficial to plants in a second uh this is a great qu I think I shared this last week as well but again there's virtually no people known to anthropology however remote isolated or primitive in which some form of doctorine with plants was not practiced so kind of going into a little bit of the history of plant medicine before we learn about what you know what you know essential oils do within the plant so there's lots of different examples of plant medicine so this is one eucalyptol so eucalyptol is one of the three essential oil components that make up V vix Vapor R um other components within it our camper from rosemary um also from the camper tree as well as Menthol from peppermint you know a few years ago I think it was like five years ago I was I said something on Instagram and someone commented on one of my posts I always think of this and I use the example all the time and I remember him saying I remember it was a man but I remember him saying that I would take my aspirin any day every single day than using something from a plant and it always just it always just makes me like laugh still five years later isn't something is crazy how one thing from five years ago still like impacts you today um the reason being is because aspirin is made from a plant it is actually derived from the willow tree so many people are using plant medicine or um medicine is derived from Plants without knowing it um it just is always interesting because you'll come across so many people in your practice that are completely against oils and um using plant-based medicine when a lot of medicines on the market today are plant drived it's actually estimated that um there's over 20% of modern-day medicine depends on Plants I shared this on the online platform as well oh I know I just saw your comment so funny there's this list on the online platform so this is just um for your own knowledge I just love pouring as much as I as much as I know and have to all of you but this just goes over all the modern Dair medications that are derived from plants and what they do um and a lot of these are so eye opening to people like a lot of people have no idea that like morphine is derived from the Opium po poppy plant and caffeine is um derived from a plant and camper which is you know found in vix vapor Reb is derived from the camper tree um so many examples de joen for example comes from the um Fox Glove plant toox is really important for our cardiac health um helps a lot of patients struggling with cardiac issues is there a question yeah sorry Holly is um did you say this is on the online platform because it might I think it it will be under the live streaming class so when I post live streaming class later um today I think I have it in there so if you haven't seen it yet you will see it so sorry I made sure it's on there but I may have plugged it in on underneath what things that I've shared today in class really really really interesting really interesting yeah it's fun to look at and it's just it's interesting to look at too like all the different medications so this is over a list of over a hundred different medications that are plant derived which is really cool so these these medications are either you know completely made made from Plants you know steroids are made well steroids isn't a good example but going off of steroids steroids are derived from yams um and they're um produced with a chemical within the lab so some of these will be added to another chemical some of them will be synthetically um reproduced to match the plant um there's so much modern day medicine that is DED from plants so looking at this list and thinking about back to what that comment that person commented me years ago like why wouldn't essential oils work like why wouldn't they um it just it baffles me today so anyways gonna get back to the PowerPoint here lots of tangents today I'm sorry you guys so again just in today's modern world there's 80% of the world's population still depends on medicinal plants for their Primary Health and there's over a 100 active ingredients derived from plants for use of medicine so this makes up approximately 20% of modern day drugs so morphine Codine atropine Menthol dexin steroids aspirin there's so many kind of like I shared in that list now we're going to kind of go over the biological role of essential oils within plants and kind of what do they actually do within plants so now we know they're secondary metabolites but what what exactly do they do for plants so the purpose of essential oils within plants are like four main ones so one is to attract pollinators and dispersal agents so their Aromas will attract bees and pollinators themselves it helps them to pollinate and disperse the seed for survival of the species if you've ever worn lavender and got outside you may notice that sometimes the bees are more attracted to you this a just prime example of how um how essential oils and the Roma attracts pollinators alop ay so this is a form of a type-o type uh plant-to-plant composition so this happens when scarse resources when there's scarse resources to deter competing growth so a will typically release chemicals to prevent like this competing vegetation from growing within its area or Zone this is always usually when the resources are scarse such as the desert so for example the Salvia species within California Salvia everywhere in California and this is its way of saying hey like it's really warm here there's not enough resources so it's communicating to other plants like like don't grow ha basically essential oils will also work um serve as defense compounds to deter insects and other um other compounds so example is the Douglas fur so the Douglas fur tree actually releases tpes to defend against the spruce bug worm and it actually what's interesting is it can change its composition every single year to deter immunity of the budworm which is just so incredible I think this is also kind of one of the reasons why someone asked this as well do we become immune to essential oils do we become tolerant with time to essential oils and there's no research to show that we become tolerant with time to essential oils like um and one of the reasons is because I think each essential oils has a slightly different range of constituents right as we're learning about these essential oils and we we're talking about the monographs a lot of the Cent oils will have this big range they won't all be exactly the same right they'll categorize within the range from their gcms report so not every Lavender is going to have exactly 20% line a within it right there's always a different range unless of course you purchase a lavender that is um created to have a specific percentage which you can get like lavender I know it's more common like in Europe I've seen like lavender 40 60 and that just means as exactly you know 40% lineol and 60% lineol acetate or whatnot and some companies will do this especially for like perfumery if you're trying to make the exact um exact scent that you made in the past but for the most part we're not using the the same essential oil with the same range of it always has a range of constituents um and this might play a role in why we don't typically become tolerant with time we can however develop like delayed hypers sensitivities which we're going to talk about next week by overusing essential oils but for the most part like if you're using lavender every night to sleep it's not like the body becomes immune to using lavender like eventually it stops working it just hasn't been shown in research to do that if however like you don't feel like you're experiencing the same benefits that you used to experience with essential oil then just switch it up like I'm a huge proponent a huge advocate for rotating your essential oil use and making sure that you're using different essential oils from time to time not only does this prevent you know delayed hyper sensitivities and irritation but also you get to experience different essential oils you may be pleasantly surprised um by the benefits of another essential oil there are so many that have um very similar therapeutic actions you know there's 20 essential oils that can be supportive for sleep for example so trying to use some of the other essential oils to help support as well and then come back come back maybe to Lavender in a couple weeks um I love kind of like going going with my cravings for essential oils maybe one one month I'm really in love with juniper for example the next month I really love sweet orange like I love to kind of um work with my body and my Aroma Cravings because I think our bodies tell us what we need and we'll be talking about this this C this more um during the sensus smell unit but again there's not really um research to show that we become tolerant with time also essential oils work to protect the plant from fungus and bacteria that could threaten its survival so some plants for example like Yaro they'll contain cesa tpin um which are really um which makes it really rare to find pest on Yaro um this is due to just its really strong antimicrobial role that it plays within the plant I think it we use essential oils in a lot of the similar ways to this list like as I'm looking at this list like we'll use scents to attract maybe not pollinators but maybe um others around us or to sent ourselves to smell better we might not experience alop passy but we do use essential oils to protect ourselves from fungus and bacteria we use them a lot and cleaning cleaning products and supplies um some people will make you know immunity rollers or diffuse maybe like eucalyptus during like six season in the air um has been shown to decrease Airborne microbials so if you have your Rosemary and your your Mandarin or orange or lemon and your Ginger handy this is kind of where we'll be learning a little bit more about the secretory structures within plants and how essential oils actually store um are stored within plants so there's two areas where plants store essential oils one is the external secretary structures which are found on the surface of the plant the outside of the plant and the other is the internal secretary structure these are found with in the plant material so external secretary structures in plants are called glandular glandular tricomes if you have your Rosemary sprig or maybe I also took some Sage from my garden oh my gosh smells so good U maybe you have a spring of lavender or maybe a rose um uh a time trying to think of some other examples anything um these all kind of are external secretary structures this is where the essential oils are found so if you have your spr of lavender the essential oils are actually stored on the surface of the plant this is why like if I Smell My Rosemary like you can smell it it's very potent it's very aromatic if I rub my fingers on the rosemary leaves and then smell my fingers like those essential oils are then transferred from the external part external secretary structures to my fingers if I try to do this with my orange for example this is a mandarin actually and I try to smell on the outside like I can't smell anything if I try to do it with my Ginger like I can't smell Ginger I can't smell it at all like you just can't it's not the same as the Rosemary or my sage the sage is the same oh my gosh smells so good fresh herb smells so good there's so many examples where essential oils are found in the external secretary structure so uh basil lavender margarine Melissa oregano peppermint Rosemary a lot of florals will be the external secretary structures as well this is why we tend to smell