Transcript for:
CS 105 - Introduction Lecture Notes

welcome to cs 105 everyone i'm patrick young i've been a lecturer in the computer science department for over 20 years i specialize in teaching non-technical students about computing and computer science cs105 provides a broad based introduction to computer science and computing for non-technical students i think this is a very important topic as you know so much of your life is now online or done with computers having a good understanding of what the strengths and weaknesses of computers and the internet are is really important as staff for students we view you all as potential future leaders of you know the 21st century and as you move forward as leaders or just as citizens having an understanding of how computing works and how the internet works and how the underlying technology works is going to be critical as you make decisions for either your organizations or for our country or for our world and so that's really what we're looking for cs105 we're trying to provide you with a broad background so you can understand what's going on whether you read news articles or you know you're confronted with business decisions or personal decisions uh having to do computing and that you'll have a good idea on what's going on along the way we're going to teach you some practical skills we're probably going to spend about 30 to 40 percent of the class uh working on web pages and web technology and we're going to get to building some quite complex web pages and by the end of our time working with web pages i'm going to show you how to reproduce parts of the new york times front page and the washington post front page using the technologies we're going to be teaching you in addition we're going to be showing you uh you know talking in quite some depth about issues like computer security we're going to spend a full week talking about computer security how your computer can get attacked how you can protect your computer we're going to be spending time talking about um computer graphics how uh you know those 3d visuals in in movies are made and we're going to talk about how 3d music works um we're going to spend a bit of time programming so you have a sense of what programming looks like um so we're going to be covering quite a few topics and as i said we will actually be covering some of them in a fair bit of depth um at one point we're going to take apart a computer and show you what the different parts of the computer look like we're going to talk about how the internet works and how the internet doesn't work uh some things that can go wrong with the internet so overall i think this is a really fun really interesting class i'm somewhat biased since i created the class but uh i think it's a great time and i'm looking forward to working with all of you you