flowers a lot this is how we can smell flowers and how they have this pleasant scent to them it's because those essential oils those aromatics are located in the external secretary structures so internal secretary structures these are also known as secretary cavities and ducks so these are secretary cavities of ducts that consist of large intercellular spaces that are formed by separation of the walls or the neighboring cells or the disintegration of cells so basically what this means is that the essential oil will be located within the plant if I take my orange and smell it like this now all I can smell is Rosemary from my fingers but I can't you can't barely smell anything right by smelling it like this if I was to peel my orange orange a different one I'm going to eat this one today and I take the Rind off like yeah I can start to smell it the external or the internal secretary structures if you take the Rind of your orange and like squeeze it squeeze it really hard and you kind of like hold it up to your eye you'll be able to see it like like kind of pop out like a little Mist will immerse from that orange if I smell that rind now I smell that orange oh my gosh it smells so good but these internal secretary structures the essential oils are stored within that plant within that fruit there's actually um this made me laugh last year oh what's that guy's name he's from Dawson's Creek the show uh James vanderbach he did this reel that like went viral and it made me laugh so much um and he was talking about his daughter he was giving parental advice about his daughter and said that when she's really upset he will give her an orange to peel and she immediately it just transforms her mood and he was talking about how the Orange is so good for that because it tastes so good and all that and I was laughing because I was like no like you have it wrong that's not what's doing it it says essential oils it's the aroma of it as she's peeling it like she's smelling that and that immediately is making her like shift that mood and her energy like even as I smile my orange right now like it's really hard for me not to smile and smell it because it just just smells so good of course if you have a negative memory SC association with the smell of oranges it may be different for you um but general for the general public they really enjoy the smell of an orange um but his real made me laugh there's actually a Tik Tock challenge going around a couple years ago too where people were saying like if you are in a bad mood just go in the shower with an orange which just makes me laugh trying to picture all these people going into the shower with their orange and peel the peel the orange and smell it or not smell peel the orange and eat it and it' be sure to uplift and change your mood and all these people are saying oh my gosh it worked so well I was so down or I was so upset and I went in the shower and ate my orange and it it transformed my mood and the same exact thing you know you're peeling the orange those that that Aroma is then being released in the shower it's even more pronounced because then you have the Heat and the steam of the shower similar to like steam inhalation so you really are getting this pronounced Aroma around you as you're in the shower which can change mood so I just think it's interesting anyways um internal secretary structures these are found a lot um with the they're common in the citrus family so bergamont sweet orange Tangerine lemon lime these are like the secretory cavities sometimes these um cavities will be elongated so for example like tea tree or eucalypt Yus or frankincense kind of just a longer elongated um ducks are found within the leaves sometimes they'll be within flower buds for example the clove bud so here's just some more examples of secretary duck and the Botanical families so we have the appac family so Angelica Caraway carrot seed Dill the asteri family like even Dill for example if you go Dill in your garden if you just smell Dill like you can kind of smell it a little bit but if you kind of like rub it in your hands and break up some of that duct like whoa that Aroma is so much more pronounced as well as um there's some essential oils within the pine pine and AC family like Pine Spruce Cedar if you chop some of these up that's kind of where you start smelling these essential oils even more pronounced and then we have secretory cells so cells are um slightly different these are found within the plant tissue so a lot of them from the Zinger Zinger AC family such as Ginger Ginger is fun within them so if I have my Ginger bulb here and I smell it from the outside can't I can't smell it if I'm to break off a piece of it then now I can start smelling Ginger right like now those it's found within those internal secretory cells but it's because it's the cells that it becomes more pronounced the more that we break up those cells so a lot of people will you know chop Ginger and then put it in their tea or um recipes gosh it reminds me of like Thai food right now that smells so good there there come the memories and associations that you smell things um but this is the reason why we'll grind it into a powder or we'll chop it up um because so much more of its Aroma than is released so they are found in the internal secretory cells so you also find this in nutmeg is another one that has internal secretary cells so just kind of a review we have the Rosemary um which is the external secretary structures it's one on the outside if you you know touch your Rosemary or your maram or thyme or Sage for example you can smell it immediately so the essential oils are located on that the external part then we have internal secretary structures so such as the orange a lot of the um Citrus families um you'll have the internal secretory cavities which is the orange and then the internal secretory cells which would be your ginger as you start chopping it up think go cells is like more minute the more of that Aroma comes out as you chop it feel like this would be a really good blend together the Rosemary orange and ginger that would smell really good to yeah that smells really good now okay so how do we make essential oils I'm just going to glance at the chat ha see if I've missed I grew up around a lot of orange and citrus chees yes I love that I bet you really lean into the Citrus oils like if you're feeling down then you know um research has shown that Aromas that soothed us as children continue to just alleviate anxiety for the duration of our life which is really interesting we really established these really strong memory sent asso B before the um age of 10 years old yeah basil too is another great one great question um Penny asked would the rainfall days of sunshine and temperatures make a difference in each crop absolutely absolutely so the Kel constituents are impacted by so many different things but especially um weather can play a huge role climate can play a huge role this is why you'll see different varieties of some essential oils um that are grown in different regions um because they can differ drastically in their um chemical constituents I mean there's been studies showing that if you harvest time during during a certain time of the year that it's higher in thol um than other times of the year um I think it's Melissa lemon balm there was another study that I read that showed that if you harvest lemon balm Melissa also known as Melissa essential oil at 5:00 pm versus any other time of the day that it has a higher constituent has two higher constituents um mine and I think jelal are higher at that time of day of harvest versus any other time of day which is so interesting yeah there's so much it's such like a a beautiful Art and Science to creating essential oils all right so how do we create essential oils now how many of you have been to a Distillery or seen essential oils distilled I always like hearing that you know I want to just really encourage you if you haven't been to a Distillery um go to one there's so many local ones all over the world and they and just say I'm an aroma therapy student and I love to just watch or help um a lot of those like smaller farms and distilleries just love to have people around to help and learn um I've been to so many distilleries just like locally and it it's always just an amazing um process so much fun so what exactly are essential oils I know most of us know but we're kind of kind of go over like really what that definition means um because a lot of companies will have a brown bottle and just say oh it's essential oil when really what is inside is not an essential oil so we really need to just understand fully like what is an essential oil so essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic extracts that are distilled or expressed from a variety of plant matter so this could be from the flowers the flowering tops the fruits the leaves needles Twigs Risin seeds Woods basically any part of the plant can be made into an essential oil depending on what part of the plant used can differ in its aromatic chemistry um for example we've kind of talked briefly about how the bitter orange tree you know if we're um harvesting the the fruit that creates bitter orange essential oil where harvesting the leaves of the bitter orange tree it creates petite grain if we're harvesting the flowers of the bitter orange tree that creates naroli essential oil so the standard definition of essential oil is a product that may is made by either water or steam distillation or the mechanical processing of citrus rins so I'll kind of um we'll go go over kind of what these mean next there's two main methods distillation which produces essential oils and hydrosols and expression this produces Citrus oils which are also known also called essential so distillation so I know a lot of people will say you know essential oils were used back in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and you know it's not likely that in ancient green and ancient real that they were using essential oils because what we know about the definition of essential oils is that they either steamed distilled or cold pressed right so it's likely that in ancient Greece and Rome they were using like herbal infused oils meaning you know adding that plant to an oil and then infusing it for a period of time it doesn't mean that they were still not beneficial or whatnot um but just kind of clearing the air on that distillation has been known for five 5,000 years and Beyond um throughout the Middle Ages and Beyond it was known to prepare floral Waters and distilled aromatic Waters that were used in perfumes digestive tonics and cooking and treading so as far as creating essential oils the first step is always prep preparing the plant material so you know since the essence is stored within a variety of locations you know we learned just previously about you know the external and internal secratary structures so sometimes it's necessary to you know Crush open cut maybe chop the plant material to release that Essence for distillation you know Woods seeds sometimes are cut or crushed this is why um I know some of you may have been um like a tree farm and seing tree essential oils being um distilled and and they'll chop the entire tree prior to distillation um Sandalwood is another great example of that that the entire tree will be chopped very finely prior to distillation it's also really important to distill immediately after the plant material has been prepared and this really impacts its total yield and composition and Aroma as well so it's really important for me if I'm looking at essential oil company that they're not like moving the plant matter after it's been prepared to another site um not shipping that plant material like all across the country then to be distilled um a lot of distilleries will you know have that still right on site the same place that they actually harvest the plant material because they don't want it to affect the total yield composition or Roma as far as distillation there's really like three types of distillation so water distillation this is when the plant material comes in direct contact with the water this is more common with flowers as the steam can cause the flowers to kind of Clump together there's water and steam so the water remains below the plant and the steams introduced from the outside and then the steam distillation is the most common so steam is injected into the still at higher pressures and temperature above the above um higher than the other two methods this is just kind of an example of steam distillation the during distillation so the plant material is placed on a grid inside of the still and they will introduce then the heat source and the water and steam will work together they kind of break up that plant material and remove its volatile comp compounds this is just all the little dots is basically essential oils the volatile compounds are those essential oils so they're kind of floating in the air um each compound we'll learn about this during the chemistry unit but each compound has a different boiling point so some may release earlier than others this is why it's important to do like a complete distillation if you're creating an essential oil like some essential oils will take a you know a lot longer to distill than others for example Cyprus can take almost 24 hours to get the full compounds the full essential oil um if you distill it maybe for only an hour that essential oil is going to look a lot different than what you envisioned for Cypress while other essential oils such as lavender can only take usually two hours to distill when I was in Kona a couple years ago I was at the sandalwood reforestation project and we were talking um to one of the owner sends there about it and I was like so Sandalwood takes about 24 hours to distill and I said well do you guys just like stay here all night then like how does that work because they have to like watch the boiling points and make sure they don't get over and they want you know to be within the certain range to um create this amazing essential oil so they're really watching those boiling points um every you know 15 minutes to 30 minutes and he said yeah we just camp out we just have kind of like a party that night for those 24 hours and just it's a a distillation party we' love it I'm like oh my gosh that would be a really fun job I would love that so anyways after those um volatile compounds start to rise they rise into this connecting pipe and this connecting pipe um leads to a condenser and the condenser rooll is just to like cool that Vapor down so it slowly starts cooling it down into like this liquid form so at the bottom um of the condenser then you'll start to have a liquid forming and some of the liquid W will be hydrol and some of it will be essential oil because again you know essential oils in that water-based component do not mix you'll 99% of the time you will see the essential oil floating on top of the hydrol so they actually use a separating um pipe then to separate the hydrol and the essential oil so you'll end up with both which is pretty neat so here's just some pictures that I've gathered different distilleries this is actually I can't remember all of them um this is at the reforestation project they always have a Distillery dog if you've ever been to wineries I feel like every Winery has a a winery dog but I feel like every Distillery has a Distillery dog and I just love dogs so much that I always find myself like hanging out with them um but this is actually them they chopped down the sandalwood prior to um distillation these are all the collecting chambers that they put on the grids um this is like an end product of distillation I believe this might be a Young Living Farm um but they have the essential oil again this is showing you the example of how the essential oil will be floating on top of the hydrol and then on the right that's me smelling Sandalwood essential oil and trying not to sneeze in it because goodness like if you know expensive Sandalwood is um just looking at this this is like oh probably like a hundred th000 maybe not quite a like $50,000 right here it's like so expensive um pretty amazing though uh actually I'm gonna stop the PowerPoint for a minute and show you some examples of steam distillation in a video um because I think it's just sometimes helpful if you've never been to a um Distillery to see it in person this is only just a couple minute video uh here so the first video I have is kind of it's a little bit older um video but I actually appreciate it because the process really hasn't changed very much since this um but I'll show you a more modern video after this as well the beauty of the English Countryside Rivals that of almost any spot in the world but when we say English we tend to forget that each county has its own distinctive Beauty one of the least praised is nor and yet here we have perhaps the loveliest and certainly the most fragrant landscape of all the lav the [Music] fields the lavender Harvest has become a traditionally British scene going right back to the days of the Romans who first brought the plant to this country to perfume the water at their communal bars gradually the plant adapted itself to the new more temperate climate and developed the distinctive fragrance that has become associated with English lavender today extensive research has produced various hybrid lavenders which differ in habit scent and color ranging from delicate blue to deep [Music] purple lavender girls are part of our tradition and yet these days we seldom see lavender being sold most of it is used in the manufacturer of perfume and toilet accessories and the first stage is the distillation of the pure lavender oil [Music] these Stills each hold approximately a qu of a ton of the Bloom from which can be obtained 30 to 40 ounces of pure oil which is used as the base for [Music] perfume the distilling process is quite simple very briefly when the lid has been closed down steam is introduced Under Pressure to permeate the bloom and carry off the oil in the form of vapor a condenser then reduces both the Steam and oil Vapor back into liquid form and finally the water and oil are separated and the oil drawn up in the Middle Ages lavender was not only used as a perfume but medically for the relief of headache during the Great Plague as a disinfectant and even as a protection against witches and evil spirits today its powers are somewhat limited but undoubtedly its beauty and its haunting fragrance are still [Music] incomparable I love that video I know it's like older but it's still um it kind of gives you a good I view I I feel like I've looked at other videos I'm like ah I feel like it doesn't show you quite the Hydra all in the essential oil I do have another um video I'm going to show you that is a little bit more um modern the video is like playing in my ear I don't know if it was playing for you guys but I was like what the heck is going on I can hear that music still going okay so this is another video and this is just a reel that I shared um last year from distillation from a local company to me but I'm gonna play this twice just because it is such a short one but it kind of is more of a smaller scale and this would maybe be for some of you that are interested in getting your own still and getting a copper still and Distilling your own plants maybe someday this is kind of what it would look like for you and what you would purchase just share it here [Music] this R it's going to take us back now [Music] GNA play it one more [Music] time this Ro it's going to take us back now [Music] kind of a fun short video kind of showing you a little bit more of um like a smaller scale distillation um I know there's always some questions about hydrosols and we're gonna be talking about hydrosols a lot throughout this course so especially if you've never really used hydro cells before this class you may be like what exactly is that Hydro Cell so as you saw on both of the videos that when we steam dis still a plant matter it produces both a hydrol which is the waterbased component and the essential oil and hydr cells are really that that co-product of that distillation they contain a small percentage of water soluble components of essential oil so they'll contain um alcohols aldah ketones some oxides this will all make more sense when we get into the chemistry unit they will not contain though the lipophilic so the the lipid loving the oil loving components of that that oil so they won't contain you know the monot Turpin or the sasquat Turpin um so they might smell some of them will smell dramatically some of that might smell not not quite as dramatic um as their partner essential oil and this is because they'll have you know not only a lower quantity of these essential oil constituents um but also they might not have all of those constituents as essential oil so like last week we had our you know lavender essential oil and we had our lavender hydrol like I really wanted encourage you just to smell both um I feel like lavender in particular the hydrol does smell very similar to it um but some some hydrosols will smell dramatically different than the essential oil because of this um so just kind of a word about hydrosols we actually I put on the online platform as well um this week a guide that Jade made all about Hydro sols um um and it's just like a little ebook that Jade from the school fomic studies made if you want to learn more about hydrosols and we'll be talking about them even more in this class but this is kind of a good kind of like starting point about how to use them um different ways to use them and baths and foot baths and lotions and gels I I love Hydro cells I use them all the time um as well as the most common hydro sols and what they're beneficial for is at the end so this is kind of for your own um reference Holly how do they actually separate the hydrol from the um essential oil like in that huge jar so how do they get those so they have something called a separating pipe that I'm not exactly sure how the separating pipe Works um that'd be a good question for a distiller but yeah they have a a separating pipe that just automatically does it so they hook it up um I think on oh that the last one on the jar but the other video the first one that was like the older video it did show that pipe how it was splitting out in two um and it just automatically separates the both and it has to do with like the the the weight of each yeah it's pretty cool thank you you're welcome good question oh a rose Distillery that sounds amazing oh it smell awful when distilled well there you go yeah it's interesting May smell differently when things are distilled as well yeah just I really want to encourage everyone to go watch essential oils being distilled there's so many local places um on smaller scales I would love to have you that Copper Still is just for like more like smaller scale right like these industrial places they have like bigger Machinery right yeah oh yeah yeah like the bigger yes for sure they'll have bigger Machinery um some essential oils like for example um like pachuli tend we tend to use a copper still um because it can impact the constituents of Puli and it just works really better for Puli when we talk about Puli we'll be talking about that um um yeah for the most part they have like the bigger the bigger Stills for the large large mass production of essential oils we could still get quite a bit from the small scale Stills as well all right I'm going to continue on we're going to learn about expression next year so expression is another another way that we can produce essential oils so expression is also referred to as cold pressing sometimes I'll hear it referred to as expelling I feel like um the more common term is called like cold pressing or expressing so it's all kind of the same expelling expressing cold pressing that's all that same known as expression so this is a method of extraction that is um very specific to Citrus essential oils such as Tangerine lemon bergamont sweet orange and lime so it involves a process that basically they'll take I'll show you a video of this next as well um but they um prick um basically the rinds they'll put this like on a machine that kind of Pricks the rinds remember like how I like squeezed it really hard and you can start seeing that essential oil Mist coming out of that orange um but basically they'll place it on a container that has spikes they puncture the peel which then releases the essential oil um which is then collected into an area below the container um and then they use like a cent fuge force that separates the majority of the essential oil from the juice so actually before I talk about Express versus distl I'm going show you a video on this this one's not like old like the other one this is more of a um mass production scale where they will make the central the essential oil as well as the juice [Music] f feel like it keeps circula it's going like hypnotize but that's basically how a cold expression Works um on a larger scale um any questions about those too so for citruses and oils you can also distill them um some companies will sell both expressed and distilled Citrus essential oils from the same species um a lot of companies though won't even sell distilled Citrus essential oils because they tend to deteriorate more quickly um they oxidize really quickly uh they're considered more unstable than expressed essential oils so if it's distilled you'll see on the bottle it'll say like orange distilled essential oil if it doesn't say you know distill or it doesn't say expressed you can always assume that it is expressed essential oil because a lot of companies don't make that distilled Citrus essential oils um some companies will also this is kind of a note to be aware of I don't see this very often but I have seen it in the past that some companies will call a distilled Citrus oil and Essence and expressed essential oil um an expressed in essential oil so for example like sweet orange Essence would mean it's distilled and sweet orange essential oil means it's expressed it's pretty rare though that I see that so why would companies want to distill then Citrus essential oils if they do deteriorate really quickly um one reason is because those essential oils that are often distilled do not have photosensitive reactions when applied to the skin so we will learn about this in two weeks more but this is just kind of a introduction to it um some essential oils contain specific chemical constituents known as FOC cumerin and essential oils that contain fumin when we apply them to our skin will cause a photosensitive reaction so we may have like redness or um hives irritation um we might experience like a burn like sensation when exposed to UV light so it doesn't always happen if you just apply it to the skin and you're in the office all day but if you're then exposed to UV light this is where you'll see that reaction and this can happen with a lot of fruits like if you're making um like margaritas on the beach and you're you know squeezing the lime into your Margarita it's been known that this has caused something called Margarita hands like go and Google Margarita hands and you'll see all these people that have this reaction of um basically you know that juice and the CIT the essential oil within that rind being applied to the skin and then being in the sun all day so they'll develop a rash or redness or irritation so if we distill essential oils some of them then will not contain this chemical constituent the ferin that cause this reaction so for example lemon which is distilled is non-phototoxic lime um grapefruit is considered low uh blood orange as well as um well Mandarin is just non phototoxic in general but we'll talk about that in a couple weeks um so this is the reason why um for the most part I just always assume that all uh Citrus essential oils are expressed um and they do have that risk of photosensitivity not all citrus essential oils though do contain this component like we'll be learning about Orange um in a couple weeks as well as Mandarin these are two essential oils that don't contain fumin bergamont is another example we'll be learning about bergamont the last week at this class um bergamont is one of the highest known phototoxic essential oils out there that we commonly use I mean there's some others that are common um that are really phototoxic but we don't use them as much um bergamont though we can actually create a fumin free bergamont by expressing it and basically what distillers will do is they'll be able to mark the different boiling points of those different chemical con constituents and they'll be basically be able to like boil off the fumin so they can create this bergamont that is not photosensitive so if you're purchasing um a fumin free bergamont you'll see on the bottle it'll say bergamont and then FCF which which stands for fumin free um sometimes companies will use this in Blends like especially for like young children um they'll mark on the back you'll see bergamont FCF which just means fumar and free which means that you can apply that and not be risked um for a photosensitive reaction when you're in the sun um some companies will sell actual just bergamont fumin free as well um I think Flor Hana sells a fumin free Bergamot but we'll be talking about all that in a couple weeks kind of like to like say things a couple times to help you kind of like connect the dots and um really start to like form kind of these associations be like I kind of heard this before and you're repeating it again but that's okay because that that helps us retain it longer so absolutes and CO2 extracts has anyone worked with these in the past so maybe you've been like okay I've kind of heard what an absolute is I've kind of heard about CO2 extracts like what are these are these the same as essential oils um hopefully this section kind of answers those questions so what's the main difference between an absolute and essential oil so the main difference is just how they are produced so you know essential oils are extracted through Steam distillation and cold pressing right and absolute though is different because it extra is extracted using a solvent so they'll add a solvent such as methanol ethanol hexine or petroleum to draw out those chemical compounds from the plant so other methods that are used to produce airac um products are enlage so enlage is um well I'll be talking about that next um salvin extraction as well as Co extraction so I'll kind of briefly talk about each of these so INF forage you will never you you'll never see a enrage out there um if you do please get one for me I know Jade she saw one like the last time I saw urage was like 20 years ago in Europe and she's like I wish I would have gotten it it was Jasmine INF forage and I wish I would have um but it's pretty rare to see infes on the market today they occurred um long before modern method of solvent extraction so um they're very labor intensive they're really rare to find so they will use a um cold fat extraction um on based on a principle that fat possesses like higher power of absorption um it's really common for like flowers that give off an aroma after harvest pretty rare that you'll find an INF forage solvent extraction is much more common to find so solvent extraction is typically used for really delicate flowers that are challenging to steam distill so Jasmine Carnation vanilla caco um this is why you never see a cof coffee essential oil because it's really difficult to steam distill like the Coffee Bean so you may see like a a coffee absolute or a coffee CO2 extract or um even vanilla is another great example you'll never see vanilla essential oil because you just can't create vanilla essential oil you can't steam distill you can't cold press vanilla um due to the nature of that vanilla bean it's just not possible so what they do is they'll use a solvent such as ethanol alcohol or hexane and this extracts that odor or odoriferous material from the plant and this actually creates a really thick extract known as a concrete and the concrete is so thick that we we just can't work with it um as a Aroma therapist it's just it's like literally like concrete you just can't work with it so they will then mix that with alcohol which results in the absolute so absolutes are generally used in perfumery but they really started to gain po it um in aroma therapy they tend to have very strong Aromas that resemble the natural Aroma of the plant more so than essential oils they really have this this more like profound impact on the psyche like if you are um maybe you really want to use like rose essential oil but rose essential oil is is it's pricey it's really expensive and you want to use rose absolute instead um has a really strong aroma so knowing that you want to use even less of it than you would the essential oil just due to just its extreme potency um I have been seeing absolutes uh becoming really popular with use in like equin therapy with horses um because they have such a strong Aroma um especially I feel like in Europe it's very common to see um aromatherapy being used with horses in particular the use of absolutes so I have a quick question with that example you gave with the rose because I actually have a rose absolute and you know just like one I got on Amazon it was definitely not like a $100 you know essential oil bottle like because I know like as you mentioned Rose could be really expensive but so I'm trying to understand you know why would it be so much less in cost like is it do they just use less um roses or yeah yeah so it's a different way for them to extract those chemical constituents so it doesn't take quite as much um plant material as it would um the actual like rose essential oil um and even to steam distilling rose essential oil like those rose petals like really kind of get to Clump together like when you're steam distilling it so it doesn't create as much yield which is why they like to use a solvent extraction um you can also use that Rose absolute like in the same way that you would use like you know the essential oil um but just know because it is so potent and Powerful that Aroma may be maybe be really strong so you'll want to use less of it in a blend um which is why they're very commonly used in perfumery uh I do know a friend that used actually I think she used a Jasmine CO2 extract but she used it in her bath and she was like oh my gosh I only used two drops and I had to get out because it was just so strong we're going to learn about CO2 extracts but CO2 extracts very similar in a way that they can be really really strong so we want to use less of them which is kind of nice in a way um because we can be more frugal with um the uses that we're um making them in products or whatnot so kind of talking about CO2 extracts so CO2 extracts are much more complicated um I think I I'm going to share a video not I think we're getting kind of oh yeah it's 12:30 um a little short on time but do put I'll put a video online that you guys can watch about CO2 oxrs they are becoming more popular um but they are um a little bit more complicated than than creating like an essential oil or even creating a absolute um but basically they will use carbon dioxide Under Pressure to turn um gas to liquid that is and then they then use that as a solvent and that solvent is used in the plant material to extract the aromatic compounds so CO2 extracts contain the same constituents as essential oils but also contain some elements not found in essential oils um a great example of this is frankincense so frankincense essential oil does not contain bosic acid you may have heard of bosic acids in over the last couple years I feel like they're like the big top the big grave um you may have even heard like herbalist talk about it um but but soic Aid acid has been known to um really play a huge role in the immune system to have an effect on cancer cells there's a lot of really exciting research on bosic acid um frankincense essential oil does not contain bosic acids uh the reason being is because when frankincense is steam distilled uh bosic acid is just too heavy of a molecule to be carried over through Steam distillation um this doesn't mean that frankincense essential oil is not a great essential oil it still is it's still an amazing essential oil it still is really monot turpine rich it's still been shown to support the skin and calm the nervous system and help with pain and inflammation um but it doesn't contain bosic acid so if you're looking for you know the balic acids based upon you know the research that you've heard and want to use it to help support the body you may want to look into a CO2 extract some of the frankinstein CO2 extracts can contain up to 60% balic acid within them which is really cool so just kind of another way of just um gaining these plant constituents so CO2 extracts Also may become more popular as they use you know they don't use as much water as um like a water steam distillation does and it also results in less waste of the plant material and we can still use many of the CO2 extracts in the same way as essential oils um just know though some of them can be very very thick for example like German chamomile CO2 extract um it's just it's just really thick alone so some companies will dilute them down to make them workable for us as Aroma therapist so so you see a company selling a CO2 extract and on the ingredients you see um maybe it contains some type of carrier oil or whatnot on it and that's just their way of like making it easier for us to use it um if you do have a CO2 extract and it's really really thick you can always kind of warm it up a little bit prior to use so you could um similar to like warming up a a baby bottle but putting it in you know a warm glass of water um for a couple minutes maybe holding on to it putting in your pocket for a couple minutes to have your body heat warm it up or just you know put it in your bra or whatnot have it close to your body to help allow it to kind of warm up to be able to work with it so there's two types of CO2 extracts they total extracts and select extracts so total extracts contain all of the CO2 extracted components they're very thick and then select extracts contain mostly essential oil components and they're not as thick or viscous as total extracts so some benefits and also some negatives pros and cons of CO2 extract so benefits they use less water which results in less waste of the plant material they smell really similar to the plant Aroma and negatives are that they have a potential for pesticide residual and extraction therefore um if you're purchasing CO2 extract to really be intentional about purchasing organic they can also be really thick to use if you're interested in learning more about CO2 extracts um the school forx studies does have a whole course maybe not a course I think a class all about CO2 extracts um and all of you have access to um any of the courses that the school offers for 25% off this is just kind of an ending quote from Kurt schnellbach who is just a wellknown um he's a chemist he's written um several books I know he's written um trying to find some of his books he's written the healing intelligence of essential oils going to see what else I own of his um just really knowledgeable um leader and Pioneer in essential oils so he says that genuine and authentic essential oils from plants are necessary conditions of holistic aroma therapy they're fundamentally different from the industrial seminatural oils which are commonly offered on the market as semi-natural and synthetic oils are materially different from authentic oils it is logical that their psychological effects are also different most importantly authentic oils are much less allergenic and irritant than their industrial counterparts so you know as we'll learn next week too we'll talk about what to look for when you're purchasing essential oil um but any company can put liquid in a bottle a brown bottle and label it an essential oil even if it's not actually essential o even if it's not pure even if it's adulterated um so knowing this we want as a rapist we really want to use the most pure essential oils out there because those help support the body the most with less harmful side effects a lot of synthetic oils can cause you know skin irritation or redness or rash um headaches a lot of sensitivities any questions actually wanted to show you real quick too um if you're really interested in essential oil research I'm going to show you the database that I like to use um put it up here because I was just talking about um bosic acid so sometimes even on that like um sorry let me share my screen so for example when I shared like that tree the information about the trees and how they impact our health and wellbeing um and I shared the resource on here and you may see me share like this on Instagram or whatnot but I'll write pmid and then this weird number on here if you've always been curious about what that means is this stands for PubMed ID so identification so if I take this number I can actually copy it and um plug it into PubMed so if you go to the website um pubmed.gov this is just a just a well-known resource for you to look up re uh research articles so um it's composed of over 37 million citations for biomedical literature so you can actually take that number and plug it in here and it'll bring up that um that study that I was referring to and you can kind of read about that study sometimes you'll have to click on the DOI number to view the whole study um if there's only an abstract shown or whatnot or you'll be able to search for it if there's ever a study that you really want want to read that like read the full study without just having access to the abstract and you don't notice that you have access to it like I'm not sure if this one has access or not we'll see looks like it yeah looks like you have full access to this St um if you're ever like you can't find it or you want access so you don't want to have to pay for it just message me because I have access to almost every Journal um I just am a research lover so um because of my work in hospitals or whatnot I usually have access to most um research journals so I'll be able to hopefully be able to help you find um a spec specific study that you want to learn about so you can always use me as a resource but kind of going back to this um so PubMed like you can type in essential oil on here and see all the different studies that pop up um so 36,000 results pop up you can kind of filter out this to you know randomized control trials to studies just on humans um you can um very now it's sorted by most recent So it's talking about anxiety among ICU nurses like today we're learning about Roman chamomile you could type in Roman chamomile and see what studies come up you could type in romanum male essential oils and see what studies come up um this is just kind of a great resource for you if you're inter interested in learning more about research um you can see what the latest is I tend to really watch PubMed like a hawk when it comes to aromatherapy um like weekly I will check to see what the new studies are but if I type in Roma theapy they'll tell me like what the what the latest studies were um for the week and what they were about and you can kind of read more about them just kind of a good resource for you guys so in case you ever see the pmid and you're like what what does she mean by that number on there what does that mean this is just um your way to to look it up and read the actual study that I'm referencing all right let me just see so absolutes and CO2 extracts are different um if it is an absolute it will say Jasmine absolute if it is a CO2 extract it will say Jasmine CO2 extract I'm not sure if the UK has something like pmet but I mean you I mean you could filter it to your part of the world and see as well if um studies what studies have been released there yeah it's just a general website other websites I like for research are um sciencedirect.com um the Journal of essential oil research is also really amazing um but you have to pay for the articles there which I know everything costs these days um those are the two main ones I actually did a whole class on essential oil research with my friend Anita who is a bioinformatic scientist and I actually um I just put it back on my on the website um because I knew I was talking about it today so you guys actually have free access to that class if you use the coupon code I think it's course student 2024 um you can add that to your cart for free and um it's a good class I think it's about two hours long but talking all about essential oil research like what to look out for um what some of the most significant research studies are up to date um Anita shares a lot she's a research scientist so she shares a lot of really good um information about it as well so if you want to know more about research that's a good a good one for you guys I just um it wasn't available until today I just put it back available because I was like oh gosh um but normally it's a closed course all right so let's learn a little bit about Roman K meal and then make a lotion and then I'll I'll see if there's any questions at the end here just a second looks like I have Clary Sage up and we're not learning about Clary Sage quite yet second Roman chimile so who likes Roman chimile who's not a huge fan of ran chamomile I like ran chamomile it took me took me a little bit to start enjoying her um just know again as a reminder that it can be really strong when you're smelling it so as you're smelling it as we're talking about it maybe just smell it lightly then kind of put the cap on um some people might tolerate just smelling it the whole time but just kind of be aware of any sensitivities that you have to really strong aromatics so it's scientific name is choman noi the L period just stands for the person who named it lias has one common name Roman chamomile it actually has two scientific names so choman noi as well as a synonym andus nois it's part of the aster AC family so again this is an angiosperm so the flowering plants other plants that are found in the Astro AC family are German chamomile looks very similar to Roman chamomile and HRM its conservation stus is its least concern so it's not threatened um I highly recommend growing it it is a beautiful plant uh it's a purific grower pollinators just love it grows well in a lot of different climates I love to just take the little flowers off and dry them and I use them in infused oils and um H sometimes scrub recipes bath recipes in my tea I make camel M tea from the flowers oh my gosh it's the best so good says country of origin is Italy France United States Hungary Chile and Germany the part of the plant used is the flowers they actually can distill the flowers and the leaves as well as both of them are very aromatic German camel mile though for example they use only the flowers German Cham m is known as um its Latin name is metac Coria re retica retica so it's essential oil is pretty good considering it's a flower so 0.6 to 2.4% and its color is um typically clear to Yellow as far as it's aromatic chemistry as we learn about chemistry in a couple weeks this will all start to make a little bit more sense but we look at really just like the main groups of chemical constituents and looking at the percentages of those chemical constituents within that group and Roman chamomile has 28 to 31 unique components that make up the majority of the essential oil the main component within Roman chamomile though is Esters so it's really rich up to 80% in Esters so is sool angulate ISO amalo angulate um I know all big words basically what this tells me though is because it's such a esterich essential oil one of the most esterich essential oils that we learn about um Ester Rich essential oils are incredibly calm me and very like [Music] soothing um they're great for um sleep supporting sleep they're great for easing um like stress and induced tension um both mental and muscular they also have great anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties so kind of knowing that tells us kind of what the therapeutic actions are kind of like I was just saying so the Bold terms are the ones that really kind of stand out and the other terms are just really kind of like supportive so if you're choosing you're making a um product for a case study maybe you'll want to have you know Roman Kim be be a core essential oil for you if you're someone is struggling with um like itchy skin so anti purative just means itchiness binary means um wound healing as analgesic properties meaning that I can relieve pain it's also great for the nervous system so it's an angiolytic meaning that it reduces anxiety nervine can calm the nervous system this is why we're smelling it at the end of the end of the class just because I don't want to make anyone fall asleep but it's very like relaxing sedative so if you haven't smelled that already give it a smell get to know that essential oil I encourage you all to do the cultivating worksheet I sent a sample of one that was filled out um in the email last week if you didn't get it let me know but it has this like Sweet Apple like scent I do think it smells like apples a little very strong right like you can open up the bottle and I can smell it like across the room very strong so it has a blending factor of one so as we learn about blending factors throughout the course just the lower the blending Factor the less that we want to use in a blend so if you're making I I remember making this mistake when I first started using essential oils and I was like okay I know lavender and Roman cim M are great for sleep so I'm going to put them both in my diffuser and I added you know I don't know I think I did three drops of lavender and three drops of Roman chimile and I couldn't smell the lavender at all the entire night this is the reason why we learn about blending factors is because some essential oils are really really potent in their aroma so instead if you're going to diffuse it with like lavender at night you might want to do like one drop of Roman camel meal and four drops of lavender five drops of lavender to kind of make a more balanced blend like if I held lavender and Roman camel meal together like if I open both of these up and hold them under my nose when we learn about blending more later in this course this is some of the things we'll be doing it's like smelling both of them together like I can barely smell the lavender cuz the Roman Camile just overshadows it but I also noticed that they smell really good together so it Blends well with lavender um Clary Sage it goes really well together German chamomile Sweet margam Mandarin don't have manderin here but I do have orange I want to smell it with orange I get to know the Blends throughout the week and which ones kind of smell good together try a new blend that smells really good w think I've ever tried it with orange before Melissa as well it's considered a middle to top note so the um the aroma will last a little bit because it is Middle to top note um but it may not last as long as like a base note essential oil we'll be learning about that to come as well so core indication so again digestive skin and nervous are the big ones so for Digestive you know anything supportive for indigestion bloating gas spasms especially great for anything stress related gastrointestinal going on or someone that struggles with like anxiety and anxious stomach this might be a great essential oil for you you know just smelling it and healing it or applying it topically so the little codes here we talked about last week but C stands for cutaneous inhalation as well as oral so oral meaning like you could add one to two drops in a capsule to help support digestant for skin it's great for inflamed skin conditions you know it's part of that asra AC family so any of those essential oils within that family can be really helpful um hrsm German chamomile so it can be helpful for eczema psoriasis hives anything kind of itchy related you can use it in um you know warm or hot compresses be talking about aromatherapy compresses in the class but basically this is just taking a bowl of water adding warm or hot water to it adding you know a couple drops of the essential oil maybe Roman chamomile um and then basically you put in a washcloth kind of absorb some of that liquid you strain it and then you can apply it to different areas Maybe um if you have an inflamed skin condition um maybe you're menstrual cramping or digestive upset compressor might be really well with ger Roman chimile again the nervous system so insomnia great for sleep this is why so many people love chamomile tea at the end of the day headaches migraines that are triggered by stress it's great essential oil for children probably one of the most safest essential oils for children hyper activity in children it's great for symptoms or conditions um related to stress or shock can be a great essential oil for trauma actually going to read to you um a page so this book is called aroma therapy for healing the Spirit by Gabriel MOJ I love this book so much but I love like reading just what different aroma therapy authors have said about different essential oils on the psychological level so he said that chamomile eases the tension of excessive ego desire and the frustration resentment and depression that frequently follow its warm apple light fragrance impar a sense of satisfaction while its gentle bitterness cools us with a taste of reality the chamomiles help us let go of fixed expectations calmly acknowledge our own limitations and more readily accept the help and support that others can manage to give a more Sunny deposition will always a merge I love that yeah it's feel like I always just feel happier after smelling R and kimal but also like cmer so these are some other I think I kind of want to replace that word core indications with like supportive indications because they're not really core but they're also supportive so kind of General indications um earaches you know placing one to two drops just behind the ear before bed you could dilute that down you know one to one like one drop of Roman chamomile one drop of carrier oil or one drop of Roman chamomile and two drops of carrier oil can also be helpful for toothache or teating I do um recommend though for like anything like within the mouth using hydrosols so if you're going to use like Ro Roman chamomile or German chamomile hydrol using um like for teeing you could use like those little sponge sticks I don't know what they're called like sponge swap they sell them at most most stores um and basically you know dipping it in the Hydro Cell you could dilute the Hydro Cell down if you want or if it's not necessary you don't have to but you know applying that to like the gums can help sooth that can also be helpful for you know the muscular skeletal system such as spasms cramps restless leg syndrome the reproductive system so irregular period periods PMS painful periods and then again psyche psyche so maybe um when irritable or nervous again it's great for children using it in like a bath or a foot bath a massage oil or cream or even just like a personal inhaler can be really helpful as far as it safety information so it has no known contraindications um you know people ask about like Aller Alles and if you're allergic to the plant then are you allergic to the essential oil and not necessarily um there is always a risk of cross sensitivity or cross reactivity um so I always just be kind of mindful of that and how you're using it if you are sensitive to other members of the asra AC family such as like Ragweed or daisies um or hrsm you might want to avoid just topical use of Roman chamomile as far as research so there's some research in your monograph book all about it I mean there's been great research about it being used to um reduce anxiety when used in massage for cancer patients um there's been great in vro studies think there was a there's been a few studies even a study released last year they had like 60 60 some women over the age of 65 so um postmenopausal but notice that when they apply um Roman chamomile with a sweet almond oil and massaged it in that helped relieve a lot of the itchiness the dry skin and itchiness that comes um as well as relieving stress so that's Roman chomal I love all the memories and associations in the chat with Roman there's so many memories and associations oh the author of the aroma therapy for healing the spirit is Gabriel MOJ Gabrielle MOJ I can write it in as well I'll share an email with the books that I read this or I shared this week as well yeah yeah I like your comment about I'm I'm allergic to rwe but not Kim Miller Daisy yeah it's so interesting our bodies are so weird it's like why are you allg one but not the other which is okay um what causes a strong negative reaction to essential oil so do you mean like psychologically or topically or physiologically so we'll be talking about reactions next week when we talk about essential oil safety um I mean a negative emotional psychological reaction could be um a negative memory associated with it um maybe you were giving child birth and you were using Roman chamomile and um it was a very traa atic child birth and that could cause a negative memory and Association um topical reactions it kind of depends like using it undiluted using it very frequently for extended duration of time your body can develop a delayed hypers sensitivity to it oh when I smell it I just don't like it at all not emotionally so there's lots of different reasons why we might not like the smell of essential oil so one it could be a negative memory s Association um two it could be that you just haven't developed a relationship with that essential oil so um I just read your comment on how you were like it smells like P met to me yeah so that might be a negative memory sent Association there's something in it maybe a specific compound or maybe even a synthetic version of it that you've smelled earlier in your life that you have Associated that scent with um it could be that you haven't established like you're not familiar with it maybe you haven't used it very much so you don't have like a relationship with it and this can change with time as you get to know it um sometimes it could be you know what time of the month it is for you there's so much that impacts our Factory perception so certain smells will smell different to us or Better or Worse to US versus other smells depending on where we are in our monthly cycle and our hormones play a role in that um our if we're sick this can impact our sense of smell like there's a lot that kind of goes into um ourl Factory perceptions if you don't like the smell of essential oil I would not you know throw it away quite yet because this can change with time especially in this course as we grow our Al Factory palette and we get to know different essential oils and their constituents um I'd be surprised I wouldn't be surprised if later in this course you smell Roman camel meal again and be like it doesn't smell that bad to me I actually used to hate Roman chamomile I was like I just don't like the smell of it all actually it wasn't Roman Cel it was Clary Sage I used to hate the smell of Clary Sage um and I used like in my hormone supporting roller and it started to get a little bit better a little bit better and now I don't mind it at all like I actually kind of like the smell of it so it's interesting how this can change with time yeah so there's this this I don't know old wives tale that um if we have an aversion to an essential oil like we don't like the smell of essential oil it's our body's way of actually saying that we need it I mean there's no research to show that I personally think it's kind of the opposite like if we have a craving towards an essential we really love the smell of orange we love the smell of lavender um that our brains have Associated that scent with a specific time that you know calmed us or what not or we just really enjoy I think we should lean into the centrals that we enjoy the aroma of more um and not use ones that we don't like but I don't know there's just there's never been research to show that I've heard people say that all the time um it's an interesting thought it is um but I think there is definitely some exceptions to it as well like if someone doesn't like fennel do they really need it and maybe they don't have anything going on that needs it I don't know there's always exceptions to things like that so it's interesting okay I'm gonna make an aromatic lotion and then we can answer some more questions if there if you guys have anymore so lotion making is so easy we could make like a lotion from scratch in this class but again we wanted to kind of start it off a little bit slower for those that maybe not wanting to make these huge products so an easy way to make an aromatic lotion is just to take a basee and add essential oils to it so you can do it a couple different ways so if you have like your pre-made lotion and you want to like switch up the scent that you're using every single day like sometimes I get kind of sick of using the same smell right every single day you can literally just do this like all a cart version basically and just pump a little in your hand add a drop of the essential oil to that maybe a tablespoon to one drop of essential oil rub it together and then apply the lotion or you can just make a fullon lotion with essential oil so underneath um the aromatic body lotion recipes from this week that I shared I have like a little dilution guide in there we'll be talking more about dilution in the next couple weeks as well but um I kind of give you a basics for the main most part we're going to be using like a one to two% dilution for lotions and like face creams so this little chart kind of shows you like how big is your container how much of that base lotion are going to be using and generally I will use between 1 to 2% for my recipe today I'm actually using 25 drops I think that's kind of Plenty for this recipe um but you can kind of alter that based upon your personal preference um also I think I included at the end here um a lot of people ask me like what's the difference between body oils lotions creams and butters so at the bottom of here I kind of snuck it in if you didn't see it yet that's only why but I made a little chart describing the difference between body oils and lotions and butters um and body creams and what they're made of what their consistency is like what they're best used on how long they take to absorb what skin types they're best for um so this kind of this is a a brief chart for you to look at if you're creating a product for a client or yourself um if you have like really like oily skin you're probably not going to want to use like a body butter but if you really dry skin a body butter would be great for you right so it's kind of something to kind of consider and think about I feel like nobody teaches us this right like nobody teaches us like when to use a lotion or a body butter or whatnot um anyway so that's on your online platform to kind of go over this week as well so if I'm making a lotion there's so many benefits to lotions in particular um they can actually enhance um wound healing they're great for like scar regeneration you know anytime you have a scar we'll be talking about this in the The Skin Care Unit but we really want to help the scar stay moist when a scar becomes like really dry it becomes really itchy and then we kind of mess with it and scratch it or whatnot um but actually when it is moist it actually helps those cells like regenerate more and prevents that scarring so lotions can be really beneficial for that they can really and we can also use essential oils that have those vinary uh wound healing properties um lotions are also great for you know slowing the Aging of the skin you know moist skin um just ages slower than really dry skin uh it's actually been shown that people that have a oily skin type just age slower than those that have a dry skin type so what can we do to really like nourish our skin um they can help kind of rebalance sebum production so oil production they can increase circulation uh they can improve skin tone they can soften and sooe the skin they can also address just those emotional issues so a lot of the times even by myself like um if I'm having a hard day at the end of the day I notice like I get out of the shower and I notice I'm putting on a lotion that smells really good it really just affects my mood like it's such an easy way to incorporate self-care so as you're doing some of these case studies and maybe someone comes to you with like really dry skin and they want you to make a lotion but you also know that they have a really stressful job right this is such a great way for them to find a couple minutes each day to engage in more self-care um such a great way to do that you know it's not only are we using those essential oils to make that lotion smell really good um and customize it to help support their skin type but also customizing that s to their liking to add just the psychological benefits okay so lotion is a great base you don't need because it has no water you don't need to um worry about adding um like a proper solubilizer or anything like that in it a lot of lotions already have a preservative and it's just such an easy way to utilize essential oils so for my recipe I know I gave lots of recipes in the recipe book and I shared them on the app this week as well I'm doing one kind of outside of the clas I'm like really craving like a hard oil I don't know I feel like with fall coming I'm like the heart just needs like extra love so I am using rose essential oil in mine if you had Rose absolute you could use that um I wish we covered Rose in this class but it's such a pricey oil that um it just isn't is it's not feasible so I'm making a lavender rose um uh lotion so I'm doing 20 drops of uh lavender I'm probably going to do like three drops of Rose it doesn't take much with row first add your essential oils that's about 20 um you add your essential oils to the bottle you could do this outside of the bottle I personally have found it is easiest to mix it inside the bottle that the lotion is going to be um because lotion is not easy to transfer over like it's kind of thick right so I find it's just easier to do it this way and then I'm going to add my rose I was keeping it under my leg so hopefully it drops out because sometimes it can be a little thick and Rose is a bass note so we don't need very much of it in it come on buddy sometimes it takes a little bit so a couple drops is usually plenty and I might decide to add a couple more drops but we'll see so I kind of mix it and then I smell it to see if I like that blend so far and I could add maybe orange to it as well maybe I'll decide to do that that's the fun about like making products is you can like alter these recipes to your liking oh I think I'm G to leave it as is though that's like plenty of Rose like I can smell it so amazing how some essential oils like you only need just a couple drops yeah I don't think I'm gonna add orange I brought orange I was like just in case I want it but I think I just I'm going to keep it at that that smells great so easiest way to do this then is take your lotion technically I could probably like leave it in this little but I like this smaller bottle instead of in my bathroom the big bottles just get up so I add a little bit of lotion and then I just use like a long like skewer basically stick if you have like a really long like spoon this is just like a skewer basically for like like cooking and then I just mix it up and then I will go in and add more of the lotion and then mix it up I have to mix this guy up too and then I just keep doing that until it's all the way full and then that's it and then just know that when you're making a lotion that the scent might not be as strong that first 24 to 48 hours so just give it time um and let them kind of marry and then it will get stronger if you make it and like oh it's still not strong and it's been a week and you want to make it stronger just go ahead and add more essential oils to it um and then and then mix it up again and make it stronger or if you decide like I don't like this scent anymore maybe I want to go back and add orange to this blend um I could do that at that time as well it helps though to make your Synergy prior to making the product though oh it smells so good already U so that's it and then you just cap it off and it's ready to go um any questions that I haven't answered already in the class I've been trying to be good about answering as we go I have a question about the poly serate 20 yeah when it says one to one ratio so if it's like one drop of of rose oil then it would be one drop right but if we're doing 20 drops of lavender then is it 20 drops yes so the total number of drops that you're using so if I'm using 23 total drops of essential oils doesn't matter whatever drops whatever essential oils I'm using maybe I used you know lavender and Rose and another essential oil then it would be you know the same amount of drops as poly sorbate 20 thank you yeah you're welcome great question um not all solubilizers are the same um solub ball for example theirs is a 4:1 ratio so for every one drop of essential oil you use four drops of solu ball um companies are really great though about labeling um what the ratio is depending on the company so I saw a question about headaches um does this apply to headaches as well because I when I smell Jasmine I immediately get a headache yeah so this could be a lot of different things can cause headaches it could be just the aromatic potency of that essential oil um it could be the constituents within that essential oil maybe triggering that headache um it could be a negative memory rent Association maybe with a synthetic um Jasmine in the past um some people that will kind of carry over into anything that's slightly resembles that Aroma um even if it's a pure um Aroma um for me personally I get headaches with nutmeg nutmeg I cannot use nutmeg essential oil like within any blend and I get a headache it's pretty rare that I don't so I don't even diffuse blends with nutmeg in it at all um it just happens like every bodies just have like this delayed kind of like hypers sensitivity but much more common headaches are with synthetic fragrances um than pure essential oils so for chronic stress and shortness of breath in a 50-year-old man drinking lots of caffeine on hypertensive meds that were upped what oils would you use recommend box bleeding gave him a Christmas Blend so I would really probably focus on the stress more than anything with everything that's going on because stress is probably impacting the blood pressure I mean if you can get this person to maybe slow down on the caffeine I'm not sure what type of caffeine they drink but maybe they can switch to decaf and the afternoon or would off because caffeine in general has been known to um increase anxiety which then impacts our stress loads um so all these are are kind of like working together but focusing on that stress as far as essential oils Stress and Anxiety are they can be kind of difficult because we all have our own Al Factory preferences like in class you guys some of you loved rim and some of you didn't so I would really work with this person and get out you know 10 different essential oils and have them smell them and notice which essential oils they instantly like relax notice which ones and just say hey I want to know I want to make you something which Essentials do you like and really watch their face I this with my kids all the time not as much anymore CU now they're better about communicating um but when they're little especially too just like this is how I found out my daughter loved bergamont I had no idea that she liked bergamont until I got out five 10 essential oils I had them all smell them we were making like aroma therapy and healers for back to school and she smelled bergamont and she just was like and like she was speechless and she couldn't she couldn't even like get the words out her talk and she's like I just love this and her whole body just instantly relaxed and I knew at that moment like we have to have bergamont and I had no idea that she even liked it like I was like I don't even know where you smell bergamont before because I don't it wasn't one that I was commonly using at the time so I would get out like kind of a range of different essential oils that you that you think that he may like maybe have some Tree Oils have some Citrus oils maybe have some lavender some of those caline essential oils um and then from there try to formulate something for him yes you can use essential oils in a pet bottle so pet just means um pertaining to like a medical grade plastic so absolutely you can just you just don't want to use like cheap plastic for any essential oil store products yes the hydrol booklet is on the online platform I think it's its own section underneath week two I tried to add science webinar um oh let me let me just look I can't remember I have so many discount codes hang on one second let me just look at what I think it's um the coupon code I wonder it might not be working hang on let me make a new coupon code for you guys here really quick because I think because I added it after I I updated the class after I made it so you guys could just use the coupon code science um for that class just science alone I was really plain and creating that coupon code yeah just science and that will get you free access to that exploring the evidence class thank you sorry about that it won't let me edit the old coupons to add new classes to which is really frustrating annoy um yeah so we're not adding hydrol to our lotions but we can make a cream recipe later in the course um when we learn about body butters that week when we're learning about the Skin So when it's a blending Factor one and the recipe at 1% says 12 to 18 drops with chamomile should we do less than 12 drops so if you're just making a recipe with just chamomile C meal is really potent so I probably would decrease that a lot you don't need as much of it in a blend I would probably use like more drops um depending on how much you're making and then just see see how aromatic it is and if then from there go on and add more but you could probably use even lower dilution to put on the essential oils that you're using yeah I useed three drops of rows in mine the class name again is exploring the evidence oh the anxiety course I'm going to teach the anxiety course um next month I'm actually redoing some of the content for it and making a different PowerPoint and stuff um but you guys will all have free access to the anxiety course that's coming next month yes if you're using um if you're making 30 milliliters which is also 1 o 20 drops is perfect oh the call Mama blend and added two drops of Roman Chim mil that sounds great what will help red Vein on the face Cheeks is it like a spider ve I assume kind of similar to that um I would probably lean into like the circulatory essential oils maybe like Cyprus do we have to deal with any issues with the product being in a jar and US constantly reaching into it versus having in a pump bottle so if you're going to have it in a jar and you just make sure your hands are clean when reaching into the jar with any product that you're using or you can use like a little spoon to get it out of a jar I mean basically if you're using something really frequently probably it's just easier to use like actual pump bottle um but if you are using a jar like say body butter or whatnot just make sure your like hands are really clean prior to using and a lot of those products they will have preservatives are already in them like these lotions I mean they have preservative already in them just read in my ingredients okay coupon code for the so I think I talked about this briefly last week but just a refresher um when you are finished with this course um you are considered a certified Aroma therapist if you decide to to become a member through naha naha is the National Association of holistic aroma therapy um you need to also um complete an anatomy and physiology course um if you've taken a course maybe in the past maybe you're a nurse background or some other like medical background or maybe you've taken it in college um that qualifies you you just need to send them like a a proof basically like a picture of your transcript or whatnot that you've taken it or even for me I just do my diploma um otherwise you need to do the anatomy and physiology course this isn't necessary though to be a practicing a certified Aroma therapist it's just like when you're a member of naha you basically have access to more resources um you can say you're a member of naha but you can still practice even if you're not so some some Aroma therapists my students in the past just decide n I'm not going to do that I'm just gonna practice without that membership um which is completely fine um the school for a IC studies does have a anatomy and physiology course um that is available to all of you for free so you can use the coupon code Holly 100 for 100% off and I'll put this in an email as well for you guys um but that will give you free access to that course um I know a lot of my students in the past when this class ended they were like oh I'm so sad that it's over and a lot of them are taking it all together and it's just a self-paced course but it's kind of cute seeing them and them all talking about what they're learning about for the week but it's a great course just to learn more about just the physiology within the body and how our body systems work together um I think it makes you a more like well-rounded aromatherapist to take that class um that's completely optional if you want to do that J and I are actually looking into shortening that class a little bit because it is a little bit um intense like there's just a lot of information in it that I don't think is absolutely necessary um but I'm not sure when it will be shorten so yes you all get access um to that course forever as long as you're in this course you get free access to that class so Holly 100 is the coupon code for that one poison ivy for the skin poison ivy is tough it's a tough one I don't know um lavender and ROM are both very similar so I mean a little different in their chemical constituents but I would probably use both I mean both have those anti- purative prop properties so the anti-itch properties but also caling oh sweet dreams sounds lovely oh so register with naha it's an annual fee I can't remember I think it's like $75 something around that yeah if you completed your amp many years ago yep that'll still count you just need to provide proof I think one of my students just messaged me last week and he did um he did basically did a screenshot of his grade and what he got in his class and just sent that to them and I think that was enough so yeah you could start it now you could if you want to do it in conjunction with this class because you have the time like go for it you could start it now and there's not really any tests with that class there's no case studies or anything like that um basically it's just kind of working through the modules and then at the end you click complete um and then you get a certification saying that you completed it all right okay I know I'm over it's 1:30 I think that's it for today hopefully you guys enjoyed it today um next week we are going to learn about the basics of essential oil it's oh my goodness we're going learn about safety so this is a big week there's always a lot of questions about safety um so make sure you have your focus roller to focus in on next week and then we're going to be learning about um B next week and I believe eucalyptus look at my schedule here believe it's let me look make sure I'm seeing the right one yes vver and Eucalyptus um we talk about Eucalyptus globulus in this class but if you have a different species of eucalyptus like radiata or um eucalyptus Dives anything like that that's okay too I don't expect you to get all these different varieties um but we do learn about eucalyptus globulus and then we're going to be making a aroma therapy inhaler next week which are like my favorite tool in aroma therapy I feel like they um don't deserve enough recognition because they are just a well um a well resource tool that we can use to support us in so many different ways so okay guys that's it for today I'll see you guys next week um oh saine I just saw your message about where to find the anatomy and physiology course so if you go to um aromatic studies.com that's the school's website who we're being um accredited accredited through so AAC studies.com I wrote it in um and then you click on courses and then you can just scroll down to find the anatomy and physiology course so okay bye guys